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Everything posted by SubHornyBottom

  1. ...Good luck on your test...
  2. No, I am personally aware about two dozen people who have taken PrEP consistently, daily but still get pozzed. Apparently, its effectiveness is in doubt. And I believe totally the "government" is capable of covering up this. And yes, I really think we are being thrown under the bus again...As we are at the beginning of a new, stronger epidemic...As long as all the homosexuals/injection drug users die off, the HIV epidemic could essentially end.(I am not saying it should be the case, but this is a fact, and this fact could be the basis of government's action or inaction.) It's not the first time the medical community is covering up vital information from vulnerable communities. So please consider the guidelines they give judiciously.
  3. This is not bullshit.
  4. Yep. And that is what's happening now......Lemme say this, I don't think the government like gay people that much to begin with, if they see a way that almost precisely target the gay population. Then they may just sit away, I am not saying they are actively persecuting. But their inaction can do as much harm, just like the Reagan administration's response towards the HIV epidemic.
  5. That's horrifying
  6. There are about two dozen people I know got pozzed on daily pill of PrEP. It's just the medical community is not acknowledging because just like the 1980s, they don't really care or worried about homosexual revolt.
  7. 3 will become 30 and 30 will become 300...It will be fast...
  8. https://www.poz.com/article/transmissible-hiv-resistant-prep-rare
  9. ...The medical community is not reporting many PREP failure cases because it will cause panic and possibly revolt among gay/HIV community.
  10. Here is the stats from King County from Seattle about resistant strain. It's low, but my worry is that, just like the 1980s, the resistant strain will spread fast
  11. I don't know where you get your stats from. But from what I know, there are about two dozen people I know got pozzed while on PrEP.
  12. Thanks for the advice... BTW, travelling to LA soon lol. We should meet up 😋
  13. Guess it's not good to be a strict size queen 🥺
  14. Cant accommodate for cocks less than 7.5 inch lol
  15. I am an Asian twink bottom...recently pozzed...hard size queen. Wonder is this combination less appealing ? I had very bad luck in different bathhouses. Please share your advice , thanks !!!
  16. I am a student on a visa. Recently, I found out that I am pozzed... My home country is horrible in their treatment of LGBT individuals and HIV positive folks. Not to mention the healthcare for HIVers are below par, the meds they offer could only last around 10 years. And the government deliberately adds a lot of toxic ingredients to make sure to our health is deteriorated to reduce transmission. Please help me, thanks so much
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