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Posts posted by Johnjohn

  1. I was a very late starter. I must have been 15 or 16 years old. It caused me great embarrassment in the showers at school when I was in my early teens. All the other boys seems to be sprouting copious amounts of thick pubic and armpit hair and I was very jealous of them. I tried applying all sorts of creams which I hoped would make my pubes miraculously spring into life. Needless to say, they had no effect whatsoever. Eventually, they started to grow but they never became the jungle which some guys seem to sport and which I envied (and still do). Maybe it's all in the genes.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Spunkinmyarse said:

    I think the apps work well for younger guys. The apps are so photo-oriented, which is great in your 20’s and 30’s, but post-40 not so much. Phone cameras have a nasty habit of picking out every wrinkle, every grey hair- they are no friend to those of us on the more ‘mature’ side.

    I‘m in my 50’s now, and still fit enough that I attract a reasonable amount of attention if I actually present myself “in real life” at a sauna or a cruise bar/club. But I’ve more or less given up on the apps. Apart from anything else, guys can set their filters to whatever age group they like, so I won’t even show up anymore on a lot of guys’ grids- I’m literally invisible. Sure, I can lie about my age to a certain extent so I can squeeze into the ‘maximum age = 50’ group. But even this becomes untenable at a certain point...

    That's a very good point and I agree entirely. Too many younger guys using apps are fixated about age with profiles stating an age range, for example, of 'between 18 and 39'. So, if I'm 40 years old it would appear I don't stand a cat in hell's chance of connecting. Better to meet face to face in clubs, bars or saunas.

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