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Posts posted by Close2MyBro

  1. Most drugs have potency long after the due date. I had to switch my PREP regiment because I was having kidney problems with Truvada and the doctor asked me if I had any of it left if I could bring it in so they can donate it to health clinics. They can't legally sell it beyond the expiration date but they knew that it was till potent past its expiration date so they would donate it for health clinics to distribute for free to patients who could not afford the medications.

    There have been numerous studies about the efficacy of expired medications and the majority of them have shelf lives way beyond their expiration date. They're not tested beyond a 3 year shelf life. He's one study example: [think before following links] https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/07/18/537257884/that-drug-expiration-date-may-be-more-myth-than-fact


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  2. On 12/20/2023 at 4:17 AM, ellentonboy said:

    Well his history has been to  go to two of those events a year and every time he gets an STD.  It's like clockwork, he drives, he participates and in a week (or sooner) he realizes he has caught something.   I can have eight different partners a month, approximately 100 different guys a year, and I don't end up with anything.  Granted these guys were spread out over a twelve month period, were not in the same location, or even city and state.   But I highly doubt my friend traded bodily fluids with as many men as I did over the calendar year.  So what gives?  Is it because all these guys attending the "cumdump events" are more likely to carry STDs,   and I meet my sex partners under more conventional  circumstances (i.e. online, telephone apps, the gym)?  Or are guys who attend such parties just more inclined to be likely to have additional partners outside events making their number of sexual partners higher than mine?

    I could be on the low end of the spectrum when I say my number is approximately 100.  It could be 120 with one or two smaller group events added in over the year. But I know for a fact my Canadian buddy, who has so few opportunities for group action, or action in general, has gotten sick at almost every one of these organized events he has attended.   He can't leave Ottawa due to work reasons, he's auditioned for porn and actually appeared in one video, so he's got certain attributes guys would find attractive.  But I SKYPE with him often and it's sad to hear him planning these upcoming events, knowing that upon his return he's going to be disappointed over the fact that he is back at his doctor's office, sick again.

    So to answer your question, yes I am surprised he gets an STD infection each time,  because the math just doesn't add up.  Or else he's the unluckiest guy I have ever met.....

    All I can say is that the "gifters" have to be out there somewhere.

  3. You mentioned that you had a biopsy. Did they find any sign of prostatitis? That would show up in the tissues as well. If they did, you should ask your doctor if it needs to be treated. Chronic prostatitis sometimes does nothing but other times can cause pain and discomfort. Everyone's symptoms may vary. It may not have been enough time to completely heal from the biopsy. I purposely waited at least 6 months before having anal sex after mine to make sure that it had healed properly. Since they puncture the colon wall to get at the prostate, I figured I'd be safe rather than sorry.

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  4. I think meth has something to do with it. Everyone is a bottom now because a lot of people on meth can't get or keep an erection. And the meth situation continues to become more widespread every year. I tell all my potential hookups that they need to be able to get hard, stay hard, and cum, and every year there seems to be more and more who choose to end the conversation because they can't promise that. I've also encountered 'tops' who ask me to fuck them instead when I get there. Why they think that's going to happen is beyond me because I make it clear that I'm a total bottom.

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  5. I learned a long time ago if someone is "on the fence" for a while, just let it go. Trust me, I've seen some guys struggle with their desires for sex with men go on for YEARS. Some guys get over it quickly, others take forever. If you're at the point where his acceptance is bothering you, then it's time to walk away and move on to someone else.

  6. 12 hours ago, brnbk said:

    You have a very valid concern about inclusivity and true acceptance but even as members of the LGBTQ we do bar lesbians from gay bathhouses. Could it be possible that barring Transgendered men from gay bathhouses be on valid grounds? Of course barring people is very tricky as given the history of abuse, phobia towards anything that wasn't white christian male being a reality of the US,  - barring can sound and be a very negative experience for those who are being denied entry.

    I mean while say for eg refusing to go to a restaurant coz it allows inter-racial dinning is clearly bigoted, could someone be allowed to say i don't like mexican food or chinese cuisine or french food for that matter — too fancy!  and choose not to go to those restaurants. 

    I'm guessing a lot of people are not familiar with the Paradox of Tolerance. We keep speaking about inclusivity and tolerance and labeling those people who don't meet a certain "standard" of tolerance as ignorant bigots. The truth is, as I mentioned earlier, that by the same standard, those people are also ignorant bigots. The only way to have true tolerance is to accept those people to whom you have "no tolerance" for. If you don't then you yourself are intolerant. [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance

  7. 3 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    Bigot is defined as: 

    a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. - especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group

    It makes no reference to whether the people, ideas, etc. being disliked are otherwise universally accepted.


    It makes a HUGE difference. This is the difference between subjective an objective. This entire discussion is subjective, not objective, meaning that it is solely driven by opinion, not fact. To call someone a bigot because their opinion differs from yours is ridiculous, because you then would have to be a bigot yourself by the same measurement.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    A viral load test is part of the confirming test that the OP already mentioned - that's part of the retesting procedure after a positive/reactive result on the original test. That's how they rule out false positives.

    His original post made no mention of any use of PREP, which can affect the NAT test, there's a 10% margin of error on false negatives when testing for NAT while on PREP. [think before following links] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32965051/

  9. 11 minutes ago, viking8x6 said:

    For the various people contributing to this topic who have denigrated trans men as "not real" or the like:

    As others have said, this is rude. But also, it's absurd. Many trans men are in fact extremely masculine - because they have gone to great effort and expense to become so, in spite of the biological disadvantage they started with. And many of the "real" men you would supposedly welcome in bathhouses are far, far less masculine! I'm talking about all of those exclusive bottoms, self-declared "sissy faggots", and persons with what they refer to as a "clitty", about whom you can read extensively elsewhere on BZ.

    None of the posts you all have made are against the rules (inasmuch as they haven't been ad hominem so far). Yes, you can say those things here. But if you choose to say it, you can expect to be criticized (and appropriately so) for saying something idiotic. Saying "I don't like seeing that in a bathhouse" is a reasonable personal response to the topic. Saying "That isn't a real man" or "Nobody would want to see that" is not.



    No amount of hormone replacement therapy is going to change an XX chromosome set to an XY or vice versa. We're all entitled to our own opinions. I would consider it absurd to expect everyone else to adopt a false science simply because you and others may choose to. You can "identify" with whatever you choose to, but that choice will never change the truth. If I wanted to identify as a tree, that's my right, correct? But that will never make me a tree.

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  10. On 9/3/2023 at 9:09 PM, Cumjunky215 said:

    This thread made me think back to some good days when I met a latino on an old cruise site, just wanted to come before work. He'd text me the night before or ring my phone 2x very early morning as a signal to leave my door unlocked at 5:30 a.m. for him to enter my place.  I'd be lubed up sleeping on my stomach and he'd undress and just breed me and leave.  I was suppose to act like I was asleep the whole time, in silence. About the 5-6th time while he's plowing me I heard him say" this is so fucking hot using you this way, god I want this".  This went on for about 7-8 months about 1-3 times a week. Sometimes I wasn't into it but afraid if I said no once that would end it. One of the last times I thought it felt like a different guy fucking me. Different build, a little hair, bigger load throbbing dick, different sound dressing.  Then I got a text from unknown number tells me he's this guys BFand knew the setup! I was a little freaked. Next time my anon visitor came I was hesitant but did it. Enters as usual climbs on and starts fucking, then says into it "sorry about my bud, he found my emails. I gotta be more careful" and kept fucking! Strange but hot.  Strange but true.

    I had a blindfolded fuck buddy who occasionally would send someone else in his place. It was hot as fuck.

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  11. For me talking dirty online was never to get off, but to add excitement of what would happen when we eventually met up. I don't know why, but I never got off on just talking, and I was never into phone sex either. It just didn't do anything for me, but talking dirt to set the mood for an eventual hookup does turn me on.

  12. The most important thing to ask yourself is "why do I care what others think?". If you can start to live your life on your terms you'll be a lot happier. Some people will be there for you and support you, some will not. Those who can't accept you as you are don't have a place in your life.

    I don't care what "the community" thinks about me, nor do I care to advance their "agenda". I live my life on my terms. Living your life to please others is no way to live your life.

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