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Everything posted by nanana

  1. Hopefully RFK Jr can make it through the nomination process to clean out the conformist-and-Fauci-corruption-driven system to find real solutions for chronic health issues rather than just another round of fraudulent boondoggles. One can hope.
  2. nanana

    TikTok Ban.

    That’s what I’m worried about.
  3. As someone who has gotten old enough not to worry about what others think, I have grown much more tolerant of views less than adoring of homos, but I can still channel my inner child who would wilt at any resistance to my fragile handle on acceptance/approval/community and take my measure of success from an unrealistic vision of complete tolerance for buggers. I hate the idea that gay kids might feel suicidal over the silly gods children like Anita. Let’s make sure our insecure pre-teen faggots have some people in their lives reducing the power of the Anitas and helping them enjoy their unacceptable beauty and uniqueness.
  4. And yet this was after 100s of successful efforts to rebalance the number of voters in state districts by the Democrats (to their credit, it was a good thing to do not to let the value of an individuals vote be equitable) but with the result that Trump increased his vote count in even “rebalanced” districts.
  5. It also sounds as if you may be having a super bad day. Breathe, smile, love. That may be the hardest thing to do, but I wish you peace and connection.
  6. That’s super creepy. I hope you figure out how to share the planet.
  7. Hedonism is compelling but tunes out some other great values such as enjoying the unattractive, using your full-brain consciousness, and non-sensual connections to other people. Has anyone else had moments when they wished to transcend the gay gift box?
  8. your dick looks much better not scraped up by bottoms gone nuts... lol maybe some municipality will pass a law that bottoms are no longer allowed to eat popcorn unless by explicit permission of some fucker who likes exfoliants lol. maybe Uganda will finally legalize sodomy. perhaps Gretha Thunberg will come out... what other happy occurrences are wished in the new year of politique?
  9. Greetings all: It's never a bad time to be hopeful. What local, state, national and international developments are you most hopeful about? Happy Holidays!
  10. I agree with you PozBearWI. Talking can lead to breakthroughs in understanding. I’m also appreciative that there’s a fine line between a right and a privilege, with one frequently confused for another. I am fond of rights for all but often find privileges less defensible. I am sure that many non-gays are sensitive to what may seem like gay privileges OR to incursions on their rights to live the lives they want to live. I am also sensitive to this AND thick skinned. There’s room for us all, from the sluttiest whore to the most righteous Muslim, if we just figure out the right balance between public and private spaces and how to treat each other without violence in the shared public sphere.
  11. This is just a paraphrase translation: “The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone invented civilization.” - Sigmund Freud. Perhaps we have a different appreciation for our intellectual heritage.
  12. This may seem counterintuitive but there’s a balance of peace between tribes when they talk about each other behind their backs to blow off the steam of not being in a trust-and-understanding tribe, which makes for healthy coexistence. I think coexistence is about the best our Homo sapiens can aspire to. The caveman who put down his club and started swearing is the caveman who invented civilization. While it’s true that evil triumphs when good men do nothing it’s also true that giving people no space to voice potentially offensive thoughts leaves them with no other tools but violent tools to oppose threats to their autonomy. We are not so thin skinned are we? People having bad day. I found Someone who listened to me in a puny moment rather than judged me. Jonah was discovered in a whale. Live reins down while people (men) go through anger. on the other hand I get Hard when alpha/omegas acknowledge the hierarchy. I might Be destined to fill up a faggot that is hierarchically beneath me. Or I might be destined to be a fucktoy for a superior alpha. Both are good. The alpha/faggot thing is difficult to stuff into a democracy closet. @BootmanLA the only things we really know about you are that you have a formidable command of MSM facts, an ability to ensure that the left-of-center is well represented (thank you for giving voice to a less-than-loquacious majority on this fagsitw) an asshole that we all want to name the Capitol (from your beautiful pixels), and an argumentation that makes us choose democracy or hierarchy. Perhaps we should all be hole-less and dick-less and just be too kind to fuck. So many beautiful contradiicktions on the planet. I’ve seen a triple fuck but want to see or feel a quadruple fuck before AI takes over.
  13. Bonus for your parents or younger siblings’ funerals (could be rites of burial or celebrations) bonus is not the right word don’t seek my approval just seek my sperm hole or my (if you believe in HIV) death dick.
  14. In the job interview you cum sewer. I now want to hire you to take cum during your zoom job interviews maybe right on your eyelashes as you’re accepting the salary.
  15. Greetings Guys, Curious to know how much of your day / night you are hard? Is it pretty consistent, or does it vary, and by what variables? Looking forward to stimulating responses.
  16. I'd argue that the level of detail be it kingdom, order, or species, should probably be "fit for purpose." If we are looking for broad loving acceptance, give me a kingdom. If we are looking for a more specific purpose, e.g., to fuck cum into a bareback bottom or absorb cum from a fucker-mate, then maybe not even the species level is sufficiently specific. It is perfectly reasonable, and unhateful, to specify a level in the heirarchy that is "fit for purpose."
  17. A bonus for anyone who can elucidate how this advances their most verbalized and repeated values…
  18. Thanks to a cool head that was not my own, I cordially invite any Democrats to make the arguments for the big man to offer a pardon.
  19. You have last word
  20. No you didn’t get my point. I’m not saying justice isn’t good. I’m saying it gets harder and harder to administer the more removed it gets.
  21. The people who can be definitively linked to an immoral act. It’s not good enough to say they “look” similar or were “born” into it. Children have no control over their circumstances, and the world is never going to be “fair.” Economic winners are always going to do something that pisses off others. As I said before, I am HIGHLY in favor of people and groups who feel that what they inherited was affected by past injustice to do something about it. However, there are two examples at different extremes of this and many examples in the middle of them: 1) build the capabilities to have the life you want; and 2) focus on taking away things from others that have been poorly distributed by past injustices. As I said there are reasons to do both, but I think the second path is likely to be less effective the farther it is in time, especially generationally, from the injustice. Also, the more unfocused the remedy is on the ACTUAL PEOPLE who did it. The wider the net especially to people who had no originating role in the injustice, the greater likelihood the remedy will be perceived as a new injustice rather than a remedy applied to the right people for the right people. That is partly why elites love to tell stories about injustices were long past capable of doing anything about in the present, to distract from current injustice that could actually be tagged to the originator. The search for ancient injustices keeps us ricocheting and degenerates into stereotypical thinking, whereas building a skill and a legacy is harder to take away.
  22. When it’s directed at the wrong people yes.
  23. For those of you who enjoy research into unintended consequences: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://networkcontagion.us/wp-content/uploads/Instructing-Animosity_11.13.24.pdf. Unfortunately even things as well indented as DEI sometimes have consequences that are the opposite of the intended result.
  24. I say, all people rise up and be your highest selves. If you think shaming is an effective tactic then by all means don’t let me tell you what to do. I’m only advocating targeting the right people to shame. Collective punishment has a way of turning individual justice into a group-level beef.
  25. I like what you said here BootmanLA but this is also happening in Europe, where you can’t make the same argument. Native Europeans are being shamed as racists for resenting the resource reallocation presented by mass migration. The pattern of white-shaming is bigger than just the colonial lands. Without disagreeing with you that the colonial past has marginalized native communities can we at least explore whether white-shaming is an effective tactic, especially as collective punishment for an unequal universe? Or is it really a good tactic to smear people by race even if their past ancestors seem enviable through a modern lens?
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