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  1. Chatting to a guy on bbrts and he’s organised two nights of ‘parties’ in London where he’ll be blindfolded and tied down. He says he’ll only accept neg or undetectable guys. I suggested he use prep but he says it doesn’t agree with him. I told him he risks getting knocked up and that I hoped all the men were being truthful but he replied “guys aren’t like that” meaning they wouldn’t lie. I know it’s none of my business, but he’s either naive or secretly wants pozzing. Not sure there’s any other advice I can (or should) give.
  2. Does anyone know of any gay porn where the guys actually discuss whether to do it bare or not or whether they should use a condom or not?
  3. Finally found it! [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/19989/surfer-dude-breeds-geek/
  4. Does anyone know where I can find this specific vid? It’s two young guys (early 20s), on the living room floor, bottom (wearing glasses I think) on his back. When the top says he’s ready to cum, the bottom says “go for it” and then gets bred. I think the bottom jerks off his cock and cums at the same time. Any ideas?!
  5. Does anyone have any links to porn where the guys actually discuss whether to do it bareback or not, or discuss taking off the condom, discuss the risks, etc? i don’t just mean a condom to bareback porn, I mean where they actually TALK about it? Like where a top persuades a ‘safe’ bottom they should go bare? Thanks guys 😜
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