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  1. Oral gono. First and so far only bug, from 6 years of periodic hookups.
  2. I plan on visiting Haulover Beach some time next month, and see it's quite welcoming of the gay (men's) community, on the north end of it say sources. I don't do public sex, though this will be my first time visiting a clothing optional beach and with so many gay/bi naked guys about. I am a preferential top, and I look the part. I'm kind of short, under 6 feet. Stocky, mustached, and hairy with long wavy black hair. Bear type guy. I've had plenty of online discreet hookups but potentially making connections in a large public place like this, never have. My question is if someone seems to check me out while I'm wading in the sea or just walking about the beach (I don't sunbathe), how can I dictate my preferred sexual role? How can one tell total bottoms from tops? Rather silly question since I've seen (and fucked lol) plenty of masc looking guys whose holes were they're number one sex organs. Still is there a way I can broadcast, short of just outright saying "I top only," what I'm looking for if I get any passes? I know some guys may consider this a little shallow and closed minded, but I know what my preferences are and I'm firm on them. It's NOT about control or anything domineering or such. It's just what I'm most comfortable with. Some guys bottom only, some top only. Well I largely lean to the later. I just like to know, when and where possible, exactly what it is I'm getting into when I hit on somebody or else attract someone's attention. So, nude beach cruising advice for a noob?
  3. Hello. New here. Thought I'd seek answers from those who (may) know. I have started Truvada for Prep as of Oct. 3. I was encouraged to start it after hearing that most private insurance plans cover it and so forth. Also I was, obviously, interested in trying bareback as "safely" as possible; I'm a top, mostly. I come in for quarterlies at my county's HIV/AIDS clinic and my prescriptions are mailed from the clinic to a "specialty pharmacy" in Nashville, TN (I live in Chattanooga), and the meds shipped to my address. I am currently enrolled in a Silver Plan, Silver S04S, Network S, with BlueCross BlueShield. It's a marketplace plan and, thanks to tax credits, my monthly premium is 0. Not bad. I was advised to enroll in this specifically for (though not just for) Prep coverage, a man who evidently works in close proximity with the clinic (who also takes Prep itself even) helped walk me through the process; I'm something of an idiot when it comes to matters like this. Obtaining the medication was actually fairly easy, and I also have the Gilead coupon card. The first 3 months of medication were free, but looking at my latest claim on my BCBST account, my total out of pocket cost for my latest shipment (processed as of 1/25/18) has come out to a whopping $891.88. This has, at the moment, put something of a damper on my future with Prep. I thought my plan and the Gilead card would lower the cost, especially after reading through the "how much you actually pay" subject on here, where people pay barely a forth, or less, of that. I'm employed full time and have what I thought was decent insurance, and yet if I'm really going to have to part with nearly 900 bones every month I may well have to go back to plain ole condoms. Is there something I'm missing or not understanding here?
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