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Everything posted by DenverUnbounded

  1. And some of those TOPS will be spending some time poking Fleshlight or poking their hand. Homos get off seeing men cum so some of the absurdity it around people dreaming far outside of what is reasonable and what is common sense. Talk up all that trash you want but if you can't carry the message home and deliver it to the person you fucking, that person might fucking get up and just walk out. Men do walk out. The most important take away from what I wrote is that people focus on themselves not others. The tone was almost self righteous as in religion being used to tell gay men they are wrong, they live wrong and they are going to hell.
  2. The question really should have narrowly focused on SUBMISSIVE bottoms. Being submissive is a choice and an agreement or understanding with a dominant. Part of the agreement typically includes surrendering types of behavior. None of my business what two or more men decide to do. But wow all this emotion in some of these posts. Of course it is just another day in is this for real land. I mean come on. Seriously. Gay men writing about what other gay men should and should not do regarding sex on THIS SITE? LMAO. This post caught my eye because of the word LET. What is really starting to make roar is all these submissive guys and their writing. Who LET you write your thread? Okay I'm going to behave, right after this last one. LET us pray now that gay men refrain from blending the much desired male anatomy with that of female anatomy terms. that's all.
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