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Posts posted by michael07

  1. 4 hours ago, GermFactory said:

    I noticed the recent comments on this fairly aged thread which prompted me to read through it in its entirety and evoked a couple of comments that I wished to make to add my own assessment of this and how it is a factor in the process that I utilise in converting the appropriate recipient.

    The entire clinical nature that I employ is not only physical but is designed to emotionally and psychologically lay the groundwork for the physicality. I have spoken to this facet in other posts and responces. If a reader is interested in that component, I encourage you to read those various posts.

    Although an encounter with me is very short in terms of chronology, the emotional and psychological manipulation to create a pliancy and mesmeric Lordosis (google it) is the most time consuming. The recipient, in the physical insemination, understands that this is not about ‘sex’ but a very specific, very special purposefulness which brings us together in that moment.

    In a direct answer to the question posed in the post: the mechanics and biology of insemination are core to amplifying heartrate, a sense of ‘estrus’ in the recipient. The two muscles in question, the bulbospongiosus, which surround the urethra, tend to form a quite powerful muscular pump that can propel semen through the penis with a surprising amount of force.

    When the signal arrives, both muscles contract together rhythmically, raising the pressure in the urethral bulb. In very specific, singular pulses, semen is propelled through the urethra on the undersurface of the penis in spurts and is deposited directly into the recipient hosts body. Each one of these high-pressure contractions of muscle and their discharge of semen is followed by a short period of muscle relaxation which allows that urethral bulb refill with semen. This results in six or seven volleys of ‘load’ that all men are familiar with. It’s how males are hard wired.

    While the emotional and psychological preparation are the most exhausting and meaningful components (and represent about ninety percent of the time together) of an encounter with me, the very reason that we are brought together is to infect you, to impregnate in a sense, successfully. To get MY DNA into you, to get MY virus into you.

    Once the recipient is mentally and physically readied by me, the biological process literally is one of seconds. This is wilful because my role is to accomplish a task. As a heterosexually defined male, it is not about sex or fun as such.

    For me, at the point after which I am presented to by the host/carrier/recipient and they have been physically prepared by irritation the rectal walls, I penetrate. Unlike the rectal canal walls which have very few nerve endings (which is why the very gentle, soft bristled chafing is barely felt), the internal sphincter at the very back of the anus is rich in such nerve receptors.

    Each of the six men with whom I have worked have been explained and understood my process and that they possess a free will. They have all consented and ASKED me for my help. Once my penis has stabbed into my target and gained its access, it’s all over. I have trained and conditioned myself in that very linear, structured and controlled manner which is inherent to who I am: typically it requires perhaps five or six very deterministic thrusts in which the free will of a recipient evaporates and is gone forever. It is crucial that in the culmination of the physical and emotional investment of preparation in the individual two facets are present in that moment. The first is that you have made your choice in being where you are, splayed open and impaled by a man who you asked to deposit toxic, germed, virus laden semen into; I ejaculate in a matter of a few seconds because you need to understand that your free will has evaporated and there is no opportunity, post penetration, to stop this from happening. This emotionally itself amplifies heartrate and the ability of virus to uptake and gain access to your entire body and at the same time creates an instantaneous psychological submission, an acceptance of what you agreed to and what you’ve gotten.

    The second, physical component which is essential in the process is at the point after several thrusts when that the bulbospongiosus muscle which I described is actually triggered. Nature at work right there in that moment. As that signal of ejaculation occurs in me, instinct and training lead me to press the head of my penis securely upon that internal sphincter rich in nerve endings and to then remain static; completely stationary, immobile. I remain utterly still and allow nature and biology to do its thing. I am and the recipient together, we are merely in that moment playing our respective roles in this. As both of us are perfectly still and both passive, the contractions which spray my semen against the inner sphincter are specifically meant to be felt, to be physically evident by the new host. With each of the contractions and implanting of seed, it effects two results in the recipient: A submissive headspace which is instantaneously amplified by the physical ‘gratification’ sensation of one having accepted what is occurring. Physiologically as well, however, the sensation of the warm semen and the contractions of penis resting against the internal sphincter cause the very specific involuntary responce of fasciculation in the new host.

    Fasciculation is muscle or sphincter twitch, simply a small, local, involuntary cycle of muscle contraction and relaxation. This reflexive responce in the recipient serves to draw the toxic semen up into the pelvic cavity beyond, sort of your own body and its mechanics being hijacked in that moment to suck my semen up beyond where it can be easily eliminated.

    It is vital in those few seconds of physicality for one to physically feel and experience the sensations which occur by nature. Beyond the physical result of ensuring that my very toxic semen has been deposited, it feeds the entire larger construct of submission, of accepting my control and recognising that your free will has been instantly usurped by what is now replicating, reproducing in the millions inside your own body. A fundamental self realisation and acceptance of the fact that you’ve just been ‘dosed’ by me.

    A fifteen minute encounter with me won’t save you anything on your car insurance but it will alter your entire life forever (hey, what’s life without a little humour).

    Wow very well said. 

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