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  1. - WARNING: Story contains abuse in detail. This is completely fiction. I really don't know how I ended up here... My wrists and ankles, chained from the ceiling and to the floor. My whole body feeling as if it was on fire. Something running down the back of my legs. I can hear the patter of it slapping onto the floor. Disgust overwhelms me as I try to close my eyes, try to forget I'm even here. They shoot back open when I hear someone else down the hall screaming. It's not normal either, it's blood curdling. I look around and see nothing but stone walls, realizing no one on the outside could even hear anything that these monsters were doing to us. My name is Liam and I live in a historic town in Kentucky. It has plenty of big, beautiful churches. I had always admired one in particular. I went to it as a child, but figured the upkeep was too much because it ended up going under and up for auction. Plenty of deals had came and went, mostly falling through, so the church just sat there. That was until I was twenty five and the sign in front of the large building finally came down. I thought to myself 'Okay, cool. I'd get to visit my old church.' Just for the nostalgic feeling. Rumors started to escalate though that an out of towner from Chicago bought it and it would probably be tore down and replaced by condos that had been popping up everywhere. That was a pretty big let down, but I couldn't help it. A few months later, they start working just on the inside of the church. Construction workers walking in and out, the noise filling the outside. I was out walking when I spotted a guy talking on the phone, and God was he huge. He had to be well over six foot, and built like a brick house. He was in black jeans and shirt, tight around his muscular frame. My heart skipped a beat looking at this god of a man. Once I decided to walk up to him, I'd learn his name was Butch. He was in his late thirties and heard about the property from a friend. "Plan on making a lot of money here." He said with a grin. The bull ring in his nose dangled as he moved his chiseled face. He invited me to come back when it was finished and he'd give me the tour of the place. If only I had said no.
  2. The next week was strange for Zeke. He was on edge about the whole ordeal. The only reason he had left his house was for groceries. After getting what he needed, he walked back out to his car and began to load them into the trunk. He wasn't paying attention when someone came from behind him, a piece of cloth going around his mouth and nose. "Shh.. just go under," the gruff voice said. Zeke flailed for a few moments before falling limp against what felt like a brick wall. He was out for a few hours, before finally waking. Dazed and confused, he looked at his surroundings. In front of him was a thick, heavy metal door with a place for food to be passed into the room. The walls were brown stone, thick and jagged. Fear filled his mind as he ran to the metal door and began to beat on it. "Let me out! Please! I'll give you whatever you want!" He began to beg, tears streaming down his face before he slid down the cold metal. He thought it was hopeless. He was going to die here. Zeke laid there sniffling when he heard footsteps. It sounded like thick leather boots stepping on pavement. His eyes shot open and he ran to the back of the room. His heart was thumping out of his chest. The door began to unbolt, and his fear was back as he saw the man standing there. "Please.. no...." In the doorway, there was a Goliath of a man. His frame covered the whole entrance of the door way. A thick, furry chest with a leather harness was attached. Zeke's eyes fell further down and he could see he didn't have anything over his cock, which was flaccid, but still hung low between his thighs. When he moved his eyes back to meet his captor's eyes, he saw a black hood that covered his head, with cutouts for his nose, mouth and eyes. Most curiously, sticking out the sides of his head were two thick ram-like horns. "Get up," he commanded. Zeke wasn't sure if it was the same voice from earlier. He got up, shaking as the beast walked in, only to grip Zeke's shirt and ripped it from his lithe body, doing the same with Zeke's shorts and his underwear.
  3. Disclaimer: This is my first time writing a story. I apologize if it's not up to parr with some of the other stories in advance! Since the time Zeke had turned eighteen, he had been captivated by rough, primal breeding. He loved watching a thick, muscled daddy shoved deep in a twink's ass and watching as the tops scrotum twitched as it filled the bottom boy's cunt. He would picture himself in the bottom's shoes, completely subservient to any real man with whom he came into contact. He had dreamed of becoming someone's boy, which was consistent with his build: he stood at about five foot eight, his waist was slender, his thighs were thick, and his complexion very fair and youthful. He had been scrolling on the internet, looking for a certain video that had always made his cunt twitch. "I must've went to far," he said with a sigh. Suddenly, his phone beeped and he looked down, seeing he had an email with an attachment. He shrugged it off and logged into his email on his desktop. Normally, he would delete the email, but this one seemed strange. It had no recipient. His curiosity got the better of him, so he clicked the attachment. His computer screen lit up, flashing a bunch of lights and causing a screeching noise. "Fuck," he said as he tried to click out, believing he had just killed his computer with some sort of virus. He tried to turn the monitor off, but before something caught his eye. The white screen shut off and pictures began to show on the screen. Men breeding other men. Holes stretched. Faces mixed with pain and pleasure. Holes leaking pink tinged semen. His eyes widened at the scenes that plastered on his screen. The last picture was of a red hand, under it it said "We are coming." After the last picture, his computer completely shut down. When Zeke was finally able to turn it back on, the email was gone. He even checked his email from his cellphone. It was as if he'd never gotten anything at all.
  4. awesum wicked nick bro so now be self disclosive 

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