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Posts posted by Piggyybttmm

  1. 18 minutes ago, poztwinksrhot said:

    The easy answer is also the hard answer "Just do it".  🙂

    When I think of a cumdump, I think of someone who is eager to have sex, and who makes it known that taking their partner's load is the goal of the night - and the more partners the better.  A slut just enjoys having sex - and lots of it.  They actively participate at a sex party or bathhouse, and don't just watch from the shadows.  Most importantly, they go to sex parties and bathhouses. You can't win if you don't play. They're someone who loves sex and cum and who doesn't care that other people know it, or watch them doing it.

    Making that transition to either of those is 90% mental. I wouldn't worry about the vitiligo or the eye issues.  I know they're on your mind since you see them every time you look in the mirror, but I don't really think that someone who's looking for a cumdump/slut will care about those things.  They're looking for a mindset and a hole, not a perfect body. And you're not bad in that area anyway.  I didn't notice the vitiligo until you pointed it out and I'm still not sure what eye issues you have.  On first glance I just saw a young guy with a cute face.

    Worried about doing something wrong?  Don't.  It's hard to be a bad cumdump. Except for cleaning yourself out good first, the top does all the work, and you get the treats. 🙂

    The hardest thing will be if you're naturally shy and introverted.  You'll have to work past that first if you want to go out searching dicks and cum every weekend. In the end, that could be what stops you. If you want it bad enough, though, you owe it to yourself to try.

    Perfectly stated. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/30/2023 at 12:45 AM, ErosWired said:

    Let’s take a moment to look at what you’re telling us. You say that you feel scared, freaked out, that the situation you’re in is ‘too much’, and that you feel that what’s going on is to some degree dangerous. You characterize what is happening as something that is being done to you, a condition placed upon you - you say the Dominant is ‘making you’ do things and ‘throwing you’ down a rabbit hole. Yet you make it clear that you’re turned on by what is happening, and you think of it as a ‘permanent sub-space’ that you know you’re not going to walk away from.

    Let’s be clear here - the Dom isn’t making you do anything that you aren’t consenting to do. None of this is nonconsensual, and any sense of you being forced is something you’re conjuring up in your own mind as a part of the sexual role that you are playing as a submissive. No Dominant can force you into subspace - that’s a state you enter on your own. So dispense with the idea that your situation is dangerous because it’s out of your control. It’s not. You can say no at any point.

    That means the Dominant and his friends aren’t the ones making you uneasy. You’re making yourself uneasy because you’re internally conflicted - part of you wants to do these things, and does them, and you know perfectly well isn’t going to stop, even though another part of you isn’t on the same page, sees the potential dangers, and isn’t comfortable with it.

    The way you talk about being put in your place suggests you may wrestle with matters of self-image that predispose you to submission even if in a particular instance the submission might feel unwise; that, too, can be a source of inner conflict, but again the cause is internal, not imposed from outside.

    I would suggest that you reframe your question, for yourself, as ‘Do I get scared or freaked out by what I let happen to me, and if so, why do I let it happen?’

    Perfectly stated. Acceptance is  the key here really. Accept what you like and what you’ve become 

  3. On 8/27/2023 at 11:58 PM, Carlos1881 said:

    It’s no secret that introverts are not as vocal about their feelings as extroverts. In fact, the quiet ones often feel like their thoughts are better off left unsaid. But if you’re paying close attention, there may be some telltale signs that an introvert secretly likes you.

    - They answer the call.

    - They give you half of their 'alone time' (this is a huge sign!)

    - They go out with you to socialize.

    - They make you their priority.


    Look forward to hearing your thoughts if there is anything else to look out for 

    Have a great day and week


    Carlos 😀


    As an introvert I value my alone time so so much. I also don’t like a lot of people in my space for a prolonged period. So the fact I can take having you around me more than a day or 2 without having to recharge is huge.

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  4. 9 hours ago, HoneyBuns1980 said:

    I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve tried in vain to explain that to a “top” who insists on trying to stroke or suck me until I cum, even after I’ve patiently informed them that I have zero interest in receiving such attention. 

    I have the same issue. A lot of tops don’t understand that if I cum before them… shows over. They’re not gonna be able to continue after that, at least not for a little bit

  5. On 10/1/2018 at 4:38 PM, Anonversecuck said:

    While many bottoms love the feel of a cock deep inside of them, some bottoms do not necessarily enjoy it, but still endure the uncomfortable feeling of being fucked because they want to serve top men. 


    When I watch man on man or think about bottoming, I can't help but think what being fucked represents is far hotter than the act of being fucked itself. 


    Let me explain. There's nothing more personal you can give to another man than to allow him to penetrate you bare and take his seed. This is as good as it gets. It's submissive by nature. For that moment in time, I'm truly a bitch that only cares about pleasing the top. Instead of my normal hetero macho self, I'm actually being a submissive bitch to another man and the thought of it drives me insane. 


    Anyone else feel the same? 

    I completely agree. While it also feels amazing, this is exactly why I bottom. I'm submissive in general and there's nothing more submissive than giving up yourself for another man's pleasure. Knowing I'm Receiving another man's DNA and allowing his essence inside me to grow and carry on, like another plant he's pollinated, turns me on and gets me off far more than the act of getting fucked it's self. It's why I continue to do it

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