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Posts posted by Sacrificed

  1. Just some suggestions:

    1) There is a fine line between erotica and banal smut that ceases to be erotic. To avoid crossing into smut you should try to limit the amount of extraneous profanity you have in each paragraph. for instance, we know that Stone wants to knock you up and likes to 'breed bitches'. It gets kind of repetitious and needlessly profane the more (and more you repeat it). Also, most people don't enthusiastically repeat ideas like 'I want you to knock me up' without knowing what it means. The readers know what it means, but your character shouldn't and he comes across as dishonest here (which could be good in some stories, but yours is about his supposed innocence pre-Stone).

    2) Don't write a character outside your own race. I can tell you are a white dude without seeing a photo. Stone is a totally racist caricature and basing his erotic appeal on that isn't sexy.

    3) The conclusion of a piece of erotica often gives the reader at home their money shot by revealing info that makes clear just outside a reasonable doubt that the erotic act/scenario written about (in this case pozzing) happened so the reader can be satisfied the story is near being finished and they can cum. To be successful, no new information should be added at the end, just previously unconfirmed rumors or ideas that gave the protagonist their self-preservationist reasonable doubt. If you want to keep your ending as here, introduce the needles earlier by having them fall out of Stone's pocket (during sex would be great to give your character fear) and have Garret and the protagonist walk by Stone in the park as he's sharing needles with a junkie. If that's when your character realizes his fate, that'd be intense.

    You have a good sense of twisted fetish, and I hope you take these as tips from a seasoned/trained writer and not as bitchy criticisms.

    • Downvote 4
  2. roosevelt-room-theodore-roosevelt-tade-styka-1909.jpg

    Teddy Roosevelt, because the Bull Moose/Progressive Party to this day still has one of the most radically humane and leftist Platforms ever seen by this country. And standing up to oligarchs is totally hot.

    plus, looks like he's a stallion.

  3. I don't know, I never thought to think of tops as a really inefficient pole like thing hanging below the torso (why such a large body mass for only one small functional area? that cock thing, I assume is what you reduced a top down to right DirtySouth in trying to be respectful to us bottoms? Its not mentioned anywhere, so I was left to assume). Its very easy to know what a bottom NEEDS: a) to be treated like a person and not reduced down to a body part that is floating in space somehow at that point (like you want), to be asked how their body's angles can work with yours if penis and hole somehow don't gel together because of geometry, unfamiliar anatomies and physics without the fear that it might emasculate the tops ability to guide (nor should bottoms need to think so) and maybe if time permitting (and really when can't you do this except in a super condensed quickie where chaos would rule anyways) spend one or two minutes before hole bends down and positions for penis likes in bed and what are their absolute nos. No one expects a detailed history or to get that history fulfilled in a hookup, but why one need not know that your nipples are like hardwired n spce somehow to that cock down there so I can tell you I may need to you to hold my heavy legs in return if you really get in the need for it and I can want to it for you because its a mutual pleasure thing. See what I did there? Suddenly cock and hole became attached to functional breathing body parts and what was necessary to make bodies keep in motion efficiently shifted from NEEDS to WANTS. Because that's the real issue here, what people need (I don't think I have a complete list, just a general off the top thing that makes sense generally) is really basic human decency, and what people want is what makes those phantom body parts mysteriously attached to cock and hole get excited to be there---which should be addressing to me as the 'bottom' (defined as I need and want) as you as 'the top' (defined as you want and need) meet as individuals and not massive, disembodied others. I mean that's really just a painful legacy from the male/female power shiz that dragged into gay sex and especially our S&M (not leatherdykes mind you) that archaic system of bottom=automatically passive and demure and the top unquestioning guiding force that must cause ulcers later in life. I mean, that works for a segment of people (as do alot of things) but I can't figure for the life of me why you would want (outside mutually understood hallways fucks) to know let alone believe that it was respectful to take your load as two awkward disembodied 'hole' and 'penis' without wanting to what that individuals skillsets are from learning the angles and positions of my body to let your cock will slide in like butter and manage movement,, or me not caring to let you show the ways you learned the angles of a backside to move your cock around with zorro-like smoothness . If not, then I might just need to go and, I don't know, read Breeding Zone.com instead of stay around for that wet potato borefest.

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