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  1. The ID center I go to is a very well known center in Northern, VA (immediate suburb of DC) and has been mentioned in many medical magazines over the years. It's hard to imagine they don't know what their talking about with regards to 3 month vs 6 month (they claim the CDC recommends 3 months but 6 months is suitable and up to the doc's discretion.) They told me that most people will not come in every 3 months and that they feel it's not necessary and that 6 months is just fine. Now I'm even more interested in hearing other people's PrEP check in times, maybe I'll create a thread or a poll asking people how often their Doctors require check-ins/testing. This is very interesting.
  2. Hello, I am currently taking PrEP (Truvada) and have been taking the drug since August of 2014 to prevent posible HIV infection. I have a question I keep forgetting to ask my doctor who prescribes and tests me for HIV on a regular basis and was hoping I could ask here, that someone might know. If you become HIV positive while on PrEP (I realize it's rare and so far only one person has become positive while on PrEP earlier this year)...if one becomes positive in between HIV testing periods, is continuing to take the drug during the time in between tests going to cause any harm? In my case I am tested every 6 months. Obviously we're not getting tested daily so you don't really know if you become positive until you next routine checkup/appointment with your doctor. The ID center that I go to only requires us to come in every 6 months, instead of the recommended 3 months that is commonly seen in articles online or from the CDC. Thank you
  3. P.S. I forgot to mention a few things...during both experiments I took the drug on an empty stomach (pharmacist said either way was fine) and I did not use any other drugs or poppers (I know better than that.) I did have the usual feelings that you get when you do poppers (flushing in the face and head/warm feeling, feeling of euphoria, etc) and did have a massive headache after I got off both times. I also noticed that the orgasm felt weird, it didn't feel like a usual orgasm, it felt like one you have if you've ever been on anti-depressants...it felt really yucky...almost like something was blocking my pipes when it was time to cum and it felt like nothing was coming out even though cum was flying everywhere. If anyone here has ever taken anti-depressants than you probably know what I'm talking about, they usually have major side effects when it comes to sex (killing your sex drive all together and the yucky feeling when you orgasm.)
  4. so I have an update... I was prescribed 50MG... The first time I tried it I did just what "tallbtm" suggested, although i started with half of the 50MG pill (25MG), it kicked in very quickly (I would say within 10 minutes I felt like I had a bottle of poppers up my nose) and I was liking how I felt. About 45 minutes in I went ahead and took the other half of the 50MG pill (so a total of 50MG within an hours time span.) I was feeling really fucking good for hours, and fucked everything all over my apartment...this shit was amazing! BUT I felt that 50MG was way too much so I was going to try something the next time I experimented with it. A week later...I decide I'm only going to do 25MG and see how that works out for me this time around because I felt the full 50MG was just way too much and wasn't needed. This was Dec 22 2015...I took half of the 50MG tablet (25MG) and I noticed that when it hit me it didn't hit as hard as it did the week before so about 20 minutes later or so I went ahead and took the other half of the 50MG pill (again a total now of 50MG for this second time around.) After about an hour or so I was so UNDER the influence of the drug that I kinda was like "where the fuck am I at?" I mean I was so high I could barely move, everything was fine though for about 3 hours...I was on live cam sites jacking with dudes randomly, fucking my fuck toys, having a blast. Towards the 4th hour of being on the drug I started thinking about how high I was and I'm afraid this brought on a serious problem...my left hand started getting really cold, I kept focusing on that and was worried about why my hand was so cold, then that moved up my arm and now my arm was cold then the next thing you know my arm is tingling and numb and it brought on a HUGE panic attack...it was so bad that I ended up having to call 911 because I thought I was having a heart attack, I honestly didn't know what was going on but I was terrified! 911 showed up at my apartment, they checked my vitals and thought it was just a panic/anxiety attack but wanted to make sure so they took me to the ER. In the ER I had a EKG immediately, which was normal and then I was made to wait in the waiting room for almost 3 hours (they were fucking packed) and by the time I got back into a room in the ER it was about 8PM (I had already been there over 3 hours.) To make a long story short, I ended up having a CT scan of my brain, a chest x-ray and two "heart attack" blood tests to which shows if you've had a heart attack or are about to have one and I had a perfect score (they took the test twice) and both times it was a 0.0 which was a perfect score. My other tests were also fine, heart looked great and so did my lungs and brain. They chalked it up to a severe panic attack and insisted that it wasn't the viagra that caused it (the symptoms) but that it was a anxiety/panic attack that was brought on by the Viagra (with my brain going in a direction it shouldn't have been going in.) I'm suppose to go in and talk with my doctor about what happened and see what she recommends. I feel more irritated with this now than I did before I even tried the drug because now I know that the drug works and it works damn well but now I'm afraid to take it again because I'm afraid I'm going to have another panic attack from it. I'm thinking maybe I should try 12.5MG but will discuss with my doctor first. What I find so funny in all of this is that my doctor told me that the Viagra would not make me "high" or anything like that, that I wouldn't even know that I was on anything. Well, obviously she has never taken Viagra before lmao... I will keep everyone updated but am curious to hear opinions about this. Thanks!
  5. I was prescribed 50MG of Viagra for "performance anxiety issues" with regards to topping. I was scared to take it because I've never taken it before so I cut the pill in half and took half of the 50MG pill. Well let me tell you...the first half that I took (25MG) I was already starting to feel within 10-15 minutes and I said to myself..."this feeling feels very familiar." I realized it was making me feel the same way as I did when I used poppers. About 40 minutes later or so I was doing alright so I took the other half of the pill (25MG) and now had taken a total of 50MG. My question is do you think the full 50 is necessary? That's the normal dose that is usually prescribed but I've also read that a lot of people claim they have tried both 25MG and 50MG and they can't tell a difference between the two strengths. If I can get away with just taking half of the pill, they will last me much longer (I will only be using them for topping.) Curious as to your thoughts? I definitely have to say that this stuff works, it felt like a had a bottle of poppers up my nose for 4 straight hours, it was an amazing experience! I can't even imagine people who take 100MG of this stuff lol...
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  6. Thanks guys, performance anxiety is listed on several sites as a form of ED so it doesn't hurt to try it. My issue is only revolving around topping, nothing else. I had an experience a while back while topping that made me loose my hard on and ever since, when I try to top I can't stay hard because I think about it. Some say the Viagra might help get me over that hump, will see.
  7. I think a lot of folks here are not understanding the OP, the comment was most likely made meaning there is a myth that "fat guys can't get pozzed" because somehow their weight protects them. It's a myth that has been going around for a number of years now, it doesn't sound like the guy who made the comment to the OP was being mean or nasty. I think someone took something the wrong way here.
  8. As discussed in another thread, I posted about having some "performance anxiety issues" for the past couple of years because of a uncomfortable experience I encountered a few years back, some advised me to try a drug like Viagra to see if it could get me over the hump of my anxiety issues. So I discussed with my doctor and she felt fine prescribing me Viagra since you only take it before sex and not daily like the other drugs. I have never taken a "sex drug" before, what should I expect to feel when I take this for the first time or will the only feeling be that my cock stays rock hard? I have a hot hookup this weekend with this muscle guy and kind of want to know what it feels like being on it once before I take it with a guy, I don't want to have a bad reaction or something my first time and be with a trick:) Thanks for the replies!
  9. Tallslender...Thanks for the reply. The issue isn't that I'm worried about what other guys think about me (if they weren't into me we wouldn't even be hooking up) it's the situation that happened that night where I couldn't perform because of my weight, it has nothing to do with me worrying about if someone is attracted to me or not:) I talked with my primary care doc today and she suggested I try one of the sex drugs but said it would not help with any libido issues (as I've gotten older I'm finding myself not in the mood/interested a lot more) so I might experiment and see how the drug works, as one other user here said it might just do the trick. She told me if I decided to try it to let her know and she would prescribe it for me, I don't need to go back to the urologist unless I want too.
  10. (keeping it going only while topping), I guess I'll make an appointment with my Urologist then and discuss it with him. He'a already aware of the problem, I'm surprised he never brought this up to me before.
  11. I don't have a problem getting a hard on, it's only when it relates to topping. Are you saying if I use it before a hookup that I will be hard regardless of what my mind does? Obviously I've never used it before so I assumed it was only for people who couldn't get hard/maintain a hard on period.
  12. Hey, I started barebacking (as a top) about 10 years ago when I was nice & fit (kinda got started on it from bareback porn but that's another story all together lol.) I did tons of anonymous "walk-in scenes" where I would walk in to some dudes house/apt and find him on all 4's wit his ass facing me and I would do my thing and leave (whether that was eating him out first and then sliding in or just sliding in.) As the years have gone on I had put on a lot of weight, going from 180 something (at 6') to over 420...I have since slimmed back down to 325 and still have another 100 lbs to lose. I was able to top with no issues (fat issues/fat getting in the way etc) until I was well in the mid 350's (again I am 325 now) and towards my peak weight of 420 (I was probably in the high 300's at this point) I ran into a guy online that I use to fuck all the time when I was thin, I did walk-in's at his apt almost nightly back between 2006 and 2008 and so we reconnected, he didn't care about my weight. So the first couple of times that we hooked up after reconnecting online I would just go to his place and he would suck me off, I was having bareback conflicting feelings and wasn't interested in fucking and then the last time we hooked up he really wanted me to breed his ass, I tried to fuck him but because of my weight I just couldn't do it, the extra weight got in the way and I couldn't even get my cock inside his ass (this is really hard for me to talk about so please don't laugh or make fun because I'm coming here for advice on how to overcome this.) Anyways once I realized that it wasn't going to happen it immediately made me feel insecure and self conscious about myself (because I knew what the problem was) and it made me lose my hard on immediately and I just felt awful about myself and I felt like I had lost my manhood. He ended up sucking me off and then I left, of course I never heard back from him again after this (this was back in 2011.) So again now, I am 325 (have lost about 100 lbs and still going), I am well under what I was when I was fucking with no issues at all but I can't seem to mentally get past the negative experience that I had with this guy (where I wasn't able to perform because of my weight) and I can't seem to get past it. Even though I know that I am physically capable of getting the job done I can't do it because as soon as I get myself in a situation where I might be getting ready to top someone (physically during the hookup) I start thinking about "that night" and I lose my hard on...I just can't seem to move past it mentally-I don't know how to and I desperately want to top again, I miss going to dudes houses, walking in all anonymously and shit and breeding them, it was so fucking hot and I haven't done it now in several years because of my fears of not being able to perform. I have spoken to a therapist about this (but she's not a sex therapist and I can't afford to pay for one out of pocket/my insurance doesn't cover it either) so I was hoping some guys here could give me some advice on how to move past this and get on with things? Do I just go for it and try and if it doesn't work then try again? Although that scares me too because I'm afraid if I try (and I have tried a couple of times when the opportunity presented itself during a hookup and failed) that if I fail it will only cause me more trauma to have to try to most past, so I don't know what to do. Hoping you guys can give me some good advice here with this. Thanks for reading! "Chubtop" P.S. BTW I am neg and on PrEP (not that that matters.)
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