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Everything posted by Weak4It

  1. I think you're wrong HungLatinDom about not getting any takers. If you can offer custom abuse scenes I bet you'll have at least a couple of us make the trip. Then once word spreads who knows. You're bound to run into fakes when it comes to bottoms but the ratio of bottoms to tops is so lopsided that if you're real men will make the trip. There use to be this top in the boston area that advertised but ALWAYS found a reason to back out with me and others. If you make the bottoms do a monetary tribute and prove they have bought a airline ticket it would filter out any of the bottoms flaking out. Every since seeing "Like Moths to A Flame" I've wanted to be abused by a leatherman in a dungeon setting! I did have an ad up on CL but never got any responces when I offered to meet up at the leather bar in Seattle. Since I can barely see without my glasses I offered to meet in the bar and handover my glasses then given a pair of completely opaque sun glasses to wear in their place. Then escorted blinkly to a car in the parking lot and willingly handcuffed before being driven away then dropped off back at the bar when it's all over. HungLatinDom you could even anonymously post videos of your abuse tourist which would in turn bring more victims your way
  2. Silly maybe, but the answer is yes
  3. Anyone remember "Moths to the FLame" on VHS? I have the tape and another made by the same group in Germany. Need to get it converted to digital. Very hot!
  4. Now if someone did this in the PNW area i'd be up for it as a bottom. Love the idea!
  5. It sure sounds hot butt does anyone have a cumdump tattoo, or something similar, or know someone who does? Is it strictly a fantasy?
  6. Say a closeted bi guy gets fucked up and passes out at your place. You have a friend with a portable tattoo kit. What would you have your friend tattoo on his ass?
  7. Do you think anyone at Club Z would be interested in giving facials or Bukkake? The porn involves women being cum on by many men sometimes as many as a dozen. It so turned me on that i can't stop thinking about it.
  8. seattlebbbtm, i live close enough to visit Seattle. Can you tell me more about Club Z? i'd like to get used and abused by a bunch of leathermen.
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