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    Dallas, TX
  • Interests
    Being a chemmed up cumdump.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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  • Porn Experience
    Just a little stuff for my own collection

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  • Adam4Adam Profile Name

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  1. Where my tops at?

  2. Author's Note: I've read this forum for a long time, but this is my first post. I have a plan for this story, but it isn't completed. This is a slightly fictionalized amalgamation of several different events that have happened to me over the past 2 or 3 years. I welcome any feedback that might improve my storytelling in the future. ___________________________________________ I had been taking a little pnp break to let my body rest from all the parTyinG. I was 2 months into a planned 3 month break, but decided there wasn’t anything wrong with a little bit of sober play time. I went to the bathhouse after work, figuring I’d hop into the sling and take a load or two and see what happened. After checking in and showering, I walked around naked–I prefer not to use a towel. I saw a 40-something, bald leather daddy type watching a movie in the porn room and rubbing a huge bulge that made my ass twitch. That’s usually not my type, but I was feeling slutty so I figured I’d see if he had a load for me. I sat down next to him made eye contact and smiled. He didn’t smile back, but just motioned for me to follow him, which I obediently did. Back in his room, he turned on the light and motioned for me to sit down. I misinterpreted his gesture, thinking he wanted me on my back, but he grabbed me and placed me in a seated position. Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a prepared syringe. I protested, still wanting to stay sober a few more weeks. “Shut the fuck up,” he snapped. Those were the first words he’d spoken and they made me lust for him. I love a man who takes control. I knew that I wouldn’t have any choice in what happened until he was done with me. He wrapped a belt around my arm, and found a vein. I’ve never been able to slam myself, and never even brought myself to watch the needle go in when someone else did it for me. This time was different. I watched every step. He expertly found a vein and gently pushed the point through my skin and into my vein. I watched as he pulled back on the plunger and a bright red flash appeared in the chamber of the syringe. He loosened the belt and in one fluid motion pressed down on the plunger emptying the contents of the rig into my vein. I can still feel what happened next as if it was happening now. For the tiniest fraction of a second, it felt cool. The liquid was colder than my blood. I didn’t cough, but gasped for air as my heart sped up and my ears rang. Then a warmth began in the center of my chest and spread out through my entire body, rippling out in every direction, vibrating and pulsing through every square inch of my body. I realized that I was no longer in control. I was a slave to a man who had slammed me with an unknown amount of crystal meth. I knew that I would do whatever depraved thing he told me to do. His desires would become mine. As the waves of chem-induced pleasure turned into a flood of desire, I was aware of only one thing–my ass. It needed to be filled with cock and cum. I hoped it would be rough and I needed it to not stop for a very long time. Just then, my leather daddy reached back and slapped me across the face with his open hand, surprising me and leaving my cheek warm and tingly. “Come on faggot. You’ve got work to do.”
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