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Everything posted by Dcdupontguy1981

  1. I saw this thread a few weeks ago but haven’t had a chance to respond. I can relate completely. I continue to be shocked and disappointed by the amount of guys that ghost, flake, cancel, or are in some way fake. If I say I am going to meet, I follow through on that and expect you to as well. Thankfully, I usually host so it doesn’t turn out to be that big of a sacrifice but where is the respect for me and my time? If you’re not going to meet, you should at least have the decency to tell me. I’m not sure what guys get out of acting like this. It feels like it’s getting worse. People seem very focused on just what serves themselves without thinking or caring about how their actions affect others. i would love to hear any other thoughts on this though I appreciate the responses of those who have already done so. What do you do when a guy acts this way towards you? How do you prevent it, or try to? Do you give guys another chance?
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