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Everything posted by konxgorssman

  1. How do I deal with married men? had a few who told me they single but while fucking me moand and told me I was tighter then their wife, it was insanely hot in the moment getting a load by married man but kinda felt bad afterwards. Can you have a fetish for married men? I feel like a bad human after the sex but meenwhile it's like heaven having a man telling me I'm the best whole he ever had and he wants to fuck me every day because his old wife doesnt.
  2. (disregard spelling errors since english is not my native toung) To summarise my story, I have identified as a straight man for all my life and been with a sizeable amount of women during my 21 years. Around 19 I began to jerk off to more and more gay stuff and fantazised about beeing the receiver but did not act upon it untill recently. So I finally decided to go for it and made a post about tips on this site and you said what I were looking for could be found online. So I made a posts on multiple sex sites asking for some light blowjob stuff and found many responses. I picked this guy who said he was 56 and he told me to meet at this small indoor swiming pool which had a sauna the next day(I had been there before and knew it were virtually no one there untill later) So I went there the next day early in the moring as we agreed upon and went into the sauna and there was one older man there with a very nice body for his age. Since I was super nervous I wasn't sure it was him at first but after a minute or two I saw he began to jerk it and he asked me if I could help him which I did ofcourse and I started sucking him. Next thing I know he started touching my ass and fingering me. I was at first a little hesitant since we only talked about blow jobs online but it felt really good. Then he bagan licking and teasing my hole with his dick and I felt it sliding inside and at that point I asked if he was going to fuck me which he said yes to and at that point half of his dick were inside me. I then asked if he had a condom and all I heard was a quick grunting no and I felt at this point I might aswell keep going because it felt amazing and he almost had his hole dick inside. He began to fuck me faster and it felt incredible, nothing could compare. I embraced it and began acting like all the porn sluts I had envy with moans and begging for his dick which he seemd to very much enjoy. I wanted his sperm so badly and told him repeatedly and naturally he deliverd We talked for a while and he gave me his number which led to more encounters later. Since I was hooked on dick at this point I looked for more and realised how easy it were for a young guy to find old men in my town online. If you are curious most of them are divorced and I assume they are either gay or bi and catching up on lost time which would explain why most of them end up deep inside.
  3. Thanks everyone, just lived my fantsy a few weeks ago and me and him have fucked A LOT since then ty ty ty
  4. I'm 21 years old and live in a smaller city (around 80.000 people) Could You give me some tips how to find older men to fuck me.
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