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Posts posted by Vancrawman

  1. On 12/8/2023 at 1:41 PM, dickluva said:

    Friday December 29 to January  04, 2024. Dungeon @ Inn Leather FTL, FL No Load refused. You may have to buy a daypass to get in InnLeather. Cum on it s New Years Eve. Poppers welcum. No Drugs. Your favorite slut will be in town and looking to celebrate the holiday properly! Looking for TOPS ONLY this time around -- apologies to my fellow bottom pigs. In observance of the holiday, you're welcome to please wear your favorite MASK, gear, leather, costume, whatever you'd like!

    The following quote from Joe Gage's classic film, Heatstroke, sums up my feelings about good sex: "The best homosexual sex is anonymous, promiscuous, and public..."


    anonymous, promiscuous, and public...

    Amen, brother! That's just how it should be!

    • Like 1

    CHAPTER XIV: A Look Back and A New Beginning”

    **This is a work of fantasy and fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should be construed as medical advice in any way**



    My car was packed and it was my very last day in my apartment in West Hollywood…my job offered relocation and since WeHo and LA were not serving up the previous complement of neg, un-PrEPPED holes to fuck, breed and infect with HIV, I took them up on the offer.

    Now, I’m ready to go, all my stuff either on a moving van headed north, or given away, except for a few items that I didn’t know what to do with -  my pozbrothers Eric and Keith suggested a garage sale, and so on a bright sunny June day in West Hollywood, the three of us brought out my stuff, as well as a few things of theirs, into the sunny courtyard surrounded by the three-sided apartment building.

    I wistfully looked up from the courtyard - there was Apartment 4B, the guy there (I never asked his name) had placed a note on my front door begging me to infect him…. so I did. When he moved out a few weeks later, rife with the fuck flu, he left me another note pledging not to take meds and poz as many others as he could.

    And on the 3rd floor, Francisco, our friendly Uber driver, moved in some time after I converted him., so another poz conquest living in the building, and spreading his strain to a lot of his Uber rides.

    On the ground floor lived the building super, Diego, a hot Latino guy who begged for my AIDS-load one night. I brushed his hole good, slipped on the cruel condom and went to town on his ass, bringing him fully-fledged into the world of HIV with just a couple of pozfucks. I saw him three weeks after I fucked him and he was in the throes of the fuck flu, so I nursed him a bit. As was typical with the newly-upgraded to poz, he was super horned up, so I let him breed his newly toxic loads into me a couple of times, in between his fever dreams and coughing fits. The fuck flu hit him hard, but a week later I saw him in the courtyard, working on some sprinkler problem. We embraced and shared a deep poz kiss.

    “Thank you Randy, I’m so happy I got pozzed by you. I had been trying for years but you had the special sauce that made me whole.”

    “Now go spread it around, Diego,” I told him “it’s no good being poz unless you get to poz others,”

    “Already on it, Papi…I was at the Cumunion party last night and fucked about 15 guys, bred 3 of them with my viral cum”

    “Good man, Diego, poz them all. You’ll carry on after I move out?”

    “Oh yeah, every new gayboy who comes from Ohio or Alabama to WeHo and gets an apartment here will be my prey,” Diego laughed and carried on with his work.

    So, a few weeks later, when Eric, Keith and I had hauled all the garage sale items into the courtyard, I spied Diego in the corner, eyeing who was coming to look and buy.

    The afternoon had gone on as planned, and I had gotten rid of most of my items. I was just thinking about shutting it all down and getting in my car to go. The rest of the items could stay in the apartment for the next tenant.  My back was turned for a moment, and then someone asked me something:

    “How much for the wine glasses?” he said. I turned around and he was a young kid, probably about 19 or so, a mop of dark curly hair framing his face, handling the mismatched collection of wine glasses in a box.

    “You old enough to drink wine, son” I asked, instantly hoping he was eligible to be my next casualty.

    “Well, not really. I just graduated from High School two weeks ago, but I’m trying to find stuff for my new place in this building.  I’m starting college in September.

    “Why, you wanna see my ID?” he asked, looking up with his big eyes through his floppy Timmy Chalamet hair at me. This kid was smart.

    “Well, yes, as a matter of fact I do want to see your ID, boy.”

    He pulled from his pocket a South Dakota drivers license, handing it to me, brushing my hand as I took it from him to check.

    “2005, and your 18th birthday was last month, that’s good…(checking the name)… Blake,”  I said to him, looking now at his name, double-checking his birth date, and then handing his ID back to him.

    ‘There are more wine glasses up in my apartment, c’mon I’ll show you,” I said, guiding him by the elbow away from the sale table. Eric and Keith shooting me daggers of jealousy as I led my next contestant on my little imaginary game show “The Poz is Right,” up to my conversion chamber for one final pozzing in it. As we passed Diego, working on the sprinklers and as usual, shirtless, I could see the kid checking him out.

    “He’s the Super,” you’ll like it here, if you move into this complex. He’s very attentive.”

    As we entered my almost empty apartment now, I pointed to a few more glasses on a table. “check them out, Blake.”

    “It’s so fucking hot in here today,” I said, stripping off my shirt, revealing my biotats – a biohaz symbol and a red scorpion, surrounding 4 Xs, each one proudly representing 10 men I’ve pozzed.

    “Nice tats,” the kid said as he came in for a closer look. Can I touch them? I guess they mean you’ve been around, right?”

    “You could say that,” I tell him, chuckling…”Around and around…and you can do more than touch them if you want,” I responded “I gotta get out of these clothes, if you don’t mind, and I dropped my shorts and freed my pierced poz cock from my underwear and chucked them into a corner. “Just too hot today,”

    “I’ve been hungry for a big cock to suck all day, Sir,” he says, practically salivating at the sight of my pierced pozzing stick. “I’d like to taste that, if that’s OK, Sir.”’

    “Son, you put your mouth on it, and it’s gonna want to fuck your hole,” I responded, “My cock is potent, with a mind of it’s own, and it won’t settle for a blowjob when it can get its load into your 18-year old boyhole…so if you don’t want that, tell me now.”

    “I’ve only ever sucked off guys, like behind the bleachers at school.” A look of worry crossed his beautiful face. “Would it hurt?”

    “Probably will, at first, but I promise, I’ll go easy. So you want this?” I asked, pointing down first at my string of biohaz and X tats signifying the 40 men I’ve spread HIV to, and then at my hard cock as he sank to his knees in front of me. “Once you start sucking it, I will want to fuck you. And once I start fucking you, I won’t stop until I’m done. No going back…You understand?”

    “Give it to me, Sir!” and with that he buries my cock down his throat. I’m impressed with his sucking skills and soon he’s working a few drops of viral pre-cum out of my cockhead . He pulls his little boy-mouth off me and shows the viral pre-cum leaking onto his tongue, giving me a view as he tastes down my lethal seed.

    “You like that dirty cum, boy?” I prod him but he doesn’t seem to hear as he resumes his sucking game.

    It’s after a few minutes more, I pull him up to me and turn him face down onto the couch. I undo his jeans and forcefully strip them off him while he pulls off his shirt.

    “Let me loosen you up a bit, boy,” and from my jeans pocket, pull out my ever-present toothbrush. Dabbing some lube and more deadly pre-cum on the bristles, I guide it gently up the virgin passage.

    His reflexes kick in and tries to squirm away, but I hold him tightly in position, “Relax, boy, it’s just a lube applicator,” which is a blatant lie but also true in a sort of twisted way. I laugh to myself at the depravity of it which is making my AIDS-cock pulse with anticipation. He continues to writhe and squirm and with my left hand, I push him back down to the couch. “Stay still,” I command.

    “This is to get you warmed up, boy,” as he stops his wriggling underneath me. I don’t think he’s enjoying this very much, but I sure am, as the evil brush opens up his hole and creates the abrasions my death-seed needs to knock this dumb kid up for good. I bring my tongue to the boys hole and taste the virgin ass of this corn-fed boy from America’s heartland.

    The rimming has loosened him up a bit, and lubing up my poz weapon, I stand and  ease it right up the lad’s butt, and he yelps and tries to twist himself away from me.

    “Oh, no, boy, this was the deal,” I respond, placing my hand on his back and holding him down against the couch. “You’re not going anywhere. I’ll go slow but I gotta get all the way in first.” I’m deep up inside his boyhole now, my balls brewing up a new batch of HIV for his hole. His squirming subsides a bit but he whimpers into the couch cushions.

    “OK, son, I’m all the way in now,” I counsel him, “Gonna start pumping it into you, slowly at first,” and I gently begin pistoning my HIV pole inside his virgin passage, already the toxic precum infiltrating into him. This kid’s first ever fuck is gonna poz him up and thinking of this, my cock grows even more up inside his boycunt and I speed up my strokes. His whimpering has quieted down now and he mumbles something into the cushion about getting fucked by a porn guy, but I’m too busy with my work to really hear what he’s saying.

    “My cum’s gonna live on in you, kid,” I tell him as I quicken my pace, bringing my virus-riddled cock all the way out and back in the kids now-open hole. I notice his cock now, hard and swinging with my pounding, a long stream of 18-year old precum hanging off his cockhead.

    “You’ve got a pretty cock, kid,” I tell him “I hope you use it to spread my gift,” but again he doesn’t seem to hear me as his head is buried in the old couch cushions, taking my poz-fuck and whimpering now and then. If he’s still uncomfortable, I assure him it’s almost over.

    “Yeah, I’m almost there, son, gifting your hole into the brotherhood…a real Weho poz welcome wagon!  You’re gonna enjoy the upgrade, kid,” but again he can’t seem to hear me. His breathing is fast now and when I briefly pull out of his pozzed-up hole, I see his pretty young cock shooting neg cum onto the old couch that is going to Goodwill. His butt clamps tighter around my AIDS pole and my balls bring forth a eruption of potent beautiful HIV seed into the kid’s ass, forever marking him as another pozzed up WeHo kid.

    I grind the 8 spurts of my deathseed into his hole, filling him with virus and finally stop shooting the poison into him with a big shudder.

    “That was incredible!” he finally says as he emerges from  his trance, and the couch cushions.

    “Sure was, kid, you want some more?,” I ask “I know there are 3 hungry tops down in the courtyard looking to breed you.”

    “I pull out of the kid, my cock bringing a bit of dirty poison cum with it and I spin him around so he can clean off my pozzing stick. He greedily laps up the AIDS-cum from my pierced weapon and I turn him back face down into the old cummy couch and order him to stay put.

    “I’m gonna send in more men now to complete the gift exchange. Don’t go anywhere, kid. Thanks for the fuck…you’ll like living in this building.”

    And with that, I button up and go back down to the courtyard. I signal to Eric, Keith and Diego that the kid is ass-up and ready for their toxicity to go with the load I’ve got brewing in his hole already.

    Diego goes up over first, as I hug and kiss Eric and Keith goodbye. We pledge to keep each other updated on conquests through our group chat. I’m on the street and in my car a minute later, heading for the freeway.  

    It’s 10 minutes later the first text in the group chat pings on my phone. Diego has bred the kid.

    This is followed by texts from Eric and Keith as well, Eric taking the opportunity to tell us he’s gone on a med break for a few weeks so should be toxic as well for the kid.

    “Remember guys,” I remind them via text “I got him first” he’s one of mine!”

    It’s later when I’m stopped for lunch at a diner, browsing through pictures of potential HIV-related tattoos for my cock,  that I get some more group chat from my brothers in poz.

    “That kid didn’t know we were poz, he thought all the Xs meant we did porn…LOL,” Keith texted.

    “Well, he’s gonna know in a few weeks,” I text, laughing.

    At this point, I catch out of the corner of my eye a burly truck driver watching me. Is this a second opportunity for bug spreading today? I motion to him I’m going to the mens room. He gets up from the booth and follows me. This trip is already working out great!

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  3. Hi guys - new chapter just dropped! Hope you like it !

    CHAPTER XIII: A Look Back and A New Beginning”

    **This is a work of fantasy and fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should be construed as medical advice in any way**


    This was the headline in the LA paper one morning, and as I viewed it online, while Face-timing with Eric and Keith, we just laughed and mock-blamed each other for this rise in infection rates:

    “You said yourself you pozzed 10 guys in one weekend, Eric,” I pretended to mock him (in reality, I was fucking jealous)

    “That was in Gran Canaria, Randy,” he shot back…”I only ever infected 6 guys in one weekend here in L.A, at the old “negforpoz” parties that Angel used to host,” he said defending his honor, in a weird sort of way.

    “You got your 4th “X” just last week, right Randy?” said my gifter Keith, the hot nurse in Dr Matthew’s office who pozzed me almost 2 years ago this month…”sounds like you’re the cause of the HIV Cluster,” he joked, conveniently forgetting he’s over 50 known pozzings (and who-knows-how-many unknown ones).

    Well, whoever is responsible, all that means for us, my pozbrothers, is that there’s nobody in this town left to infect!

    With that, we sadly nodded, for our conversion efforts had recently stalled, with me at 40 known pozzings (hence the 4 “Xs” emblazoned on my stomach surrounded by biohazard tats) But me getting to 40 took several weeks after I had my 39th confirmed. Number 40 was Klaus, a hot tourist visiting from Germany.

    Klaus reached out to me on Twitter and when he flew into L.A. for a vacation with his unknowing boyfriend, he twice made the excuse of going for a meditative solo hike in the hills, but in actuality,  he was riding my poison pierced cock getting impregnated with HIV. He worried that since he could only get away from his BF for 2 secret AIDS-fucks from me, he wouldn’t turn poz, but I assured him that with my high viral load, and my brushing of the hole before infiltrating it with my viral cock, my conversion rate was near 100% and that he would be returning to Germany pozzed up.

    So on the day of his first “solo hike in the hills,” when I turned Klaus on his back and right away saw the biohazard tattoo – black and blue with drops of red blood etched under his skin,  I was taken aback.

    “I was under the impression you were neg.” I was chastising him a bit but he still had a hot hole and I was horny, so I didn’t reprimand him too much.

    “Ya, I know, I am neg – I got toxic cum from a guy a year ago, and I was convinced I converted…I was so happy and excited I went right to get the tattoo before taking the test and I was crushed when it was negative. I met my  boyfriend after that, and he just thinks it’s a cool design  - he’s pretty sheltered about these things.”

    Klaus sat up in bed and with a determined look on his face said “Here – I have a home test in my bag, I’ll take it now to prove I’m worthy of your virus.”

    And with that, we drank some wine, and chatted a bit while we waited for the test. I just wanted to get up his hole, so I was OK either way, but Klaus came all this way to go poz and he wanted to prove to me that he deserved my viral load. Just for fun while we were waiting, I took another of the home tests from his bag and told him I’d take it as well.

    And 20 minutes later, those two beautiful lines showed on mine, proof of my powerful viral load brewing in my balls. Klaus’s test showed only the one sad, negative line. “See, I need you to help me with this,” he said, kneeling in front of my very detectable, engorged cock.

    A few minutes of him sucking me and licking up my AIDS precum, and I pulled him up to the bed and said “We gotta make that tattoo accurate,” as I sank my pierced viral probe into his sweet German hole – a few drops of red coming out where I had brushed him earlier. My toxic precum forming at the head of my cock needed to get in there and do it’s depraved work, and I drove it deep inside him, holding him down to stop his resistance. I waved my very positive home test in front of his face while I pistoned my poison cock in and out of his thirsty hole.  I fucked him hard and rough and soon enough there was 8 or 9 shots of my toxic seeds inside the German’s smooth hole. I plugged it up and propped his butt up with a pillow to let it sink in, it’s work beginning to attack his immune system and marking him as another poz convert for my tally.

    Of course, he got re-loaded one more time from me, and again twice more on his second “hike in the hills,”  ensuring the infection takes root within him and sending him back to his dumb boyfriend pozzed up into the brotherhood, forever carrying and spreading my beautiful HIV strain.

    So, when three weeks later, I got a DM from Klaus with 2 lines on a German HIV test, and the news he was actively trying to convert his unknowing boyfriend into the poz brotherhood, I was able to sit in Eric’s tattoo chair and proudly get my 4th X.

    But that was over a month ago, and since then the only guys hitting me up for a spin on my pozzing stick are already poz. And while we all love recharging a buddy with our special strain, nothing beats unloading your deadly venom into an unprotected neg hole, bringing them up forever into the community of poz cumdumps and toxic mass breeders.

    And it went like that for several months after that…me stuck at 40 Xs, Keith still toxic and waiting for someone to poz which would get him to 50, Eric who was on meds now after 60 known conversions under his belt, when we were Facetiming again and saw this headline:


    “This is desperate, brothers,” Keith told us over the conference call. “There’s nobody here left to turn.”

    “Yep,” I concurred, “and the ones from out of town make a lot of noise about flying in to get it, but most of them never do.”

    “I just want someone to show up for pozzing as determined as I was…remember, guys?” I asked my two toxic inspirations…

    …It had simply started with a seed (!) of a thought in my mind…scrolling through a porn site, I started to see more and more guys with biohazard tattoos, on their arms, on their chests, over the cocks, around their holes. I had a few tats already, so I was intrigued by the biohazard symbols, at first just thinking it signified danger – which of course it does, but I soon found out how much more it conveyed.

    Scrolling through P0rn**b, I searched on #biohazard and up came 20 or so videos from my now friend and mentor Eric. A giant slab of manhood, Eric’s videos transfixed me. And there was one in particular I kept returning to over and over:

    “Converting the Nursing Student” was the title and it opened with Eric already balls-deep inside a bottom whose face is buried in the bed. Eric’s muscled hairy body glistening with sweat as he pulls his fat pierced cock in and out of the bottom’s greedy hole.

    “You like that toxic dick, whore?” he asks the bottom whose only reply is muffled by the pillow.

    “Pozzing you up into my club,” Eric goes on, “coming into the brotherhood, my boy”

    With that, he pulls out once more and replaces his hard toxic rod with a toothbrush! I was astounded and intrigued, never having seen that before. The unseen cameraman zooms in on the smooth hole as the brush is scraped inside it. I see bright red bristles as the brush comes out of his mancunt and once more Eric’s fat poz weapon dives into the hole, pistoning in and out with hard, deep, rough strokes.

    Then after a few minutes of hard fucking, he pulls out again and puts what I now know is a “Cruel Condom” on the throbbing, infected cock, the glistening stainless steel loops of the Cruel Condom hugging his engorged flesh. He unscrews the little silver cap at the end of the hard metal shell…the camera zooms in on his viral pre-cum…he takes a drop of it on his finger and shows it to the camera, up close. “Pure HIV seed, guys” he says to the camera, and then he returns to his task, planting it up the bottom’s stretched out, bloody manhole, which by this point, offers little resistance to the metal-clad AIDS cock. The bottom screams into the pillow some more, but Eric - this monument to manhood - just ignores him, fucks it in harder, rougher, deeper. He turns to the camera and laughs a depraved, sinister laugh.

    Finally, Eric’s breathing increases and his whole massive body, led by his enormous cock with the 00g PA driving into the hole, sheathed in its hard metal cage, is practically bouncing off the bottom whose screams of pleasure or agony into the pillow get drowned out by Eric’s guttural roars as his toxic seed blasts into the helpless guy below him.

    “Pozzed him up good, there,” the unseen cameraman tells him.

    “Oh yeah, he’s coming back pozzed up with my full-blown HIV,” Eric says as he finally dismounts off the guy and roughly shoves a plug in the battered hole.

    “Now you keep that plug in there, son, and let my virus do it’s work!” he commands. And the screen fades, a graphic says “1 month later” and it reopens on the same bed. Eric and the bottom from the video – his face now shown and I recognize him now as my hot nurse Keith – are holding a home HIV test.

    He turns the face of the test stick to the camera which zooms in on the two lines.

    “Congrats, baby boy, welcome to poz!” Eric proudly exclaims. “I just earned another X,” he says pointing to the three Xs already lined up on his abdomen, surrounded by biohaz and scorpion tats. As the screen starts to fade out and the video nears its end “You gonna spread your pozfather’s dirty strain now, boy?” he asks the beaming Keith.

    “Already have,” the nursing student, now proudly poz, answers back.

    In that scant 12 minutes of video, I am jerking off like crazy, my cum explosion on my laptop dripping down the screen. I hit “reload” on the video menu and watch it again and again.

    I know I have to meet these guys. I know I have to be pozzed by them, it is something I must fulfill.


    And that was 2 years ago…Now happily toxic, having been pozzed by Keith and being a mass infector for others these past 2 years, I long for more hole to breed and infect, converting them into our club. But who is left around here to convert?

    A few days later, and just as I was contemplating if this was the end of my pozzing career, a message from my boss to our entire work group came through. I knew our company was being bought out by a larger competitor and now they were offering us an option:

    “Relocation Available”

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  4. Any of the Dawson weekend ones…and “viral loads,” “the thousand load fuck,” and “Fuck Off Homo,” has a great 1-hour + group scene that really delivers, as does the Marcus Isaac’s gangbang one. 
     Their content lately isn’t much my taste, but they’ve changed or maybe I have changed. Or the whole porn biz has changed, with the rise of the self-produced fan sites…

  5. On 12/13/2023 at 10:51 AM, viking8x6 said:

    My endurance varies greatly depending on prior activity, mental state, situation, and partner. Almost always, I will put in quite a bit of effort to last longer, as I know that's what I'd enjoy if I were the bottom. On the other hand, there's a certain point where that switches and the goal (mine, his, or best of all both) is to get the load in the ass.

    i try and last longer as well. if i get too close too soon, i pull out and rim the hole for a minute or two, they seem to like that 😀

    if it's a group setting, i will usually do a shot of Trimix and then even if you blow a load, you stay hard and can fuck no problem 'til the next load rises up.

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  6. it's not always something that can easily be put into words. is it logical to want HIV? No, not really...But the thought and desire can still insinuate itself into one's mind and in my experience, it doesn't really go away. It may wax and wane according to one's life at any given moment, but for me it's always there burrowed into my being. Doesn't mean everyone's going to act on it...indeed, for most it remains only a fantasy. But for some, we take the steps to turn it to reality. 

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  7. On 8/11/2023 at 7:50 AM, FelchingPisser said:

    Isn't that the way men are built?   I've heard wives complain about it for years...

    Especially as one gets older. In my 20s, I could cum and just keep going and cum 2 or 3 times more. Now, it’s definitely a “one-and-done” deal. That’s just biology, I guess. Trimix helps and you stay hard after cumming, but is the desire still there? That does not come in an injection of Trimix…

  8. 23 minutes ago, rawTOP said:

    Well, this is complicated… Virginia Democrats voted for the age verification bill in exchange for taking homophobic language out of a different bill.

    [think before following links] https://www.xbiz.com/news/276065/virginia-democrats-admit-to-trading-off-their-age-verification-votes-for-unrelated-bill

    If your in VA it might be good to write your state senator to say that was a bad deal.

    As despicable (and Un-American) as these bans are, i wonder why someone hasn’t come up with an age-verification aggregator that can securely provide verification services for porn sites, or indeed any site that needs age verification, like a winery, perhaps. Or maybe they’re out there and these state-level bans don’t allow them as well?

  9. 23 hours ago, viking8x6 said:

    Belated follow up on this, as I had not been keeping up with the story (which is excellent IMO!):

    I think having a FTM character in this story is fun, and adds an interesting bit of spice.

    For the record, the character is technically male (unless my understanding of trans basics is way wrong, but I've played with a trans man in real life, so I doubt that). As you have drawn them, they are a trans male using they/them pronouns.

    Also for the record, it is explicitly OK to post FTM stuff in the main (and Backroom) forums here (with the exception that a lot of pictures of "lady parts" are discouraged). Trans feminine and CD people have their own forum. 

    If you have concerns over people having negative reactions if they are surprised by it in a story, it is appropriate to add a warning at the top of the story or episode (if you don't mind creating a tiny bit of a spoiler). If you want to do that retroactively, report the post in question yourself and specify the changes in the text of the report, and a moderator will take care of it for you.

    I thought including the FTM character was great - i did as well in one chapter of the story I had written (“The Ten”). If it’s not to everyone’s taste, that’s fine, people can skip ahead. No excuse for nasty comments, however, that’s not cool. 

    • Like 2
  10. On 8/6/2023 at 8:48 AM, FreeSpirit said:

    Great story Vancrawman! I'd love to read a spin-off on Matthew, about his transformation from idealistic young doctor to pozzed up slut in Tahoe.

    Thanks for the kind words, brother! 

    I think in all honesty, i have shot my wad on this little story, so to speak :), but if anyone out there wants to take up the mantle and continue Young Dr. Matthew’s story from condom-nazi to pozzed up cumwhore, I invite them to take a stab at it! 


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  11. 1 hour ago, littleK said:

    This section, this was my dream in this story. I love seeing the safe sex condom only preachy types eventually succumb to the desires in us all. I wish I could have read more about the young idealistic doctor being taken further and further down in depravity until he broke under Keith and took that first raw load of his life. But still so happy he finally saw the way to live. 

    Idk why seeing the preachy holier than thou safe sex saints become cumdumps turn me on so much but it just is the best thing to witness. probably because I still have yet to take a raw load but that's just what makes me moan as I read, thank you so much for writing this amazing serial, every part was a treat that made me cream myself and wish I had someone inside me stretching and flooding me. 

    WOW, brother, thanks for the super kind words. I’m happy my little story helped to scratch that itch! 

  12. **This is a work of fantasy and fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should be construed as medical advice in any way**


    Eric certainly comes to a conversion week prepared. As we pull up to the remote but plush cabin, I see him through the big plate glass window. He’s shirtless as always, and has on his bespoke biohazard harness, the one he had custom-made in Berlin – the red leather straps on the back curling around each other to form a perfect biohaz symbol.

    Benny, Clay and myself go up the front steps and open the door and we find Eric leading an introductory briefing to the assembled toxic tops, which are:

    Eric, (5 X’s) whom I consider the originator of the strain all the POZ guys in attendance are carrying (as well as dozens more around the world).  Eric went poz over 25 years ago, and then spent many of those years on meds, and being ashamed and afraid of his HIV. All the men he’s pozzed since becoming a proud poz pig celebrate his breakthrough moment when he allowed the virus to proliferate inside him…and them. Responsible for over 50 known infections, Eric is using this week in the mountains as his pozzing retirement celebration, he will start meds next week.

    Eric’s hot husband Mike (3 X’s) who up until a few years ago, resisted the urge to go poz, although he was fully respectful of Eric’s choices to go and to stay POZ. Mike is about 60, and has kept himself in great shape, with a tight body and a salt-and-pepper beard and a shaved bald head. After about 15 years together, one day he decided to  stop PrEP and let Eric poz him, and since then he himself been a mass infector as well. His 3 black X’s inked across his stomach, and surrounding a pair of biotats living proof of his powerful viral load. Mike and Eric travel often to Berlin and Grand Canaria for poz sex parties, always roping in a few neg holes into the brotherhood in the process.

    Keith – (4 X’s) my direct pozfather, he got it from Eric years ago and since then he’s been pozzing guys at a great pace, infecting over 40, many of them he met through his work as a nurse for the Idealistic Young Gay Doctor. His nursing both serves as a conduit through which he finds neg guys to poz and getting poz guys to see the Young Doctor.

    Sir Mack (3X’s) – “Sir Mack” is a 6’5” muscle bound Afro-Caribbean man who I’ve heard Eric and Keith talking about, but as he lives across the country in Miami, I had never met him in person, but he’s got a big following on twitter and his fan pages as he pozzes his way through Florida bottoms. Keith invited him as his “Poz Plus One,” and from the videos of Sir Mack that I’ve seen, he has a well-deserved reputation for massive and frequent shots of rich loads of toxic HIV cum from a 9-inch plus pierced pole.

    Eric greets me warmly with a deep kiss, and me and Benny, as the last two toxic tops to arrive, introduce ourselves to Mike and Sir Mack, who whispers in my ear:

    “I know we’re here to poz up some negs, but I’ve been waiting months to fuck you, so this week, you’re also taking a charge from me, pig.”

    “There’s one more tox top coming,” Eric announces, “a last-minute addition who was able to work this into his schedule. He’ll be here shortly. In the meantime,” he says, motioning to Clay, “ you join the other bottoms in the other room and prepare yourselves.”

    I watch him as my nephew Clay heads off to the other room where Aaron and Byron are already there, along with however many neg holes the other men have brought for the week’s activities. I understand from Eric that some of the bottoms are choosing to remain nameless, and that’s fine by me, they are only there to service us and receive the gift of our viral loads.

    As I turn back to Eric, the front door opens and in walks the last toxic top to join us, and it’s someone I know well.

    “Frankie!!” everyone shouts in unison.

    The famous “Five Shots Frankie” has joined us. Frankie first fucked me at the sex party that I used to attend, which weren’t strictly poz parties, although all were welcome. He’s a big hairy beast of a man, his thick Italian sausage is always hard and full of cum, and his specialty is producing five enormous cumshots per evening…he doesn’t stop fucking until he shoots five big loads up five holes. I had no idea he was even poz – but now that I see him as he strips off his shirt, he’s got 2 X’s inked next to his enormous blood-red biotat. I’m thrilled to see him –it has been a while – and I rush to greet him with a deep kiss and hug.

    “Guys, now that we’re all here,” Eric announces, “let’s review the rules for this week.”

    “First, all your loads must go into one of the neg bottoms. You can play with each other but if you’re just shooting your virus into each other, nobody’s getting pozzed. Only on the last day can you recharge each other if you want.

    (At that, Sir Mack shoots me a conspiratorial glance).

    Secondly, please fuck and breed each neg bottom at least once per day. You were all selected for this week because you are all proven multi-cummers and high viral toxic infectors. Let’s spread our seed like man and get these guys upgraded into the brotherhood!”

    “Third, since there are seven of us, I have had made these custom stamps. Come up, men, and take one.”

    On the table next to Eric, are rubber stamps and inkpads. As I near the table, I see they are all letters plus one “+” sign. The letters are

    H (Eric takes that one)

    I (Mikey grabs that one)

    V (Keith takes it)

    P (Benny claims the P stamp)

    O (Sir Mack scoops up the O)

    Z (This one I get)

    + (Five Shots Frankie pockets this one)

    “Every time you load up a neg hole this week, take your stamp and stamp your letter or symbol on the hole’s back,” Eric went on, “Let’s get them covered in stamps, brothers!  And this specially-made ink on the inkpads is near-permanent, it’ll take weeks to fade away, by then they’ll be pozzed up and I’ll ink them for real at my tattoo parlor. And men, just remember when you leave here at the end of the week, to keep pozzing as long as you can – this may be my retirement from pozzing, but you honor me by continuing my work spreading our mutual strain.”

    “Those are the rules, men, just relax and have a good time. Any bottom that’s available is available to fuck and breed, just take them as you want them, you are in charge… just remember to use your stamps after you load up one with your HIV.”

    “I understand that Randy and Benny already loaded up Clay on the drive over here, so let’s get him stamped right now!” He calls Clay from the bottom’s room and Clay dutifully greets each toxic top and bends over the couch. Benny stamps his back with the “P” stamp and I add the “Z,” leaving a space in between the letters.

    “Well, that boy needs an “O” on his back,” Sir Mack exclaims, and with that, pulls out his enormous, erect pierced poz cock and without so much as a word, walks over to my nephew, lubes the hole and drives his cock deep in his guts.

    “Fucking take that poz cock, bitch,” Sir Mack is driving home his viral cock with viral poztalk as Clay buries his head in the couch cushions. “Pozzing your little hole right into next week,” you’re gonna love my strain inside your cunt,” Sir Mack is breathing hard and pile-driving it into the kid now.

    “You think that’s rough, faggot? We haven’t even begun to violate your hole,” and with that Sir Mack’s mighty cum-cannon unleashes what looks to be 9 or 10 shots of liquid virus into the nephew’s hole. “That’s a full-blown load you’re getting, pig!”

    “Fucking poz him,” a few tops gathered to watch shout out, and with that, Sir Mack stamps Clay’s back with the ‘O” stamp right between where Benny and I stamped him, spelling out “POZ” across the kid’s sweaty back.

    “Fuck, just getting warmed up,” where the other holes at”? Sir Mack bellows, and I look over and they’ve filed into the room, offering up their negative asses for inspection and viral insemination. Benny, wasting no time, is deep inside Byron now. Eric, not wasting any moment of his pozzing retirement party week, has unleashed his full-blown AIDS-cock on Aaron, the other bottom from Reno that I invited.

    I look over to see any available holes and I’m stunned by who it is I see greedily devouring Keith’s engorged poz tool: The Idealistic Young Doctor!

    Keith spies me watching them and motions for me to come over to fuck the young doctor…not needing any further encouragement, I lube up my pierced poison stick and drive it right up the doctor’s neg hole which looks like it had a good brushing.

    “I told you Doc had come around to the idea,” Keith smiled and said to me, “He’s already loaded up by me this morning, so let me get this slut stamped”, and Keith slams the V stamp down hard on the doc’s back right above where I’m fucking his hole. I pull out momentarily and rub my precumming cock on the V mark, and thrust it back down the doc’s hole.

    “Poz him up, Randy,” give that doc a taste of what he’s warning us about all the time,” Keith said with a devilish grin.

    It takes me no time after that encouragement from my own pozzer Keith and soon I’m blasting eight shots of HIVseed into the doctor’s sweet little hole, once pristine and negative, and now on the way to being open, sloppy and most importantly of all, pozzed up with virus. I reach for my inkpad and stamp the Z on his back.

    As I dismount off the doc, I look around and poz fucking is going on all over the place, and stamps are starting to proliferate on the neg’s backs, just like the virus is starting to proliferate inside them. As tops finish with one hole, stamping their imprint, they just move on to whatever hole is next available.

    Benny has stamped Byron with the P stamp, and with his cock still at attention, moved over to fucking Aaron, right next to Byron but facing the other way as Byron now gets Eric’s prolific pozzing stick up his butt, Benny and Eric leaning over their latest casualties to kiss and share a laugh at the lustful depravity of it all, and it hasn’t even been 45 minutes of fucking yet.

    A couple of the other bottoms have emerged and get plunged right in, Five Shots Frankie already breeding two of the unnamed ones and stamping the big + on them.

    I look over and Sir Mack is now gouging out the young doctor’s soon-not-to-be-negative hole with his very detectable pole, the entirety of his 9.5 inches pulling out and slamming back in the young doctor’s cunt, frothing up the loads already in him and coating Sir Mack’s ebony dick and 0g P.A. with white poz seed, before he drives it back in the young doctor’s hole, finally another load coming out of the giant and into the tiny doctor and another stamp on his back.

    The Idealistic Young Doctor now has 4 stamps on his back, Sir Mack’s O, my Z, Benny’s P and I see Keith’s V; elsewhere around the room, Aaron has collected the H-I-V series, Byron’s on V-P-O-+, and the other unnamed bottoms are an alphabet soup of virus-celebrating stamps on them, this only after about 2 hours of poz fucking.

    As the toxic infectors move freely from one neg hole to the next, the sounds of pozsex emanating throughout the cabin as duos and threesomes and groups break off and scatter through the house.

    After about an hour of fucking hole, I am taking a short break,  relaxing now with Frankie in the kitchen, enjoying a glass of wine, he fills me in on what he’s been up to.

    “I moved to New York for awhile, but before I left, I hooked up with this little twink Justin. I knew he was poz from the biohaz tat on his stomach, but I figured since I’m a total top, nothing like that would happen to me. I fucked him over 10 times over two days and then I drove cross-country to NYC. Imagine my surprise when a month later I get the fuck flu – from a bottom! I was so stunned but at the same time, fucking horny as hell! After I found out, I went right from the clinic to the bathhouse and fucked every anon bottom I could get my cock into! Turns out I love being fuckin’ poz and spreading it around! Look, I already got 2X’s on me!”

    He showed me a pic of Justin and I immediately recognized him as the very first victim of my virus, the kid I pozzed after meeting him at Eric’s studio.

    “I pozzed that twink, Frankie, he’s one of mine! You got my strain from Justin!” showing him on my phone the text message and poz home test pic that Justin had sent me, the message that started me on my pozzing path.

    Frankie just smiled and said “That’s fucking amazing! After I found out, I had to go out and get this,” pointing to the enormous red biohazard tat on his furry mid-section. The X’s came soon after.”

    We spend the next few minutes pawing at each other in between showing pics of all the poz tests our newly poz sons have sent us, cementing the bond between us as HIV brothers, Frankie now being a proud mass proliferator, already with 2 X’s tattooed on him and surely more to come.

    We disengage and with determination to catch up to our fellow tox brothers spreading viral DNA, we seek out more holes to infect, Frankie making a beeline for the suddenly-available hole of the Idealistic Young Doctor and with one fell swoop, he’s inside the kid and pounding away. I head over to one of the unnamed bottoms and resume my pozzing on his sweet ass. As I’m pozzing him, he’s goading me on:

    “That’s it, Sir, poz me up with that AIDS dick,” the young bottom breathlessly says to me. I look at the kid closely, he appears very young, the alphabet soup of stamped letters already scattered on his back.

    “How old are you,” I ask him in between thrusts.

    “Just turned 18 two weeks ago,” don’t worry, Eric checked my ID, Sir,” been dreaming of getting upgraded to poz for a long time.”

    This kid is the younger even that the 19-year old twins Caleb and Callum who I pozzed up over the summer. I even saw on twitter a short clip of Sir Mack breeding Caleb back in Florida, so another great poz circle closed there. I love that some young men know what they want and don’t want to wait, and proudly step up and chase their destiny. This kid will have years to spread the virus to countless others, long after my pozzing career is over. As I think of this while fucking this kid, it results in 10 spurts of virus throbbing into him, my cock pulsing its last bits of HIV up his hole and bringing him into the brotherhood. I stamp his back with the Z stamp.

    And it’s like that for the next few hours, until the 7 tops have bred all 6 bottoms and Eric announces they are done for the night, stopping at each hole to plug them one-by-one with a lucite plug with a biohaz sticker on the end, marking each bottom as pozzing in progress, their backs and asses peppered with H-I-V-P-O-Z-+ stamps. Eric sends them off to their room with strict instructions not to remove their plugs…that is, unless one of the poz tops needs servicing in the night.

    ‘Remember, men, if you need to drop some seed during the night, just take any bottom you like,” he announces and with that we head off for the night, proud at the remarkable job we have done to spread our HIV into the six young neg holes, marking them for life as the poz sluts their destiny calls them to be.

    And this pattern repeats itself for the next four nights, I’ve never shot so many loads over a sustained period of time. The stamps H-I-V-P-O-Z-+ now extending all over the bottom’s backs, asses, down their legs and on the front of them as well. Sir Mack even stamped one a couple of the victims right on their foreheads.

    On the fifth night, Keith took it upon himself to count the stamps all over the bodies of the neg bottoms, and provided us all with a little census of our pozzing activities:

    “Eric, I count 34 H stamps, congrats brother!”

    “Mikey,” I count 33 I stamps, well done!”

    “Keith,” he says, referring to himself, “has pozzed and marked his V stamp 32 times.”

    “Benny, I see the P stamp 31 times, congrats on a great infection number!”

    “There are 38 O stamps, Sir Mack, what a great result at bringing these boys into the brotherhood of HIV/AIDS!’

    ‘Randy, I see 36 Z stamps, good job at getting your virus into those bottoms!

    “And our champion so far, Five Shots Frankie, with 42 + stamps. You’re gonna have to change your name to “Seven Shots Frankie!”

    All the assembled clap and cheer for our success, as Keith goes on, “These 6 bottoms are certainly leaving pozzed with the beautiful and fruitful HIV virus! They’re leaving us in the morning, men, so get your final loads of viral cum into them while you can!”

    The last night is a mad dash for all the poz tops going from one bottom to the next, all our poz cum coating our toxic cocks and making a creamy,  poisonous cum exchange. We all breed each bottom at least one additional time, although I see Five Shots Frankie breeding the Idealistic Young Gay Doctor (I learned his name on this, our last night – it’s Matthew) at least 2 more times. Each bottom’s entire body is festooned with dark inky stamps of HIVPOZ+ on their backs, asses, chests, arms and legs, foreheads. I even see Sir Mack got his stamp on a couple of the bottoms’ bottoms of their feet!

    Finally, in the morning, they leave, cumfilled and assuredly pozzed and each hole plugged with the lucite plug with the biohazard symbol on it. Clay got a ride back to L.A. from Matthew, who offered a job to Clay in his office.

    Benny had to get to Reno Airport in a couple of hours, so Keith began the Retirement Ceremony for the POZ Daddy to us all, Eric, the proud owner of over 50 known pozzings. By the end of this week, and with some new texts from Eric’s recent conquests, Eric announced to us all that he will be leaving the pozzing world with 6 black X’s tattoed across his belly, tears of pride and accomplishment welling up in his eyes.

    All the men assembled gather in one mass, to honor Eric, sucking his cock and opening their holes up for some recharges. Eric leaves us all with his last few toxic loads before his appointment with Matthew the idealistic Young Gay Doctor next week to start his meds. And even though he’ll no longer be toxic, he’ll still be our leader and mentor, his leadership was seminal (!) in building our glorious brotherhood of men, living our lives without fear and openly embracing the virus living inside of us.

    It’s hard to break away later that day, all alone after dropping off my poz son Benny at the Airport. I’m dead tired when I finally pull up to my driveway and as I enter, I see my brother and Clay on the front steps in a deep embrace. Clay is wearing only underwear and the HIVPOZ+ stamps are all over his body, including at least 7 Z stamps from me, his poztoxic uncle.

    My brother and Clay kiss, unlike any father-son kiss I’ve ever seen. I draw closer to them, my brother sees me and announces:

    “Turns out Meredith was pregnant with some other guy’s seed when I married her – Clay is that dude’s biological son. None of that matters, cuz he’s always been my son and I always loved him and now I get to love him even more. I see you and your buddies did quite the number on my boy here…Can’t wait until we take the test and see those 2 lines!” He grabs Clay’s ass and kisses him goodbye.

    “See ya, Dad, in a week,” Clay calls out, and with that he’s gone.

    I find out later from Clay that my brother started divorce proceedings, bought a place in Palm Springs and he and Clay are setting up house there as a couple.

    “Does he know you just got totally pozzed up?” I ask him, still stunned at these revelations.

    “Oh yeah, it was part of the deal that I pass it along to him, and then we’re getting matching biotats. And then only a matter of time ‘til we each get our first X. Now, Uncle Randy, let me welcome you home so I can get one more stamp on me!”

    ~THE END~

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  13. 35 minutes ago, rawsatyr said:

    At a sex=party I typically join the smirking DISBELIEF crowd when an old-school, nervous 'safe sex' player mumbles something about 'oh fun, let me find a condom'. That shit won't get me. I want me sex RAW, bb, BAREBACK, skin-on-skin as in DEVOUTLY UNSAFE and anxious to accept or share random DNA. Won't know his name, his 'status' or possibly what he 'looked like' in a police line-up... but if I see or hear anything about CONDOMS I hop up and out like it's KRYPTONITE!

    OOPS look at the time! I politely decline!

    Totally! It's not really sex if it's not RAW.

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