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Everything posted by TeenSubBoi

  1. Would just love to see is big cock let alome take it
  2. Gareth Thomas... especially now he's confirmed he's HIV 😈
  3. Try this one: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5b2ffbf5f37d6 My Daddy and I watch this one or at least have it in the background whilst we 420 and hit poppers. It's pretty long so u can edge/goon the fuck out to it during a popper play.
  4. Met a guy off fabguys a few months back and we had some car fun. He was a dirty older guy with a decent size but amazing girth, I was a little wasted off coke and weed so my mouth was dry as fuck and the only thing making his cock wet was his own pre... After a good 30minutes of edging him, dirty talk and him working my boicunt with his fingers he started fucking my mouth harder and harder until I felt him fucking gush into my throat, I genuinely thought he was pissing. It was an amazing sensation to feel him spurt his sweet load into my mouth for what felt like a good 10 seconds. I swear he could have filled half a pint it felt like so much.
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