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  1. This is my first attempt be kind Daniel was 32 and had been working in graphic design since he left university ten years earlier. Although he enjoyed his job it left him unfulfilled, so he had retrained in his free time to become a massage therapist. He loved to meet new people and, he could not deny, the skin to skin contact often gave him a thrill. If a client was his type and seemed open to possibilities then sometimes the massage would over run into unpaid time. Daniel advertised his services online. His website had a booking system that enabled the client to choose a slot from a calendar. This gave Daniell control of his diary and cut out people requesting times when he was a work or in the gym. He only ever had one slot per day. As much as he loved his jobs, after a full day in the studio plus a private massage client he was usually beat. It was Thursday afternoon and his phone vibrated in his pocket. An alert from his webpage. He had a client tonight. He smiled: a twinkle in his eye. Oh good, thought Daniel. It’s Stephen. He’s a cute guy alright. I wonder... Daniel was brought out of his revere by Caroline talking to him. “Sorry, what did you say Caroline?” Then the moment was gone. Daniel pulled up outside of Stephens home. He unloaded the table and bag of oils: All he needed for the session. Stephen opened the door before Daniel had even reached for the buzzer. Good sign mused Daniel. “Hello again! I guess you are ready for me.” His smile was open and cheeky. “Hi Daniel. Yes I’m ready. Good to see you again. I’ll leave you to get the room ready.” Stephen had already done most of the preparation. The curtains were closed the light was low and he had switched on some calming music. The heating was on and the room was already quite warm. Five minutes later Stephen laid face down on the massage table, his head in the hole at one end. He had kept on his briefs as before and Daniel had covered him with a large towel. Daniel began at the shoulders, then the neck, then back to the shoulders, back to the neck, then the upper back. After about 30 minutes he slide the towel down and tucked it into Stephen’s briefs, pulling them down a few inches in the process. Daniel admired Stephen’s back. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but it ticked all the boxes for Daniel. Over the next half hour Daniel worked over Stephen’s arms legs and feet. Daniel had admired Stephen’s legs and feet during his last visit. He hadn’t massaged them so much as worshiped hem. It made him hornier than ever. The legs were shapely and strong as were his feet. Daniel just could not help but linger on Stephen’s feet slowly rubbing the oil into the skin, leaving no area untouched. Eventually he moved back to Stephen’s torso. “The knots in your back are quite bad. You are struggling to relax.” Said Daniel “Yes, sorry.” “No need to apologise. What can I do, do you think?” As Daniel asked he was massaging the top of Stephen’s buttocks and slowly edging the elastic further and further down his body. “There are some parts of your body that I can massage that I don’t charge for you know.” Stephen’s eyes shot open and he lifted his head. He suddenly realised what Daniel was alluding to. “I. Um. I. Err. Err.” Daniel smiled. “Don’t worry. I know you will enjoy it.” Daniel was right in his assessment of Stephen. Stephen was gay but what he did not know was that Stephen had only been fucked once by an inexperienced classmate years earlier. Stephen was not expecting this to happen and he hadn’t even clocked Daniel as being gay. He didn’t know what to do. He dropped his head back into the hole on the table and waited for fate to play out. “Gotcha.” Thought Daniel and with that he lifted the towel away revealing Stephen’s cotton covered arse and the top of his strong sexy legs which Daniel caressed as he eased the underwear down and over the feet. Daniels cock that had been half hard, since the massage started, began to stiffen further. He pulled his white t-shirt over his head and dropped his white sweat pants and underwear in one go. He stood there naked, his cock bobbing in it’s new found freedom, admiring the body before him. “God I love this job.” Thought Daniel. Daniel jumped up on to the table straddling Stephen’s legs and began to kneed Stephen’s arse cheeks, sliding his finger tips into the crease between. The oil eased the way and when he finally made contact with his hole Stephen took in a gasp of air. “Relax. It just gets better.” daniel moved his knees between Stephen’s, pushing his legs open and allowing the air to his goal. He lent down and blew onto Stephen’s hole. It clenched and Daniel smiled. He moved in and touched the hole with his tongue. The soft moist pink flesh was sensitive and Stephen groaned without control. Daniel worked his hole with tongue and fingers for about 15 minutes, the stubble on his chin prickling the soft flesh around Stephen’s hole and sending him into a sexual delirium he had never known before. “How are you feeling?” Asked Daniel. He knew the answer but he just wanted to reconnect to Stephan, who had drifted into a world of his own. A world of pure sexual pleasure: Pleasure given by Daniel, a virtual stranger to Stephan, and Daniel wanted to make sure that Stephen was connecting the pleasure to his actions not what ever may be going on in his head. “Okay I think we need a bit of help for the next bit.” Daniel hopped off the massage table and pulled a small brown bottle out of his bag. He cracked the lid open. Wiped the top of the bottle and shoved under Stephen’s nose. “Breathe in. One nostril at a time. Big breaths. Hold it in. It’ll make you feel even more relaxed. The effect is short lived. Less than a minute.” Stephen did as instructed and felt the heat rush over him. It was odd but not horrible so he did it again. Daniel took the bottle and did the same. They were both flying and hornier than ever. Then gave it back to Stephen with instructions to use as he saw fit. He put some massage oil on his cock and climbed back onto the table. “Take a deep breath”. As Stephen exhaled the poppers Daniel pushed into Stephen’s hole. “Oh your cunt is tight. Nice.” Stephen wanted to clamp shut but the poppers helped to stop that. “Push out.” Ordered Daniel, his voice sounding huskier and urgent. As Stephen pushed out Daniel slid in right to the balls. “Oh fuck yeah. Sooo good. You okay?” Stephen was on overload. His brain was rushing on the poppers and his hole felt full and he just needed more of everything. Daniel took the silence as his cue to start fucking. His hard cock slid out and back in over and over like they had been conjoined like this all their lives. Seconds spiralled into minutes and any sense of time was lost. Sweat was forming on Stephen’s back and he felt the droplets that slide from Daniels hair pooling in the small of his back. Rivulets ran between his arse cheeks mixing with the massage oil, re-lubing his arse and splattering as Daniel’s pelvis slapped against Stephen’s sexy body. “Feels. So. Good... Oh. My. God... Yes... Don’t. Stop...” Stephen grunted out each word as Daniel massaged his body: His hands on his back and shoulders, squeezing, gripping and pushing. His cock poking the top of Stephen’s chute and dragging and moulding the velvety lining of his newly forming cunt. “Let’s shift position. On to your back... I want to look you in the eyes.” Daniel flipped Stephen over, added more massage oil to his cock and plunged swiftly back in. Sweat dripped of Daniel onto Stephen’s hard cock as he stroked himself. He looked down towards Daniels thrusting groin and there between his legs that rested on Daniel’s shoulders was the tattoo. A small black biohazard tattoo. Despite his sexual innocence he knew what that meant on a gay man. “Oh fuck.” Thought Stephen. “What is he doing to me? What have I let happen?” As Stephen’s eyes left Daniel’s and roamed down his body Daniel knew he was going to see his tattoo and know his status. That was the deal-clincher for Daniel. Stopping his orgasm now would be impossible. Volley after volley of cum shot from his cock, splattering the lining of Stephen’s cunt. Daniel grinned. “Your cunt is fantastic. So hot. So sexy.”
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