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Posts posted by Phallarchist

  1. No, because I am not delusional. Sex is binary and reproductive, male in female. All else is masturbation.

    While there's no relation whatsoever to superficial "femininity" (long hair, lipstick, panties, etc), there's equally absolutely no way that I could or should feel "masculine" while a man is thrusting in my rectum.

    In simple point of biomechanical fact, he is the male, and he is using me as a female. Everything else aside, it's just how and why a penis works. It would be inappropriate, disrespectful, and simply bizarre for me to insist on a transparently false equivalence of male status between us, because my putative masculinity is utterly irrelevant in this context. It has no place in the sexual equation.

    It is a privilege for me to serve him as cunt. It is not at all masculine.

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  2. 10 hours ago, TomOnHisKnees said:

    I had no interest in sucking until I was on my knees with one in front of my face.

    The power of the penis never ceases to amaze. Not that I was exactly reticent before, but I feel ever more righteous in my desire to force every cute boy to his knees and stick it in his face. The Truth protrudes from man's crotch and it is glorious.

  3. 20 hours ago, Hithere said:

    I’m not completely sure but a little bit of all 3 I think

    Interesting. Like most faggots, I've been drooling over the male organ since the onset of puberty (actually, a bit before). It's unimaginable that I wouldn't notice the best thing in the universe until late in life.

    • Piggy 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Hithere said:

    It’s been a while now when I watch porn I found myself getting jealous of the girls sucking cock and not the guys 

    So you were never interested in other men's penises before? Did it come out of nowhere? Is it the penis itself or something about the sucking or the submission involved?

  5. 100% Degrader
    98% Dominant
    94% Voyeur
    91% Degradee
    81% Submissive
    79% Sadist
    74% Master/Mistress
    67% Rigger
    65% Slave
    62% Primal (Prey)


    Since this survey doesn't recognize sex per se, there's no direct way to gauge an affinity for forced or otherwise violent penetration. No doubt there are correlations with existing categories, but I would hope to see the addition of separate "Rapist" and "Victim" scores.

  6. 10 hours ago, anonCUMtainer said:

    [P]lease forgive me...I wish I had a vagina.

    There is nothing to forgive. Any male who wants to be sexually penetrated wishes he had a vagina if he has any sense at all. The fact that it's a desire for something that is absolutely impossible to achieve is irrelevant.

    • Piggy 1
  7. On 4/18/2024 at 12:25 PM, Bokkierob said:

    grip his shoulders and force it deep

    I will never pass up the opportunity to force cunt. I just love it. In any case, coitus interruptus is a grave offence. I do not pull out. At most, I stop pushing while the pain of the initial violation subsides and his anus adjusts to my girth. That's just basic training at the minimum level of suffering I require.

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  8. 10 hours ago, VistaCaBB said:

    My first time was supposed to be condom but he said his brother took the last one

    Give that man the gold medal for sexual manipulation. He pushed the  incestuous thought of his brother's penis into your vulnerable mind and defeated your resistance. The satisfaction of breeding your virgin cunt must have been sweet indeed.

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  9. On 3/19/2024 at 7:02 PM, austin_submale said:

    I'm reading this if I block them they can't see my post

    I don't think so. It's just that their posts will be hidden from your view:

    "Ignoring a user allows you to block some or all of their content from showing. Users are not notified that you are ignoring them."

  10. His genitalia don't matter. I can't fuck them. That's the only reason I'm commandeering his ass.

    In stark contrast, my penis occupies all of our attention. It's amazing, so it's understandable when he can't help having a female orgasm.  Sometimes when that happens, his cunt grip changes in a way that I enjoy. Mostly, I just chuckle and continue the sexual act as if nothing happened, because nothing of any importance did.

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