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Everything posted by btmbob2

  1. Now that it had been close to a year of being around John and his efforts at exposing me to the things that I’d only dreamed of before becoming a poz cum whore, he informed me that for Christmas, he was taking me to Palm Springs to spend 8 days at a gay resort. I had done a few Internet searches and read about the various resorts, all of which I noted were clothing optional. They ranged from what I referred to as the vacation get a way spots for the plastic and the LTR guys, guys who were either so full of themselves they would use the resort as an opportunity to model, and those guys that were, for a lack of better terms, stick in the mud types, and then there were the ones on the other end of the spectrum that advertised sling rentals, public spaces, outdoor slings, sauna’s and the types of locations I was drawn to for anonymous cum collecting. The only thing that could have been better was a resort with dark allies, an industrial warehouse setting, locker rooms, showers, bathtubs for pissing, an all-nude bar with an array of slings and St. Andrew crosses and a fisting bench to even things out, but alas I didn’t find that in any resort. Ideally if I had one of my own, I’d build it in a warehouse making it a den of perversion. In preparation for the trip, John included a month at a tanning bed since I was about as white as the page I’m writing this on. He too would join me in our tanning sessions so that we didn’t burn or look like the walking neon lights. The one thing he did have me do however was wear an altered pair of bikini underwear. He instructed me on how to ensure that only a thin line circled my waist and that the back covered the globes of my ass. He carefully cut away the pouch so that my cock cage would fit through the opening and prevent the material in back from being stretched incorrectly. He told me that doing this would ensure that my ass would remain white against my bronzed skin and as he said, “be a becon in the night” when he paraded me around naked or in my jock to draw attention to my ass. I liked that idea. The place he chose was on No. Palm Canyon Dr. It had the variety of what he wanted to have me experience which included public spaces, sling rentals, more than 2 dozen rooms, a sauna, Jacuzzi, pool and allowed day/evening passes. It had an assortment of videos in the library and a TV in each room that played non-stop porn. Other resorts were more the image I enjoyed (leather, etc) but were limited on rooms and access by outsiders, and that wasn’t part of his plan. He wanted general access to the resort at night when the bars emptied and he also wanted to allow the daytime crowds, the closeted ones to have access. We left on Friday morning and flew into Palm Springs arriving just before noon. John had me pack light using my back pack and I was surprised when all he had me put in my bag was my trimming shears, razors and shaving cream, toiletries, collar, about 4 each of changes of red and yellow socks, my chap shorts, and an array of jock straps; some soiled some clean. Beyond that, I hadn’t seen him pack much of anything either in the way of toys, lubes, poppers or anything that would indicate what was in store for me. We got our rental car, a convertible and I had to chuckle to myself thinking how I must look like a fucking tourist. I mentioned to him that next time fuck the Chrysler and lets get an open jeep. John looked at me as we were leaving the airport and did a U turn. I told him it was okay, I didn’t mean to complain. He told me that actually what I had suggested was far better and he hadn’t thought of it. We went back to the car agency and he falsely stated that the car was malfunctioning, loosing speed. They quickly offered us another vehicle and John said, “ How about that red Jeep Wrangler over there?” he pointed. Ten minutes later we were leaving the airport and I thanked him telling him it was much more comfortable being in the jeep than that soccer mom car. He laughed and agreed, placing his hand on my knee he said, look, I want you to take off your shirt and put on your chap shorts for me. I was already wearing my boots; so it wouldn’t take me long to switch out the clothing. We hadn’t removed the side panels so I had enough privacy to switch outfits and I did. At the next traffic light, John pulled his shirt off over his head and in the Southern California sun, his bronzed torso looked so appealing. I liked looking at him this way, natural, excited and happy to be with me. I grinned and looking at a map was trying to find our way. John knew his way around PS since he’d been there plenty of times. I’d pretty much figured out where the resort was form the airport but instead of turning left on N. Palm he turned right. “You needed to get in the turn lane there.” I said, “Don’t fret your head over it, I know where I’m going we have a couple stops to make first” he said. I sat back and still looking at the map occasionally just to see our placement. He gave me shit about it and said I just couldn’t relax and had to try to be in control. I took his assessment of my behavior to heart, knowing he was right. I tossed the map in the glove box, rearranged my balls and sat back. John had removed my chastity device that morning for the flight. I hadn’t had the full freedom of air against my nads in a long time. “Don’t get too comfy there” he said looking down at my cock. “Why?” I asked. “because in about 10 minutes you’ll be caged again anyway.” I thought to myself how long it had been since I had a hard on and came that way. It had been a long time. I had cum several times without a hard on through the chastity cage when John worked my cunt, and those orgasms were intense, but I hadn’t stroked the full length of my cock in months. We had swung north on N. Palm Canyon then left just after the Pizza Hut. He drove into a large, more than obvious, expensive development. We went several blocks and stopped in front of a gated driveway. He jumped out telling me to stay put. He walked up and rang the bell at the gate and talked into a speaker. The gates opened. John drove the Jeep into the drive, the gates closing behind us. “Come on, hop out.” “Where are we?” “We’re at Mike’s” he said. I jumped out, my ass and cock exposed in my shorts and walked up the walkway to the front door and was greeted by Mike. “Hey guys, glad you could come down this week.” He motioned us in and we went into the large entry way and then into a front large room off the kitchen. “Your box is over there near the patio door” he pointed talking to John. “Great, this was much easier and we really appreciate the effort.” “No problem, all I did was sign for it a couple days ago. Bring it back before you leave and I’ll drop it off at UPS”. John in all his planning had boxed up all the items from home that I had pondered over. He had packed toys, gear, some porn tapes we’d made together and other odds and ends. “Ok, we’re ready to go. Sorry we can’t stay but we need to get set up and checked in. I’ll call you this weekend Mike to set things in motion.” John said as we walked out the door, “Hey, hang on,” Mike called back. “Come here” he said to me. “I have something for you.” Mike went to the kitchen and came back with a full paper lunch bag just barely folded at the top. It was slightly heavy, as its contents seemed to be subject to tearing the bag. “You be careful with this and carry it for John and no peeking inside until he tells you. This is from me and I’m hoping to see you use it.” He said. My cock stirred. “Thanks Mike, I appreciate it and whatever it is, I’ll be sure to show it off for you.” He laughed, “oh yea, I know you will.” John and I left and proceeded to the resort. He had reserved a room on the second floor, and the very last room on the balcony. The room overlooked the pool and Jacuzzi and gave a front row seat view of the main lobby and entry into the compound. If you got up on your tiptoes you could see over the front wall into the street out front, but otherwise, it was secluded and private. “I chose this room so that guys would have to walk down here to look in this room, not just happen upon it or walk by over and over again. I also chose it because this balcony will be perfect for you to stroll down and show off your ass to the majority of men here.” I wasn’t quite sure what he meant at the time about the men having to walk to the end to “look in the room”, but later found his plan to be well thought out. As we unpacked our goods, John handed me the chastity cage. “Go ahead and put this on for me..” I think he sensed my initial disappointment and put his hand on my waist. “You know how important it is for you to focus and I know you enjoy it.” He was right. I slipped into the bathroom and took a piss without the cage on. I spit in the clear CB3000 tube and slipped my cock into the short down turned tube using my little finger to stuff my skin and meat into it. My piss slit spread open as my skin dragged on the unlubricated sides. I closed the clasps around my balls and inserted the posts. Then I closed the lock through the primary post returning to the room and handed John the key. “Good boy, you look so hot in that new cage I got.” He had left the metal one at home, and this one although restraining was much more comfortable and lighter plus you could see my cockhead and piss slit through the clear tube which made me think how now at least I could see my cum not just feel it. John picked up the phone and called the front desk. “I’m sending my buddy down to pick up the sling, is it ready?” he asked. “Okay, he’s on his way.” Looking at me he told me to go down to the front lobby and pick up the sling he’d reserved. “Before you go, remove the chap shorts. I want you to go down in your cage and boots.” My heart began to race a bit in my chest as I looked out the window. I was going to actually be allowed to walk naked in my slightest of gear in a public space and actually talk to someone. I’d been an exhibitionist before, but in closed quarters, a safe place you might say, but outdoors in a public resort was a new experience. The front desk had said they wanted time to clean up the sling they had for us when we arrived. I did as John asked and removed my shorts standing naked in my boots except for my caged cock. The chastity device forced my balls down and spread them wide between my thick thighs, almost presenting my nads as being smashed against my body by an invisible board. It did look cool in the mirror as I passed it on the balcony and walked down to the front lobby. Several men around the pool glanced over but didn’t say anything. I looked back up over my shoulder and could see John watching me from the balcony. He was now stripped down standing naked wearing a ball cap there in the open air smiling down at me as he light a cigarette. It excited me. As I got the sling the clerk was really attentive to my cock cage. “you been wearing that long have you?” he asked. “Yes, about 4 months now.” I replied. “I didn’t see it on you when you came in.” “No, it was the traveling and airport routine so we took it off.” He handed me the sling and had me sign the paper. “Have fun sport!” he said. Walking out into the sunlight again I thought it odd he would call me sport when he was about 10 years my junior, but figured it was just his way of being friendly. He was a hot looking guy, muscled, tanned with brown hair draped over his eyes. His body was smooth I could tell and from the package he had showing in his shorts I figured he was above average in the cock department. I had the sling over my shoulder holding it with one hand and in the other a cloth bag containing the straps to hang it with and stirrups. I rounded the pool and there were two men, naked sitting on the side of the Jacuzzi who hadn’t been there previously when I went past the last time. They were both hot looking, muscled and tan with great bodies in their late 30’s or early 40’s. Their soft meaty cocks laying on the pavement below them made my cunt twitch. I looked up and there was John, looking down grinning as I carried the sling past those two men, up the stairs and to our room, I looked back and their gaze followed me all the way there. I felt natural here. John spent another 10 minutes or so setting up the sling in the front room between the two queen sized beds. We had to move the nightstand between the beds as the sling mounts were positioned that the sling would have easily swung backwards and knocked over the lamp or slightly graze the nightstand. “Let’s take a walk around the grounds. Toss on your cotton shorts I don’t want your ass burning”. I did as he suggested and he slipped on a pair of his own and slipped into his boots. We left the room and walked the full length of the complex. There was an outdoor workout room, a dark maze area around the back, a large tent erected in the side yard which we weren’t sure what that was for, another semi-outdoor room with bunk beds in it and porn playing, lockers, a steam room, a dry sauna, a large room where breakfast was served, and over 2 dozen guest rooms all facing the center courtyard. We went to the lobby and got a few drinks. Walking back out he said, “we’ll have to get some food and drinks and shit from the store and stock the room this afternoon. I’m going to leave you here and I’ll be gone about an hour, okay?” he asked. “Sure, I can wait in the room.” I replied. “No, I don’t want you in the room. I want you to get some afternoon sun. I’ll oil you up and then you can lay under the misters, those should keep you cool enough.” I agreed and we went to the room. John pulled from the drawer one of my red soiled swimmers jocks with the narrow band. “Here you go, slip this one on and I’ll get the oil.” I bent forward to slip my legs through the straps and saw behind me a man looking into the room through the picture window. He was openly groping himself under a towel. He was about 50 years old, built nicely with silver fuzz on his chest and a goatee. John came back from the bathroom and waved to the man. He nodded back. “Turn around and face the window”. I did. John proceeded to pull my jock strap off of me showing the man my caged goods. The man’s hand began to stroke himself faster and deliberately. John stood up behind me and poured the oil out over my shoulders allowing it to cascade down the front and back of me. He then began to massage it into my skin, all over me, including my ass, thighs, calves and feet. When he reached my crack, he stuck an oiled finger, then two, and then three into my cunt. Then he turned me so my back was to the window and had me bend over. He pulled my white ass cheeks apart exposing my cunt to the man in the window. I was so excited by this. I could see from my vantage point the man remove his towel and toss it up over his shoulder. I could see the thick upper shaft and fat cock head just over the windowsill but could not see the length or base of his cock and balls. I could tell it was a pleaser though and I wiggled my ass slightly. Then John continued with his show and stuffed his fingers back into me so the man could watch and fucked me slightly for a moment. John left me bent that way as he went to the box and retrieved one of my hole plugs and slipped it up past my outer ring until it clamped down on the hard rubber. “Okay, I want you to go straight to the pool side, lay flat on your back and keep your ass out of the sun as much as possible until I return. If you get too hot, come on back up and get showered up. Don’t get in the pool” He kissed me and walked past me and out the door. He stopped and talked to the man who had been watching us briefly looking back into the room at me as they did. I got one of the large towels and went to the pool, locking the door behind me. The man who had been watching was further down the balcony now strolling past other rooms and peering inside. I went to a chair and stretched out. I considered just laying back and taking a power nap thinking I would probably need one. I drifted in and out and from time to time would look up around me responding to noises of water splashing, men passing by, being cordial to say hello to passers-by. Several men had begun to gather on the opposite side of the pool, completely naked, their legs spread widely allowing me a full view of their meaty cocks and heavy balls hanging in the heat of the desert sun. There they were all lined up, some reading a book, others like myself sunning with their eyes closed, while others where looking right at me. There were some wearing dark sunglasses that prevented me from telling just where they were looking but they were turned in my direction. A thought ran through my mind as I openly eye-balled their cocks, wondering how many of those very cocks I was viewing would be erect and dripping taking aim at my spread pussy and seeding my hole soon, and I reveled in the reality and possibility of it. As I looked at each man I thought of a specific area of the resort that he would take me in and breed my cunt. I wondered how many of them were carrying poz seed, seed to plant in my cunt and continue to feed me my deepest desires. I squirmed slightly in my chair feeling my plug tug on my cunt.. I love that. The time passed by quickly and I saw John come through the gate. “Hey, help me out.” He shouted over, drawing attention from the men across from me to his voice. I jumped up and went to his side taking two large bags as he turned and went back out the gate for the rest. He returned with two smaller bags and we went to the room. As we ascended the stairs he had me stop in front of him and on the staircase in front of anyone who could see, he reached up and removed the plug from my cunt. He ran it under his nose and licked it. We walked back up to the room. We put things up and had a beer on the balcony standing in plain view of the pool. He had removed his clothing again, and I was standing in my jock. He openly slid his hand down my oiled back to my ass and began to fondle my hole. Diddling his fingertips in and around my opening, playing me like an instrument, he knew just how to make me purr, tickling me but sending sensations of want and desire through me. Standing to John’s left side the men below along the pool and Jacuzzi could see his manipulation of my cunt and my reaction as I pushed back and slightly bent forward over the rail as if to be looking at the floor below us. “I love playing with your cunt in public boy.. and I’m going to share it with all the men who want it this week. This is just as much fun for me as it will be for you. I get to show you off and show off playing in your cunt I helped make” I turned and kissed his shoulder and thanked him for being such a great Santa as he slipped the third finger inside me and using his thumb massaged the outer ring of my expanding cunt. He tugged slightly on my lips, pinching it between his thumb and finger. I moaned just slightly and drank my beer. “I love how you keep yourself exposed to me so I can just reach down and touch you and how you’ve come to worship my cock and make me feel good without asking” he continued. “I have you to thank John for allowing me to explore myself through you and I will always be your cunt.” He smiled and said, “well, you may always be my cunt, but you know we won’t always be together.” I nodded and repeated what he had told me from day one. That we were meant to be together for a while to experience what was to be experienced, but that everything runs its course. The important thing was that we both left better for having been there together. We spent another 20 minutes on the deck sharing a few words here and there and I finally could not resist. I had dropped to my knees and sucked on his cock freely there on the balcony, my ass turned toward the railing showing my cunt to anyone who could see it. “That’s it boy, show off your cunt just like I taught you. That’s your sex right there and you be proud of it. With that cunt you’ll get what you crave, cock and cum inside you” John rubbed my head and when he decided it was time to go in, he had me stand and he led me back into the room, closing the door and the drapes. “Phew it’s hot out there” he said, “let’s shower up. I stripped out of my boots and jock and went to the large shower enclosure. John followed. He stood behind me soaping my body and allowed the water to run over me. We turned and I soaped him, washing him completely. I slipped to my knees again and ran my tongue in his ass crack. He leaned forward and I hungrily ate his asshole. He liked that and I liked doing it for him tasting his musky manhole. He turned to face me and presented me with his erect cock, stroking my head attempting to shield my face from the water. Reaching up he aimed the showerhead to my back. The water ran down over my back and down my ass and over my exposed hanging cunt lips. He reached down and fondled me more as I nursed on his cock and licked his balls. I sucked John more, up until his balls began to rise. “I don’t want to cum right now so let’s hold this off some” he said. “Clean out that hole and I’ll be out here waiting.” I spent about 30 minutes deep cleaning with the shower attachment he’d brought and felt squeaky clean, and deep cleaned. I got out of the shower and dried off. He put out on the bed what I was to wear. My collar, red socks, and boots. But before I dressed he had me lay on the bed he ran my electric clippers around my nipples removing any hair at about ¼ inch away from my nipples. “We might shave your chest this week” he said, “really make those tits stand out.” he applied the nipple tubes to my nips, using the manual pump, pumped my nips up filling the base of the tubes a good inch or more. He disengaged the tubes from the pump leaving the cylinders pulling and sucking on my tits and then pulled a larger tube from the box. He told me to get on all 4’s. I did as he asked. I was on the bed right under the window, my head near the headboard. The curtains opened. We waited a few moments and John sat behind me and began to apply a good quantity of bag balm to my cunt, rubbing it into the flesh and my ass lips, massaging it, and slipping his slimy fingers into me. He had taught me that using bag balm from time to time would moisten and help stretch the superficial flesh of my cunt and nips. It made the skin soft. It helped prevent cracking and promoted pumping when on my nipples. “I haven’t done this with you before, but want to start this now. I’m going to pump your cunt.” My thoughts went to first how it would suck my insides out and I felt a twinge of fear, to thinking how my cunt would end up like my nips all hard and inflexible. “What about my hole John?” I asked. “What about it?” “Will it get hard and rough?” “No” he laughed.. “it will help expand it and train it to drop open when I touch it. You’ll have nice ass flaps some day” I loved the thought of that and pushed my ass up further in the air, spreading my knees further apart on the mattress to give him full access. “Do it!” I said. “Hang on I want someone to watch me do this.” We didn’t have to wait long; one of the men I’d seen at the pool walked up to the window and peered in. John looked him in the eye and motioned him to come around to the door. John opened the door and the man entered the room standing in the doorway looking at my upturned ass. “Fuck that is a nice fuckn ass” he started. “I was checking that out when you guys walked up here and saw you take that plug out his hole, fuckn hot.” The man sounded as though he was from the south. He had a drawl in his speech that made his masculine looks that much hotter. John replied that I was a good cunt, and this was my first time in PS and he had brought me there to share my cunt with other men. The visitor liked that idea and said he’d love to have a go at my fuckhole. John said that we’d be having the door open around 7 that evening and would welcome anyone who wanted to join. “What about you man?” the visitor asked John, “you get fucked too?” “No, I’m a top man and although I fuck in groups, my seed goes in this cunt. I’m turning him out this week and making him enjoy being a whore” That was the first time I’d heard John express that. I’d seen him fuck other guys at our parties, even let some of them suck his cock, or eat his ass but I had always assumed he was spreading his cum and sharing it with others as I had my cunt. It made me feel closer to him somehow and not in a way that made him my boyfriend or anything but just part of him. John continued to rub my cunt with the bag balm and then applied the opening of the tube to my hole. He began the pumping and shortly after the tube took a grip to my upturned hole, he turned it slightly to position it just right and then finished pumping until I vocally told him it was beginning to hurt. “Fuck yea man’ the visitor said, ‘you can see that rosebud, what a juicy fuck that will be.” John coached me through it as he always did, calming my nerves, I focused on his voice and I relaxed and felt my cunt expand in the tube. The visitor told us he’d be back that evening and was looking forward to seeding my swollen cumhole. Several other men came to watch through the window, John inviting them in to advertise my swelling cock sleeve and then he shut the door and the drapes after about 15 minutes. “I think we got enough interest in these guys, they’ll spread the word about this to the other guys looking for easy pussy.” He removed the tubes from my nipples first and marveled at the hardness and thickness of my pig nips. He ran the flat of his hand over my pecs and my tits jabbed at the air. “Oh ya, they’re primed” He reached down and turned the tube on my cunt and it slipped free. “Don’t move” he asked. He ran his hand down my crack and felt my exposed flesh, “Stay still.” He went across the room and grabbed the digital camera and snapped several shots. “Sweet Christ.. this is hot..” he leaned forward and displayed the digital screen to me showing me his work. “Awe John, that is fucking unbelievable.” I reached back to touch myself there to feel of myself.. It was indescribable and I felt like a whore should. Swollen nips and swollen cunt. It was approaching 6:40 and we’d laid on the bed for about an hour resting. I actually cat napped a bit and felt refreshed when he woke me fully. He was standing before me in his black leather shorts that I always loved. The cod piece fully packed and protruding from his firm hips. He was shirtless and wore his boots and leather biker hat. His left arm was adorned with his black and red 1” wide armband. “You need to wash up your hole and get that balm out now.. hurry along.” I jumped from the bed and dodged into the shower again using warm water and soap I flooded my ass and cleaned out once again. It didn’t take long at all. John met me as I rounded the corner into the room. He handed me a glass of water. Drink this down, all of it. I did as he asked and he watched me. “now get dressed.” I put on my collar and socks and boots and stood there. “Let’s get you primed, get up in the sling and lets lay out the main course.” He said. I sat in the sling, lying back raising my legs as I did. He took my boots one at a time and threaded them through the ankle stirrups and restraints finally securing them one at a time. “Show me your cunt.” I scooted down and placed my cunt in full view of him spreading my legs wide and finally resting in a comfortable position. He had hung the sling so that my head was just the right height above the rest of my body without the use of any pillows or pads. I felt the air run through my spread thighs and I got a case of chicken skin. He ran his hands quickly back and forth over my thighs and told me not to worry, I’d be warm soon enough. He tossed a spare blanket from the closet over me for a moment and I began to warm up. John slipped behind the half wall between the main room and the kitchenette and I could not see what he was doing. I watched the porn on the screen. A nice sling pounding by a group of men tearing into some willing bottoms ass. Nice mood setter I thought. John came back in the room with the paper bag Mike had given us. Okay, it’s time for you to see what Mike had for you. I lifted my head and looked over into the bag. It looked like a small cardboard box. John lifted it out and displayed a box of new syringes. My throat got tight. Although we partied we were responsible with each other and trusted each other. I told myself that this trip would be no different and that I could trust John. “Wow, a whole box?” I asked. ‘Well, a box yes, a whole box, no, there’s about 20 rigs in there but added to it is the materials to use with them. Mike supplied us with an 8-ball for when we go to his place on Sunday for a party. I purchased more from him and we’ll be using that tonight and part of tomorrow”. John returned to the counter behind the half wall and I watched now knowing what he was doing. He was preparing a rig. My heart was already racing with anticipation. I shivered still under the blanket not sure if it was because I was cold or from the pending slam. I tried to focus on the video and I felt my cunt sucking at the air. He walked back over toward me and set the prepared rig on the bed next to the sling. He had set up a flat surface using a board from the TV stand shelving for me to keep poppers, water and smokes there if I needed one. He turned and went to the box and retrieved one of the videotapes we had made of our sex parties. He turned the channel on the remote and inserted the tape into the drive on the base of the TV. The screen went blue, and then up came the film. It was one that was centered on the expansion and use of my cunt by men, not all in the same session but watching the tape you wouldn’t know that. I was always clad in the same gear, little to nothing and my cock was encased in each one. The slight differences of hair cut or tan was lost in the close up shots of my cunt expanding to wrap around whatever was presented. Toys, cocks, fingers, plugs, booty bumps, with a few shots of fresh cum running from my gaping cunt. My vocal responses flooding the room as I begged for more and the men talked dirty to me. I replied as though speaking another language being filthy in my speech describing my desires and what I felt and needed. He put a towel on the end of the bed and began spreading out the array of toys from the box. He had purchased some new ones I hadn’t seen before and the shapes and size of some of them excited me. There was one in particular, a shiny black one that looked like a horses cock and was very long and got thicker as it went to the base. He walked up to me and pulled my still erect nipples. “You’re going to enjoy this, I promise and I won’t be far from you tonight if you need anything. I may be out on the balcony at times, but I will always be within sight or sound of you, okay?” “yes sir.” John took a section of rubber medical tubing from the box and wrapped it around my upper bicep. He began rubbing my arm and I instinctively formed a fist. Flexing it and opening it. I watched as he found my vein. “Okay, you’re off.” He said and stuck the point into my flesh. “I always hate that part, “ I said. “I know, but it won’t last long.” I watched as the vile filled first pink then red mixing with the rig of Tina. My heart racing I knew what was coming and I exhaled deeply as he pressed the plunger. I opened my hand and he removed the point, bending forward he placed his mouth over my arm where the point had been and removed the tubing. He looked me in the eye. The sudden unexpected coughs came first, followed by a metallic taste racing across in the back of my throat and tongue, that was followed by the immediate mental thought of what am I going to feel, how much did he give me followed by the warmth and heightened sensations that grip your appendages and then rush back to the center of your very being. And the rush turned and centered on my exposed cunt. I became aware of my out stretched legs, I wanted something immediately to touch my cunt. John removed the blanket as he watched me start to fly rubbing my chest telling me I was a good boy. My eyes began to flutter in my skull as he walked across the room and turned out the ceiling light, opening the door, pulling the drapes back fully and came back to me, leaning forward and on his knees he began suckling on my cunt. I was lost and at that same time grounded right there as I felt the sensations of his attack on my exposed flesh. He spoke to me of how he was going to take me further in my transformation, exposing my cunt publicly and whoring me out. He was going to allow any man who walked in that room to place his cock in my mouth or cunt and breed me. These men, he explained, won’t be prescreened like we did at home on the Internet; they would simply walk in and use my cunt. As he continued to allow his voice to overtake my consciousness, I heard him say that I would be fully fisted tonight, that I would accept his full fist and have other men watch as he punch fucked my cunt open even further than ever before; then turn me over to them. I could only beg for him to take me there. All I could do was start to plead “yes, awe ya, please?” I looked up at the screen and I saw toys entering my cunt and I begged him to feed my hole with toys, with something hard.. he complied and lathered one with the large tub of Crisco on the floor beneath me. The light from the table behind him shown perfectly on me in a soft glow and stopped short of my neck. I was able to see clearly in the dark without the light blinding me as men walked up to the window and gazed inside watching us. They were talking and watching. I saw the video camera resting on the dresser top, aimed at my ass. I saw the solid red light knowing it was running. I felt John lather my ass now with the lubricant and the initial pressure, although light, of the toy that was about to enter me. I looked to the sidewall to my right and saw in the mirror that it was one of my larger toys disappearing inside my cavity with such ease. “You’re a good boy, taking this big meaty cock I have for you.” he said. My mind swirled around the fact that it wasn’t a real cock, that it was just a toy, or was it a real cook as I looked back up at John standing there pushing his hips into me; that fat cock still lodged inside me, he was fucking me with that.. it was his fat cock, the toy was an extension of him and it was his cock fucking me now, widening me and filling me. He stepped back and punched the end of the toy repeatedly, I felt my guts move as if a wave had hit me. “Okay to join?” we heard. I looked up through haze and John looked over in what seemed to be slow motion. “Fuck ya guys, come on in, this cunt is hungry.” I heard him say. Three men entered the room, each in various stages of undress, one fully naked with his cock pointing the way in front of him, the other two stripping as they walked in. John stood up from his position and the men surrounded me, each feeling of my cunt and the huge toy stuffed inside it. “Oh ya, this fucker is needy isn’t he?” one said looking to my eyes, knowing my dilated eyes had given me away. “Why yes he is, and he’ll beg you for it.” I took my cue, I had been zoning some but it was to be expected. I began telling the men how it was my first time in PS and that I was being trained to be a poz’d, chem’d cumwhore and needed my cunt trained properly like a whore with as much poz seed as possible. How I ached to have my cunt filled and stuffed and dropped open in public and wanted each of them to cum deep inside me. There was little hesitation if any at all as one man took control of the toy in my cunt and began ramming it, eyeballing the other toys on the bed. “He take all of these?” he asked. John said, “all but the last three on the end. Those are for a bit later when I make him my puppet.” The men knew what he meant, so did I. “I’m poz” one said, “me too” said the other, the last looking at the first two said, “fuck, I don’t know but I’m not passing up my go at this cunt.” One by one each of these men had his turn with me. They worked in unison spitting in my face, calling me a whore and pile driving my stretched exposed cunt with various toys. I asked for their cocks, their fingers and their cum. One of the men took two of the averaged sized dildo’s and began to punch fuck me with them one at a time, alternating between the two back and forth until he shoved both in side by side, stretching me as he twisted them and turned them. Another was liberally coating my chest, legs and arms with a layer of thin Crisco, spreading my sweat all over until my tanned skin was shinning in the light. As I was being fucked with the two dildo’s I told them they were going to make me cum. “fuck you aren’t even hard man I don’t think so’ one of them said. John, standing near by with a boy sucking on his cock looked over at me, watching. “No, really, I think I’m going to cum.” I said. Then I felt a release, but it wasn’t cum, I was pissing bolts of warm yellow chem’d piss out my cock cage. With each entry by the man shoving dildo’s in me, piss shot out of my cock and drooled across my torso from the opening of my cage. One of the men bent over me and lapped at it, spitting it into my mouth. “Woo-ee!” he said, “lets hold off so he can piss.” The man fucking my cunt stopped momentarily while they got John’s empty glass off the dresser and held my cock down over the front of the sling, pointing the opening into the glass, I released my piss. “Hey” John called over, “in that box there is a toy with a funnel tube connected to it. Go ahead and stuff that in there and fill him with that piss.” One of the men got the dildo with the attached funnel and shortly after they were filling my hungry hole with my own chem’d piss. It was amazing as I felt my body absorb the recycled Tina, the best booty bump I could describe. While this was going on they were discussing fucking me and one lined up between my thighs and pulled the plug out slowly. I hadn’t absorbed all the piss but was gaining ground with the affects of it. He slid his hard cock into me and began to slow fuck me, pulling the sling so I swung on it. I looked at John, now he was fucking that boy over the end of the other bed, slapping his ass. I liked watching both the live porn and up on the screen, the video showed John fucking me. The guys liked the porn, thought it was cool to watch and commented how it was something different and more personal. The man inside me began to ride me harder, the other two feeling his nips and putting their hands on my opening as he fucked in and out of my slopper. One got down under the sling and I felt the most amazing thing, his tongue was licking the cock going in my ass and my hole at the same time. He convinced my breeder to pull out and stuff it in his mouth and back in my cunt. The cock sucker commented on how good it tasted, my cunt juices and piss mixed with precum. The man stood firm, gripping the sling straps pulling me in for one last plunge when he emptied his balls in me, groaning he looked at John saying he’d just dumped in his whore’s cunt. John looked at me and asked “What do you say cunt?” “thank you sir! More, I need more.” The man who’d fucked me, pinched my nip and slapped my open cunt with the flat of his hand. “you’re welcome and I’ll be around all weekend.” The other two tag teamed me for a while, each taking turns and then pushing the other aside to take aim and sink their cock into me. They came inside me soon after the other and left the room thanking us. Just as they were saying their so-longs, I noticed the man who had been watching us earlier in the day through the window when John prepared me for the pool. He walked slowly toward the door keeping eye contact with me as if waiting for me invite him in. I motioned with my head for him to come in and he walked up to the sling and put his fingers on my cunt, slipping them in and pulling them back out to examine them and stick them in my mouth. “Nice…” he said. “Thanks, I need you to fuck me.” I said. He bent pulling his shorts off and I saw the full length of his bare cock.. it had to be at least 7 ½” long, but was as thick as my wrist. He stepped forward rubbed his cock head on my open hole. He bent down and sucked on my cunt for a moment and stood back up to plant his cock inside me. He didn’t last long. He humped like a rabbit, but his girth felt good. He dumped his seed, and walking out thanked John. John and I had a few moments alone then, and he walked over to the kitchenette and I heard the paper bag. Surely he wasn’t going to slam me again so soon I thought. He spoke to me about how sexy I was, and how proud he was to have a cunt like me to whore out. He was pleased and I was too. I waiting for him to return marveling in how I was feeling, how slutty and dirty I was but so turned on being this cunt in a sling transitioning to a full chem’d whore. John approached and I saw nothing in his hands other than a glass of water. “Drink up we need more piss for your cunt and you need hydrating.” I swallowed the large glass of cold water, I looked up at him and as he stepped in between my thighs he said, “Here’s your candy-cock whore” and sank his Tina coated cock head deep in my cunt. “Now what do you say?” It was my first night in Palm Springs with John, I’d just finished taking my fourth load in under just over an hour and he had planted his Tina coated cock deep in my cunt. “awe, yea, fuck yea man, I need that…” I moaned and gyrated my hips, bucking back up against his hips. He hand his hands firmly planted on my pecs as he pushed harder and began to make his cock swirl around in a circle inside me, coating my insides with his candy-cock. He looked at my eyes and told me how much he was enjoying making me his whore taking men’s poz seed. I replied telling him how slutty it made me feel to have those same men leave after breeding me without saying much to me, but being sure to thank him as they walked toward the door. “That’s what happens to a whore, you’re nothing but a fucking cunt for them to use, get used to it.” I felt a new urge rise up in me to show him just how much I understood that. As he backed away from me, pulling his dripping cock from me, he walked around the side of the sling and fed it to me. I opened my mouth tasting the tart remnants of cum mixed with my tina juiced ass. “Tastes good huh?” he smiled looking down and I could only nod my head as I cleaned his cock off. Swallowing the sticky fluid adding to my high. In the mirror behind him, I saw a man looking in the window. I had heard footsteps first and it registered with me what John had said about having the last room at the end of the balcony. Anyone coming that direction was coming for one reason, to look in our room, and John used that signal to put on his show for the voyeur’s. John spit in my face as I sucked his cock and he reached down between my spread legs and began to man handle my cunt. I felt one of the average sized dildos being used as he verbally coached me to clean his cock. I lost sight of the man in the mirror as he was headed for our door. “Come on in.” John invited the stranger to join us, I looked back in the mirror and saw another man. The dildo was removed from my ass and I felt fingers and then a cock slapping my opening making a wet “fwap” sound. The man was hard. “Look what’s knocking at your door slut.” John said, pulling his cock from my mouth. I turned and saw that the man had a respectable 8 or so inches, was uncut and sported a nice PA. He was average built, like he worked hard for a living at some labor-intensive job. He had firm hands, great arms and a broad chest. He had thick hair all over his forearms that brushed my skin as he would touch me. He stepped back a moment and took the dildo John had removed and put it back in, sliding it effortlessly back and forth. “How long have you been whoring him out tonight? How many loads?” John said 4 loads, just over an hour.” “Nice” he replied. As he kept using my hole he ran his finger over the top of the toy and collected a mass of juice and cum, he reached up and stuck it in my mouth, opening his as though showing me what he expected. I licked and sucked his finger clean tasting more of the mixed fluids. I began to hump my hips up to meet the invading toy, wanting him to go faster, deeper. “Good fuckn whore!” his tone with me was much different that it had been with John. It was deeper, more forceful. “You want my cum in your twat fucker?” he asked. “Yes Sir, please breed me.” He turned and looked at John. “You mind if we blindfold this bitch?” he asked. “Not at all.” John brought out a bandana first, a red one, and tied it over my head and eyes. Although I could still see through it, I knew this was his attempt to help keep the sweat out of my eyes. He placed the leather blindfold over that. “I like a whore but I don’t want him looking at me knowing what I’m doing. I want him to feel me, not see me” he said. “He’ll treat you right, won’t you cunt?” “Yes Sir!” The man removed the toy and I was sent into a private space of visions created only by the sensations and feelings I was having as he completely and totally ravaged my cunt with his cock, his fingers and whatever else he was using to stretch me open. I know he was using the array of toys on the bed available to him. John came up beside me again, turning my head and having me suck his cock. I felt his hands on my head, I felt the burly man’s hands on my thighs and in and around my hole as he attempted to stretch my cunt over the widest part of his hand, his fingers wiggling inside of me to open me further. Then I felt more hands, on my nips and pumping action. There was someone else there. My head was turned and another cock slid into my mouth, not fully erect and tasted of a fresh shower. As I sucked the new cock, he praised my mouth, telling John what a great cocksucker his whore was. It grew as he fucked my mouth and throat. It was a nice thickness, I could feel the large ridge around his plump cock head and taste his precum. He went past my gag reflex and I opened my throat to him. The cock in my hole began to swell, and as Mr. PA man dumped his load in my cunt he let loose a page of verbal remarks calling me his fucking bitch, and that we was going to impregnate my whore pussy, the tubes were suddenly tugged off my nips without ceremony and replaced with his mouth as he fell forward on me chewing my tit. I slipped the cock from my mouth and thanked my breeder repeatedly for his cum. “Did you charge my cunt? Did you give me your dirty seed?” I begged to know. “I did bitch.” I heard him talk to John as they walked away from the sling and I felt a set of thighs between my legs. “You sucked cock so good now I need some of that pussy too. You want some more cock you whore?” I responded by wiggling my ass, spreading my thighs more by bending my legs and humping the air. “Yes please, please fuck me.” “Your whore pussy is swollen out past your crack man, and that cage keeping your worthless cock in place makes me hot. Wiggle that little bitch package boy, make your nads bounce for me and push out your pussy.” he said. I wiggled side to side and then humped up and down allowing my caged nads to flop around for him. I pushed as hard as I could and was rewarded with more verbal responses from him. He placed that plump cock head in me and slid in easily, a nice squishing sound and as he pulled back, a suction sound. “fuck man, you are a whore, a whore with a sloppy gaping cunt.” I felt him put his cock back in me and then I felt that dildo again, the one from earlier that John had been using on me. “Let’s see if you can take both cocks bitch.” From behind him I heard John edging him on, “Ya, that’s it man, show that whore how to get double fucked and like it.” The images in my head of my cunt being double stuffed with a cock and a fuck toy sent me over the edge. I felt that familiar twinge again. “I’m gonna piss!” I said. “Yea? You gonna piss your sweet dribble out of your faggot whore cock boy?” my new top man asked. “Here, put this in there with your cock instead.” I heard John say. “Oh fuck yea, that is hot.” I felt the dildo removed and be replaced with what felt like the funnel plug. “Let me help get this in” John said. “Spread that cunt boy!” now John was speaking to me in a more authoritative tone than I was used to. “Come on, open that cunt and take this plug. Don’t you dare piss yet.” He said. The plug popped in finally as best it could next to the mans cock. My nads were pulled down and I heard the sound of my cock cage hitting the side of the funnel. “Piss bitch” my top man said. I started to piss slowly and I felt my hole push out. “Oh fuck yea, this whore is primed I can smell that piss is ripe with chem..” I felt the warm fluid begin to fill my hole. My top began moving his hips slowly, “oh fuck that is so hot. I can feel it around my cock… oh, uh oh…” his cock slid out quickly, he shoved the plug in harder..I arched my back.. “Lay down bitch, take this like a good whore.” I lay back down, breathing heavy I felt my burn begin. The piss was a short one, I knew I had more but it wasn’t coming out. The plug was removed and I was then being fucked again. “That’s a good sloppy fuck now sport.” He said. Sport. I knew now it was the desk clerk from earlier in the day who called me that. I knew he had a nice cock, and I was right. Now I had the image of him in my head as he fucked me. He twisted his cock into me, drove into me and continued to use various implements on my hole as he finally began to pump faster and I knew my reward was soon to follow. He jerked and slammed his cock into me grunting with each bolt of cum that shot inside me. He remained there until he went soft and his cock fell from my gaping hole with ease. I felt fluids running out of me and down over my ass and pooling under my ass in the sling. “Don’t waste that shit man.” He said, I felt his hand under me then he put those same fingers in my mouth. I ate from them and licked his hand clean. “Thanks for the great fuck man, I’ll be sure to pass it on.” “See you later whore.” Then I heard the door close and the sound of the drapes being pulled shut. John removed my blindfold and bandana. I didn’t mention that I knew that had been the hot front lobby clerk. “Time for a quick filler up” he said, and he returned with a new rig of meth. “Before we do this. I want you to get down, stretch a little, drink some more water. But let’s put this plug in you first.” John plugged my hole before he had me stand. This time, the plug was one of the larger sized. “Fits good now.” He said smiling. I took my break, and then he had me sit on the bed. He slid the point into me and I lay back, feeling twisted and hungry. He put me back in the sling, opened the door and several more men walked in shortly thereafter. I lost track of time, of faces, real and perceived of the men who used me that night. They ranged from drop dead hunks to old, skinny, short, tall, fat, young, hung, not so hung, hairy, smooth, black, white, latino. They used me like a whore, stuffing me with everything in site and John maintaining my high with the occasional bump from his candy cock. By early morning, I was in the steam room, up on all 4's as i took cock in the blur of the steam. John came to get me slipping his cock into me and deposited his own cum to the mixture. He told me we needed to rest I was going to a party later that night at Mike's where me and 2 other bottoms were going to be providing our services It was Saturday afternoon, John had me lay down and rest for a while after the long night of sharing me as his whore. I didn’t really sleep long, but had several periods of rest, he made sure I enough that I’d be able to attend Mike’s party at his house. I got up and John had me do the preliminary clean up and while I was in the shower he repacked our backpacks with items he wanted to bring along with us. He had me put on a pair of shorts, nothing underneath and my boots. He put his ballcap on my head and gave me his sunglasses. My eyes as he said, “should not see the light of day” and laughed. It was true, the bright desert sun was too much for my eyes and I smiled, “ya, it’s fuckin rude man.” We loaded up the Jeep and removed the side panels and top. The resort let us store it in their locked supply area in the back. We took off headed to Mike’s arriving a mere 10 minutes later. “Sit here and wait until I tell you it’s okay to come in, I need to check something out.” I sat in the jeep and enjoyed the feeling of the afternoon sun on my chest and legs. I noted that there were about 7 or 8 other cars parked out front on the road as we drove up, and in the driveway, only Mike’s cars. I knew 2 other bottoms were slotted to be here with me, and I began wondering how much fun it would be if there were 3 bottoms and only a hand full of tops. My mind flipped gears and realized I was thinking like a whore. 18 months ago, I’d have been happy with one top, now I was getting concerned there might only be half a dozen or so. After what seemed like 20 minutes, Mike came out to the Jeep. He reached out to grab the backpacks and told me to get out of the Jeep and follow him. He took me through the side gate entry to the back yard not through the front door. I followed him through a garden that wound around the side of the house where there was a hot tub, then around the back of the house we entered through a set of double doors into a hallway. This part of the house was not actually adjoined to the main house. It was a separate building altogether. We turned right and entered a large room with vaulted ceilings and one wall was completely glass looking out onto the pool area. The walls were painted in a dark slate color and in the center of the room was a sling. Against the sidewall were closed and locked cabinets, a counter with a double sink and a small refrigerator. Scattered around the room were several vinyl chairs and a large overstuffed couch. Mike went to the far wall and slid open two doors revealing a massive TV screen. Coming back he pulled a cart on wheels over near the side of the sling. “Stip down to your boots boy while I finish setting up.” He said. “Where is John?” I asked. “Don’t worry about it. He’s mingling with the others.” I stripped naked as he had asked. “You want that cage on your cock boy?” “Yes,” I replied, “it feels right.” “Good answer fucker.” And as he said that he reached over and tugged down on my gathered nads. “Fuckn bitch clit.” Mike had me stand, arms outstretched and he inspected me. “I want to make sure you’re okay before I lock and load you. You feeling okay, not too tired, ready for a long night?” he asked. “Yes Sir!” I replied, “ready and willing.” He turned me with my back to the sling and helped me in. I asked him how many men were there and he didn’t answer me. I asked him how many would be, and again he didn’t answer me. He stayed focused on getting me in place. “You’ll be here for a short time before I’ll be opening the den to the others. You are one of three bottoms that I have out here in separate spaces. The three of you will not see each other until tomorrow morning outside on the pool deck. Each space is set up differently. Obviously you’re in the sling room right now. There are two others. Throughout the night you’ll be moved until you’ve been used in each one. Got it?” he asked. “Got it.” I replied. “I’ll be back in few to ramp you back up, I want to see you twisted on the gift I bought for you fucker. Watch the porn on the screen while I’m gone.” I sat back in the sling, drinking from a bottle Mike had given me. The screen came to life and I began watching some late 70’s hot porn. No condoms then, and these guys were fucking hot, like the men you’d meet on the street. There was no clock in the room, but I guess it was about 30 minutes before I heard someone out in the hallway. The door across the hall to mine opened and closed again. I could hear nothing. Although it was still light out, the direct sun was gone having passed over the mountain range to the west. The large glass window facing the pool area had lower operating portions and was open. I could feel the change in the air, as it was somewhat cooler. Up on the screen, two muscled hairy chested and hung men were sharing a young boys hole. I heard the door across the hall open and close and another door beside mine open and shut. The first man on the screen blew his cum load on the cock of the other man fucking the boy. What a hot scene that was I thought. Then my door opened. Mike and John walked in the room. “Hey fucker, you feeling good?” John asked smiling. He was in his black jock and boots, as was Mike. My eyes went to their bulges and I suddenly wanted them to do to me what I saw on the screen. I pointed to it, “Look at that, isn’t that fucking hot?” I said.. “I want that.” John looked at Mike with a knowing look in his eye and Mike said, “you got him right where he needs to be man, nice job.” “We’ll be doing plenty buddy.. just go along for the ride and be a good whore. Tonight you’re going to experience things you have only seen or heard about. First we’re going to start you out at the level you’re already accustomed to, and progress from there.” John said. “Now finish up that bottle of water so we can strap you down.” I drank up the rest of my water and lay back. I lifted my feet and had them through the stirrups as Mike tightened the cinch around my ankles. I looked over and John had the rig in his hand. “Okay cumslut, here’s your candy.” I put my arm out to him as Mike secured my opposite wrist in the restraint. My arm was prepared, and John put the point to its target. “Fucking taking your vein whore before we take your cunt.” Mike growled as he openly groped himself in front of me. My eyes focused on his full crotch as John released the strap. I was accustomed to this feeling now, the cough, the taste in my mouth, the fluttering of my eyes. Mike and John stood back a moment watching me until I set into a level keel. High and twisted I rocked in the sling, humping my hips up and squirming my ass, I felt my cunt push out. “He’s fine, let’s go.” The lights in the room went out completely. It was still possible to see, but shadows began to cast across the room. I saw movement in everything. I closed my eyes and became impatient in no time wanting my hole filled. Music began to fill the room. Techno of some kind, but it had a beat I could focus on, and my body began to respond to it. It wasn’t long after that when the door to my room was swung wide open and blocked. I could hear the other two doors opening as well. “Okay you fucking pigs, stalls are open.” Mike yelled in the hallway. I could hear footsteps in the hall. The light in the hall had been turned down and a red light of some kind was illuminating the space. Men began to pass by the room, stopping to look in and leave to the next. It reminded me of the baths. I looked outside and saw it was now dark. The pool area was dimly light I saw several men sitting around the heated pool, drinking, smoking, and some were stroking their cocks looking in the direction of the “den” as Mike called it. I wondered if each room had windows like mine. Whores on display I thought to myself. That made me even hornier, on exhibition like this was far superior to the small window in our resort room. Two guys entered my space and approached, both wearing chaps with their sex fully exposed. Both had PA’s, tats and facial hair. Both were shaved bald. Each were in their mid 40’s. “Let’s get this slut started.” One said to the other. There was very little ceremony, I have to be honest as the first up between my legs spit on his hand stroking his cock and roughly felt my hole. “Dry as fuck, get down there and get him ready,” he ordered his equally hot friend. The other man dropped and began licking, sucking and tonguing my hole.. I heard him spit. I heard him giving his friend head, and then I felt both his tongue and the head of the other mans cock against my opening. He slid into me and began to pile drive his cock into me. His friend came to my face and presented his cock for me to suck. I opened my mouth and took him in my mouth. The two of them using my holes for a short while before they swapped places. Again they shared what I was offering. They spent about 20 minutes with me, and I openly begged them for their cum, but they didn’t. I tasted precum, that was it. I had precum in my gash, but that was it. As they were leaving, the second and less aggressive one leaned over and spit in my mouth. “I’m going to do you a favor fucker.. “ and reaching into his waist pack, brought out a small bag of powder. He leaned forward and with a wad of spit on the end of his tongue he blew it up my right nostril. Taking his pinky finger and dipping it into the bag, he shoved his pinky up my nostril and widing it, going deep I felt a slight burn. Then he went between my legs and spat at my puckered cunt, then licked it slightly. “Push out your lips for me bitch.” He said. I pushed as hard as I could. I felt his fingers on my outer ring and more of his candy being spread on my cunt lips.. he cleaned the remnants off his fingers as he shoved them in my ass. The two of them walked out of the room and were soon replaced by another man. I felt a new sensation and thought it was familiar to me as “K” Not too much, but just enough. You been fucked yet? I was asked. “Yes, but no cum in me yet.” I replied. “No cum? Awe isn’t that too bad.” He said. He mounted me as unceremoniously as the last two had, a little spit and I had him to his balls. Then it dawned on me, there were no poppers on the stand next to me, no more water, no lube. “I’m not going to seed you either bitch, just use your hole to build up my load for one of the other whores.” I felt used. I felt cheated. I wanted that cum and I asked him again to please give me his load. “I got a poz load man.. you take poz loads?” I shook my head yes and recounted my experiences so far this weekend. He listened intently, I felt his cock pulse a few times, but he didn’t cum. He stood still, not moving, ordering me to stay loose and not try to milk his load. I did as I was told, even though it went against my instinct. He reached forward and tugged at my nips. Damn it I thought, my nips aren’t full like they should be, where was my pump? Again, I felt less than I wanted to be. “Okay slut, I got something for you.” I heard him say and I was thrilled at the thought of taking his load and I began to tell him thank you and expressing my need for his cum. He laughed. “I told you I’m not going to cum.. but I will fill your gut with my piss.” Slowly I began to feel his piss shoot from his cock and fill my hole. I felt the familiar warmth followed by the scent, knowing it was chem’d. I thanked him just the same and before he left the room he had me clean his cock with my mouth. “Later” This continued for several hours until John finally came in the room and I asked him where my pumps were that I needed my nips full and how come no one wanted to cum in me? “You’re making me so fucking proud man,” he said, “it’s all part of your night. You’ll understand soon enough.” John went to the counter area and unlocked the cabinets. From my vantage point I could see an array of toys and gear. In one end was a stainless steel box. He went to the fridge and returned with a bottled water that had a nipple on it like a baby bottle. He tilted it up over my head and as he fed me the bottle, he reached down between my spread thighs and fingered me. “That’s it fucker, be my whore.. suck that down and then I’m going to ramp you up one more level.” Men entered the room to watch. It was a new feeling, being fed through a nipple and fingered. I felt taken by him again. I felt like I wanted that nippled bottle to be his seed, or his piss. My thoughts went to wanting my nips to be as big as that nipple and wondered if they would be. I openly moaned. The men seemed to like that. I removed my mouth and told him I would need to piss. “Piss right where you are.” I put my mouth back on the bottle sucking in the fluid and as he fingered me deeper my bladder was released through my cock cage. Some of it being fingered into my hole as John captured quantities of it and cupped his hand like a funnel running it into me. The rest coated my balls, ran between my thighs and dripped to the floor beneath me. “Now you smell like you should.” He leaned down and sucked up the small pool of piss from my navel and licked my cunt. “fuck yea.. you’re such a good whore.” I had nearly finished the water when the nipple was taken from me, and John returned with a new rig. He found a new spot on the opposite arm and injected me quickly. “next one will be in a new room, so enjoy this.” Again, I felt the comforting embrace of the Tina and I shook lightly for a moment.. the other men in the room gathered close. I don’t know how many, or what they looked like. I only know my cunt was being driven and plowed hard. A hand went over my face and covered my eyes. It was fast followed by an article of clothing tied around my head. I could not see. I felt sensations of cock, fingers, and toys entering me. I felt several hands spreading me wider and then my ankles removed and placed in straps that reached back behind my head spreading me as wide as I could, my knees toward my elbows. I heard pieces of comments, remember some of what they wanted.. I responded to everything, if I didn’t they took it. “Fuck he’s getting real wet without any lube.. “ one said…followed by, “just like a trained whore will do after enough friction and precum” “no, it’s the K I put in his lips” another voice said.. “give him some more then..” I felt a large toy enter me deeply.. “Ya, he can take it deep, lets put it deep” The toy was removed and replaced shortly after. “Feel that cunt?” I heard, I shook my head; it’s all I could do as I mumbled, moaned and begged for them to use me. “Fuck yea..” I felt the tingle deep this time. They planted some K deep in me with the toy. It didn’t’ take long and I heard my hole gushing with liquids.. my own.. it was sloppy wet. The clothing was removed from my face, I looked down through over my sweat coated body and saw a man approaching with a long tube.. and a gas mask. Another man took the clothing they had used and sprayed something into the cloth stuffing it in my mouth. They put the gas mask on me. The cloth had a new affect as I felt my insides unfold starting at my rib cage.. “Oh fuck yea.” Followed by moaning and verbal comments.. “look at that fucker open.. he’s ready.” Another said. Following that my mind circled and I felt an almost out of body experience, completely focused on my cunt. I could see myself in the sling being taken by a circle of men. I felt my hole being stretched and stuffed. I felt my own sweat mixing with my piss and their sweat. I inhaled more of the cloth. A hand reached up under and removed the soaked cloth from my mouth. “Get him down now guys.” I felt my hands and ankles removed. I looked up and it was John. “Stand up slow.” He said. I sat up in the sling. I felt my legs regain their strength slowly and I stood. John was in front of me and I fell forward for a moment into his arms. My gas mask tube caught between us he whispered in my ear. “You’re going across the hall now, it’s time.” I was led to the next room some under my own power, and I saw before me a dark red painted room. In the center of this room was a medical examination table, to the side a sitting sling. My cock, even caged, wanted release. I was put on the exam table, legs in the stainless steel stirrups. There was lube and grease all over the base of the table and some gobs of it on the floor beneath the sitting sling. I knew someone else had just been here. Music began to fill the room, a different beat than that I’d heard before. John approached. He showed me he had coated his cock with more tina. “You don’t need another slam for a while, this is just to maintain you.” he inserted it into me. “John?” I asked, “thank you.” I said. He removed his cock and took the tube of my gas mask turning my head toward him. “No, thank you.” he said placing his cock in the opening of the tube.. men began to approach and one in particular kneeled down in front of my exposed cunt on the exam table and swung the stirrups up and out making me slide down slightly. He began to massage my cunt.. and John lifted the hose above my head and my mouth and face were flooded with his piss. I swallowed all I could. The man working my cunt told John, “you said you wanted to film this, you better get your camera.” John left the room.. “I’m going to open your cunt tonight whore, I’m gonna be your trainer, I got small hands but I’m going to use my fingers and then my fist. I’m going to use whatever I need to use to open you.” Another burn as I knew he had just bumped me again with something. I closed my eyes and felt my hole push out.. he coached me like John had in the beginning, telling me to open my cunt, knowing how much I responded to his verbal dirty talk, he knew he had a goal in mind, and he was telling me what to do. A hand raised my hood and a new cloth was put in my mouth, again, the same spray that had been there before. I felt myself unfold again.. and I felt my hole take more than it had ever done, not in depth, but in girth.. I heard jeering comments, I heard them tell me to show off my cunt, they each promoted my being a whore. Then I saw my nip pumps and felt John apply them.. he pumped me full. I pissed and again it flowed freely where ever it needed to. Some was used on my hole, some scooped up and wiped over my chest and stomach. I pushed my cunt out as hard as I could. I felt the stretching and finally I felt my cunt sucking on a large object.. “you’re pulling me in fucker.. you’re getting there.. keep it up.” This went on for well over an hour, in and out, fucking me with his small fist, pulling the walls of my hole open with his fingers and sinking his hand back into me. I didn’t know how deep, I couldn’t see. John stayed close by filming and other men would reach down and feel my opening as the other skilled man trained me to open for him. I began to feel the burn and the pressure. I told them I was feeling full. As the hand was pulled out of my hole and the topman rubbed my belly, he pressed down, and running his slimy hand over my stomach from my ribs down to my cock, he pulled all the way out and I released a wet slimy fart that left my hole standing open… “he’s ready for the sling.” He said. Before I was put in the sling, John gave me another slam. Again, I was sent to my headspace. My legs were put through the straps up to my thighs, the lower back strap across me, I was suspended in air my cunt drooling below me. My nips full and hard. I felt right again with the world. Men began to circle and share my exposed dropped cunt. Reaching under me they probed me, their hands slick with j-lube. John had me lay back enough as I had not yet really sat back and down all the way. A higher strap ran across my shoulder and he had me lock them under my stinky arm pits. A game of grab ass was under way, except in this one, it was penetration by hands and fingers.. “give him just a little more K” john said, right on his exposed gash. A dry paper towel ran across my opening several times rubbing it clear of lube.. the K was massaged into my rosebud. It didn’t take too long for it to have its affect. Three men were left now in the room with me, laying on the floor under me with their hands extended upward reaching into my hole.. the music had a beat to it, and they were using my hole sharing it to the beat of that dungeon music. I was being punch fucked and my cunt was making suction and sloppy sounds that can only be appreciated by those who have experienced it.. lube ran from me to the floor down their arms.. we were a sticky mass. As I came down from the high and found myself suspended there and alone I reached down and felt my cunt. It had dropped fully open. As I did this, John walked in the room. “Don’t worry slut, you don’t need a diaper yet.” I smiled at him.. he walked over and pulling my nips sucked my tongue into his mouth he squatted and lowered a hand between my suspended legs and fondled my gaping cunt. He groaned and told me it was taking great shape. Looking in my eyes he asked me if I liked that in his daddy tone..”yes I do..very much.” I said. “uh huh, I know you do fucker, and I’m going to love sharing this open cum hole more and more. You want that?’ “yes please!” John helped me down from the sling. I slumped on the floor for a moment and he knelt beside me rubbing my back and chest. He walked over across the hall and returned yet again with a bottle of water with a nipple on it. “you seemed to like this so here, let’s feed you some more.” I took the nipple in my mouth and sitting down with me, he pulled me across his chest holding the bottle near his own nipple. I sucked at it looking up at him as he looked at me. “Good fuckn whore.., so fuckn sweet.” He said, running his other hand down between my legs he aggressively worked my cunt deeply and I raised my legs to plant my feet flat on the floor to provide him full access. “Just like a bitch..I want some of that myself” he said and had me lay flat and put my boots on his shoulder. He reached behind him and scooped up the globs of lube from under the sling and began to enter me himself. My cunt burned and I told him.. he took the bottle of water and made the lube more slick again. Returning the bottle to my mouth, he fully fisted me to his wrist. He looked me in the eye and spit in my face. “Fucking whore!” he said. We left the room and went across the hall to the third room. I asked John what time it was. He whispered in my ear, 4:00 a.m. You got 3 hours in this room and then to the pool at 7. In the third and last room, there was a large bed covered in play sheets. They were spotted with cum, piss and lube. This room was the smallest of the 3. It had a sling also, but it wasn’t flexible made of leather or other fabric. It was a leather coated board. John sat me down on the bed, he inserted a rock into my cunt and then had me snort a line of K. “No more slams tonight. You don’t need it”, he laughed. I got on the board and he secured my feet. “here’s some spray type poppers you seem to do so will on.” He grinned and handed me a full spray can and a cloth. I took a hit to see if it was the same and it was I liked them a great deal. Several men came in the room and began to fuck me. They were more in the party mood now, focused on only what was in front of them, while others were laying across the sticky sheets talking and making out, sucking cocks. I phased in and out for a while at first and then noticed a new guy. He was fucking hot, muscled, smooth chest with nips that I wanted on my own chest, and he was stroking a thick meaty donker cock. He was about 6’2”. He stood like that off to one side and behind the group making lewd faces at me, shaking his head yes and darting his tongue in and out of his mouth as he watched a cock bury itself in my cunt. “fuckyea” he mouthed letting his drool drop to his fist around his cock. At this point I’d lost count of who or how many loads I was getting. I was sure to thank each one for their cum, telling them I had hoped they were poz loads.” Finally it was the muscled man’s turn. He knelt down and sucked on my cum filled cunt and shook his face back and forth over my opening coating his face with my juices.. he stood up glistening and licking his face as far as his tongue would reach and stuffed his meat into me. It was easily taken.. “You are one sloppy fuckn whore pig, you know that?” he asked. “Yes, I know I am and I love being this way for men.” He smiled and what followed was a long fucking, slow then fast and hard, over and over until I begged him to cum before I had to leave the room and go outside. From time to time John would come in and pump my nips or give me his piss. My high well maintained. John stood near muscle man and said something to him that made him grin and said fuck yea. John jacked off onto the mans fingers. Finally muscled man wrapped his hand around his cock and stuffed both into me. I bucked and moaned. “Lay down bitch” he said.."look at that man, he just shot his wad inside that cage.. fuck!" I did, the sensations and the fact John let him use his cum in my hole made me cum. He began to jerk his cock off in my hole with John's cum. John got down and took the head of the cage in his mouth and vacuum sucked my cum out and ate it. Although I’d like to say I felt muscle mans seed shoot in my cunt, I couldn’t. I felt him jerk and knew he was cumming and by his facial expression of surprise and release. He was a silent cummer. “There’s a fat poz load of dna for you.” he said. “See you outside.” I left the room only after John put a much larger plug in my hole. We went to the deck and I was rinsed off with the garden hose. It felt good. I was so hot and sticky. I looked behind me and two other guys were being led outside. One black kid about 20 and the other a guy in his 30’s looked as though he’d been crying. We were all washed up and given some fruit and water. The two other bottoms were escorted away shortly after breakfast and they left. John sat down next to me on the lounge chair. “Good fuckn party huh?” he asked. “Yes, it was, and my cunt feels like you could put that melon in there.” He laughed.. “good, I’m happy you’re enjoying yourself.” Mike came over and chatting with John mentioned they’d be doing another one next weekend if we were still around, we were welcome to join. John told him he’d be interested, but that he’d let him know. “How about you whore? You interested?” Mike asked? “Hell ya, can we skip the first room though?” I asked.
  2. John had shown me that I was far from a full-fledged card-carrying top man and once I became poz, he helped me understand my feelings about it, that in fact it was a release of fear that had been holding me back, keeping me in a repressed state of being. Limiting my thoughts, holding back my true desires. He introduced me to an entire new world of sex and allowed me to experience the parts of me I had repressed. Thanks to him, I was transforming into a full time bottom pig, with an insatiable cunt that needed filled with cock, cum, piss, toys or fists. Exposing my hole to men was something he taught me to be proud of and that once I did that regardless of the man, it was my place to pleasure them. That for me, my cock and my cum were last on the list, if at all. He had taken time to train my pussy into a full cunt. He put me in long-term chastity preventing me from using my cock other than to piss through a slit in a tube locked and caging my nads. He taught me it was okay to be verbal, to express myself and not only state what things made my cunt feel good, but to praise the man who was exploring it and using it to pleasure his own cock or his own perversions. He took me through the various forms of kink but through experiencing them in a mutual and sexual way. He wanted me to explore my perversions and extend my reach into those things I had only fantasized about. We had bareback parties, literally every single weekend for nearly 2 ½ years. Our home was well known by the regulars to the point that if things fell through for them on their nights out, they’d swing by our place knowing full well a party was most likely underway with tops, bottoms, and versatile guys there, but always guaranteed my cunt to fuck if they wanted it. They knew the environment was a safe one to feel good about being who you were without hang-ups or judgments. Partying was approved, but it had to be responsible or at least be with a buddy who was monitoring the high. In our sling room men who fucked me were provided with a grease pen to write their first names on one particular portion of the wall. If they were repeats they weren’t to add their name to the list. When I sold that house and had to white wash the room for showing, I counted 232 names on that space. John’s being the first. It was remarkable that that many men had not only been through my front door, but had entered seeded my cunt. Becoming the poz’d cum pig was, as I’ve said a long sequence of life experiences. After becoming one, it seems that the story had only begun. Upon arriving home from work one evening, I was greeted at the door by John holding a shot glass. “Drink up.”, he said, “I just mixed that up for you.” He handed me the shot glass and I looked in it. It was cum. I smiled and downed the shot glass of his fresh load using my tongue to clean it out properly. He had a way of surprising me that way. Another time while watching TV he jumped in the bed with popcorn, one bowl for me, one for him. Mine was “buttered” with his cum after he’d jacked off over it. We were kindred sprits as I liked to recall my habit of sticking my precum drooling cock into guys drinks. Now it was me eating a mans cum freely and willingly in many ways. “ I got another surprise for you” he said. “Two guys are coming by this weekend who are in town visiting. We’re going to have them over early on Saturday before the group party and have a little private one.” He was blurting all this out, obviously excited by the plan as I went in my room and set my things down, getting undressed. “That sounds cool, where are they from.” “Palm Springs and they’re up here for Pride Weekend.” I stripped naked and walked into my bath now fully equipped with my own shower shot, specially ordered by John from Fort Troff sporting an 18” rubber hose for deep cleaning. He sat on the toilet as I got in the shower and began my daily ritual. John taught me that regardless of the prospects, it was my responsibility to always be clean when at home, if anything for him. I found this a good routine as it kept my cunt cleaned out and it also provided a much needed training of flushing my deeper bowel. “Ya, they emailed me responding to the ad for this weekends party. They’re both tops.” I turned my head quickly… “really?” He knew me all too well. I was game for any group session, but it was far and few between I was treated to a room of top men. “yup, both bareback and both are poz.” “Woo Who!” I yelled back as I continued to wash myself. “Hurry up and get out of there” he said leaving the bathroom, “I’m hungry”. I finished washing up and brushed my teeth. I took the clippers out and freshened up my flat top. I ran the trimmers around my nipples and finished drying off. I headed to my room. Although we lived together, John and I had separate bedrooms. This was for several reasons. First, we all need our space. Second, he snored like a freight train. Third, he couldn’t keep his fingers or cock out of my ass, and I could keep my ass or mouth off his cock. We decided early on it was best. It was also nice to “visit” each others room for a little fun from time to time and then still be able to get a good nights sleep. That was important for both of us. Beyond that, we had too much shit to fit into one closet or room and I liked having my dog in the room whereas he didn’t. I walked in my room and John was sitting on my bed and continued on with his news. “They want to party and I told them about how I transformed you to a bottom pig. They’re partners and love breeding poz cunt together, tag teaming them. Here’s their pics.” As I was listening to him, I put on what I usually wore around the house when it was just John and I. I pulled up my black leather chap shorts that left my ass fully exposed and on through the front opening, my chastity clad cock and balls hung freely. At this point I’d been in chastity about 3 months. I wore it 24/7. I looked at the pic and was delighted to see two very handsome men in their mid to late 40’s. One was white, the other black. The white guy looked to be about 6 feet tall, buzz cut and goatee, broad shoulders, muscled hairy pecs, huge protruding nipples, nice guns, and from what I could tell through the jeans well packed. His partner was smooth, a bit taller shaved head, pierced nips, clean-shaven and lean muscled swimmers build. He wore black leather pants and it was hard to make out his crotch. My cock chubbed as much as possible in its restraint but more importantly, my cunt started to ache. That good ache like it was in need of filling. “Fucking hot John.. damn!” “Ya boy, I’m going to film it for them too. They said you could wear a hood, but they wanted to videotape the action and I told them we were good with that. Now turn around for me..” I signaled an approval by shaking my head yes and turned and got up on my bed doggy style as I did nearly every night when John was home. John leaned forward and tasted my cunt running his tongue over it lightly and then sticking his tongue inside me sucking on my ass lips.. “Mmm, fresh meat!” He reached over his right side and I felt the all too familiar coolness of the plug he would insert into me. He placed one hand on the center of my back pressing down so that my ass went up and he twisted and dropped the intruding plug into my cunt, spreading my lips but securing itself against my hole with its leading edge. “Won’t be long we’ll need to move up a size cunt boy” he commented. A single strap went through the end of the plug and snapped into the back of my chaps waist band, while the other looped through the base of my chastity device and snapped back on itself. I stood up and his hands ran to my nipples. “Good boy.. you cleaned them up for me.” “Yes sir.” I replied. Turning back to face him, he placed the black flexible cups over my nipples and released allowing them to draw my nipple fully up into them. First one, then the other. He leaned into me and kissed me fully pressing his tongue into my mouth. Alright, let’s eat. I followed him in the kitchen, letting the dog out the back door and sat at the table. He’d prepared a small meal and we ate talking about the weekend’s prospects and our visitors from out of town. “Look, if we hit it off with these guys, there’s a chance we could stay with them when I take you to Palm Springs. They said they had a huge house and held parties often.” He’d been telling me he was going to take me when the time was right, and I knew it was approaching. When we finished eating I cleaned off the table, put the dishes in the dishwasher and let to dog in. John retired to the den downstairs off the sling room and adjoining play space. He yelled up to me from the basement. “Hey boy, you almost done?” “Yes, just need to finish up the pots and pans.” I replied. “You’re desert is down here.” I knew what that meant. I finished up the kitchen and brought two drinks down to the den. John was sitting in “his chair” as he called it because it was low to the floor but built like a recliner with room for me between his legs. He was wearing a bathrobe and had the news on. I handed him his drink and he pulled me down to him and kissed me, reaching up removing my nipple cups. I knelt down between his outstretched legs and opened his bathrobe exposing his naked body. I sat on the flat pillow on the floor beneath me placing my hands on his thighs; I took his cock in my mouth. I pressed my plug against the hardness offered from the concrete floor and pillow against my ass, pushing into my prostate. He had taught me how to pleasure a cock with my mouth and not to use my hands. Even with those stubborn hardons that slapped back up and away from me, I was to use my head, mouth, and tongue to work their cocks back to my mouth without the use of my hands and continue to service them. I became quite skilled at that. I began sucking John’s cock. I loved his cock, it was full and thick, even when he was soft and had an amazing piss slit that I enjoyed lapping my tongue through and around. He’d pumped his poz loads into my cunt now for nearly 10 months and fed me orally on a regular basis. He knew I loved cock, and he only continued to feed my need for it to where I no longer just sucked cock, but learned to worship it, to feed from it and to nurse on him. I truly desired cock. His recent spraying of cum on my popcorn and offering me a shot glass was only another progression toward teaching me to love and crave cum, without the benefit of a cock. In time, he would teach me to lap cum up from where ever he found it and he was teaching me that too. I was not ashamed, but proud of who I was becoming. I came to find these sessions of servicing his cock this way as he had his drink, watching TV as relaxing for me as I’m sure it was for him. He had no agenda, he did not demand that I suck harder, faster or even force me to make him cum under any schedule. It was simply me servicing his cock. My mouth on him, where it belonged. It was in my control to nurse and feed from his cock and he let me explore that need. He would often cum and feed me his load but even after that did happen, my mouth remained on his cock long after and I made him feel as he said, “the way a man should feel, with a boy between his legs always making him feel good” In time he would also teach me, at my request to drink his piss from his then flaccid cum drained cock. It was me who sought out that new experience, as I wanted more of him. On rare occasions we would sleep in his room, my head in a harnessed hood strapped and locked to his waist. His cock would remain in my mouth all night with him telling me that it was my pacifier. I would take his piss and cum all night long as it was offered. He had made me feel good countless times, and even now as he was training my cunt, he was still a master at knowing what to do, how to teach me without forcing anything on me but allowing me to explore my animal and to let it out. He did not demand I call him Sir, or that he was even my Master. He was simply a top man and I was one that wanted to please him as best as humanly possible. He treated me as a man, equal in that right but with the understanding I had a need to give of myself to a man in those ways. I wanted him to be proud of me and to make him happy. He did the same for me. He coached me and praised me; always sure to let me know that what I was doing or wanted was normal and to be expected of any true cunt boy. During the time I was nursing on his cock like that in the den he would drink his drink, smoke a cigarette, being sure to rub my head or stroke my face and comment on how good I was making him feel. He encouraged me. I would begin to move on my plug, being sure to stimulate my cunt as I sucked this mans cock and began to taste his precum. I would purposely pull back allowing his stringy mass of precum to run from his piss slit to my tongue and let him watch me lap it back up. I wanted him to see my enjoyment in this place between his legs. Time passed casually between us and after nearly close to 2 hours, he had already cum and I had cleaned him of all remnants of his orgasm and had enjoyed playing with his soft cock in my mouth until my spit began to turn dry. He occasionally stroked my nipples as I nursed and when all was finished leaning down kissing me, he sent me to bed. “See you in the morning.” That morning was Friday. I had to go to work. John met me in the kitchen as I put the kettle on. He reached down between my legs and unsnapped the strap holding my plug in place and then spit on his fingers rubbing them around the outside of my hole, I leaned over the sink. He turned and twisted the plug and it came free from my cunt. He tossed the plug in the dishwasher. I felt empty. “Go get ready for work. I’ll make some breakfast.” I got in the shower, washing the dried sweat from my legs formed under the shorts and bending forward felt of my cunt. It was in “bloom” as John would say, standing slightly open on its own and lips swollen like most mornings. I washed it freely with soap and turned to allow the water running down my back to flush over it. It felt really good. The thought crossed my mind how I’d become so focused on my cunt. Pretty much ignoring my cock. It felt right. Friday came and went like any other day including my evening routine with John. He’d met up with his connection and obtained his party supplies for Saturday. We spent most of Friday evening cleaning up the play space to ensure it was free of any remnants of lube, grease or dirt. He set out the new bottles of poppers and lube and mixed up some J-Lube and put it in the fridge downstairs. I stocked the rest with beer, soda and water. I washed any soiled play towels and folded them placing them back on the shelf. We went about our business getting things ready. Saturday at 3:00 in the afternoon, the doorbell rang. By now, I had spent 2 hours preparing myself being fully washed, face shaved except my goatee, hair removed around my nipples, cock cage rinsed through with water pressure from my shower shot and of course my cunt clean as clean could be. John had me in the den and porn was playing on the screen. I was sitting on a rim seat, dressed in my collar, my chap shorts, ankle high boots, and of course my plug. He had previously used the pump on my nips to the point they were sticking out from my pecs a good inch. He’d trained them well too over the past few months. I was proud of my tits sticking out from my pecs. I remember thinking how I wished some of those guys I had fucked over the years had had some nice pig nips for me to fondle and play with as I fucked them. To this day my nips show under sweatshirts, and even jackets over that. They were hard as nails and folded over only at the base when tweaked. I felt natural in this state. I could hear the men talking and laughing upstairs in the kitchen as John offered them drinks. My excitement was overwhelming me as I considered how much admiration I held for John for doing things like this and my nervousness over pleasing these men. I heard them coming down the stairs. “Is it okay if we change before we meet the cumhole?” I heard one ask. “Sure, go ahead and change here, I’ll be right back.” John came to the doorway and looked at me and ran his hand over his face, a signal to me to close my eyes. I did as he instructed and I heard the door close. I could feel my hole pushing the plug outward and then sucking it back in, and couldn’t decide if it was doing it on its own or if I somehow was trying to get ready for what was to come. As I focused on that, I could hear sounds of chains, zippers and ripping like Velcro. My mind began to race. Then I heard clearly, “have you bumped his cunt yet?” from one of the men. “No,” John replied. “I thought you might want to meet him first with a fresh clean cunt and have the honors yourselves.” “Sweet, I like the sound of that,” came from the other man. This was my signal that I would be partying under John’s control, not my own. I was okay with that and trusted him to control that. The door opened and I sat straight in the rim seat. I felt eyes on me and they talked more and commented on my body. John spoke highly of my skills telling them they’d be pleased. I felt hands on me. Over my pecs and my nipples being tugged followed by more praise from the men. I felt a hand slip under the rim seat and pull on my plug enough to make me squirm, but not enough to remove it since the straps would not allow it. I felt another hand fondle and bounce the weight of the chastity device up and down between my open thighs slapping it around a bit, and then a mustached mouth pressed against mine and I opened my mouth accepting his tongue. He slipped it in and licked my mouth and then he spat into my throat. I swallowed and then opening my mouth at the coaxing of a hand on my jaw, a finger slid in my mouth accompanied by a cock. A large cock and I began to suck him. His hands on the side of my head feeding me his cock. I felt hands beneath me releasing my plug. It was John, leaning into my ear saying, “good boy.. that’s so good of you to suck that mans cock for him.” The plug was removed and immediately replaced by a man sliding under me. It was mustache/goatee man. I felt his bristles on my exposed cunt. “Awe fuck yes, sweet looking gaping hole on this boy.. “ and his tongue darted in and out of my exposed stretched lips. This is the only way I knew that the cock in my mouth belonged to the black man. It was longer than average, and without opening my eyes I knew it had to be longer than 8”. It was thick as well but glided evenly like a straight arrow, and I hadn’t felt his balls on my chin yet, or else they were contained in something else. John approached from behind again and placed a blindfold over my head. This helped, as I no longer had to strain to keep my eyes closed. I continued having my cunt eaten out with him using his hands to both spread my cheeks further apart telling me to move on the seat to hold them further apart and him gingerly fingering my now exposed rose bud. His tongue was amazing and I felt my cunt opening more. After a while, the goatee man said, “Chris, you gotta have some of this.” And the man whose cock I was sucking pulled away and I thought they were swapping, but I was soon rewarded with John’s cock in my mouth. Regardless of where we went or how fucked up I may have become I always knew John’s cock, blindfolded or in a dark room or even through a glory hole in my ass, I knew it was his. You might think I couldn’t in my ass, but we had a signal. He would enter me fully and then wait a moment and pulse his cock a few times. He had great skill at that trick, making his cock head well and his cock jerk inside of me. It was then I felt Chris underneath me. He had long fingers and narrow hands. He spread his fingers over my ass and pulled me further apart and he commented to his friend, “Holy shit, this is one beautiful cunt” as his tongue disappeared into me he wrapped his lips around my cunt lips sucking on them, nibbling, and jabbing my open hole with his tongue… his hands released his grip on my ass and again he forced me to widen my stance on the seat so the chair held my cheeks wider apart. I felt the skin at the base of my spine where my crack begins stretching. His hands cascaded up my torso and he began to twist my nipples and pull down on me forcing his face further up my wanting hole. John continued to slowly glide his cock in and out of my mouth, occasionally allowing its full length to fill my throat and holding my head he said “hey Chris, try this out” and as I gasped for air my cunt pushed further out into Chris’ hungry mouth. He immediately moaned uncontrollably beneath me, I felt his breath as he breathed harder and I heard goatee man say, “fuck what did he do?” John explained what he’d done and goatee man said he wanted to try that too. Chris reluctantly got up and allowed his partner access to my cunt and as goatee man slid under me for a second time, John said, “Chris, you try this end. This is something you guys should do more of for each other when you tag team.” My mind was racing thinking just how hot it was that these three men were talking about me as though I wasn’t there, that I was their toy to experiment with. It made me all that much more horny and my desire to please them peeked. Chris slipped his now raging cock into my mouth. It was much fuller than it had been. He glided it back and forth over my tongue and asked goatee man if he was ready. I felt goatee man purse his lips directly around my exposed swollen lips and push his tongue deep into me.. “Um umph” he said.. and then Chris proceeded to enter my throat holding my head. He was larger than John for sure, and stretched my throat he was surely longer as I still hadn’t felt his balls on my face.. I gagged hard, three times and as I did I heard goatee man moan and growl beneath me and I felt what must have been 2 inches of my insides push outward into his mouth. I heard the bottom of his feet behind me stomping the floor in his boots and his hands were up on my nipples twisting them. The men repeated this several times before goatee man removed his mouth from my cunt and said, “fuck yea, this cunt is ready for a bump I think.” I was escorted to the sling space. The room had been prepared and porn was playing on the screen. I was familiar with the dialog on the screen and the music. It was one of the hardcore ass play and fisting videos. Goatee man asked if we could muffle the volume on it and if he could play some of his music he’d brought along. John obliged and the TV went silent and the room soon filled with Dungeon music. The sounds of steady techno music mixed with moans and chains and whipping sounds filled my headspace. I was placed in the sling, my feet and hands bound to the restraints. I was slightly disappointed as I still had not seen the cocks of both men, and had only sucked one. Goatee man remained a mystery. I felt someone move around behind me in the sling just over my head and felt John’s hands on my pecs softly stroking me. He often did this to reassure me and relax me “your being a good boy and these men are going to need you to pleasure their cocks tonight. You know how to do it and I know you’ll make me proud. I want you to enjoy your place tonight and be good. If you want or need anything you just ask me, I’ll be right here.” He reached down and I felt the familiar wetness of lubricant on my nipples and nipple tubes adjoined to a single tube lay across my chest. I heard the electric pump start. Within moments my nipples were sucked up into the tubes and the pump shut off. John released the clips on the tubes and left the cups dangling sucking fully on my nipples. I felt goatee mans mouth on my fully exposed cunt. He was eating me freely again, and me strapped in the sling unable to do much. He told me to slide down in the sling a little. I did and found that my ass was now fully spread since my legs were pulled back further. It was comfortable. A pillow was put under my head. “How big a bump can he take John?” goatee man asked. “Pretty good actually, but hey we can always prime him more if we need too.” “is this good?” asked Chris and John said, “oh ya, that will be good for now.” From the sounds of it, it was probably more than John anticipated so I knew I was in for a jolt. I heard the preparation going on while goatee man continued to lap at my cunt pulling back and commenting on it. I felt the long insertion of the small kitchen baster John used to apply my booty bumps with. I felt the rush of warm liquid enter me deeply and as usual, I felt a plug placed in my open hole. Another pillow was put under my lower back. “Don’t want to waste any of that boy” said goatee man. “John,” I asked. “ya, what is it, you feel okay.” “I feel good, is it okay for me to talk too?” The guys laughed, but in truth no one had given me heads up on whether or not they were into a scene or if this was to be natural. John leaned over me as did Chris and goatee man. John apparently had called them over close. “This is all natural boy. No scenes. You let yourself go and we’ll be doing the same. Do what comes natural to you.” “Thanks, that’s all I needed to know.” John explained to the guys that in my desire to please I would often over think things but that once I had settled I would be fine. Chris leaned into me and said, “I just want to feel your body baby and I want to breed you deep with my cock. I love pig cunts like yours” “Me too buddy.” Said goatee man. Moments went quickly, the tubes removed from my nips and they were soon being sucked, bitten and pulled. The plug was removed from my cunt and I began feeling one toy after another being used in my hole. The men praising my progress as we went and at one point expressed their amazement at how I had successfully taken 3 toys at once not just in my cunt but that they were fucking me with them in unison. “We might have to double fuck this cunt when you bring him down to Palm Springs John” one of them said.. who I don’t know. I was flying. I could hear my hole getting sloppy as it sucked and spit back. “I need to fuck him now that his cunt is talking back” John said, and I was immediately rewarded with his cock. He commented on how loose my hole was and I felt his fingers enter me with his cock.. I felt my cunt expand to his touch as it always did. I felt him stretch me more and I begged him openly to turn me out and to whore me out. “fuck he’s flying now” goatee man said, let me have some.. and for the first time I felt his cock. As high as I was flying, I paid attention because I had to know. I felt his hands first, they were thick and I felt my cunt filled with parts of his hand, how much I don’t know. This was followed by his cock and although my hole was stretched with his fingers in it as well I had a hard time knowing how thick his cock really was, but what I did discover is how long it was. It felt like one of my larger toys that reach 9 or more inches and I openly told him so. He wanted me to tell him more. I told him how I had not tasted his cock yet or felt it till now and how I had anticipated it and wanted to feel it. I begged him to fuck me. He pulled on the chains of the sling and swung me back and forth in his approval until I did feel it’s full girth and length. I was right, had to be at least 9 and very thick. John continued praising me calling me a good cunt. Chris came around to the side of the sling and held the sling still and stuffed his cock in my mouth again, while goatee man began to pile drive my cunt. Sweat ran from my body pooling under me in the sling. Chris chocked me with his cock and my cunt pushed out around goatee mans cock even more. “Oh fuck yea, do that some more, gonna make me cum”. Chris continued his abuse on my throat and I in turn continued to push out against that fat cock inside me. Goatee man slapped my ass repeatedly and told me he was going to give me his poz seed deep in my gut. I became vocal through the fat cock in my mouth and throat trying to yell out yes, yes, please. It took a few more times of Chris forcing his cock in my mouth that caused Goatee man to erupt in my well opened cunt. He shook violently and moaned loudly calling me a filthy poz cum whore that he was going to use again. He dismounted me telling John he’d trained a hot cunt. That made me proud. John told Chris, “get in there man and give him some more. He needs it and wants it don’t you?” he asked. “yes please, fuck me, all of you, flood my cunt like a whores.” I loosely responded. Goatee man said, let’s get the blindfold off him” and came over and removed it. My eyes were flooded immediately in the pool of sweat that had been held back from my forehead. It stung. Goatee man quickly wiped my eyes with a towel and leaned over and kissed me stroking my body with his hand. “Good cunt boy.. fuckn good cunt!” At the same time Chris was lining up to fuck me and I looked between my legs and up in the mirror on the ceiling above me to see his long straight cock taking aim. “Fuck how big is that monster?” I asked. “10 and your cunt will like it just fine.” Before he put his cock in me, I felt his fingers inside of me, and again looking in the mirror watched as his long skinny fingers adjoined together slid fully up my cunt to the widest part of his hand. He could go no further. “yea man, you’re opened up like a total whore.” With that he began stuffing his cock inside me. I watched in awe as he entered me slowly making me take his massive black cock. He looked me in the eye and shoved the last part in until at last, I felt his balls slap my ass. He held still for a moment and then told me how he could feel Mike’s cum in me. Goatee man’s name was Mike. Finally. Chris started a slow motion of fucking me and as he did Mike and John said they’d be right back and left the sling room. Chris and I were alone about 10 minutes all the while he was deep dicking me and drilling me using his fingers to spread me wider around his cock. He’d stick his finger in my cunt and pull it out and suck on it and occasionally would offer it to me. I told him that if my hands were free I’d be scooping it up myself and feeding him and myself from my dripping cunt as he fucked me. He seemed to like that and reaching over my head released one of my restraints. I proceeded to show him my hunger for what was in my cunt and freely dug my fingers in next to his cock and pulled the cum from inside of me and ate it. I did this repeatedly and fed Chris from my fingers too. As I did this John and Mike returned to the room and witnessed my crazed feeding. This set Chris on the edge and he announced he as going to dump his seed in my cunt calling me his bitch and I begged him for it telling him I would soon be eating his cum from my cunt too. He stiffened, holding the sling close to him and I felt his cock jerk in my ass as I clamped down best I could on it. To add to his pleasure, I coughed, I coughed hard and repeatedly, his eyes got wider looking at me with a questioning look on his face and I said, “I don’t have a cock in my throat to let you feel what I gave Mike, so I’m doing the best I can to simulate it.” Chris smiled, blurted out “good cunt boy heres some more cum for you to use tonight” his eyes closed and he moaned loudly dumping his cum deep in my ass. When he settled down, John came over and dragged a larger butt plug through my crack getting it wet with the juices flowing from it. He turned and I knew what he was doing, he was coating it with more Tina he said, “Here’s your candy fucker.” And put the plug back in my open cunt. He unstrapped me and sent me to the den. “Stretch a bit and then sit in your rim seat boy. It’s 5:45, others will be arriving in about 30 minutes.” Chris and Mike came into the den shortly after fully dressed. “Hey pig boy, we have to run but we’ll be seeing you soon.” I thanked them both repeatedly for their cum and for opening my cunt. They smiled and said “No, thanks for the video.” Mike gave me a hand salute walking out the door and back upstairs.
  3. So if you’ve read parts 1 and 2, you took the fast track pretty much from high school through today and know I’m a masculine bottom with a poz’d up, cock hungry, insatiable and willing cunt. This, and other parts will be specific experiences along that path. It was the early 80’s and I was finishing up high school. Since I was into sucking cock at a young age, I especially enjoyed watching these boys grow into men, their bodies changing as mine was over time. From showing off our first pubes to each other in the locker room, waging our cocks at each other in the showers, to playing grab ass while the coach wasn’t around, all rights of passage for a boy. For me, a sexual arousal, time after time was providing endless jack-off material during my teens. One kid, Randy, was one of the kids that would change clothes quickly. Wouldn’t drop his underwear in front of anyone, least of all be seen in the shower. He wasn’t anything special, meaning he wasn’t drop dead gorgeous or anything, but he was good looking, and had always towered over us through the school years finally topping out at 6’3”, 190 lbs. Our senior year we got a new gym coach. He impressed upon us that we were 18, most of us fast approaching 19, and the importance of good hygiene and it was his standing rule that no teenager was going to leave his locker room after class without having showered, especially since we were his first period class and would pretty much stink the rest of the day. He made sure of it. He walked the main corridor of the locker room after class making sure that every one of us hit the shower. For me it was a gift from the Gods, and on the second week I noticed that Randy was one guy I hadn’t seen completely in the buff yet. I decided that the next class session would be different and laid out my plan. When we got to the gym locker room that morning I walked the main corridor looking down the rows until I found Randy. He was in a back corner area and had already put his shorts on and was in the process of tying his shoes, one foot up on the bench. I walked up near him, about 4 lockers down, and pulled my shirt off, opened my locker and opened my pants allowing them to drop while I kicked off my shoes. We had talked a few times, so it wasn’t like he didn’t know me. We exchanged a few words and as I chucked my jeans and briefs, I stood up and faced him while I managed to unravel one of my tangled jock straps from my over stuffed gym bag. I had a habit of continually stuffing my used jocks in there and never taking them home to be washed. I felt a rush in my back a Without another reply, he reached for my shorts and up under my right leg opening pulling my cock and balls out in one full swoop and was down on me pushing me back against the wall. I was no contest for his strength or size. I didn’t resist, partly from fear, partly because I wanted head. It was then I looked at the screen, and saw my first bareback porn scene. Jeff Stryker burying his beautiful cock in some squealing fags asshole. I ha gone into a gay porn booth. Thoughts of my roommate finding me this way flashed in my head. Then my manly assailant pulled my shorts down to my knees threading my meat back through the shorts, then reaching up with one hand and rubbing my bare smooth chest, he draped the other around my ass stroking my hairless quivering cheeks and stuck a finger in my virgin hole. It made me jut forward, more of my cock head went in his throat and I lost control of my knees as they were visibly shaking and my thigh muscles were in overdrive forcing me to lean more against the wall and use his pressing weight to balance myself. Within no time, I was flooding this strangers throat. In my mind, he was my first real man and definitely my first public gay sex. He made me give him my cock to suck and it felt good, it felt right. He had stuffed his finger in my ass and that didn’t feel too good, in fact I felt that for another day or so afterwards. Oddly enough though, I began fingering my own asshole not long after that when I jacked off privately and found that it made me shoot harder. My blonde cock sucker stood up afterward, licking his lips saying how much he loved the taste of chicken and left. I settled down for a moment wondering if he’d just insulted me. Did I taste like chicken? What was he talking about? I took a few minutes to wipe my cock off on a paper towel I found on the floor. I found it was wet, but that it didn’t clean me off much. I gathered my wits and left the booths to go outside and wait for my roommate. I spent another year and a half in the dorms, but before my 19th birthday I bought my first car, and I had a new roommate, and then another, and then finally moved off base with two other guys sharing a 3 bedroom house. I had sex with all of them, one became a fuck buddy for over 11 years, including after he got married and had kids. One got drunk and wanted to shoot me and then shoot himself for having “molested” him as he called it. I walked in the livingroom with him holding a loaded handgun and he told me to "sit down and don't think about moving." Good thing room mate number 3 was there to protect me.. but little did either of them know I was boning the other. I cruised the military clubs on base and the ones right off base for the first 5 years in Arizona. I cruised the bookstores almost nightly letting cock suckers swallow my cum and eventually poking their tight holes to dump in. Before ending my tenure there, I fucked my first sergeants 20 year old son, and for fun, fucked his daughter once too. I was glad he asked me to help him move giving me the chance to meet them both and later to party with. One summer I was sent on a TDY, temporary duty assignment to a joint military exercise in Barstow, California on a Marine base. All branches of service were there supporting the military exercises being held in the desert. I was living in a tent-city. 10 guys to a tent in the desert with outdoor showers. It was here I began a new game where I decided it would be hot to have sex with at least one dude from each branch of service. I won’t lie and tell you I got all 4 plus the Coast Guard (DOT) boy on this TDY, but I started my jaded conquest here in the back of a passenger van with one hot army boy named Frank. He loved being stuffed with my bare cock every chance we got over the 60 day exercise. We’d hooked up the second weekend there, driving out to the desert drop zone at midnight runs to pick up pilots to bring them back to camp. It’s a long dark road out to Fort Irwin, some 70 miles into the desert and you can see shit coming from miles off. I impressed my senior civilian manager so much that she requested me by name the next year where I spent 3 months on a Navy base in Virginia Beach and bagged my first muscle bound Marine in the ass raw in his barracks bunk, and the sailor in his hotel room bed. The following year I was banging another Marine who had a huge set of nuts, was married with kids, and a Coast Guard boy in a condo outside Camp LeJune, NC., and finally, I had plenty of Air Force hole since that was where it all started. I chuckle to myself now thinking I even had my Eagle Scout at one point. I was transferred to Houston finally, on my request of a special duty assignment so I could be near my long-term fuck buddy and was granted the assignment. We fucked another 3 years, as I said through his marriage and shit. Houston removed me from a military base, but it opened a whole new world of young fucks wanting their holes filled. I had to oblige. Then along came Hot Love III as we called it in the service.. a term for HTLV III, the original term for HIV. We started testing in the service, and I began thinking again about all the cocks I’d sucked and the holes I’d been bare backing since my enlistment. I figured I was safe.. at least for now. Then bare backing wasn’t in my vocabulary. Fucking was. Fucking without a condom because I didn’t need one with a dude, it wasn’t like I was going to knock him up. Condoms weren’t in my life, and as it turns out, never would be. My first five years in the military, starting at the age of “just barely legal” to 22 were spent in Arizona. Assigned to a unit of just over 220 men. I was what most could relate to as the Radar O’Riely of the unit. Administration. I supported the senior support staff, the first sergeant, the commander, and provided personnel administration for the entire unit. To make it easier for those who have never been in service, your admin person (guy or woman) was essential to making your life easier. We were the ones that processed your leave requests, made your medical appointments, made sure you were taken care of. We were the “go to” person for most anything you may need or want. This position gave me a great deal of access to everyone in our unit. I was like the ‘best friend’ to the new recruits, helping them get set up, get their dormitory assignments, escorting them around base on their first day. After that, if anything came up they needed help with; it was me they came to. The fact I lived in the dorm with them for the first 1 ½ helped. They’d come to my room all times of the day or night for things from being locked out of their rooms, to needing a ride into town. This also gave me opportunities to answer my door in little or no clothing and invite them in. My exhibitionist was in full swing. (no pun intended). Initially my assignment was a challenge in itself for me, just to keep my commander, 220 some odd men, and his staff happy. My supervisor had been in the service 35 years, a Chief Master who had a flat top, smoked a pipe and I can tell you over my time serving with him, I saw junior officers leaving his office in tears. This guy was no one to fuck with. He was responsible for all 220 of us and made sure we kept in line. My first introduction to him was “Welcome aboard. I’m your sponsor. You and I are going to have a conversation. It’s going to be a one-way conversation. I’m going to do the talking and you’re going to do the listening.” I wanted to piss myself. He didn’t turn me on; far from it, he scared the living shit out of me. When assigned to a new unit, everyone was assigned a sponsor, someone to show them around, get them set up and basically be their “buddy” through the first month or so. From there I gained a wealth of respect for that man and he became one of the men who helped to shape my young life in becoming a respectable, honest man. I had initially been assigned to a room in the dorm with Ray. Ray was a complete slob. He chewed tobacco and spat it into empty pop cans. He never did laundry and never picked up after himself, including the pop cans and empty pizza boxes and Jack In The Box bags. We were subject to room inspections and try as I might to get him to help out to keep us off the duty roster as punishment (you had to report to weekend duty) I could not get him to cooperate. I finally went to my Chief and asked that he help get me assigned to a new room and explained why. He told me that Ray was due for reassignment and would be leaving us soon for overseas. I told the Chief I couldn’t wait and that I didn’t want the chore of having to clean that entire room when Ray finally left. Chief said he’d think about it. About a week later I came in at my scheduled 7 am, sick to my stomach. Chief asked me what was wrong and I told him that I had mistaken one of Ray’s empty soda cans of spit and chew as my open beverage and had swallowed a mouth full the night before and had been feeling sick. Chief patted my shoulder and said, “Okay son, I’ll take care of it.” Next day I had a new room, all to myself, at least for the time being. Chief told me that I’d end up with a roommate eventually so not to get too comfortable. I was out of my room with Ray in less than 2 hours. About a week went by and as I was sitting at my desk one afternoon, in comes the Chief with someone in tow and I see this cocky strutting, well built, but well mannered guy, about my age saunter up behind the Chief. He sat at my desk and provided me with his large yellow envelope containing his orders and assignment documents. “I want you to be this young man’s sponsor.” Chief said. He was being assigned to the unit having just finished his technical school. His name was Bennett. Not his last name, his first. I found that intriguing. He said his mother was a hippy from the northwest and he’d been raised on a reservation. He was part Native American that explained his dark features and chiseled nose, cheekbones and jaw line. He had deep brown pools for eyes with the longest lashes I’d seen on a guy. He was about my height and weight but obviously more muscular and through his green cotton fatigue pants, I could tell he wore boxers since the head of his cock was outlined nicely in the leg of his pants hanging just right to get a good idea of his thickness. He was impressive. He had a bubble ass that rose up and the seam of his cotton fatigues disappeared between his cheeks making me think of a manly camel toe I’d like to explore. I could tell his ass cheeks were mounds of solid meat. A real treasure to look at and a major distraction. I did my job. We got in a government truck and I took him to finance to get his payroll setup as well as to the post office to get a box. The afternoon ended with us going to the chow hall and finally the dorm and I introduced him to the dormitory desk sergeant. The guy reminded me a bit of Ray, disheveled and a bit messy, but a nice guy. He told us there were only 2 rooms left, one on the first floor and one on the third that was with me. I turned to Bennett and wanted to offer up my room to share but before I could he turned to me and said, “You mind if I share your room. We’re about the same age and all and from our conversations sounds like we would get along okay?” I said “sure, give him a key and I’ll take him up.” Over the next week Bennett and I discovered that in fact we were 3 weeks apart in age. That he had gone in the service because he had gotten his under aged girl friend back home pregnant and the judge gave him an option. He took the military. I also discovered he had a great body but not once in the first few months did I catch a look at his bare ass or cock. He was careful not to expose himself from the waste down. I also discovered he was a sex hound. He wanted to fuck and do it every chance he could get. All he talked about was pussy. Either way, what I got from all of his stories and the way he carried himself was that he was sexually experienced, far more than I when it came to girls, hell I was still a virgin in that category. He was cocky in some ways, too cute for himself in others, but overall a real sexual being. That is what I liked most. His confidence, although be it a little over confident, turned me on. To me he was all male when it came to sex. Masculinity is what turns me on, and does to this day. I am not attracted to effeminate men. Shy is even okay, but they have to be masculine. I also discovered that he liked to beat off; sometimes twice a night. If he didn’t do it in the shower he’d do it in his bunk. Our beds were bunk beds and in the night I’d not only hear him slapping his cock, but felt the bed rocking in a slow rhythm. I’d hear his breathing change, and a muffled “umph, uh” followed by silence. In time, I too would wave my spanking for bed to rock in the same rhythm as his, jacking off separately, but together. We never mentioned it. I would seek out his cum rags when he was out of the room, and never found any signs of his wasted loads, much to my disappointment. As for me, I’d let it fly, or use a sock. I offered to drive into town one Friday night stating that we could hit a few clubs near ASU to pick up some girls. He jumped at the chance telling me that if he hooked up not to hang around and wait on him, and vise versa. In my mind, I had no worries about “hooking up” with any college girls. The evening went well. We went to a club with a live band, which to me made no sense because you couldn’t talk without yelling. The place was packed with young, tanned, big tittied co-eds and Bennett was real pleased. I was pleased to see how his attempts to score his evenings pussy was failing because although he was confident, he was flat out a pig toward women. He didn’t have a clue how to treat a woman other than to start out by looking at one, catching their eye and going “Ppssst” and motioning them over. Never failed, they gave him a look of “ya whatever” and looked the other way. He did this enough that I was getting embarrassed. Keep in mind that although I was a virgin to woman, I still had the proper upbringing to know how to swoon and date someone. Who knew you could meet someone and then fuck them in the same night.. especially a woman. The evening ended with us climbing in my car. Bennett grumbling how all the “bitches in this town are stuck up.” I could only agree and say things like “I know, I’ve never seen it like this” and followed it up with some imaginary girl I’d fucked during technical school in Mississippi and how easy it was then. I will admit I embellished my experiences of being with women when talking with guys to make a point or to work on their heads just to get in their pants. If he’d known I was a long-term cock sucker, that I swallowed cum and that I enjoyed stuffing my cock up guys asses to dump my load, there wouldn’t be much of a reason for me to bother being where I was. Having a long drive ahead of us and both of us bordering and likely over legal levels of intoxication I decided to suggest we get a hotel room close by and head back to the base in the morning. He agreed. “I got some weed on me, lets get some more to drink before we get there” he said. The weed caught me off guard and asked that in the future he let me know if he had it on him or in my car. The last thing either of us needed was an inspection of the car when we got back to base. He apologized and from then on always told me when he was carrying. We got the beer at a “U-Totem”, my nick-name for them was U-Scrotum since they were so convenient for me to prime my victims over the ensuing years. We got a room with two full sized beds, turned on the tube to Elvira Mistress of the Dark and watched some B rated horror flick. Bennett stripped down to his boxers and socks and lay on top of the bed rolling the first of what was to be many joints of the evening. I popped two beer and offered him one and stripped down to my tight whities and sat up against the head board. We passed the joint back and forth, drinking our beer when he started rolling two more joints. All the while he was commenting on Elvira’s tits. “fuck man, there’s enough cleavage there for both of us to titty fuck her. I laughed, coughing on my smoke and said, “maybe for you, but I think my cock would take up most of it.” “Fuck you!” he laughed. After handing me my own joint he said, “You think you can over take this huh?”, grabbing the front of his boxers he quickly stood up, lowered the waist band of his boxers, revealing his nice patch of black hairy pubes and slab of meat directly at my eye level. He swung his hips side to side allowing his nads to swing freely and slap against his thighs making a “flap, flap, flap” and then he pulled the band up landing back on his bed. I said, “you tell me.” And from my sitting position yanked down the front of my briefs allowing my growing chub to lay across my right thigh in plain view and with my left hand reached down and pulled my sac out for his approval. He looked. His right hand rearranging his own cock and sitting up on his bed across from me said, “it might be a shower not a grower.” He was testing me, almost in a tone as to dare me. I pulled my briefs back up and as I took a drag off my new joint, I rubbed my cock through my briefs leaving my hand over my growing mound. He lay back on his bed again lighting his joint and left his hands off his crotch. His pubes still visible through the stretched opening. A few moments went by and I stood up to go across the room for more beer. As I stood with my back to him, I opened his beer and pulling my cock through my leg opening, I milked a strand of pre-cum onto the top of the can into the rim of the mouth opening. He on the other hand continued rambling on about the movie. Rearranging myself I walked back over and handed him his beer and lowered my briefs in his face as he had done to me, my cock springing out at full attention pointing the piss slit straight at his face. “Fuck man.. what the fuck?” he asked. “I never saw another dude’s boner like that!” and he began to laugh uncontrollably. I was relieved that he was cool about it but knew that I was “safe” since he’d exposed himself first. To me this was the “sport” of it. You had to play the game. Some guys were straight forward about it, others you had to work on. Sometimes it took one night and a 6 pack, other times it took months of manipulation, careful planning, setting up situations, but in the end, the reward was always worth the price. I laughed and said, “Just wanted to show you the business end buddy.” I pulled them back up and went back to my bed. From my view I could see the length of his body, from his pecs to his toes, but not his face. He too could see my body and because of the lamp table between us, neither of us could see each other’s face because of the lampshade. What he didn’t know, or didn’t figure out was, that if you looked across the room at the TV (like we should have been doing) you could look up over the TV into the mirror on the dresser and see each other just fine. I took great pleasure in watching him draw on his joint and continue to look over at my crotch. My cock remaining stiff in my briefs, I openly allowed it to throb forcing the material up and down from my thigh. From time to time I saw his eyes grow larger and the material tented and I felt like a snake charmer except I was using the snake to charm the man. After a few more beer and I think about the 3rd or 4th joint. He lowered his boxers. I didn’t say anything. With his face still hidden from my immediate view his voice was deeper than normal, and he said, “dude I need to jerk-off. I know you jerk-off because you and I have been doing it in the dorm so this won’t be much different. Just ignore me.” And with that I heard him spit and looking into the mirror I watched with heated passion as he focused on his cock and occasionally closed his eyes, flexing his chest and arms as he pumped and tightened the muscles of his legs. I reached down and slid my briefs to my ankles, spreading my legs and let my cock slap against my stomach. In the mirror I saw him turn his head and look at my cock. I spit in my hand and began to pleasure my own cock, looking in the mirror at his face as he continued to stare focusing on me pleasuring myself. I’d look back at him stroking his hard 7 ½” cock. Our rhythm matched stroke for stroke. He’ speed up, I’d speed up. I’d slow down, he would. Finally, we both blew our loads. Mine landed on my stomach and pecs, and as I looked over, he cupped his free hand and caught his load in his open palm. As I finished pulling the last drops of cum from my cock, I looked into the mirror again and witnessed him bring his free hand up to his mouth and let its contents drop onto his tongue. He swallowed it and then licked his palm just once with his tongue flat against it. He remained in the spread eagle position with his cock laying across his pubes and draining its last bit of cum out onto his torso. Now I knew why I never found his cum rags. He was eating his own seed. That was something I hadn’t considered. I stood up and a strand of cum still hanging from my piss slit dangling, I used my briefs to wipe my stomach and knob off in front of him. I tossed my briefs on the chair and lay back down letting my cock remain in view as it softened and my balls sank back down to the mattress. The evening was winding down as I saw Bennett begin to doze off. He crawled under his covers and said his good night. I did the same. Several weeks later I was in the shower at the dorm getting ready to go out on another “pussy excursion” with Bennett. As I stepped into the room, towel around my waist, I saw that Gary, another of the guys from the unit, was sitting in the chair and looked as though he’d been crying. Bennett was busy talking to him and as I entered the room, Bennett put his arm around my waist and pulled me over to him so that we were side by side, skin to skin my right side pressed against his bare torso. “But Gary, you don’t understand, sometimes he and I need our special time alone.” I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about; I had a moment of fear go up my spine that he had told this guy that we jerked off together. But being as good natured as I am, I said, “ya, Gary.” Bennett let his hand run up my bare back to my left shoulder and rest there, his barearm fully draped now across my back. I felt my cock stir under the towel, fuck this felt good. Gary was 27, nearly a decade older than us. He was what I call portly, short and chubby. What today I know to be a cub. He had a stuttering problem that when he got nervous or upset made it both painful and sometimes comical to hear him go on. He was stuttering now. “But maybe I’d like to join you guys.”, he said brokenly. “No, really Gary,” Bennett continued, “we like our special time with each other without anyone else, so come on, what do you say, can we borrow your car tonight?” “But you can go in his.”, was his reply. “Ya, but come on man, you got a Corvette, and we could score better with that than with his Duster.” I quickly got past the remarks on my car thinking the arrogant fuck should go buy one himself, but then fell back into the game he was playing. It clicked. Bennett was a smooth talker, a self-diagnosed master of manipulation. Little did he know I was better, but I digress. He was trying to talk Gary into letting us two teenagers drive off in his new Corvette for the evening. “Well, what do you say?” Bennett asked again. “Well, you won’t tell anyone what I said will you?” Gary asked. “No, fuck no man, I won’t tell anyone your gay, neither of us will, but you have to let use your car.” Holy fuck! I missed a heavy conversation obviously. I felt a little hot and horny by the fact that Bennett had told Gary that he and I like to “get it on” as a ploy and “needed time alone together” but I was a little uncomfortable with him blackmailing the dude into making him let us take his new Corvette. Finally through tear soaked eyes, Gary agreed and gave the keys to Bennett with a list of stern warnings about taking care of his car. Gary left the room and Bennett gave me a high-five. “Fuck ya, I’m good!” he said. “Had him to rights when he confessed he was gay and had sex with guys and I used the story that you and I were buddies and had sex from time to time to get him to give me the car.” Part of me was flattered, part of me was thinking this fucker had no scruples. As I climbed in the new Corvette, T-tops removed and felt the red leather against my shirtless back, and saw Bennett climb in the drivers seat, I just let it all go. My mission was before me, fuck Gary. We went to a club on the west side and long story short, Bennett picked up on a girl named Casey. During the course of the evening I could tell I was soon to be replaced by this college bitch and as she left the table to go “powder” I pulled Bennett aside and said, “how’s it going?” He said, “not too good. She wants to get high and shit but told me she’s not into one night stands and said that if we go out a few times then maybe.” I told him that sucked and I sat back, my mind working and said, “Hey, I got an idea.” “What’s that?” “Let’s take her to the hotel, get high, drink some. You can start making your moves on her and if she wants me to leave I will. If she flat says no, then it’s no. But one thing we can try is both of us offer to have sex with her, a threesome.” I was putting myself out there because as I said, my cock had never been in a pussy. I’d made out with a few girls, felt their tits, but that was it. His eyes grew wide and I could see his wheels turning. I knew he’d trade his mother if he could fuck a pile of rocks. “Fuck that’s a great idea, I mean guys always want two chicks, we should tell her we want to fulfill a fantasy for her.” “sure man, but get her stoned first or she’s likely to laugh in your face.” I had to give him some kind of advice after all. We left shortly there after and went to U-Scrotum, got the beer, got the room and in no time were laying back watching music videos and passing a joint. Both Bennett and I removed our shirts and shoes. Casey removed her shoes and lay beside Bennett. He began his techniques and I had front row viewing. He whispered in her ear and rubbing her breasts softly kissing her cheeks and lips. They’d look over at me and he’d whisper again in her ear. I used the mirror again to remain as aloof as possible, didn’t want to scare her off and miss my chance of seeing Bennett fully naked with a hard-on, even if it was going into a girls pussy. She sat up suddenly and removed her top and bra. “Dude, strip down, Casey thinks it would be cool to be naked with us. I pretended to not know what was going on and asked her if she was sure. She came over to me and opened my jeans and tugged on them until they fell over my thighs. I took her wrists and said I’d do the rest. She took off her top, skirt, and panties and got on the bed next to Bennett who was now fully naked sporting a respectable 7 ½” hard on. He scooted to the far side of the bed, Casey got in the middle, and I lay down on the opposite end next to her. “Turn out the lights guys please.” She said. I reached over and turned off the light. “The TV too?” I said sure, and got up and turned it off, returning to the bed, Bennett was already making out with her his hands running over her back and down to her ass. From what I could see in the dark, he had one eye on me and motioned with his hand to join. I wrapped my arms around her, and him, pulling them together. I heard her moaning as he manipulated her pussy. She didn’t say no. . I continued with the foreplay including kissing her and sucking her nipple but allowing my hands to brush against his ass while I was pretending to stroke her thighs. With him doing most of the work, and me being the supportive coach, touching her but only so that I could make sure my hands were touching him I figured that in some way we were both getting what we wanted. I’d reach down to her belly but in truth it was so I could feel his cock that was fully hard and humping the back of my hand from time to time leaving his thick pre-cum streaks there between my fingers. I brought my hand to my mouth and licked his sweetness from my fingers and hand. This aroused me more and I wanted to take his load so badly. I knew he would taste good. Finally he entered her and I got a fantastic view of his cock entering her as I swung around and she made a feeble attempt to suck my cock. , At one point, after she had given up on providing lousy head and as he was fucking Casey I felt him reach down and grab my hard cock and squeeze it several times and I in return allowed it to throb in his hand as he released it. I heard him chuckle. He thought he was getting away with this act because it was dark in the room, that I wouldn’t know it was him. I know a mans touch, something he probably didn’t consider. “You need to swap with me man.” Before I could come up with anything and politely decline, Casey said, “No, don’t stop, I’m so close.” The bitch helped save my face or I’d have had to loose my virginity to a woman for the first time. I would have fucked her, but only because I knew Bennett would be watching. Then I witnessed her orgasm, which frankly seemed theatrical to me, lacking the animal I come to look for signaling true pleasure, abandon and release. It seemed practiced to me. Then Bennett drove his hips hard and grunted and drool escaped his lower lip landing on my forearm across her mid-section. I pulled back and licked his spit off my arm while he was focused on his spasming cock. To me, I was only trying to savor as much of him as I could. Moments later as the three of us lay side by side again I felt a hand on my face in the darkness, I knew it was his hand again. I felt two fingers brush my lips and I parted them and then both fingers went into my mouth deeply and I openly and liberally sucked on his fingers. I licked and sucked them like I would a cock. He began to chuckle and as he rolled on top of Casey as if pretending to hump her, he leaned his head over into my right ear and whispered, “you just licked my cum and her pussy juice off your fingers man.” At first I was like any other homo thinking that was just nasty.. but came to realize the taste in my mouth was much more predominant of a mans seed than anything else. I knew that familiar taste. Problem was, for me, it wasn’t enough. Casey left the hotel shortly afterwards begging that she had to be at her parents early. In the morning Bennett had other ideas. “We have Gary’s car, lets take advantage of it and cruise Central Ave. We put on our jeans, and jumped in the car letting the Arizona sun shine down through the t-tops onto our bare torso’s. We talked about the night before, how hot he thought it was that I would help him out so he could get laid but felt bad that I didn’t get “any”. I told him it was cool; I’d get my chance sometime soon. We spent the day driving around, stopped by a few bars and went back to the hotel with full intentions of going back out that night. We’d stopped off at a shopping center and each bought a new shirt. We both showered and since we’d seen each other naked the night before, and I figured since we’d seen everything short f each other taking a shit, I didn’t bother worrying about being naked in front of him. It was a good thing as I noticed he seemed to enjoy seeing me that way. He made no comment about it, other than he thought I had an impressive prick. I told him it was a real ass splitter. “Ass spliter? You fuck chicks in the ass before?” “No man, just saying is all….” He grabbed a joint and I sat down on the end of his bed. He passed it to me and after a few drags he said, “you ever fuck around with a guy before?” “Why?” “I don’t know, just a question.” “have you?” I asked. “No, but after last night, I think it wouldn’t be too far off, I mean, that was my first 3 way, and not sure I’d tell anyone it was with another guy. But it was cool wasn’t it?” I smiled, passing him the joint and said, “yea, and you feeding me your cum wasn’t anything we should brag about either.” He laughed. “Fuck, I have to tell you, the way you were sucking my fingers I had mixed feelings.” “What do you mean?” I pushed on. “I mean, it was sexy, it felt hot, but at the same time I was just trying to be nasty and when it was done, I felt kind of turned on by it making a dude eat my jizz.” I told him if it had been anyone else I would have decked them and patted him on the back, letting my hand fall short of he boxer clad ass on the bed, close enough that he could feel it there. By this point my cock began to stir. I didn’t try to hide it from him. “Man, you’re making me horny with all this talk.” “Me too.” he said and pulled his cock and balls out of the front opening in his boxers. It stood tall and there was precum forming in his piss slit. “You want to try it?” he asked. “What?” “You know, getting it on with me?” I played the part, “I don’t know man, it isn’t something I thought about.” “Come on man, we nearly did last night, or could have. We’ve jacked-off together, and even after last night..” he hesitatd…” and we’re still cool today with each other, aren’t we? Are we cool?” I looked at the floor and back at him passing the joint again, “ya man, sure, we’re cool, but I don’t want you pulling any shit on me like you did Gary.” He laughed. “Fuck man, he’s gross, and besides, I can fuck with him because he has nothing on me.. in this case I’d have no room to say anything since I participated”. I let him take on the role of the party doing all the convincing. This was more than I could have asked for. I stood up and grabbed another joint from the bag on the night stand and lighted it, my cock stiffening in front of his eyes. “Fuck, see you’re as bonded up as I am over the thought of it.” “Okay fucker, let’s try it.” I said, acting as unconvinced as possible. I lay down on the bed next to him and he says, “you need to suck my cock.” I asked why I had to suck him and not the other way around. “Come on man, just do it, you tasted it already last night, and you need to give me time.” I went down on him, I acted as unskilled as was possible but my instincts took over and soon I was deep throating him, tasting his salty precum relishing in the 19 year old’s taste, knowing, hoping how good the final reward was going to taste. He grabbed the back of my head and was commenting on how great it felt, that he never knew how good it could feel to have another dude sucking his cock. I took my mouth off and swung around, presenting my own cock to him. “okay, shut up and suck my cock too, you’re making me nervous” I told him thinking he wouldn’t want me to stop now. We began to 69 each other. This made him turn on his side and expose his ass. I put my hands back around his waste and felt of his ass and gently guided him into a slow fucking motion. He picked it up quickly, sliding his hard cock in and out of my mouth leaving his precum from my lips to the back of my throat. His bush was against my chin and I watched his balls rise and fall as he mashed them into my nose and eyes. I began to slowly fuck his mouth too, although he kept one hand on it so I couldn’t sink it in his throat. I didn’t mind. I was getting my prize that I’d worked for and manipulated my way through for the past 7 months. I ran my hands over his ass some more and focused on it, and it was so fucking fine. Smooth, muscular and as he probed my throat with his cock, I felt his ass flex. I spit on my finger and began to gently touch him there, right in the center of his virgin fuckhole. He jumped at first and I massaged it allowing him to see I wasn’t going to stick my finger in it. “Oh fuck man, that feels weird.” I took his cock out of my mouth, “but does it feel good?” I asked. “Ya, it does.” “Want me to lick it man?” I asked. “I dunno dude, the blow job feels good.” “Well, if were going to try it, I want to try to lick your hole too, see if it’s like a pussy.” That got his attention. “Okay he said and flopped over on his belly in a quick turn. As he did he reached up and took a drink and lights another joint. Smoking his joint, I went back down and spread his ass cheeks to reveal his beautiful untouched and perfect pink pucker. I pulled his hips up so his ass was up in the air, face level so I could truly enjoy him. I rested my hands on his ass spreading his mounds and stuck my tongue directly onto his hole. I licked it gently, produced spit and forced it out and into his hole. I sucked on his hole gently. I licked and ticked it, and I felt it begin to relax. I felt his tightness give way to swollen lips to him pushing outward as I suckled him and to quivering anticipation. He was getting relaxed. It is no exaggeration to say that I spent over an hour lapping at his hole. That between us we smoked more weed than usual. That he was opened enough to allow my tongue entry and he was loving it, moving his hips gyrating, allowing his head to rise and fall back into mattress. I needed him to be comfortable, I needed him to enjoy it. He moaned and commented on how awesome it felt, that he’d never imagined anything like it. I told him at one point that if he’d let me do this for as long as I wanted, I would swallow his cum load and that he was under no obligation to swallow mine if he didn’t’ want to. The bargaining continued. He agreed saying, “sounds like a one-sided deal, but you got it!” I was playing on his personality. He was selfish in many ways, but used to my advantage it was a masterful weapon. I turned him over on his back and placed his ass on the edge of the mattress. I rolled his knees back up to his chest and I said, “fuck yea, looks like a pussy needing attention to me.” He chucked and said, “eat that dirty tight pussy fucker.” I dove in some more and after a bit I rose up to lean over him asking him to give me a hit of another joint, he reached over his head to relight one and as I leaned into him, I aimed my cock head for his hole. He was taken by surprise as the head of my cock rested against his wet swollen as lips. “Yo man.. wow.. that felt weird.” “What?” I asked, “your cock tried popping my hole, be careful.” He held the joint to my lips at first and I took a drag and allowed my cock to trob in place. He felt it and wiggled his hips.. “damn that thing has a mind of its own.” He took the joint to his lips. He motioned me forward again holding the smoke in his mouth, he grabbed the back of my neck and put his mouth to mine. I opened my mouth and he exhaled the smoke from his lungs into mine. I inhaled deeply. I had never had this done before. “Fuck what was that?” “What you think I was gonna kiss you?” he laughed. “It’s called a shot gun man, a rush huh?” he asked. “Yea, do it again.” He inhaled on the joint, I leaned forward, again being sure my drooling piss slit was pressed against his hole. I opened my mouth, he opened his and exhaled. I inhaled, and was immediately rewarded with his tongue exploring my mouth. We pressed into each other, openly kissing and holding each other. As he pulled back and I looked in his eyes glazed he asked if I was feeling good. “Not completely, no, not really I think we need to go one step further.” Through his coughing his ass ring opened and closed on the tip of my cock, “Try what?” he bolted back. “Well, sex with a dude includes fucking right? I didn’t get to fuck last night it’s only fair.” He smiled, “you fucker, you’re messing with me”. “Look, “ I said, “I’ll be careful and if it hurts I’ll stop or we’ll figure out how this should work, but you’re the one who got us here, and if you want me to finish sucking you off, you need to let me at least try.” “On one condition,” his wheels were turning again and I sensed some form of negotiation was about to play out, yet again. “I let you fuck me in the ass, you have to swallow my cum and if I need head from now on, you’ll give me head.” I didn’t have to think too long on that, but had to continue the game with him. “Whenever you want it?” I said. “yup”. “No one can know about it I replied and you can’t hang it over my head and you have to let me fuck you now and cum in your ass.” “Okay, you win.” He said. With that we had a few more preliminary acts of eating his hole some more, leaning into him and openly kissing him and finding that my cock was hurting him. I had him to get on all fours and this seemed to be better for him. I told him to put his shoulders down on the mattress and he obeyed. He began stroking his cock, which I had to tell him to stop or I wouldn’t be able to blow him good and proper after I fucked him. He seemed to like that reminder and stopped touching himself, his cock was fully erect, and drooling on the sheets below him as I finally sank my full length into his virgin ass. From time to time I’d gather up his precum as I fucked him and eat it or rub it on my cock or his ass. His head rose up from the bed and his face contorted, sweat began to form on his forehead and he shook his head side to side. “mother fucker, that stings” he said. “I need more weed or something dude, fuck!” I slowly pulled back and slowly moved forward being sure to leave the majority of my cock in his hole. It was tight and warm. Gradually his breathing became steady and he was accepting me more and more. I pulled out further, looking down to see blood and small strands of shit along the shaft of my cock. I bore back into him. I put my hands on his shoulders and pulled him back onto me, he seemed to get the idea and then began to fuck himself on my cock. I stood still as he plowed his asshole onto the girth of my hard on. He rode my cock forcing himself to take it. I had been leaking my own precum for a while now, and his ass was getting slicker. “Fuck man, it feels good… fuck I can’t believe this, oh fuck yes… “ I pulled his cheeks apart, marveling at the beauty of his muscled ass and his body working itself back and forth on my cock. My balls were rising in my sack, and new this was the moment. “I’m going to cum Bennett. I’m going to cum in your ass.” “Oh man, that is fuckn nasty.” He replied. “No man, it’s fuckn beautiful.” I replied and pulling his hips hard against me driving my cock as deep as it would go, his head rising up again toward the ceiling, I unloaded 2 days worth of cum into my buddies virgin hole. “Fuckn outrageous man, I can feel it, I can feel your cum in me.. awe dude.” I emptied my balls into his ass and stayed motionless for a moment until he slowly removed himself from my cock. Looking over his shoulder he could only see my wet cock. The shit and blood had been replaced by my cum and his ass juices coating my cock. He reached back, squeezed the last drops out onto his hand and tasted my cum. “phew.. that shit is like frosting.” Laughing laying back on the bed, he spread his legs. I could see his moist hole from that angle and it was no longer pink and small, but ruby red with beautiful ass lips, he grabbed his hard cock and said, “okay man, my turn to blow my wad.” I wasted no time crawling over him lowering my mouth over his hard cock, licking his balls and tasting him. I ran my tongue under his balls and he raised his hips.. “fuck man, lick out my hole some more.” I did as he suggested, tasting his freshly fucked asshole and my own cum. I ran my hands up his hips and cupped his ass before finally deep throating his cock again. I reached up between his ass checks and inserted two fingers in his freshly fucked hole and massaged his prostate feeling my own cum swirl around in his hole. “Oh fuck… what the fuck…” he said. He held my head down over his cock and fucked my face furiously. He held off for a short while, but then pushing my head to one side, he watched his cock going in and out of my mouth, “fuck that’s turning me on man, I’m going to cum down your throat if you don’t’ stop, you still want to eat my cum?’ I moaned an approving yes and pressed my fingers against his prostate and then he began to throb in my mouth, I felt the thick underlying tube of his shaft pulse at least 7 times in unison with his hole sucking and collapsing on my inserted fingers and I finally tasted his jizz, thick, sweet and more than a mouth full. Bennett and I remained friends for over 4 years until he was sent to Korea. We continued our game, playing one another from time to time. We moved off base but he moved in with Gary. I moved into a 3 bedroom with Roger and Terry, two guys Bennett hung out with as they were all into muscle cars. Gary had more money and could afford a place with less roommates and a nice car. It was obvious to me anyway why Bennett moved in with Gary and he always swore he never got it on with him but just used him for what he could offer. I believed him. He would call me on some nights and offer to take me to dinner. We’d go for steak and we’d always end up back at his house after he’d banished Gary to his room. I’d suck his cock always eating his load, and he let me fuck him up the ass depositing mine. He couldn’t explain it to me, how he liked fucking woman, that he loved my blowjobs when he was “in need”, but how he especially loved being fucked in the ass. He thought maybe it was because from time to time he felt he needed to be controlled and that was the closest he’d come to feeling that way. I saw Bennett years later after we both had been discharged when we were in our late 20’s. He’d just gotten divorced. He moved in with me for a short period of about 9 months. He was still a player and couldn’t play me like he did others. I fucked him a few times then, but for me those games were past and I was onto new things. He’d progressed into swallowing loads but only from guys he “knew.
  4. I’m going to start by stating that what I’m about to reveal is all true. Any inserted pics are real and are of me. I’ve been an avid reader and part-time participant in the hook up section of this site for years, but I’ve never posted a story, even though I’ve unloaded countless times reading those of others. Many of the stories are about a single event that guys focus on as their transformation, their conversion; they use words like being impregnated, bred, seeded. Don’t get me wrong they’re all hot and fuckn sexy words to use, and I relate to the impact of how words impact and enhances our sex. But I’m going to be honest and say that for me, becoming a poz’d cum hungry, cock worshiping fuckn bareback bottom pig that wants the let my animal out, was no single event. It was what I like to think of as an evolution over many years. It started with the first man’s cock I saw at the age of 6 and from there the journey started. It was my oldest brothers, 14 years older than me. We stripped down to put on swimming trunks, and from my vantage point sitting on my bed, him standing in front of me, all I saw at eye level was his masculine, hairy, meaty thick cock and heavy hung balls swinging in front of me. To this day I can still see it. When I saw my brothers cock, I distinctly remember a tightness in my mid-spine, I remember my hands began shaking and I felt flush all over. I was light headed and then I became warm all over. That feeling still strikes me today when I’m presented with a full meaty man cock, the only exception is that now I know that signal is my instinct, my animal, now my mouth drools and my fuck chute starts to expand from the inside and contracting. Through this journey I opened some doors myself, others were opened and I walked through, some I ran through. Sometimes eyes wide open, sometimes eyes wide shut. There wasn’t a single path I took that I was forced down by anyone other than my growing desire for cock and my growing insatiable need for more. More cock, more cum, more sex, more connection, always more. Before I focus on the single event that I know poz’d my fuckhole, you need to know that until 10 years ago I was a total top. I spent 8 years in the military; I’m 5’11” and average 180 lbs. I’m masculine, buzz cut, goatee, nice pecs 46” chest, hard nips, and hung thick about 7 ½. For years I lived just beneath the surface of the gay lifestyle. Yes, closeted. I had a girl friend, her daddy was the mayor of the town my military base was in, but I had my fuck buddies, most were military, some not. Some were the sons and brothers of guys I served with, but I was always the top. Always bare. Every roommate I had in the military, I “had”, except for one. I made a game of seducing the military hotties, getting them stoned, or drunk The scare of the 1980’s didn’t stop me because in my mind I was the one seeding hole. I was the one getting some twink to swing on my lob and swallow my jizz through some greasy glory hole. I picked up tricks in arcades and hitchhikers downtown and used their mouths and holes in my truck or at their places. I wasn’t concerned. By the mid to late 1990’s however, the number of willing cum junkies was diminishing rapidly. I was now out of the military and my source of fresh young and easy inexperienced drinkers and stoners was cut off. It was a new game. I came out to my girlfriend, and she came out to me. A lipstick lesbian.. ah well.. who could ask for anything better when we both needed a “date”, we were set. All these years later, we’re still best friends. It was in the late 90’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Condoms were on the menu and I didn’t want any. I thought I was destined to a life of yanking off or glory hole blowjobs. It was during that time that I acquired a taste for glory holes, and within a year, it was me on my knees sucking some amazing cocks. It was me licking my lips through an open hole in the plywood at arcades in Houston to entice my next load. My appetite grew to where I literally went to the arcade every day for lunch, and after work I was there until nearly 11pm at least 4 nights a week and longer on weekends. I had sucked cock in grade school and high school and ate my share of teen cum loads, but nothing like this. I began using the Internet more and more, and over time I had a steady train of men, gay, bi, and married coming to my place for head. Then I started secretly filming it. I filmed myself giving blowjob after blowjob to these unnamed men. So many that I have two four-hour tapes of myself sucking and swallowing sperm. I’d transfer the film to tape and spend hours watching myself, but more I was focused on the faces of the men I was sucking off. What worked, what was it I was doing that made them go over the edge and feed me their spunk. Over time, I started referring to these tapes as my training aids.. I was learning how to be a better cock sucker, a better provider.. and today, I am still told my mouth is amazing. I simply reversed my role and became the cock sucker I had always wished I had. Sucking cock was and still is a passion, but that too transformed to worship; to using my mouth only without hands ~ licking, tasting, suckling and nursing on a man’s nads until he feeds me. That rapidly became my reward. It was late 1999 when my lust for more grew greater. I was chatting with several guys on line through various sites. One in particular caught my attention. He was a masculine, built hot top man with a massive cock that he would occasionally pump. He got into my head. He was a master at getting what he wanted, and even then I thought I had my shit together. He coached me with his words, asked me pointed questions about my sexuality, made me start questioning why I hadn’t given up my hole. He had me send him pics of myself finger fucking my ass, then over a short period I surprised him with a pic of a plug in my hole. We chatted for about 3 months, and then he informed me that he’d just become single again and wanted to hook up. Knowing he was a full top gave me some hesitation but I wanted to taste his cock and let him get off in my throat. I toyed with the idea for a few days, and then responded that I’d be there on Friday night. I arrived on time and we had some small talk while he offered me a drink. He invited me upstairs to his loft over looking Puget Sound in Seattle. Once in the loft I saw two large king size mattresses raised up off the floor about thigh height, covered in black play sheets. Three of the walls had large mirrors on them with stands of white Christmas tree lights strung all through the rafters in the ceiling. On the far wall was a large 40 some odd inch screen with bareback porn playing on it mixed with some serious hole stretching and toys. On the lower tier of the wall, extending the full length of the room were shelves packed with an arsenal of hole toys, gear, leather, straps, chains, bottles of liquids, jellies and other oils. I was amazed, my spine began its contractions sending my brain the message that this was not going to be a typical night of suck and swallow. As we sat down on one of the mattresses, we began to undress. It took little time for us both to be naked and I was pleasantly impressed by what I saw. I reached out to him and he fell on top of me and began to lick every part of my body. I felt his cock grow rapidly as it pressed into my thigh sending its own heat to my groin. I grabbed his ass and it felt like marble and as hard as his cock. He stuck his tongue down my throat and pinched my nips… “ouch man, take it easy…” He looked me in the eye and said, “hey boy, no problem, let’s relax before I show you a few things.” I sat back on the mattress with my head against a pillow on the wall and admired his body as he walked across the room to flip out the lights leaving only the strands of lights showing in the room. He offered me another drink he’d taken from a small refrigerator and I drank it slowly at first because although it was only a Sprite, the glass must have been dirty. It tasted salty. I figured being a good guest, I’d just swallow it faster and that the liquid would eventually wash off anything on the glass. He sat back down beside me on the bed and began to kiss me gently, making out with me, darting his tongue in and out of my mouth. My eyes were closed. A few moments went by and I opened my eyes and felt nauseous. I told him I thought I was going to puke. He put me on my stomach and began rubbing my back, telling me to take deep breathes, that it was okay, that I was just starting to feel the buzz. “The buzz?” I asked, “yea man, I gave you a little G to settle our nerves. I’d never used anything other than pot in my life. I had no idea what this shit was, but I know I was, as he said, relaxing. That night was spent with him eating my hole, fingering my hole, me swallowing his cock and eating his cum. The entire time he was telling me what a “good boy” I was, and how he loved licking and tasting my “pussy”. He said it so many times that I began to respond to his comments of praise. Telling him how good my pussy felt up against his goatee and tongue. Mentally I went to a different place. I found myself being encouraged to expose a part of me I knew existed but had always repressed and hidden. He cupped my cock and balls as he tongue fucked me, and milked my cock of my load and smeared it all over and into my hole.. and he ate me. It was with this man that I spent every single weekend for the next 3 months. He never put his cock in my ass, but before our time was over, he had introduced me to a sling, to receiving a booty bump of Tina, and most importantly, he transformed my physical and mental being from a top with an asshole, to a curious bottom with a pussy. He ended up getting back with his ex, but on our last visit he told me that he had taken me on a journey that he wouldn’t forget. That he hoped in someway he’d helped me realize that I was meant to take cock in my pussy, and my pussy was meant to be transformed further into a whore’s cunt. In truth I sort of understood what he was saying, but only from what he had been telling me and from the porn he’d been flashing at me in my drugged induced states of mind. It was right about this same time that the man who took me the rest of the way walked in my life. His name was John. I met him about a year prior in the park cruising and I’d had the pleasure of blowing him from time to time. One afternoon John called and told me he wanted to see me and about an hour later he was pulling up in my driveway. We had a drink, smoked a few cigarettes and we caught up on what we’d being up to. I shared with him, at least in parts, my recent adventures and the fact I’d found out I had a pussy after all. He grinned and told me he’d love to try it out for himself sometime but that the real reason he had come over was to ask if he could rent out a room from me. He and his partner were splitting up. We discussed it and came to an agreement. Since we were both in construction, I told him if he’d help me with finishing off my basement, I’d give him a lower rent. The following weekend John moved in. John was four years older than me. He was tall, smooth muscular swimmers build, shaved head and brown eyes and about 8”. He was a top. About 2 weeks after moving in and getting settled, I came home to find that the sling I had ordered arrived UPS. I took it to the basement and told John that my project was beginning. It took about a week before the play space was done, as was the adjoining ‘party room’. The sling was hung and I immediately began the process of buying my own toys. John asked if he was allowed to use the room as well and of course I agreed. He added his own toys and gear to a shelf on the far wall. The weekend approached and as I got home from work a car was leaving my driveway. I didn’t’ recognize the guy but found out later that it was John’s connection. John showed me what he’d purchased. Two eight-balls of Tina, 8 vials of G, some E and something called “Special K”. I was amazed and wanted to know about the K. He put his arms on my shoulders and looked me in the eye and said, “I’ll show you if you want, but it’s your pussy I want this weekend, are you up for it?” There went my spine again.. and he knew I was up for it. He told me to clean out good, that I should use his shower attachment in the guest bath. He asked me if he could freshen up my buzz cut for me and I agreed. He told me that he had laid out some things in my room he’d like me to wear. I felt a feeling of being taken care of, like he was primping me, and I said, “man, no one has ever gotten this into a scene with me before.” He came in my room, me standing there naked, and he said “hey buddy, this isn’t a scene, I want to experience your sex, and I want you to let yourself go for me. You’re always the one in charge at work, you’re in charge at everything all the time, but now I want you to be my pussy boy and I want you to FEEL like my boy.” I blushed and told him I was beginning to get real excited, but was a little nervous too. “We’ll fix that soon enough.” I went down to the basement naked with the gear. He had me go to the restroom and there he proceeded to buzz my head. When he was finished, he asked me if it would all right to take digital pics from time to time of our playing and I agreed. He handed me the gear he wanted me to wear, a leather collar, ankle high black leather work boots with low rise red socks. Then he told me to go to the sling and get in. I went in the new play space, and saw on the black charcoal painted walls where he’d written with a white grease pencil lude comments like “take my pussy” and “seed my cunt”. Over the top of the sling on the wall behind it and the section of chain link fence was an arrow pointing down with the words, “poz my cunt”. I climbed in the sling and waited, music began to fill the room. It was Butt Boy. I’d heard it before but somehow in this space it seemed surreal. A moment later John entered the room and set a large tray down on the stool under the sling out of my line of vision. He had put a towel over the tray so I couldn’t see what was on it. He took my feet, one at a time and put them through the leather stirrups. The toe of the boot made it tough to fit through, but he was able to get them in saying, “you won’t be getting out of these without untying the boot.” Then John leaned forward and, rubbing my pecs gently and making my nips rise, said, “Do you trust me?” From somewhere deep inside I knew I did. Here was a man I hardly knew that I let move into my house. I’d given him a key. He’d been there just over 3 weeks, and I knew somehow I wanted to give myself this experience with him. I said just that, but not quite in those exact words. He smiled and then left the room, returning with a standard kitchen chair and my camera to take a few pictures. After the pics, he sat down in the chair and leaned forward. He told me to scoot down in the sling, to let my ass hang off and just over the edge… “come on boy, show me your pussy for the first time.. let me see how beautiful your boypussy is before I transform it into a cunt.” I did as he asked and he met me with his mouth. He started slowly, tasting me, saying words to me that made me feel like a virgin bitch about to loose her cherry. I squirmed and wiggled my hips and flexed my ass cheeks. From time to time we’d share intimate sexual fantasies. Then John sat back and I saw him focusing on what was under the sling. I saw the towel in his hand as he draped it over the seat of the chair and sat back down. Then he told me he was going to give me a booty bump of T. But before that, he wanted me to do a small shot of G. He handed me a shot glass, the G was mixed with coca-cola. “Go ahead, take it.” I asked him if he was going to do any and he said not to worry, he’d be following me along shortly. I took the shot and swallowed it quickly. I liked this method and used it from then on when doing G. I didn’t have to fight a long ass drink of shit I couldn’t stomach. This was a direct shot. John reached over and began to put some kind of locking device on my cock. “What’s that?” “I don’t want you touching yourself. You need to focus on your pussy and what I am doing to it. You need to listen and respond (laughing) as best you can.”. I was in a chastity device. My cock locked in a metal tube and handcuffed around my ball sac. I couldn’t jack off, but I was able to piss through it which he had me do to use my chem’d piss later. I began feeling Johns fingers on my ass, he spit on his finger and probed my ass. “you are fuckn tight boy! Making my cock throb, fuck!” I grinned and he told me I was going to be bumped. I saw a syringe, not like one you’d get a shot with, a little larger, like one you’d use to give a baby liquid, except longer. I felt the length of the tube enter me, and then he paused, “look in my eyes boy, keep looking in my eyes until I say you don’t have to.” I did as he asked. Then he squeezed the plunger, and I felt a warm rush of liquid. It wasn’t a lot of liquid, just a small amount, but the warmth grew until it was hot and I wiggled around in the sling.. “oh fuck John, is it supposed to burn?” “Relax boy, just sit back a second, let me sooth it for you… and with that he spit on his finger again, and it disappeared under the sling, then back up my hole.. it burned more and I thought it was from him inserting his finger without enough spit. “John, it’s burning all over now.. “, he stuck another finger in and began to massage the inside of my pussy. I kept my eyes locked on his, he on mine.. and I began to spin. “yea fucker, you’re feeling it aren’t you?” All I could do is moan and my eyes began to flutter in my skull. “Your fuckn daddy gave you a big bump of T boy, and I rubbed more in there bare with my finger. You’re already getting real wet and opening up for me boy.” I closed my eyes and he began his magic. My pussy was expanding to his touch, sucking at everything he put near it or in it. Over the next hour he coached me, telling me when to relax, when to clamp down, asking me what I was feeling, praising me, telling me I was a good boy, how much he loved my pussy and asking me if I wanted to be made a poz cunt. I knew I wanted it and told him so. I took a broken deep breath and blurted out, “yes, please, help me be who I am, please.” He smiled and had me open my mouth, he spit more G into my mouth and I swallowed it pure. More pictures, more porn playing but this time it was extreme hole stretching porn. I watched the screen as skilled holes took large and then larger toys and fingers and hands, and feet and cocks. John asked me what I needed, “I need to get fuckn chemed hard and have my pussy taken Sir like that!” pointing at the screen. That’s all he needed to hear. “You want me to turn you out boy? You want a gaping cum dripping cunt don’t you boy?” he asked. “Yes, I want to be a cunt that you’ll be proud of, that men will want to use.” John blindfolded me and strapped one hand to the sling, locking it in the wrist cuff. With the other he drew it out straight to the side and strapped my wrist to the handcuffs bolted to the sidewall. He introduced me to Special K. He took a straw and put it up my nostril, pinching the other, “snort it for your dad boy.. show dad how much you want your pussy taken.” I inhaled thinking it was T. In no time my teeth felt numb like coke does but it spread through my body and beneath the blindfold I was “seeing” an array of swirls and color.. I moaned and smiled and felt suction on my nips. “you need some swollen pig nips to adorn this cunt I’m gonna give you boy. Something for dad to fiddle with and suck on when I fuck you”. He placed nip pump tubes on my nips and pumped them up and then I felt him begin to probe my hole again. Large amounts of lube went in my hole and I heard something pumping it in like a caulking gun sounds, followed by a substantial plug. All the while, he was praising me for being a good boy. Then after a few minutes, I felt him strap my extended bicep down to something, and he asked me to breath real deep and not to move.. I did as he said. He asked me how my hole felt and told me that if I hadn’t noticed, it was actively sucking on the plug all by itself. The image hit my brain and I felt I was where I belonged. Then I felt the prick in my arm.. “deep breath boy”.. and the strap removed from my bicep. I coughed hard, not once or twice but three times.. “what do you say boy?” “what the fuck?” “I just slammed you boy.. now what do you say to your dad?’ All I got out was “thank y….ssrr” I was spinning in no time and yet somehow I was still connected to his voice. John sat back down and removed the plug from my ass and then continued to coach me, talk to me, praise me, and replaced one toy after another, fucking me, opening me, telling me how beautiful my pussy was. He put most of his hand in my pussy and began fucking me that way. He shoved a vibrating fat dildo up my ass and that is when I had my first anal orgasm, followed quickly by my flaccid, caged cock, spewing my load of cum out. John cheered “fuck yea pigboy, you’re doing so great!” and congratulated me on cumming with my “boy cock”. He took my load in his mouth, licking it up and spit it in my mouth and fingered the rest up my warm cunt. He continued working my begging eager cunt until I was in total abandon mumbling, begging and asking him to open me more. “boy… I want to breed you.. do you know what that means?” I could only mumble “more please, more”. He removed my blindfold, wiped my face with a towel and had me drink some water. I want to make your cunt a poz cum dump, are you okay with that? “Yes, please, more I want to learn more and make you happy.” I meant it, I had one moment of contemplation and then I felt him touch my open cunt with his thumb and I pushed down until, as he said, my “rosebud just invited him in”. John spent the entire evening from the time I got in that sling around 7pm until the next morning late hours working my cunt. Spreading my lips, rubbing k on my cunt lips until they drooled and hung free and wrapped around whatever he put in there. He stopped calling it a pussy and referred to it as a cunt. He said it was because it was now holding itself open, was wet and drooling and had a nice set of swollen lips hanging from it. He would “diddle” in my hole and tug on my lips to show me. He sucked and chewed on my open cunt. He took pics and showed me what had become of my “top man asshole”. I was born again, and proud of my cunt. He told me to show it off whenever I was around him. We rested some on Saturday afternoon and were back at it Saturday night. This time however, he had me using mostly K, and within about an hour had me taking the biggest toys he had. It was then that he finally put his cock in me with a toy at the same time and unloaded his poz cum in my cunt. From then on, he loved seeding me in any fashion he could. He kept me naked and squatting or in some fashion that he could have easy access to my exposed swollen cunt. We spent the next 7 days naked and converting. He called into my work and took vacation days claiming I had to go out of town. I was chemed up most of the time. He took me to parks to take cocks in my cunt, to arcades and one night we went to the baths at club Z where he let the door open and any walk ins could fuck me bare. On the 5th day he got on line and invited 9 other guys, versatile and tops over, all poz to share his freshly transformed cum hungry poz cunt. He was as proud as I was, bragging about it in the hallways at the baths. It was about a year later I ended up in the hospital with PCP pneumonia. A viral load of over 380,000 and Tcell count of only 30. I had full blown AIDS and was put on AZT. I recovered in time, am on meds, non-detect now with Tcells about 800, but John was around to see me through that too. He died of AIDS in 2005, his body refusing any cocktail combination. From my first time with John, that experience, my stepping off into the place I knew I belonged, trusting a man, and pleasuring one with my cunt, I began a ritual of nearly every weekend for 2 ½ years of being a cum dump for him and others, spreading my cunt to take cock and seed. I continue that journey now and it has been full of perversions, carried out in bath houses and sex clubs, bars, house parties and alley ways. John took me to Palm Springs, LA, New Orleans, Chicago. We attended large group barebacking parties, one in Laguna where I was the only bottom chemed and strapped in a sling for a group of 17 men for a full day while they enjoyed partying. He whored me out in Palm Springs at resorts, and achieved yet another transformation as my cunt fully excepted full fists for the first time. To this day my hunger continues to be fed by those things I have yet to enjoy, those men I have yet to pleasure with my cunt and those I enjoy repeating. My conversion has been an evolution, and one I would not change.
  5. I've just discovered this website and love the stories and conversations. I've been poz for 20 years and up until a year ago, I was always careful not to take loads or cum in a guy's ass. But then I discovered a whole other side of myself thanks to a great top and tina. I've discovered that I can be a total pig whore when I've been smoking. One day this summer, I hooked up with a top/vers guy, Scott, and got wasted. He worked on my butt a number of ways, and made sure I was flying, but didn't come up my ass. Finally, he invited me to join him at one of his bud's apartments to pick up some more tina. I was actually planning on heading home, but was so horned up, that I joined him. When we went to his friend's apartment, I was met by this very sexy man, Mark. Scott was telling Mark about what a pig I was and he had me strip while he held a pipe to my lips. I was kneeling in front of these guys sucking on their dicks while they proceeded to get hooked up to ICU. Once that was hooked up, they joined the pnp room and got me on camera sucking on a pipe. Then Mark turned me around and mounted my ass. He made sure that my face was looking right at the camera and he proceeded to pound my butt. It was so fucking hot when he came, knowing I was getting his cum on camera. After his cock went down he filled me with tina piss to keep me flying. When I got home, I clicked on his profile and discovered that he was poz and had bred me! I was actually kind of freaked out at first, but realized that I was meant to be used as a pig. It was this great realization. Since that time I've taken a number of poz loads to help recharge me. Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 - 08:19 pm: ** You have done my fantasy pct1713. Taking bare cock after bare cock at the bathhouse on a Friday or Saturday night for 8 or 9 hours in a row is my idea of a great night out. I have tried to talk men into coming to my place and fuck me on webcam while the icuii crowd watches as I smoke rock and get filled with cum by a group as piggy as I am. No takers yet but one day it will happen and the pig pervs on icuii will see what a cumpig I can turn into when I get stoned and horny. I will post in here when it happens so you will have a heads up. I intend to have a mike on so you can hear me grunt and moan and also so the guy fucking me can announce if he is poz as he shoots into my toxic chute. I never even thought about whether or not the guy fucking me was poz before when I was negative and now that I am poz it turns me on to know a hot bug infested load is being fucked deep up my asshole. If no one asks I don't bring up my status and if I am asked I say I am not sure but that I probably am. Turns me on when I say that and the drugged up horny fucks hardly even slow down as they fuck me bareback knowing they could be taking a gift away with them. I understand completely because when some horny top asked if he could fuck me raw when I was neg I almost always said yes. I think being cum fucked is as addictive as crack or tina because I crave cum in my slippery hole as bad or worse then I crave the crack pipe. Broadcasting the two together on icuii as I take load after load of cum and piss from strangers is a hot thought. I will keep you posted as to when it might happen. Inserted from <http://bugshare.net/cgi-bin/discus/board-auth.cgi?lm=1145495982&file=/2063/2511.html>
  6. Last night I logged onto manhunt looking for anyone partying. I found this real hot smooth, tattooed, muscle guy**** who said he was smoking and would love some company. Now I have been coming to Bareback Exchange for years jerking off to all the stories about stealth pozing and bug chasers. I sometimes even let a guy fuck me raw when partying, but always check their status beforehand. I asked this guy if he was neg or poz and he replied poz but undetectable. I told him that I would be happy to come over but we could only fuck using condoms. He replied that he did not have any condoms and did not like em but agreed as long as I brought some. I arrived at his house about 15 minutes later. He told me the door was unlocked and to just walk in. I did as he asked, and found him in the bedroom smoking and watching porn. He told me to get naked and join him and I did immediately. We then smoked for about 30 minutes playing with each other’s cocks and blowing each other. He told me he wanted me to fuck him raw but I said not without a condom. He asked me if I wanted some G and I said “Why not, just don’t make it too strong.” After drinking the G and smoking more I was high as a kite, he clearly gave me a large dose of G. He asked me again to fuck him raw and I agreed. His ass was so tight and nice. I only fucked him for a few minutes and told him if he wanted to cum while I was fucking him he needed to hurry, not because I was about to cum but because I was coming to my senses. I plowed him hard a few more times and he came all over himself. After he came I laid beside him and played with myself while watching the porn on the TV. He said he wanted to fuck me and I reached for a condom. He told me he needed a few minutes to get hard again and we continued smoking. He must have been able to tell that I was high as hell because he kept squeezing out his precum and feeding it to me, and I was oh too willing to take it. Seeing that I was not bothered by eating his poz slime, he climbed on top on me and started rubbing his bare cock against my ass. Since I didn’t protest he slid the head of his cock in. Now this guy had a big dick, very thick with a mushroom head. He saw a hint of panic on my face and told me he wasn’t gonna fuck me he just wanted to feel my insides. He stayed true to his word…for a few minutes and then started to move slowly. I was so high, I was in heaven. He saw that I liked it and started to fuck me harder and faster. With no protest from me, and moans people in the next town could hear, he asked me where I wanted him to cum. I quickly replied on my chest. He continued fucking me and I could tell his cock was getting harder and he was getting close. I asked him to please not cum inside me and he said he would NEVER do that to me. He kept repeating that he was gonna cum soon and I continued to tell him not to cum inside me and to cum on my chest. He was hitting all the right spots and he knew it. He told me he wanted to breed me, but this time all I could get out was a loud moan. I watched as his body tensed and felt his cock throbbing inside me. He was moaning almost as loud as I was. I had a feeling that he was cumming but since he said he would NEVER cum inside me I figured he was just feeling some incredible pleasure. He then started to slow his fucking down and that raised a red flag. I asked him if he came and he said no. He continued fucking me slowly while I continued jerking off. He started telling me how nice his raw cock felt in my ass and he must have noticed my cock jump as he said that because he then started talking real nasty. He started telling me how he seeded my ass and it was a good size load too. My cock got even harder. Unfortunately he needed to take a break and get some water. He pulled out and told me he was only kidding about cumming inside me and that he just wanted to make me cum. When he got back with his water, I asked him if he really came inside me. He looked at my cock semi hard and said “Maybe just a little” and laughed. Seeing that I didn’t freak out and my was immediately rock hard, he climbed on top of me and started fucking me again, this time much harder and faster. He started telling me that his cum was leaking out of my ass and he was fucking it back into me. He also told me repeatedly that he was fucking his seed deep inside me. I couldn’t last much longer and came the biggest load I have ever cum in my life. It was as if he knew I had been reading nasty stories about pozing guys and jerking off to them over the past years. As I cleaned myself off and started getting dressed he asked me if I was ok. I told him I was not worried about it. His reply was almost evil. With a grin he said, “Oh you’ll worry about once you come down from your high”. He was right though, I was not worried cuz I was higher than I ever have been. After I finished getting ready I gave him a hug and told him it was fun. He agreed and said he wants to do it again on Sunday. I smile and turned to leave. As I reached for the door knob he asked me if I was sure I was negative. I laughed and joking said that I was sure and that if I come up poz it’s his fault. He replied in a half joking half evil manner and said “you have nobody to blame but yourself.” Now I sit here typing what happened to me still high as a fucking kite. I have cum three times while typing this and still have his poz cum in my ass. I figured the next 48 hours is key, either I go to the ER and get the Post Exposure Prophylactics, or I continue smoking so I don’t have to deal with it until it is too late to do anything about it. What to do what to do? Any advice?
  7. I had partied before when it came to tina, but mostly smoked and the first time I did slam it didn’t really do anything for me. I don’t know if it was the amount or the quality, but I’m willing to bank that it was the quality since I did a quarter without any noticeable effects. One day I was just checking out profiles on-line for out of state people when I received a message from someone about 6 hours away that was really into my profile. His name was Sam and we chatted for a bit and he said that he had been partying for a little bit that day (mostly smoking) and that he would really love it if we could slam together. While the idea of it turned me on, realistically I was thinking that he is just too far for me to do it anytime too soon. Eventually I stopped thinking with the head on my shoulders and started to think with the one between my legs, and after an hour long phone conversation I found myself saying that I would see him later on that day. The next thing I knew, I was buying myself the next available greyhound ticket to see him. I cleaned myself off and out and hopped on the bus eagerly anticipating hooking up with him. The only thing I had on me had been the clothes I was wearing, and the money I was bringing down to contribute to the festivities. When I arrived I tried to get a hold of him, but the phone went to voice mail so I left him a message letting him know that I had arrived. I also figured that since I was all horned up that I might as well stop by a video store and see if there was any action there. The place only had a couple of people, but apparently that was all that I needed. One guy invited me into one of the booths where I proceeded to blow him. After a while he said that he wanted to fuck me and asked if I had a condom. I said no and started to get dressed in disappointment, but he didn’t seem to mind and told me to bend over. With a nice hit of poppers I was able to take his fat uncut cock into me in no time. It didn’t take long for him to blow his load in me, and damn did he get it in there good. As I was pulling up my pants, I noticed that I had a text. It was Sam telling me that he was in the shower and that he was ready to pick me up. I gave him a call and he told me that he could meet me in 10mins. When he arrived he told me that I looked even better than my picture, which I found funny because I was just thinking the same about him. 6’ tall, nice athletic build, mid 40’s. Conversation in the car was a little silent until I started playing with his cock (which was still in his jeans) while he was driving. He seemed to like it and I was enjoying how it felt before it was released. We stopped by a drug store and picked up a few orange points and Gatorade and then continued onto his place. When we finally arrived at his place be showed me around and offered me a drink. I reminded him of the Gatorade that we picked up prior and he showed me to his room. We both took off our shirts and pants but kept our underwear on. He didn’t mention the size of his cock but when I finally took it out from his boxers I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. He had to be a good 8” and definitely thick. He was just as pleased with mine. He asked me what was the most that I had ever slammed and I told him 1/3, but I wanted to do the same amount as him so that we would be on the same level. He was pleased with that answer, while a small part of me was hoping that he didn’t do a gram normally or I would have been fucked (and not necessarily in the good way). He offered to slam be before he did himself which I was more than happy for because something about seeing someone else slam me really gets my cock hard. I saw him prepare the points, but I wasn’t paying attention to the amount that he put in. He tied off my arm with my belt and then wiped the crux of my arm with an alcohol pad. He was a little surprised how easy my veins were to spot. I simply replied “this body was made for this”. When he put that needle in my arm, I could feel my body become excited at the anticipation of what was to come. When he pulled back on the plunger to register and I saw that flash of red swirl in with that clear liquid, I could feel my mouth begin to water a little. He slowly but steadily pushed the plunger in and the red and clear liquid began to disappear. In my fascination with what was going on, it occurred to me that I forgot to loosen the belt around my arm. I reached for it but he grabbed onto it first and loosened it for me. Then it all hit me at once. The next thing I knew I had this low ringing in my ears and I felt wet all over. I looked at my boxer briefs and saw that there was a wet spot I was leaking precum like crazy. I also noticed my speech was a bit faster than normal. I asked him how much he gave me and he said “.66, my special number”. Needless to say the nastiest thoughts were entering my mind and a speed I couldn’t begin to fathom. He shortly did his hit and I noticed that he coughed. The only reason I remember is because I was thinking to myself that I didn’t have that cough myself. I didn’t mind though, my entire body was in ecstasy at the time. I crawled on top of him and started to kiss him, but that didn’t last long because I wanted to get those nipples of his in my mouth. As sucking on those nips of his, he was going wild with excitement himself and proceeded to finger my hole. When he pulled his finger out of my ass, he found some of the cum that I forgot was in there and sucked it off of his finger. I sat up and rubbed the tip of my cock (still wet with my precum) against the tip of his and that started to make the both of us get hard. He then proceeded to put me on my stomach while he rimmed my ass and stuck his finger in there trying to get as much of the cum I had in there earlier out as he could. I told him it was only fair to share and proceeded to stick my tongue in his mouth to get some of that cum back. We went back and forth doing this for a bit before he decided to ram his cock into my more than willing hole. Needless to say it wasn’t a problem, partially because of the slam, and partially because of the job his tongue did on my hole. He kept fucking me in different positions, but when he had me on my back and my cock was between my ass and his pelvis, I started to get hard all over again. That was when I decided to turn the tables and proceeded to fuck him. We went back and forth for a while until he got a call. His friend had called (from one of the saunas around town) asking what was up and he told him he was playing with an out of town guest. He then told the guy that he was going to be on speaker phone and I said hi to the guy and told him I was fucking his friend. He asked if he could come over and join us. Neither of us had a problem with that (hell, the more the merrier) and he said he would be over in a few minutes. I proceeded to deep throat him for a while and his eyes were practically in the back of his head. It didn’t take long for his friend to show up. His said name was Mark and I introduced myself to him as he undressed in front of us. He was a couple inches shorter than Sam and had a slim build, but his cock was just as long as Sam’s but not as thick (not like that was a problem for me). Mark prepared a hit for himself and Sam asked me if I wanted to do another myself. Since I don’t know the meaning of the word “no” (at least when it comes to cock) I said sure. Since Mark was the only one not in orbit, he slammed both Sam and myself. I swear I could feel my ass begin to get wet once he slammed me. Once the three of us were all rigged up, I being the nice guest that I am proceeded to get on my knees and take turns deep throating them. That didn’t last long because soon I found myself on the bed with Mark eating my ass and Sam eating his. I told Mark that if he was there earlier that he would have been able to get some of the load that I had in there before. That got him rilled up as he decided to put his semi hard cock in my hole. Apparently his cock liked the feel of my hole because it didn’t take him long to get hard while in there. Sam attempted to shove his cock in my hole at the same time and was able to, but couldn’t stay hard long enough while in there so he decided to such my cock while I was getting fucked. The sensation of a big cock in my ass while getting sucked was just what my cock needed to get hard again easily. Sam took advantage of that and tried to put all of me down his throat. Of course with a hard cock I just had the urge to fuck someone, but I didn’t know who. So I decided to do the best thing and fuck them both. Taking my cock from ass to ass back and forth. Needless to say that was a fun evening that continued well into the next day. It was the best random trip I had ever taken.
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  8. I was in the city heading to a hookup, but it didn't work out. Well, I was really horny and I was able to use my PDA phone to get on-line with Manhunt to seek out someone else who would want to have some wild intense sex. After about an hour or so, I was about to give up, but then this guy I played with over two years ago sent me a message. Now, two years ago, he and I met up, slammed and had some very hot sex, although I was, and still am, mostly a top. He was interested, and wanted to slam with some new stuff he had just purchased. I had to stop by the pharmacy to get a few supplies to bring over and then I arrived at his house. Now, this guy is a really hot daddy, and ever since we had sex a few years back, I always fantasized about him fucking me. He has a VERY THICK cock, and I'm just not used to gettting fucked, so I didn't know if it would happen or not. He had a sick relative staying in the other room, so he told me that we could play in the outdoor garden, although it would be dark and we would have to be quiet. I'm the kind of guy who likes to moan and talk dirty while having sex, so if I was to slam, then I was not sure if I could vocally control myself. We went into the bathroom; he slammed me first, then himself. Holy Shit!!!! Oh My God! I hadn't gotten 'the cough' in ages, and this was very very powerful. I sat down in the bathtub as he was doing his slam. I heard a ringing sound and was getting dizzy, but oh, I wanted some hot sex. We went out into the garden, and I felt a bit odd that he took the needles with him. So far, I'm still negative, but if I become poz through sex, that would be okay. Even so, I don't ever want to share needles, so to the fact that he brought them with him out there, I didn't feel very comfortable. We talked and felt each other up, yet the space itself was pretty uncomfortable since we were in a sort of enclosure. I so wanted to have him fuck me, but it didn't happen quite yet. A little while later, he suggested that we do a second slam. I agreed, but I didn't realize that he actually put more tina in the second syringe than what I had expected it to be. Let's just say WOW!!! It was getting a bit light out so we were able to slam in the backyard. Now, I was instantly turned into a major PIG!!! I wanted his huge raw cock inside my ass. I kept saying, "Oh Fuck!" He took the cue and placed his cock in to my lubed-up ass, and slid in there in no time, even though I was usually quite tight. I was getting fucked by this incredible hot daddy who chemmed me up to use me and make me his totally uninhibited pig. About thirty minutes had flown by, he shocked me by taking out another syringe full of Tina and asked me if I wanted it. I was in no condition to refuse, and he slammed me again. Damn.....he fucked me really good. He gave me a hot poz load, perhaps the first one I ever took. Afterwards he pissed up my ass. Somehow, however, although I had not really hard earlier in the night, something had clicked in me, and I had a raging hard-on. I bent over the hot daddy with his leather harness outlining his back and perfect bubble butt, and I fucked him raw, only to have him flip-fuck me, over and over again. That was fucking incredible. I would say Tina allowed me to reach my ultimate piggy state. I hope we can do that again real soon. Let me just add something that I should have stated, which probably was a major factor in my experience that night, and which also got me thinking. Before the second slam, the hot daddy kept suggesting that bad things happen in life or as he called them, obstacles. However, one must always see the silver lining in those experiences. I'm sure he was implying I should take his poz load, and if I seroconvert, then I'd be more free to have wilder and wilder sex without the many limitations that I place upon myself. He kept using the word positive when he said that one can become more positive about life and less negative. Before you think that I was just tweaking, realize he wanted to breed me big time, and I still wonder why he brought out all those other needles. After I had told him that it would make me feel odd - as I did in the beginning. Hmmmmmmm.
  9. Nope, this one just had two parts, wish it had had more.
  10. I had just settled in to my new place, was surfing on line to see what I could scare up. This hot older guy, Jeff, hit me up and asked what I was looking for. I told him I was looking for some fun since I was new to town. We chatted back and forth, stats (Jeff was packing 10 and his bud was packing 9), pix, into's and of course we agreed that no condoms were to be used (the only way I fuck). He asked me if I partied. Now I was this suburban kid who was new in the big city. I was not innocent by any means, but to me partying was drinking and smoking some weed, so I told him fuck yea I party. He told me that he and a bud were partying at his place and I should come on over. He gave me directions and I was out the door. It turned out that he did not live that far from me and in 15 minutes I was at his door. He answered the door already naked and I could see that his body was better then what I saw in his pix. I entered and saw his buddy, Tom, sitting naked on the couch smoking a pipe (thought he was smoking weed) and there was porn on the TV. Tom also had a decent body, looked older then Jeff, but he had a nice dick and a killer ass. He asked if I wanted something to drink and I asked if he had a beer. He brought me a beer and we chatted some more and as I drank the beer I they passed the pipe around. I took a hit of it and knew it wasn't weed. I must have had a funny look on my face and said this is strange weed. They both laughed and let me know that it was actually Tina. I simply said tina, what is tina? They then told me that Tina was crystal meth. I told them I had never done meth before, but I did like the feeling I was getting, very horny and wow! As I drank my beer I started to feel a little groggy. That's when they started to get me undressed and helped me into the back bedroom where there was a sling. Jeff lifted me into the sling and then he got down between my legs and started to rim my ass so well. I was moaning in no time. Tom took hit from the pipe then kissed me, breathing the smoke deep into my lungs and not letting up until I breather back into his mouth, back and forth several times we did this as Jeff rimmed and fingered my hole. As he fingered me I felt a little burning (I now know he was giving me a booty bump). Man was it all hitting me. To this point in my life the most I had ever done was weed, but this high was better. I was looking up at Jeff as he slid his cock in me all the way in one shot. I've never had that happen to me before. Usually the guy fucking me needed to work it in since I have always been tight to start out with, but something had my ass hungry and wanting his cock. Jeff said he didn't want me stroking my dick as I got fucked and they took my wrists and tied them up to the chains holding the sling up. Tom then disappeared as Jeff began to fuck me. When Tom returned he had something in his hand that I could not tell what it was. He looked at me and asked if I like the high I was feeling already. I said fuck yeah, I was loving it. I then could see that he had a needle filled with only he (and probably Jeff) knew. He said hold still and I did, I just went with it. I felt the stick, saw him draw a little blood back and he pushed what ever it was into my arm. I felt a warmth over my entire body and I coughed really hard. Tom gave me some water to drink and I was flying. They then told me that I was given a slam of tina. I loved the feeling I was getting. All I could say was fuck, damn, fuck, damn. Jeff stopped fucking me and Tom put a needle to his arm. Jeff coughed, drank a little bit of water and start to pound my hole without mercy. I started to beg for moan and beg for him to fuck me harder. Tom then did his own and he leaned his head back and came over and kissed me as Jeff pounded my hole. Jeff and Tom looked at me and commented how hard and dripping my cock was. Jeff asked Tom how much he gave me and Tom said point 5. All Jeff asked me if I had taken any viagra. I told him I don't need that stuff. Jeff commented that he can't wait to ride that cock of mine. Jeff and Tom took turns fucking me before letting me out of the sling. I then got my chance to fuck them, but not until I got another slam. I did another .5 and then started to change off fucking Jeff and Tom as they were on all 4's on the bed. I asked Jeff and Tom to teach me how to slam and where I could get some tina of my own. I now have a direct connection and am always well stocked for when I fuck. I now party every chance I get and love it!
  11. This is a story I wrote a while ago, and was posted on the old bugshare site. It's based on a collection of my personal experiences, its about 60% fact, 40% fiction. I'll be posting it in installments, to make it easier to read. I hope you guys like! It was one of those long days, my classes were boring as hell, I just couldn't wait to get home, get online and find a hook up. It was one of those excruciatingly hot and humid August afternoons, if you've ever been to Florida that time of year, you know what I mean. I kept looking at the clock, the last hour of school just dragged on and on. I started thinking about the guys in my class, wondering what their cocks were like, wishing I could get the chance to service each of them after gym, baseball or basketball. Imagining their hot sweaty cock and balls, the intoxicating scent of their young sweaty masculinity, just as I was day dreaming and starting to feel my cock start to stiffen, the bell rang. I grabbed my books and ran for the door, I didn't want anyone to see my harden through my loose fitting mesh shorts. I got home a couple of minutes later, sweating from the bike ride, I didn't waste any time getting up to my room and get on my computer to find some cock. I was SO fuckin horny, I kept sniffing my pits, they smelled so fuckin good, I had just a little bit of blonde wispy hair under my arms, but the funk was full on. I got online started cruising for guys in my area, I like guys that are older than me, and definitely kinky, I don't do vanilla at all. After a couple of hours I was about to call it a night and sign off, then I got a message from a guy about 20 minutes from me. He was 32, muscled, completely hard bod, smooth chest and 8.5 inches of thick uncut pierced cock meat. He was a man of few words, he asked me my age, and then wanted to know what I was into. I gave my standard reply "I'm into everything, I'll try anything twice" he asked "Are you sure about that? If you agree to meet me, I'll hold you too it." I got so fucking boned when he said this, I told him that I liked it really kinky, and I love being hot and sweaty and not taking a shower. He asked me if I would be able to spend the weekend at his place, I didn't see why not, tomorrow was Friday, I didn't have anything due at school so I agreed. He' arranged to pick me up from school the next day and told me not to shower between now and then. The next day dragged even longer than the day before, all I could think about was the hot dude with his hot cock pounding me, wishing it was 3PM already. My classmates noticed my funk, the jocks in my class were sat behind me, they started thrown erasers and paper balls at me. One of them threw a paper plane at my head, with a note written on it. "Hey fag what the fuck is that stench? You smell like my balls after a game, bet you fuckin like the thought of my balls, I bet you wanna blow me now fuckin queer." of course I got rock hard reading that, thinking about the hottest jock in school and me goin down on his sweaty balls after a game. Fuck, is it 3PM yet!? 2:58…2:59..3:00… FINALLY!!! I ran out that door so fuckin fast, I bolted down the street, around the corner 2 blocks away where we'd arranged to meet. I got there, and there was no car. I was panting so hard from running, I had to sit on the curb. The sun was beating down on me, it had to be 90+ degrees. I sat there waiting, had I been stood up? I figured I'd wait 15 minutes then leave. I was soaked through from sweating, and decided to leave, just as I got up and started to walk away a black mustang sped around the corner screeching to a halt next to me. I stood there and looked, the windows were blacked out making it impossible to see inside. I started to walk down the side walk, and the car followed me, and stopped when I stopped. I got the hint. I moved towards the door and opened it and got in. The leather seats were ice cold, and the AC was on full blast, it felt so good. I turned, and looked at the driver, the guy was exactly what he described and looked like in his pic. I looked down, and there it was in all his glory, his thick uncut cock hanging out of his cam shorts. He didn't look at me, he just pulled away and said "suck it".... I didn't need telling twice, I went down on him like my life depended on it. I slurped at his cock, and played with his PA it tasted so good, I rolled back his foreskin which revealed a decent amount of dick cheesy, FUCK YEAH! I wasted no time in going down on him and cleaning it with my tongue. His cock was getting harder and harder, making it more difficult to deep throat, I had tears in my eyes, but refused to give up. I could smell the scent of his balls and ass, I was in fuckin heaven! I gave him head for the whole drive, we stopped moving and he slapped me on the head "get the fuck off my cock you fuckin queer" I kept sucking for a little while longer, thinking he'd like it… he slapped me on the head and grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me off his cock. "When I tell you to do something you fucker, you fucking do it, got it?" With that he grabbed my jaw forcing my mouth open, hacked and spat a huge lugie into my mouth. He put his hand over my mouth and clamped my mouth shut "Don't swallow fag, let it sit there in your mouth… good boy savor it… roll it around on your tongue… good boy now swallow" I did as I was told, it was so fuckin gross, how fucked up do you have to be to spit snot into another dudes mouth and make him swallow it? Then I'd noticed we were parked on his driveway, he looked dead ahead, not even glancing at me, and said "We're going to pull into the driveway, I'm going to get out and go into the house, you will stay here. You will drink this bottle of water" he pointed to a bottle that I hadn't noticed yet in the cup holder. "You will have 5 minutes to do this, after exactly five minutes, you will get out, strip naked and leave your clothes here in the car. The car keys will be on the rack next to the door, you will lock the car and take the keys with you. Once inside there will be a blind fold on the door handle to the right. Put the blind fold on and stand with your hands behind your back. Got it fag?" I wasn't expecting such detailed instructions, but figured what the hell "Yeah I got it" he hit me on the side of the head again. "Thats Yes Sir, fucker! You better learn quick, or you are in for a whole lot of hurt this weekend boy". He got out of the car, and went inside, closing the door behind him. I began to think to myself that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Then I remembered the water, and if I didn't drink it, he'd hit me again. I'd already lost 3 minutes. I grabbed the bottle and chugged it. It tasted weird, kind of like almonds I guess, a really funky after taste. I drained the bottle, at least thankful for the refreshment, I'd been dehydrated from being out in the sun. I followed the instructions he'd given me, and was just reaching for the blindfold, when I heard him yell "YOU'VE GOT 10 FUCKING SECONDS FAG" I panicked, and put the blindfold on, and was just putting my hands behind my back when he slapped me on the back of the head. "That was for taking 3 minutes to start drinking the water, and dude you fuckin stink! Do you even know how to fuckin shower?" He raised up my arm, grabbed my head and forced me to smell my pits. They were pretty rank, probably the sweatiest they have been in a long time. The scent was intoxicating though, I began to feel light headed. He let go of my arm, and began to caress my naked body. He ran his finger down my spine, into my crack, caressing my warm, wet sweaty hole. He put the finger under my nose and told me to sniff. Fuck was it hot! It was a mix of sweat, and my natural boyfunk that had built up over the last two days. It got me rock hard. I was beginning to feel really light headed, as if I was drunk. Then it came to me, and I said "Sir, what was in that water?" He just hit me again, and laughed. Fuck, I knew it he's gonna fucking drug me and kill me. I was about to reach up and take off the blindfold when he grabbed my arms, and cuffed them behind my back "Nice try fucker, but you aren't going anywhere. Remember when I asked if you were sure you'd try anything twice? Yeah, I know you're thinking you're in deep, and trust me fag, you are in deeper than you will ever fucking realize" Then his tone changed, he spoke softly and whispered into my ear "All you have to do is relax, and trust me. I'm not going to do anything you won't be begging for" then he laughed again. As he said that, the room began to spin, I was unsteady on my legs. He was much taller than me, I'm only 5ft 6, he had to be at least 6'2 - he must have seen me begin to sway, I felt his firm hands on my shoulders holding me from behind. He gripped me tightly, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, it gave me goose bumps. He felt so close to me, and yet somehow so far away. I felt that I wanted him to hold me tightly, embrace me, I wanted him to touch me, to feel me, to make me shiver from the inside out. I wanted him inside me, I wanted to show him what I was willing to do for just a second of affection. Then, he spoke "Boy, I can feel your heart pounding inside your chest, are you nervous? are you scared?" I replied, "No Sir" the grip he had on my right shoulder tightened, his left hand moved down my smooth chest, wiping away the perspiration that betrayed me he stopped over my heart - and embraced me so tightly, I almost lost my breath. "Well fag, you should be nervous, you should be scared, but I'm going to show you the time of your life, and trust me, this won't be something you will ever forget" My heart rate went through the roof, I was nervous as hell. "On your knees boy, and open your mouth" I did as I was told, my mind was racing, my heart pounding, I felt like I'd just downed 5 double shots of Jager. "Open your mouth wider boy!… wider… until it fucking hurts OPEN IT WIDER!" he hit me again. "Don't close your mouth boy" and with that, I felt the sudden clink of metal hitting my lower teeth, I felt the heat radiating from him. He slowly rubbed the head of his cock over my tongue, teasing me, making me want to close my mouth. His cock started to slide further back, filling all the available space in my watering mouth, it was beginning to swell and get harder. Pushing further back still, I tried to resist the urge to close my mouth but couldn't. I closed my mouth. The slap on the side of the face stung, it burned more than anything I'd ever felt. Fuck that hurt! "I told you not to fuckin close your mouth! DON'T YOU FUCKING LISTEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT?" He grabbed my jaw and squeezed my mouth open and rammed his cock all the way into my mouth down to the base. His pubes went up my nostrils, the scent of the sweat that lingered on his crotch got me so rock hard, I forgot the stinging. I couldn't breathe, his prick was engorged to its full length and girth and wedged into my waiting throat. His hand on my jaw, and the other on the back of my skull holding me in place. I was beginning to panic, I started to gag and yet he held me firm. My eyes were watering, I began to try to pull away and then… reprieve. He let me pull back but just an inch, before slamming his cock back into my throat and I choked. He started pulling his cock just to the back of my mouth and then slamming it in, and started skull fucking me. He didn't give a fuck about me. He'd look down at me, just grinning, as if the more pain I endured, the more turned on he was. He spat in my face, his warm saliva and snot dribbling down my forehead onto my already tear soaked cheek. I couldn't move, he just kept slamming his pole into my face with reckless abandon, I was crying, I had snot pouring out of my nose, I had spit hanging from my chin. It went on for what felt like an hour, but was probably less, I had no reference as to how long it was, other than it felt like an eternity. Without warning, he pulled out, and pulled me to my feet, pushing me face first against the wall. He pushed his body against mine, his arm raised above my face so his pit was level with my nose. The stench was gloriously offensive, he rubbed his arm pit into my face, making me lick it "clean". He was marking me with his scent, like an animal, I moaned. I felt pressure against my ass, his cock still dripping with my own spit was rubbing against my hole mixing with the sweat that had built up in my crack. I began to moan louder, my breathing turning to a pant, I was intoxicated by the ripe stench of his sweat and musk. His cock began pushing harder… fuck was I ready for this? Can I handle it? Fuuuuuuuuucccck I had no choice he gave one last push with his hips and he broke into my hole. He continued with the push, forcing his way into my hole, his cock just kept going and going invading my tight hairless boyhood. "Yeah fucker, you're good and tight, yeah thats it tense up, it just makes me wanna fuck you harder. Your fuckin spit is the best fuckin lube boy. My PA is rubbin against your insides boy, its gonna get you all worked up on the inside, my precum is leaking out into your sweaty hole" Then it hit me. He's fucking me without a rubber! I freaked, "You're fucking me raw? What the fuck dude! Take that fucking thing out of me!" I tensed up my hole trying to push his pole out, I tried to break away from his grasp. But his hard body had me flat against the wall, he was bigger than me and stronger than me in every way. "Come on faggy, I know you like this, and you trying to get away from me, that just makes it hotter, I'm just gonna fuck you harder now" With that, he pulled his cock out all the way, I saw my chance, I tightened up my hole as best I could and tried to move my ass out of line from his cock. "Haha you sneaky fucker, nice try" he bit the back of my neck, fuck did that hurt as he sank his teeth into me he rammed all 8.5 inches of uncut pierced meat into my hole all the way to the base. I screamed so fucking loud, I saw stars, and he picked up the pace pounding my hole harder and faster - slamming his cock into me over and over again. The pace picked up, I was begging him to stop "I'll do anything, please just don't cum in me!" he stopped, and whipped his cock out of me hard and fast, it burned my hole so fucking much! He whipped me around and kneed me in the gut making me fall to the floor. "Open wide fucker!" and he slammed his cock into my throat. As it was sliding in, I saw that it had blood and shit on it. I wanted to puke, this was fucking disgusting! He didn't give me a chance to fight, he was always a step ahead of me. Holding my face he maintained a fucking rhythm, he was thrusting harder and harder into my face, he began to shudder and groan… oh fuck this is it… with one last thrust he slammed his cock all the way into my throat, spasming he began to shoot rope after rope of hot thick salty cum into my gut. I began to choke and gag, he pulled back, I choked and snorted again, the cum went up my nose, I coughed and sneezed it out. He kept his cock in my mouth clean it fag, you made this mess, not me" I was shivering and shuddering from what had just happened, mindlessly, I sucked and cleaned his pole as best I could. His cum dripping from my nose to my chin, and on to the floor. I felt abused, broken and stupid. He stood towering over me, watching me, laughing. I moved to stand up, I needed to get out of there, I'd had enough. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed, pushing me back to the floor. "Where the fuck are you goin? Did I could say you could stand up? Well pig? Tell me did I fuckin say you could stand up? NO! So sit the fuck down!" I just starred at him, I wanted to hate him, I wanted to scream, but all I could do was look at the sweat beading on his ripped chest, those perfect abs, and the smell and taste of his cum in my mouth. "Stupid faggot, don't you remember? You said you'd try anything twice, and you are also here for the weekend. We're only just getting started" Weak, and out of breath, I sat defeated on the floor against the wall. My hole was burning, sweat was dripping into my eyes… I didn't have any energy left. My head was still spinning from whatever he'd put into that water I'd drank earlier. He didn't give me a chance to rest, he grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me up. He dragged me down the hallway into another room, and pushed me through the doorway. "Don't even think about moving punk, or I'll kick your ass into next fuckin week." I didn't even have the energy to reply to him. I heard him close the door, and walk down the hallway. I must have passed out, I don't know if it was a minute or an hour, I was brought-to by him kicking me in the back "What the fuck are you doing fag? I didn't tell you, you could pass out. Drink this, now. He handed me ice cold water bottle, I didn't think twice, I was so thirsty and dehydrated I needed it badly. "You'll be full of energy in a minute boy, but I'm impressed you're still conscious, that makes me think I'm not working you hard enough" With that, I finished the bottle of water, I felt a little better, the room was no longer spinning. I presumed it was night time, as sole window in the room was dark. I began to realize what was around me, there was a sling hanging from the ceiling… boxes stacked floor to ceiling on one wall, each with pictures on it, I couldn't make out what they were. There was a rim seat, a dog crate, on the back of the door were several dog collars and leashes hanging up. To my left there was a leather padded bench, the floor was concrete, with a drain in the middle, and there was a sink in the other corner. I thought "what kind of sick fuck is this guy?" I was about to find out. "Get up and lay on the bench boy" I struggled to get up, but did as instructed, fear was now returning. He began to strap me to the bench, first he stretched out my arms and strapped my wrists and upper arms down to the bench, then he strapped my ankles and thighs. "Now boy, you're gonna have to trust me implicitly, you are about to experience what it means to be a true submissive whore. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way, you lay perfectly still and don't move a muscle no matter what. The hard way, you resist, and you will be in more pain than you can ever imagine." I just laid there, unable to move, staring straight up at the ceiling, regretting every second. "By your silence, I presume you're going to take the easy way. He started moving around the room, taking things out of drawers, laying them on the floor. He then tightened the restraints around my left arm. It almost went numb, I felt a cold wipe go across my skin, and then a prick. Then I realized… oh fucking hell… in my mind I was screaming, it took all the energy I could muster not to move. Then, it happened. He grabbed my head, and said "look me in the eye pig, and don't blink" he released the the restraint on my arm. "THREE TWO ONE" BANG! I was terrified, there was a bitter taste in my throat, a fraction of a second later I lost my breath. I was gasping for air, choking. My ears seemed to explode with a deafening ringing. I couldn't stop coughing and choking, my mind was reeling. "Fuck yeah pig! Yeah! Thats my boy!!! You're mine now!" My heart was about to explode out of my chest, then the rush began to wash over me. All I could say was "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck…" He was grinning, "theres no turning back pig"… he released the restraints, I immediately sat up and the rush just kept coming, it was fucking endless. "Now pig, there won't be much need for restraints, I know you are the kind of punk that will follow any order now" With that, he pulled out another needle, stuck it in his arm, and pushed the plunger. He didn't cough like I did, but I could tell he was just as high. He pulled out the needle, and held his arm out to me "Lick it pig" I went and licked the blood spot from his arm, it tasted so gross but I loved it. He wrapped a cock ring around his dick and balls, and got rock hard immediately. "Fuck yeah pig! You're gonna get it all tonight" He pushed me back to the bench, grabbed my legs, threw them over his shoulder and pushed his pierced pole into my hole all the way in, no lube. FUCK IT FELT SO GOOD. He started slamming my hole, hard and fast, I began to moan, getting louder and louder. "Fuck yeah piggy, you like that? Yeah you're gonna be my fuckin slut all weekend" I could only reply with "Yes Sir, thank you Sir!" he was splitting my hole open, and I didn't fucking care, I just wanted my hole filled, and to please him to show my gratitude for showing me this twisted fucking world. He pulled his raw cock out of my hole and flipped me around to suck him clean, as I was sucking him clean he leaned over my back teasing my hole with his fingers "damn piggy, that hole is still tight, I think we need to stretch it a bit more" I didn't say anything, I just swallowed his cock to the base, and tried to relax my hole even more, a sign for him to keep probing at it with his fingers. He pulled his pole out of my mouth and balanced his balls on my lips, "you ever been fisted punk?" "No Sir, please Sir, I want to be the best pig I can be for you Sir. I will do anything for you Sir." He pulled back, "be careful what you wish for pig, you know I can make it happen". "Please Sir, I'll do anything, even something you haven't done but want to do, I will be that pig. I will do it Sir". He didn't need any more encouragement, I was back on the bench, he handed me a fresh bottle of poppers and told me to breathe deep twice in each nostril. While I did that, he brought out a squirt bottle, and squirted lube on to his hands. I went to put the poppers down, he told me to keep them in my hand, because I'll need them. With that, the high I was experiencing went to the next level, the poppers hit, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I felt him apply pressure to my hole, he started sliding a couple of fingers into my hole. They just slid right in, no resistance. He just kept sliding them in and out, over and over again. He added a third, twisting it around my hole, making me squirm and writhe begging for more. He kept adding more lube, and I kept inhaling the poppers. Then he got to all four digits, and started to push the thumb in… fuck, I was in heaven! He just kept working my hole over, pulling in, out twisting it, changing hands. Then he told me to take two deep hits of the poppers and to push. I did as I was told, and the pressure against my hole was immense. He told me to keep breathing deep breaths, and with that the rush hit me, and his whole fist slid right up into my shitter. I immediately began to piss myself, it trickled all over my chest, all over his arm… it was so fucking hot! "Damn pig, you gotta be careful, you're starting to impress me, I might have to raised the bar on you". All I could do was lay there in ecstasy, he gradually started pulling his fist in and out of my hole, never quite getting to the point where it would fall out, always holding it right at that threshold. He was driving me crazy, I wanted to do anything for this dude. He must have been working my hole over for what felt like 10 minutes, but he pointed out, it had been almost 2 hours. Ok punk, we need to pace ourselves, this shit will get you going for a good 12 hours, but to make the most of it you gotta rest every once in a while. He began to pull his fist out of my now gaping hole, 3-2-1 push, I pushed. It plopped out, and so did half the lube he'd put up there, and I'm sure some shit as well. My hole was gaping, it was gasping for air, just like me. I kept letting out wet farts as the air was escaping. Fuck it felt so good, and yet so empty. I reached down, and began teasing it, showing it off to him. He hocked back and spat a wad of snot onto my hole. I eagerly pushed it in. "Thank you Sir" My hole was so fucking sloppy, but I felt it beginning to tighten. I still didn't have full control over my ass muscles yet. "Sir, do you have anything I can put into my hole to keep it loose for you?" He didn't say anything, he got up, rinsed his hands off in the sink, and opened one of the drawers on the wall. He pulled out two huge butt plugs, one slightly larger than the other, and measured them against his fist. He took the one that was slightly smaller and set it on the bench. "Have at it pig… but just before you do, get on the floor face down, ass in the air… get that ass as high up as you can" I did as commanded, he stood up, lined up his still hard cock to my hole, and prized it open just a little with his fingers. I felt him spread my hole and push the head in about half way. The next thing I know, I felt a warm sensation in my now well used cunt. "Fuck yeah pig, you like me pissing in your hole?" Fuck I didn't even think about that! Damn! it was so fucking hot, he even let out a fart as he was doing it. He pissed for what seemed like forever, and he stopped just as it began to trickle out of my hole and down my thigh. He grabbed the plug and pushed it straight in, no warning. Just an hard shove that almost made me fall flat on the floor. I was even more full now, than when I had his fist in me. "Stay like that pig, don't move" He left the room, while I was just kneeling on the floor, my face against the concrete. Then I heard his voice from down the hallway, it sounded like he was on the phone. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I didn't care either. I was more interested in feeling that hot steaming piss in my hole, and the plug that was forced into it. He came back, and ordered me to stand, as I did, I felt another rush of the drugs kick in, he noticed me wobble a slightly "That will be the tina in my piss, you just got a secondary high pig" Fuck it felt good, all I could manage was "Thank you" he handed me more water which I drank in record time. As I was drinking, he walked around me, eyeing me up. He leaned in from behind me and whispered in my ear "Have you enjoyed pleasing me so far punk?" I was in the middle of downing the water and just nodded. "Good boy, so are you sure you will do anything for me?" I nodded again. He grabbed my flaccid cock, and balls and tugged tightly, making me wince. "You have a nice tool pig, theres nothing that turns me on more than a total bottom slut with a huge cock and low balls that he doesn't use. You know, I bet that cock of yours would look even better pierced. What do you think punk?" He didn't give me a chance to reply, he shoved his rank sweaty arm pit into my face and held it there "Yeah, I think you'd like that punk, me marking you with my scent, and marking you with a ring through that pretty little cock" I can't deny I'd always fantasized about getting a PA, but never had the guts to do it. My head was swimming again, fuck this turned me on! "Good thing for you punk, I've got a couple of buds on their way over here now, and one of them is the best piercer in town. I'm sure he'd do one for you, in exchange for some servicing, I'll even give you another slam to help you decide, what do you think?" I didn't need to say anything, my cock betrayed me, it went to full on hard in a matter of seconds. "Yeah, I thought you'd like that pig". Inserted from <http://bugshare.net/cgi-bin/discus/board-auth.cgi?lm=1272730477&file=/2063/513973.html>
  12. I always look for young twinks when I travel to play with. I like lean or muscle bois who often have never barebacked before. My last trip to Columbus Ohio brought me Darin. He had just broken up with his bf of four months and wanted to play the field. His dad is a doctor he told me so he always plays safe and he and his bf had never barebacked. I told him how glad I was that he shared that info with me, I love neg boys they are so hot... especially when you can convince them to take it bare. I shared with him how I was married and had not played with many guys and the most of them I would not do much since I had no idea how safe they were. I shared how I still fucked my wife bare and how I did not want to give her anything. He asked me how it was to fuck pussy and told me he had never been with a woman. I started to tell him how hot wet pussy was and he was getting hot as I talked about fucking cunt and unloading in her. We talked for about a week both on the phone and mimed back and forth and set a plan for him to come to my hotel. When he got there he was cuter then I had even imagined. Blonde, think with a hot bubble butt and the most beautiful eyes... he came in and I offered him a drink... I had made drink and put some g in it... he asked me what it was and I told him it was an herb to help with sex. I told him I had taken some to calm my nerves... I could see him get tingly all over... we started to make out and he was melting in my hands... I undid hid belt and this thick 7" cock flopped out... I started to suck him and as he rubbed my 9" cock. I stood up and unzipped my fly and unbuckled my pants. My cock was standing straight up... precum dripping and he went down on me, I pulled him forward so his ass up and I could rub his hole. The G was really kicking in, he was pushing his little hole back on my fingers and I spit on two and worked them up his tight little hole. He stared to moan and push back harder... I told him we should head to the bedroom... I lead him in and told him to get up on all fours and I started to rim his hole... Damn that hole tasted so good... I had put some Tina beside the bed. It was in a syringe without the needle top. I also had some chocolate and I put some on my finger and had him taste it... I told him I wanted to lick this off and out of his hole... I put some on his hole and then slide the syringe in and shot the Tina in him. Then I eat his hole like no tomorrow. I was moaning and loving my tongue and I stood up and let my thick cock rub on his hole. Poured some lube on his hole and the Tina was kicking in because he was rubbing and pushing back and asking me to fuck him. I lined up and after what seemed like the 10th time he pushed back I popped my cock head in. Damn he felt great... He was so high that he took a big hit of poppers and I sank all the way in him. He was moaning and telling me how he had never been fucked with a cock so big. The boy loved it... I fucked him doggie and then flipped him over on his back and finally on his side... I started to breathe heaving and he knows I was going to come and he started to pull off and I pulled his hips back and unload in his hole... Fuck it was hot. He pushed back and I fucked him for a few more min and then whispered in his ear... did you like that?
  13. I knew nothing, at least not as much as I thought. I had been meeting up with some guys met on various websites for porn getting naked and buzzed. That some of them used drugs a bit harder than just weed like me I knew, but never really thought about much. We all clicked and it was always great fun. Usually I left after an hour or so, Sat nites were usually an all nite thing tho. Last time, there after midnight, a rig was brought out. One of the guys mixed up a batch and gave it to a cute young guy...I watched it flush pink and then saw it go into his arm. Then the elastic was released. Almost instantly It seemed to hit him, obviously he was in ecstasy. Someone pointed out how hard my dick was, and I blushed, unaware until then how my heart was pounding too."You need to try this"...I was told. A joint was lit and handed to me, I drew in deeply as a new rig was produced and a new batch of drug mixed...told to lay flat on the carpet cuz this was my first slam I did so, and felt apprehensive as the surgical tubing was looped around my arm above the elbow...The needle came. Poking it into my by now raised and slightly throbbing vein it was pushed in..a slight pain...until he was well into the vein. Drawing back the plunger I saw my blood...my tissue...mixing with the drug in the barrel with a swirling red and pink mix. The plunger was pushed and the mix disappeared into my arm and I could feel the veins distend from the pressure...the elastic was removed and the rest of the shot rushed in as the plunger bottomed. The needle was jerked out and a thin trickle of blood escaped, a hand clamped over the injection site. But my head was swimming, my heart pounded. Instantly I felt warm and flushed. In a minute or so I looked down to see what had been a big hardon shrivel into a small little nub, but the sensation on my cock was still very real. A cock was put on my lips and greedily I sucked it in. My ass seemed to be throbbing too, in a way I had not before known. Rolling up onto my knees and elbows with forehead on the carpet I remember saying "OH MY GOD"....someone said "fuck him!"and I said yessss....the throbbing in my ass was begging for something. Quickly lube was produced and a hard cock made ready and driven home. I have bottomed before but this time it seemed like what I was made for. Feeling that cock buried deep inside I rode it like mad. He came, and another was driven in. This one was much bigger, and I looked down at my own shriveled dick as a big gob of cum gushed out as the new man bottomed out his erection in me. My elbows and forehead were raw from carpet burns but I only knew the pleasure of being fucked. He came in great gusts and bellowed as he did so. watching my cock and balls go back and forth with his thrusts struck me as funny. Another cock was pushed against my lips and I took it in and worked it, as a new cock was pushed into my by now well cum lubed hole. Soon he came too, as did the cock in my throat. Only about an hour had passed since the slam. And I was well on my way to becoming what ever lay ahead in life. Inserted from <http://bugshare.net/cgi-bin/discus/board-auth.cgi?lm=1242337327&file=/2063/282087.html>
  14. My lover and I had played with this hot guy once before, but on this night, my lover sent me over to this guys house to be "trained" as a cumslut. When I arrived, we chatted for a bit while he prepared 2 big slams. Then he got me all ready to slid the slam slowly into my vein and emptied the syringe. I immediately started breathing hard, got a ringing in my ears, got all warm and was ready for cock. He told me to go into the bedroom and lay face down and wait for him while he slammed himself. In only a few minutes I felt him on top of me with his already hard cock poking against my willing hole. He tied my hands down to the bed while i begged for his cock, then put a blindfold on me and started sliding his cock in and out of my now hungry hole!!! I was in TOTAL heaven...then after a while of fucking me, he stopped and said he needed to catch his breath but that I was not to move....he climbed off of me leaving me laying there tied up blindfolded and exposed. Then a few minutes later I felt him climb back on top of me and i thought, ok i'm ready for round 2 but something felt different. Then all of a sudden someone was pushing their cock in my mouth and i thought, how is this possible. Just then he removed the blindfold and I was shocked to see I was sucking his cock and being fucked by his roommate. Apparently he had come home while i was blindfolded and I didn't hear him come in and slid his cock in my hole. His roommate is a well known porn star (cant give his name) and leaned over and told me he was going to give me his charged up load deep in my hole. i begged for it and after a while I felt him spurt his manjuice in my now swollen cunt. When he was done, he quietly exited the room and the first guy slid his cock back inside me giving me his load also. When he was done he leaned over gently kissed me and said "now go home to your lover with a poz loads in your hole". I left and took both loads home with me in my hole. That was the hottest night of my life. He told me the next time we got together he would arrange a few guys to charge me up but that I wouldn't see them because I would be blindfolded...I cant wait for that day to come!!! I met a guy from P-town that was into leather and wanted to do some bondage and submission training with me. I arrived at his house and he met me at the front door, clad in his leather gear. I was so excited, I could hardly wait. He put his hand up to my chest and pushed me back, and told me to go around to the back door and strip down naked. I obeyed him and went around to the back door, stripped down, and waited for him to come and get me. He put a collar on me, attached a leash, and led me through the house to the bed room. He put me on the bed, tied my hands and feet to the bedposts, then blindfolded me. I was rock hard and horny as hell. He spread some lube on my hole and roughly shoved his fingers in lube my hole and loosen my up. All I could think about was taking his meaty nine inch cock. The feel of his leather chaps against my legs as he mounted my ass was making me crazy. I felt the head of his massive cock press against my hole then spread my pucker. He eased his cock into my hole and as the muscles loosened, he started fucking harder and harder. His thick cockhead was hitting every part of my cunt and made me feel like a greedy whore. Then, without warning, he stopped fucking me and pulled his cock out. The feeling of emptiness was so profound, I felt like I was alone in a cave. I could hear him leave the room, then return. He climbed back on top of me and pushed his cock inside my hungry hole. I thought he had lost his hardon and needed to get aroused again to fuck me because his cock felt smaller.... then I realized what was going on. He had brought his boyfriend over to join him. His mate had almost as big a cock and just as much leather and lust. They took turns fucking my hole. All the while I was tied to the bed and blindfolded. They used my hole for over an hour before they were both spent. I assumed that they had used condoms, but I'll never know for sure. It was such an amazing experience to have had. My buddy didn't untie me until after his boyfriend had left, so I had two huge cocks, one anonymous, and maybe two loads... "He put me on the bed, tied my hands and feet to the bedposts, then blindfolded me. I was rock hard and horny as hell. He spread some lube on my hole and roughly shoved his fingers in lube my hole and loosen my up." "He had brought his boyfriend over to join him. His mate had almost as big a cock and just as much leather and lust. They took turns fucking my hole. All the while I was tied to the bed and blindfolded. They used my hole for over an hour before they were both spent."
  15. Yesterday evening, I was really horny and went onto manhunt where I talked to a guy I had hooked up with and whom I had also slammed with a few times before. He's an average guy with an amazing butt, kinky tattoos, a leather fetish and certainly one who loves it bareback like the rest of us. Well, I had earlier in the evening spoken with a younger guy who wanted to slam. I decided against doing it because I didn't really know this guy and thought that it would take a lot out of me for the next week. Well, after I got to my friend's place, we smoked a little, which always means some removal of clothing. Hey, just as a side note, I'd love to see some porn out there showing party boys as there are sure a lot of us around. Anyway, my buddy went on line and was keen on slamming that evening. Well, now I was horny and I know how it gets me totally wild and unrestrictive..... Something about the notion made me unable to say no. The younger guy hit me up on line there and in the end, he and another guy came on over. The four of us slammed. It was incredible. One of the guys had a thing for plastic wrap, so we began wrapping each other in bondage-like ways. We also used it to hold our arms and legs bound to the sling that my buddy had. Soon, cocks were in asses and mouths, We even slammed my buddy who was tied up to the bed with the plastic wrap....that was about an hour after his first slam. He was really flying. What is it about partying that makes us really really wanna bareback? Before I ever did this stuff, I never had the inclination to bareback.....I guess it's something about the party culture, the xxx piggy bareback films out there that we all play when we are partying, etc. I'd love to hear from more of the slammers out there about their wild adventures...
  16. My breeder gave me the best gift one could get on Christmas today. He gave me the gift of another poz load. It was the only gift that I could have wanted from him, and he gave it in style. My breeder and I met on a hookup site 3 weeks ago. I lied to him about the fact that I had partied previously. Our chance meeting brought me the closest thing that I ever want to having a boyfriend again. He gave me my first poz load and I promised myself and him that until my conversion happened I would take only loads from him. He has fucked me 2-3 times per week for the past 3 weeks. This Christmas was the first Christmas spent away from home and he made it his priority to make sure I had a satisfactory Christmas, and the best gift that any chaser could ask for. The gift started out with me driving to pick him up from work, where I bought 40 worth of tina from his manager(manager and dealer at the same time, it rocks.) We went back to my place and cuddled on the couch until about 11:45pm on christmas eve, when he left to take care of some business and took my car. When he got back we headed over to our friend's apartment where we smoked three of the best bowls of our girl I had smoked recently. Our friend is hugely into penis, ball, and nipple torture. I got my present at about 430am on Christmas day. A couple bowls more, a few booty bumps and a lot of crisco gave me a great load that he had been saving for me since we passed out sucking each other off the last time we had hung out. We stared each other in the eyes for the entire 25 minutes he plowed his christmas tree and toxic present into me. I could have taken his tree for at least another hour based on how high I was at that point. Right before he blew he asked me, "Are you ready for the best Christmas gift you have ever gotten in your life." I growled back at him, "Give me my present now, and give it to me deep into my hole. BREED MY HOLE AND MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS BABIES STAY IN MY HOLE SO I CAN SHARE YOUR GIFT WITH OTHERS ON EVERY HOLIDAY EVER!!!!" He started blowing his load at BREED and I could feel him squirting my ass with his sweet poison and thrusting for another 5 minutes. When he pulled out my ass which only lets anything out when I want to let it out and let me and our friend taste my ass juice on his cock.About 20 minutes later he gave me my second load and I blew mine about 4 minutes into the second fuck into my friends waiting lips who then swapped my cum back and forth until i got the second gift of my christmas day. he collapsed on top of me and told me that my christmas present from me was my commitment to making him the man that breeds me. I created a living art piece on my friend's chest and using duct tape and clothespins to give hime extremly pointy nipples and "USE ME AND ABUSE ME!!" taped across his chest. I'm planning on getting one more load from my breeder tonight at work from my breeder when we are going to film me in my circle k uniform getting bred in my store's vault cooler while he breeds my ass on top of the beer in the cooler and gives me my 3rd and final gift today. We're planning on filming our friend getting tortured: chained down to the bed, whipped, putting clothes pins on his balls penis and nipples. As well as bribe with enough money to buy a 40oz beer, the nastiest, dirtiest, drunk and intoxicated; bridge dwellers, bums, homeless, and transient men to do the above mentioned things and We also will film him tied up and kneeling behind the trash dumpsters for my store blindfolded where our hired drunks will piss on him time and time again between about midnight and 430am in the next coming weeks. We are debating selling copies of the event for 3 or 4 bucks each, and posting a couple scenes from the video to x-tube. I can't wait til tonight when I get fucked in my store. My biggest circle k sex fantasy is to bet bred on the coffee bar with coffee brewing on all the machines, before having my breeder mix his "Coffee creamer of death" into my creamer hungry cumdump.
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  17. PART 17 Once more Dad was almost immediately sitting on a stool at my ass. He placed his fist at my opening and pushed gently slipping inside easily. He looked up and I thought I detected a slight smile. He pushed deep into me with his fist. As he did so, the load of cum was pushed deeper in me or pushed to the walls of my intestine pinned there by his arm that pushed those swimmers further along my wall. Dad made a couple of complete thrusts into my ass with his fist before withdrawing it again. He patted my thigh, stood up, and reached out to me. I released my wrists from their loops as well as my boots from their loops. I leaned forward coming to rest on the floor holding on to the chains of the sling to steady myself. I quickly regained my balance and looked at Dad who put his hand on my shoulder and guided me away from the sling removing my mask and tossed it into the sling. He walked me over to a fuck bench. It was a nice one. Black leather covered it; deeply padded; thick legs for sturdiness; bolts for connections between wood pieces. And, it was adjustable. When we stopped, I looked at Dad who looked at the fuck bench. I immediately positioned myself on it resting my torso on the deeply padded uppermost part as my knees and shins settled onto a cushioned leg rest. Dad adjusted me so that my ass was positioned where it would be available and open. He took my hand and put it on a metal pipe which had been angled for perfection so that I could easily enough have stability in holding on. Dad stepped away but returned showing me a big black dildo. He let me view it several seconds, then, turned away and walked behind me. I felt that dildo being pushed into my ass. Dad gently twisted it and turned it as he pushed it forward further and further. I was being filled once more. It was a full feeling but not a real one since I knew it was only a dildo and not a big black cock. Fully inserted now, Dad stepped to face my hip. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! With each blow, Dad had hit the end of the dildo with his paddle forcing it to violently invade my ass stretching the innermost part of me. I was stunned but said nothing. It was my lustful duty to comply. This man was a God to me. He rubbed my ass feeling the heat which he had generated. He came to my ear and said, “You made me do this because you got yourself fucked at Man’s Country without my permission. You will not do that again unless I tell you to do so if I should choose to play with you again. Do you understand?” “Yes, Sir; I understand and apologize again for my error.” Dad walked away and I was left alone in the room. Some time passed before I heard footsteps again. I felt a presence of several but was faced away from the doorway to the room. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! It was Dad. He again reminded me of my error. He removed the dildo and I heard him walk away. I felt a presence at my ass and soon enough a cock began entering my ass. My cheeks were still stinging from Dad’s paddle and my inside was feeling very punched by the dildo. But, this was a cock entering me. I was going to be fucked again. This was a new cock or it was a cock that was unrecognized because of all that had happened to and in my ass. It was a nice size but I couldn’t guess how big it was. I just knew it was going to fuck me and with luck receive a hefty dose of the man’s cum. My new fucker was there to fuck. That was what he enjoyed I found out. But, someone else had other ideas and desires. I soon felt on my back a flogger working its magic. My nerve endings began tingling at the sensation of each stroke as the straps landed on my back creating that wild pattern of red. As each stroke of the flogger hit my back, my ass flinched grasping the cock that was in me and squeezing it momentarily stimulating it. It was a good rhythm that was meted out by my flogger and fucker. They seemed to be in sync with the other knowing what each needed. There were moments of pause and my fucker would twist his cock around and around inside me as my flogger desisted from striking my back. All too soon, though, they returned to their synchronized dance of Sadism and fucking. I began to enjoy the beat that they had developed and felt the crescendo to increase for both flogger and fucker. Faster and faster they beat out their song of lust. With a final wild blow from the hand of the flogger, the man whose cock was inserted into my ass slammed forward at the precise moment of the last flogging blow and began unleashing his cum load into my ass. I was taking possession of another man’s ball juices. I relished in the heat. I felt the flogger being placed on my back as my flogging man evidently pushed my fucker out of the way. His cock popped out of my hole with the loss of what felt like a large amount of fluid. Damn! I had been caught off guard. Immediately, I was rammed fully into by my flogger who grabbed my hips and began pounding my ass the full length of his cock. He had a nice cock from what I could feel. It didn’t matter though. I was being fucked. I was being used for a purpose and for what I had been created. I was being fucked and was going to receive another load of cum in my ass. Yes, very soon this man began slapping my ass cheeks finally grabbing me at my hips and pounding hard and deep as he let out an deep guttural animalistic growl unleashing his DNA into my ass mixing with the freshly deposited load from the previous man. This flogger now fucker twitched and jerked as his load of cum infiltrated my gut. Once finished, he pulled slowly out of my ass. I felt no loss of cum this time. As I began to come down from the fucking high, someone began slowly shoving a dildo in my ass until it was fully inserted. Once fully installed, it was turned and rotated as if it were an axle on a car. First, it was spun one way and then the other several times until it was removed. END PART 17 PART 18 Someone in chaps stepped to the side of my head. He lifted my head turning it toward him. It was Dad. He asked if I was okay. I told him that I was. He told me to raise up but to remain kneeling on the fuck bench. I did so. Dad snapped the rubber strap around my arm, and I immediately began pumping my fist. Someone noted that I was losing cum from my ass. In a short while, I felt a dildo begin to force its way through my cheeks; I bent over resting my hands on the fuck bench allowing easy entry for the dildo. I then stood up again resuming my fist pumping. Dad swabbed my arm as I stopped. He steadied my arm and inserted a point fully into me, pulling back on the plunger. I saw that swirling rush of red mixing with the clear liquid. I got excited as I always do. Dad plunged the contents into me repeating his action again filling the barrel with dark red fluid and then injecting it into me. That super surge hit me again and I coughed with acceptance. I resumed my position on the fuck bench. Dad left my side. I felt the dildo being taken out of me followed by the sensation of something small being inserted. It took me a little while to realize since I was in my haze of happiness that Dad evidently was inserting a tube. Again, it took some thinking to realize that this was the tube attached to the funnel. Sure as I had made the connection on what Dad was doing I felt a warmth inside me. A flow of warmth spread out at the end of the tube. The tube was withdrawn once more. I had received another deposit from a bottle: contents unknown. From here on, I was on the fuck bench for the remainder of the night. Bimini fucked me three more times during the night. I know it was Bimini though no words were spoken. His procedure for breeding was always the same when it came to a white man’s ass. I was so glad. I hoped that I had pleased him. I didn’t want to disappoint Dad. The last two men who had fucked me as they built up their flogging and fucking in tandem fucked me twice each more. My back was pretty sore after the third flog fucking. I might have been able to have taken one more but it was their choice to stop. I just know that the symphony that they had developed was a rousing success as far as I was concerned. I was introduced to them as Ben and Harry. Ben loved watching his partner flog a man and Harry loved watching Ben fuck a man. It dawned on them at some point in their relationship that they should mix the two resulting in a truly wonderful experience. The tall black man who had fucked me tagged me once more. I wasn’t sure if I had been a disappointment to him but would never ask. That would be rude and disrespectful. Still, he was black and fucked beautifully. Abel was his name. He was able and capable. The first unknown man who had fucked me was named Ars. Ars was a surprise. Ars was a nickname. It was short for Arsenic. It took me a bit to realize the connection. And, when it dawned on me why the name, of course, it fit. Why shouldn’t a man who has by his own admission been the most toxic of all who had fucked me this night have a name of Arsenic or Ars? Nothing like poison in my ass. True to my word, I took all the poison from Ars that he had. This man was not only lethally potent but was a volume producer. He deposited a total of five of his lethal doses in me. Once all of these five men had enjoyed themselves in my ass, Plugger and then Dad once again—and in that order—fucked me in their own fashion. They had held off so that they did not impede any fucking that would load my ass with previously unknown cum loads from men. Dad told me that the two of them already owned me and could fuck me any time. Dad was allowing his friends to enjoy themselves. Dad never mentioned my needs or desires. He knows so much and does understand. I do not matter. I am only a means for others to use to bring them enjoyment and satisfaction. As I was eventually helped up off the fuck bench at the end of the night or rather morning, I stood but again began leaking. Once more the black dildo was inserted in my ass. I felt filled again. This was when all the introductions were made. I got hugged by each man in turn and a hard slap on my butt cheeks. We went upstairs. The four men left leaving Dad, Plugger, Bimini, and me to shuffle into the kitchen. As the three of them sat on chairs, Dad pointed to the floor beside him. I sat feeling the pressure of the black dildo going further into me stimulating me. They talked. I said nothing. Eventually, Dad yawned and stretched followed by Bimini and then Plugger in turn. Bimini stood and said he was going to bed that it was after three. I was stunned. Bimini came over to me and bent down patting my head. “Nice breeding you, kunt.” He left and went upstairs. Dad and Plugger stood up and hugged. Plugger looked at me, gave me a thumbs up, and left. Dad turned to me wiggling his index finger to get up. I stood. He told me to back to the basement and remove the dildo putting it in the sling. Then, I was to meet him at the steps to upstairs. I did as I was told. Dad turned and went up the steps with me following. We went into his bedroom. He told me to strip and to pile my things neatly beside the door. I did as I was told. By the time I had finished, Dad had turned down the bed and was himself naked. He pointed to the bed and told me to get in. When I had, Dad climbed in with me, moved between my legs spreading them as he raised them to his shoulders. His beautiful black curved cock was at the ready once more. He slowly began forcing it into my ass as I began wiggling beneath him anxiously to accept more of his cock. Once fully inserted, Dad began a gentle loving rhythm of fucking my ass which was intensely sore by now. With each insertion and withdrawal, I could feel just how raw from fucking my ass had become. Dad continued his leisurely gentle motion of fucking as he gazed intently at me. I looked deeply into his eyes looking for any signal of his approval. He had said nothing about how I had done. He had not said anything about whether or not I had fully satisfied his friends or if I had embarrassed him with a poor performance. I saw nothing. Dad hid all information from me. He was a God. Dad fucked me in this position and fashion for a very long time. Just as he gave no hint of emotion neither did I yet I knew that between us there was something there. I just did not know what. Dad would tell me when he was ready. What I realized was that I had to focus on making Dad feel good now at this very moment. When that thought hit my brain, I flooded myself with intent to satisfy him. Dad responded in a short time beginning to pick up his pace of fucking. He was fucking me harder and harder stimulating me. My ass was on fire to take his beautiful black curved cock in my ass and to make him so very satisfied. I began working harder at stimulating Dad. It was him who mattered and Dad sensed it more and more grinding his cock harder and deeper into me. With no sound or outward sign, Dad finally gasped aloud and I felt his cock spasming in my ass where I urged his cock on to fully unload his ball juices into me once more. Dad finally stopped moving and allowed his cock to rest. Dad didn’t have to tell me anything. I finally knew. He had just made love to me. We had not had sex; Dad had made love to me in as gentle a manner as possible under the circumstances. He had told me everything that I needed to know. I had succeeded that weekend with Dad and Plugger’s help. I was in Dad’s bed. His was the last load of cum in me. In fact, the last two loads of cum. I was being allowed to sleep with him. Dad slowly pulled his cock from my ass and lay down beside me. He pulled the covers over us. He told me to lie on my stomach. I obeyed. He told me that he wanted no leakage in his bed. He had arranged for me to be bred by some close friends to find out what I was capable of and willing to do. This was what he wanted me for. Dad told me that he wanted a white pig slut bitch kunt just like me so that he could offer me up to other black men and sometimes to other men. But, that he was always first and Plugger was always second in obedience. He told me to think on that and that we would talk more. After sleeping fitfully again, late Sunday afternoon, Dad woke me and told me to get dressed. My clothes were on the bed and all that I had brought was packed. I dressed and the three of us left saying good-bye to Bimini and thanking him for his hospitality and breedings. We three returned to their apartment. Dad asked if I had had enough time to think about what he had told me when we were in bed. I looked him in the eyes and told him that as long as he wanted me and could use me I was willing to belong to him. I owed him primary obedience and Plugger secondary obedience. We talked at length about many things. Dad said that we would talk more and we did. Eventually, we came to an agreement and in time drew up a contract outlining my servitude to the two of them. That contract lasted for over five years until Dad died and Plugger decided to move away. They took me in and trained me to Dad’s specifications just as he said he would train me. END PART 18 FINI
  18. PART 15 As I lay there in the sling being absorbed by my surroundings and feeling that surge of needing to be fucked as the fluids from the barrel swirled through my veins, I came to realize that I was heavily covered in sweat and that the dose given to me was significantly more than I was used to having. I focused on my stomach and saw flashes of darkness passing over me with the darkness washing away from me as a wave does once it hits a beach. I looked more and more at this dark wave and finally realized that the darkness was bringing life to me. I was being flogged. I followed the darkness retreating and saw that it was being controlled by Him—my Sir; Dad. He was swinging his arm heavily in even controlled strokes that were propelling my body to a heady sensation of pleasure that I’ve known but never to the extent as I was feeling now. I then realized that my ass had been invaded and that with each stroke from the flogger my ass was being stretched wider and wider. I re-focused on the figure at my feet realizing soon that it was Plugger. He was working my ass widening it with something which I soon realized was a dildo. Plugger continued to insert and twist round and round this dildo pushing it further into my ass with each turn. He was making sure that my hole would be able to accommodate whatever any man wished to do with it. I foggily made a note that I would accept everything in my ass. Dad stopped his flogging, and Plugger removed the dildo from my ass. They came to stand on either side of me and began applying clips and clamps all over my body. One of them pulled aside my jock exposing my balls and cock and continued to apply clips and clamps all over that part of me as well. As they were attaching the last of the clips and clamps, I felt a presence at my ass hole. I noticed then that my host Bimini was standing there smiling down at me as he slowly stroked his massive black cock. I smiled gently at him as I felt two of his girth rough fingers invade me. I smiled more knowing what was to come. Bimini prepared me once more for his special breeding. He tore at my insides. I could feel his fingers being forced as far inside me as he could go and then him bending those knuckles so that his nails were pressed against my insides which he scraped pushing hard digging into the soft spongy flesh that I was sure was being torn open. He did this repeatedly until he had affected my ass in all 360 degrees. Bimini then with complete delight for himself shoved his cock full length into my ass grinding it side to side once fully inserted. He began to fuck me with long full strokes for a few minutes before easing his cock out of my ass. I was so empty. Bimini walked to my head putting the gas mask on my face and moved the can of ethyl from its holder on the wall to laying in the sling beside me. He told me to exhale completely. I did so. He told me to inhale slowly and deeply. As I began, Bimini hit the spray letting the aroma race through the tube into my face mask then into my lungs. I continued to breather deeper and deeper and became less and less conscious as Bimini once more shoved his beautiful black cock into my ass and began to fuck me once more. I awoke feeling the sling being violently shaken as Bimini was in the last stages of fucking my ass. He lunged forward into my ass as deeply as possible and unleashed one of his wonderful poisonous loads of cum into my ass. I had no idea how long I had been out; I missed out on the fuck but was at least aware of the flow of one more load of HIV cum being splattered on the inside of me. Bimini pulled his semi-hard cock from my ass and stepped away. A man walked up to where Bimini had been standing. I did not recognize him. He looked at me for awhile as he slowly stroked his cock. “So, you’re the fucking white bitch kunt we get to use tonight.” he said. I nodded in assent. “Since Bimini just fucked you, I know what that means. You like black cock in your ass and you like being bred. From what else I know, you’re a fucking pig for leather play, too.” I again nodded in assent. “I’m the most toxic you’ll ever get and whatever I’ve got you’re going to get a lot of it tonight.” I spoke through my gas mask and said, “Thank you, Sir. I will take everything you give me without fail or question.” “You bet your ass you will.” And, with that, he stepped closer putting the head of his now hard cock at my hole and pushed slowly into me. Since Plugger had done some stretching of my ass not long ago, I couldn’t get a real feel for how big a cock this man had but I really didn’t care. The fact that he had just put his cock all the way in my ass made it feel full once more and ready to be fucked again. This man was a bit smaller than Plugger by a couple of inches and was a bit stockier build. He had a dour look about him. He was clean shaven with short hair on his head. He was strong I could tell my how he gripped my legs as he held them to fuck me. I continued to look at him hoping that my facial expression and eyes told him how much I was in lust with his cock in my ass. He was there to fuck and did so until after several minutes his tempo began to increase. There was that telltale sign of what was to be. He continued to increase his tempo until he began spitting on me hitting my chest and face. He began vocalizing how potent he was and how toxic his load was. He continued this taunting increasing the crudity as he increased the tempo of his fucking. I began pushing back on the chains where my hands were in hopes of making me a better target for him to hit with his spit and for his cock to drive further into. In a final act of aggression and humiliation for him directed at me, he reached up and slammed his hands down on my nipples causing most of the clamps and clips which I had forgotten about to slip off causing a huge sensation of pain. He began pulling off all the clips and clamps that were located all over my body. I was in great disarray mentally fighting to focus on him and his cock. When he had dislodged the vast majority of the clips, he reached full length of me grabbing my shoulders pulling me toward him as his now steel hard cock drove to its furthest depth in me as the first of multiple shots of his self-proclaimed toxic load of HIV positive cum hit my insides. Each time that he unleashed another load of his tainted DNA into my ass he spit fully on my face driving me into a frenzy of lust for him. The sweat poured off his body and rained down onto me just as his dirty load of cum continued to pour into my body. He slowly laid down on top of me to rest. I disentangled my arms wrapping them around him holding him close. We both heaved with gasps of air needing to fill our lungs until we finally were able to regain ourselves. He raised up from me as his cock slowly slipped out of my ass. I spoke through my mask and thanked him. He patted my inner thigh and told me he would be back and I would get more. END PART 15 PART 16 With my eyes, I followed him out of the room but returned to focus on a movement at my ass. Sir was just setting down on a stool. He looked at me but said nothing. He was lubing his hands. I felt his fingers at my hole. “Gently push out,” he said. I obeyed. He began to push his fingers inward slowly rotating them. I pushed gently as he continued with his pressure of inward advancement. His hand began to move further and further inside me. I was beginning to feel the pain of being so stretched. I knew I could do this as Dad had fisted me before. I focused on pushing as he continued his journey. I heard the hissing sound of the ethyl spray and inhaled deeply several times relaxing me more and more with each breath. Then, there was no sound of the spray nor was there the feeling of pain. I was floating off and continued to breathe easier as I felt the sensation of Dad’s hand moving further inside me until there was no more pressure of his pushing. I shook my head. I knew from the feeling that Dad’s hand was now wrist deep in my ass. “I’m going to push this highest toxic load as far inside you as I can get it. It’s where it belongs and where I want it.” I looked down at Dad, shook my head in assent and said, “Whatever you want, Sir.” With that response, dad began pushing further into my ass. His hand guided by the pointed fixture of his fingers outstretched. He moved further and further inside me as I felt more and more pressure. I heard the ethyl spray again and breathed deeply. Dad continued his quest until he reached where he wanted to be. I felt his hand opening and spreading out separating his fingers from the bunched collection that he had used to invade me. He began to turn his wrist left and then right. I felt his nails slicing into my insides. He began withdrawing his hand scraping the walls only to return to the depth where he had begun. He turned his hand about 90 degrees and continued to scrape the walls as he withdrew his hand. He continued this several times. Dad was determined that I was going to be bred and he was not leaving anything to chance. Supplemented by more ethyl, I accepted willingly all that Dad was doing to me. I belonged to him. It was right. It was meant to be. I relished and savored every scraping nail that prepared me for the best breeding that I had ever experienced. As Dad reached the end of my insides, he told me to push his hand out. I took a deep breath and bore down hard with my ass muscles feeling his now fist in my ass. It was not easy. I continued to strain and once when I thought that I was not going to be able to continue Dad’s hand popped out of my ass and my sphincter slammed shut . . . as best it could under the circumstances. I breathed deeply. As I began to return to normal breathing, Dad slowly reinserted his fist pushing slowly but firmly. He did tip his hand forming it in a fist but with a leading index finger finally making its way inside followed by the rest of his fist. He had me to push his fist out again which I did with only moderate effort this time. Dad was satisfied. He stood up and walked away. I followed the sight of him lusting after this black man. I silently begged him to beat me and to fuck me but kept my mouth closed to such. It was about what he wanted not what I wanted. I was merely the means for him to enjoy himself. I reveled in the thought of having that opportunity. My head was yanked back to the sight at the foot of the sling when I felt my ass being stretched wide. The pain was unbelievable. I focused on my new fucker who was tall—very tall and very husky. He was bearded with a full head of hair and a chest moderately covered by that kinky black hair that I love to lick and suckle. He had massive biceps. This black man had hands on him that looked as if they could fit totally around my head with no effort. What effort I needed was my ass being able to take his massively thick cock. His cock was thicker than Dad’s hand. It had to be because of the pain I felt. He slowly entered my ass stretching it wide. At some point, he hit the ethyl so that I could breathe in that helpful spray. I heaved in the ethyl in copious amounts so that I might catch up to where this black man was. He released the ethyl spray and grasped my thighs pulling me onto his cock taking the last couple of inches by bouncing the sling so that I bounced down the last bit of his cock impaling me firmly. He was pleased with himself as he grinned broadly. What a smile. What an evil wicked smile he had. He told me that when he got his cock fully in my ass I was to begin pushing it back out every time. I shook my head in assent and began pushing. His cock began its backwards journey until I could tell it was reaching the point where only the cockhead was still in my ass. He slowly began to push his cock back in my ass and I stopped pushing it out. This we continued to do for many, many minutes. I continued to look at him wondering how his nipples would taste, what his cock looked like, did he like being sucked, did he like having his ass rimmed but ever mindful of remaining dutifully silent. He reached forward to my nipples and began to twist, squeeze, and pull them. I was feeling super horny and needed this. He picked up the pressure and intensity of working my nipples as we continued to fuck: Him pushing his cock into me and me pushing his cock out of me once fully impaled. This fat cocked man was enjoying himself. He was taking his time but incrementally increasing his work on my nipples which I now was finding that they were indeed very sensitive because of his work. This was a nipple torturing expert. He was abrading each of them making them sensitive to the slightest of touch. I kept my mind flashing back to their being used and sensitized and the full rounded feeling that his thick black cock was giving my ass as we pistoned his cock in and out. Suddenly and without warning, he did an almost inaudible growl grabbing my nipples and clamping down on them as hard as possible squeezing them completely flat. At the same time his cock reached its full length inside my ass where I began my push outwards. He growled loudly now shaking his head and yelling “NO” so that I stopped my pushing. I felt his cock throbbing and swelling and spitting his cum load in my ass. This was such a unique man and such a unique fuck. He continued to flatten my nipples with his squeezing as his cock discharged all the contents of his balls. Once his discharge was complete, he stood there slowly releasing his grip on my nipples allowing the blood to rush back into them giving me a tearing sensation. It was a phenomenal sensation. He slowly withdrew his spent cock from my ass leaving me feeling as if I had a gaping hole where my ass had once been. I again felt totally empty and as if I had just had a part of me surgically removed. END PART 16
  19. PART 13 I slept the sleep of someone who is coming down from such a high and eventful night. I slowly and with great effort pulled away from Plugger to get out of bed to go to the bathroom to piss returning to that same bed to snuggle back up to him. My mind was not working but I realized that my body had been subjected to an excellent night of activity with three beautiful black men. Only once did I briefly think about what might be yet to come. After sleeping fitfully which is typical for me coming down from partying as I had, I finally awoke alone in bed. I laid there collecting my thoughts and remembering what I could in flashes. I realized my ass was empty and feeling very lonely. I got up from bed and walked to the bathroom once more to piss. I began a search of the house wandering through to what I thought I remembered was the kitchen. I found Dad and Plugger at the table drinking coffee. I told them good morning and was greeted with the same. I sat in an offered chair and was handed a cup of coffee by Plugger. I drank it slowly. It was delicious. Dad asked if I was willing to stay the rest of the weekend. I reached my hand up to the collar still on my neck and told him more than ever I was willing. He said, “Good. I have a plan for you.” He asked if I had rid myself of the cum loads I had taken. I told him that I had not. He asked me if I enjoyed them inside me. I told him that I did. With that, he nodded at Plugger who left the table. Dad told me that he had to make sure that I got plenty of cum in my ass then and that he would see to it that it would stay there. He got up from the table and went to the refrigerator. He removed a small medicine bottle from the refrigerator and returned to the table. He told me to put it between my hands and to rub it vigorously to warm the contents. I did as I was told. Plugger returned about this time with a large black dildo with a gripper end piece. I thought that I recognized it as one used last night. Dad took the medicine bottle from me and rose from his chair. He told me to get up and to come to the end of the table which I did. I was told to kneel on the floor, bend over and rest my head on the floor. I did so. I could feel several fingers pushing into my ass which hurt to the point of my seeing stars and becoming woozy. I would not refuse. Then, as the fingers pulled my ass open, I felt this medicine bottle being lined up with my hole and then rather quickly pushed inside of me dumping the contents. Cold liquid; I had not done a thorough job of warming it. It was a very tight fit with all the fingers and the bottle. I didn’t know what it was but I was hoping as I had heard tales of men being loaded with cum in this way that I was being ingratiated with such a dosing. I kept my position and felt the bottle being removed to be replaced by an object that was stretching my ass very wide and causing great pain as it was entering me with no lubrication. It went inside for awhile and then was withdrawn a bit. Then, it continued its inward journey followed once more by being withdrawn. This continued until I finally felt my ass lips slowly sliding together realizing finally that it was the big black dildo. Whatever had been dumped in my ass was the lube that had propelled this new occupant. Dad told me to stand up and to sit again at the table. I did as I was told. We all three sat at the table and finished our coffees. Dad never said a word nor did Plugger as to what the liquid was. I would never ask. We chatted about general topics until Dad began asking about my life. He got into some very detailed questions which I answered for him. He asked; I answered. He was learning more about me to use. He finally told me that I had some duties to perform and it was time to begin them. I followed him to the basement play room. He told me how to clean everything and where everything was to be stored. He left, and I began my work cleaning all of the equipment and toys which had been used the preceding evening/morning. I was very careful and exacting in my work as I knew it would be inspected. I was not going to disappoint Dad. All the while, I have a large black dildo shoved up my ass. I was very aware of it but knew that it had been placed there for a purpose; I had not been given permission to use it. I fleetingly remembered this was Bimini’s house but it obviously was Dad’s room. When I reviewed the room closely, I believed that I had done everything that had been given to me to do. I went upstairs and called for Dad. He came to the basement steps. I told him that I believed I had done as he asked. He led me downstairs once again and inspected the room. I stood just inside the door waiting for his response. He called me over to him. When I reached him, he asked if I had any regret of the previous night. I told him that I did not and that I had enjoyed being the vessel for him and his son and friend to have used to enjoy themselves. He asked if I thought that I could repeat such tonight. I told him if he wished me to do so, I was there for him to use and to offer to others to use. He looked hard at me as I looked at him with calmness and consent in my eyes. He took me by the shoulder and guided me to the sling indicating that I should bend over the end of it. He told me to lie down on the sling on my stomach and to hold on to the upper end of it which I did. As I lay there bent with my ass exposed, I heard Dad stepping away and returning. I kept my head resting on my chin. I heard a light wind rushing and then a sharp pain on my ass followed immediately by a sharp pain inside where the dildo had been pushed forward hard. Dad had struck me with a paddle. Hard. I gripped the sling with my hands but made no sound. He hit me a half dozen times each time sending searing pain through me. As quickly as he began paddling me, he stopped only to grab the slip guard on the dildo and yank it out of my ass again causing a great pain from the rapid collapse of my insides. I remained silent as I felt something drop onto the sling along side of me. Just as the pain began to subside from the paddling and having the dildo yanked out of my ass I felt Dad quickly stepping up behind me and ramming full force into my ass ripping me good and giving me an intense burning sensation that is typical for a well used ass being invaded by a dry object which Dad’s cock was totally dry. I was in total lust with this man. Dad wasted no time and began pounding my ass again as he had done the previous night. He was driving himself into a fucking frenzy. He had grabbed my upper hip bones and was fucking me hard with great pistoning motions intent on re-tearing the cuts and slices of the previous evening that he and Bimini had made in my ass. He was doing an excellent job. The more he fucked me the more intent I became in taking his infliction of lust pain. I had no ethyl; I had only residual meth in me; I was on my own and was longing for Dad to use me harder. He yanked his cock out of my ass causing a small gasp to escape form my lips. Dad immediately was pushing something into my ass but it wasn’t his fingers, cock, or dildo. He was pushing the brush he had used last night. I could tell it was the brush; he was intent on making sure of my being raw inside. Once inside my ass, Dad swirled the brush all around pushing it in as far as he could and began a slow withdrawal as he twirled and twirled it round and round. He withdrew the brush once he reached my hole only to replace with his cock once again. Dad fucked me in a frenzy again pounding my ass hard and deep until he was ready. Once he decided he was ready, Dad unleashed yet another load of his cum into my ass marking his territory again. I felt his cock swell to gargantuan size only to expel the contents of his balls which ran along the full length of his cock and exited into my bowel where he had bloodied me for a purpose. I took every salvo of his tainted DNA with joy and lust but needing more. He slowly pulled out of my ass and replaced his cock with the big black dildo which he had tossed onto the sling beside me. He told me to stand up and turn around. I did so. I looked at him with his sweating body as my own body dripped in its own sweat. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down onto my knees where I looked for the first time today at his beautiful black cock. I could tell it was still semi-hard and covered with fuck juices including a very pinkish froth. He told me to clean him. I did so completely. When Dad was satisfied, he stepped away and told me to get up. He told me to follow him upstairs. We went upstairs to Plugger’s bed room. Plugger was on his bed waiting. When we entered his bed room, Dad told Plugger to fuck me. Plugger bent me over the edge of the bed, pulled out the dildo and laid it on my back, and rammed his now hard cock into my ass as he had done so many times before. He fucked me with an intended purpose. He was going to load my ass with another of his poz loads of cum to mix in me with his Dad’s. Plugger was hitting my insides hard. It seemed that after last night’s fuckings that Dad and Plugger were now able to drive their cocks further into me than ever before. Maybe it was imagined but I did not remember them hitting that far inside. And, the pain was running through my body—that ecstatic wonderful pain. No ethyl; no meth; just animal lust sustaining me. Dad began to yell at Plugger urging him on to “fuck this bitch and breed him”. Plugger responded by driving his beautiful black cock harder and deeper into my ass resulting in an explosive howl from him as he rammed his cock so hard in my ass one last time that the bed was scooted a small amount. Plugger held his cock in my ass as he too unleashed his load of poison batter into me. He pulled out of my ass to be replaced by Dad. I thought surely not. Then, remembered, Dad marked his territory and was always last. Dad once again took possession of his property. END PART 13 PART 14 I stayed bent over the side of the bed as Dad pulled his now flaccid beautiful black cock slowly out of my/his ass. He stepped away patting my cheeks before saying to Plugger as he left the room to have me to bathe thoroughly and to make it a good long soaking. Plugger pulled me up off the bed and led me to the bath room. He looked straight into my face and told me that tonight was important for me. He told me that I had to be super clean inside and out and that I had to be ready and energetic for the whole night. He asked if I thought if I could make it. I took some time to think what had transpired so far and how I had fared. I considered it all and remembered all the wonderful pain and fucking and cum loads. I looked deeply into Plugger’s eyes and told him that with his and his Dad’s leading me I would do whatever they told me. Plugger looked back at me, smiled a little, and nodded his head. He told me to run a warm bath for myself to keep the water warm and to soak in it for an hour. I was to rest and to make sure that my ass was well rested. He told me he would come back in an hour to let me know when to bathe—for now, just soak and rest. He left me alone. Plugger returned much later. I had soaked and reveled in the warmth of the water and how it had relaxed me. It had drained away my tiredness and allowed my mind to just wander through nothing disjointed random thoughts coupled with mental flashes of what had taken place the night before and earlier this day. Plugger told me to bathe quickly and to put on my jeans when I was finished and come to the kitchen for a talk. I opened the drain to let the water out of the tub letting it drop to a much lower level before beginning to shower. I dried, dressed as told, and went to the kitchen. Dad and Plugger were seated at the table. I was told to sit where I had that morning. Dad asked how I felt. (I wondered where Bimini was but said nothing.) I told him a little tired but rested after the good soaking. He asked me if I was prepared to go further tonight. I waited to respond and then told him that I was with him and Plugger leading me. Dad then said that I was to take a nap so that I could be fully alert and ready for the evening. He would send Plugger to wake me when I was needed but first Dad asked if I was hungry. I had not thought of food but realized that I was indeed hungry as I had not eaten in almost 24 hours. Dad said that whatever goes in must come out. So, we needed to be prudent but wise. Plugger went to the refrigerator returning with a can of Ensure setting it in front of me along with a glass. I opened it pouring the contents into the glass and slowly drinking it. Dad asked if I wanted another. I told him that I thought perhaps a glass of water would be better. He told me to get some water and then go get in Plugger’s bed to sleep. As I once more crawled into Plugger’s bed, I realized that I was really tired and ready to sleep. Once more my eyes closed almost instantly. I slept soundly but was roused in that jerking awake that one does after a hard night of playing. I continued to sleep the sleep of restlessness rest. I was awakened by Plugger and told to get up. I was groggy and slow in comprehending but obeyed. Plugger steered me to the bath room. He told me it was time to get prepped for tonight. There was a glass of water which I was told to drink. I did. Plugger then told me to use the shower shot thoroughly and to bathe again. I slowly complied. As I was drying, Plugger returned asking if I was prepared inside. I assured him that I had met my specification of six clear loads of water through my system. I realized that my hunger had returned slightly. Plugger led me back to the bedroom where he told me to put on my chaps, leather strap, jock, and boots. He handed me another glass of water which I downed and began dressing. As I was putting on my last boot, Plugger and Dad entered the room. Dad told me that tonight was another night to prove that I was a willing participant and worthy of his owning. He inspected me noticing that there remained only small lines marking where the previous flogging had taken place. He had me to bend over and ran two of his dry fingers into my ass. It hurt to say the least. He felt around and twisted his fingers touching and caressing the inside of me. He removed them telling me to go to the bath room to be sure there was no excess water remaining. I obeyed releasing only a small amount. When I returned to the bedroom, Dad looked at me and told me that I had done well so far. He went on to say that I had been trained well but that I would learn his standard. I consented with a “Yes, Sir.” Dad went on to say that I had earned the right to wear his collar and my chaps, jock, strap, and boots. I was very pleased at my earnings. He said that tonight I was going to receive the same as last night and more. He asked if I was prepared. I told him as I looked deeply into his eyes that where he led me I would follow. He told me to follow him to the basement. I followed. I glanced around as I went down the steps noting that the sun was setting as little light came in the windows. I continued my journey to the basement behind my Sir followed by his son. Once more in the room, Dad pointed to the sling. I got in and settled myself. Plugger brought over a swab and a point. Dad stepped to my side and said, “Tonight, you will not be secured when you’re in the sling. Tonight, you will have support for your limbs but you can get up when you need to get some blood back in your limbs. Drink water constantly. You know that. Tonight, you will be in the sling for use as well as on the fuck bench. Tonight, you will be used front and back. You will not refuse any man who wants to fuck you; you will not refuse to suck any man; you will not refuse to eat any man’s ass; in fact, tonight, you will have sex with any man who tells you he wants sex with you . . . whatever it is and submit to your masochistic side when commanded. Every man that is coming tonight knows your limits and what they may not do to you. You will have no need to tell them anything. I have made all conditions clear. You will be watched by Plugger, Bimini, or me at all times. Do you understand?” “Yes, Sir.” “I will continue to care for you and to prepare you throughout the night with the supplies. Do you need to know what?” Dad asked. “No, Sir. You will take care of your property.” I responded. With that, my arm was wrapped once more with the rubber strip, I pumped my fist, Dad swabbed my arm after a few moments, steadied my arm, took the point and began slowly pushing it slowly into my arm. I watched as the point sank further into my arm stopping finally. Dad pulled back gently on the plunger creating a huge swirling mass of red in the barrel. He then pushed gently forward dispensing the fluid into me making me feel the rush of sensation spread almost instantaneous throughout my body. He pulled back the plunger once more filling the barrel with dark red fluid and dispensed it back into my arm. As I coughed twice, he released the rubber strap, applied a cotton swab at the point’s entry, pulling the point out completely. As he pressed gently on the cotton swab, I raised my arm assuming the duty of holding the swab in place. Dad patted my chest and moved to my ass with Plugger. They then proceeded to use the speculum on my ass as they had before. This time though it wasn’t as painful but I was sure feeling super horny already. Again, Dad gave me his special booty bump. I was now ready . . . and willing. I was willing even before my points. With that bump, Dad had brought to the surface again that deep inner hunger to be fucked and fucked hard. My ass was beginning to scream for a cock in it and especially a big black cock. Dad had more to do though to truly get me ready in his eyes for the night at hand. Plugger appeared beside him with a small funnel and long tube attached to it. Dad inserted it into my ass. I could feel the hose slowly inching ever deeper into me until Dad was satisfied. He then held the funnel and hose as Plugger slowly poured the contents of another medicine bottle into the funnel. I saw the liquid leave the bottle and enter the funnel and watched it slowly slide through the clear tubing attached. When Dad noticed that the liquid had all left the funnel, he lowered the tube keeping the fluid from flowing any further. Plugger then handed Dad some sort of rod which he inserted into the funnel and eventually into the tube. He pushed the contents through the tube and into me. It’s got to be another round of multiple loads of cum. I’ll be disappointed if it isn’t; but, no way would I ask. Once the tube was removed, I got a pat on my ass and a grin from Dad. END PART 14
  20. PART 11 Bimini then pulled the stool over and sat down on it. He proceeded to finger and to scrape my insides as only he could do to his satisfaction. All the while he was asking me questions. Did I enjoy getting fucked by black cock? Yes, Sir. Did I enjoy being bred like a white bitch? Yes, Sir. Did I know what he meant by being bred? Being fucked and taking a poz cum load, Sir. How often did I get bred? As often as possible, Sir. Who pozzed me? I didn’t know, Sir. You’re a chaser, then. Yes, Sir, but will take any load though I do prefer poz ones. Bimini had finished with his preparation and stood up. He unloosened his belt, unsnapped and unzipped his jeans. He removed both boots, dropped his jeans to the floor kicking them to the side and removed his t-shirt. His cock jutted out in front of him just as it had before. It was a beautiful fat black cock. Though more light here in the basement, I did remember him fully now. He had prepped my ass and was himself ready. He pulled my cheeks wide open lined the head of his cock up at my hole and rammed full force all the way inside me with no warning. The searing pain was unbelievably wonderful. Oh, yes; I remembered him now. I was filled completely once again with a big black cock that was going to punch all the way inside me no doubt bruising my inner wall and stretching my gut so that all those tears remained open to allow for easier absorption of all that beautifully charged up load of swimmers. Plugger was at my head putting the oxygen mask on again. I heard an immediate hiss behind me and breathed deeply several times inhaling the fumes from that can of ethyl. My ass burned with desire and lust at this new but familiar black cock now entrenched in my ass. Bimini fucked me hard. He fucked me much harder than he had at MC. He no doubt had been prepped with more information before coming down to the basement. He knew most likely all about me and what he could do. What he did was to make my ass and gut feel like it hadn’t felt before with him. He made my ass feel so totally dependent on his cock. I focused on him and clamped down on his cock to give him a good ride. He reached across my body and slapped me hard telling me to stop. He preferred loose sloppy well used holes to breed like the fucking white kunt whore that I was. I did as I was told, and he returned to pounding my ass and creating pink froth which seeped out around his cock. He told me about the froth and that it was a dark pink. He kept telling me that he was going to breed me several times and that I was going to take all of his cum loads so that they could re-infect me with his perverted strain of HIV. I was so turned on. My ass was screaming for him to fuck me harder. He continued to pound my hole as periodic hissing of the ethyl drove me along with him. He yanked his cock out of my ass leaving me feeling void and empty. He shoved two of his girthy rough fingers inside me where he again scraped and cut my insides. Then, once again, he rammed full force into my ass with his beautiful black cock and pummeled my ass once more. My ass was screaming for him to fuck me harder and deeper. My ass was begging him to fuck me more and to spread his poison seed inside me. My ass was beginning to really become frothy and even to tear up pleading for more of his cock and cum. I then realized that it wasn’t my ass that had screamed and begged and pleaded. I realized that it was a voice from my own throat that had been saying all those things that drove him into me harder and harder until he no longer wanted to hold off but began to discharge his load of cum in my ass. Salvo after salvo after salvo he shot his load of poison deep into my bloody ass fucking it further and further into me so that I could drink it once more inside. What seemed like an endless supply of his swimming fluid being passed from his body into mine came to an end all too soon. My ass was on fire demanding more and my brain was screaming more as was my own voice. But, this was all that there was for now. Bimini pulled his cock slowly out of my ass; it was still semi hard. I was so focused on him that I didn’t notice that Plugger had stepped to my side until he blocked my view. He had brought me more water. This Plugger would do all night long. He kept me hydrated and knew that I had to be. I no sooner finished drinking when I realized that sweat was rolling off my body. A body that had just had a super fucking but was now feeling empty. I had just had this realization when I felt hands on my thighs. Plugger was standing at my ass with his beautiful black cock in his hand. He smiled and plunged full into me. Plugger was ready for round three tonight. He had watched Bimini use my ass and was simply waiting his turn. Plugger lived up to his name as he plugged my hole with his big black downward curved cock. He plugged it good. He pumped me full of his cock as I felt my oxygen mask returning to my face. I looked up and it was Dad this time who placed the mask on me and was in charge of depressing the can dispensing the ethyl for me to breathe. Dad gave me a big hit. It was such a big hit that again I passed out to be awakened by Plugger fucking me wildly and shaking the frame of the sling. Plugger was fucking me the hardest I could remember and I was loving it. He would fuck me for awhile and then stop to twist his cock back and forth in my ass. He was determined to make my hole feel good just as his cock was feeling good in my willing hole. Dad relinquished control of the ethyl to Bimini. Dad walked away and I focused again on Plugger who was pounding my ass. I didn’t notice Dad return to within a few feet of my side until I felt the flogger hitting my stomach and chest once more. As Plugger fucked my ass, dad flailed away with the flogger in nice hard strokes as Bimini gauged and released the mist of ethyl into the tube for me to inhale. I was riding a euphoric high that these three black men were so using me as I was strapped into this sling. I was though very willing to be where I was. Soon, though, Plugger slowed and took a breather for himself as did Dad and Bimini. It gave me time to take a rest but still keeping my mind focused on how my ass was feeling: filled completely and overflowing with cum loads and fuck juices. But, after a brief rest, Plugger returned to his pounding my ass unleashing his load of cum splattering my bloody walls again. What a feeling it was to receive another such load of tainted cum. Plugger pulled out and stepped away. Dad stepped up to my ass and with no ceremony drove his big black cock deep into my ass. He was in no rush but he was going to be satisfied. Like Plugger before him Dad began to pummel my ass hard. His cock was as hard as it was the very first time he had fucked me. He was like a steel rod that was bent slightly downward so that he slipped in and out easily now that my ass had been just fucked with two fresher loads of cum. Dad was feeling his cock getting slick with those fuck loads and was relishing in that feeling. He loved fucking using other men’s cum as lube. He had his own particular way of breeding me. My eyes focused on him; he had put that collar on me. I needed to make a connection to let him know that he owned me totally. I had to make sure that I made all of the steps to please this black man. My focus went to my ass. I began to feel the inner sensation of his big curved black cock that was sliding in and out of my ass. I began to make a connection to his tempo and the fat feeling that he gave to my ass. He continued to piston in and out of my ass knowing full well that he had already asserted his ownership over me. He had placed that collar on me. He had inserted both points in me and unloaded their content. He had arranged for Bimini to be included. Dad had demonstrated his ownership and was going to plant another load of his seed deep in my ass to mark his territory that he allowed others to use if he let them. I disjointedly realized that he always planted the last load of cum in my ass to mark his territory. His cock continued to slide in and out quicker and quicker stimulating each nerve ending of his cock and my ass. It was those nerve endings that were signaling to each other. Once those signals were sent and received in unison there was the complete unification of mission between his cock and the hole that was on my body. I looked directly into his eyes and began slowly shaking my head yes. That was when he growled loudly grabbing me just above my thighs and shoving his whole black cock inside me causing an electric zap of energy that passed between us igniting the signal for his balls to begin to spew his load deep inside me marking my insides as belonging to him. He unleashed his tainted fluid inside me again and again and again and again. He pressed his pubes fully into my ass cheeks flattening them so that his baby batter would slide through his swollen cock and into my/his ass at the furthest depth possible. As Dad was unloading his cum into my/his ass, my cock roared to life swelling up in all its might and to my amazement. I felt Dad’s cock swelling and spewing and swelling and spewing as my own cock grew and begin to stretch out my jock. After about seven or eight shots of Dad’s cum in my ass, my own cock began pulsing and unleashing its own load of cum all in my jock covering my pubes. I realized that it was Dad’s fuck that had done this; I did belong to him. END PART 11 PART 12 Dad had seen that my own cock had been unleashed despite the favors I had been pumped full with. He carefully pulled his cock out of my ass, released his hold of my thighs, and pulled my jock away from my body. He looked at the remains of my load. He half smiled and scooped up the gooey substance with his fingers carefully transferring it to my ass. He pushed his fingers inside making sure that all that he had moved to my ass was pushed inside. “No sense keeping any load out of your ass.” he said. He replaced his fingers with a well chosen long dildo with a clamp base. I wasn’t feeling as excited about a faux cock but at least I wasn’t empty. Dad, Plugger, and Bimini left the room and left me to myself and my brewing in the mix of loads in my ass. I focused on my feelings. I wasn’t feeling left out, but my ass was. I had despite that nice dildo in my ass the feeling of needing to be fucked and have another load of poison cum injected into me. It is an unending feeling. That is what a cum whore is and what one feels like. It’s like the saying that AA has: one drink is too many and ten thousand are not enough. Well, one cum load is too many for such an addict and ten thousand is definitely not enough. As I pondered what else lay in store for me, I heard footsteps returning. The three of them entered the room. I was given more water to drink. Dad came over to me and told me that they were going to fuck me some more. Okay. And, then, he had a surprise for me. I was given no time to think what that might be. Bimini at that moment slammed into me and pounded my ass with his big black cock. I was in the outer stratosphere again feeling a black cock in my ass knowing that I was going to get yet another load of cum from this man and his cock. I focused on that fact and offered encouragement until once again Dad placed the mask over my nose and hit me with a big spray of ethyl. I began soaring and went limp. I still felt that beautiful big black cock pumping in and out of my ass. Then, it was yanked out of my ass dragging with it some of the cum loads that had been deposited in me. I tried to raise my head and to focus on what was happening but was hit with another heavy dose of ethyl passing me into semi-consciousness. I was just at the edge of losing consciousness when I felt my ass being filled with a large long item. I tried focusing and realized just as I passed out that it was a cock that had invaded me. Bimini? I came to and found that Plugger was now pushing and pulling his big black cock in and out of my ass. A return run to him; my original fucker of these three. Plugger pounded me hard making my insides sore but feeling oh, so, fine in that hurt way. He pounded and pounded as I came around more and then was hit with yet another big dose of ethyl. I felt Plugger yanking his cock out of my ass only to feel another cock invade me. Looking up, I saw now Dad is in my/his ass. I smiled gently and went to sleep again. Awakening once more, I found Dad banging my insides with all his might and had a steeled look of determination. Dad was on a mission here. I knew that. I was going to do whatever he wanted. I was going to accept whatever he dictated. He continued to fuck my/his hole making my ass feel the joy that only it can know from being fucked by three black men. What an occasion. Never had I had such a thrill and honor. It was my duty to submit. This is how I got fucked for what seemed like hours and was hours. The three rotated fucking me and not just fucking but brutalizing my ass with hard slamming depth determining strokes of their cocks which were fully erect and filling my ass swelling me up and energizing my ass to meet their demands. I was subjected to the spray of ethyl each time that there was about to be a change over. I didn’t realize that was the routine for some time as I was so focused on being fucked since that was what I was there for and what I was good for. I was there so that these three black men could fuck me good and confirm to them and to me that I was a white fucking bitch for them to use. I do not know how long they fucked me. I do not know a lot other than there were the three black men who were fucking me and filling me with their big black cocks as well as ethyl spray. At some point, though, some signal was given by Dad that they should unload in me. One by one they took one more time of fucking my ass and pounding it as hard and as deeply as they could. Sweat was by this time rolling off each of them as it was off me. They each in turn when they shot their loads of tainted swimmers in my ass grabbed my legs and shoved as far up in my ass as they could get to get their loads as deep inside me as possible. I was ecstatic with joy at having taken another three loads of poison. When Bimini was ready to shoot his load, I found Dad and Plugger standing on either side me. As Bimini reached his goal and began to unload his batter in me, they each grabbed a tit of mine and began pinching and twisting on it as if they were going to squeeze it flat giving me an intense painful pleasure. I began to cry out but stopped at the pain knowing how it was being given. The same finale was performed for Plugger and then Dad. Each in turn would unload his poison in me and just at the moment of unleashing the poison the other two tortured my nipples as hard as they could. It was mind blowing. After Dad had unleashed his load, as he pulled his beautiful black cock out of my ass Bimini and Plugger released their grips on my nipples. Dad sat down on the stool. I lay there in my sweat glad that it was over and yet missing it immensely. I felt Dad begin to finger my/his ass. He told me to push out those lips of mine which I did. With that, Dad pushed his hand into my ass and kept pushing. He kept up the pressure and kept telling me to push out those lips. I pushed and pushed as if I were in childbirth. Dad’s hand kept its forward movement with him turning it and twisting it so that soon enough I felt a sudden release of the pressure that had been building. Dad had pushed his hand into my ass and was now wrist deep in me. He had invaded this hole that now belonged to him with yet another object. One more bit of ownership. Soon Dad began withdrawing his hand telling me once more to push. Of course, I obeyed. Dad’s hand popped out of my ass much easier than it had gone in. Dad sat there momentarily and then again put his hand at this new hole that he owned. He told me to push and with much less effort his hand slid inside me once more. Dad did this a couple of more times to be sure that I was compliant. Anything that he wanted I would have done. Dad stood up and grinned at Plugger and Bimini who grinned back at Dad. I lay there exhausted but not fully sated though nothing would have drug that thought out of me for Dad to hear. I had been given a wonderful gift this evening. I would not be ungrateful. My wrists and ankles were unleashed from the sling. I was helped to sit up. As I sat there, Bimini gave me water once again. I was helped to stand and found that my legs were very rubbery. I was given the stool to sit on. I moved my legs and arms when I could. They each felt odd from having been secured to the chains for so long. No complaints though; only an observation. I finally attempted to stand and held onto the chains to steady me. Dad told me as did Plugger and Bimini that I had done good. I was pleased. Dad told Plugger and Bimini to hold me steady and for me to bend over. I complied. Dad tapped the insides of both my legs and I spread them feeling my ass hole spreading open as Dad inserted a big black dildo. “That’s to help the breeding.” We four went upstairs where I found that it was just before two o’clock in the morning. I had no idea. Some of my passages of ethyl must have been longer than I realized. I was coming down and ready to crash. I drank one more glass of water, went to the bathroom where with some starting and stopping finally had piss to flow from me, and finally was led to the bedroom where Plugger had had me to put my things. Dad told me that I was to stay in Plugger’s room in gratitude for finding me. I followed Plugger inside as Dad and Bimini walked away. I helped Plugger pull back the covers. He told me to take off my jock and leather strap and to put them on my clothes pile. I did so. As I returned to the bed, he stopped me, bent me over, removed the dildo, and told me to get in the bed. Plugger went around to the other side crawling in under the covers with me. It was Saturday morning. I needed sleep. I turned my back to Plugger who moved closer to me. I felt his cock stirring and reached behind me and grasped it. It was a beautiful black cock and I did not need to see it to know the beauty of it. I had seen it many times and had felt it in me many times. I guided his cock to Dad’s hole and backed up gently as Plugger pushed forward equally as gently. We were soon coupled again with his cock firmly entrenched in my ass just as my ass was gloriously impaled on his beautiful black cock. We fell asleep in this fashion with his arms wrapped around my neck and over my waist. Dad’s ass was throbbing; I was almost sated. END PART 12
  21. PART 9 Dad came over and greeted me with a big hug and kiss. He welcomed me saying he was looking forward to the entire weekend with me. Plugger told his Dad that I had a confession to make. He told me to tell his Dad what I had told him upstairs which I did. Dad looked hard at me and said that he was glad that I had taken the initiative but that I had not been told to do so. I quickly apologized and said that it was an error on my part for being presumptive. Dad was taking control, and I had been wrong. I now knew what his son had told me was very true about his Dad. What I had done was welcome but I would pay for doing it without permission. Dad told me to follow him which I did. We walked over to a small table on which there was a tray covered with a small towel. He uncovered it, and I saw all the fixings for a party. This was going to be a very good weekend and one where I was going to be put through my paces by at least two very good looking black men and hopefully three. Dad took my glass of water from me setting it on the table. He told me to measure out onto a small piece of dark paper what I would use for a slam. I did so. Dad looked at it, picked it up, and set it on a scale. Once weighed, he measured out a second and weighed it. They were almost identical in weight. Dad said Plugger’s name who then touched my shoulder and motioned for me to step away. He led me over to a sling and told me to get in it. I did. Plugger came to my side. He then asked me what my safe word was. I told him I had three: They were the three colors of a traffic light and meant the same thing. With that knowledge, Plugger began strapping my wrists to the sling and finished with my ankles. He asked if I was comfortable; I was. Dad joined us and checked my straps. He told me that they would observe my safe words totally but that they would do nothing to injure me but would definitely use me. I told him that I trusted them both. Dad then said they were leaving but would be back when they were fully prepared. They left, and I was alone. A shiver ran through me in anticipation of what was to come. I heard the two of them return soon enough. When they entered the room they both were dressed in boots, chaps, white jocks, and harness. There was a full impact on me at the sight understanding what was to come. Plugger went over to the small table and brought the tray over to the sling. Dad came and stood by my side. He looked down at me and asked if I was ready; I said, “Yes, Sir.” He reached up on the wall and removed a wide black collar which he wrapped around my neck. He told me that I belonged to him now and that I had to earn everything that weekend. I told him I understood. With that, Dad took a rubber strip off the tray and wrapped it around my bicep and told me to pump my fist. I asked if I might tell him something, and he consented. I told him that my veins rolled. He said that was good to know. No more information did I need to pass on to him. I was his. With this knowledge, Dad released my left arm; I lowered it to my side. Dad took from the tray a point and swab. He held it up tapping it, pulling back on the plunger, then pushing it forward slowly. He then thumped the inside of my arm, swabbed my arm, and placed the tip of the point to my skin and pushed slowly into my body. He stopped steadied my arm and pulled back slowly on the plunger. I looked at the barrel and saw a great rush of red swirling and mixing with the clear liquid already in the barrel. Dad glanced at me and smiled and plunged slowly the contents of the point into my arm. When he had completely dispensed the contents he reached up releasing the rubber strip on my bicep. He once again pulled slowly back on the plunger and I once again saw a darker red fluid begin to fill the barrel. Dad then reversed and pushed the liquid back into my arm finally removing the point from my arm. I had instantaneously begun to feel that euphoric rush that ran completely throughout my body on the first plunger push. I coughed and then again. My head was swimming; my body was relaxed; my mind was rushing; my will was gone; my commitment was sealed; my contentment was just beginning; my willing servitude was sealed. I raised my arm and Dad applied a dry piece of cotton at the position of where just seconds before a point had just deposited a fluid of power. Dad re-strapped my wrist. I thanked him and smiled broadly. Dad patted my chest. He and Plugger moved to the end of the sling. Dad placed the used point on the try and picked up another. Plugger took the try back to the table returning with a speculum. Dad told me that he needed leverage and room and was going to make room for him to do the final injection. Dad pulled my cheeks apart and sat down on a stool which he had pulled over. Plugger and his Dad swapped the speculum and point. Dad began inserting the speculum into my ass by pushing forward and twisting the tool in small circular motions. I was relaxed and in no time Dad had inserted the tool inside me and began to spread the arms on it wide. I could feel my ass stretching wider and wider and opening up for Dad to do whatever it was that he had planned. I was feeling horny by now and this stretching motion only served to accentuate that feeling. Dad asked for a light; Plugger retrieved one and held it shining the beam into my ass hole. Dad moved his hands to my cheeks steadying the speculum with one hand while inserting a second point into my gaping hole. I felt a small prick on the side with a small pressure on the wall. I then heard Dad say that his booty bumps worked. And, with that commentary I felt a small burning sensation in my ass. Dad was injecting me again. He withdrew the point handing it to Plugger who went and placed it on the tray. He returned with something which he handed to his Dad. Dad inserted it into my ass, and I soon felt a brushing sensation. I was being prepped for a good breeding session by these two beautiful black men. My mind was racing in anticipation. My throat was dry and my mouth felt like cotton. I found that Plugger had sensed I was in need of water. He came to my side lifting my head and allowing me to drink my water. He had me to drink half of the glass and told me I would have to drink more all night. All the while, Dad was finishing his work in my ass. He removed the brush from well inside me and began to release the speculum. When Dad had withdrawn the speculum from my ass, he brought it and the brush to me and showed them to me. I took one look at the brush which was pink covered and returned my look to Dad and said, “Beautiful.” END PART 9 PART 10 My ass was revving up to high gear now. I was getting very horny. My cock was leaking like a sieve but totally flaccid. Since my ass is my most important sex organ, what did I care about my cock? Dad placed an oxygen mask over my nose and mouth and tethered the tube running from it the chain to which my wrist was attached. There had been a big modification done to the mask so that the tube was much larger than the usual that delivered oxygen. I soon found out why. I breathed normally and heard a hissing sound from an aerosol. Very soon, I began getting drowsy. I fought to retain consciousness. I then heard a “whoosh” sound and felt a wonderful stinging sensation on my chest followed by the same on my legs arms and ass. I was being flogged. The sensation was wonderful. The flogging stopped as quickly as it started. I felt clamps with weights being attached to my nipples. I felt a pair of hands pull my jock to the side releasing my cock and balls. I felt those hands attach clamps of some sort to my ball sack and cock and finding out later they were clothes pins. What joy. And, then flogging continued with periodic hissing from the aerosol. I did succumb during some of those releases and passed out only to awaken to more wonderful flogging. Dad and Plugger took turns. I watched in anticipation and deep desire to feel the stinging but couldn’t ignore that my ass was screaming for attention by their beautiful black hardening cocks that were obviously straining the pouch on their jocks. At some point, I felt a presence at the foot of the sling and looked. There standing was Dad. He was beautiful in the dimmed lighting with his bare sweat glistening chest and harness. I could just make out the top of his chaps. I smiled and mouthed “thank you, Sir” when with one full force thrust Dad’s cock was completely inserted into my ass. There was pain I realized but the feeling of his cock in my ass was overpowering that sensation. I was totally drawn to the feeling of how hard his cock had become and how big it felt in my ass. He held his cock only for a matter of a couple of seconds before beginning to ram full force into my ass and then pulling completely out until only the head of his cock was inside me. He continued to fuck me in this manner when I realized that my ass was on fire inside and burning with a desire to be fucked even harder. Dad recognized the look on my face and began to unmercifully fuck my hole or rather the hole he owned. He pummeled in and out and twisted his cock from side to side and rammed full force into me jolting me in the sling until the frame was shaking violently and the chains holding the sling were rattling as if in the presence of a tornadic wind force. As Dad was fucking my ass, Plugger was still flogging my chest but not as hard as he had been. I had no concept of time. What I know is that periodically, Dad would violently yank his beautiful steel-hard cock out of my ass, slap my cheeks, and swap places with Plugger. Plugger was his Dad’s son. Though positions had been swapped, the procedure was the same. But, it was different. There were subtle differences. It was all wonderful though. Eventually though, the two of them had had enough fun for the moment. Plugger was the first. He spoke something to his Dad which I did not hear and then proceeded to fuck my ass with great determination and point. I heard him begin to moan loudly and pick up his fucking speed even more. He unleashed his first load of cum in my ass fucking it into me hard and deep. He pulled out and was immediately replaced by Dad who without ceremony repeated the same with my ass. Two loads of related cum in my ass. This was just the start of a long weekend. After Dad had pulled his cock out of my ass, Plugger stepped to my side and showed me a huge black butt plug. He walked to the foot of the sling and shoved the butt plug in my hole with one hard slam. He twisted it in circles a couple of times for a good seating. Nothing was going to be allowed out of my ass. Good. Dad pulled my mask off, leaned down, kissed me, and told me I had earned those loads and that I was going to earn a lot more during the weekend. They began to remove my clamps and clothes pins. I felt the rush of the blood returning to the areas. The feeling was super intense. I was gripping my butt plug and trying to fuck myself with it but to no avail. Dad told me that they would return shortly but they would help me out on my horniness. Plugger had me to finish the water and left. Later, he would return with more water and a pitcher of water. Dad slowly pulled the butt plug out of my ass leaving me feeling totally and absolutely empty. He replaced it with a dildo with a grip area. It’s designed so that this area is smaller than the dildo so that it can’t slip out and one’s ass lips close around it holding it in. Okay. What I didn’t know was that it was a vibrating dildo. Dad turned it on making adjustments until he was satisfied. They left. Though the vibrating dildo helped ease the emptiness of not being fucked, it did provide some relief. It kept my ass occupied. It left me to think about my position and what joy I had just had and was anticipating more. Sooner than I knew Dad and Plugger were back. They returned and had brought someone with them. I looked closely as I could in the dimmed light. I was aware of them talking but not hearing the conversation. What I knew was that soon this tall newcomer was approaching my ass and looked down at me as he stood next to my ass. I heard a deep voice ask if I didn’t recognize him. I told him I didn’t. He said he had bred my ass a couple of weeks earlier at Man’s Country. Ah. He was the first man who Plugger had sent at MC to fuck me. I remembered him well now: Bimini. Dad came up beside me and leaned down to my ear. He told me that I had better please this man. He was a good friend whose name was Bimini and was being offered my ass to breed as he enjoyed doing since it was his house. I flashed back momentarily to MC and searched for any dissatisfaction then; I found none but had not spoken with him afterwards. I shook my head in assent. I felt the vibrator being removed and turned off. Dad walked down to my feet and told the man that my ass had been prepared already once but to feel free to check it out. I felt two of Bimini’s rough girthy fingers ram all the way inside my ass as he pulled my cheeks apart with his other hand. He began to ritually twist and turn his fingers as he had done before but this time he was much more demonstrative. He pulled them out after a short exam and asked Dad how many loads of cum did I have in me. Dad told him one each from him and Plugger but that I had gotten some before submitting to them. Bimini slapped my cheek hard and in a loud voice asked me how many more I had in me and where had I gotten them. I told him that I had gone to MC and been fucked a number of times and had taken seven loads of cum. He looked at me deeply and called me a cum whoring white bitch for which I thanked him. END PART 10
  22. PART 7 I woke up early on Friday morning. I was determined to be totally ready for the weekend. I dallied around my place checking what bills had to be paid, played some solitaire and hearts on my computer, did some more housecleaning, and finally decided on a nap. It was a short one, but I figured that I might need one should this turn out to be a late night. My alarm rang at eleven as I had set it. I got up and went immediately went into my bathroom. I trimmed my beard and crotch, got in the shower, shaved my head and balls, and showered. Once the main preliminaries were done, I adjusted the water spray and prepared to use my shower shot. Nothing like having the ability to clean out so thoroughly that there is no possible way of any surprise while being fucked or playing. I spend hours prepping myself. I know that I’m totally empty when I insert my nozzle, fully fill my ass to bloating, and can expel crystal clear water for six successive times. Yes, I am a fanatic. I showered once more quickly this time, dried off, brushed my teeth, dressed, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door. It was a little before two, and I had a plan. I was going prepared. I was going to make a stop at MC and gather as much cum in my ass as possible before seven. I signed in, quickly went to my room, changed, and followed my usual routine but with some urgency. I needed to go tonight with as many cum loads in my ass as possible since both Plugger and his Dad enjoyed cum-lubed holes to fuck. With only about four hours, I went on the hunt. There were not that many men at MC at this time of day but still enough to get at least a couple of loads of cum at least. I thought after an hour perhaps I had overestimated the possibility of going loaded. Then, it was like a switch had been turned on. I left MC having taken seven cum loads with two of them from the same man. To refresh myself before leaving, I again quickly showered, dried off, dressed, checked out, hailed a cab, and was on my way for my weekend. I arrived just a few minutes after seven. I rang the bell and was greeted by Plugger with a big smile. I went inside where I was given a big hug and kiss and led to his bedroom. Plugger took my bag and tossed it aside, grabbed me hard pulling me to him, squeezed me hard, then, kissed me deeply. He told me that there was a slight change of plans. I was invited to spend the weekend with them but they had a better plan for using me. I looked intently at him and without hesitating told him that I was there for whatever they wanted. “Good” was all he said. He said that we would spend the weekend together but not in their apartment. What was needed was a more appropriate place to play and a friend of his had such a place that his Dad and he used. Before going, though, he was going to prep me by fucking me good because he had been horny ever since he and I had spoken on the phone. I looked at him and began stripping as did he. He bent me over the side of his bed and attacked my ass with his tongue lubing it with copious amounts of spit followed by his toothy chewing on my ass. He continued gnawing my ass with his teeth which I knew was cutting parts of my ass lips because of the sharp painful sensation that sensitized and stimulated me. He stood up flipped me over onto my back raising my legs to his shoulders and rammed full length into my ass. I could tell my lips were torn and bloody from the warmth; the pain was ecstatic. Plugger fucked me hard holding fast to my thighs pulling me to him. I could feel his thick black cock pummeling my insides as it had done so many times before. It was as if his cock knew every crevice and g-spot that was inside of me. His wonderful black cock found every spot that was now demanding to be included in his powerful invasion. His sweat began to drip down onto me. His fucking became wild slamming full length into my ass reaching for the inner most depth that he could as I could sense his cock began to swell up larger and larger so that my ass hole was stretched ever wider. He finally halted ever so momentarily with his cock pulled from my body with only the merest amount of the head still remaining inside me then slammed full force with all his might injecting me with the content of both of his balls as I clamped down on his cock as hard as I could and then releasing the built up salvo of his DNA so that it shot out of his black cock and into my ass in a big mass of poisonous white glue that coated me as I needed. Just as I released his third huge blast of his cum into my ass, Plugger reached down and grabbed my left nipple in his right thumb and index fingers and twisted with great force causing severe pain/pleasure for me and with his left hand raised high sent it hurtling through the air until I felt it hit my right cheek forcing my head to move swiftly to the left. As I clamped down on the black man’s wonderful cock once more to build up his load of cum, he brought his left hand back across my face striking the left side of my face as he squeezed tighter still my left nipple with his fingers. Plugger released my left nipple and collapsed on top of me as I continued to nurse his cock’s spasms and continued to accept his poisonous fluid into me. I wrapped my arms around him and held him sliding my legs down and around his ass pulling him further into me. This was a man who knew how to fuck me. This was a black man who knew how to fuck a trashy white sub kunt. All too soon, Plugger struggled to stand up pulling his now flaccid beautiful black cock from my ass. He laughed pulling me up from the bed. He told me that I was a pervert; I agreed. He told me that he hoped that I was still willing to spend the weekend because I had just gotten a taste of what it was going to be like. I told him, “Let the play begin.” Plugger said that we were going elsewhere for the weekend for privacy since the apartment didn’t provide that. He asked if I trusted him and his Dad. I told him that I would let him know if I became untrusting of them. He looked long and hard at me and told me that neither he nor his Dad would allow any harm come to me but that I was very unique and very difficult to find. Plugger went on to ask if I would be hesitant about men other than him and his Dad fucking and using me. I asked if at least one of them would always be present; he said always at least one would. I told him I was willing. “Then, get dressed. We got to go.” END PART 7 PART 8 Plugger maneuvered his car through traffic for about 45 minutes until we pulled up before a house. Odd, but it looked like any other kind of neighborhood. Normal with yards, neighbors, cars, people, sounds yet I knew this was going to be a house that was oh, so, decidedly different than these other houses. I noted that the houses were not one on top of the other as so many houses in Chicago are. There was space between them. Nothing elaborate but for so much room this had to be at some point an upscale neighborhood. Don’t get me wrong; I understand property and property value. Price is paid for having a distant neighbor. And, distance provides privacy. I followed Plugger to the back of the house where he punched in a code on a pad and a click was heard. He pushed the door open, and I followed him inside. We continued through the house and upstairs. I casually looked where I could. Nice surroundings. Reaching a doorway upstairs, we entered a bedroom in the back. Plugger told me to empty my bag on the bed. I did so. He looked at my contents: black t-shirt; chaps; black jock; harness; leather ball strap; toothbrush; toothpaste; razor; and some other odds and ends. He told me to put my things in the top drawer of the dresser and to strip putting on my jock and leather strap. I was then to put my clothes that I had worn in a neat pile by the dresser. I did so. Plugger watched as I followed his orders turning to face him when finished. He waved me over to him. “Do you really understand what you are here for this weekend?” he asked. “I believe I am here to be used by you and your Dad and most likely by at least one other man as a sexual object to be fucked and have me suck them and whatever else you all want. I believe that most likely there will also be some bdSm play.” I responded looking straight into his eyes. “I trust you both and believe that neither of you will allow any harm come to me.” “You okay with that?” Plugger asked. “If the two of you and with all due respect, more specifically if your Dad wishes it, I am okay with that.” Plugger nodded his head and said, “You know that we don’t ask status.” “I know that. You know that I don’t ask status either. I know who and what I am. I know an opportunity to have a weekend from Hell that will become a part of me and have no hesitation or reservation about consenting to being a part of it.” I looked straight at him unflinching as I gave him my honest belief. Silence passed between us as we looked at each other intently. He attempting to determine if I had any hesitancy; I to let him see I was fully compliant and willing to what he and his Dad had planned. Satisfied finally, Plugger grinned and jokingly slapped my face once saying, “Your ass and mouth are going to be so sore.” Plugger went on to say that I had made an impression on someone else. I had impressed Bimini. He told me that though most white men loved to be fucked by a tall black man they don’t like how Bimini’s fingers feel and what he does with them. I told Plugger that at a bath house using fingernails is about the best tool there is for making cuts to breed an ass. As for his fingers, they were rough and thick but that only added to the sensation as far as I was concerned. I enjoyed them knowing full well what they were doing and what was going to be done following their use. Plugger said that this was Bimini’s house. Now, that did surprise me in a way. I would have thought him more an apartment person. Plugger went on to say that Bimini was also fond at times of participating in bdSm but mostly enjoyed watching it. He just liked to cause pain when he used his nails and to breed a white ass to poison it. I shook my head in understanding. Plugger said that he and his Dad provided Bimini with this visual when the right man came along. I smiled slightly. “I’m going to ask something about Bimini. Where did he get the name?” I asked with serious curiosity. “Bimini is the fishing capital of the world. It’s a huge sports fishing island. He ‘fishes’ for white men especially in order to catch them on his pole after he uses his ‘hook’ fingernails. He takes great pride in landing big catches. Just like researchers tagging their catches, Bimini tags his catches by breeding them to him.” I stared at Plugger with total understanding and awe of this newly learned fact. I was amazed at how simple the answer was as well as how logical and well conceived of its origination. Bimini would be well received by me should I be given the opportunity. “And, how did ‘Plugger’ come about?” I asked. “Simple. I plug any hole with my cock. I don’t care if it’s a mouth, pussy, or ass as long as I can plug it with my cock.” Well, ask and learn. But, the thought of his beautiful black cock in a female, well, that had to be considered. I stood there looking back at him with this information whirling around. “So, you’re bi.” I said. “No; but I will plug a pussy if that’s all there is. I prefer a mouth on a bearded white man or better still his furry ass. But, I will use a pussy.” I still couldn’t envision it, so, I let it go. Plugger stood up. He told me his Dad was in the basement preparing things. He asked what I wanted to drink; I told him water without ice. He asked if I needed to shower or use the bathroom. I chuckled and told him thanks but that I had come prepared. Then, I thought I’d drop the possible bombshell. I asked Plugger if he and his Dad would prefer to fuck a man who already had been fucked. He said they both preferred it so that all they needed was spit if that. He asked why, and I told him what I had done. He smiled and told me that he already knew I had already been fucked but was waiting to see if I would tell him. He motioned me to follow. We went to the kitchen where he filled a glass with water. I took it. He motioned with his head to follow again. We went downstairs which opened up into the general area of a typical finished basement. I followed Plugger through to a door at the back of the basement which opened into another room which was painted all black and moderately lit. The walls were covered with assorted toys expressly designed for such a play room. I knew what was going to happen and began to get hard and leak with pre-cum. END PART 8
  23. PART 5 As I rested on his arm, I could feel his black cock growing. There was a hesitancy on my part: Could I really get fucked again after last night? I was determined that I would. He began licking my neck again and nipping at it. I bent my head forward allowing him access. His biting became more determined as did his licking my neck and head. His hands began reaching for my tits where he again began squeezing them and twisting them forcefully. The more he squeezed and pulled and twisted my nipples the more awake I became and gave every indication I was ready for him to continue where we had left off earlier. And, the harder he bit and tortured my nipples the harder I felt his cock get. He was a master of this sadistic foreplay, and we both were relishing it. He moved his hips away from me and with his hands guided me onto my stomach as he rolled on top of me. I felt his hands spread on my shoulder blades as he put his knees between my legs pushing them apart. I pushed upward with my ass to give him access to my ass hole. Soon the head of his cock was there and when he had lined it up just right, he pushed forward ever so slightly to make sure he had the mark. He lowered his body moving his hands from my shoulder blades to wrap around me. Just as the thought of no lube raced across my brain, he plunged full length into my ass. I inhaled with a great gasp but made no other sound outwardly as the pleasureable pain was delightful. He continued to push his cock further in to my ass, and I’m sure ripping open all those cuts he had made the night before. Soon enough, he had impaled me onto his cock once more. One arm went under my throat as the other found its mark to torture—my nipple. He clamped down on my nipple and began his torturous routine. His other arm lifted my head making breathing difficult and little or no ability to speak. He began fucking me once more, and I realized he was different this time. His style had changed. I didn’t care as long as his big black cock was sunk into my ass fucking me with the knowledge that I would be filled once more with his cum load. He continued to fuck and torture my nipple until a single droplet of sweat hit me. It was like a trigger for him. He released my neck and nipple and grabbed my hips pumping me viciously hard with each of his strokes. I made every effort to raise my hips to allow easier access to encourage his fucking. It was only a matter of time when his breathing became a pant, sweat dropped onto me as if it were raining, and his black cock was driving him to his conclusion. His hands swiftly moved from my hips to my ass cheeks pulling them wide open as he drove himself as deeply as he could in a final thrust releasing his cum into my gut. I could feel the entire length of his cock swell and shrink as the underside of his cock gave proof of his deposit being made. He unloaded 12 to 15 salvos of his precious ball juices and baby making liquid. He finally collapsed onto me and lay there in sexual exhaustion. As I lay there beneath him, filled with his load of cum and satisfied that once more I had provided an orifice for a black man to use. I could feel after awhile his cock shrinking eventually after several minutes popping out of my ass. He slid off me and onto his side as I lay there. I heard a voice from the foot of the bed say, “Did you enjoy my Dad, too?” I was confused but twisted around and looked at the man who had just fucked me. It was not my fucker from the previous evening. I looked in the direction of the voice, and there he stood grinning broadly again. Once more I was confused. My fucker crawled up onto the bed and came to rest on the other side of me. Now, I have a black man on either side of me, and it begins to dawn on me that I’ve been provided as a hole for use to another black man. I’m a pervert with no qualms about who fucks me as long as they enjoy it. I turned to the man who had just fucked me and asked him if he had to which he responded, “Oh, shit, yes. I’m going to fuck you some more, too.” I do like a black man confidant of himself and his position. I turned to my fucker from last night and asked him if he usually picked up men to bring home to share . . . and smiled devilishly. He told me only real special white asses were brought home to share with his Dad. Oh, yes; his Dad. And, knowing what I was thinking a voice behind me said, “Yes, his real Dad.” I looked back and forth at the two of them thinking I must be hallucinating or had gone into a psychotic break down. But, who was I to question what was being told to me. Neither man had anything to gain by lying to me about their relationship. With me lying there between these two black men ostensibly father and son, I wasn’t left to my thoughts for long before my fucker from MC got up on his knees pulling me up into a doggie position. He lined up quickly with my hole and slammed full length into me once again. I hadn’t thought about it but found he was steel hard once more. He was interested in fucking my ass again after having watched his Dad fuck me and fill me with his DNA. This man was going to reclaim my ass with another load of his cum. I wondered to myself if it were generational competition but decided I didn’t give a damn since I was going to get loaded up good with some super hot cum after some good hard fucking. It wasn’t long before my MC fucker was slapping my ass cheeks hard and grinding his cock deep in my ass. He leaned over me and tortured my tits until I found my own cock growing in excitement and lust. I glanced to my side to see Dad watching me and his son in the middle of the bed fucking like animals. I returned my thoughts to this black man whose cock was buried deep in me and then buried only as deep as the head. He pounded my ass harder and harder spitting on me occasionally. All good things must come to an end and so did this good fucking. Once more I heard my fucker beginning to breathe heavier and felt his sweat dripping on me as he picked up the pace of his piston fucking. Again, he growled loudly as he slapped both his hands on my ass cheeks as he thrust forward in a final heave of shoving his big black cock into my ass as far as it would go as he unleashed a torrent of his cum that splattered my guts coating them with his thick gooey load. We lowered ourselves down onto the bed where we caught our breaths as the last bit of his cum seeped into my ass and I milked on his cock encouraging every little wiggler to swim through his love tube and into my love oven. There’s nothing better than a good hot poz breeding session. Not to be ignored or outdone, Dad was soon pushing son’s shoulder telling him he was already in my ass enough and he had a lot more to give. Son pushed himself up off my back pulling his limp cock slowly out of my ass. Dad replaced his son ramming himself fully into my ass and began pumping without a pause. This Dad knew what a cum pig was and had obviously had used such before. Dad drove his cock full length into my ass for all he was worth and I made sure he enjoyed himself by tightening my ass around his cock squeezing it for maximum pleasure to his cock. But, Dads will be Dads. He was excellent on control. But, he must have had other thoughts because sooner than I thought he rammed full force into my hole about a half dozen times and then began yelling as he fucked me super hard and deep pumping another full load of his cum deep into my gut. After a dozen hard deep rams which deposited his cum inside me, Dad collapsed on top of me. I could feel his sweaty body mixing with my own sweat as we both were momentarily satisfied. The three of us spent the rest of the day fucking. Since I was the only bottom, it gave me great pause to think about how lucky I was being available for two such good looking black men to use as a cum dump. About every second or third fucking, I got a new round of ass adjustments—read I had my ass re-scratched to make available for easier absorption—resulting in some nice pinkish froth. Although most of the time I was laying in the bed or bent over the side of it, I always got time to just lay there letting that wonderful poz juice from I presume two poz black men to drain further into me for intake on my part. No lube was ever used except spit and cum loads. It just wouldn’t have been right. All good fuck times must come to an end it seems. Late that afternoon after having drained my hosts balls of all the baby batter they could produce, I understood the subtle hint that it was time to go. At the door, I was given a piece of paper with Plugger’s name (Derrick) and phone number on it. In return, I gave him my name and phone number. Dad told me to be sure to call Plugger and to come back again real soon for an even longer party with them. I promised I would. That, though, is another tale. END PART 5 PART 6 I spent many days after that flashing back to my trip to MC and the aftermath. I had received a lot of cum loads at MC but the last three were the most memorable . . . especially that last one. Having left with Plugger/Derrick and gone home with him only to receive no less than about a half dozen or more cum loads from fucking with him and as many from his Dad kept my mind in constant motion of remembrance. I looked forward to the next meeting with them if it was to be. But, I needed time for my back, ass, and legs to rid themselves of the telltale sign of the whipping which I had also received. It was such an unexpected but delicious whipping which I do love almost as much as being fucked and taking loads of cum. After three weeks of holding off so as not to seem anxious or pushy, I called the number that Plugger had given me. The phone rang four times until a voice came on the line telling me to leave a message. I spoke briefly stating my name and number repeating both. I went on to explain who I was and where Plugger and I had met. I reasoned that it was safe to leave such a message since I had met his Dad and presumed that there was no one else living with them. One can not be too careful but reason told me it was safe to say what I did. I hung up and went on with my life but keeping my mind in turmoil thinking how much I would want to be back in their home being shared by the two of them again. I went over in my mind all the fucking which we had done and kept stopping my housecleaning to mentally view each of their cocks. Both cocks were about the same description which was why I didn’t realize the change of men. What is there to say about two beautiful black cut cocks that are solid and have a downward curve? In fact, they both had similar stature. Both men were about my height of 5’ 10” and about the same weight of 185 to 190. Both had shaved their heads as I had. Both bodies were muscled but not from a gym; they had earned their muscles from real work. Plugger enjoyed hard core bdSm or at the very minimum whipping a willing partner with a good belt as well as tit torture and chewing an ass hole hard with his teeth. Since his Dad had also been a tit torturer, I wondered if this had been a familial thing or if he, too, enjoyed his sons—and my—penchant for pain/pleasure. I was hoping that time would tell. I also realized that Dad enjoyed fucking a man’s butt when it was filled with cum. Odd, how this realization came to me so many days afterward. But, then, I was too involved at the time to care about such knowledge as long as I was getting fucked and taking cum loads from two black men . . . and, that those two black men were related. I turned my thoughts to Plugger again and wondered if he were poz. We hadn’t expressed any details to the other about the issue. I always believe that any man fucking me is poz if he’s fucking me bareback. And, since I don’t get fucked if a man insists on using a condom, I presume that I’m taking poz cum loads. I remembered that Plugger did a number on the inside of my hole almost as much as the first guy Plugger had sent to me at MC. The two of them both knew about using their nails to make those cuts to allow easier absorption of swimmers. Since Plugger knew that his buddy was poz and loved to breed white ass, I concluded in my mind that he was also poz. As for Dad, I wondered. I didn’t care, but, I did wonder. As I was mulling all of this in my mind and doing a half-assed job of cleaning, I was startled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I answered it and was greedily surprised and became breathless to hear my caller. It was Plugger. He wanted to know how I was, he was glad to hear from me, he was glad to have met, and he was horny. I was like a tongue-tied kid with my responses blurting them out not able to speak a coherent sentence. I was giddy with excitement and anxious about where the call might lead. With great determination, I finally calmed myself and became sane and spoke with him at length. I confessed that I had not called sooner as I didn’t want to be a pushy newcomer in his life. Plugger said he didn’t want to seem overanxious or pushy either. That finally said set us both at ease, and we began chatting about just things. I felt at ease and presumed that he had reached that point as well. But, our chat finally turned to us. Plugger asked if he had hurt me when he had beaten me with his belt. I told him he had left some marks but nothing that offended me by any means. I had enjoyed the surprise beating as well as his toothy chewing and eating he had done to my ass. He laughed and told me that there weren’t many men who enjoyed his rough side. I said it was a mutual enjoyment then and perhaps one day he and I might share even more extensive playing. He said he hoped so. He told me that all that he had learned and had come to enjoy was because of his Dad. He told me that his Dad was a Sadist from the best of the lifestyle. (A shiver of anticipation ran through me.) Plugger asked what limits I had, and I told him: no females, minors, scat, permanent marks, shaving, alterations, ball torture because of a mass on one of my balls, or use of breakable items such as glass. I told him that most anything else I was a willing participant. He was very pleased and told me that he and his Dad would enjoy seeing me again for a lengthy time to play. I told him that all we needed to do was to arrange a mutually acceptable day and time. Plugger asked what I was going to do that weekend. I told him that I probably would go back to Man’s Country. He asked if instead I would be interested in visiting him and his Dad for the weekend. I hesitated in responding only to allow my heart to calm down to allow me to speak with ease and not with the excited voice of an overly turned on perverted trained sub/bottom. I told him that I would enjoy that a lot. We arranged that I should be there on Friday about 7:00 pm and to plan to spend the weekend. (How could I make it through two days before the weekend arrived?) He told me that I should bring my leather gear that I had worn at MC just in case. Everything else would be provided. I agreed to be there and assured him when asked that I did remember where he and his Dad lived. He gave me the address anyway. Plugger then went to a subject that we had discussed on the way to his house. He asked again about my partying. I re-iterated what I had told him that morning we had met: I had done pot a few times, poppers, ethyl (preferred to poppers), coke once, but preferred meth which I had snorted, smoked, and slammed. I went on to tell him that I had done booty bumps but that they had never really done anything for me. He told me that he and his Dad partied on occasion but weren’t heavy or constant users. I said that was the same for me. I preferred to remember what happened but enjoyed using to heighten the playing. I went on to tell him that I was a very light user because of my metabolism in relation to medication. My body is quick to absorb medicine. I told him that on a couple of occasions I had gone into convulsions because a dentist had used the calculated dose of Novocain for someone of my size and age. With a lesser amount the dentist learned in subsequent use, I still received the same numbing effect. So, for me to use any party favors, I had to be very careful. He understood. We chatted on about mundane things before he finally said he had to go. We said our good-byes after he very briefly repeated his address and how he and his Dad were expecting me for the weekend. I was left in a somewhat dream state of angst of having to live through two days until Friday arrived. I started out by gathering together what I was going to take with me on Friday: black biker boots, chaps, black jock, and harness. I laid out also my jeans and t-shirt to wear and pulled out my travel kit of toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, and other assorted items. All that done taking every bit of 10 minutes, I sat down and zoned out. It was going to be a very, very long 48 hours. Longer still as I knew that I was going to take off from work Friday so that I could be very ready from the moment I went through that front door. With all my comp time, I was entitled to the day off if not even Monday as well. Who knew how I would feel after an entire weekend with two such hot, horny, black men. END PART 6
  24. PART 3 I laid there for a few minutes when I heard a voice at the door asking if I had forgotten him. I turned to see the black guy from The Pit standing in my room closing the door behind him. He asked if I had enjoyed the two black men he had sent. Foolishly, I asked him which two? He said the two that had just exited my room. I told him that I had enjoyed both and thanked him. I asked him what I owed him for such, and he told me he would collect his due. I had no doubt of that. He asked if I had taken both their loads, and I told him yes. He said, “Good. I love fucking in a cum-filled hole.” With that he arranged me on my back where I pulled my legs up to my chest while he knelt down to drive me crazy again tongue fucking my well used hole. He kept this up for awhile finally telling me to squeeze out some of that cum. I complied. He slurped it up and finally stood up leaning over me planting a big open-mouthed kiss on me sharing the contents he had sucked out of my ass. What a tasty treat it was. He pulled me to him so that the small of my back was at the edge of the bed and held my legs on his shoulders as he took aim at my willing and juicy hole. He found the entrance and proceeded to push himself into my hole as I pushed outward to allow him easy entry. He took his time pushing in and out going a little further each time until his hard black curved cock was totally engulfed in my ass. He began to fuck me with gentleness as he told me how his first buddy was notorious for breeding white ass with his poz cum loads. He told me how he loved to watch his buddy breed a white ass knowing that he had torn it up with his nails before impaling the unsuspecting white guy and ripping his ass open to bleed causing the tears that would allow his strain to enter the white guy permanently. I’m hearing all of this as he continued to plunge fully into my ass pulling his black cock out until only the head was still inside. He intermittently gave me a kiss or licks my face as he pulled me closer to him as his hard fucking backed me away from him. He began to squeeze gently on my nipples and increased the amount of pressure until he was causing some serious sensation or what some men call pain—I love the sensation of my nipples being so tortured. He had been fucking me for about fifteen minutes when he really picked up the pace and began slamming into my ass grabbing my uppermost thighs and pulling me to him. Sweat glistened on him as it did on me. I reached overhead and pushed my hands against the wall to keep me closer to meet his thrusts. His hands let go of my thighs and grabbed my nipples one last time squeezing and twisting them as hard as he could for a few seconds and then returned to holding my thighs beginning his final ramming home. He let go with a deep guttural growling as I sensed his big black cock swell up and expel his first salvo of his ball juices. He stopped his pumping in and out motion and allowed his cock to swell up and as it spit out his cum load into my ass he would ram full length into my ass with me clamping down on his cock as he pulled out so that every drop would be pulled out of his cock and into my ass. He continued to swell and spit his cum in my ass for several minutes finally breathing heavily and gasping for air ending eventually with his cock impaled in my ass and the two of us both savoring what had just happened. Slowly he withdrew his cock steadying himself on my knees as I lay on the bed. He smiled broadly. After recovering his composure, he leaned over my body to come face to face with me and asked, “When are you leaving here?” I told him I had probably overstayed my time and needed to go. He said, “Good. You’re coming home with me. I need to fuck you some more.” With that, he stood up, told me he would be back soon as he got his stuff from his room, and would be back for me. I got up, changed into street clothes, and gathered my gear and the linens and waited. Soon enough he was back, and we left. END PART 3 PART 4 Outside he asked if I had driven which I hadn’t. He said he had. We went to his car and started for his place. On the way, he asked if I fucked with only black guys. I told him no. We chatted about other things but mainly about sex and Man’s Country. He then popped the question about partying and if I did. I told him yes but just not to excess. He asked what and I told him a little pot, poppers, ethyl, coke once, and mostly meth. He asked what I liked best. I told him meth. I liked to snort, smoke, and especially slam. We got to his apartment about that time. We went in, and he took me straight into the bedroom where we both stripped. He was even more super hot looking. I was looking forward to being fucked by him again. He had me to lie down on his bed at the edge where he again began eating my ass and this time really digging his tongue in there. He ate and literally chewed on my ass for several minutes when he looked up at me and asked, “You like it rough, don’t you? I mean, you like your ass really worked over hard like your tits.” I told him yes. With that, he began to chew even harder on my ass for a couple of minutes more and then shoved several fingers in my hole and pulled it wide open. “Yeah, I’m going to tear you up and you’re going to beg for more.” He stood up, shoved my legs back against my chest, and shoved two of his fingers in my ass and began shredding the inside with his nails just like his buddy had done. He did this for several minutes and without warning, pulled his fingers out and lined his cock up with my ass and shoved all the way in. The pain was delightful as he slammed full length into me. He began fucking my ass and spitting on me. He grabbed my tits and began mercilessly twisting and pulling them. I looked at him in total awe and adoration and lust. The pain was magnificent. The more he realized I was in pain the more pain he inflicted. He began slapping my ass cheeks hard between torturing my tits. This continued for many minutes until he finally yanked his cock out of my ass leaving me feeling so empty. He grabbed my right leg lifting it up off his shoulder and pushed it across his body giving me full indication to roll onto my stomach which I did. I heard him step away returning quickly and then heard a “whoosh” sound and feeling a sharp pain as the sound ended. My back was on fire. Once, twice, three times, four, five, six times the sound and then the sharp pain either on my back or on my ass. He was beating me with a belt. The pain tore through me registering fully with each blow exciting me. My cock began to fill with my blood and grew to its fullest. He then dropped the belt and was on top of me in an instant burying his now steel-hard raw black cock into my ass. He plunged in and out of my hole faster than any piston on the fastest race car motor accelerating it to its fullest capacity. I felt each mark he had made with his belt as his body pressed into mine. He and I both were in a frenzy of animal sexual lust. In less than two minutes he was biting the back of my neck as he unleashed his cum into my ass once more. This torrent of cum felt like he was pissing in my ass but we knew he was breeding me good. We both knew it was a poz breeding since he had shredded my ass with his nails but that wasn’t needed to be said aloud; we just knew and both needed it that way. We both hit our climax as only seconds after he began shooting his cock hit my prostate and I began involuntarily unloading my own cum. It was many minutes before either of us could move. We were both spent—totally spent. He moved to my side as I turned to look at him and two huge grins faced each other with four eyes sparkling with contentment. With the look of satisfaction and total exhaustion, he got us up off the bed, I went back and sucked up my cum load as he laughed. He turned down the bed, and we crawled in together. I backed up to him and felt his beautiful semi hard cock pressing against me. He worked it into my ass, and we both contentedly without saying a word fell asleep. We slept soundly, but all good things must come to an end. I awoke and could tell it was daylight. I was still tired but my bladder needed relief. I was no longer impaled on my fuckers cock. I gently eased away from him and got out of bed. At the edge, I heard him ask me where I was going. “To piss.” He pointed to a closed door and said, “In there.” I went where he was pointing and did my business returning to bed shortly. He lifted the covers for me, and I again backed up to him. We lay there for a few minutes when he began to disentangle himself saying he had to piss now. He told me to sleep. I was really tired. I know that I heard him go into the bathroom and heard him piss. Pissing is such a distinct sound. Before he returned to bed, I must have dozed off as I gave a jerk awake when I felt him lift the covers and get in bed again moving to me. I welcomed his arms around me again and was content in sleeping some more with this man who had beaten me with his belt and fucked me like a mad man. END PART 4
  25. PART 1 Anyone who has been to Man’s Country in Chicago knows the setting. It’s one of if not the last of the old bath houses. There have been some modest upgrades in recent years. What I’m telling about happened several years ago when the place was sleazy and full of men who barebacked. Not that it isn’t that way today; it’s just different now in some ways. At the time, I was early 40’s. Good looking to most but not deluded into thinking I was “special” by any means. I stand 5 feet 10 inches, weigh 185, blue eyes, shaved head, one tat and two piercings, moderately hairy, and a bottom as well as a wicked sub for those wanting such. I’m fastidious in cleaning. No surprises for any top and definitely nothing that will turn off one because of lack of taking the time to properly prepare myself. Although a towel is what most men wore, I preferred and still wear my biker boots, chaps, black jock, harness, and a smile. So, I got settled into my room and decided to make my first trip through to see who was there and to be seen. Before heading out, I slammed and let that settle in on me. Then, I did my booty bump with a rig that had the needle removed. I pushed it all the way in my ass as far as possible before plunging that booty bump mixture into my ass. What a feeling. My last prep for my walk was to lube up my ass good (just in case) with a nice mix of warm Elbo Grease and Crisco, pick up my poppers, and head out. (The warmth of the Elbo Grease combined with the booty bump made my ass super hot and horny.) My usual routine is to do a slow walk through all three floors and then do it again. Sometimes I went back by rooms for second looks at particular men of course. Sometimes I even stopped off in a room for some fun. This night though it’s back to my room where I lightly re-lubed my ass, left my door open all the way, and climbed up on the bed face down head away from the door. Let no man pass my room and have any doubt what I’m after. It doesn’t take long before I get men passing by more than once. Yes, the chaps and harness deter some. Those that are bold enough to come in the room get well received. It’s usually I sense someone first and then feel a cautious hand on my ass. I respond by crooking my leg or raising my hips slightly to make my ass hole more easily available. He continues on with exploring me by rubbing my ass and other places. I feel a finger sliding around finding some lube and finally a full investigation that leaves no doubt that my ass is fully lubed and ready for fucking. This is a full thrust in my hole with one or more fingers. These are the men I need. I spend my time mostly in my room getting fucked. This trip is just like all my trips there. One man after another comes in and each with his own style eventually finds his cock sliding into my ass where he pistons his cock in and out using the cum from previous men to lube his cock to fuck me. I take load after load of cum in my ass resting after each is delivered by lying on my stomach so that gravity will pull that load of cum deeper into my gut where it will be absorbed eventually. I’m an addict for cum. This night I had taken around 10 loads of cum. Not too shabby but not my best. I’ve got 2 hours left of my 8 hours. I thought I’d take one more walk through before settling in for the rest of my time. I did the first floor where my room was and went upstairs making two rounds before heading to The Pit (basement). That was where I walked past a room that had an occupant and what an occupant he was. I had seen him about most of the night, but he didn’t seem interested in me. I had seen him on my walks and from my room. Now, I was looking at him in his room. He was about my height, shaved head, towel draped discretely, sitting upright with his back against the wall, muscled but not overly so, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles, clean shaven, light dimmed but providing very good lighting. And, what attracted me most was a very well put together black man. As I said, he had not indicated any interest when we met walking or when I was in my room. However, my passing his room and my looking in was rewarded with that nod of hello. I wasn’t sure I had seen correctly, so, I went around the hallways in The Pit and came back to his room slowing my pace. As I passed again, he nodded and put his right foot on the floor. I stopped and said hello. Of course, I went inside and was told to close the door which I did. He picked up his towel and laid it on the stand while lifting his leg back onto the bed and spreading his legs. I climbed onto the bed between his legs and immediately moved forward bending over so that I poised momentarily over his cock. Gently lifting it up I put the head of his black cock into my mouth as I settled down onto my stomach bending my legs upward so that we both could fit on the bed. I began nursing his black cock in my mouth moving my tongue from side to side on the bottom while alternately going all the way down the shaft until his pubes scratched my nose and pulling back off until only the head was safely held in my mouth. The taste was delicious. I continued to stimulate his cock in this manner and in no time his cock began responding by growing ever bigger in length and girth. It didn’t take him long to fill out completely. My guess is that I was in the presence of a black cock that would measure somewhere about 8 solid inches with a gentle curve downward making it easy to slide way back in my mouth. I could tell that if he ever fucked my mouth hard I’d get my tonsils punched quite hard. I should be so lucky. He let me suck his cock for a bit and then said he wanted to really have some room to use my mouth and began to lift me off his cock. He stood up beside the bed and told me to sit on the bed and lean back. From there, he stood on the bed straddling me and came at me with his now blood-engorged black cock. I opened my mouth and accepted him as best I could only this time I was able only to get my mouth open wide enough for his cock to fill my mouth completely. He began to gently fuck my mouth with full thrusts going deeper with each thrust. I knew he was an expert at mouth fucking and let him set the pace. I was hoping he was equally interested in doing the same to my ass. For now, though, he took great pleasure as did I in shoving his now fat black cock into and out of my mouth giving himself pleasure of a warm moist opening. Gag I did at that piece of meat and even lost the ability to breathe when he would shove his cock all the way in and hold it there. I never yanked my head away but he knew when he had to pull out. He was an expert. Usually, I suck cock for a quick shot in my mouth of cum but mostly suck just to get a cock hard so that I can get fucked. This black man was delicious, and I wanted as much of him in my mouth as I could get. He could fuck my mouth and I would suck his cock as long as he wanted and probably then some if he insisted. Still, I did keep thinking of getting that beautiful cock in my ass. When he had enough, he pulled his glistening black cock out of my mouth and stepped down off the bed. Up my legs went while being pulled forward to the edge of the bed. He knelt down on the floor pushing my legs to my chest and drove his tongue deep into my ass. I grabbed the back of my knees and pulled them to me so that he could use his hands to pull my cheeks as wide as possible. His tongue was as talented as his cock was in my mouth. He licked and probed my hole for what seemed like hours but I’m sure was only a matter of minutes. With my hole lubed with his spit, he finally pulled away and began probing my ass with his fingers. He would gently insert them bend the finger making a hook and withdraw it. It finally dawned on me he was cum hunting. He must have figured I had cum in my ass, and he was going to get some. He then stopped totally and said that his room was just too small for what he wanted to do to me. I invited him to my room which had a double bed. He told me to go ahead and he would be along shortly. Well, that tells me I’ve been dismissed. It was delicious while it lasted though limited fun as it was. END PART 1 PART 2 Back in my room, I again lightly re-lubed my ass massaging it in my hole remembering what it had just felt. I climbed on the bed after opening the door wide. Soon enough I feel a presence and then a hand exploring my ass. I spread my legs and a finger found its mark. I heard a deep husky voice ask if I wanted to be bred and I responded definitely. He closed the door and told me to suck him. I got off the bed and knelt on the floor as he hung his towel on a hook. His black cock was already semi hard as I lifted it with my hand and held it at my mouth. I gently licked the head and finally swallowed it whole. Immediately his cock swelled filling my mouth. He put his hands on either side of my head and began a gentle but steady pumping in and out. He was in no hurry and was enjoying himself as I heard him groaning slightly with almost each entry. He pulled his blood engorged cock out of my mouth and pulled me up, turned me around facing the bed, and told me to bend over the edge. I did as I was told. He was about 6’ 4”, thick bodied, hairy, and bearded. A very handsome man. I felt his rough girthy finger enter my hole where he began to pummel the inside and soon felt him scraping with his nail. I was going to get a very good breeding by this man. He continued scraping a few times more. He withdrew his finger, and I heard him spit. He pulled my cheeks open and told me to hold them. He then positioned the head of his cock at my hole and said, “Hope you really want this and are ready.” I never got to reply. He rammed his cock the full length into my ass causing me to release the hold on my cheeks and attempt to rise up off the bed. He was an expert and knew what he was doing as I’m sure he had done this many, many times before. As soon as he had impaled me onto the full length of his cock he leaned all the way forward on me wrapping one hand over my mouth which was now open ready to begin a howl of pain only to be muffled. What a stunning painfully pleasureable entry. His weight held me down on the bed and his hand kept my screams in my throat. Just as I thought the pain was going to pass, he began fucking my hole hard. It seemed like days before the pain subsided even with all the cocks I had had in me that night but in reality the pain lasted only a minute or two. His hand was released from my mouth; he rose up off me but put one hand on my back, and began pumping in and out of my hole with the entire length of his fat black cock. This man was going to tear my ass up good before he made his deposit breeding me fully. I knew that he was going to load me up with his infected DNA, and I loved the idea more and more with each full length shove he made into my ass. Soon, though, I began to push back onto his cock and clamping my ass muscles tight around his beautiful fat black cock when he would withdraw it from my gut. He moved his hand from my back. I pushed back as hard onto his cock as he was driving into my hole. We fucked hard for a good long time when I finally heard him beginning to growl and pick up the pace even more. I stopped pushing back onto his cock and braced myself while clamping down on his cock as hard as I could. He began telling me he was going to breed my ass real good and to poz me up with his poison load because he was seeing some blood on his cock. I clamped down determined to milk out of his black cock all of his contaminated DNA as possible. About a dozen more pumps and with the deepest growl yet, he shoved his cock as far into my ass as he could as he pulled my cheeks wide open. His cock spasmed in my hole filling me with his gooey white breeding liquid. When he finished, he pulled out slowly. He was sweating as was I. I swiftly knelt down taking his cock into my mouth to suckle it and lick it clean. He departed, and I wiped off my sweat, fanned myself with a towel to cool down, opened the door, and climbed back up on the bed to wait for the next man. I was still settling myself when I saw a shadow. I glanced over my shoulder at the door where another black man who was very thin and short standing. He said he had heard me while he was walking by. I had thought my previous encounter had been unnoticed. I was mistaken obviously. So, this new black guy asked if I liked getting fucked. I told him I did. He asked if he could fuck me. I told him sure. He came in and shut the door. He hung his towel up and climbed up on the bed kneeling between my legs. I got up on my knees and felt his left hand on my cheek as his cock poked around trying to line up with my hole. Finally positioned, he placed his right hand on my cheek and began a slow push forward into my hole. His cock was maybe 6 to 7 inches and stuck straight out from his body. His entry was totally different than the one previous. He did push himself all the way in me but it was done with great ease. I was savoring it nonetheless as I knew this black cock was going to deliver another load of cum in my hole. He was not going to dally, and I calculated must have been either a bottom or a top primed to fire. I say this as he didn’t fuck me very long before he was pounding my hole and shooting his load as he kept telling me to take it and he was giving it to me. He pumped my ass the entire time he was unloading. When he finished, he slowly withdrew and hopped down off the bed, draped his towel and was out the door before I could get to clean off his cock. Well, his choice of service. I settled back down onto the bed looking at the time. I had about 45 minutes left of my 8 hours. It had been an interesting night. Of course being the cum pig that I am, I was never satisfied. A cum pig always wants more cum. END PART 2
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