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Posts posted by newbboy84

  1. On 4/8/2017 at 6:45 AM, DoggyBoi said:

    Preparation H is actually useless. I looked into it. The "active ingredient" is shark oil which has, incredibly, zero medical evidence to support it.

    Anusol and other brands like it, contain actual real medical ingredients, mostly a combination of a lube to keep the 'roid moist and prevent irritation, an antiinflammatory to soothe it, and (usually) lidocaine to numb it.  Well worth using in my experience.

    You CANNOT make a 'roid better by squeezing it, piercing it, or otherwise fucking around with it while it's "thrombosed" (i.e. lumpy and swollen).  Even docs won't touch that, because while the thrombosis is happening, there's not a whole lot you can do except let nature take its course.  Thrombosed 'roids are basically caused by blood clots, and they just have to get redissolved by your own body, which usually takes 7-10 days.  Unfortunately cutting the clot out (which CAN be done in extreme cases - it's a 2 second op by a doctor) is not usually used because even though it provides immediate relief, the end result is that more clots will then form because of the injury, leaving you in an even worse situation.

    Ultimately once the 'roid subsides, you CAN get it treated pretty easily.  Hemorrhoids are basically varicose veins in the blood-vessel-rich tisssue of the anus. Like all varicose veins, they can throw a clot or flare up, but no cream in the universe will actually "fix" it... you require an actual medical procedure.

    The easiest and best is "banding". You see your doc (usually a specialist proctologist) and they literally put a little special elastic band around the varicose area.  This pinches the vein, cutting off blood flow, and killing the tissue above the band.  That tissue falls off after a few days, taking the elastic band with it... and leaving a little bit of scar tissue in its place.

    The scar tissue is not noticeable to look at or feel, but what it DOES do is provide a "reinforcement" of thicker tissue in the area where the varicose vein occurred. This stops any reoccurence for the rest of your life - at least in that spot.  You'll inevitably get more 'roids as you age, but the more you get "banded" like this, the more spots of scar tissue you get... and the more reinforcement your ass tissue has.  After about 6-10 bandings, you'll generally have enough extra reinforcement scar tissue, that no more varicoses can pop out. This makes you basically immune to getting any more 'roids, EVER... so it's well worth it.    You can get it done under public medicare for free but this often means waiting a few months... paying $200 for private treatment generally gets it done without waiting.

    There are other methods apart from banding - cryo-freezing being an example - but basically the message here is that it's easily treatable. The procedure takes 5 minutes including the time to say hi to your doctor and drop your pants.  There is generally little to no discomfort - if the 'roid is very close to the sphincter, though, you WILL get a dull ache which will go away after about 6 hours.  It's hard to tell in advance if a 'roid will be an "acher" or not, so plan to take the day off work just in case.


    Actual full surgery (where they cut and remove the vein entirely) is not used any more by any decent doctor, because it's unnecessary and actually pretty ineffective, as well as leading to weeks of post-op pain.  This is called hemorrhoidectomy and if your doc suggests this treatment it's a good sign he has no freakin clue what he's doing and to go see someone else. Hemorrhoidectomy is 20+ years out of date... very very old school.

    There's actually not much you can do to prevent 'roids. Almost everyone gets them, and it's largely down to genetics. Anal sex has NOT been shown to cause them, although straining on the toilet bowl for long periods certainly does cause them.   So don't spend more than a few minutes taking a crap... aim to be in and out as quick as you can.

    The key is not to suffer and not to just use the creams and then forget about it when it subsides. They will NOT go away and the longer you leave it before gettng it banded or frozen, the bigger and more frequent you'll get bouts of painful thrombosis.  So just get it treated, and after a few times your ass will be reinforced with spots of scar tissue and you'll never suffer again.

    I just found out I need to be banded and have been SCOURING the internet for gay mens opinions on this vs actual surgery. This is the most concise and informative paragraph I have seen. THANK YOU


  2. I checked there and didnt see it. but the blog barely loads on my computer for some reason. I used to have it saved on xtube too, but that disappeared long before it was gone from bareback bastards. Too bad, its such a good one. I am sure its in the ether and I just cant find the right tags, but I will keep trying

  3. Hey pigs,

    There used to be a video from Bareback sauna slut (Josh), that was also on bareback bastards that has since been removed that I have been desperately trying to find since. It is a video where the guy uses a toothbrush in Josh's ass before he breeds him while asking him if he wants "aids." Anyone have this video, or know where it can be found? I may have something worthy of trade if thats what it takes.

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  4. Just now, Qban said:

    Why they fetishized the Nazis instead of another group I think is because Nazi soldiers were hypermasculine, disciplined and abhorred weakness and effeminacy; I don’t believe anyone in the post-WWII leather/BDSM scene was ever interested in the Nazis’ political or social ideologies.

    I don't know... In my darkest internet holes I have stumbled on tumblrs that would lead me to believe differently. I certainly presume/hope you are more right than not. But I am not confident

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  5. Its something I used to sort of understand it in our community, fetishes come in all shapes. Now things being how they are, I am baffled... Its almost stomach turning. But, I guess in line with a poz fetish being somewhat self destructive, objectifying nazis is also self destructive. We would have marched into camps along side anyone who wasn't Aryan... And would again. 

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  6. 39 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    I read through the first five pages, and then a sampling of the rest, with astonishment. First, Breedingzone is the last, the very, very last place anyone should consult on whether the age of consent for sexual activity should be lowered. The bias is inherent, and frankly, some of you phuks are unrepentantly pedophilic. I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit reading some of these responses.

    Second, just because a young person is aware of a fact does not - repeat, does not - mean he or she has the wisdom to know what to do about it. I'm a father of two college-age kids, son and daughter. I have been presented with evidence of this every day of their lives. At 21 and 18, they are still both sexual neophytes, but neither is a virgin. And may I say, in spite of my high regard for the members here and the fact that I place myself as a whore bottom among you, that had I encountered any of you worthy gentlemen messing with my son anywhere between the ages of 12 and 18, I would have cleared out your braincase without the slightest hesitation. It's a dad thing.

    Third, you nimrods, just because most of you are gay chatting away on a mostly gay site, does not mean that all these lads whose age of consent you're proposing to drop to 12 are only going to consent to other lads. And what happens when horny 12-year-old William knocks up 14-year-old Maggie during a consensual experiment? All good and legal - according to you, the kids were ready... bull. shit.  Now there's a baby in the mix, and three lives are in the blender. Because some fucker with male pattern baldness and a paunch wants to diddle with boys. Fuck you sideways.

    Childhood has its place. Children need time to grow and mature, and be guided by caring adults, steered in their growth and experimentation, and protected from predators like some of you sad cases.

    My Mamaw married at 14. My Papaw wasn't a lot older. It was Not A Good Thing.

    This issue has to do with so very much more than sex that it's absurd to be discussing it on this forum.

    WORD TO THIS!!!!!! As someone who started seeking out older men at age 13 and found plenty of willing participants, I have spent years in therapy undoing a lot of the mixed wiring it caused. And I was a willing participant who thought I was in charge of my desire. But as I have become and adult I have reconcile a lot of feelings I didn't know I had about it all until much much older. Fantasies are all fine and well, but developing brains should be protected against things they don't understand they are doing to themselves. An unpopular opinion on a site like this, I know. But its the truth. I wish with all my might I could go talk to myself back then. What I was seeking wasn't what I ended up with.

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  7. 9 hours ago, neg4pozconversion said:

    That video turned me on more than I expected. Fucking HOT! I don't know whether to go to a psychiatrist or a dark room now.

    Same. If you liked that, get ready. You wont stop thinking about it. I have become obsessed. 

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  8. This scene from Sick Fucks gets me every time.  Any other vids like this? Amateur would be even better, but anything with this kind of verbal. Love hearing them say they are gonna kill him and obtain his soul etc... When you buy the scene, by the way, its a little longer and more depraved. And that tops face as he unloads... there need to be more scenes like this.


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