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Posts posted by RandomStranger

  1. Is anyone dealing with this, know anyone who is, or have information about it?

    A guy I'm interested in says he has it.  From what I've been able to glean from a search it usually occurs in the immunocompromised but he insists he's HIV negative, and is otherwise healthy as far as I know.

    I'd rather not pick up something that's untreatable.  Is it more or less infectious?  I'm guessing prophylactic Valtrex won't protect me. 

    I'm not asking for personal advice, just medical/scientific information - if anyone has a source.  So if you're that guy who enjoys bullying those who post or reply, don't bother. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Pozguyinchi said:

    I know that I have on several occasions entered topics in the wrong spot or commented where I shouldn’t have. This has caused me to lose ranking? Or something. I very seldom react. I really don’t get that and  would hate to do something wrong and cause an issue.

    This site would have more new thread postings and more active commentary if the result of a mistake wasn't punitive. 

    • Like 1
  3. A lot of self-energy is released during orgasm.  This is one reason most men feel tired or sleepy after the cum, and we've all noticed the change in our energy state after we ejaculate.   If his dick is in you, you absorb his self-energy into yours (there can also be some of this effect with just body contact, for example, but it's not the same). 

    There are also chemical compounds in semen that can affect mood.  And then there's the psychological component, the satisfaction and even elation from the experience. 

    • Like 2
  4. "Straight" and "gay" point to a set of social and political norms and values.  They have nothing to do with sexuality. 

    They also have nothing to do with perceived masculinity.  Yes, it's possible to be masculine and gay.  And effeminate and straight. 

    It's also possible to conform to straight social norms while being exclusively homosexual, whether masculine or not. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, viking8x6 said:

    I'm with @bluecollarotter here. It's a question of audience. It's really only appropriate to be "out" about barebacking, or being a proponent of it, with those people with whom you would ordinarily share the details of your sex life.

    For most of us, that doesn't include mom. I mean, honestly - do you want to know the details of her sex life? Probably not.


    I think this is true of all personal information.  I sometimes hear of people treating their HIV status as public - but they don't know the details of everyone else's medical history.  All personal information is all a question of audience.  

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