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  1. I stumbled onto this site by chance. I actually don't bareback and haven't done so since my previous partner of 3 years. I am currently partnered with a HIV negative individual and we use protection 100% of the time. Now, I was diagnosed 6 years ago and have been positive for roughly 7 years. The diagnosis ended that relationship and I have been so lucky to be with my partner now who has accepted me from day one. As for meds, I have decided to monitor my levels and postpone meds until my CD4 levels drop below 500. Upon diagnosis my CD4 was 768 and with each year, it seemed to only increase with the last two been 817 a year ago and 827 last week. My viral load float between undetectable to below 5000 for the past 6 years. I exercise 6-7 days a week, eat a well-balanced diet, have an addiction to herbal teas, take regular probiotics and antioxidants. I drink wine regularly and stick to tequila and cachaca when I party with my friends and family which is perhaps once a week (if not on vacation . I don't do drugs, nor do I smoke. I understand everyone is different, but lifestyle choices definitely affect one's body and how it interacts with the virus. I had some concerns with the meds at first but now that they are much safer, I am not as hesitant to take them. I do, however, help my body naturally to deal with the virus. My doctors have been supportive and have agreed with my assessment and self-treatment. Just remember, meds or no meds, it is important to take care of yourself. There are multiple other infections out there that will aggravate your immune system and the virus. It is also true that many people who have HIV have secondary infection, so if you are barebacking, please know your partner for your health's sake.
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