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About starlord574

  • Birthday 01/01/1987

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    Poz, On Meds
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  1. spring break will start soon, any sex party/orgy/barebavk scene for this spring break in ft lauderdale/miami where i can go where all the frat boys will be ??
  2. hello anyone can share a review about club fort lauderlade sauna? how is the action, a lot of bareback? i read that is kinda for model crowd
  3. i just saw that cumunion change their location from Windamar beach resort to Inn Leather and Clubhouse II Bathhouse...2 locations what is your review of these locations? which one is your faver?
  4. Yesterday were the elections to the congress of Venezuela, South America In the capital of Venezuela, Caracas one of the candidates was Tamara Adrian, a transgender. she got elected 57% to 39% against the government(in the poor areas of the capital ) now shes the first congresswoman transgender in America, second in the world, the first one was in New zeland she's 61 years old, a lawyer and teacher in law school in Caracas, Venezuela. was a man who become women in Thailand on 2002 she's member of the political party "Voluntad popular" POPULAR WILL, a political party of the opposition(against the current government) she was registered as a woman candidate to this election -I add some pictures of her... -THE SCREEN capture of her election, she is at the top, in the "VOTO LISTA" she won 57% to 39% againt the goverment -And her bio in wikipedia in spanish here: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamara_Adri%C3%A1n ah by the way the opposition won the elections more than 2/3 of the congress YEII!!!!
  5. what method you used to clean your ass and be ready to get fuck? what method is more faster? thanks
  6. yeah i know its to soon to get tested and the ideal is wait a week/or symptoms... but hey shadowgames.... tell my doctor in advance that i have the symptoms to get the medicine? that's wise lol thanks
  7. Hello, this is my party plan of next weekend: Friday Nov 6: Cumunion Dallas *My first cumunion Saturday Nov 7: any orgy in New York City Sunday Nov 8: Cumunion New York City *Monday Nov 9: i'll go to my medical appointment to get my regular medical check(i'm positive on meds) in this moment i'm STD free, but after 3 days of a lot of party/sex/orgy/bareback that i'll have, obviously i'm going to have any STD *my doubt is---> i'm ok with this schedule? any STD that i can get will appear when they'll take my samples on monday after 3 days or even hours of just get fucked? THANKS
  8. i have some doubts after going to a bareback party... 1) how long i have to wait to get test to STD(syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis...)? 2) i'm positive... should i get test immediately to see if mi viral load changed? 3) every time that i go to a party should i tell my doctor what i did? 4) what should i do... if one weekend i go to a bareback party... then the next weekend go to another one? i mean... get tested in that week? no go to the second party to avoid infect other if i got something in the first one? thanks
  9. Hi, i'm 28 years old, white, toned and a hungry submissive bottom ill start bareback BIG! this Saturday, June 20th ill go to the CumUnion Party in Fort Lauderdale... i have been in orgys only with condoms, I've always felt afraid or guilt about going to bareback, but my ass is hungry from loads and cum and i have please him, ill conquer my fears and ill do it! any advice/suggestions to help me conquer my fears?
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