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  1. Loving it. Taken a couple loads but not as many as I want. No real side effects, maybe a minor headache when I started for a couple days. Getting my PrEP through Hey Mistr and its been seamless and haven't paid a penny for anything.
  2. This method would probably suit me better but I was prescribed descovy which has no data for on demand use. No sense risking it.
  3. First dose down the hatch. T-minus 7 days, can’t wait for that first load.
  4. I just got my notification that everything has been completed and the prescription sent to the pharmacy from heymistr. I am excited to start prep, I’ve always been too apprehensive to BB especially anon. I went to the bathhouse a couple times, but each time left feeling frustrated I couldn’t let go and enjoy myself. That all changes soon enough. Hopefully very soon you can find me in club orlando one weekend in the sling with cum flooding my hole.
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