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Posts posted by XBBDoug

  1. So much of the story has been a dream that I really want to have come true someday in reality. Building a playroomand having a buddy / friend etc. use me in it. Having a roommate who would blindfold me in the sling use all sorts of chems on me and in me and slam me and seriously open up my hole to make it a supercunt...and of course make dam sure my hole is pozzed over and over again.

    tnbtmboy is my SN on yahoo for messenger and / or xbbdoug on other sites. I seriously want to do this too...anyone want to help me in Eastern Tennessee?

  2. Everything has a time and a place. But not everything should be timed or placed together. I often yearn to be just a "hole" but there are also times when I'd like to find someone just to be close to who understands that he's the man I want to spend life with and no one can or will replace him. He would be someone who understands that having sex and being a hole is different that being a soulmate but he would also be someone that understands that for me to be all I can be that certain desires wants and needs should be fullfilled. Taking part in such things and growing together should be important.

    So yes sometimes I do want to be just a cumhole.. a fucktoy etc.etc.

    But sometimes I want to just sit by the fire and enjoy being with someone very special too.

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