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  1. ABOUT THE RAIN BOW HOUSE: this is a good place to go for a (lower entry price). but thats all. all the men who visit this place have huge huge dysfunctional mental problems. in that they all don't know it but they are all shying away from actually physically touching each other. weird weird and twisted. i mean they all act like they pay money to go there to (run away from each other). thats incredibly strange to watch. or they are not dysfunctional. but really they are all intent in an evil way of wasting their own money and everyone else's money to. the people who run the place are super nice. but the guys that come to the place for fun are incredibly mentally ill or intent at mental evil(in wasting each others time). very not good. your better off staying home and masturbating.if you chose to challenge me on this or ask me any further questions then email me at: hereandnowjrjrjr@yahoo.com
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