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Posts posted by Neely116

  1. Chapter 8 

    I had gone to bed, and although i was awake when Jess got in i pretended to be asleep. It was an odd feeling i just didnt want sex with her and so i feigned sleep. I was still imagining cock.  However the next morning when i awoke i didnt feel great. My throat was burning and my head was pounding. I didnt think that i had drunk particularly that much but i felt awful . I took painkillers and received little sympathy  from Jess. 

    ‘you will drink loads when youre out with your mates’ was all the response i got. I spent most of the day in bed but couldnt get warm. The painkillers hadnt touched anything and my throat was still sore the following day . After a second day in bed I got some sympathy from Jess. ‘ You must have picked up a bug or something whilst I was away , its ovbiously not a hangover now’ she said. I was just tired and rang in sick to work. After four days I started picking up and gradually feeling a little better. Jess noticed this and said she had the ideal present for me. She started by sucking my cock and as i hadnt cum for over four days my cock was hard instantly. She climbed on top of me and rode my cock hard. I soon could feel myself cumming and as she came quickly i shot my load into her before she climbed off. ‘There that will get you feeling better’ she said as i lay there exhausted. I still wasnt 100% and my glands felt swollen.  I made a note to go to the docs as soon as i felt a little better. But then it occurred to me that if i was getting better there was no need to go. 

    Over the next few days i got to my feet and felt much improved. I had taken the week off work and it was friday afternoon. I would be ok to go into work the next week but i was feeling well enough to wander into town juat for some outside life whilst Jess was at work. 

    I found myself wandering near the gay village , just on the outskirts. I wasnt going to venture in but carried on walking. By chance my route took me past the tattoo parlour where i had my snake tattoo done. I peered in and saw Lana. She waved me in and i entered. ‘ Come for some more work? I know its addictive once you start’ she said. ‘No I was just passing as i was just in town.ive not been great this last week, i thought i had a bad hangover at first but I think it was a bug or something, not sure. I seem ok now though’ 

    Lara smiled. She asked what my symptoms had been . ‘Yeah theres a bit of that about.  I know the exact tattoo for you, come on im free now , ill show you. Come in the back, you dont have to have anything done if you dont want’ . I had nothing else planned. ‘Sit down in my chair’ Lana commanded. ‘Look Ill do the outline for free, then if you want it coloured come back and i’ll charge half price. Well?’ 

    ‘Where?’ Was all i could ask.’ ‘Ill do something in the apple in the snakes mouth’she said referring to my existing tattoo. The one she had joked i would get in the pride colours. At least that subject had gone. ‘ trust me, my last tattoo was good wasnt it?’ ‘Ok’ 

    Lana got to work , and it wasnt long before she had done the outline. It was an odd choice i thought ‘its symbolic’ she said. ‘ A lot of gay men have them. ‘
    ’but im not gay’ I muttered. ‘You can carry on fooling yourself and suck cock in pub toilets, and let random guys fuck you and breed you like a bitch, or you can own it’ Lana said ‘ proper fags own it’ I think you will too sooner or later. Look do u like sucking cock ? ‘ i nodded ‘thought so.and you like being fucked?’  I nodded again. ‘And you think of cock all day ‘ ‘yes ‘ I whispered. ‘Sounds pretty fucking gay to me’ Lana added. 

    ‘Back to the tattoo then. The good thing is that you have taken the first step in becomming a fag. This tattoo. Its a bio hazard tattoo. All piggy bottoms get them and  dom girls get them too - see i have one’ she pulled down her leggings showing the cheek of her ass and I saw a small biohazard tattoo as she called it on her ass cheek. 

    ‘ you can colour it in but you should know its significance. Im guessing from what you said that you have seroconverted. I would make an appointment with your doctor . Youre hiv positive like all of us here - and like all of Brad’s pupils. Youre now one of us. And no self respecting goody two shoes girl is going to want a poz fag fucking her and breeding her. So embrace it!’ 

    The words hit me like a hammer. ‘Hiv positive?’ I mumbled. ‘Yes its the first step to becoming your true self’ Lana responded. ‘ but no one was ill, they would have said i’m sure’ I stammered. ‘ no one is usually these days. Its taken as read if you bareback you either have it, want it or dont care.anyways you will get it. Like you have. Looks like your choice is made. come back when you want it finishing’ 


     I hurried out of the studio. My mind was whirling. What would Jess say. Where was my life heading ? One thing was certain, it was changing. I had to see my doc, this could all be a bad dream .


    to be continued……..

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  2. Chapter 5 

    The next couple of weeks flew by, work was busy and Maria and I were getting along pretty well, though we had only had sex once. She was spending a bit more time than me at the gym and was putting effort into working out. I was secretly hoping she was getting on with Andy. I was analysing where I was heading and decided that I would row back from being reckless and fucking poz guys. I had got away with it but was thinking that moving forward I could have the best of both worlds as long as I was discreet. I was due to attend a party at Lee and Dave’s house that Friday, I had been told not to bring Maria as it was gay men only, and as I made an excuse as to why she couldn’t come, she announced that she was going out with the girls anyway. 
    Friday came and I was nervous. I got out of the taxi and walked up the drive to the house, which was set back from the road. I rang the bell and Dave opened the door, ‘Hi Nathan, come in, glad u didn’t back out!’ 

    ‘let me show you round’ Dave said as I walked in the hall. It was large detached house with trees either side. There was a door off the hall. ‘ that goes down to the cellar’ Dave explained ‘it’s dark and there is a sling in there , it’s not for the faint hearted’ . He took me up one flight of stairs there were three rooms and a bathroom and stairs up to a top floor. ‘Two more rooms up there’ Dave said. He tried the bathroom, it was locked, and there seemed to be voices inside. ‘ fuck I need a piss’ whispered Dave, ‘ come with me’ he lead me to one room. ‘ this is ours, it’s out of bounds to everyone , though we will make an exception of you as the newbie. ‘Get on your knees’ I did as I was told. I knew I was about to get Dave’s cock in my mouth. He unzipped and pulled out his semi erect cock. I needed no prompting and had it in my mouth straight away. ‘I’m going to piss in your mouth don’t spill any’ before I could process his words I felt a warm gush and just tried to swallow as much as I could before spluttering and pulling his cock out. Dave finished over my face. ‘Good boy. I’ll tell Lee you’re here, I’m sure he will want you to service his cock too!’


    We exited the room and I was left to mingle . Lee sidled up to me part way through the evening, ‘how are you finding it? ‘ ‘ yeah ok, I don’t know how things go you know if you fancy someone though.’ ‘Well let me tell you there’s a guy here that is very keen on you, I’ll introduce you’ He led me away and approached a large bald guy with quite a belly on him. He had a couple of tattoos on the side of his neck and just had a leather waistcoat and leather trousers on. He had multiple tattoos that I could see on his chest. ‘Hello Hal, this is Nathan, the guy who I was telling you about, he is looking to be broken in’ 

    ‘is that right now?’ ‘Well boy get on your knees’ ‘Do as you’re told, you’ll love it’ Lee whispered as I sank to my knees. Hal just pulled down a flap on his leathers and out sprang his erect cock from under his belly. It had a PA in the head and piercings on the shaft. I gulped. I was aware of hands lifting off my t shirt and then tugging at my jeans. Get him ready. I was being stripped and was quickly on my knees again, this time naked. ‘Open’ I immediately opened my mouth and Hal thrust in his cock. I could feel the steel of the PA at the back of my throat as Hal pushed the back of my head towards him. I could feel the shaft going down my throat. I was almost choking before my head was pulled back and I gasped for air. I was lifted up and pushed over a table, some poppers were shoved under my nose and I inhaled. As my head swam I felt Hal’s cock pushing at my hole. My ass gave way and Hal was in. ‘I’m going to make you my bitch’ Hal growled as he started building up a rhythm. ‘You’re going to be my fuck doll til I get bored of you, understand?’ ‘Yes master’ was all I could answer. My ass felt as though I was being split in two. ‘I’m going to load you now and make you mine’ he panted, before letting out a growl and thrusting his cock in me to the hilt. I could feel his cock pulse as he came in me. So much for my good intentions of risk free sex. 

    Hal pulled out. My ass felt sore and I put my hand to my ass. I felt cum slipping out . People were still around and as I lifted my head up a cock appeared in front of me. Instinctively I opened my mouth and the cock was in. I started sucking as my head was being fucked. ‘ Swallow all this load boy’ was all I heard as I felt the cock flex and fill my mouth with semen. I had no option but to swallow. I was then released. I looked round and found my clothing in a pile in the corner of the room. I quickly dressed and I could feel cum seeping out of my ass. I looked at the time, I had to get back and shower before Maria did. I small talked with a few guys before catching up with Lee again. ‘ Hal really likes you, I’ll give him your number’ Lee said. ‘Ok’ I mumbled. I started explaining I had to get back, Lee knew my situation with Maria. ‘It’s only a question of time. You won’t want her when Hal has broadened your horizons’ Lee continued’ but I know you gotta go now. Just give me a quick blow job outside whilst you wait for the taxi’ I didn’t need asking twice and set to work on Lee’s cock whilst waiting for the cab. I was rewarded with Lee shooting a big load of his cum in my mouth about one minute before the cab arrived. I kissed him and slipped in the cab. 

    The lights were off when I got back home. A quick check revealed Maria was still out. I put my clothes in the washing machine and has a quick shower , washing away the traces of the evening before slipping into bed. My life was changing. I could feel it……….


    to be continued ……

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  3. Chapter 7. 

    I drove to the airport to pick Jess up. She hugged me when she came thru arrivals , smiling . ‘Have u missed me?’ ‘Of course!’ I replied. I dropped two of her girlfriends off on the way home. I zoned out of the conversation they were having but had picked up that they all had had a tattoo whilst out there. That would make things easier to explain for me.  We got home and Jess came on to me, ‘time for a quickie? ‘ she asked. I was semi hard but that was because I was thinking of the previous night taking my first black cock. We stripped, ‘fuck what’s that ?’  Jess asked, when she saw my snake tattoo. ‘And your nipples pierced. I’ve only been away a week! ‘ ‘yeah, u know I’ve always been into tattoos just not had the bottle to have any, so I took the plunge when u we’re away , and the tattooist persuaded me to get pierced as well’ I stammered: ‘ we’ll the snake is kinda cool, but aren’t the piercings a bit gay? ‘Jess asked: 

    ‘the tattoo lady said they weren’t ‘ I replied, the thought of cock coming in my mind again. ‘ have an admission too’ Jess said ‘ all the girls got one’ she said as she turned round and showed me a butterfly tattoo on her shoulder’ ‘ok we’re even then ‘I smiled. 
    I fucked Jess but was aware I was thinking of cock whilst doing so, getting off on that before I came. 

    over the next two or three weeks life got back to normal and work routine took over. However I was thinking of cock everyday. Something had changed in me. I couldn’t put my finger on it until it hit me . Jess was lovely, she looked hot when I looked at her but she didn’t get me hard. I had always liked licking her pussy but that part of our sex life disappeared. I found I was thinking of cock when in bed with her. I don’t think she noticed but sex was a bit mechanical and unless I thought of guys I was struggling to get hard. I needed some release. 
    I looked up a sauna that was men only one Friday when I had booked a day off. Jess was going to be working late so I had time to cover my tracks. 
    I walked through the door of the sauna, and a very obviously gay guy served me, eyeing me up . ‘ you will be popular in here’ he said as he handed me a towel and locker key.’ Let me know if I can help’ . I mumbled a ‘thanks’ as I followed his directions. In the locker area there were two older guys changing. I began to change, not quite sure of the etiquette. ‘ not seen u here before’ one of them remarked, ‘ no erm this is my first time’ I said quietly. ‘Married?’ The other asked. ‘Er I have a girlfriend yes’ ‘but you’re gay right?’ The questions continued. I nodded. ‘Good, admitting it is the first step. Stick with us we’ll show you round’ the taller guy said whilst patting my ass. I looked at the other guy and he was naked showing his erection. It wasn’t very long but his cock was really thick with a big mushroom head. ‘ just do what comes naturally’ the first guy said. Harry here loves younger guys sucking his cock. I was ushered towards Harry. Instinctively I knelt and took his cock in my mouth, and started sucking. ‘ yes he is very definitely a fag ‘ Jack’ said Harry. ‘Come, we will go somewhere a bit more private’ 

    Joe led me by the hand along a passageway, until the room opened up with doors. Jack and Harry led me into one. ‘Lie down’ Jack ordered. I lay on the large plastic coated mattress as Jack and Harry took control. Jack started working on my cock as Harry thrust his cock in my mouth, forcing me to gag a little. ‘Where were we, oh yes, you were sucking an old man’s cock like the slutty little fag that you are’ Harry whispered in my ear. ‘ was loving this, I had endured three weeks of straight sex and was unfulfilled but this was what I wanted. I felt a coldness on my ass then felt my ass being opened by one then two fingers. My legs were forced apart and pushed up, completely exposing my hole. Harry was pushing his fat cock further down my throat as I felt my ass stretch to accommodate Jack’s cock. He started hammering my ass, much harder than I had experienced before. I gasped, and Harry took this as an opportunity to shove his cock even further down my throat. It want long before I felt Harry’s cock flex and my mouth was flooded with Harry’s cum. I swallowed greedily. ‘That’s a whole week’s load for you, slut’ I heard Jack grunt and could sense he was also cumming in my ass. This was good, was this my future?   within seconds of cumming both guys got off me, grabbed their towels and left the cabin, like apparitions. I was left, used and with a strangers cum seeping out of my ass. I was just standing up and starting to play with my hard cock when the camp guy from reception sneaked in. ‘Look, I’m on a break so I’ve not a lot of time, but you’re kinda cute, don’t waste that hard on, wanna fuck me ? ‘ the reception guy just shrugged out of his shorts and bent over the mattress. My cock brain took over again as I felt his ass. He had already lubed and I slid my cock in easily. ‘I was new to topping but felt reception guys ass gripping my cock. This was much better than fucking pussy , I thought as I built up rhythm. ‘Cum in me please’ reception guy said as he felt me getting close ‘ with pleasure’ I grunted as I came feeling my cock explode in him. I felt as though I hadn’t cum like that in ages. ‘Mmm you can visit here again ‘ reception guy said as he pulled up his shorts, and disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. 

    I was sated, went back to the lockers and changed. I felt the cool air on my face as I walked down the street., through the gay village. I was starting to feel like this was going to be home for me, but not yet. I had plenty of time to get home, shower and remove the evidence of the evening, I just hoped Jess wasn’t feeling horny when she got home, as my mind was just fixated on cock at the moment…………


    to be continued

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  4. Chapter 4


    Monday morning found myself in Gino’s medical room again. Only a week after my first visit. 
    ‘So, there is something we need to discuss. For the record, although you didn’t know it, I’m undetectable’ said Gino ‘ I can’t go round pozzing my patients, can I ?’ 
    ‘Are you disappointed? You seemed to be gagging for a poz load?’

    ’er I don’t know what comes over me. I’ve never been like this , but ever since I tried to scratch that itch all I seem to want is cock and cum. And I don’t know why but poz guys excite me’ I blurted out.

    ’ Have you taken the Prep I prescribed last week?’ ‘Er no, it’s still hidden in my car. I didn’t want my girlfriend to see it’

    ’and how is that relationship going?’ I gulped. ‘We’ve had sex once but it was anal. I can’t seem to get hard for her. I had to think of guys to get hard then’ 

    ‘ok, and what about porn? Do you watch any?’ I nodded ‘yes…. But it’s all gay porn recently’ 

    ‘I think you have to be honest with yourself ‘ Gino added’ A lot of men don’t realise that they’re gay , or suppress it, until they finally have cock, and then sooner or later they realise. Some are never honest but others accept the truth and enjoy the reality. But straight men don’t suck cock and let guys fuck them like you do. 
    ‘ I took a deep breath. ‘I’m not straight’ I admitted. ‘I’m not even bi, I know I’m gay now’ I breathed out. I had said it and Gino smiled ‘ yes I think you knew that. A lot of guys who come out want to play around, catch up on what they have been missing out on, and a lot don’t want to take Prep and stay unprotected and bareback. They want to feel natural, and it is natural as a bottom to want a guy to cum in you and take alpha cock. A lot of barebackers are poz and like breeding bottoms, and a lot of bottoms want to have that right of passage and start taking poz cock and convert for their tops. Produce their own poz cum. ‘ 

    ‘Thats what I want’ I heard myself say. ‘ Good, I was hoping you would. I presume you don’t want any pep for the poz loads you took in the sauna?’ . I shook my head’ I will mark you down as confirming choice to come off prep too.Keep in touch and enjoy the sauna. Come in for a check up in about four weeks time. 

    I left empty handed. What had I said? . I could still stop if I wanted, I thought. 
    The week dragged and on the Thursday Maria and I went to the gym. There was a launch party for some product when we were there and we decided to stay, have a couple of drinks and mingle. I found myself chatting to a couple of guys, one who was obviously  gay, but was surprised when the other introduced himself as the other guys partner. ‘You seem surprised Nathan’ he said. ‘No I er didn’t realise there were… erm u know what I mean’ I stammered. He laughed ‘ I know what you mean. I’m David, this is Lee. Yes we’re gay and yes we like playing together with other guys …… if you know any’ Was he flirting? 
    ‘ We’ll ….. ‘ I hesitated. I looked round and saw Maria chatting with the tattooed guy Andy that had fucked me a couple of weeks previously. ‘ I’m not out….. but I’m gay. But it’s complicated’ I said quietly. ‘Ah you’re also with a girl the. And she doesn’t know. Don’t worry we’re discreet. This is a bit boring - let’s sneak back to the locker room. Is that your girl chatting to Andy? ‘ I nodded ‘She should be careful with him. He has a big cock and he’s poz. He likes breeding guys and girls’  With that he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the party. We went quickly to the locker rooms. I was hard already. I sank to my knees as Dave shrugged down his track shorts. His cock sprang free. I couldn’t wait to get it in my mouth . It felt so good. ‘Suck Lee too’ Dave ordered . I turned and Lee’s cock was in my face. I took him in my mouth and was aware of hands pulling my shorts down, a finger quickly probing my ass. Then I felt breath and a tongue rimming my hole. I concentrated on sucking Lee’s cock, as I felt Dave’s cock replace his tongue . With a grunt he thrust into my ass. ‘  I only fuck raw since I took Andy’s babies’ Dave said as he started pounding my ass. I didn’t register the nuance at first, then it clicked . I got even harder’ if you’re poz just fuck it into me. I want it, make sure’ I breathed ‘Poz my fucking ass’ 

    ‘ with pleasure’ Dave rushed as he picked up pace ‘ I’ll definitely shoot my load in that neg hole anytime’, give u my babies’ Cockbrain had taken over again. I could feel Lee’s cock jerk and cum flooded my mouth. I concentrated on swallowing it all when Dave grunted and thrust into me a final time. I knew he was cumming in me. ‘ ‘That was fucking hot fella, we must keep in touch. I would love to make sure my babies take’ Dave winked at me ‘Let’s get back before we’re missed. 

    I returned to the party. I couldn’t see Maria… or Andy. I looked round the room, then Maria appeared at my elbow . ‘Hi’ she said. ‘Oh I was just looking for you’ was it my imagination or did she look a little flushed? ‘I was just chatting to that guy with the tattoos, Andy’ she explained. I suddenly hoped that she had been doing a bit more than chatting, and wondered if she had had some cock too. Poz cock at that. 

    ‘ shall we go.? ‘ she said. ‘I’m just a bit tired’ ‘yeah’ I replied. ‘Same’ 

    My mind was wandering. Maybe if Maria wanted a regular thing with Andy, I could go out more often with Dave and Lee …….


    to be continued

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  5. Chapter 3

    I felt conflicted, but I also knew the gym made Maria horny. I struggled to get hard for her, only managing it when she offered me her ass. I could still feel Andy’s cum leaking from my hole. Fortunately Maria didn’t go there before I blew my load in her ass. I also knew I needed to take precautions.
    The next day I made an appointment at the health clinic for the day after. I didn’t explain over the phone the reason why.  I arrived I quietly explained to the nurse I thought I may have had a poz partner. I was referred to an hiv expert apparently. 
    ‘Hi , I’m Gino, I believe you think there may be a risk of hiv?’ 
    ‘er yes’ I quietly said. ‘’Can I ask was this after sex with another man?’ I nodded and looked embarrassed. ‘Look Nathan, I see a lot of men like you. I can just give you Pep and / or PreP and tick a box. But if you want advice you need to open up. Just so you know, I am gay and I’m also hiv positive, so I know what you’re going through’ 

    I took a deep breath’ okay, I’ve started having sex with men, though I’m with a girl. And we had unprotected sex and both guys were poz.’ I blurted. ‘. How do you know that? ‘Gino asked. ‘Because they told me’ 

    ‘ok, before or after sex’ ‘before’ I replied.

    ’so you knew they were poz but still had sex. Did they promise to pull out but didn’t?’

    ’no, they were going to pull out but I wanted them to cum in me. I don’t know why, I just wanted to know they had cum inside me’ 

    ‘that is perfectly natural.why suddenly are you into gay sex.’ ‘It was an itch I thought I would scratch and that would be it, I would then stick to girls’

    ’ok and has that worked.’ I shook my head. ‘No I just want more now, almost as if a light has gone on. I just want more cock.’ ‘ don’t we all’ Gino laughed. ‘Have you been to Kings sauna.’ ‘No what’s that?’ I asked ‘ it’s a gay sauna. It’s where a lot of married guys who pretend they’re not gay go, and where a lot of barebacking goes on. And a number of poz guys go too’ Gino said. 
    ‘ok, here is what I will do. I will keep you as my patient. You’re out of time for pep to be effective for the first sex you had, you’re going to have to leave that for luck. You can take for the second time. And I will give you a prescription for Prep. But think whether you really want to take it. By the look of you’re cock, I can tell that poz talk turns you on. And you like the risk.’  I looked down and my cock was hard in my joggers.

    ’I’ll also put you down as bisexual …at the moment. When you know that has changed tell me’  . I didn’t say anything and red faced I took the prescription, trying to hide my erection. 
    I picked up my prescription and took the dose, hiding the rest in my car. 
    Gino’s words floated round my head. Was I turning gay? I didn’t think that was possible. Life turned back to work for the remainder of the week. However, on Friday I had made an excuse that I was going drinking with mates to Maria. But there was only one place I was going. The sauna. The itch was back

    I paid my entrance fee and sauntered in. I changed and wrapped my towel. ‘There’s lube and condoms in every cabin’ the attendant said. 
    I wandered into the steam room, and sat down. I wasn’t sure of the etiquette so I kept a towel round me. I saw a guy in the gloom openly wanking. My cock stiffened and I removed my towel. The guy came over and without a word turned round and lowered his ass on my stiff cock. He only had time for a few riding motions before the steam room door opened and a couple of guys moved in. The guy on my lap disappeared like an apparition. One of the new guys came over and sat by me, the other on an opposite bench. 
    ‘bareback, nice’ he said. He was slim and slipped off his towel. His cock was thin but very long. He reached over to my cock and started wanking me. I reciprocated and he turned and kissed me, snaking his tongue in my mouth. I felt myself being drawn in again. 
    ‘we’re bare only’ he said. ‘Are you poz?’ I asked, remembering Gino’s words. ‘Yes we both are, Joe here is undetectable, though I have a viral load at the moment.’  It struck me that although I had taken the Pep, the Prep was still hidden in my car, untouched. 
    ‘im neg, I’m not on anything’ I stammered, still stroking his cock. ‘No problem, we don’t bite’ he replied. I couldn’t help it, I lowered my head and started sucking his cock.

    ’good boy, suck that poz cock for me. Joe likes his sucked too’ I stood up , moved to Joe who opened his legs. I knelt in front of him and took his cock in my mouth too. I felt a hand lifting my torso, until I was on all fours. I carried on sucking. I was aware ove movement and suddenly felt what must have been skinny guys cock pushing into my already lubed hole . ‘Fuck ‘ I thought, he’s poz. I tried to move but Joe expertly held me in place. I couldn’t move other than to suck his cock. ‘ we’ll give you what you came here for ‘ Joe whispered in my ear. Skinny guys cock seemed to be prodding the whole of my insides as he picked up pace. Suddenly Joe erupted in my mouth. I was concentrating on swallowing all his cum when skinny guy grunted. And thrust deep. ‘Take my babies boy ! ‘ he whispered as he came in me. 
    my head was in a swirl, as almost immediately they left me alone. I put my hand to my ass and felt the cum. 
    I wandered to the showers. Had I really got what I came for. ? 

    I was absentmindedly showering when a voice I knew said ‘Nathan, not really a surprise to see you here’ I spun round and saw Gino entering the showers. I glanced down at his shaven cock. The biohazard tattoo was in his pubic area.. ‘you can’t help it can you. It’s like a magnetic force drawing you in. I know the conflict your having.Tell me have you taken your Prep? ‘ I shook my head. ‘ Give yourself to your needs, don’t be ashamed, I can tell you’re a natural bottom. You just need to admit to yourself what you are. Turn round’ 

    I did as I was told. ‘I’m going to fuck you Nathan. You can stop me at any time. You know I’m poz, and I will stop if you want’ I put my hands on the shower wall, and spread my legs. Gino’s hand went to my hole, and slipped  a finger inside. ‘Mmm I’m not the first. I won’t be the last. I don’t know whether to cum in you ‘ he whispered ‘ please’ I whispered back’ please cum in me, I want it’ My cum brain had taken over. ‘What do u want.? Nathan’

    ’i want you to fuck your poz cum deep in me , please’ I begged as he entered my sloppy hole . ‘Well since you asked so nicely I’ll give you what your body needs’ Gino whispered in my ear as he picked up pace. He pistoned in and out before announcing’ a heavy poz load cumming!’ And held me in place as his balls emptied. ‘Yes a natural, as I suspected. We need a proper talk. Come and see me at ten on Monday’ and with that he was gone. 

    I looked around. Shadows here and there, but I could feel myself descending into a sordid pit. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to fight it or not…….

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  6. Chapter 2


    we had gone to bed, and I had dozed off. I woke to the early morning light coming through a gap in the curtains. It was the first time I had actually slept with a guy. I looked over at Mike and he was still sleeping. I got up and decided to shower, as  I had to sort my head . There were a million things swirling round, not least the fact that I had willingly taken a poz load in me. If what Mike had said was true I could be at risk. The hot water woke my mind a little. This was a one off, I had scratched the itch, and the chances were with just one load in me I was probably ok. 
    I became aware of a movement and Mike joined me in the shower. He massaged my shoulders under the hot water, working down my back until he reached my buttocks. I involuntarily spread my legs and I felt Mike’s fingers work my hole. He moved closer and then I could feel his hard cock pushing at my entrance. It felt natural and I couldn’t help bending over, hands supporting me on the shower wall and Mike grabbed my hips as he slid his cock into me again. I lost myself in the feeling of him fucking me, no wonder Maria liked me fucking her arse I thought as I rode Mike’s thrusts. I wasn’t concentrating on whether Mike was close to cumming and before I refocused Mike was grunting. ‘Here’s your second load’ as he thrust once more, his strong arms holding my hips as I felt his cock pulse as he came in me again. I tired round and we kissed. ‘How’s that itch now?’ Mike asked. ‘Well and truly scratched’ . We finished showering. 
    ‘you can now go back to your girl, but I have a feeling that you are going to be back for more …. And just so you know, I’m staying off meds for a while. Especially now I know your little kink’ 

    An hour later I was at home waiting for Maria to return from her hen weekend. I would put last night down to experience and move on. Keep on the straight and narrow. 
    Maria returned and life went back to normal for a week. The following Friday we decided to go to the gym together, I always liked looking at Maria’s ass in her Lycra. We did our workout and then went to our locker roomS to shower and change. This time, I couldn’t put my finger on it at first, but something was different. There were a few guys in varying states of undress, then it hit me. I realised I was actually checking out the guys. What was happening to me. There was one guy in particular, ripped and tattooed. My eyes dropped to look at his cock, and I must have been staring. There was a steel PA in a big mushroom head and his cock was semi erect. I felt myself getting hard and moved my towel to hide this. I noticed he had a scorpion tattoo as well, similar to Mike’s, but also a biohazard one on his hip. I knew what that meant. I must have been staring longer than I thought as when I lifted my head my eyes locked with tattoo man’s eyes, just for a brief second. It felt like this man could read my thoughts. He moved towards me. ‘ I’m Andy’ he said , and then lowered his voice ‘ and I guess you like?’ ‘Err Nathan’ I stammered’ err and yes. I’ve never seen a PA in real life before’ 

    ‘come in the showers ‘ he whispered’ and you can take a closer look’ instinct took over and I just did as I was told. I sauntered into a cubicle, Andy right behind me. I turned and looked down . His cock was hard. And huge compared to mine. I reached out and started wanking him , and sank to my knees. I looked at his cock once more before taking him into my mouth. I decided I would let him cum in my mouth, that was safe enough. Andy had different ideas though. He lifted me up ‘turn’ he ordered. ‘ Be quiet , this is a straight gym so when my cock goes in don’t yelp’ . My natural submissiveness took over. Strong hands parted my legs and I could feel the steel pa pushing at my hole. ‘ I’m not on anything ‘I whispered ‘ and I’m neg’ . ‘It’s ok, don’t worry, I’m poz but I won’t cum in you, I guess you knew that though when you were eying my tarts’ ‘er yes I did’ ‘ and you still came in here to suck my poz cock. Mmm I think you like a bit of poz cock in secret don’t you’ Andy whispered as with a thrust he entered me.

    The immediate pain subsided as Andy started building a rhythm. ‘ you haven’t denied that so I’m guessing it’s true. You love poz cock. You’re letting me fuck you bare and you just love it’ I nodded ‘ you horny bastard , I’m going to give you what you really want, and that’s my poz load’ I stayed silent as Andy picked up his pace. I couldn’t help it. My cock brain had taken over ‘ yes. Please. Don’t pull out. Fuck it into me’ I hissed as Andy pounded my hole. It wasn’t long before Andy growled’ full poz load incoming’ as he gave a final thrust and held me in place as he shot his load filling me. We both slowed, gathering our breath before he slipped out of me. He unlocked the door and covertly left . I was showering again after being fucked. My mind went back to last weekend and I had strayed again after only a week. What was happening to me? 

    I towelled myself dry, catching Andy’s eye again. ‘See you around champ’ he said as he left. I quickly dressed and left the locker room, meeting up with Maria outside. We got into our car to drive home, but my mind was elsewhere. All I could think of was how horny that fuck was. And how wrong……..


    to be continued…


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  7. As I drove to Mike’s house my mind was replaying our text message conversations ending with the most recent. We had met on a hookup site. It started as a bit of interest. I was 27 and getting married in 4 months to Maria, a nice girl outwardly but a bit of a devil between the sheets. She made it clear that she loved anal - possibly more than routine pussy sex and things were great between us. But I had an itch to scratch. I knew I liked cock as well and had had a brief fling with a guy before I had got engaged to Maria. That itch was still there. I wanted to suck another cock and take a bare cock in my arse one last time before I got hitched. 

    I met Mike on the anonymous chat room and we seemed to click. He was mid forties , and from his pics , solidly built with a nice thick cock. I had explained over the five or six weeks we had been messaging I wanted a bareback fling with a guy and he said he was bareback only so that would work. I did my research and knew poz guys barebacked but that U=U. I didn’t want to pick up anything that might embarrass me. Mike admitted early on that he was undetectable and I said I was fine with that as I wasn’t taking prep - that would require too much explanation . It had come out in my fantasies and later in my texts to Mike that the fact he was poz and undetectable was a turn on for me, as was the fact I was neg and unprotected for him. We had set up the date, I would drive to his - there was an open offer to stay the night ‘bring your toothbrush if you want to stay over’ he had said - and Maria was on her hen weekend with her girlfriends. I knew she wouldn’t be disturbing me and I could finally scratch that itch …..

    I knocked on the door and Mike let me in. ‘ Hi Nathan, come in, nice to meet at last’ Mike pulled me into him and kissed me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I let myself respond, immediately getting hard. I noticed Mike just had a bathrobe on, and could feel his cock stiffen too. 
    ‘ come sit down , I just had some porn on the tv. I sat down looking at the big flat screen. There was a guy in a harness sucking one guys cock whilst being barebacked by another. 

    I sat next to Mike as his robe opened. His cock sprang forward, a full 7 ins and thick, bigger than mine. ‘ you like?’ He asked. ‘Yes definitely ‘ I responded, grasping his cock and slowly wanking him. I saw his tattoo that he has on his abdomen, recognising it from the pics we had exchanged. It was a scorpion, but it was slightly different to how it had been, there was now a red tip to the tail sting. 
    ‘you like my updated tatt?’ He asked ‘I did it especially for you’. I nodded, and kissed it as I leaned over to suck on mikes hard cock. I could taste his precum. I could feel Mike pulling up my t shirt and broke off from sucking his cock to quickly shrug off my jeans and boxers and t shirt. I settled down ion my knees in front of Mike and put his cock in my mouth again. ‘Good boy, we’ll scratch that itch tonight. Are you staying? ‘ I had already made up my mind. I nodded. ‘Toothbrush? ‘ I nodded again and saw Mike reach to my jeans and fish it out. ‘ I’ve a little admission to make Nathan, one I think you will enjoy. You know I said just to put a bit of spice in our fuck tonight, that I came off my meds three days ago , though it would still be safe?’  I nodded, Mike had  asked me if I wanted him too just for a little buzz - he got out of me that i thought the fact he was poz was a turn on - ‘well in actual fact I knew early on that me being poz turned you on - so I’ve actually been off my meds for the six weeks we have been chatting. So I’m not undetectable anymore! ‘ 


    My heart pounded, I knew I had to be careful but my cock stiffened at hearing Mike was no longer safe. ‘ Stand’ he ordered. ‘You’re hard, boy, I know you’re turned on but you don’t have to take my cock if you don’t want and I won’t cum in you if you don’t want- we don’t want you going back to your girlfriend all pozzed  up like a faggot do we?’ I nodded again. 

    ‘ok sit’ I sat down and Mike eased me forward before lifting my legs. ‘Close your eyes, just enjoy this bit’ I could feel his breath as he started to rim my hole. I had never been eaten out like this and could feel Mike’s tongue invade my hole. I kept my eyes shut to enjoy the sensations. I felt something cold ‘ just a bit of lube …in case….’ Mike whispered. I then felt something else. ‘Do you like that?’ I nodded again, presuming it was a slim sex toy in my bum. ‘ your toothbrush was the closest thing I could find, sorry’  . I thought that was a kink of Mike’s hence the instruction. 

    mike adjusted his position and I could feel his cock at the entrance to my hole. I was conflicted, I was desperate for him to continue the pleasure and slide in, but he was poz. ‘Please’ I whispered. ‘Please stop?’ Mike asked. ‘No please put your cock in me I want it’ I whispered. In my mind I would ask him to pull out before he came. I didn’t want to be pozzed. 

    mike adjusted and slid in to my well lubed hole and started building a rhythm. It felt like heaven. ‘I will pull out if you ask, cos if I cum in you you are likely to become poz, but you have to ask me to’ 

    ‘ok ‘ I nodded, just feeling the pleasure. ‘ tell me when you’re nearly cumming’ I gave myself to feeling his cock pounding my hole. ‘Nearly there boy’ . The words swirled round the room but my itch needed to be fully scratched. ‘Please ….. stay in, cum in me, pleeese,’ I whispered. I needed to feel his cum in me. ‘ definitely…. Uuuhhh! ‘ Mike growled as he came hard in me. 

    ‘ I knew you would want that’ Mike said as we has a post fuck cuddle. I could feel his load seeping out. My mind was still foggy. I needed to think what to do next …….


    to be continued

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  8. Chapter 6 

    it was Saturday night and my girlfriend was due to return from her holiday the next afternoon. I was a little conflicted, I had enjoyed my playground with guys, but I hadn’t missed her. I checked my internet history before wiping it, it was all gay porn or cocksucking porn. Ideally I wanted her to stay away for another week whilst I just explored. However I was going on a night out with my mates, all straight so that would get me in the right frame of mind. 

    We were in town and a few drinks in. I was at the bar getting a round in when I heard a voice ‘Fancy seeing you here! Bet your mates don’t know you’ve been taking cock!’ I looked round and it was Lara from the tattoo parlour. She was with a fit black guy. Instinctively I glanced at his crotch, hoping that Lara didn’t notice. ‘Don’t worry , I’m not going to out you …. But I see you quite like Mike here seeing as you’ve checked out his package already. And yes he has a big cock!’ ‘Uh oh’ was all I could stammer. 
    ‘If you want a closer look go into the last stall in the gents when you’ve got these drinks in, you may get lucky!’ Lara continued. 

    I bought the round and my cock brain had returned. What was I doing , I was in a straight bar with my mates but the thought of Mike’s cock was in my mind. I made a quick excuse to go to the loo to my mates, and waited in the last stall. I wasn’t there long when the door slowly opened. ‘Hello fag, Lara says you love cock, is that right?’ ‘Er yes’ I stammered quietly. ‘Good, then suck this baby’ Mike pulled down his trousers and my eyes widened. It was the thickest cock I had ever seen, and about 8 in sling. It just looked massive. I opened my mouth and as soon as Mike’s cock was inside he grabbed my head and started throatfucking me. I was gagging and gasping breaths where I could before getting used to the feeling. However, before long I heard Mike whisper in my ear, ‘I’m nearly there , swallow it all fag’ I readied myself as he erupted in my mouth. I tried to swallow it all but some dripped over my chin and down my shirt. ‘You’re not bad, I’ll tell Lara , she”ll get off on that’ Mike said as he pulled his trousers up and slipped out of the cubicle. I wiped my chin, savouring the taste in my mouth. I had to clean up my shirt and think of an excuse. I returned to my mates table.’ Had an accident in the gents? ‘ one asked, noticing the stain where I had wiped off some cum I had spilled. ‘Er yeah, the taps kinda splashed up’ I lied. 

    A round or so later one of my mates said ‘ See that goth girl with the tattoos with that black guy, I reckon she fancies you, she’s been looking at you on and off for a while’ ‘ I can’t see that ‘ I replied, ‘and I don’t fancy getting beaten up by her boyfriend either’ . I noticed That Mike had slipped outside and she was on her own. ‘ Go on speak to her’ my mate said’ she looks the opposite of Jess goody two shoes’ he said , referring to my girlfriend. I played along, and casually sauntered up to her. ‘Mike says your good at sucking cock’ she said quietly before I could say anything.’  And he says he would like to fuck you properly’ .’  I Er um….’ I stammered. ‘ this is a one time offer. Go out to the back of the pub where the bins are, and he will fuck you there… or go and sit down with your straight boring mates. I will come and watch so they think you’re leaving with me. What’s it to be ? . My cock brain was taking over. ‘ I want fucking’ I whispered. Lara grabbed my hand and led me to the door, and outside.

    she ushered me to the bins. ‘Here, drop your trousers’ I did as I was told as I heard Mike approach. The cold air hit my exposes ass as I felt something cold roughly smeared on my ass. ‘There’s no way you’re straight Neil  if you’re bending over for his cock’ Lara giggled as Mike pushed hard against my hole. My ass stung as it stretched to take his girth. ‘Ahh’ I groaned as I felt Mike was splitting my ass. ‘ good boy, I’m in’ Mike growled in my ear as he began fucking me. The pain eased but I was being roughly fucked between bins like a rent boy, as Lara had her hand in her knickers playing with herself as she watched me taking her boyfriends cock. ‘Go on Mike, cum in his queer ass, make him one of us’ she was saying as she was bringing herself off.. my head was swimming with the grunts of Mike and the fucking I was getting until Mike grunted one more time and pushed hard and I could tell he was cumming in me. I was breathless myself as I had taken a pounding. I felt cum drip out as Mike withdrew from my ass. Before I knew it Lara and him had disappeared and I was pulling up my pants hoping the cum leaking from my ass wouldn’t be obvious and seep through my jeans, as I made my way back into the pub, and returned to my mates. 

    I blagged a story about a quick snog and feeling her up to save face and explain my absence, but my mind was wondering where I was heading after tonight…..


    to be continued…….

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  9. Chapter 5 


    I entered Brad’s house the same way as I usually did, under darkness. Once in his main room, the tv was on again, showing a guy in a sling.

    ’Underss’ came the command . I quickly stripped. I stood there whilst Brad inspected me. ‘ the piercings look good, the tattoo is a good choice. Now put this on’ . He handed me a harness. I was a little awkward, I hadn’t used one before but had seen them in the gay porn I had been watching. ‘You will get used to wearing this and not a lot else when you are bottoming for guys. You can take this , you will have to hide it from your girlfriend. If she is still your girlfriend when she returns’ Brad commanded. 

    My thoughts were scrambling, I hadn’t missed Jess , but wasn’t sure what I felt anymore. 
    ‘Kneel’ I knelt and sucked Brad s cock as it appeared in front of me. I then had more poppers pushed in front of my face. ‘Inhale’ I did so. My head swam as Brad’s muscular arms lifted me up. He put a blindfold on me and led me to another room. 

    I was disorientated, as Brad positioned me into what I worked out was a sling. My arms and legs were tied in silence. ‘Have you been using the butt plug?’ ‘Yes Sir’ I replied, eagerly. ‘Good, keep using it, I want you to get used to your ass being stretched and filled’ my teacher continued. ‘ I am going to gradually stretch your ass so eventually it will be able to take anything and everything. I think you want that don’t you?’ I nodded automatically ‘yes sir’ 

    I felt cold fingers pushing into my hole, first one then two. Some cold lube was being worked in me, then a third finger. More lube and I felt a fourth. My ass felt fully stretched as Brad started pushing his four fingers in and out slowly. I grunted as I felt as though I was splitting apart as Brad’s hand started moving in and out faster. ‘I’m going to stretch you, it may bleed a little first time but nothing to worry about. You will want more until you can take a fist’ he explained as he picked up pace and started pummelling my hole, before suddenly pulling out. Before I could catch my breath, his hand was replaced by his cock, the temporary empty feeling immediately changing to feeling my ass full of cock. ‘ you are a natural’ Brad continued’ I’ve not had many pupils as eager as you to change. I can tell you just love cock and it won’t be long before you are living a new life’ 

    Brad picked up pace, grabbing my harness as he pushed his cock deep in me. I felt helpless in the sling, my ass feeling full with cock as Brad used my hole. ‘Here comes today’s load ‘ he grunted as he came, holding me onto his cock as he pushed deep one last time. 

    Brad slowly withdrew, and untied the bonds. ‘Dress, put your sweatshirt on over the harness. Keep that on, there is someone I’d like you to meet. You drive, I’ll direct you. 
    I slipped on my joggers and sweatshirt, over the harness. Despite my hole being wet with cum, I felt sexy with it on. Brad directed me on a fifteen minute drive, to a local hospice. 
    ‘I want you to meet my teacher. Bob . taught me what I’m teaching you. He made me who I am. He’s not well now but the nurses will allow us a little time with him. ‘ 

    I followed Brad through the entrance and to a private room. ‘ I’ve brought you my newest student Bob’ Brad said as I followed him into the room. ‘Be good to him’ I looked at Bob. He was lying on a bed in his pyjamas. He was bald and looked thin and gaunt. His skin was blotchy and he clearly wasn’t well. I presumed he had cancer, but didn’t want to ask as he may have not wanted to talk about it ‘Hello son’ he whispered. Brad said ‘ I’ve got to check something with the nurses, be back in ten’ and popped out of the door. ‘Come here, I’ve heard about you’ Bob said quietly. I walked up to the side of his bed. ‘Let me show you something boy’ Bob said. He pushed back the covers and was naked from the waist down. But what grabbed my attention was his cock. It wasn’t very thick but it was really long, a good ten inches, and hard. ‘This has given me a lot of pleasure over the years, even if it got me in here’ he said as he started wanking his cock. I was mesmerised . ‘ I hear you love cock’ Bob said. ‘Play with an old man’s cock for me. It’s ok the nurses allow me privacy when I have a visitor’ 

    instinctively I held out my hand and gripped around his cock, massaging it gently. Some precum oozed from the tip. My cock brain was taking over. My own cock was stiff in my joggers as I naturally lowered my head to suck on Bob’s cock. I savoured the taste as I wanked him ,. I felt Bobs hand feeling my bum, and as I continued sucking, I felt Bob slide my joggers down, allowing my stiff cock to spring free. I closed my eyes as I worked his cock, one of Bobs hands stroking my own cock, the other sliding over my ass, before a finger snaked between my cheeks and slid smoothly onto my hole,  the cum leaking out of my ass acting as lube. ‘Looks like I’m not the first in your hole tonight’ Bob whispered. I looked up, noticing for the first time a scorpion tattoo just like Brad’s on Bob’s abdomen. 

    ‘climb up here on the bed’Bob said . I shrugged off my  joggers and climbed on the bed, straddling Bob, my cock rock hard as Bob leaned forwards to take it in his mouth. I closed my eyes again as Bob expertly sucked my cock and fingered my hole shoving two fingers roughly in me. He stopped sucking and said ‘ Just gently sit back, let my cock slide in. I positioned the head at the entrance to my hole and lowered myself on him, impaling myself on his extra long pole. It slid in easily. My cock brain was in full flow as I picked up rhythm as I rode Bob. Before too long Bob whispered’ I’m nearly there, you will remember this fuck, let me cum in you’   I plunged down one last time on Bobs cock as he twitched, and I could feel him unload. I suddenly became aware of my surroundings as I slipped off him and climbed off the bed, quickly putting on my joggers and trainers. 
    ‘thank you son, you’ve made an old man happy, and I hope I gave you what you wanted’ Bob whispered, holding my hand. ‘You did, your cock is incredible’ I replied, slightly missing the nuance of his words. Brad entered soon after and just asked me to step outside whilst he he’d a few words in private. 

    I couldn’t believe what I had just done. I was becoming a total cock whore, sucking and fucking any cock I saw. I would have to rein this in when Jess got back I thought, as Brad came out of the room. 

    we walked back to the car in silence, with my mind racing. I loved the harness, my piercings and tattoos, I has to think carefully where I was heading. I dropped Brad off and drove home, where I slipped my own fingers in my hole to work some of the cum that was leaking out of me back in , before I showered. 

    to be continued ………..

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  10. Chapter 4

    I had googled the Tattoo parlour, and was about to walk in. I had thought about having a tattoo for ages but hadn’t had the courage to go through with it. But something here was propelling me on. All I could think of was doing as I was told to get more of Brad’s cock. In fact all I could think of was Brad’s cock!  I pushed the door open before I could change my mind. A guy stood in front of me. ‘Hi is Carl here?’ I asked. ‘You’re speaking to him ‘ the guy replied. ‘Ah , um erm my friend has recommended that I come to see you’ I said, a little nervously. ‘I see, would that be Brad?’ Carl asked .  ‘Er yes’ ..

    ‘OK he sends a few newbies here from time to time, they always come back for more once they’ve broken the ice so to speak’ he said. ‘I’m fully booked today but Lara can do you if you want. She’s especially good with newbies. We wouldn’t want you backing out would we?’  ‘Er no’ I mumbled , as Lara smiled and waved me through to the back. She had dark hair, and two sleeve tattoos, it looked kind of sexy on her. 

    ‘Right, you’re one of Brad’s are you?’ She asked. I wondered how many Brad sent. ‘We call him The Teacher , he turns guys, converts them , making them totally into cock when he’s finished with them’ she said nonchalantly. It was kind of hot her talking like this. ‘Take your t shirt off’ she ordered. ‘  I know just what guys like you need, trust me you will like it’ she added.  I sat in the chair and she cleaned my nipple. I hadn’t expected this. She kept talking so I couldn’t interrupt to ask wht she was doing. ‘So I’m guessing you have a girlfriend? ‘ Er yes’  ‘ and she doesn’t know you like cock as well, or is this new?’ ‘It’s new’ I replied as I winced as a needle went through my nipple. ‘ Close your eyes a moment’ she ordered. ‘I’ll say when to open them. She started on my other nipple and I winced again as I felt the needle again. I just shut my eyes as she carried on talking. 

    ‘So you’ve met Brad, and I’m guessing that you’ve sucked his cock and that he’s probably fucked you? Am I right? ‘  ‘Er yes’ I mumbled ‘And you liked it? ‘ I nodded. ‘Can’t blame you, I love cock and cum, but I’m a girl, I should do. You’re a guy. Which makes you gay in my book. Are you gay? ‘ ‘Er no, I think I’m bi, I still like girls’ 

    ‘ok, you can fool yourself. All Brad’s pupils do. And they all convert into full time homo’s pretty quickly’ she said matter of factly. ‘There’ she said. ‘Open your eyes. ‘ I looked down and saw two nipple rings in my nipples. They looked kind of good but I worried they were a bit obviously gay. What would my girlfriend say.?  ‘Just so you know, you can’t take them out, I’ve soldered the ends. Embrace that. I’ll now give you a small tattoo. It is this snake here.’  She showed me a picture of a snake with an open mouth , showing fangs. That looked a bit more masculine. ‘Turn ‘ she said. It is going on your hip so you can hide it if needs be. She set to work. A while later she was finished. The snake looked good, but it was super imposed over an apple , ‘That is the snake and the forbidden fruit - in your case cock’ Lara said. I’ve left the apple uncoloured, for a reason. Guys of Brad’s come back and ask for it to be coloured with ‘Pride’ rainbow colours when they accept their destiny’ she said 


    ‘well I don’t think I’ll be having that ‘I said. ‘We’ll see… ‘ Lara smirked. Just come back to me when you want more’


    I left and my phone pinged. ‘Good boy’ it was Brad. He gave me directions to a shop down a side street. ‘You need to train that ass of yours. This shop is discreet. You will buy a butt plug and some lube. Hide it at home, and use it. Train your ass.  I felt as though I was losing control of myself, but did as I was told. My girlfriend was still away for three more days so I could use it and get rid of it before she returned. I could give the excuse of my tattoo and piercings as something I did on a whim, but I needed that butt plug. I was getting hard at the thought of that. I hadn’t yet realised I wasn’t getting hard at the thought of my girlfriend. 

    where was this journey taking me? I bought the butt plug Brad recommended and sone lube, to the obvious amusement of the girl serving. ‘Didn’t have you down as a fag when you walked in’ she said ‘ but I guess it takes all sorts’  I mumbled something and left as quickly as I could. The truth was I wanted to get home and use it. I wanted to feel it sliding in my ass. 

    ‘I’ll meet you tomorrow, same place , 8pm. Good boy!’ The text came in from Brad. I had pleased him and it felt good.  I wondered what the next lesson would be. 

    to be continued…….

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  11. Chapter 3


    I woke the next morning, and had morning glory thinking of the night before. However one thing had changed. I had expected the itch to be scratched, but it wasn’t. In fact , if anything it had gone the other way. I was thinking of Brad’s cock , half replaying in my mind me sucking it and half wondering if it was a dream.  I should have learned not to make decisions whilst still horny. I grabbed my phone. 
    ‘Hi’  I pressed send, the text sent to Brad. 
    ‘Youre keen’ came the reply around 5 mins later. 
    I had to make a quick decision. Horny cock brain was engaged. ‘ I want to learn more’ I replied.

    ’Good Boy, I will teach you all you need to know. 8pm, same place’

    The time dragged at work. I was horny most of the day. I needed to cum but didn’t want to spoil the evening, or change my mind. I kept on the boil all day until the time came. I pulled up again outside . I walked up to the door, and like last time, it opened in silence. 
    ‘strip’ came a voice in the dark, as the door closed.

     This time there were no lights on, just the tv screen again playing bareback porn, two heavily tattooed guys going hard at it. 

    I stripped. My cock hard. ‘I am going to mould you, teach you and you will love the new you in time. I can’t promise you will still be with your girlfriend at the end of it, but you will love cock, cum and everything in between.’ ‘Yes sir’ I instinctively replied. 
    ‘ I need to know you are serious, For you to show your commitment. You will go to Eagle tattoo parlour in town. Ask for Carl and say I sent you. He will give you a small discreet tattoo, he may even pierce you. Do you understand? ‘ ‘Yes sir’ I replied again. I was still hard and cock brain was in full control. ‘Now kneel’ I knelt and felt a blindfold go over my eyes. I felt his cock push against my lips and I opened my mouth to suck his cock once more.

    ‘Good boy, we are going to move on today. You liked my cum yesterday didn’t you?’ I nodded, still working on Brads cock. He lifted me and led me to what felt like a massage table, and bent me over, so my chest was laid flat, my ass exposed. He opened my legs so my ass naturally opened. He spread my cheeks and I felt His tongue start rimming my ass. Jess had never done this to me, and it felt amazing. I involuntarily pushed my ass towards my teacher. The next thing I was aware of was a bottle on front of my nose. ‘Inhale’ came the order. I sniffed, my head swam. Much later I found out these were poppers. My arse was still swimming in bliss when I felt a cold finger rubbing something round my hole. This was replaced by what I assumed was Brad’s cock. 

    ‘what do u want boy?’ I tried to push back against his cock. ‘ I want it in me’ I whispered. ‘Can’t hear you’ 

    ‘I want it in me please ‘ I said , much louder. ‘ one thing you need to know, if it goes in, it won’t come out until I’ve finished’ Brad stated. ‘ Please, just do it, I want it, your cock in me’ my horny cock brain was in full flow. 
    Brad grabbed my shoulders and pushed in. I gasped, my ass felt full.’  Just relax, you will get to love this boy! ‘ 


    Brad set off slowly but soon picked up pace. I felt my breath being fucked out of my body as he started pounding me. My mind was just blank, all I wanted was this, to feel my ass being fucked. ‘Here it comes boy your first load, I can tell it won’t be your last, ‘ and Brad grunted and pushed one last time as he came in my hole. I was panting as I felt my teacher soften and slide out. I felt empty. 

    ‘Dress. Call me when you want lesson three. But you need marking at the parlour first if you want more,’


    I grabbed my clothes, dressed in the darkness as the blindfold was removed, I could feel the cum keeping my ass moist as some started leaking out. I scooted to my car. I wanted to get home, cum myself and finger my hole, feeling my teacher’s load in me. I also had to google that parlour. I knew it wouldn’t finish here……


    to be continued……….

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  12. Chapter 2


    I pulled up outside Brad’s flat. There was a dim light on that I could see through the blinds. I locked the car and walked up to the door. As I was about to knock the door swung open. He must have been watching me approach, though I hadn’t seen him at the window. I walked in, the door closing behind me. Brad was there in a dark coloured bathrobe. 

    ‘Follow me ‘ he calmly said in his deep voice, barely more than a whisper. I felt compelled to do as I was told , almost as though it was an order. He made his way into the lounge area. There was low mood lighting, and the brightest light came from the large flat screen tv on the wall. It showed a smooth sexy twink being barebacked by a hunk of an older guy. My cock rose to semi hardness straight away. Brad opened his robe and I could see a large cock, probably 7 ins long at least and thick. I had not seen a cock like it outside of a porn flick. He had a furry chest and there was a glint of metal at one of his nipples. I could see tattoos as well, a tribal design around the upper part of his chest. 

    ‘ Strip to your boxers’ he growled. I quickly complied before he turned me round and viewed what he saw. I was sporting a boner now. His hand went down the back of my boxers and he slid a finger down the crack of my cheeks, seeking out my hole. 
    ‘come here … on your knees’ I knew what he wanted. I wanted it too. I sank to my knees and took his cock. I licked the shaft before swallowing the end. I had only ever given a couple of blow jobs before , and never to completion , a few years previously when just fooling around with a guy. Nothing like this. I started playing with my cock as I sucked Brads thick member.  

    ‘suck my balls’ Brad whispered . I came off the shaft and sucked one of his balls into my mouth. It was just a natural reaction. I was loving it. I looked up and saw more tattoos in his shaved pubic area. There was a star at one side and a scorpion at the other, again in a tribal design. They looked in keeping with the rest of his body ink and I thought nothing more of it. 

    ‘im going to teach you all you will need to know. Have you a girlfriend?’ I nodded as Brads cock was back in my mouth. ‘Does she know you suck cock?’ I shook my head. ‘Good! Let’s keep it that way for the time being. In time you will want to tell her you are a cock sucking faggot , but for now we will keep that under wraps’ . I carried on wanking the cock in front of me. 

    ‘this is lesson one, you will be swallowing my cum shortly. You will then leave quietly and message me when you want lesson two. I know that will be soon, you’re a natural.’ 

    I was still rubbing my own cock but I wanted to taste my first cum load, so I went to town on Brads cock. I was so fucking horny I couldn’t explain it. ‘ Here it comes boy, don’t spill a drop’ 


     Brads cum hit the back of my throat and  I desperately tried to swallow it all. He must have been saving up a few days worth as I nearly gagged as I swallowed. I licked his shaft clean and wiped his cock on my face as I had seen it the porn flicks. ‘Dress and go ‘ Brad ordered, the sound on the porn flick now filling the room as the twink was getting a pounding. 

    ‘thank you’ I mumbled as I dressed, and slipped out of the flat. My cock was still hard, I hadn’t cum. I got quietly in the car and drove off into the night, desperate to replay the events in my head . I got home, stripped and played with my cock until I could came , imagining lesson two. I was hooked. I needed to learn more! 

    to be continued …….

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  13. I was bored. I had had a row with my girlfriend and she hadnt called in 3 days. To make matters worse she was going on a week’s holiday tomorrow with her girlfriends. That meant it would be nearly two weeks before I would fuck again. I was already feeling a bit horny. The row was about something stupid. She knew about my small fetish for watching blow job porn with the guy cumming over the girls face. What she didn’t know was that sometimes I wished I was the girl not the guy. That had been increasing over the last few months though and she had found a couple of porn clips of guys sucking cock in my internet history. I blagged that it was accidental and it had just apppeared on my screen after a straight blow job clip but she wasn’t having any of it, hence the row. ‘

    ’I’ll just leave you to your faggot porn then!’ She had shouted as she slammed the door. I knew she would come back but thought it would be before now.  However , I was feeling horny. I google searched a chat line as I was playing gently with my cock, and watching the cocksucking porn I had on. I decided to try a gay line, I hadn’t done it before and it was anonymous so who would know? 

    I recorded a brief ‘about me’ message saying I was inexperienced, hoping a daddy type might take interest. After two or three flaky messages that I didn’t return, I heard a deeper voiced ad, that got me going. ‘Daddy here , experienced, looking to teach and pass on his experience to newbies’ 

    He sounded hot. I left a message explaining this was only the third or fourth time I had been on the line and was looking to learn. I didn’t want to sound a complete novice. I had no intention to meet him, it was anonymous wank porn after all. He replied to my message, 

    ‘im happy to teach willing learners who are open minded. Where are you based boy?’

    I responded truthfully, his voice just sounded as though I had to tell him everything. ‘ That’s the next town to me, I’m only six miles away ‘ he replied. ‘So do you like sucking cock boy?’ He asked

    ’Yes ‘ I replied ‘ and swallowing cum’ . Why did I add that ? I wondered. It was probably something to do with the porn I was watching, the girl was taking a good face fucking and getting a mouthful of the guys cum as well. My cock was hard as I was stroking it. My sensible reasoning brain was gone, replaced by horny cock brain. 

    ‘Good boy! ‘ came the reply ‘have you a pen? Take down this number and come off the line. Send me a text. And don’t cum before you do’ . I hung up and scribbled down the number, he could tell I was wanking then.  I was horny. Another girl was sucking cock on the iPad I front of me. Without stopping to think I just sent a quick text saying ‘hi’ , then returned to watching the blowjob, stroking my cock slowly. I didn’t want to cum too soon. My phone rang, breaking my concentration on the screen. ‘Hello’ I answered, without concentrating. ‘Hello Neil, this is Brad, we were just speaking on the line’ . I recognised the deep voice. ‘Oh, hi ‘ was all I could stammer. 
    ‘it’s ok, I’m guessing you’re playing with your boner then , Neil? Are you? ‘
    ’erm yes’ I stuttered. ‘That’s ok, but I have an idea! Why don’t you come round here, and let me help you with that, I’m sure you’ll like it, and I can start your lessons if you like? You will be able to suck my cock and swallow my cum just like you really want?’ 
    His location pinged on my phone with the address. ‘See you in 20 mins, don’t be late’ and he hung up. 
    Fuck I thought! I was still horny, I hadn’t cum. Should I go or just shoot my load now and forget it. He seemed a decent guy and I had always wanted to try sucking cock. Just as a one off to scratch the itch. I was straight after all, with a girlfriend.He didn’t sound creepy, ‘fuck it’ I thought. I have his address so if he tries weird shit I know where he lived. That meant he was genuine to my horny cock brain. 
    I pulled up my jeans and stuffed my boner away, slipped on my trainers and grabbed my keys. ‘On my way’ I texted as I started the car. 

    I wondered what lay in store as I followed the sat an. At least I would get to finally suck cock …. Though I remembered I did say I swallowed. The thought got me hard again as. I turned into Brad’s Avenue. 


    to be continued ………

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  14. Sorry for the delay guys….

    Chapter 15

    it was the evening of Phil and Steve’s party. I had to admit I was a little nervous and had arranged for Sally to call round first. We were going to go together, and would have a couple of drinks to loosen up. Sally arrived and was looking sensational. She had a low top on, showing off her black widow poz tattoo. ‘ I’ve had some more work done - do you want to see? ‘ she asked. ‘Of course’ I replied. She pulled her top down and  showed me her newly pierced nipples. ‘That’s not all ‘ she continued. She hoisted up her skirt and showed me her pussy. She was totally smooth but has ring piercings in her pussy lips and a purple ribbon was tied through them, preventing access to her pussy. ‘ It’s my ass only tonight ‘ she said.


    It looked hot but I wasn’t sure the ribbon would last the night. We made our way to Steve’s venue and knocked on the door. It swung open and we handed the red invitation card to the doorman, who I recognised as Mo, a friend of Phil’s . He showed us to our changing rooms. We were given a bin liner for our clothes and another containing what we were going to wear at the party. All I had was a collar,harness and a pair of leather shorts of sorts, but no rear was in them so my ass was exposed, and my cock was exposed from the front.  Sally’s outfit was pretty similar. Just then the door opened and a young guy came in. I recognised him as Archie, the twink from the sauna and Gino’s assistant. He was nervous. ‘Hi’ I said, ‘didn’t expect to see you here’ . ‘Gino said I would like it, it would give me what he thought I would need’ he replied. ‘ By the way, I don’t know if you know , I’ve tested positive too’ he said. ‘ the only guy who fucked me and who was poz is you, so you must have converted me’ ‘I’m sorry I ventured’ I didn’t know the first time’ . ‘It’s ok, if im honest I secretly wanted it. I was so turned on by that chat you had with Gino in the clinic. I knew I felt the same way, I was just scared, that’s all. Now it’s happened it’s a weight off my mind. Gino says it’s best to stay off meds for a while as well, like both of you.’ He knows me, and has said tonight will free me’ . 

    We were all changed and brought into the main room. There were three other guys dressed like us, but they looked young twinks like Archie too. We had to fetch drinks but soon we were mingling. There must have been twenty guys there. I lost sight of Sally with three black guys, I was talking to two older guys , when I felt a hand on my ass, a finger slipping into my lubed hole. ‘ that’s what I like’ a voice whispered in my ear ‘ a hole ready to take any cock… especially a poz one like mine’ .I felt pressure on my shoulders and sank to my knees. Before I knew it three cocks were in front of my face. I started sucking alternately on them all. I wanted their loads in my mouth. However, they had other ideas. I was positioned on my knees, still sucking cock but poz guy had gone behind my and slipped in my ass. He was fucking me and was whispering ‘ I love a good poz slut taking my seed’ . It wasnt long before he came in me with a growl, and another cock replaced him. I was still sucking the first guys cock and this time he came in my mouth, I swallowed hungrily, as the guy fucking me unloaded a second load in my ass.  ‘Good boy, take it like a bitch,’ he growled as he came. 

    I was hoisted up on my feet with cum still dripping from my ass, and lead to another room. A blindfold was put on me and I was lifted up. I soon realised I was being strapped into a sling. A cock made its way into my mouth as I felt my ass being worked on. I was given a hit of poppers and felt fingers being inserted. ‘ we will destroy this ass tonight. He will take a fist even if it splits him’ I took another hit of poppers and was conscious of my ass feeling as though it was on fire ‘ that’s it , get it right in him’ the voice said. I was taking my first fist. The cock came out of my mouth . ‘Open wide’ I did as I was told ‘ I felt a stream of piss hit me. 

    I became aware of a female voice next to me as my ass was being stretched. It was Sally. ‘Get her tight in that sling as well ‘ a voice said. We were in back to back slings. ‘That bitch knows what she wants too , get the scissors, and cut those ribbons. She is getting black poz cum in every hole but she has to beg’ ‘please I want cock’ Sally whimpered’ you on birth control?’ ‘No’ she replied, ‘ even better, we’re gonna cum in your ass and pussy, knock you up both ways you black cock whore’ I could tell Sally was turned on by her whimpers but then focussed on my ass as a cock replaced the fist in my ass and another made its way into my mouth. 

    I don’t know how long I was in the sling as I was exhausted by the time I was released. I felt full of cum and when I felt my ass it was loose and clearly well used. I put my clothes on over my party wear and was bundled into a taxi with Sally. Somehow we’re made it to my flat where we both went in , in silence. I just wanted to sleep. Sally went to the spare room. We would discuss the events tomorrow ……………

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  15. Sorry for the delay guys, I have a new poz bf so been giving my attention to him for a while! 

     Chapter 14


    The drinks were flowing , and there was a party atmosphere. I got Joe to one side, and asked him how he felt. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t know I was poz when we fucked ‘ I said ‘otherwise I wouldn’t have cum in you’ . ‘I know’ Joe replied. ‘ The thing is I’ve always known with Luke that I would become poz at some point, I just didn’t know when’ . Joe seemed resigned. ‘Look we’ve only fucked a couple of times looking at my dates’ I said’ it may be you’ve dodged a bullet and you’re still neg, there’s nothing definite yet, you can stay safe from now’ I replied. 


    ‘Things have changed though’ he countered’ you’re poz and fine with it, I’ve always suspected Ty was poz and even Sally is poz now, I’m guessing Ty has bred her. Come with me’ 

    Joe grabbed my hand and led me to the toilets, and took me to a cubicle. He turned and kissed me, before quickly getting on his knees and fishing my stiffening cock out of my trousers . He started sucking me to full hardness. ‘I’ve never been fucked by a pierced cock, and now I know it’s poz too, I want u to fuck me and make sure. I want to be in our club, not looking in from the outside’ 

    He stood up and bent over. I knelt and rimmed his hole, spreading his cheeks. ‘Are you totally sure you want this?’ I checked. ‘Fuck yes, I want you to fuck my hole and gift me, just do it!’ Joe called. I didn’t need a second opportunity. I slid my cock in as he backed on to me. ‘Fuck that feels good, knowing I have a poz cock filling my hole’ Joe whispered. 
    ‘ You will have some poz cum inside you soon enough, I’m going to make sure you’re poz tonigh Joe’ I whispered back as I started fucking him.  ‘ Fuck me fuck me’ Joe kept whispering whilst wanking his own cock. I could feel my come rising and then just slammed into him before cumming. ‘Here it is your poz seed ‘ I said as I unloaded into him. ‘Keep it in you’ I ordered as we both dressed and left the cubicle to join the group. 

    ‘I was just having a chat with Joe, he’s ok now I told the group. Luke went over to chat with him, and Sally came over to me. ‘ I can tell you’ve done more than chat’ she said. ‘Tell me’ . ‘He wanted me to breed him properly’ I said. He thinks Ty is poz, that’s how you’ve got it probably, and he didn’t want to be the only one, and he wanted my pierced cock to make sure.’ 

    Sally said nothing for a minute. ‘. Gino mentioned your regime of medication when we were in the clinic. He is pro poz ist he?’ I nodded. ‘Does that mean you’re not taking any for a while?’ I nodded again. She paused. ‘I don’t know what it is, I never wanted to be poz, but now I’ve probably been given it something has changed in me. ‘ I actually want a full positive test, it’s almost as though I’ve been freed , to be who I want to be. I can’t explain it’ she continued. ‘But now I want to make sure I have it, and I want to stay off meds for a while too. We go back so far, I really want to believe that you have given it me now I want it. I know you don’t do girls but I want your cock in my arse one time and cum in me so your poz cum can make sure.’ She looked me in the eye. ‘ I mean it,Ty knows’ 

    We left the club briefly, walking down the side. Sally went between the bins at the back of the club. She hitched her skirt up and bent over ‘Just fuck my arse with that poz cock, I just want it’ I looked at her nice arse, and wanted it one last time. I slid in slowly before picking up rhythm. ‘ you love poz cock don’t you my little poz bitch’ I tried dirty talk’Fuck yes I’m just a poz pussy girl now, I just want as muck poz cock and any cock in me as I can’ she panted ‘fucking breed me Neil’  Her words tipped me over the edge and I came hard in her arse. ‘That should do it’ I whispered ‘thank you’ she whispered back, pecking me on the cheek. 

    we rejoined the club and enjoyed the rest of the night. I spoke again to Sally ‘ you don’t have to do Phil and Steve’s night next week you know. ‘ I said. ‘It will be filthy. I’m expecting to be put in a sling and just fucked as a piece of meat bareback for anyone. ‘ ‘I know’ Sally said. ‘I’m not naive. I know what’s likey to be involved. You’ve forgotten you’ve turned me into a tart now, I want to do It’ ‘Ok it’s not for everyone, as long as you know……..’  I was looking forward to that night ……..


    to be continued……

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