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Posts posted by ExFootballer134

  1. On 6/17/2019 at 11:32 PM, sodastrwam said:

    Hey fellow pigs! I’m a 27 cub vers bottom and I’ll be at wetnhot this year!

    Rapid questions as I’m a first timer:

    When I go to Sex parties or naked nights I wear socks and shoes, is that no good cause the socks will just be soaked?

    do people wear Speedos or just pretty much jocks only? 

    what about pup gear? Like if I wore my mask and pup tail would that be normal?

    should I bring rubber gear or toys?

    Also I really want to be pissed on in the piss pool while being fucked? Is that done or are the Piss pools just for pissing?


    If you want feed me your load while others piss on us hit me up. 😋😋😋

    @sodastrwam Awesome!  You're going to have a blast.  Definitely one of the most fun weekends of my year IMO.  It's gonna be my 2nd year going.


    I wore socks and old tennis shoes last year and didn't have a problem, but most guys seem to just wear old flip flops or sandals.  You kind of just have to go into it knowing anything you're wearing is gonna get pissed on, haha.  I don't think I saw any Speedos... it's mainly jocks/underwear/shorts, or honestly quite a few if not the majority of guys just don't wear anything!


    I think you'd be fine with pup gear (again just remember everything on you is fair game to be pissed on 😉)  but I don't think I'd bother with the rubber gear or toys.  The less you have to keep up with the better, and it's going to be hot outside, even at night.  Plus who needs toys when you have 800+ mouths/dicks/fists to play with!


    You can definitely get fucked while in the piss pools or pits...hell, that's pretty much encouraged, haha.  Would be happy to be the one to break you in with that too 😈.


    Definitely hit me up.... maybe we'll run into each other!  

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