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Everything posted by SeedSeeker

  1. RawTop for creating this brotherhood that centers us.
  2. I think I've seen em all and they don't get boring to me as a sub. Really like the to 'Armando' and how unconcerned he is about the throat he's fuckin. Even when it gets really fuckin messy he just keeps on breeding. Love the way the filmmaker and he make fun of the throats when they are stuck full!
  3. Couldn't agree with you and the OP more. I am there to service and serve as a vessel for my top's dick and dna. Am completely satisfied being impotent in the bedroom. Have even toyed with the idea of castrqtion to make it permanent and irreversable.
  4. And proud of it ;-)
  5. I haven't gotten hard with anything in my puss since I was in my early 20s and I prefer it that way. I also rarely get hard any longer when I suck. I'm attracted to tops who want their bottoms to stay soft and impotent and concentrate all my attention on pleasuring his penis with my puss muscles. Wanting to be bred is about the natural desire to have a dominant male pleasure himself in my puss and deposit his dna deep in my puss. The fact that I have a dick is irrelevant, other than the fact that it makes me male and attracts the kind of man that I want breeding me. As a raw bottom my only purpose is to serve the man and the penis breeding me and milk every drop of his seed possible into my body. To me getting hard while I'm servicing a top is just a distraction that takes away from the true purpose of my dick service.
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