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Everything posted by rawstud

  1. Wow they have added a bunch more locations. Are these parties legal? they seem to be all over now. I wonder how big the one in NYC gets?
  2. Hey! I just saw that they brought back the Ft. Lauderdale Party. Looks like it is at the windamar. I went to the party in SF and Chicago, they are awesome. Great mix of guys, and no attitude.
  3. Hey has anyone been to the cum union parties that BBRT is trowing. They have been in san Francisco, Tampa, and ft. lauderdale. I heard from a guy on BBRT who went to the one in Tampa, and he said it was the craziest sex party he had every been to. There we live sex shows and tons of guys fucking all over the place. I looked on their website and the do several parties now with another site called cum hunt. the party site is cumunion.com Just curious if anyone else has been to one. Thanks-
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