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Posts posted by ChaserBtm84

  1. 6 minutes ago, TattPig said:

    The usual delay between infection and 'fuck flu' is because in the majority of cases the infection begins locally in the tissue lining the rectum. The infection stays local, in that tissue and muscle, as it grows (kind of like a pimple is local). Eventually (in a few weeks), the infection reaches a location where it can enter the bloodstream. It's at this point--when the virus starts roaming around in your blood--that your body's immune system first becomes aware of the intruder and goes to work.

    It's your body's reaction to the invader that makes you feel sick, not the infection itself. Most viruses are very sensitive to heat, so a fever is your body's way of trying to kill the virus with heat. 

    But you did an end-run around the normal route by injecting the virus directly into your blood. There was no local infection that you had to wait for. Your body started reacting to the virus right away.

    True. Though Of course I did it both ways that amazing night with my Master. And while he pounded 6 loads deep inside me...the selfish bottom I can be kept every drop inside. I realize some find it hot to felch or watch a load drool out the hole just fucked but unless told to do so I keep every single drop for myself and never let it go to waste! ? It's just sinful in my mind. Kind of like when I guy doesn't swallow. THAT'S NOT AN OPTION OR EVEN A FUCKING QUESTION! IF YOU'RE GOING TO SUCK A COCK YOU FUCKING SWALLOW!

    Call me old school but it all cums down to manners. I don't care what hole got bred, its just rude to spit out the seed...especially in the case of a toxic charged load. Kids today need to learn these things. 

    I find the younger generation isn't as good at these basic manners. I had a younger guy-not my type bc I like older guys but you have needs that are to be met-who was going down on me and right as I start to cum wanted to pull away!

    In all fairness he said beforehand here doesn't swallow but that's not in my dicktionary. So naturally as I'm feeling him pull away I grab his head and bury it into my crotch to shoot my load in his thrust and mouth and even though there was some resistance I kept him there long after I came which forced him to swallow and clean up the mess he'd pumped from my cock.

    Too cute...he slowly comes up for air a little dazed and I'm just smirking at him and his face is blank and he just says "I don't swallow. I thought I mentioned that."

    I just kind of scoffed and said "well you do now!"


    I mean is it just me or does the younger generation not know these simple things. Especially with something so basic as giving head. It's like rule #1-If you're going to suck a cock you're going to swallow! It's not up for discussion. Otherwise what's the fucking point?


    This is why I'll never have kids. I just don't have patience for bull shit. But that's just me.

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  2. Not yet. Soon though. Got Bloodwork I need done beginning of nex month so just going to add a test on then. Might try a rapid test in the meantime but I don't trust them. They only show antibodies and while they are extremely accurate depending on your body's chemistry you may not produce antibodies for months or in some cases up to a year. At least the lab test actually looks for the antigens, the active virus in the blood. I'll let you guys know my results from my bloodwork and if I have time to do a free rapid test somewhere in the meantime I'll post those results too. 

    Don't worry guys I haven't forgotten about you. I will keep you in the loop. I've just been in a crazy busy and Pozitively Horny state of mind. Lol. But seriously no joke. Since that night before XXXMAS eve, even during that 10 day period of what I presume to be the Fuck Flu (7days hard, 3 ok but not TOO BAD overall) I've been extremely hyper sexual, way more open to things I wouldn't normally otherwise stop to think about, been more animalistic in my urges and what I seek. To some it up I don't think a day has passed without my having to shoot at least 6to8 loads whether with someone or not, back to back. 

    So that's the biggest change so far is my sexual interest, libido, kinks everything is hyperactive. I've been like a bitch in heat. Lol. However if time permits I did want to stop at the health dept free clinic today for a full STD checkup. If I do get the chance I'll share the results with you guys. 

    I can say though that my initial "insane excitement" has waned a little...just bc of the simple fact that I know I'm going to test positive. I just know. So I'm already in that headspace but as I said before I'm still not having sex with anyone else but my Master until I get the Poz results. I just want to make sure it's him who has gifted me.

    And Fuck that's been a HARD decision to stick to but so far I've done it And simply taken matters into my own hands.???

    I'll update you soon!

    • Upvote 2
  3. Thanks. I'm going to head to our local health dept clinic tomorrow (Friday) for a full check up. So I'll see then what's what. Haven't done that level of checkup in maybe ten years. Been awhile but...I never caught anything and it was just a waste of time over the years to keep going back. But I figure it's time. What the Fuck...right? Also it's been long enough now that my HIV test should come back accurate. ?

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  4. Yeah I know symptoms can differ and sometimes not show at all statistically speaking on paper. I just like to hear from firsthand knowledge what it's like...for anything. It's weird because as big of a slut as I've been and the hundreds of men I've been with I've never caught any STD before. Though this could be a first. Guess I'll find out when I see my Dr next month. It's not painful and can come and go, the scratching in my throat but worth checking out. Just not so bad I'm gonna run off to the doc or local clinic. Then again I probably could use a full STD test profile so I might just visit the health dept clinic anyway. We'll see.

    It's just weird. I mean, I'm not stupid and as I've said before have a medical background but it never ceases to amaze me how different the human body acts from person to person. I know some guys that catch all sorts of things all the time. Yet I've never had protected sex before...an probably over 400+ guys I've been with by now...you lose count after awhile...and still I've never had any kind of infection. Unless it was something I picked up and my body just naturally disposed of...which can also happen to. Don't get me wrong I may be a chaser but not thrilled with the idea of catching other stds along the way so it's not like I'm mad about it. Kinda glad I've dodged some of those bullets. Still...just think it's weird. Oh well...

    • Like 1
  5. Nothing gets me hotter than Father/Son roleplay, sex talk or porn. It just makes my dick drool! If you're a Daddy or Silver Daddy living near St Pete Florida in search of a 30something son then hit me up with a private email and let's talk!

  6. 7 minutes ago, BlowBoi said:

    Never heard of this referred to as a "SIDE," what ever the fuck that is, you sound like a politician, talking but not saying anything!

    Ok...well educate yourself boi and leave the attitude at the door. I was simply telling OP that based on what he was describing he sounded like a Side and that I've never heard of pillow Prince being used before.

    Amongst all spectrums of sexuality but especially in gay men there is, believe it or not, an lot of men out there who aren't into anal sex at ALL (topping or bottoming) and while still gay they prefer to only have oral sex and pleasure by other means than by penetration. This is what is referred to as a "Side" and falls into the category of Top, Bottom, Vers, Side. It's just not something many gay men are comfortable talking about.

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  7. I've never heard the term pillow Prince before...but what you're describing to me sounds like you're a "Side." A Side is someone who doesn't particularly care for or engage in penetration during sex but likes everything else and (usually) prefers only oral sex. Though there are many variations of being a Side as well...like any other form of sexuality. Nothing wrong with it. Get yours! ???

    • Upvote 1
  8. Damn I didn't know they were that expensive! Just looked up on my CVS app. Well, for me anyway $40 is expensive right now. 

    We have a local ASAP charity here nearby that offers free testing. I'll just go to them. Was thinking of getting the home test just to save a trip but...oh well. 

    Plus I see my Dr every 3months anyway and have an appt with him that's literally set up 90 days after my encounter and was planning on getting bloodwork done anyway so I'll just tell him to add on an HIV test on.

    So I guess, taking your advice, I'll prob do the oraquick at the 2month mark just to give it time and then blood test with my Dr in end of February. 

    I wish they did the free mail order testing here in the U.S. like they do in the UK. But oh well. 

    And is it just me or does anybody else not really care for the oraquick testing? I get that technically it's deemed relatively accurate but I still prefer when they did the finger prick test with the lil drop of blood. I know it's just my own preference but I guess in my mind I feel testing a drop of blood-which only took 20 minutes as well-seems more accurate and trustworthy to me then scrapping some cells from the check and gums. 

    Just my own thoughts tho. But I do know that the local ASAP that has permanent residence at a local gay resort will first do the oraquick and if positive they will do the finger prick after to have a more accurate confirmation and then if positive they'll either draw blood there to ship off or refer you to your Dr/local health org. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, poptronic said:

    You don't need to wait 90 days. If you are poz, which I am heavily leaning toward that you are at this point, a test will likely show at 6 weeks. Mine showed right around that time. Doctors say 90 days just to be safe but especially in your case of introducing the virus hard and fast, you will more than likely show at 6 weeks, maybe even 4. 

    If you are really anxious, go to your local CVS and buy the OraQuick home test where you swab your gums and wait 20 minutes for results. Try at 4 weeks and if nothing shows, try again at 6.

    Thanks for the info. But I thought that most rapid testing protocols test not for the presence of HIV but for HIV antibodies which can take a few months to fully develop regardless of way of transmission. Am I wrong there?

    Curious on your testing you mentioned. Were you also fucking other guys prior and up to your testing yourself? 

  10. Lmfao....in all seriousness though...being that the "safe sex" swing has been in full force lately, (btw sense when the fuck is sex ever safe? It's deliberate, it's carnal, its over-powering)...but never safe! And even if it is (in your mind) quote SAFE end quote.....that just means you're doing it wrong!

  11. 2 hours ago, travelingbutthole said:

    I think its one of those things that you pick up at a sauna just for the look of it?

    Oh, Yeah...that weird stretchy thing that is sometimes flavored or just tastes like jizz!? I never got the point of those. Why have a newfangled contraption that catches a good man's load and prevents it from spreading? That's the best part! I guess those safety folk just keep the stretchy, slick sheathes when done and maybe freeze for future lube? IDK...I still don't get it! ?

  12. 38 minutes ago, Homo60 said:

    Well, since no real time knowledge of this and why you are experiencing the symptoms so fast, but would think that by doing the slamming, this introduced the virus directly into you bloodstream instead of the normal routes that it would have had to take, so the your system and it's antibodies had to go to work all that much faster. So with that in mind, it does make sense to me that your immune system would go into immediate overdrive combating it's invaders.

    That's kings my logic behind why I'm feeling like this. I mean, there is literally not a single person in my life right now who has recently or is now sick with any kind of cold or flu and I work from home so I don't have to worry about offices and I haven't really gone anywhere lately so it's not the holiday crowds. Finger crossed on a positive outcome! Still I suppose I won't know 100% till March. I have to get blood work done then anyway so figure I'll ad on an HIV and Hep C test for official 90day type results. I just don't like waiting. I'm a Leo. We're great people but not that patient! ?

    Thanks for your input. Much appreciated. Wish I could find SOMEONE who knew for sure that was in a situation like mine. But this site is filed to brim with whores-no judgement...wish I could say the same but as I said above had a long dry spell before this. Oh...to be a whore again!

    Another thing that kinda sucks is because I want it to be my Dom who Poz'd me and want to be absolutely sure I was gonna hold off on further sex until I get the results of the labs. I know I don't have to but it's like a mental thing for me. 

  13. So I did some research beyond this site and word of mouth facts and saw on the AIDS.gov website along with the CDC and while they agree on   the General timeframe of 2-4weeks, sometimes symptoms according even up to 6months latter they do both clearly state that there is a possibility and others have in fact experienced this, is that symptoms can occur within a 24 hour period or even less depending on a variety of factors.


  14. 14 minutes ago, travelingbutthole said:

    I understand why it makes you feel dirty.

    When I have used Vaseline, or any oil based lube for that matter, the fact that it isn't intended for sexual purposes makes everything feel improvised and sleazy.

    That and the stigma that it's what the prisoners use on their bitches....?

  15. I must say that after trying it...as I said never used it...I'm a convet. The feel to it was amazing, it lasted all night without a need for more lube, etc. I'll definitely be saving $!!! And I don't know why but it makes me feel even more like a dirty lil pig!

  16. Another side effect is that mut lips are still sore and almost raw. But I know that's from my having to be pulled away from sucking his Cock and being face fucked hard! All things I love and would even repeat right this second because I love sucking dick and his especially could spend all day just pleasing and teasing. No real reason for me to comment this but to keep the memory alive of his amazing Cock in my mouth! 

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  17. Thanks. Like I said I'm not complaining and hope I get the "fuck flu". I just think it's strange I'd start feeling so sick so quick and like i said most say it's not something sudden but generally those people are just fucking and even if chasing I would consider my situation a "control group" type experiment considering how long I went without, the high VL, the rough and hot fucking resulting in min 8 loads and then the slamming on top of that.

    I mean, obviously as a chaser I sought this out and I'm not complaining a bit. I'm just curious if others may have experienced something so sudden. 

  18. Soooo....ok. All I've heard in regards to people who get the "fuck flu" from exposure to HIV is the general timeframe of getting sick, if you do, is that it takes around 2-3 weeks after the known incident.

    I'm wondering if anyone here who's Poz had symptoms earlier?

    As many of you know I got my XXXmas wish on Friday when I met up with my unmedicated Poz Dom Top and experienced a long MIND BLOWING session in his dungeon and he shot minimum of 8 loads inside me and I also slammed his blood. I was only able to get half a ml bc of various reasons but shot the blood in my own vein directly. Last time he checked his VL was months n months ago for his own reasons but it was up to 600k.

    Anyway, had an amazing night Friday and then last night (sat) I noticed I'm starting to get a fever and I keep getting weird hot and cold flashes. I've been in a brain fog kind of distant feeling and my whole body and muscles are aching and I've had terrible headaches. I never get headaches. 

    Is it at all possible that small minute symptoms or are effects can show this early? I was in perfect health before our night together. And while I do have issues with back pain/sciatica due to an injury I'm on prescriptions pain meds and muscle relaxant for it so I know what my normal pain feels like. This is different. It's all over generally achy especially in my muscles/joints. But also my point is the pain meds alone I take on a regular basis usually take care of aches or pains when I do get sick. But I don't get sick often.

    Also my throats been killing me the  lymph nodes in my neck area are swollen too. And now today (Sun) its still the same give or take.

    I know people on this site have said if it is fuck flu someone has they usually will not get the symptoms till at least 2 weeks later.

    Soooo....what do you think? Is it possible to have symptoms like these so soon after...especially considering that it wasn't just sex. I purposely injecting his high VL blood into my vein. This wasn't a normal blood slam where someone is getting a lil blood when they share a tina slam. This was pure poison blood. Also just fyi that night I didn't do any T so I'm not coming down off anything. I smoked a little pot but I do that all the time with no problems.

    Don't get me wrong with this party either. I'm not "scared/panicked/freaking out" because I might be getting it. I know I did pick it up from him n when I can test after the appropriate timeframe it will show Poz and actually I look forward and hope to have the "fuck flu" experience. In my head I see it being like morning sickness for a woman who's knocked up. 

    Also I've had no exposure before Friday night. Truth be told because of many circumstance and other issues I haven't had sex with Anything but my hand in at least 8months prior. So it's not like I would get something from someone else.

    Just curious and look forward to your facts and opinions and two cents on the matter. I know it's supposed to take awhile but it doesn't make sense that I travel to him for this encounter and have been in great health and then ask the sudden as the next day progresses into night and now today all these things are occurring. 

    What's your Fuck Flu experience? How long till you got sick? Do you actually know when you were infected? 

    The last question is definitely one that makes me wonder of why it couldn't happen sooner or almost within days. When exposed to any virus usually symptoms occur in less than 24hrs. Also I know a lot of people who talk about the flu taking that long day they know because of when they were infected but then go on to tell a story if numerous sex partners almost non stop. So how can you be sure?

    Anyone else who may have been..for lack of a better word...abstinent before fucking someone you knew was Poz and had a very high VL? Guess just looking for answers. Like I said I'm not bitching if that's what this is or its my body trying to fight it but I didn't think it could be this soon. 

    Anyone? Thanks.



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