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Everything posted by Dubconforlife

  1. It's nice to be remembered 🙂
  2. yeah it's a protected account, you have to have an account to see it.
  3. Maybe you have to enter it into Twitter? Because I have about a dozen people from BZ over the night.
  4. @thejackparker01 is my Twitter, story updates shared there

  5. @thejackparker01 is it, two people have found it from here so far.
  6. @thejackparker01 is it, two peopls
  7. Twitter @thejackaparker01 might be some Parker Brother news
  8. Thanks man but Dalton was the story that convinced me to try writing porn.
  9. Hey look, John made a video with Sammy in it!


    [think before following links] https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdQc1t3D/

    1. enedamian


      I can't decide which one I want first...


  10. Looks guys, at the end of the day this is a private board and their rules go. Don’t go giving hate to Raw or the moderators over anything. It’s all good, no harm no foul. Just let people enjoy what they want ok?

    1. mjkuhl


      We don't go with hate.  It is with disappointment.  We love your ability to write and miss it sorely.

  11. Same, I got about a dozen from the 25th on.
  12. Go read my blog, the story Attention Whore might intrigue you 🙂
  13. Anyone curious, this is what The Kid looks like...NO IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THE ACTUAL  PERSON. So do us all a favor and go try find something else to report.

    [think before following links] https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeCLVRyh/

    1. MuscleAss


      Report this? Hell, I just wish he would invite me to the prom. 

    2. enedamian


      such a turn on!

  14. Awww thanks man. They are far from perfect but I’m thrilled you’re enjoying them!! That is for the kind words, made my night.
  15. Click on my profile it should be there.
  16. Hey guys, am back. Small hiccup but things should be fine. I don’t know when I will have time to get back to Sammy and his adventures, but in the meantime where is a new story up on my blog since it isn’t chem fiction. Check it out if you’re looking for something new to read
  17. Hey guys I am back, small hiccup but should be ok. I will get to this story when time permits but there is a new story over on my blog since it isn’t chem fiction, i didn’t want to post it in here. So if you’re looking for something to read, head over there.
  18. You fucked me up with this comment cause I was sure I read it already. Then I saw it was on the other story lol
  19. Sure it would be but again, his house his rules. The author, if they care, should have a copy and can post it on Nifty or any other story site if they wish.
  20. As a writer here, it’s his house, it’s his rules. If I don’t like it I’ll write somewhere else. It’s not bad or good to me, just a definition of things that can be done. I’ve asked more than once about an idea I had and was told I couldn’t post it here because of the site rules. I didn’t have a problem with it then, don’t have a problem with it now.
  21. Thanks man, very cool to hear 🙂
  22. My pleasure man, I’m glad you liked it
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