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About InReference

  • Birthday 03/16/1983

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    Chicago, IL, USA
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Looking For
    Tips on best times and places to go in large cities around the world for good sex parties, clubs, or bathhouses.

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  1. Went to 357 on Sunday, March 6, at approximately 3PM. This was Mardi Gras weekend so keep this in mind. There was literally a line out the door. Demographically, it was approximately 60% asian and the remainder was mixed. This is equally true for the age range, from young to older. Overall, I found there were a lot of skinny asian guys whereas the other guys tended toward beefier to clearly out of shape. There is a wide variety depending upon what you fancy. The space is a bit small on each floor, but there are 4 levels. The dark room on the 3rd level was extremely dark. I found the placement of the lube to be a little unintuitive. All that said, I did not find what I was looking for and left in 45 minutes.
  2. Went to HQ on a Sunday, February 14th for naked afternoon. I arrived at about 4pm - 2 hours after the start. There were approximately 30 guys there mostly in the 40 and 50 age range and most were not necessarily in the shape I prefer (more bear/daddy types). There was definitely action though if that is your cup of tea. As far as condom use, I did not engage in any activity and did not look closely enough to determine if it was raw or not. I assumed it was raw because that is the vibe I felt from the men there. Hope this helps others who are curious!
  3. Thank you, cumslut23! I am getting myself organized and figuring out the lay of the land - virtual and physical!
  4. Thank you boyridr and barehole4use!
  5. Hello everyone. Moving to Sydney in February 2016 for work. Any ideas how how 357, HQ, and Bodyline are for bb these days? Also how is the bb climate in Sydney? In Chicago, it is fairly easy, even off bbrt. Too, if anyone knows anything about the EPIC study beyond the website, let me know. I'm on an e-mail list to get announcements; crossing my fingers I meet the criteria for the study to get PrEP. Thank you!
  6. Was thinking about going to Paris in the last two weeks of the year (12/18-12/31). Given the holidays, will places like Bunker be busy or slow?
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