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Posts posted by SlimNotShady

  1. I am in a long-term open relationship & this has provided me with an automatic checking mechanism. If I'm at home with guest we have pre-defined check calls & escape code phrases for assistance, & if I go out, full address and contact details of where I am going are left at home/with my partner. He also will call or message me just after I arrive at my destination giving me an out if needed and check if I need a follow up call to escape later.

    That said, I still 'vet' whom I meet online thoroughly. If in doubt... (as per the other wise words before me).

  2. Thanks for the post on this and to TatPig.

    Just to set the record straight...No definitive connection has been established between this case and the White Party. Nobody knows if he contracted it there or not. They also don't know yet if this is connected with the strain in New York.

    So let's not: a.) Jump the gun on where he got it' date=' b.) let our guard down just because we didn't go to the White Party.[/quote']

    Also as per the article links, the best thing is diligence! Check with your local doctors regarding your own situation first, and take the appropriate action medically. Just because the guy concerned was at the White Party does not mean it was contracted there. Every case is different and the worst thing to do. is panic.

    Cheers, Slim (My partner & I have worked in this area for over 15 years)

  3. I thought that if you cleaned out too often that your insides could dry out? I only usually clean when I know I'm going to have some butt play (I'm into dildos and such) or when I'm going to hook up. I'm pretty worried about not being clean down there so I try to make it as clean as possible for the top

    Like aznbttm, I clean out ready for play, and sometimes when things just aren't moving well. But too much cleaning causing dryness isn't the problem, as flooding you ass with liquids just get it absorbing the water/fluid content, the problem is the washing out of the natural flora (bacteria) from the gut, making your gut susceptible to other bugs on skin, in lube, etc., as well as irritating small intestine if too much flushing occurs.

    A good diet helps keep things in order and helps when cleaning out for a session...

  4. Hi Guys,

    Some interesting statistics, but as a medical professional, they don't really answer the question, "How do total Tops get Pozzed?"

    There are multiple answers and as it it generally accepted that the HIV virus is transmitted by "exchanging body fluids" in the form of blood products and/or semen, and in extremely rare cases by saliva. On that bases looking at how, where and when these exchanges could occur usually leads to three usual types of events per the current research:

    1) Intravenous drug use, and sometimes this is caused by accidental sharps (needle) scratches not just sharing of equipment;

    2) Sex where there is tissue damage on the tops cock, this can be caused by rough sex, lack of lube, continuous friction on the cock and balls resulting in swollen skin and invisible breaks in,the skin surface - thus opening the blood filled tissues to the virus; Also a damaged urethra (piss hole) can absorb fluids from a bottoms ass thus also absorbing the virus; Rimming if the top has any ulcerations in his mouth or dental issues; etc...

    3) A reduced immune system due to another condition like an onsetting cold or flu, recovering from another clinical condition such as surgery, etc.

    This isn't a definitive list, but some of the common ways tops are pozzed that I have come across during my uni studies in this area, and my continued involvement in the health care industry...

    In general, it comes down to how you look after yourself.

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