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  1. Yeah, I do think that that's a common belief. To be "gay" (or bi, etc.) is to be different - and, following this, it follows that gay people adopt a different - radical - political viewpoint. Total nonsense, I suspect. A person's sexual orientation doesn't define their political beliefs. I understand that how a person who's sexual orientation is perceived as Other (different from the norm) is treated, and reacted to, in ways that are different ... and this may influence and shape that persons attitudes. But I don't think that, by itself, this will determine a persons political outlook. Other factors are involved.
  2. Just to point out, I'm a bi-curious guy. I've partaken in some bisexual activity (oral, waking, and have used other blokes cum as lube), but I've never - yet! - fucked or been fucked by another guy. But it's something I think I'd like to do. As my "bisexual" identity has developed, I've been interested in how others react to me. Here I am, feeling rather separate ... the "straight and bisexual" forum area is dominated by straight people. This main section is, understandably, populated by homosexual gay men. It seems very few bisexuals use the site. And I'm wondering how these various "groups" or "communities" interact. Here's a forum area dedicated to "LGBT" politics ... that's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender. Is this a homogeneous community? Does it possess a single, unifying 'politics'? Surely the only thing in common is being non-heterosexual? Just wondering if anyone thinks LGBT is a useful or valid political term? Is it one people identify with?
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