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Posts posted by justabitnastycub

  1. Guys this will probably sound like the craziest thing you have seen on here but this is 100% true and im seeking any answers or help!

    Since I was 20, if I dont get fucked for a long period of time the insides of my ass feel like they are swelling, similar to a water balloon. The more time I go without getting fucked, the worse it gets, cumming also makes the pain spike! About two years ago I found I have a genetic arthritis that went active called Reiter's Syndrome. Since then almost as if clock work, if I dont get fucked every two weeks or so, the pain come back and so bad that I fall the floor screaming, doing this at work is not fun, and my doctor has told me only prostate massage will help. Ive tried dildos, glass toys, even shower shots and no help with the pain. However, a good fucking especially raw, takes all the pain away (including in the soles of my feet) kinda with a light tingling and will hold me over for again about two weeks.

    I have been to the ER twice now and have felt humiliated telling the doctors that only fucking will help, they believe me but just pump me full of pain killers for the moment then send me away. A San Francisco General's ER doc, rheumatologist, urolgist, and my normal clinic MD HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO

    Please understand that this would be great if I had a soild boyfriend, insurance that would pay for essorts, or if San Francisco was not over populated with bottoms or gay men who dont find bareback bear cubs attractive

    HAS ANYONE HEARD OF THIS? ANY IDEAS OF HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED, currently in a lot of pain and headed back to my doc in the morning!!!!

  2. Ive worked in two SF sex shops so heres what I've learned:

    Well JJ (jungle juice) Platinum and JJ Plus are smooth but weak!

    Med-Weak JJ Max, this is the smoothest

    Amsterdam, Pig Sweat, Iron horse Blue Boy, Id place somewhere in the middle

    RUSH has to be the dead middle though- well balanced between effect and after effect

    Now if you want Med-Strong Id go JJ Gold or JJ Black

    THE BEST ON THE MARKET- JJ Plat Black or ENGLISH LEATHER CLEANER (White Label), Super Rush or ENGLISH LEATHER CLEANER (Gold Label) (gold is slightly weaker than the white)

    Now My Personal Favorite is the English White Label, but they only make it in large bottles, if I can only afford/carry a small bottle Id say Super Rush, but Ive noticed Super Rush goes stale a little quicker

  3. um seriously I hope he got help, Ive worked in two sex shops and glass sex toys arent typical glass, they are thick glass thats been altered to be super thick and chip and shatter resistant. Id never do that way to risky, I cant help but wonder if it was prepaired to break that way based on where and when it broke

  4. it was strange because as my hunt for sexual relief was so strong, even stronger than normal, I found a guy with a biohazard tat, just like I have dreamed of, and even without booze or poppers, I took him and wow! Ive never felt more like a man, and after that I felt whole in a new way. He didnt cum in me but just the feeling that I finally went there and yes it did make me so happy to finally feel that!

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