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Posts posted by PupLucca

  1. 2 hours ago, topblkmale said:


    Truly ig'nant yet seriously doubtful. 🤣

    LGBTQ Institute in Germany Was Burned Down by Nazis

    The resources and data at Institut für Sexualwissenschaft were never replaced.


    SEPTEMBER 20, 2017


    On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was officially appointed chancellor of Germany. His rise to power ushered in Nazi control of the country and led to the horrors of the Holocaust. Among those targeted by the Third Reich were lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. LGBTQ people would be sent to concentration camps alongside Jews, the disabled, and many more — but one of the Nazis's first shows of force against Germany’s LGBTQ community was an attack on information.

    On May 6, 1933, Nazi demonstrators raided the libraries of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, a German name that roughly translates to the Institute of Sexology. The Institute was a privately operated research space for studies of human sexuality. More than 20,000 books were taken from shelves and burned days later in the streets by Nazi youth groups.

    It was a devastating blow to the life’s work of Magnus Hirschfeld, the institute’s founder. Hirschfeld, who was Jewish and gay, was a pioneer for rights and liberation in Berlin’s thriving LGBTQ community. He founded the institute in 1919, after beginning his career as an activist in 1896 with his pamphlet Sappho and Socrates, about a gay man who took his own life after he felt he was being coerced into a straight marriage.

    Hirschfeld’s early publications laid the groundwork for his profile to rise until he became one of the most prominent LGBTQ activists in the world. He even cowrote one of the first gay characters to appear in a film, for 1919’s Different From the Others.

    In 1904, he published a book titled Berlin’s Drittes Geschlecht, which translates to Berlin’s Third Sex. It was an early look at gender variance in early 20th-century Germany, which had a thriving drag scene and a burgeoning transgender community.

    His prominence as the founder of the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee (which began in 1897) and the World League for Sexual Reform (founded in 1928) added to his credibility. But it was his institute that was credited with creating one of the first medical facilities in the world that could provide gender affirmation surgeries for trans people who wanted them.

    Books deemed "un-German" in transport.



    Growing Up Trans


    Hirschfeld’s well-known name gave him the chance to intervene on behalf of at least one transgender woman arrested for "female impersonation." That woman went on to become one of several who had the chance to take advantage of his institute’s pioneering gender affirmation surgeries. Lili Elbe, the real-world basis for the film The Danish Girl, also underwent surgery there.

    Unlike Hollywood producers, who cast Eddie Redmayne to play Lili, Hirschfeld had no problem giving prominent roles to actual transgender people. Trans activists were given the chance to represent themselves at conferences hosted by the institute, and they were among the institute’s more than 40 employees.

    But the Nazis's destruction of the institute’s library destroyed all of the medical records, which contained detailed notes about the nuances of the complicated procedures, alongside untold volumes of thoughts, stories, and studies on LGBTQ people.

    The Nazi youth harassment of Hirschfeld and the violent attacks against his institute are a frightening mirror of modern-day attacks on LGBTQ centers. As America’s far-right movement seems to grow in strength, the story of Hirschfeld’s life's work being destroyed is a stark reminder of what’s possible.

    Hirschfeld died two years after the Nazis raided his institute. He had been away in France on a speaking engagement when the Nazis came, and he remained there in exile until his death from a heart attack on his 67th birthday, in 1935. He never had the time to rebuild his life’s work after fascists reduced it to ash.

    Hirschfeld understood that LGBTQ people need research in order to better understand the ongoing struggles for liberation, and that research must come from within the community. The ability to dictate the terms of our own existence in the arenas of science and philosophy is vital to the path forward.

    The Nazi strategy of destroying vital research was intentional since it erased the power of the knowledge contained within. Even now, the current administration struggles to find the adequate information to support its own LGBTQ policies, underscoring the importance of reliable information.

    The Nazis exploited existing laws to attack the LGBTQ community, but the legacy of their enforcement practices lingered for decades. It took East Germany until 1968 and West Germany until 1994 to repeal the laws Nazis used to persecute LGBTQ people. Modern-day Germany only just officially voided those charges this June.

    Related: Gender Variance Around the World Over Time

    • Confused 1
  2. 5 hours ago, mikeboi1 said:

    Republican and people in general hate gay community and its not because of the gay community! but becaue of the LGBT! I am presently living in Portugal and here the LGBT is  constantly on the medica with advertisements trying to teach society on the terms of gay and Lesbian community and different sex terms, not to mention trying to influence our culture. I am not American nor Republican, but I have to admit Gay culture have been around for thousands of years, the Romans practiced gay life style so did the Greeks so did Sodom and Gamora in early human culture in the  bible, What I find most annoying and when someone tries to have me change my life style, my beliefs and impose their belief system on me! I have had gay sex since i was 14 yrs old, I dont have sex in public nor would i ever do it. Sex is something that the world practices but it is done in private and not public, i have never had anyone tell me what I could do or not do. but then sex like it as been since the bigging of time a private matter. But the hatred of the LGBT is becoming a serious matter because it is not only trying to change my belief system but also influence our children! Children should not be menupulated to accept something that they will not want or force to accept something that they dont to be part of their life.

    I say this because I had a friend who forcably broke me into the gay life style and sex was forced until i would willingly submit to his sexual desires and pleasures of fucking me. Now i like it, but originally I was 14 yrs old made to believe that it was something all did and I should too! and it started with my top raping me, and forcing me to submit and do what I did not want and forced regulary till i accepted, as i was drilled daily sex and verbal abuse being told how sexy and that i was born to be a mens bitch. and having sex daily sometimes several times a day.

     believe everyone as the right to accept what they want and deisre and i see here in Portugal gay and bisexual men and trans males who wear woman clothing on the street, and no one says anything to them they are free to do as they please. its a choice of their own, However dotranating children to become gay or lesbian is not something that the LGBT should be doing!

    we hear children are not mature enough to make decisions on their own but when it comes to sex change and major decision of sexual orientation a child is allowed to do his or her decision and even if its a child. I see contradictions to appease a new sexual orientation system.

    I have spoken and worked with a trans male who was named Amenda and he had a sex change and then changed back to a male again. He said to me that it was the worste mistake of his life! One that almost killed him as sex change influences every organ of ones body and alters the body and its not an easy process.

    I have no issue with sex change but one should be mature enough to know and accept and not a child like i have heard of five year old children who want to be of different sex or parents who manupulate their child to have a sex change to appease their desire.

    Religion is not the main concern as i have said gay and lesbian culture as been around for thousands of years. The Spartans practiced it in Greece. but when we try to influce others to change themselves is the issue!


    Your words paint you as a liar. you don't know anyone trans or you'd use their proper pronouns. 


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  3. 22 hours ago, TotalTop said:

    ...Giving cross sex hormones to children, teens, and young adults and manipulating them into irreversible sex change surgeries is harmful. Many of these children, teens, and young adults are not even trans and are mentally ill with borderline personality disorder and many other severe mental illnesess. 

    ... neoleftists are exactly like the fascists they delusionally claim to be so radically different from.


     You obviously have no clue about LGBTQ+ history going back in time, in the 1920's and early 30's when the Nazis seized power there was a thriving LGBTQ community the first to die and be imprisoned in concentration camps where were the trans and gays! Where do you think modern evangelical s and republicans got the idea from to exterminate us.

     I'm not drinking anything or smoking anything either, you most certainly are though.

     No one on the left or progressive is a fascist we are diametrically opposed to fascism unlike republicans and MAGAts who are suckling the teets of white nationalists and neonazis all while wrapped in the flag claiming to be "patriots" more like faketriots.  SIT DOWN Bubba, no one wants to sleep with you bi sexual or not because your attitude sucks.

     Giving puberty blockers to trans kids is not harming them. they can't get hormones until they are teens or older and they certainly can't have sex reassignment surgery until the age of 18 and have two psychiatrists  sign off on it. 

     The trans communities fight for equality and acceptance is slightly different than gays and leasbians but aat the same time it is no more different. Just as the GAY AND LESBIAN fight for equality is slightly different than that of black Americans but yet no more different. If YOU can't see WE are all equal then YOU are the problem and see yourself out as you are not welcome at OUR table.

     Also the trans community does not hate the gays or bi's or lesbians, maybe they just hate YOU

    • Like 2
  4. On 7/29/2022 at 9:10 AM, rawTOP said:

    The Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that discrimination against LGBT+ folks is sex discrimination under Michigan's anti-discrimination law!

    [think before following links] https://apple.news/A0qJZ3nK1QxyakO7ITaJGVA


    That's my State and I'm proud of it!! We're becoming very LGBTQ+welcoming.  A democrat State senator is also bringing forth a bill to protect marriage equality in Michigan so IF Scotus does away with it gay marriage still is legal

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, fuckholedc said:

    Not to butt in too rudely (who am I kidding? real Americans [people born and raised in these backwards USA states] will always tell me I'm rude) - you are correct that American "progressives" CAN change their minds and advance, etc.  Also these two videos had comments from people who were seeking to maximize their votes - not to present the truth of their positions (although one did present the truth of where they were at the time the interview was made).   The videos document the positions at the time that they thought were relatively safe that could support their vote maximization.   They document either creeping liberalization (the standard D position since after Dukakis - infinite "progressive" incrementalism) or as we see with Desantis and his ilk a radical revitalization of historic US fascism ("we will dictate what *THOSE PEOPLE* can do and how they can live, if at all").

    The problem is that the USA is a truly fascist society culturally.  The standard go-to positions have historically been fully fascist and based directly on a standard nationalist racial and religious dogma that could not be questioned during the lifetime that a person was born into.  This dogma did change historically very slightly by region or was modified somewhat by region although until recently the anti-Queer dogma was totally exempt from that (even then there were some historic differences in the USA).  

    True leaders in a true democracy could have presented their actual views (I'm looking at you Madam Secretary, and to a lesser extent former Senator from Illinois since he is credited with being the single greatest orator in recent US history) but the US tends to not produce true leaders, at least to political office because their ideas tend to reflect outsider positions for close to their entire lifetime (there are some exceptions but not many beyond local office - Harvey Milk is an example here).

    If US progressives step of of line, they tend to be punished (John Kerry is a good example and his positions were barely progressive - to some extent Hillary Clinton is also an example but this is more complex as she was scrupulous to NOT step out of line in any way and she was still savaged, although she won the 2016 popular vote).

    Your point about USA conservatives is fully on point.  Most of them are very solidly in the full-blown Nazi wing of this subtle fascist cultural context that most Americans swim in mentally.  An example here is the fact that only 41% of R's consider LGBTQ marriage to be moral - a decline amongst R's from 56% just one year ago (there was also a decline with D's - overall this stigmatization has resulted in a decline in the view that LGBTQ marriage is "moral" from 71% to 64% - I'm sure some are planning camps as I type). 


    I don't think you were rude at all. In fact I kind of agree with you to a point.  The American left is actually center right compared to Europe and YES the republicans have gone full blown Nazi and that started with Nixon, Reagan brought in the religious right nutjobs. But WE have always been here and always will be. I mean hell We are GODS chosen people and were treated as such in the past. But unfortunately most of us have forgotten that. And the younger LGBTQ+ don't seem to know their history 

    • Like 1
  6. On 4/30/2023 at 3:32 PM, TotalTop said:

    Now leftists and trans/Trans rights ackkktivists hate anyone not trans, and really loathe bisexuals, and gay men and women, especially those of us LGB people who refuse to fuck, or date trans people or who are against children, teens, and mentally ill young adults manipulated into taking hormones and having an irreversible sex change surgery.

    Every time you make a comment you just prove how ignorant you are. THERE IS NO LGB WITHOUT THE T!! NO ONE said you had to date or have sex with a trans person. And claiming that giving trans kids gender affirming care is not irreversible is a debunked falsehood. Hormone/Puberty blockers are completely reversible ALL YOU DO IS STOP TAKING THEM and BAM puberty hits. these have been used for decades and is nothing new. You call yourself an "independent" but all that is is code for republican. And you MADAM are definitely a MAGAt at best. Which is the worst of humanity, there is no place in America or the LGBTQ+ community for your kind

    • Like 1
  7. On 4/30/2023 at 11:29 PM, topblkmale said:

    I still don't understand this. I guess I'm transphobic since I refuse to date or fuck a trans individual (trans man/woman).


    Democrats seem to be into some very weird things involving children at the moment. Sorry. ☑️

    You aren't transphobic for not wanting to date or have sex with a trans person. But, you are transphobic if you don't stand up for their right to exist and be treated just as equally as we want to be treated.  Also, democrats are not into anything "weird"  involving children. Parents who decide to take their kids to drag queen story time are making a conscious choice to  educate and entertain their children and expose them to other cultures and  diversity.  there is nothing sexual about drag story time. and while we're at it a parent being supportive of their non-binary or trans child is not perverse or weird either that's being a good parent.  No one can have gender reassignment surgery until age 18 anyway. And before that there are many hoops to jump through o even have surgery.

    • Like 3
  8. On 4/14/2016 at 12:03 AM, nastybottom said:

    You realize there are gay Republicans, right? Ever heard of Log Cabin Republicans? There are also Republican allies like Ted Olson, who is one of the attorneys that got Prop 8 overturned.

    Before you give a pass to Democrats, you should review these videos:



    Using old youtube videos to try and make your point just make you look stupid. People grow and evolve and change their minds and that's the wonderful thing about liberals and progressives we are always advancing becoming better humans. Whereas conservatives are stuck in the past and wish slavery, witch burnings, concentration camps  and their right to destroy what they fear was still allowed and try to bring back with every hateful bill they pass

  9. 26 minutes ago, Hotrawbutt4u said:

    Might be a software glitch. When I worked in IT, I saw software that was written on top of old code and strange stuff happened.

    Has he tried to change to 1998 or 2000.? He would still be legal age for the site

    If that works have him, or you, report it to a moderator  or drscorpio so he knows about  it

    I will let him know and see how it goes

    • Upvote 1
  10. On 9/30/2022 at 4:24 PM, NastyRawBottom said:

    Hey guys,

    I was wondering if there are subtle ways to let Men know you are willing and eager to drink their piss, without explicitly telling them?

    One time I was at a club and there were so many Men in line waiting to piss. I definitely would’ve let one or two of them use me as a urinal so they wouldn’t have to wait. I didn’t want to just go up to every guy and ask if they just let me drink their piss, so I ended up missing out. And I’m sure there are many other scenarios where this could happen. 

    Anyways, I would wondering if there are any tips anyone has so guys can know I’m an available urinal. I’m sure many Men would appreciate it. Or if not, any other way I can increase the volume of piss I consume. Maybe some locations or times where you’ve had more luck?

    Research the hanky code and use that

    • Like 1
  11. On 3/27/2022 at 2:39 PM, 90PercentStr8 said:

    How do you know? other than Oriquick testing, for HIV, what detection do you have for other STI's going up your ass? when I give a man a BJ, it's more like for-play, and getting him hard (I can tell then, if something doesn't look right with his cock), I don't have him cum in my mouth, because I want it going up my ass.  

    How do I know I’ve never had any std’s because I get tested regularly. And you can’t always tell just by looking at something or someone 

  12. On 1/16/2022 at 8:08 PM, ScottSpears said:

    Was talking online to this Indian guy who asked if I liked groups and wanted me to come by while he was working yesterday to get fucked. Wanting to get in some fun before it was supposed to snowstorm in Atlanta today, I said yes. I headed over right at noon per his request to what I found was a small cleaners in a neighborhood shopping strip. I had some shirts that needed laundered  so I entered the store with them not sure if I was in the right place or not. I got my laundry ticket and then the guy behind the counter smiled and rubbed his crotch to let me know I was in the right spot. He wasted no time turning off the counter lights and locking the front door as he guided me into the back. I was surprised to find two other employees in the back area with their pants down showing hard uncut cocks. I quickly stripped and got on my knees and sucked both hard cocks as I felt lube being applied to my ass from the third. They wasted no time alternating fucking my mouth and ass for the next hour eventually turning me on my back with my legs in the air getting pounded for over an hour til all three had dumped loads in my ass and left me to clean myself up as they secured the business. I reached in my pocket for the laundry receipt knowing I would be back soon... 

    Niiiiiice! Where is this laundry?

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