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  1. Liam was 21, had dark tanned skin, curly black hair and a lean, atheletic body. He was masculine and in the closet. Even though he was gay, he still fucked girls to prove himself to his friends, something I found pathetic. Him fucking me was pleasurable, but he always insisted on a condom despite the fact we were both neg. It irritated me: we were both clean, so why wouldn't he dump his load in me? Liam had told me previously that an HIV scare when he was younger turned him away from any unprotected sex, so it was a condom or nothing. I could accept this for a while, but as time went on he started to take me for granted, expecting me to make all the effort to get his plastic-covered dick inside me. But he was hotter than fire and had an amazing physique, so I put up with his bullshit for a year. One night I was desperately horny to top someone, so I invited him over as he had always told me he was vers. But when it came to fuck, he refused to bottom, let alone take my load. "I bottom for masc men only, fag," he told me. I decided that it was time for him to overcome his fear of HIV. I formed a plan. That week I created a Grindr profile on my phone and my tablet. On the tablet I found a picture of the only type he bottomed for: A tall, muscular, masc man. I used that picture to set up the fake profile of a man who I named 'Jim' I used a fake location app to move 'Jim' to Liam's area, and immediately began chatting him up. Soon Liam was begging to bottom for the imaginary 'Jim', but as expected he stated that he only did protected sex. "Don't worry," I explained through the 'Jim' profile. "I'm neg, and I ALWAYS use a condom." I spent days teasing him, leading him on, making him hungry to feel 'Jim's' cock deep in his ass. Then I moved to the next part of the plan. "I want to use u at night in a park." I explained through the 'Jim' profile. "To go there, find u on ur hands and knees with ur ass in the air ready to b fuckd. SAFE only tho!" I smirked. Liam took the bait, agreeing to be fucked, provided Jim wasn't rough because, in Liam's words: "I don't btm much." Now the first stage of my plan was in motion, I moved to the second stage. On the phone I created a fake profile with a picture of Liam. Then I searched my city for any poz man I could find, pretending to be Liam, explaining that I wanted unmedicated poz loads only. I found some poz profiles, and explained using Liam's fake profile: "I have a fantasy. I want to be raped in a park by a poz guy. I'll wait with my ass up in the air, and I want to be held down and have my hole raped with NO LUBE or spit. I want it rough, raw, bloody. I want a poz load in my torn up ass. I want to have any screams, tears or begging to be ignored, I want the real experience. I want me and my ass to be abused and used with no mercy. If I try and move I want to be held down. No safe words, no games. Pure charged poz loads in my ruined hole." I got more responses than I could've hoped for. Soon I set up a time and place, continuing to flirt with Liam using the 'Jim' profile so he would become hornier and more open to suggestion. Then the final part of the plan came about. The night of the event had arrived. I messaged Liam using the 'Jim' profile.. "I was thinking how hot it will b if ur blindfolded when I start fucking u. It will b so hot. I'll take the blindfold off at the end so we cum together " As I expected, Liam was hesitant, but I eventually I convinced him to do it for just the first minute of the fuck. Liam told me his hands were shaking. I told him I was excited to meet him and have some safe fun. Liam arrived at the huge park and walked to the very back where he would be furthest from the road... and anyone helping him. He got on his hands and knees like I had ordered him earlier, and he pulled his pants down to his knees, exposing his ass to the night air. He pulled out a piece of fabric and bound it over his eyes. He waited. Around the corner were 9 highly-charged, poz men who had arrived earlier in anticipation. I'd told them through my fake Liam profile to look out for other poz men who might want in on the action, and they'd noticed each other and gathered as a group to give a young, toned masc jock the gift he had been begging for for weeks. As per my request, they had phones ready to film every painful, dirty detail. Liam messaged 'Jim' that he was ready and putting his blindfold on. He reminded me "Safe Sex Only", and promised he'd leave if I tried anything. I relayed the first part of the message to the waiting men, and like wolves they silently approached the naive young man, unknowing that they were all being used to rape an innocent, unsuspecting neg boy. As the rape began, I blocked Liam on 'Jim's' profile and then deleted it. The next day I asked the men to send me their videos and pics of the night. They all mentioned how hot it was that Liam struggled and cried so much, thinking it was mainly an a roleplay act. The videos showed Liam being set upon by the group and held straight down on the dirt by the men as one by one they shoved raw, dry poz dicks in his tight, hairy hole. He had screamed. He had begged. His hole tore and bled. Toxic loads became the lube of each successive stranger until they had all fucked him more than twice and cum leaked out of his red orifice and dribbled down his bruised flesh onto the ground. After a while, Liam had stopped struggling and instead lay on the dirt crying, poz loads swirling around inside his bloodied, torn guts. Each man dressed and walked off from the crime scene. I saved the videos on my computer and still watch them regularly. The image of Liam being raped again and again for more than an hour makes me instantly hard to this day. I deleted all the Grindr profiles I had used in the crime and went back to my own personal profile where I had favourited Liam and where we usually arranged hookups. His profile was offline for more than 3 days before he finally came back online. I waited another few days so it wasn't suspicious then messaged him. "I'm so horny, I've missed you, sexy!" "Hey... I dont kno." He replied. "Im... not sure I can do sex anymore." He paused for a long time before adding "I want to see u. Im going through a lot right now and Im an emotional wreck. I dropped out of uni bcuz some shit happened that im still getting over. You're a really nice guy [NAME REDACTED]. Plz see me tonight?" I smiled. "I'm kinda busy. Next week?" "OK, I'd like that." Liam replied. "Thanks for messaging me. I rly need someone to talk to." A week later I asked if he wanted to see me. "Im not feeling well today." He responded after a delay. "I think Im coming down with the Flu."
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