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Posts posted by sthrnguy

  1. It depends on who gets the Democratic nomination.  I might find Biden handsy and creepy, but he isn't a socialist and he doesn't constantly tweet, so I would consider him.  Any other Democrat (socialist) and I definately will vote for Trump.  I'm a staunch Republican, but I couldn't stomach him in 2016 and voted Libertarian.  However, Trump vs. Socialist isn't even something that I would have to dwell on long. as he would get my vote just to keep the Socialists out of power.

  2. On 8/4/2019 at 7:55 AM, boy4you said:

    Growing up in western Nebraska it’s very conservative and being Gay is dangerous. I now live in NYC with my younger brother and we both have become very liberal in the way we think. 

    Which is very interesting.  Moving from the deep south to living right in the city of Milwaukee, I have become far more condervative.  Back home, I was a foaming liberal, now.... well let's just say that I'm not so much.

  3. Jake slowly started working his boy cunt with his fingers, and gradually his hole opened up.  Given how powerful the situation was, I felt that some t was needed and helpful, and Jake agreed.  The pipe was loaded, I held the torch to it, and got a nice lung full.  As a side note, t gives me t dick from hell, but Jake gets rock hard from the stuff, which works fine for me.  Then we passed the pipe to Derek and instructed him on how to use it.

    " Wait until the bowl is sort of smokey, then start to inhale with your mouth slow and steady."  we informed him.  It was almost like you could see the tingles go up his spine.  We gave him 3 good hits.  That opened him up nicely, along with the poppers we had provided.  Jake plowed his boy cunt until he nutted hard, then stood back and allowed Mark to nut and dump his baby batter in him as well.  I just stood back and watched, hard as a rock despite the T and finally sunk my cock into my nephew and all the baby batter he held.  I plowed his cunt for a good few minutes, then we decided to move it to my truck.  We went upstairs and then out with all of us dressed.  Derek was bent over the passenger seat of my truck and I bred him nice and deep.  Then Jake jumped back in, hard as a rock and wanted to breed him again.  

    "You love that toxic baby batter don't ya boy?" Jake asked rhetorically....

    Derek just nodded, the t and the cock in his boy cunt just told him to go with it.  Little did he know that he was slowly becomming a poz cunt boy who served at our pleasure.  Slowly but surely he would change.


    ( Sorry guys, I really am in the deep south and heading back home tomorrow.  Thats all I had time to write tonight after spending the last 3 hours in a speakeasy ( illegal bar... yes they do exist in 2018...)

    More to cum...

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  4. About three years ago, my nephew confided to my husband and I that he thought he was gay.  He was 15 at the time, not exactly the family genius, but decent looking.  We gave him our best advice, him living in the deep South, that keeping quiet about it would work well, and maybe explore more in college.  A bit about us, we are both very conservative acting, straight laced guys.  He is a college professor and I am an attorney.  Both of us in our early 40s and been together for damn near 15 years.  Both of us have been off and on stacks of anabolics since we were in our early 30s and we are built like brick shithouses.  That said, we love our pig sex and slamming from time to time.  Both of us have seen guys go down the rabbit hole with Ms. Tina, and we want nothing to do with that.  So it stays a rare thing for us.  We gave him the best advice that we could based on our own life experiences, but sometimes my nephew can be an idiot and not do as advised.  It took some time, but holy shit, that boy could fuck up an anvil with a god damn banana.

    When he turned 18, right after Thanksgiving to be precise, he got caught sexting with another dude.  My brother, his Dad, was livid and demanded that Derek move out of his house.  This boy adored his father, but his Dad rejected him completely.  I have always been at a loss as to why, since he has no issue with me being gay at all.  Maybe its that I am his older brother, or maybe that I am just plain bigger than he is to this day... Who knows?

    I had planned a trip home to see my aging parents at Christmas, as I always do.  On Christmas Day, Jake and I (Cheyenne) piled into my truck and headed south.  It took about 13 hours, but we arrived and crashed at my folks' place.  It was the first time they had seen me in a year, so the usual celebrations ensued, and finally Jake and I had pounded some Jack Daniels and were off to bed.

    The next day, Derek pulled us aside, explained what he did, and what happened.  We were both pissed, but not much that we could do about it.  I agreed to talk to my brother.  I knew that wasn't going anywhere, so finally we agreed that Derek could head back with us to Chicago, where we would enroll him in the local public high school so that he could at least finish school.  He returned with us, and our houseboy Mark very quickly became friends with him.  Now, with a six figure house hold income, neither of us had planned on raising a kid, but now damnit, we apparently had one.  It became tighter than we had planned.  The food bill for a teen, plus the hidden Copenhagen habit of mine really added up.  Pretty soon, my husband was asking about receipts and what was happening to our money.

    "What the fuck is going on?  We are spending way too much?"  Jake screamed...

    " We have a hungry teen boy and a 20 something houseboy" I replied...

    Then one Friday night we planned a slam session.  I was tottally cleaned out as usual, but Dereck required some training.  It finally worked out and he got it all taken care of.  He was clearly quite nervous.  

    Downstairs to the basement we went.  He crawled up in our sling without command, as if he knew what awaited him.

    It was obvious that Derrk knew what a sling was.  Painfully obvious.  Crawling right in, he laid back and relaxed.

    "'Baby boy, you know what is gonna happen to ya?"  Jake aked

    No Sir, but its gonna be good Sir." he responded

    stay tuned for more?..


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  5. I have been with the same guy for going on 14 years now, and except for my pnp years, I have been pretty faithful.  But a big part of that was that he brought out the pig in me, and very few, if any guys can match us here.  Not even the pnp guys.  Even in most cases they are too vanilla.  If I found a top, or tops that werent too horribly far away and were as nasty as we are, fuck yeah I would be getting my brains screwed out.  But plain old sex without creativity bores the crud out of me and I run the other way.  Our only limits are scat, children, and women.  Lots of guys will say that, but then you go further and they freak out.  A big part of sex is verbal and in our head for both of us, and that seems to be pretty damn impossible to find.  If a guy wants to quietly just breed me its not gonna do much for me at all.

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  6. For sex, I always bottom for my bf, so I can maybe add some insight.  I eat what I want, but on the day that I know I am going to get fucked, I stay away from certain foods (ok, beans, brocolli, you get the idea...) and then about an hour before I am going to clean out, I take 2 of the generic brand immodium pills.  These stop pretty much everything from, um, lets say moving forward, at least for a few hours.  That way I can clean out and be done.  Also, I tend not to eat greasy food at all.

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/24/2018 at 6:08 PM, dclookin said:

    You may want to consider looking at this study conducted in 1999 on a small group of people. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences of USA http://www.pnas.org/content/96/26/15109.figures-only

    Levels returned to greater than 500 copies/ml (vl) within 6 to 15 days (median 10 days) and approached or exceeded pre-therapy levels in all patients within 21 days. From my reading of the study it seemed viral load increased approximately every 2.5 days. So if you start out at vl of 50 then 2.5 days later you would be at 100 and 2.5 days after that be at 200, then 400 after another 2.5 days and so forth. In other words the viral load doubles every 2.5 days until it reaches a point ( but in the tens of thousands or higher) that varies by individual. 

    In another study There were no instances of transmissions by seropositive subjects with undetectable viral loads or with serum HIV-1 RNA levels of less than 1500 viral load. .N Engl J Med 2000; 342:921-929 March 30, 2000.

    I read someone else that viral loads above 30,000 are good for breeding but of course the higher the better. Some it is always best to breed multiple times spaced out over time (like days). Gettting 5 loads in one night is not as good as getting one load a night over 5 nights

    I am not a medical professional so it is possible I have incorrectly interpreted something. I have included links to the studies for people to read on their own and draw their own conclusions. Also, maybe there is more current information I am not aware of.

    Happy breeding.

    Interesting and good info.  My only issue is that I was still in the conversion phase (dead end of it tho) when I started meds at my bf's insistance.  So, I sure as hell hope that my vl doesnt get back up to that "over 10 million, so we can't measure it" number, which is where I was at.  I was burning thru t cells faster than a nascar race at that level, altho it would pretty much ensure that one fuck is all it took.

  8. So, here is my two cents worth.  I was the neg bottom in a sero-discordant relationship for 8 years.  It really bothered my partner, who I love dearly.  Finally, I simply decided that I couldnt make him neg, so the answer to the issue was for me to become poz.  When I say that it really bothered him, I am not joking, as in he would freak out if he bred me.  I took as many poz loads as I could find... and nothing.  Finally, in desperation, I slammed 2 cc of high vl poz blood.  That did the trick.  Now, our sex is probably the best its ever been (pretty close to amazing ... and we have been together now almost 14 yrs).  Its not for everyone, but I have only one regret.  I wish that he had done it.  Otherwise, no regrets at all.  And now, there are no freakouts after sex.  The only difference between now and then is PREP.  It wasnt an option back then at all.

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  9. Thats sort of the situation me and the bf have if we have a third.  I alternate between blowing him and munching ass on the other guy.  When he is ready to fuck I move on to nips, etc....  Dick is locked and off limits, so I cant do anything for him there.

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