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Posts posted by joeri

  1. Part 9 

    Butterflies and nerves coursed through Dennis's stomach and entire body as he stood in front of Zack's door, he would prefer to jump right on Zack, ram his toxic cock into Zack's ass and teach him to enjoy being fucked. But he had to use his mind, he had to win Zack over first and make him see it for himself. Well now, Dennis would give him a hand in coming to this understanding. Dennis pressed the doorbell and after a few moments the door opened. 

    Z: hey, come in. I'm glad to see you. 
    D : yeah I'm glad to see you too. I never thought you were going to call me, but am glad you did anyway. 
    Z : really. That's nice to hear. 
    Z : do you want to have a drink first or are we going to leave right away. 
    D : let's leave right away because my brother will already be waiting for us in the bar. 
    Z : ok let me take my coat first.
    Zack put on his coat and then the 2 left for the bar. When they arrived they saw Michael already sitting there with a beer in front of him. 

    M : ah you guys are here. Hi I am Michael
    Z : I'm Zack, I've seen you before in school. You haven't changed much. 
    M : yeah I don't remember you but maybe you have changed a bit too. 
    Z : yes little boys grow up. 
    D : that's true and good thing too.
    Z : order me a beer I am going to the toilet first.
    Dennis ordered 3 beers and sat down next to Michael. 

    D : What are your first impressions. 
    M : Wow, I can see why you can't get it out of your head. What a find. 

    Zack came back from toilet and joined the Dennis and Michael. 

    M : Tell me Zack, what brings you to town. 
    Z : Well I am going to start my studies for architect. 
    D : nice. 
    Z : thank you. 
    M : if I look at you like this you are going to play sports regularly. Have you already found a sports club here. 
    Z : yes I go to the gym 4 times weekly and was quarterback on the school team and hope to play here too. 

    Dennis' heart started beating even faster on hearing that he was a quarterback on the school team. His imagination began to run wild. 

    M : Dennis you will have to take him to your gym sometime then. Then you can work out together because you were looking for a fitness buddy weren't you. 

    D : yes if you feel like it of course 
    Z : yes please actually, it's much more fun with 2 than going to the gym alone. 
    D : do you have any plans tomorrow night. I was planning to go around 8 p.m.
    Z : uh, no. Are you coming to pick me up again 
    D : sure man. 

    The evening was very pleasant and a real friendship developed. Zack felt completely at ease with Dennis and Michael and saw them as the 2 bigger brothers he never had and already fully envisioned his future in the city. 

    M : Dennis, you haven't forgotten the party in 2 weeks I hope. 
    D : if you mean the party at the vacation home, I didn't forget. 
    Z : vacation home? 
    M : yes we have a vacation home in the woods with some friends. We meet there regularly for our parties. If you feel like it, feel free to come with us. The next party is for Dennis' birthday. 
    Z : ah your birthday is coming up soon. 
    D : yes

    Said Dennis with a grin on his face. 

    D : yes if you want you can feel free to come along. Then you can get to know our other friends too. 
    Z : euh, I don't know yet. Wouldn't it be strange if I came along and didn't know anyone there? 
    D : no. The others certainly wouldn't mind if you came along and you wouldn't be the first time someone new came along. 
    D : in fact am sure if you come along 1 time you will always want to come with us. 

    Zack let it all come in 

    Z : ok we'll see it's still within 2 weeks. So is that for 1 evening or for a weekend. 
    M : it's a weekend. We leave the Friday night and come back the Sunday night. So you shouldn't be afraid to miss the start of school. 
    Z : ah ok, yes I'll let you know if I'm coming with you or not. 

    The evening drew to a close and the 3 went home. The next day Dennis was again at Zack's door to go to the gym together. 
    The gym was actually just around the corner from where Dennis lived but for Zack he gladly made a detour. 

    D : Yeah Zack, I don't know what you all do when you work out, but I usually do some cardio first and then I switch to lifting weights. Does that sound good to you ? 
    Z : yes that's fine for me.

    Zack took off his jacket and sweater. Dennis couldn't take his eyes off Zack. He now saw Zack back in sports gear for the first time in a long time. But where Zack was still wearing a regular T-shirt last time, he was now wearing a deep-cut tank top and loose-fitting shorts. Dennis had to restrain himself from drooling because Zack had definitely gained muscle mass since he had last seen him. 

    Zack's arms had definitely gained several inches and through the deeply incised tank top you could also clearly see his pecs and nipple. Dennis was really having all the trouble not getting stiff. 

    D : euh yes, let's get started. 

    They got on the treadmill and began their session. Meanwhile, they continued talking about all sorts of things. Dennis was able to get his feelings back under control while walking, it was only while bench pressing that he started having a hard time again. As he lay on the bench and Zack helped him with the dumbbell. Dennis had briefly been able to glimpse under the tank top and could see Zack's abs. Best that Dennis had just made a serious effort pressing the dumbbell because he felt his face come blood red. 

    Z : are you at your max. 
    D : yes almost, why. 
    Z : because you are getting red. 
    D : euh yes. You have that when you exert serious effort.
     Z : yes that's true. I will take over. 
    D : yes is good then I will help you with the dumbbell. 

    After exercising they had a drink. 

    D : are you going to shower here or are you going home like this. 
    Z : uh, I have everything with me but didn't know if you would shower here. 
    D : normally I shower at home but have everything with me too. It depends on you. 

    You can shower at my place or we shower here. 

    Z : here is good.
     D : and after that come and have a drink at my place. 
    Z : ok good. 

    Dennis had hoped that Zack would want to shower here because it was 1 big shower room and no separate private shower stalls. This way he could see Zack completely naked for once. They went to the dressing room and the moment was there for Dennis to see Zack completely naked. It was an exciting moment though because he didn't know if he would be able to contain himself. Dennis was lucky, they had the dressing room to themselves and there was no one in the shower. They took off their clothes and went to the shower. 

    Z : what is that there on you on your butt ? 
    D : yes I had a mole removed 2 weeks ago and it is not allowed to get wet yet so I put a waterproof sticker on it. 
    Z : ah ok
    D : yes the sticker can come off next week. 

    Dennis had put a sticker on beforehand to cover his biohazard tattoo so he wouldn't shock Zack and push him away. Now they were in the shower and Dennis could look at Zack all the way. Best that the water ran over his head because drool was running out of his mouth at the sight of Zack's divine body. Zack had beautiful chest and abs and Dennis felt his cock begin to swell at the sight of Zack's cock. When limp, Zack had some 7 inches and thick cock hanging between his legs with nice sagging sack. He was intimately shaved and as Zack turned, Dennis could now admire the beautiful virgin and moon-shaped ass as well. But what finished it off completely was when Zack bent over to take the shower gel. Then Dennis could see Zack's still tight sphincter. Now Dennis was having a very hard time restraining himself anymore and you could definitely see from his cock that he was aroused. Dennis closed his eyes and washed his hair. 

    Z : someone is happy he gets to shower I see. 

    Said Zack with funny tone. 
    Dennis tried to make his way through the situation. 

    D : euh yes, after sports I never control him sorry. 
    Z : with a piece like that you definitely shouldn't apologize. 

    Zack was startled for a moment by what he had just said and Dennis couldn't believe his ears. Could it be than Zack also feels something for him. 

    D : thank you. with that piece of yours you can't complain either. 
    D : I'm going to go dry off. 

    When they were dried off they went to Dennis' apartment. Fortunately, Dennis had anticipated Zack's arrival and his apartment was completely cleaned up and there were no traces of his and soon to be Zack's sex life. 

    D : is a beer good for you. 
    Z : yes it is.

    Dennis came back with a beer and gave it to Zack. Then Dennis saw that he forgot to put something away after all. On the windowsill were another dildo and a pipe and hopefully Zack hadn't seen these lying around. 

    Z : what is lying there. 
    D : what is lying where? 
    Z : there on the windowsill. Is that a dildo ? Dennis turned bright red
    D : haha yes it is, I had a nice moment yesterday after our night out with my downstairs neighbor. She's alone I'm all, I don't need to draw a picture of it for sure. 
    Dennis winked. 
    Z : oh you don't have to answer to me you know. As long as you don't ask me to ride your dildo it's fine. Zack and Dennis laughed 
    D : no I won't ask you that 

    Not yet Dennis thought. 

    Z : what's next to it? 
    D : that's a pipe, we also smoked some before that. 
    Z : ah so. 
    D : are you a user? 
    Z : user of what
    D : stimulants , weed, .... 
    Z : no I am not a user nor have I ever used anything. 
    But have no problem with people who do. 

    D : I use very rarely once and when there is a nice party or something. 
    D : speaking of parties do you feel like coming along. 
    Z : I think so, it will be good for me, because I'm not completely over my ex yet and I don't really want to spend the weekend alone. 
    D : ok that's settled then. 

    They each drank 2 more beers and then Zack left for home. That same week and the following week they met up a few times to go to the gym and have a drink together. Until the weekend in question arrived. 
    Dennis was nervous for what was to come and he had become completely hooked on Zack. He couldn't wait much longer to make him his own. It was also more than a desire of sex with Zack alone. It was the first time he had also had real feelings for someone. Because without realizing it, Dennis had also stopped going to saunas and gay bars. Nor had he had any dates since Zack had come back into his life. The outcome of this weekend would be extremely important.  Because if everything went according to plan then after this weekend he would return home with a future son/lover. But if the plan went wrong then he would lose everything. 
    Dennis had made his bag and put it in his car and waited for Zack. Not much later Zack also walked in with his backpack. 

    D : are you ready. 
    Z : yeah, I didn't know what all I needed. So I just grabbed some of everything. 
    D : I don't think you will need much. Come get in then we can leave. 

    The two drove to the cottage and when they got there after a few hours no one was there yet.
     D : handy there is no one yet, then I can show you the house in peace. 

    Zack was impressed with the vacation home. Dennis gave him a tour and asked Zack if he would make a problem of sleeping with him because they were short of a room. Zack had no problem with this at all and they put their bag in Dennis' room and took out their things. Then Dennis heard noises coming from downstairs. 

    S : Dennis are you here already
    D : yes Sam we are upstairs 
    S : who is we
    S : ah right Michael had told me something about you bringing a friend. 
    D : wait we are coming downstairs. 

    Dennis and Zack went downstairs. 

    S : hello I am Sam and you are
    Z : I'm Zack nice to meet you. 
    Z : quite a nice house you have here. 
    S : thanks, but it's a common house. 

    Meanwhile Michael, Rob, Ed and Tony arrived. They had driven together.

    M : hey Zack glad to see you back. Are you looking forward to this weekend. 
    Z : yes I am.
    M : where are my manners, these are Rob, Ed, and Tony. Soon Nick and Andy will come but are first to get some party supplies. But they will be here soon. 

    Five minutes later Andy and Nick also arrived with 2 large stuffed boxes each. 

    A : Hey everyone, I will put these in the kitchen first and prepare us a shot first good. 
    D : yes is good because we were already waiting to start the party. 

    Not much later Nick came back with a tray with only snacks and chips on it. Andy followed with a tray with 18 glasses on 9 filled shot glasses and 9 larger filled glasses. 

    A : hello I'm Andy and this is Nick. 
    Z : I'm Zack a friend of Dennis. 
    N : we already knew because Michael had already informed us that you were coming with us. But you are very welcome. 
    Z : thank you 
    A : yeah are we going to get this party going. 
    D : please do 
    A : ok party boy, I have provided a first shot here. So you drink out the shot glass first later and then immediately the other glass because you won't really like the shot glass. 
    A : Zack do you have experience with shots 
    Z : not really, I've only drunk beer. But I do want to try it and see if something is for me.
    A : Perfect, then you don't know how bad this stuff is lol because it's a homebrew and you guys are my first test audience. 

    Andy winked at Dennis and the others and gave each the 2 glasses. He also gave Zack his two glasses. With Zack the shot glass contained a non-alcoholic gin with a well measured dose of G with the others the shot glass contained plain water. In the other glass there was just Getorade. Each took his shot glass first.

    M : to the birthday boy.
     1 2 3 And each poured his shot glass. Each immediately grabbed the other glass to flush. But that was really only necessary for Zack because just his shot glass was not drinkable. 

    D : Andy, thanks for letting us taste your brew but I think it still needs some work. 

    The others laughed and they all started chatting amongst themselves.
    Zack who was sitting next to Dennis said
    Z : that was really not drinkable, hopefully this was the only shot of this stuff because my stomach turned when I swallowed. 

    D : I do think that is the only time we will drink this, maybe he will give it again when we are already more soggy. But then we might not realize it. 
    N : who will join us in the Jacuzzi. 
    D : I want to.
    T : me too 
    D : are you coming too Zack
    Z : yes why not, otherwise I'll go get my swimsuit first. 
    T : swimming trunks? no need for that. We are all men here or not. 
    Z : that's true. 
    N : we just go in naked. 

    Zack went to the toilet first and while the others took off their clothes and got into the Jacuzzi. Zack came back and saw that Sam , Michael , Andy, Rob and Ed were cozy in the couch talking and that the others were already in the Jacuzzi. Zack went to the Jacuzzi and started to take off his clothes and hung them over a chair outside. 
    Nick whistled on his finger as if he saw a handsome woman walk by. The others in the Jacuzzi started laughing loudly. Zack stepped into the Jacuzzi with red jaws and sat down next to Dennis. Meanwhile, the others were already back talking to each other. 

    Z : This is really great
    D : do you like it a little bit. 
    Z : yes, it looks like a nice gang. 
    Not long after Zack got into the Jacuzzi it started to rain lightly and Michael came out to take the clothes inside. 
    M : I'll put these inside so they don't get wet, good. 

    D : yes do it.  What are the others doing. 

    M : Andy and Sam went downstairs to get the playroom ready. 
    Z : playroom. 
    D : yeah there's a basement here where we have put a pool table. Can play a game later if you feel like it. 
    Z : yeah please. 

    Zack became more and more cheerful and happy in the Jacuzzi, you could see that his inhibitions were starting to disappear more and more and you also noticed that he was starting to talk more and more. For one he heard Nick talking about sex with Tony and hadn't heard everything but it turned him on and he suddenly started talking about his own sex life with the others about how he would have liked to take his girlfriend in the ass once but that she wasn't open to it. The others looked at Zack amused as they realized the G was doing its job. They let him continue talking and Dennis took the moment to sit a little closer to Zack so that his leg touched Zack's. Dennis still had to restrain himself from getting an erection but when Nick said he was going inside and followed Zack, that's how Dennis saw that Zack was already fairly turned on because his cock had already become more than half stiff. When they were inside there was a new shot glass ready for everyone and without even thinking about it, Zack poured his second portion of G inside. Even the bad taste of the shot glass didn't bother him anymore. Even the fact that everyone walking around naked had the same symbol as a tattoo didn't even bother him anymore. This dose would be good to start his corruption but was still not enough to put him over the edge. Zack was already feeling so good that he didn't even realize he was still walking around naked and with a half stiff dick. 

    S : are we having fun ?
    Z : Yeah man this party is the awesome. 

    Everyone else who came out of the Jacuzzi was also still naked and settled back in the couch. 

    T : Andy put on a movie boy we want to get in the mood. 

    Andy turned on the TV from the kitchen with the remote control and put on a porn movie. It was a carefully chosen movie where the first scene was man/girl the next was a threesome with 2 men and a woman where the men were already doing light bi stuff with each other and the third scene was with 3 men and 1 woman. In that last scene a man was also fucked. By the time they got to the third scene, Zack should be much more compliant and his inhibitions would be completely gone. 

    The movie started playing and the men from the Jacuzzi, Sam and Rob were sitting in the seat watching the screen. 
    Z : wow man, is that porn
    N : of course dude, we're not going to watch a nature movie here . 
    T : we're all healthy potty men together here, then it's okay to watch a horny woman sliding her pussy over a fat cock. 
    Z : awesome. 

    Zack wanted to take his cock in his hands and start jerking, but wanted to see what the others were doing first and waited a little longer. 
    It wasn't long before his semi-hard cock was completely hard and so he could no longer hide the fact that he was very excited. The others watched the movie with half an eye and kept an eye on Zack with the other. Meanwhile they were laughing and judging the woman who gave the best of herself in the movie. 

    D : Look at that slut. Should that one be here I would shove my dick down her throat. 
    The horny talk the men were giving wound Zack up even more, and the extra portion of G gave him even more confidence and his inhibitions fell away even more so he too started selling dirty talk. 

    Z : I would fuck them in her ass until she screamed with pleasure and begged for my cum. 

    Nick and Tony called out good boy, would we want to do the same. Zack saw that Dennis and Sam started playing with their getting-hardened cocks and for Zack that was the sign that he too could start playing with his piece, because he wanted to do that for a very long time but was still holding back. The Atmosphere became more relaxed and increasingly hornier. The G in Zack's body started to do its job more and more and didn't realize that the 2nd scene had started and since no one reacted to the fact that the 2 men in the movie were kissing and jerking each other off he also didn't take offense to the fact that Nick and Tony were playing with each other's dick. He felt Dennis pushing his leg more and more against his own and that didn't scare him either. Zack had become horny as fuck because of the movie and the G. Suddenly he felt two hands being placed on his shoulders. They were Michael's hands. 

    M : All good buddy, having a good time. 
    Z : Yeah man, this is a great party. 

    Meanwhile, Dennis had taken advantage of the unguarded moment to put his hand on Zack's leg. 

    N : Michael would you like to fill the pipe that is in the kitchen. 

    Michael went back to the kitchen filled the pipe with crystals and handed it to Nick. Nick began to melt the crystals and sucked in the white formed fumes until he could do no more and then blew a big white cloud into the room. Zack had not seen this because his focus was completely on what was happening on the screen. It was only when Tony took the pipe that he saw that a large white cloud had been blown into the room and when Tony blew his cloud that he looked with fascination at what was happening in the other seat. Meanwhile Dennis had already placed his hand closer to Zack's cock. 

    T : would you like a shotgun 
    N : yes sure. 

    Tony took another pull of the pipe and placed his lips on Nick's and blew the smoke into Nick's mouth. Zack looked on in fascination and from the fact that Tony and Nick were now engaged in a kiss Zack no longer looked surprised because on the screen the men were also kissing. Then Zack also saw that the pipe was passed to Sam who also took 2 deep puffs of the pipe and then passed it back to Dennis. Meanwhile, Zack's eyes had also fallen on Tony and Nick's cocks and he saw that 2 were not jerking themselves but each other. The G in his body made sure he didn't find this repulsive or weird either.  It only turned him on even more. Then he felt Dennis' hand pass along his stiff cock as it took over Sam's pipe. Zack watched what Dennis was doing with large intrigued eyes. He watched as Dennis melted the crystals in the pipe and then smoke formed in the pipe. He saw how Dennis sucked the smoke in and how not much later a large white snake came out of Dennis' mouth. Dennis looked at Zack. 

    D : do you want a puff too. I don't want to oblige you to anything but it would be nice if you took a pull too. 

    Zack who by now had dropped all his preconceptions about drug use and had become very willing by the G took the pipe in his hands. 

    Z : I do want to try it if you tell me what to do. 
    D : yes no problem. Take hold of the pipe I will melt the crystals and will tell you when to suck the smoke in. Suck as long as you can and then hold it. I will say when you may blow out. 
    Z : ok. 

    Dennis began to melt the crystals and the smoke began to form in the pipe. When there was enough in the pipe Dennis gave the signal to Zack that he could start sucking. Zack had a large lung capacity and was able to inhale very much of the horny making smoke. When all the smoke was sucked into his lungs Dennis felt how he was getting warmer, how felt more energized immediately and then blew the smoke back out. A large white cloud formed in the room. The others watched amused as they knew Zack's fate was now completely sealed. They knew the young god would soon be in the sling and pumped full of their poisonous cum. Within minutes he would become so horny that he would no longer question what was happening to him and when he could think clearly again his fate would be changed forever.

    Z : Wow, this is great man. 
    D : would you like to do it once more. 
    Z : yeah, please. 
    D : I will give you a shotgun, that is much better. 
    D : I'll inhale the smoke and then blow it in your mouth. Okay?
    Z : yeah all right. 
    Dennis put the pipe to his mouth, melted the crystals and breathed in the smoke. Soon it was time. Almost he would feel and taste the lips of his future son for the first time 

    He handed the pipe to Michael who stood behind him and took hold of Zack's head with his two hands, opened his lips and placed them on Zack's lips. He handed the pipe to Michael who stood behind him and with his two hands took hold of Zack's head, opened his mouth and placed it on Zack's lips. He blew the smoke into Zack's mouth who meanwhile sucked the smoke into his lungs. 
    Dennis took advantage of that moment to move 1 hand away from Zack's head and take hold of Zack's hard cock and lightly jerk on it. He was getting euphoric and wanted again. Now he wanted to give a shotgun to Dennis and Michael placed the pipe against Zack's lips and again melted the last crystals. Dennis watched with enamored eyes Zack and how he sucked the Tina into his lungs. Zack who was flying higher and higher didn't even realize that Dennis was playing with his cock and that the others had moved on by now. Sam was sucking Nick by now and Tony was standing in the couch feeding Nick with his fat cock. Meanwhile, Zack's lungs were already for a third time full of the horny Tina smoke and now he took hold of Dennis' head and placed his lips on that of the lovestruck Dennis and blew the smoke into his mouth. Dennis could no longer contain himself and took a risk by sticking his tongue in Zack's mouth. Zack was startled at first at feeling the tongue entering his mouth, but the Tina had already taken over his body and thinking and he began to tongue Dennis. Dennis' fantasy was coming true, he had almost completely won Zack over and his glans was getting all wet from the pre-cum oozing out. He began kissing Zack more fiercely and took a firmer hold of his still hard cock. Dennis and Zack must have been kissing for at least 10 min when Michael put the refilled pipe back into Zack's hands. 
    Dennis and Zack broke their kiss

    Z : oh fuck I am so horny and what am I doing 
    M : you're doing great buddy. Just take another hit you will feel so much better. 

    Dennis pushed the pipe back against Zack's lips and Michael lit the lighter the crystals began to melt back and Zack already knew when to start sucking. Dennis took advantage of the moment to play with Dennis' nipples with his mouth and tongue. Zack closed his eyes for a moment as he sucked the smoke into his lungs, then laid his head back on the seat. He held the smoke in long enough to feel himself getting even hornier and lighter in his head.  All inhibitions and any fears melted away like snow in the sun. In the background Zack heard the moans coming from the television and he blew his fourth fat cloud into the room erect his head and looked at the screen. He saw how suddenly there were now 3 men and 1 woman engaged. He saw how 2 men were playing with each other and one was giving the other a vigorous blow job. At that moment he felt his cock being sucked into a warm moist cave and he closed his eyes briefly again. 
    Z : Oh fuck, I'm so hot, this is heavenly. 

    Zack wanted to look down at how it was that his cock was in such a warm moist cavern and who was playing with his nipples. But Michael kept his head and eyes on him as he pushed the pipe against his lips once more.

    M : take another hit my friend 

     Zack took hold of the lighter and was now melting the crystals himself. He was already completely sold on the horny pipe and its white smoke. After his fifth hit, Dennis felt how the once stiff cock began to sag and shrivel. No matter how hard Dennis tried to suck his conquering hard still that cock was getting limp and flaccid. But that was the signal that the Tina had been completely absorbed into Zack's body. Zack was now completely at their mercy. Soon he too would be corupted. Dennis stopped sucking and looked into the eyes of his young god. Zack's eyes were wide open and his pupils were large black flying saucers. Dennis wanted to say something but he didn't get the chance because Zack pulled him toward him and started kissing him again. 
    Dennis was now standing right in front of Zack, Zack looked at the screen and now saw again how one man was firmly sucking the other. His mind could no longer think clearly and what he saw on the screen made him so horny and it also seemed so normal that one man was taking the other man's cock in his mouth, Zack opened his mouth. Dennis could read Zack's mind and offered him his hard cock. Zack looked at the pre-cum-covered glans for a moment, and it was as if he hesitated for a moment whether or not to put the fat mushroom in his mouth. But that didn't last long. He carefully placed his lips on that moist glans and then took it into his mouth. 

    Dennis was in seventh heaven and could make his eyes believe how easy it had been to get Zack to do this. Dennis looked at Michael and Michael came up beside him and started kissing Dennis. Meanwhile, Zack had fallen completely under the spell of Dennis' cock. 
    For the first time he had a cock in his mouth and tasted a man's pre-cum. A new world opened up. His thoughts were suddenly filled with all sorts of darkly horny thoughts. He placed his hands on Dennis' ass and where at first he shyly and gently sucked on Dennis' cock, he began to take the cock deeper into his mouth and suck harder. Dennis moaned with pleasure and more pre-cum oozed from his cock straight into Zack's mouth. From all the horniness, Dennis felt he would squirt almost immediately, but didn't want to yet. His first toxic load will be in his pussy Dennis thought and he pulled his cock out of Zack's mouth. He pulled Zack straight and started kissing him back. He tasted his own cock and pre-cum in Zack's mouth and took a firm hold of him. As Zack and Dennis were entwined back in a firm kiss, Michael nodded to the other. That was the signal for them to go down to the playroom. But before they would go downstairs they would have a shot glass. Michael handed back 2 glasses to everyone and also to Zack. It back only to him that there was a dose of G in it. Zack took hold of the glasses and without thinking about it drank them immediately and placed his lips back on Dennis'. Zack had become completely sold on Dennis in a short time. He looked at him as if he had completely fallen for Dennis.
    M : Men shall we go downstairs continue the party there. 
    A : yes come let's go downstairs. 
    E : Are the lovebirds coming too. 

    The others had also noticed how passionately Dennis and Zack were making out with each other.  Zack looked at Dennis. 

    D : come let's go downstairs. Can we continue partying there. 
    Z : ok 

    Dennis took hold of Zack's hand and saw that Zack was no longer as steady on his feet. Sam who was walking behind Zack helped him up the stairs for a moment to stay upright because otherwise he would have definitely fallen down. 

    When they got down into the basement Dennis saw that the room had been prepared for their arrival because the bed, crotch and sling were hidden behind a curtain. A DJ boat was ready and Ed began to play some music. Again the pipe was lit and Zack watched Nick take a hit. Nick stepped up to Zack and placed his lips on Zack's and blew the smoke into his mouth. Nick was only the second man Zack had kissed in his life but he no longer cared that a man was kissing him and couldn't resist anymore, on the contrary he stuck his tongue in Nick's mouth and started making out with him. 

    N : hmmm, you are a horny animal. 
    Z : I feel super horny too. I don't know what is happening to me but I have an animal urge for sex 
    N : what kind of sex ? 
    Z : everything. Really everything. 
    N : do you swear that, that it can be anything. 
    Z : yes I swear that. It doesn't matter to me at all as long as it's sex. 
    N : ok then. Then get on your knees and then take my fat cock in your mouth. 

    Zack got on his knees and saw Nick's black monster, the male scent of cum, piss and sweat came to Zack's mind. It caused the inner slut in Zack to emerge and without even thinking about it he opened his mouth and like a hungry whore took Nick's cock in his mouth. He placed his hands on Nick's ass and Nick took hold of Zack's head to push his cock deeper into Zack's mouth. Ed took advantage of the moment to put 2 wrist straps around Zack's wrists. And Tony did the same with Zack's ankles. Zack who was only concerned with new experiences brought on by Nick's cock and didn't notice what the others were doing to him. 

    N : You're not doing that bad dude. 
    N : would you get my cock deep in your throat. 

    Zack groaned and nodded affirmatively and Nick pushed his fat cock even deeper until he felt Zack's throat with his glans. Zack still couldn't handle that much cock and his gag reflex almost made him vomit. Tears sprang to his eyes and drool ran from his mouth. Nick withdrew his cock and pulled Zack back up and started kissing him. Zack's head spun all over. He felt hot, horny and wanted filthy sex.

    Z : fuck man, I want sex, I want to have filthy sex. 

    Zack went over his body with his hands and felt his limp cock. He looked oddly at his shriveled cock and his clouded mind could not grasp how it was that he was so horny but his cock remained limp and shriveled. 

    Zack didn't get much time not to dwell on this as he felt Michael's hands caressing his body. It was a blissful feeling for Zack how Michael's hands went back and forth over his body and he began to moan lightly. Andy came to stand in front of Zack and began nibbling lightly on Zack's nipples, who was becoming more and more ecstatic from all the stimulation he was receiving. 
    Michael turned Zack's head and he began kissing him. Zack now didn't care at all who was doing what to him and whether it was a man or a woman. He was completely ecstatic, as long as he felt like he was being played with, all was good. Yet more and more he felt an urge rising at the bottom of his body. Something he had never felt before and could not immediately place. It wasn't until Michael came to Zack's ass with his hand and started fondling his sphincter with 1 finger that Zack realized where the grunting feeling was coming from. 
    He felt Michael stroking his finger around his sphincter and it made him gasp, moan slightly and bite his lip. 

    M : is everything all right 
    Z : hmm yeah, 

    Zack breathing began to get heavier from the new pleasure sensation.

    M : sure 
    Z : yeah, don't stop
    M : do you want more 
    Zack began to pant lightly and his body wanted more, his brain wanted more, he wanted more even though one last little voice said stop. Still, he couldn't fight it anymore and surrendered completely.Zack nodded

     M : are you sure

    Zack nodded again cautiously

    M : I want to hear you say it. 
    Z : yes I am sure

    Zack kissed Michael again and he felt Michael's finger stop going around his sphincter and how that same finger was now pushing against his sphincter to go inside. Dennis once again placed the pipe on Zack's lips and melted the crystals, Zack sucked in the smoke and blew a fat white snake into the basement. 

    M : relax and enjoy

    Zack heaved a deep breath and felt the last remaining tension in his body begin to dissipate as the finger drilled through his tight sphincter. Zack's eyes widened looked into Michael's, his mouth fell open and let out a slight moan. Through his body shot a current of electricity. This was something he had never experienced before, but it felt blissful it was just what he needed. This was just what his body was craving. Michael's finger went deeper and deeper and Zack closed his eyes and kept moaning the whole time. 

    M : do you like it
    Z : hmmm yeah, don't stop. 
    M : I won't stop if you don't want me to. 
    M : I can make you feel even better if you want. 
    Z : hmmm yes, hmmm 

    Zack no longer knew what was happening to him, his nipples were being played with, his body was being fondled and there was a finger in his ass. Michael made sign to Sam that he should come with some Tina dust. Sam handed him a bag of Tina Dust and Michael pulled his finger out of Zack's still tight sphincter. Dennis took the poppers and pushed them under Zack's nose. He pushed 1 nostril closed and told him to sniff. 

    D : sniff this, you will feel much better. 

    Zack who was already flying among the stars and could no longer think clearly did what was asked of him and sniffed the poppers. Dennis then pushed the poppers under the other nostril and again Zack sniffed the poppers. He felt the rush of the poppers rising in his head and it made him even hornier than he already was. He turned his head and began tonguing fiercely with Dennis. At that moment Michael pushed 2 fingers into the Tina fabric and placed them against the relaxed sphincter. Zack felt how his sphincter was being penetrated for a 2nd time and how this time his sphincter was more relaxed. Again the poppers were pushed under his nose and again Zack sniffed the horny fumes. He felt how his sphincter relaxed completely and how 2 fingers were now pushed into his ass. Zack moaned louder and kissed Dennis again. He stopped kissing when he began to feel a burning sensation in his ass. 

    Z : stop, stop

    Michael whispered in Zack's ear.

    M : what's the matter honey, don't you like it anymore. 
    Z : it burns, it burns. 
    M : that's okay honey, it won't burn for long. You will feel much better immediately. 
    Z : hmmmm, oh fuck it burns. 

    But as Michael said it didn't take long before the burning sensation began to ebb away and he got another feeling in its place. He got an uncontrollable urge, a desire that wasn't fed enough. He began to breathe heavier and heavier, unable to place where the feeling was coming from. Michael felt Zack's pussy begin to glow and radiate and knew what to do. 

    He withdrew his fingers from Zack's loosening cunt and saw that his fingers were dirty. Zack now realized from whence the gnawing sensation came. It was coming from his ass. 
    His ass felt empty and neglected. He needed to get rid of the nagging feeling and his butt needed to be filled back up. Zack never thought he'd say this but the nagging feeling was way too big and too strong

    Z : don't stop, don't stop. 
    M : if you want more you will have to rinse your ass first though. Do you want that. 
    Z : yes, I will do anything as long as you put those fingers back in my ass. 
    M : ok then come with me first. 

    Michael took hold of Zack's hand, kissed him passionately on the mouth and escorted him to the sling. 

    M : lie down in it then I will clean your ass.

    Zack looked at the cloth hanging from 4 chains attached to the ceiling and didn't know what to do. 

    M : just lie down in it.

    Zack's brain couldn't think straight anymore he couldn't see how and what to do. Dennis came to his aid and helped him into the sling. He lay down in the sling and felt his legs being pulled up and heard 2 clicks.

    His legs were now locked to the chains and his ass and sphincter were now fully visible. 

    Z : or fuck, fill me with your fingers, please. 
    M : clean your pussy first baby. 

    Dennis stood next to Zack and Zack smelled scent of Dennis's cock and that triggered an uncontrollable urge in him. Dennis saw that and offered him his cock. Zack's animal instinct took over and he sucked the stiff cock inside. He felt an enema pressed against his sphincter and pushed in. He watched as the others now began to stand around him and play with their cocks. He had already basically forgotten about the others and it made him horny to see how they were looking at him. He felt a warm liquid being squirted into his gut and didn't know what to do with this feeling because his body wanted to push it out immediately. 
    M : I know this feels weird for the first time but you have to hold this up as long as possible to get clean inside, do you understand. 

    Zack who still had Dennis' cock in his mouth nodded. 

    M : when I say you can, then push out like you would poop and then we will do that a few more times until you are clean, good. 
    M : if you are clean then I can make you feel good again good. 

    Zack nodded again. The feeling in his ass was getting heavier and heavier and he wanted to push it out but wasn't allowed to yet. 
    Tony whispered in Michael's ear. 

    T : I hope this isn't water. 
    M : what do you think?
    T : I would fill him up with chempiss 

    Michael grinned and Tony knew enough. The chempiss made its way into Zack's ass. Zack felt how it got hotter and hotter and how the nagging feeling in his ass got bigger and stronger. 

    M : let it out. 

    Zack hadn't actually heard Michael as he sank deeper and deeper into his horny thoughts and let the chempiss out of his hole. Again Michael squirted chempiss into Zack's future pussy and repeated this until the chempiss running out of Zack's hole was clean. The result of the chempiss was that Zack's hole had turned into slut mode. The large amount of chems he had gotten into his body had caused him to lose total control over what was going on in his mind for a while. Everything going around in his mind was about sex, hard, nasty sex. 

    Z : oh fuck, fill my ass
    Z : you promised me you would make me feel good. 
    M : yes I promised that and I will make you feel good too. 

    Michael placed 2 fingers against the loosening sphincter and already had to make much less effort to push his fingers inside. 

    Z : oh fuck yes, oh yeah deeper. 

    Zack was out of control and his body squirmed at the penetrating sensation. 
    The others looked on amused and Andy was already standing by with a narrow dildo and handed it to Dennis. 
    Dennis held the dildo in front of Zack. 

    D : would you like to try this one baby, do you want it to go in your pussy, you will feel so good and complete. 

    Zack looked at the dildo with his hungry eyes and bit his lip. His mind was completely racing and his imagination was already giving him an idea of what it would be should he feel that dildo in his ass. 

    Z : oh fuck yeah, I need that one in my ass. 
    A : no slut, I want to hear you say you want that one in your cunt. Because you have a cunt no ass. 
    A : tell me I have a cunt. 
    Z : fuck, I have a cunt. I'm a slut, do what you want with me. Just fill me I can't stand it anymore, this empty feeling. 
    Dennis got between Zack's legs and gently pushed the dildo against the tight sphincter. 
    Zack began to moan lightly
    Z : oh fuck yes, push it in. I want it so bad.

    D : do you really want it baby. 
    Z : yes, really, I really want it. 

    Dennis gently pushed the dildo in and heard how Zack became ecstatic at feeling the dildo sliding in. 
    Dennis let the dildo sit in Zack's ass for a moment so that his cunt could just get used to the intruder and then slowly began to fuck his cunt. Zack began moaning louder and louder and the sweat began to run off his body.  
    Ed had had enough of Zack's moans and pushed his cock into Zack's gasping mouth. Zack needed no more instructions and eagerly sucked Ed's fat cock. Ed took hold of Zack's head and pushed his cock deep into Zack's throat until he began to feel vomit. Tears sprang into Zack's eyes and drool began to spill out of his mouth. Dennis took a thicker dildo and placed it against the increasingly loose sphincter. Ed pulled his stiffening cock into Zack's mouth and pushed the poppers under his nose. Zack knew what to do and sniffed the poppers. 

    Z : thirsty, I'm thirsty
    Dennis pushed the thicker dildo into Zack's pussy and Zack became more and more ecstatic. The thicker dildo lessened the hungry feeling in his ass, but it still wasn't enough, it had to be more.  
    T : were you thirsty baby. 
    Z : yes
    T : will you drink what I give you. 
    Z : yes, give me a drink, I'm dying of thirst. 
    T : open your mouth and drink 

    Zack opened his mouth and Tony put his limp dick in Zack's mouth. Zack didn't know what would happen, but suddenly felt warm liquid running into his mouth. It tasted salty and bitter, he wanted to swallow it but his stomach protested for a moment and he coughed causing the first gulp to spill out of his mouth. Tony hit Zack's head 

    T : drink bitch, you had said you were thirsty. 

    Zack was startled and swallowed the second gulp. His stomach no longer had a chance to protest and Zack's taste buds had no choice but to get used to the taste of the pee squirted into his mouth. Zack struggled at first to drink the urine but it wasn't long before the revulsion stopped and he let the urine run down his throat to his stomach. He felt his stomach fill with the warm liquid being administered to him. Tony his bladder had emptied and pulled his cock into Zack's mouth, Nick now saw his chance and he too slid his limp cock into Zack's mouth. 

    N : Don't let it go to waste bitch. Show your gratitude for getting drinks. 

    Nick let his bladder run and again Zack felt his mouth being filled with pee. Zack was now completely focused on drinking the urine he was getting that he did not realize that Dennis had again taken a thicker dildo, that Dennis had pushed a shard of Tina into his cunt and so his cunt was beginning to open slightly.  Zack felt his belly being filled with Nick's warm nectar, he even began to love the taste of the urine and again felt his cunt begin to burn and radiate.  Andy couldn't hold back anymore and started to piss, he aimed his stream first at Zack's shriveled cock and the piss ran down his body onto the floor, then he shifted his stream towards his head and when Nick finished and pulled his cock out of Zack's mouth Zack opened his mouth so Andy could aim his stream straight into his mouth. This was the filthy sex that Zack craved so much, he now felt completely satisfied and showed it. The urine that didn't end up in his mouth but on his head he smeared over his face with his hands so the aroma would penetrate his skin and take over his body. 

    When Andy finished pissing Dennis came up beside him and started kissing him fiercely. 
    D : how do you feel baby
    Z : I feel magnificent and complete. 

    D : do you really feel perfect, or can I make you feel even better. 

    Z : How could you make me feel even better. 

    Dennis went back between Zack's legs, licked Zack's sphincter and stuck a finger in his pussy and made some scratches with his nails so that he saw some blood coming out. Zack who was already so stunned only felt the pleasure of the finger in his hole and the blissful feeling of the tongue licking his cunt. 

    D : do you trust me 
    Z : completely. 
    D : do you want to become mine. 

    Zack's clouded mind didn't know what Dennis meant by that but he didn't feel like thinking and just wanted him to make him feel even better. 

    Z : yes I want to be yours. 

    Zack lay squirming in the sling because his pussy was on fire and needed to be stimulated, his hands went back and forth over his body so he could unleash his horniness. But Michael took hold of Zack's arm and put a tourniquet around it. 

     Zack watched what Michael did with his flying saucers and had no idea why that was around his arm. Michael took an alcohol wipe looked for a nice thick vein and wiped it clean. He took a syringe filled with a small load of Tina so he would still be aware of his first fuck and his pozzing and so they could give him 1 more later and shoot him completely to the stars. 
    Zack felt a small prick. Because of the chems already flowing through his body, he felt the prick but it didn't really do anything to him. He looked at the syringe in his arm and his clouded mind still couldn't grasp it. He looked at Dennis standing between his legs. Michael nodded to Dennis to report that there was a register. 

    D : are you ready to discover your true self baby. To be completely free and let inner slut out. 
    D : Are you ready to feel your first real cock in your pussy and become fully mine. Becoming my son and joining our brotherhood. 

    Zack couldn't control his feelings anymore something had to happen, he couldn't handle the empty feeling in his ass anymore. 

    Z : yeah, fuck me. Please fuck me I can't take it anymore. 

    Dennis nodded to Michael. Zack looked at Michael and then at syringe and he watched the red turned liquid disappear into his arm. Michael pulled the needle out of Zack's arm, pushed where the needle was and put Zack's arm over his head. Zack felt a metallic taste in his mouth, gasped for a moment and then coughed violently. Immediately he was being catapulted in to the stars and heard the others shouting with pleasure. 

    T : fuck that bitch.
    A : pozz that cunt, come on Dennis make him your son. 

    Michael came up beside Dennis and took hold of Dennis' cock and placed it against the sphincter of the squirming Zack. 
    M : make me a grandfather son. Fill him with your toxic cum and make me a beautiful pozz whore grandson.

    Zack's hands caressed his whole body because he didn't know what to do with his horniness. 

    Z: fuck me goddammit, fuck my cunt. Fill my hole I beg you . 

    Dennis looked at Zack for a moment and took another deep breath because this was the moment he had been longing for. He took in the moment some more and pushed his mushroom against Zack's slightly gaping and glowing sphincter. Carefully he pushed his stiff cock into Zack's virgin cave. Both Dennis and Zack heaved a deep sigh. Dennis gently pushed his cock deeper and deeper. Zack went completely wild from the fat cock being pushed into his cunt. He felt his sphincter being pulled open to maximum and his gut being filled with a warm fat cock. Zack moaned, both in mild pain and extreme pleasure. The others let the 2 enjoy each other for a moment and also let Zack get used to his new destiny. The fate of going through life as a fuck bitch. Dennis was now completely inside Zack's pussy as his balls slammed against the cheeks of Zack's ass. 

    Z : oh fuck, this is fucking delicious, fuck. 
    D : do you like it baby. 
    Z : yes, it's wonderful. Fuck me, fuck me harder. 
    D : you don't know how long I longed for those words baby. I will please your pussy, I will fuck you every day because you have a blissful pussy.

    Dennis gently began to fuck Zack's pussy. Zack's head turned red from the new horny experience he was experiencing and begged for more and harder. Dennis enjoyed the moment and began fucking harder little by little until he felt Zack's sphincter give in and release the tension completely. Zack was floating among the stars, wishing this would never stop, and Dennis was living out his ultimate fantasy. His young god he would make his own within minutes and convert him into his pozz son.

    D : do you want my toxic cum baby do you want my AIDS DNA and become my son. 

    Zack knew what he was hearing and in a normal sober moment he certainly would have said no but right now he didn't care he didn't want to disappoint that beautiful adonis who gave him such pleasure. 

    Z : fuck, fuck , fill my pussy, make me your son. 
    D : are you sure darling. When I fill up your cunt there is no turning back and you will be mine forever, my son. I will take good care of you I promise you that 
    Z : give me your dirty cum, make me pozz and yours. I want to be yours forever. Please fill me 

    Dennis felt he couldn't hold back any longer and moaned very loudly. 

    D : here comes my toxic charge my son. From now on your life will look completely different. 

    Zack felt Dennis give a few more violent thrusts and the cock began to squirt into his bowels. 
    The others started cheering loudly, Michael gave Dennis a kiss and the others gave him a few pats on the back. 
    A : The gloves can come off men. We have a new cumdump. Let's let him experience his new life right away.

    Both Zack and Dennis groaned loudly, and Dennis fell down from exhaustion for a moment on his future son's belly. The virus had seeded and begun to work its way through Zack's immune system. It could settle into his cells and cause them to convert into beautiful destructive cells. 
    Dennis withdrew his limp cock from Zack's hole and stood beside him. Dennis kissed Zack and then offered him his cum-covered cock. Zack took the cock in his mouth and tasted cum for the first time in his life. It only made him hornier, wilder and it confirmed that he had made the right choice because what he was experiencing now, he had never experienced before. It was as if this was the puzzle piece he had been missing all his life. 

    Like a man possessed, he licked Dennis' cock clean and he felt that his empty cunt was already getting a new intruder. He looked back and saw Michael now standing between his legs and pushing his cock into his moist cave. Zack opened his mouth and Dennis' cleanly licked cock fell out. He heaved a deep sigh and moaned loudly. Once again a heavenly feeling of fullness came over him and his bestial urges took oven. He now pushed back with his ass himself so that the cock disappeared deeper into his moist cunt. Michael was getting wild by what Zack was doing and he took hold of his hips and began thrusting harder and harder. Rob came up next to Zack and pushed his stiff cock into his mouth.

    R: I'm about to squirt slut. Blow me and swallow my cum then later I will also please your pussy. 

    Zack sucked firmly on Rob's cock and it wasn't long before his mouth was filled with Rob's cum. The taste of Rob's cum was like an addictive candy. Although this was the first time he had cum squirted into his mouth, Zack knew it certainly wouldn't be the last. This was truly heavenly, and as Rob's cock grew limp in his mouth, he gently let the heavenly load run down his throat until his mouth was completely empty. Again he felt a band being tightened around his arm. 
    S : want to release your true nature completely baby. 
    S : want to be completely free and release the slut in you completely. 
    Z : fuck yes give it to me, I want to be free. 
    S : untie his legs guys and put him on the bed then we can play with him better when he shows his true nature. 

    The guys untied him and helped him out of the sling and laid Zack on the bed. Sam took the syringe that would completely free Zack and pushed the needle into the nice fat vein and got a register. 

    S : do you want to free yourself bitch. 
    Z : yes, I want to make myself free. 

    Sam took the other hand Zack and placed it on the syringe and his thumb on the plunger. 

    S : then push the Tina into your blood and release the bitch in you completely and embrace your new life. 

    Zack couldn't wait and without hesitation pushed the syringe empty into the vein of his arm. Again he tasted the metallic taste, got even more gasping than the first time and had to cough more violently. The moment the Tina reached his brain Andy was already balls deep with his cock in Zack's now gaping cunt and Zack was catapulted to slut heaven. He groaned, his body and his sexual needs going into overdrive. He pushed his ass further over Andy's cock until Zack felt Andy's balls slapping against his ass. Zack looked hungrily and whorishly at Andy

    Z : fuck me, goddamn fuck as hard as you can.
    Andy held back no longer and pounded his hard fat cock as hard as he could into Zack's glowing cunt. Sam gave Andy a dildo.
    Z : more I want more. 

    Andy pulled his cock all the way out of Zack's glowing hole and placed the medium dildo near his cock. He wanted to push it in but the sphincter didn't allow it right away yet.

    A : give me a thinner one and push the poppers under that bitch's nose so I can stretch his cunt open. 

    Sam gave him a thinner dildo and Dennis kissed Zack pushed the poppers under Zack's nose who was moaning to be fucked. 

    D : sniff baby, sniff so we can open pussy. 

    Zack heavily sniffed the poppers , got an extra surge of horniness and felt his head start to spin even more. Andy felt Zack's cunt begin to relax more and quickly poured some more lube on the dildo and against Zack's cunt and without mercy pushed the dildo and his fat cock into Zack's glowing hole. 
    Zack felt how his sphincter was going to tear at the brutal assault on his hole but the chems and the blissful feeling of a filled cunt took over, instead of screaming in pain, he moaned like an experience slut. Andy felt his balls slapping against Zack's ass again and he knew he was completely inside Zack's hole. He left the dildo in place and began to fuck him slowly. Zack squirmed and moaned with pleasure. 

    Z : holy shit, fuck, this is the best thing I've ever experienced. Fuck me, I want to be your slut shoot me full of your cum, fuck 
    A : will you be my slut boy. 
    You will be my slut, I will shoot that cunt of yours full of my toxic cum, breaking down your immune system and releasing you to a pozz life. Filling your mind with dirty and dark man sex and so you can offer that cunt of yours to anyone who wants to fuck it. Do you want that slut. 
    Z : oh fuck yes, free me with your dirty toxic cock. Destroy my immune system make me pozz goddammit. 

    Andy couldn't hold back anymore, Zack's pussy was still straining too much and it caused Andy to start squirting his cock faster than normal. 

    A : here it comes bitch, you get what you so desire. 
    Z : thank you, thank you

    Zack's cunt was filled for the 3rd time and as Andy pulled back his cock and the dildo, Zack's cunt began to leak. A large gulp of cum ran down his butt crack to his back. Andy caught it with his hand and stuck his cum coated fingers into Zack's open mouth. 

    A : lick slut, lick the cum your cunt can no longer hold. You must not let this gift go to waste. 
    Zack tasted the cum on Andy's fingers and his inner slut took over completely and like a true slut he licked and swallowed the cum. 
    Sam lay next to Zack on the bed playing with his cock and looked at Zack. 

    S : come sit on me slut. Let's see how much you like having a cock in your ass. 

    Zack wanted to get up but needed help. Dennis had seen it and like a true gentleman he helped his conquest straighten up. Zack wrapped his leg over Sam and sat on Sam's cock. 

    S : that cock won't crawl in by itself slut. You need to stick it in that cunt of yours. 

    Zack bent down and took hold of Sam's stiff cock and placed it against his sphincter and lowered himself. Zack's sphincter was already open enough and let Sam's cock slide in. Zack's mouth fell open from the blissful feeling and he began to ride Zack's cock. Andy stood straight up on the bed. 

    A : open that mouth of yours slut boy and lick my cock clean. 

    Zack opened his mouth and Andy pushed his cum-covered limp cock into Zack's mouth. Like an experienced whore, Zack licked Andy's cock clean. Zack enjoyed, he enjoyed the cock filling his pussy and the delicious cock he sucked clean in his mouth. When Zack had licked Andy's cock clean, Andy drained his bladder once more. Zack felt his mouth being filled with chempiss once more and needed no more encouragement to take the nectar He felt some firm slaps on his ass it was Nick. Nick pushed Zack forward so that he was lying with his chest on Sam's there were poppers pushed under his nose again and he felt Nick pushing his mushroom against his sphincter. Nick pushed his semi-hard cock against the sphincter and the sphincter gave in completely and let Nick's fat cock in as well. Zack closed his eyes and wanted to moan and scream at the same time but Sam pulled his mouth onto his and started kissing him. Zack's hole was now filled to its tentative maximum and both Nick and Sam were fucking him rusely. But it wasn't long before Sam squirted his load into Zack's cunt. Zack felt his cunt getting moister and Sam's cock slipping out of his cunt. Nick enjoyed the extra room he was getting and started fucking harder and harder. 
    Zack moaned with pleasure. 

    Z : oh hell yeah, rip that hole, fuck it in two. 
    Fuck yes, fuck you are so big, this is blissful. Nick couldn't hold himself after 10 min of continuous fucking and filled Zack's hole, he pulled his cock out of Zack's filled cunt and pushed a butt plug in. Zack felt how his filled cunt sucked itself around the butt plug and how his cunt no longer saw the plug as an intruder but as a necessity to be able to stay open. Now let that cunt of yours do its job and absorb all that toxic cum. 
    Then your new life can start soon. 

    Z : I am already looking forward to it.
    Dennis lay down beside him and started kissing him and pulled lightly on the plug for a moment so that Zack gave another slight moan. 

    D : hmmm you have a wonderfull pussy baby, I will take good care of you. 
    Z : hmmm. 

    Zack was still flying and was still hot and felt like going on and pulled on Dennis' cock which was already stiff again. 
    D : don't you have enough yet baby.
    Do you want another load of cum from your maker. 
    Z : hmmm yes, give me another load daddy. 
    I can't get enough of it. 
    D : then suck on your daddy's fat cock for a while and who knows you might get another portion of heavenly milk. Zack licked his way to Dennis' cock, first licking the big mushroom and then working it all the way into his mouth.

     Zack sucked his maker's cock as best he could and Dennis gave him some tips to improve his blowjob skills. Zack was a good student and as a reward Dennis took hold of Zack's head and hair and pushed him deeper on his cock until it was in Zack's throat. Zack learned quickly because his gag reflex was already much less than at the beginning of the evening. Dennis began to skull fuck him and it wouldn't be long before he started squirting. Just before he came he withdrew his cock from Zack's throat and squirted his cum onto Zack's tongue who eagerly accepted the gift. When Dennis finished squirting he pulled Zack to him and kissed him so they were in a fierce cum kiss. Dennis took a pair of handcuffs and and attached one hand of Zack and clicked the other side to himself. 

    Z : what are you doing 
    D : I want you with me forever 
    Zack closed his eyes and lay in Dennis' arms. 
    When he woke up the he had no sense of time at all, he looked beside him and saw Dennis lying there and saw how his hand was stuck in the handcuffs. He felt how the plug jerked his ass open and with his hand he felt at the end of the plug and pulled on it. The stab of pain he got from stretching the plug caused him to let out a light scream and this woke Dennis up. 
    D : what are you doing 

    Zack was in a slight panic, because a red, water-like substance was running from his pussy, and through Zack's head all sorts of thoughts were racing, what had all happened, what had he done and, and, and, and .... 

    D : slow down baby

    Dennis unlocked the handcuffs and stroked Zack's hair causing Zack to calm down. 

    Z : oh fuck what did I do. 
    D : you were just yourself yesterday. You released your inner self. You have nothing to be ashamed of. 

    Zack looked at Dennis and the fears and doubts in his head began to disappear. 

    Z : I know I agreed to everything and in my deepest fantasies I have always dreamed of such a scenario but never wanted to give in to it, what should I do now. How should I go on, I don't know if I want this life. 

    Dennis took hold of Zack's head.

    D : I will help you. I will help you learn to accept yourself for who you are, I will take care of you, love you and teach you everything I can. 

    Dennis stroked his hand along Zack's face, Zack closed his eyes and sighed deeply. Dennis kissed Zack's forehead and Zack placed his hands on Zack's head and completely released everything and kissed Dennis. Dennis's cock instantly got hard and slammed against Zack's leg. 

     Dennis caressed with his hands the body of Zack who began to moan lightly. 

    Z : Since I first saw you at the gym I have fantasized about you several times in my bed. 
    Z : it's even because of you that I made my relationship done because since I saw you I haven't touched my girlfriend

    Dennis's heart started beating faster and it made him extremely horny. Dennis kissed Zack again 

    D : I was madly in love with you, I counted the days until you would come to town and hoped you would call me. 
    Z : your number was already saved. 
    D : oh fuck I want you so bad. I want to be your father, your maker. 
    Z : no I don't want you to be my father. 

    Dennis was startled for a moment and stopped kissing.

     Z : I want to be your partner your lover, your boyfriend. 

    Dennis took a firm hold of him now and came down on him and kissed him on his neck and started to work his way down. Zack closed his eyes. 

    Z : oh fuck I want you, I want you. Teach me everything, make me yours. 
    D : oh baby, you will forever be mine and I yours and when you are transformed I want to make babies with you start a family 
    Dennis now took Zack's stiffened cock in his mouth and began to suck it. Zack closed his eyes and took hold of Dennis' head. 

    Z : oh my god, this is so much better than all my girlfriends combined. 

    The new sensation Zack experienced caused him to cum almost immediately and he squirted a huge still negative load of seed into the mouth of Dennis who tasted Zack's seed for the first time. Dennis' heart was racing rapidly as he swallowed the seed and when he had swallowed the seed he came back up and kissed Zack 

    D : I will teach you everything baby and will teach you how to enjoy and how to make a man enjoy. Zack was still hot, and kissed Dennis, his hands went over Dennis' body and he Zack wrapped his legs around Dennis' body. 

    Z : fuck me, let me enjoy your horny cock. 

    Dennis kissed Zack fiercely and had no trouble finding Zack's pussy. His cock slid in easily and began to fuck Zack lovingly. Zack moaned heavily and the two were in a loving game. 

    Z : oh my god this is heavenly, fuck me harder. Let me feel how much you want me. 

    Dennis began to fuck more firmly and due to the intense feelings, he could not hold back for long and came quickly. 

    D : do you want my DNA baby, do you want to feel my string of virus running through your veins and be mine forever. 
    Z : oh yes, give it to me, I want to be yours forever. 

    With several firm thrusts, Dennis squirted his hot load of seed into his new friend's pussy and then fell down exhausted. The two cuddled and still enjoyed their first real love play. 

    A few weeks later Zack developed a severe fever, by now Zack had moved in with Dennis, his training and education was in full progress and Zack's once tight sphincter had now become a fucked through slut hole, not a day went by without Zack's bowels being filled with the seed of Dennis and another stranger, as Dennis and Zack were also regularly found at local saunas and gay bars. But Zack was now sick in bed and Dennis was caring for his sick son like a concerned father. He took an HIV test and a few minutes later Dennis was able to report the good news to his newborn son and their family. 

    D : I am so proud of you honey. 

    Z : Thank you for freeing me completely and letting my true self come out baby, I am forever grateful. 
    Z : after my studies I want to start a family with you and make some pozz babies 
    D : we will definitely do that baby. 

    The End

    maybe I will make another spinnoff but that depends on the reactions if there is a need to know the further life of Dennis and Zack



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  2. Part 8 

    Dennis lay alone and got a flare-up of fever and struggled to stay awake. He did not want to fight it and his eyes closed. He was awakened by a stream of hot water in his face. 

    T: wake up slut and open that horny mouth of yours. 

    Dennis still sleepily opened his mouth. Tony was now aiming his cock straight at the bulls Eye. Dennis felt the warm stream move to his mouth and fill his mouth.  Tony saw that Dennis no longer needed encouragement to drink his hot nectar because Dennis was already addicted to the hot drink of the gods. 

    T: Drink up slut, I knew you would be thirsty. 

    Tony came close with his limp cock to Dennis' mouth and then shoved it into Dennis' open mouth. Dennis felt the flaccid cock being pushed between his lips and sucked the cock inside and let the last of the gods drink run straight down his throat. He felt his belly begin to get warm from Tony's gods drink. 
    Dennis felt hands going through his hair and looked up he saw Tony and Nick standing there. Tony withdrew his cock from Dennis' mouth and Nick quickly took his place. 

    N: I guess your thirst isn't over yet hey baby. 
    N: just suck that nectar from my cock and let your belly fill up nicely. You will soon feel a lot better. 

    Dennis who was already waking up didn't have to be told twice and sucked the golden nectar from Nick's fat cock. He also felt how Tony was playing his sphincter with his fingers. 

    N: How does he feel after the first round. 
    T: This has really become a beautiful hole. Although his sphincter is no longer tight and his cunt is a gaping hole, you can feel how his sphincter wants to suck your finger inside.  He has really found and embraced his calling. 

    N : Nice 

    Dennis drank down the last of Nick's chempiss and his belly was now completely full of piss. He felt how his bladder was bursting. 

    D : I have to take a piss myself. 
    T : please wait baby let me have a bottle first. 

    Tony took a jug that was on a table. They turned Dennis on his side and held the jug under Dennis' trapped cock. 

    N : now you can piss baby. Let that chempiss run out of your bladder. 

    Dennis felt his bladder empty and felt the relief in his belly. At the same time he also became aware that the chempiss he had just received from Nick and Tony had entered his body. He felt how his head began to spin and how he got warmer and warmer. His hole began to itch and feel empty. When the last drop had fallen into the pitcher Nick helped Dennis to sit up and while Tony put the half-filled pitcher of chempiss back on the table and while taking a large shard of Tina. 

    T: that will come in handy later. 

    Tony watched as Nick pulled Dennis upright and as the two fell into a passionate kiss. He moved behind Dennis and touched his ass again. Tony felt with his hand how the cum from the first round was undergoing the law of gravity and he pushed 3 fingers and the shard into Dennis' moist hole. Dennis who was still sunk in a strong kiss with Nick moaned at feeling Tony's fingers.  Tony took Dennis's head turned it so he could now tongue Dennis. Dennis moaned as he felt Nick now begin to play his nipples with his tongue and how his pussy began to glow more and more. Tony now turned Dennis completely so that he was in front of him and Nick went to the table and took 2 nipple clamps and rope with him. While Dennis was still making out with Tony Tony took Dennis' two hands and put them on his neck. Dennis who didn't realize what Tony was doing wanted to put his hands back on Tony's body but got a slap on his ass from Nick. 

    N: leaving your hands on your neck bitch. We're going to teach you some manners. 

    Dennis who was already getting into a euphoric state from the chempiss in his stomach and the shard of Tina in his pussy started having trouble controlling his body and put his hands back on his neck. 

    N: Good slut and now leave them there. 

    Nick put the rope through the metal loops of Dennis' wristbands and tied the two together. The rest of the rope ran down Dennis' back. Nick opened Dennis' penis cage, while Dennis still kissed Tony felt his cock being freed back up. But that liberated feeling was brief. He felt the rope running along his was pulled through his butt crack and tied tightly around his balls. Tony broke the kiss and took hold of Dennis' head and looked deep into his eyes. 

    T: It's time to work on your manners baby. A good education is important for young bitches like you. You want to be a good bitch and be rewarded do you. 

    Dennis' eyes were already firmly turning around in his eye sockets and his tongue was already starting to hang out of his mouth. 

    D : of course I want to be a good slut. I want as much of your cum as I can get. 

    Tony pinched hard into Dennis' limp cock. Dennis curled his toes, trying to fight the pain but letting out a loud cry

    T: that's what I mean baby, you don't have any manners yet. 
    T: you just want, you have to learn to know your place and that it's not always about your pleasure but that you have to work to be rewarded and that it's not about your pleasure but the pleasure you give to real men. 

    N: shut up bitch, I don't want to hear your moaning understood. 

    Nick took hold of Dennis' head and now also looked deep into his eyes. Dennis tried to fix his eyes on Nick's and nodded his head that he understood. 

    N: Good boy. Do what is asked and expected of you and you will be rewarded. Don't and you will be punished until you know your place and purpose. 
    Nick placed the nipple clamps on Dennis' still soft and beautiful nipples. Dennis wanted to give another moan. Tony saw that Dennis wanted to scream again and took hold of his head. 

    N : don't scream baby, don't scream. I don't want to have to punish you all the time. 

    Dennis tried and just managed to banish the pain. 
    Nick took another piece of rope and made a cock around the chain connecting the clamps. The rope that now ran along Dennis' stomach Nick tied tightly around Dennis' cock. 
    Dennis' thoughts were no longer clear as the chems were already beginning to do their work properly. But it didn't take long for him to realize that it was best to stay as still as possible because when he wanted to move arms the rope pulled his balls back which was already not such a pleasant feeling but because of that the rope hanging from his cock also pulled on his nipple clamps which hurt even more. 
    Tony took another rope and tied it to a ring of the pulley hanging from the ceiling and then tied it to tightly to Dennis's tied hands. 

    Dennis could do nothing more without experiencing pain, he also could not move. 

    Tony and Nick walked around Dennis and felt at his chest, buttocks, ass and with every touch Dennis got both a shooting pain and a pleasure experience. This was new and very confusing to him. For he wanted to scream and moan but he tried to hold back as much as possible. 
    The Tina in his cunt and the chempiss now began to work at full speed and Dennis could no longer contain himself. 

    D : please use me. I need it so badly.
    D : please give me your medicine and make me feel better again 

    Tony gave him a slap on his butt, which was now beginning to see red. Dennis gave a cry from both the slap on his ass and the pulling of the ropes on his balls, cock and nipples. 

    N: I don't want to hear you slut. 

    And Dennis got another slap now on the other side of his ass. This time Dennis resisted the pain and Nick and Tony watched approvingly. 

    T: good slut, you're starting to learn.

    Nick took an electro shock wall and gave Dennis a shock to his belly. Dennis was startled violently and moved his arms, with familiar consequences. 
    Dennis received several shocks on his balls, cock, nipples, belly, ass and with each shock he gave a slight cry and moved so that his balls and nipples were pulled each time. 

    T: as long as you give screams we will keep going baby, you must please us by suffering your fate and knowing your place. 

    Dennis tried to fight off the pain and wanted to please his 2 masters. Although his body was numb from the chems and he had difficulty controlling his actions he still did his best. On the next 2 shocks he did not budge. 

    N: yes baby that's it, enjoy pain that gets. Let the pain embrace you completely and give your body and mind completely to your masters. Let the realization come in that you are only here to serve and not to be served. 

    Dennis felt the rope attached to the pulley loosen and he watched as Tony pushed a button to lower the pulley. 

    N: get down on your knees 

    Dennis tried to go through his knees in order to get on his knees but it was not easy because his hands were tied above his head and with every movement he got shooting pains. With tears in his eyes and fair amount of pain shoots he got to his knees anyway. 

    T: open that mouth of yours. 

    Dennis opened his mouth and Nick's limp cock was pushed into his mouth. Nick took hold of Dennis' head and pushed Dennis' head all over his cock. The ropes pulled violently on Dennis and Dennis who was flying so high could not control the mix of sensations in his body.

     The experience of pain and the pleasure of the cock in his mouth were completely contradictory and caused him to have a new experience. He began to enjoy the pain and what it brought about and pre-cum began to ooze from his flaccid cock. 

    T: it looks like our baby is enjoying it because he can't hold his fluids. 

    Nick grinned and began thrusting his now semi-stiff cock into Dennis' mouth, who got the sensation of pain and pleasure with every thrust. When Nick's cock was hard and filling all of Dennis' mouth and throat, Nick stopped thrusting and withdrew. Dennis' arms were released from the pulley and was pulled back straight. His arms were untied and the rope was put from around his balls. He was now also pulled back straight and Dennis stood straight but wobbly on his legs.
    Nick took a whip and just gave Dennis pats on his ass. It wasn't long before Dennis' ass and back began to show red welts. The pats on his ass and back Dennis coped well and didn't budge. It was only when he received a few taps on his cock and balls that he curled his toes. But still he resisted the pain; in fact, he was already beginning to enjoy it slightly. Then he got a tap on his nipples that still had the clamps on them. The first 2 taps he could still endure but when Nick hit 1 of the clamps and it jumped off his nipple he couldn't hold back anymore and let out a loud cry. As punishment Nick now also slapped the other one and it too jumped off his nipple. Again Dennis gave a loud cry and Tony came in front of him and now pushed on the Dennis his 2 nipples. Dennis curled his toes, resisting the pain, and sought Tony's with his mouth. Tony now nipped his nipples to punish him back. 

    T: No, no, no. We're not here to please you baby. You are here to please us. Your pleasure comes second from now on. 

    Nick took glass and filled it with Dennis' chempiss. And placed the glass against Dennis' open mouth and began to pour the glass. 

    N: here bitch drink this because you need to stay well hydrated. 

    Dennis could not help but drink, but also did not let a single drop go to waste. After the glass was empty Dennis was thrown on the bed and had to sit down on all fours. Tony came and sat in front of him and ordered him to suck him. Nick came and sat behind him and inserted a shard of Tina into his pee toy. He placed his mushroom against Dennis' gaping sphincter and without warning pushed his fat hard cock all the way into Dennis' hole at once. Dennis got very hot inside because of the chempiss that started to work but also because of blissful feeling of having a fat cock in his ass and mouth. Once again he was in slut heaven and he thanked his 2 masters by firmly riding Nick's fat cock with his ass and sucking Tony's cock hard and firmly with his mouth. 
     Nick was pounding heavily on Dennis' ass, and Dennis felt how almost Tony would get his cum in his mouth because he heard how Tony started breathing more heavily. Tony took Dennis by his hair and now began to set the pace himself as to how fast and deep Dennis slid over his cock with his mouth. 

    T: Yes baby, here it comes. Here comes the medicine you so desperately need. 

    Tony let out a loud growl and Dennis felt strands of cum being squirted into his mouth. Dennis played with his tongue over Tony's glans as he unloaded his last drops of cum into Dennis' mouth. Dennis enjoyed all that cum in his mouth for a while longer and then swallowed it neatly. Tony pulled his cock out of Dennis' mouth and then began kissing him fiercely.  At that moment, Nick also cummed. He slapped Dennis' ass firmly a few more times and then squirted his cum deep into Dennis' guts he pulled his cock out of the gaping hole and quickly pushed in a butt plug that could be operated with a remote control. Nick also started kissing Dennis now and the three men enjoyed their horny moment for a while. Dennis fell down on the bed exhausted and the Nick and Tony left the room. But Nick still adjusted the butt plug first so that every 30 sec he would provide Dennis with some stimulation in his pussy. 

    T : rest for a while later the others will come and enjoy your wonderful cunt. 

    As Dennis lay back to regain his strength he felt his cunt being stimulated every half minute by the plug. It kept him in a horny trance and ensured that his hunger for cock and sex remained high. 

    Dennis didn't get much time to regain his strength because Jack, Rob and Andy entered the room. Now it was their time to congratulate him on his new status.  Dennis enjoyed all the attention that he and his pussy were getting. 

     The three filled all Dennis's openings and Dennis begged to be fucked and to get their cum. After several hours of fucking enjoyment, the 3 left Dennis with cum-filled guts. Dennis felt at his hole and noticed the precious cum oozing out of his pussy. He took what he could with his fingers and licked his fingers clean. 
    Then Sam, Ed and Michael entered the room. 

    M: how are you my son, are you enjoying your transformation party. 

    😧 yes father, I can't imagine a more perfect birth party. 
    D : I hope I may now serve you and provide you with pleasure. 
    E: Nick and Tony have done a good job I see. 
    D : they have taught me that I am only here to please you and bring you pleasure. 
    E: that's absolutely right slut. Just open that mouth of yours and show one how well you want to please me. 

    Dennis opened his mouth and took Ed's cock in his mouth. Sam grabbed a ready syringe and a rubber band and laid next to Dennis on the bed.  Sam whispered in Dennis' ear. 

    S : ready to fly my godchild 

    Dennis nodded 

    S : is your pussy ready to let our fists inside. 

    Dennis opened his eyes and looked at Sam with eager eyes and let the hard cock out of his mouth for a moment 

    D : Oh yes godfather fill my pussy with your fist, I will not disappoint you. 
    E : don't stop sucking bitch. 

    Dennis sucked back further on Ed's hard cock and felt Sam preparing his arm for the slam that would soon be given. Dennis saw that the syringe was well filled. It what certainly a solid slam he thought. He felt the rubber band go around his arm and be tightened and the alcohol swap clean his arm. Ed pulled his cock back and let Sam do his work. Sam found a nice vein and stuck the needle in. He got a register in the syringe. 

    S : go fly baby. We're going to take good care of you and your pussy. 

    Sam squirted the syringe empty into Dennis' vein and it took only seconds before Dennis started coughing and was catapulted to the 7th heaven. Dennis was taken in by the included and placed in the sling. His legs were attached to the chain so that his den was nicely visible. 

    E : the others did a good job by the looks of it. His hole is already nicely open and apparently well supplied with lubricant. 
    M : yes by the looks of it. 

    Dennis was moaning in the sling. The slam he had received was certainly the biggest yet. Ed went around Dennis' sphincter with his fingers and was able to work 4 fingers inside without difficulty. Dennis mouth fell open and started asking for more. 

    E : You can get more bitch.

    And he pushed his thumb with the rest formed a fist and pushed through until he reached thickest point of his fist and only now he felt a slight tightening of Dennis' sphincter. 

    E : Wow, this cunt is made to be fisted. I can push my whole hand into its hole almost effortlessly. 

    Dennis wanted the whole fist in his cunt and pushed his cunt deeper on Ed's fist until it disappeared into his hole. 

    E: look at our little one, he can't wait anymore. 

    Michael and Sam saw what was happening and looked open-mouthed at the slut they had created. Dennis growled with pleasure and tried to get the sling moving so his cunt could ride Ed's fist. 
    Ed made Dennis commit and helped him a little by pushing his fist a little deeper into Dennis' cunt with each rocking motion. With every inch that the fist was deeper in his cunt Dennis growled louder and louder and more and more pre-cum also began to ooze from his cock. 

    E: that's enough slut, I want to enjoy this myself. 

    Sam held the sling still and Ed himself now began to move his fist in and out of Dennis' hole. Michael came up next to Dennis and pushed his cock into Dennis' face. Dennis knew what to do, he opened his mouth and let his maker's cock slide in. Now Ed was hitting deeper and deeper into Dennis' bowels until he felt he could go no further. He was now just piece above his wrist in Dennis' pussy anyway and was already very satisfied with the progress made. He pulled his fist back out of Dennis' cunt and was now constantly changing fists. Each time in and out of the gaping cunt of Dennis, who was still sucking heavily on his maker's cock. Ed could no longer control his horniness and removed his fist from Dennis' cunt and pushed his thick stiff cock inside. He gave several thrusts and filled Dennis' guts with his cum. The once tight sphincter had now become a stretched out gaping hole where real men's cum was spilling out because it could no longer close properly. 
    Sam who had been standing next to him the whole time and playing with his cock took over.

    Sam's hands were slightly larger and thicker than Ed's, and he made a fist and placed it against the slightly shapely rosebud. Sam felt the bowel wanting to come out and pushed lightly with his fist several times against the sphincter pushing outward. Dennis was ecstatic, he let Michael's cock fall out of his mouth. 

    D : come on godfather push that fist inside, let me feel what a bad boy I have been. 
    S : you are not a bad boy honey. You have become an accomplished whore. 

    Sam gently pushed his fist against the sphincter and felt it open even further. The cum from Ed and everyone else acted as a natural lubricant and Sam's fist was sucked in by Dennis' hungry bowels. Dennis let out a loud fulfilled sigh and began sucking further on Michael's hard cock. Sam internally opened his fist and swirled his hand around inside Dennis' hole. He felt where Dennis' prostate was and began to stimulate it. The pre-cum began to ooze from Dennis's limp cock and Michael absorbed the pre-cum with his fingers and fed it to Dennis. 

    M : letting nothing go to waste my son. 
    D : Thank you father. No we must not let any nectar go to waste. 

    Now Sam began to pick up the pace and Dennis began to moan heavily and stopped sucking. He looked at Sam and saw that he was jerking himself. 

    S : I'm about to come baby. Where do you want me to dump my cum. 

    D : let me taste you again godfather, I want to drink your babies. 

    Sam stopped jerking pulled his fist out of Dennis' stretched hole and stuck his cock in Dennis' mouth. 

    S : suck whore, suck my babies in that slut bucket of yours 
    Dennis sucked as hard as he could on Sam's blissful cock. Meanwhile Michael stood at the gaping hole and pushed his hard sucked cock inside. Michael no longer felt the edges of Dennis's hole.

    M : oh my son, your pussy has become beautiful. If this didn't make me so horny I could fuck your cunt for a whole day without coming.

    D : yes father fuck me, fuck me a whole day. 

    M : you make me too horny my son I am going to cum pussy, I can't hold back anymore. 

    At the same time Sam too came. Dennis felt both his mouth and pussy being pumped full with cum. When they had caught their breath and helped Dennis out of the sling. The 4 men kissed each other for a while and went upstairs. Dennis had now become one of them. He would serve as the group's cumdump for the rest of the year until it was his time to become a father. 
    Dennis had really found his true self now, and was hunting almost daily for a new cock that would feed his pussy. The local sauna and cruising bars had no secrets from him either, and everyone knew him there by now.  He had also gone with Michael to get a biohazard tattoo and had let Michael choose the place. Michael chose to have it put on his butt so that when he was with his parents it would not be visible. 
    And as agreed, Dennis was the slut on duty at every get-together. Dennis enjoyed being used. 

    So we came to the holidays and Michael and Dennis' family parties had now also become different, because where before there was a problem about having to sleep together when they were with their parents. Now they had to make sure there were no noises coming from their room. 
    Dennis and Michael stayed with their parents for 3 weeks to spend the holidays.
     Dennis went to the gym one night, when he walked in he was just struck by lightning. In front of him on the treadmill was a beautiful young guy. Dennis' mouth fell open and drool almost ran out of his mouth at the sight of such a young god. He recovered himself and walked to the lockers, placed his bag in them and went to the treadmill next to the young god. A young handsome woman approached the young god and asked if he would be running for a long time. 

    Z : just another half hour honey. Just go home I'll see you well tomorrow. 

    Dennis' mood sank into his shoes and he felt that the butterflies in his stomach were flying away. That young god had a girlfriend, he hadn't counted on that now. He had no choice now but to start the treadmill because it would just seem weird to leave right away. So Dennis started running and sought contact with the young god anyway. The men looked at each other and nodded. Dennis saw that the young god was running at 12 km per hour and he didn't want to undercut and set the treadmill to the same speed. Both men kept an eye on each other's screen and if one ran a little faster then the other also increased his speed. Occasionally they smiled at each other as they realized they were making a game of it.

    When the young god's session was over, Dennis also stopped running. Both men were sweating tremendously and were still catching their breath on the treadmill. 

    Z: I know you from somewhere, is that possible. 

    D : uh, I was born and raised here but now live in the city. I just graduated from there and am living there for now until I find decent work somewhere. 
    Z : I am Zack 

    D : Zack yes I've heard that name too. I'm Dennis, do you sometimes have a sister or brother. 
    Z : yes I have a sister. Chloe

    Dennis couldn't believe his ears, in his year there was a Chloe he had fucked yet in the back seat of his first car, would this be her brother.  
    D : do you have a picture of your sister so I can see if I recognize her. 

    Zack showed a picture of his sister. And yes it was the Chloe that Dennis had already shoved over his cock, what a coincidence. 

    D : yes I know her. 

    Z : oh how coincidental. 

    The ice was broken and the two began to continue the conversation in the bar, both took a sports drink and sat at a table. Zack explained that he was now a senior and that he would also be coming to town next year to attend university. Dennis's ears began to whistle back. 

    D : is your girlfriend going with you
    Z : no she is staying here because she doesn't want to study. 

    D : do you think your relationship will survive that. 
    Z : we'll see. 

    The two talked some more and after half an hour their drinks were finished and Zack went home. Dennis still gave him his number in case Zack wanted a tour of the city when he went to college. Zack said he would definitely call because he hated to be alone. Zack went home and Dennis finished his gym session back and then also went home. 

    D : Michael, I just saw the man of my dreams. 

    M : oh wait, you are not allowed to fuck pussy yet my friend. You still have to wait to make a son. 
    D : yes I know, but don't think anything will come of it either because he has a girlfriend and is now a senior here at school. By the way, I still fucked his sister in the back seat of our old car. 
    M : really. 
    D : yes really, what are the chances. Well yes have given him my number because next school year he is going to uni. Should he want a tour. You never know huh. 

    Dennis winked at Michael. 

    M : Yes late August early September would be ideal. But think the chances of him still having your number by then are slim. 

    The months went by and Dennis still occasionally thought of the young god during a rare tug of war. Summer passed and it was almost time for Dennis to make a son as well. But he didn't have anyone in mind yet, because in his mind was still the young god from the gym. 

    M : Leave it my son, he will never send you again.
     Choose someone else because the men are getting impatient. They want to have a new member. 
    D : ok well I will really make it my job, I will check again to see if anyone else makes my heart beat faster and let you know. 

    Just as he was about to put Zack out of his mind his cell phone lit up. Dennis looked at the number and didn't know it but picked up anyway. 

    Z : hey, Dennis. I don't know if your offer is still valid. 

    D : uh what offer and who am I talking to. 
    Z : yeah sorry, it's Zack from in the gym. You know my sister Chloe. 
    Dennis's heart began to beat violently. You didn't mean this. 
    D : ah yes, hey Zack. Are you okay ?
    D : I promised to give you a tour for sure. 
    Sure Dennis remembered what he had promised he had been longing to see the young god again for months. 
    D : are you already living in the city or are you coming soon. 
    Z : I moved into my studio yesterday. 
    D : don't you sleep on campus or in a student home. 
    Z : no that's nothing for me, prefer some privacy. 
    That sounded like music to Dennis' ears. 
    D : yes I understand, then your girlfriend can easily come by. 
    Z : no she won't come by anymore because we broke off our relationship. It was as you said. This would not survive our relationship. 
    Jackpot. Dennis's butterflies were all back and wanted to send directly to Michael that he had found his son. 
    D : oh too bad for you. 
    Z : yes, but it's better this way. That way we can each go our separate ways and I can fully enjoy my college days. 
    You will certainly think so Dennis. You'll get to know my cock and you won't want anything else. 
    D : well friend what are your plans tonight. 
    Z : don't have any plans yet. Next week there is an introduction day on campus but other than that I have no plans yet because I don't know anyone here. 
    D : well then I am going to introduce you to some of my friends and we will go out a few times so you can get to know the city well. 
    Z: I was hoping you would say that. 
    Zack gave Dennis his address and they agreed that Dennis would pick him up that night to go for a drink. Dennis had also agreed to meet his brother and Zack didn't think that was a problem. 

    Dennis sent to Michael
    D : father, I have found my son. You must help me transform him. 

    M : oh that suddenly goes fast. 
    D : yes, the guy from our house just called me and we are meeting tonight and you will also go with me so you can get to know him. 
    M : yes fine, I can then see how we get on. 

    D : perfect 


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  3. Part 7 

    Sam was the first to arrive at the cottage, he lit the heater and emptied his suitcase. Not much later he heard the door open and Ed, Andy and Jack enter. 
    E: Where is that party?

    Sam who was upstairs started to laugh

    S : Here is that party but the birthday boy is not here yet. 
    A : That's too bad because I urgently need to empty my balls
    E : otherwise I want to suck you
    A : No, never mind. I'll use that whore later to dump my seed. 
    J : Did Michael let you know what time they would be here. 
    S : yes they would be here within 2 hours. 

    Meanwhile Nick and Rob also came in and greeted the others. 

    S : shall we get started men, so that everything is ready for when the sick little one arrives. 

    The others chuckled 

    E : Jack, did you visit Tom? 
    J : yes, I got everything for a horny party weekend. He also managed to tell me that he had very much enjoyed our new addition and if he were invited as a special guest this weekend he would definitely come and provide extra sweets. 
    A : that's good to know. 
    N : I do wonder what progress our new cumdump has made, and if he has fully found his true self yet. 
    S : haven't heard from Michael yet. He would apparently exceed all expectations. He would have been born for it. 
    E: haha that's a good one, I thought we were just about to celebrate his birth 
    Ed winked at Sam with a wide grin on his face.
    N : Yeah I heard him and that's exactly why I'm curious. Michael can say his corruption is complete but I still want to see it. 
    R : I hope he that his cunt is already well open when he gets here because I am not going to hold back this time. 
    The men finished their preparations and decided to go into the Jacuzzi for a while. They took the pipe with them and some party supplies to get in the mood already. Not that they really needed it but the mood can always improve. 
    Michael and Dennis were on their way to the cottage. By now it was already the 3rd day that Dennis was feverish and sick but he had the hardest part behind him anyway. Michael had taken care of him for the last 2 days and had shaved and rinsed him just before leaving so that when they arrived they could start the party right away. Dennis slept during the drive to the cottage to still be at sufficient strength for his birth party. When they still had half an hour to drive he woke up because of Michael's brisk driving and many turns. 
    D : we are almost there 
    M : just another half hour 
    D : ok that's good
    M : Are you ready for your birth party?
    D : I think so, I don't know what to expect though but I'm curious and looking forward to seeing everyone again. 
    M : I think the others are also curious about your progress.
    D : progress ? 
    M : don't fool yourself Dennis, your progress as a cumdump, as a slut and acceptance of your true self. 
    D : oh right yes. Yes the fever doesn't really help to think clearly. But I hope I will live up to the expectation. Because the last few weeks have been a revelation to me. 
    M : I love to hear that. Feel free to tell further
    D : to be honest, I didn't know about myself that I'm a cock sucker and cumdump. But I am really incredibly grateful to Sam for seducing me and putting me on the right path like that. 
    M : and what path is that my son. 
    D : the path of a poz cumdump, whore and slut. 
    M : should I not be driving I would take your cunt and shove you all over my fat cock like that. 
    Dennis grinned. 
    D : I could use your medicine otherwise daddy. If you want I'll suck you otherwise while you take me to the party. 
    M : your proposal sounds tempting but I still want to save my seed for the party. 
    M : but if you already really want to prove yourself as a slut, you may prepare hollow for later. 
    D : with great pleasure 

    Dennis placed his seat back and took off his pants his underwear was not necessary because he was wearing a jockstrap. He placed his feet on the dashboard and laid his backrest as flat as possible and searched his pussy with his hand. His once tight and exciting sphincter had now turned into a proudly open and hungry cunt. Without any effort he pushed his 2 fingers into his still dry cunt. He closed his eyes and with one hand he fingered his cunt and with his other hand he took hold of his hardening cock. It wasn't long before he got a slap on his hand and Michael pulled his hand away. 

    M : I said prepare your hole, I didn't say you can play with your cock slut.
    Dennis was startled and opened his eyes and immediately pulled his hand away. Michael laughed and pulled his car over. Dennis looked quizzically at Michael as he got out. 

    M : I can't trust you yet son, but don't worry I have my toolbox with me and will help you so you won't be tempted to squirt. 
    He opened Dennis' Door, squeezed Dennis' stiff cock so it went limp again and put the penis cage around Dennis' limp slut cock and threw the lube and dildos on Dennis' belly. 
    M : so, now we're sure you won't do something you shouldn't. 
    D : thank you father. 

    Michael started the car and drove back on while Dennis smeared his hungry pussy with lube and then pushed a dildo inside. Again he closed his eyes and began to moan lightly. Michael took his cell phone and made a video of Dennis while he was playing with himself and forwarded it in the Whatsapp group with the message : "He is ready because he couldn't control himself anymore. Hope you guys are ready."
    Jack saw his cell phone light up and saw the message from Michael. 
    J : hey guys, check this out. 
    Everyone in the Jacuzzi was watching the movie and although the mood was already starting to get good, the temperature was already going up. 

    R : by the looks of it, his cunt is already well open. 

    A : I can't wait to dump my first load in that hole
    T : let's reward him with a picture. 

    They all sat down next to each other and pulled a group picture of their stiff cocks and also sent it in the whatsapp group : ''we are in happy anticipation to be able to start the his birth party.'' 
    Sam also sent another message in the group @Michael: don't forget to give him the magic water so he is already a little in the mood when he gets here. We are outside in the tub you should just take him to the basement, set him up there and then come get us. 
    Michael sent thumbs up. 
    Michael took the bottle of getorade with a generous dose of G that he had already prepared and handed it to Dennis. 

    M : drink up my son, it will help you get in the mood a little more. 
    Dennis didn't have to be told this twice. He knew what was in the bottle and his body craved a new fix and eagerly drank the bottle. 
    They were now about fifteen minutes from the cottage and Michael knew that the G would just start working as he prepared Dennis for the party. So the timing was perfect. While Dennis continued to play with the dildos. Michael was having all the trouble to concentrate fully on the road and every now and then he would take hold of the dildo that was in Dennis' hole and then push it in himself for a moment. Michael looked at his pants and saw that a wet spot was beginning to show where his mushroom was. 
    Dennis started laughing. 

    D : never thought I would do this to you, and that I would say sit but I desire your cock and your seed so much.
    M : hmmm, I had always hoped. You should know nights I pulled on my cock and fantasized about a moment like this. 

    Dennis lay back down and took a thicker dildo and effortlessly pushed it in too and started moaning again. 
    A few minutes later Michael stopped the car, he got out and took his grievance out of the trunk and opened Dennis' door. 

    M : Step out my son. Are you ready. 

    Dennis straightened his backrest back up and without further thought he got out. He was now standing in the driveway of the cottage wearing only a T-shirt and a jockstrap in which his penis cage was nicely visible. If anyone could have seen him standing there they would have had a nice view. As Dennis stood up, he also felt the first effects of the G taking over his system. 

    D : It is strange to be back here. Last time I was here I was a virgin, negative and ignorant. This is the place where my new life started. 
    M : right, the place of your transformation, corruption and birth. 

    Michael put his bag on the floor, took hold of Dennis and began to kiss him firmly. With his hands he slid over Dennis' bare tight ass and squeezed his buttocks.  Michael could hold him off for a moment and turned Dennis over and pushed him against the car and went through Dennis' butt crack with his hand and inserted a few fingers into his moist hole.

    He withdrew his fingers and then pushed his stiff cock against Dennis' ass. 
    M: Look what you are causing. Throw you on the car and rape you hard here. 

    D : hmmmm, oh yes 

    Dennis enjoyed the hard and horny approach of Michael 

    M : come we go inside the others will also want to start the festivities. 

    Michael released Dennis, took his bag off the ground and took Dennis' hand and they stepped inside. 
    Dennis began to feel the G more and more and his tongue began to hang out of his mouth and he could restrain himself less and less. As befits a real slut, he kept wanting to touch Michael's fat cock. 

    M : restraining yourself for a while longer son. 

    Michael put on Dennis 2 ankle straps and 2 wrist straps. He also put on Dennis light blue transparent panties with a biohazard symbol on his ass. He also took a pipe that was ready and started melting the crystals. 

    M : Here son, let's get you already prepared for what is to come. 

    Dennis didn't have to be told this twice and Michael handed him the pipe filled with the horny smoke. Dennis blew 4 big white clouds and felt himself being sucked more and more into lala land. Michael then put the pipe away, he blindfolded Dennis and attached him to the cross that stood in the middle of the room. He also took 2 large crystals and pushed them into Dennis' moist hole. Dennis knew what was about to happen and wanted to slide his hands over his body but he couldn't and as a result stood grinding against the cross like a much too horny whore. He felt how the crystals in his hole were dissolving and how his cunt began to burn even more and started moaning to be filled. 

    M : how do you feel my son, are you ready for the other one
    D : hmm yes father, yes 
    M : ok then I will get them 

    Michael gave Dennis another pat on the ass and then left him alone in the basement. Dennis did not know what to do with his feelings and horniness and licked the crotch and stood with his body rubbing against the wood. 
    When Michael came upstairs he went to the garden where the others were still in the Jacuzzi. 

    S : ah you are here
    T : is the newborn ready for the party. 
    M : it is ready for use in the basement
    J : has he been tested yet. 
    M : no not yet Jack but I brought a self-test and wanted to test him with you later. 
    A : that's nice of you. Because we do want to see proof of his transition of course 
    N : haha yes that is true otherwise there is nothing to celebrate. 
    M : come men let's not leave the party pig alone for too long because he will be fully ready now. 

    The others stood up and took their ready towel and dried themselves off. Naked they went inside and into the heated basement. There they saw a moaning and crotch licking and rubbing Dennis standing there. They heard how Dennis was also moaning to be fucked. He kept saying fuck me, fill me and rape me. Everyone stayed as quiet as possible and gathered around him. 
    Dennis who was completely in Lala land didn't notice anything and was in his own horny world. The others started pulling on their stiffening dicks at the sight of the horny scene. But it was Sam who treated Dennis to the first touch. Dennis felt a nip in the right jaw of his ass, not much later he also felt a nip in his left buttock and felt several hands going over his chest, back and through his hair. Dennis began to breathe heavier and more heavily, dropped his head back with his mouth open. Nick took the pre-cum from his glans with his fingers and inserted his wet finger into Dennis' open mouth who instantaneously tasted the taste of the heavenly nectar and finger. His lips clasped the finger and licked the finger clean with his tongue.
    N : hmmm yes slut lick that finger clean. Soon I will have your mouth well pumped with my toxic nectar. 
    D : hmmmm yes, hmmm yes 
    Dennis felt everyone caressing his body and several fingers penetrating his hole. He was now completely in seventh heaven. Dennis was detached from the crotch, he was fairly shaky on his legs due to the chems and was pushed into Jack's arms who gave him a firm tongue kiss. Dennis eagerly kissed back and then he was pushed into Andy's arms, it went on like that until last he ended up in Sam's arms. Dennis recognized the taste of Sam and kissed Sam even more firmly than the others. For Sam he had an extra crush because it was he who had introduced him to this blissful world.

     When he had kissed with everyone, Dennis was pushed to his knees and his blindfold was taken off. He felt prick in his finger and a drop of blood was put into a jar. Why he didn't know but he let it happen because the smell of all those horny stiff cocks tantalized his slut senses and he couldn't control himself anymore.He opened his mouth and took the first best cock he could grab and started sucking on it. He was cock heaven because in his mouth there was a cock, just as in both his hands there was a fat pole and as icing on the cake he felt several cocks rubbing against his face as well. It wasn't long before Dennis heard Sam say

    S: Let the party begin men, Michael has become the father of a Poz son. We have a new member in our fraternity. The test gives a positive result. 

    The others let out a chuckle of yeah, Dennis heard and saw Sam give Michael a fat wink and high five.Dennis got a few caresses through his hair and Michael whispered in Dennis' ear. From now on you are forever my son.  Dennis did realize what was happening around him and what was being said but at this moment only the sucking of the several around him was important. 
    Dennis now again had Nick's thick black cock in his mouth and Nick was about to dump his first load of the evening. He took Dennis' head firmly and pushed his cock deep into Dennis' throat. The others were already amazed that Dennis' gag reflex was gone and looked approvingly at Michael. Ed gave Michael a pat on the back  

    E : I see you have already trained him well. 

    Nick could no longer hold back Dennis felt his mouth being pumped full of infected seed. Nick squirted 5 jets of hot seed into Dennis' mouth and then withdrew his still hard cock. Dennis did not swallow the seed immediately but enjoyed the taste sensation sprayed into his mouth for a moment. It was as if he was drinking a heavenly cocktail and wanted to keep the taste in his mouth. But he didn't get much time to enjoy the heavenly drink because Nick pulled him straight. 

    N : no fear honey we all took a viagra, and we are all good for several servings of semen. This won't be your last dose you get from me. 

    It made Nick even hornier and he took Dennis' head firmly now and kissed him firmly. 
    Ed came between the two and started laughing 

    E : not claiming our newborn for yourself hey Nick. We'll be here all weekend.

    Michael took the thermometer and quickly checked Dennis' temperature to make sure Dennis' fever wasn't starting to rise violently again. But everything remained in reassuring ranges. 

    T : Indulge my hole slut, show that you have already learned that you can indulge a hole.

    Dennis' tongue went up and down along Tony's sphincter and Tony pushed his ass deeper onto Dennis' mouth so that his tongue penetrated his hole. 

    T : You do that well slut, if you continue like that you might get to fuck me yourself one day.

    Tony's encouragement made Dennis try even harder and he heard how Tony enjoyed his lick turn. Rob pushed a pillow under Dennis's ass and pulled Dennis's ass open. Dennis' gaping hole now became visible to anyone who could see the ass. Everyone looked in admiration at Dennis' gaping den and again Michael received a few pats on the back for the good job he had done with the newborn. Rob buried his mouth in Dennis' den and began to lick his pussy vigorously. Dennis was now completely ecstatic. He felt Rob's tongue licking his hole and Rob's fingers sliding along the wall of his sphincter. Andy gave another crystal to Rob who effortlessly pushed it deep into Dennis' cave and while continuing to lick Dennis' sphincter. Tony stood up, gave a kiss to Dennis and made way for Sam who now offered his limp cock to Dennis. Dennis wanted to start sucking him stiff but Sam stopped him.

    S : my bladder needs to empty honey. Drink my chempiss and soon you will be on cloud nine

    Dennis' mouth was filled with the warm golden drink and without needing any further instructions he swallowed the heavenly nectar. He felt the golden drink slide down his gullet and fill his but. When the last drop had drained from Sam's cock, he began to suck the limp cock and felt Sam's cock begin to swell. Dennis felt his hole begin to burn again and moan to be filled. He began to beg to be fucked.

    S: what do you say there slut. Do you want to get fucked. A fat pole in your cunt you have to earn slut. Here you get nothing for nothing.If you want your hole filled you have to do something for it. 
    D : tell me, tell me what I have to do to be filled with your fat cocks. 
    The others looked at themselves and grinned at each other.
    N : ok slut, if you still want to be fucked by us, then promise here and now that you will put your den at the service of the brotherhood this year, that you will never refuse a cock or a load of seed.If you do that you may become a full member next year and elect a new member to the brotherhood and take on the fatherhood.

    M : what do you say to this my son. 

    Dennis wanted nothing more than to join the fraternity, Dennis wanted to say yes but with Sam's cock stiffening in his mouth he couldn't and nodded affirmatively. 
    S: good choice pal, Jack give our slut what he deserves. 

    Jack took the place of Rob who was still licking Dennis' hole and slid his thick mushroom into Dennis' gaping opening. Dennis' sphincter gave no more resistance and let Jack slide his cock all the way in to deep inside his bowels. Dennis' hole was completely filled with Jack's cock, Dennis stopped sucking Sam's cock and began to moan lightly. He looked at the others and saw that Michael was giving Ed a blowjob that Sam was walking to a table of squirts and that Andy was preparing the sling. Now Rob came and offered his cock. Dennis eagerly opened his mouth and began licking Rob's mushroom with his tongue with horny eyes he watched Rob. Now he kissed Rob's glans and then sucked it in. With his tongue he licked at Rob's glans as he slid up and down the shaft with his drooling mouth. Meanwhile, Jack began to thrust more firmly into Dennis' hole. Jack's hard thrusts were a delight to Dennis' toxic drugged cunt. After a few minutes both Jack and Rob could no longer hold their loads both men began to moan heavily.

    R : get ready to swallow boy
    J : oh yes, and my load you get slut too

    Dennis tasted as Rob's cock began to discharge his load into his mouth.It was a warm sweet load of seed that he received in his mouth and at the same time he felt one last hard thrust from Jack and how his cock began to squirt strings of seed into his bowels.  Dennis slowly swallowed the divine nectar and noticed his arm being pulled. It was Andy who pulled Dennis straight off the bed and guided him to the sling. It was only 2 meters steps to the sling but still it was far enough for a trail of Jack's seed to run out of Dennis's pussy. 
    Dennis was placed in the sling and his ankles were latched so that he could let his legs hang down. Andy came to the level of his cunt and inserted his semi-hard cock into the seed-encrusted hole. Dennis felt how Andy was filling his bowels with his pee. He felt his belly getting warm from the chempiss and saw how Andy was enjoying this moment. When Andy finished and pulled his dick out Dennis wanted to be able to close his sphincter so the Chempiss could do its job but he had totally lost control of his sphincter and he felt most of the piss drain out along with the rest of Jack's seed. Dennis was disappointed that he couldn't hold back the piss but he didn't have long to be concerned about this because he felt a tourniquet being put around his arm and saw Sam stick a needle in his arm. He watched as the fluid turned red 

    S : ready to fly baby
    D : yes, I want this so very much. Can I push in the plunger myself and catapult me into the stars and you can let me enjoy your fat cock in my pussy while I do. 
    S : oh, baby your daddy didn't exaggerate. You have really found and embraced your true self. Here just push the syringe empty into your veins and enjoy your flight.

    Sam handed the syringe to Dennis and came to his cunt and inserted his stiff cock into Dennis' hole. Dennis felt his hole being filled and that was the signal to launch him to the stars. He pushed the red fluid through the needle into his veins. He felt the tickle in his throat and how Sam began to thrust into his hole. Dennis began to cough, his eyes turned away and he was now among the stars. 

    D : harder, fuck me harder. Come on I know you can do it. Make my cunt bleed with that fat cock of yours. 

    The others looked in admiration at the transformation Dennis had undergone and Michael handed a dildo to Sam. 

    S : stick that in and make him scream with pleasure. 
    D : yes Sam, fill my whore cunt

    Sam took the dildo and gently pushed it by his fat cock into the hole of Dennis who only now felt again how was that his sphincter was broken open. Dennis moaned heavily with pleasure. 
    Sam set the pace and how hard Dennis was fucked. He challenged him by taking the dildo out all the way and then pushing it all the way back in at once. Dennis' thoughts were now focused on only one thing and that was his pussy and how blissful it felt to feel a cock in his ass. 
    Michael came and sat next to Dennis while Sam was riding Dennis' ass. 

    M : How do you feel my son. Is this the life you want to live from now on. 
    D : oh father, yes this is what I want every day. I am so grateful to you for choosing me to make me a Poz cumdump and include me in your fraternity. 
    S : we didn't make you a cumdump baby we just woke up your true self. 
    D : oh Sam, thanks for waking me up. Will you be my godfather? Then I will be the best boy you can think of. I will come and ride your cock every week and let you fill me up with your delicious seed. 

    Sam laughed loudly and pushed the dildo and his cock hard and deep into Dennis' hole. 

    S : yes baby, if you want that then I will become your godfather. Are you ready for your birth present from your godfather. 
    D : yes godfather, give me your toxic gift. 

    Again Dennis felt his guts fill with seed. Sam could read the disappointment on Dennis' face and took the seed running out of Dennis' hole in his mouth and came up beside Dennis and then let it run out of his mouth and into Dennis' open mouth. Dennis pulled Sam's head toward him and began tonguing him vigorously. Now it was Ed's turn. Ed clicked Dennis' ankles loose and pulled him out of the sling and took him back to the bed. Ed lay down on his back and Dennis came down on Ed's cock. Dennis started riding Ed's cane like an accomplished cowboy Nick had regained his strength by now and also climbed onto the bed and pushed Dennis forward so that he was now flat on Ed's chest and he pushed his fat cock at that Ed. Both waited a moment longer to thrust so Dennis' cunt had time to adjust. Michael came back next to Dennis and had a pipe filled with crystals in his hand. 

    M : here my son, suck on the pipe so you can continue to float among the stars for a while longer.

    Dennis sucked the horny fumes from the pipe and blew 3 big white clouds into the cleder. Ed and Nick felt Dennis' sphincter loosen up again and they both started thrusting deeper into Dennis' hole. Dennis cried out

    D : Fuck yeah, rape me. Stretch that cunt open with your fat cocks. 
    Ed took hold of Dennis' head 
    E : we will stretch your cunt open so that we can put our fists in it later. 

    He placed his lips on Dennis' and the two began to kiss fiercely as Nick began to thrust more fiercely. Ed couldn't hold up his load anymore and let his seed flow into Dennis' pussy. Ed's seed caused Nick's fat dick to get extra natural lubricant and thus slid in smoother and deeper. Ed's dick became limp and fell out of Dennis' cunt but both were still kissing fiercely. 
    Nick almost couldn't hold back for a second time he gave several firm slaps on Dennis' ass and took him firmly by the hips. He pushed his cock as deep as he could one last time and growled very loudly. Dennis again felt his ass fill up with seed.
    Michael pulled Dennis off Ed and they lay down on the bed together. 

    S : come men let's leave the party pig and his father alone for a while so he can get some strength for the next round. 

    Everyone went upstairs except Dennis and Michael

    D : is the party already over father
    M : it's anything but over. We have only started. But you are still in transition and the others want to give you some time to regain your strength. I think soon they will come down one by one for a one on one. Are you comfortable with that. 
    D : hmmm yes and getting your strength up for a while certainly won't hurt. 
    D : I haven't tasted your seed yet father. 

    M : right my son, I waited until the moment we would be alone for a while. 

    M : I wanted to be able to enjoy your open fucked and seed soaked cunt. 
    D : hmmmm, are you proud of me father

    M : hmmm you don't want to know how proud I am of you my son. 
    M : there is no greater whore son like you. 
    Michael felt at the gaping and drenched cunt of Dennis. He stuck his 4 fingers deep into the gaping hole and felt there was even more room 
    M : hmmmm your hole is begging to be fisted later son. 
    M : would you like to ride your father's fist this weekend 

    D : oh father, if you want you can fill me with your fist right now. Let me show you how happy I am to be your son. 
    M : hmmmm, no darling. You may first taste the seed that created you because my balls are about to burst after seeing what you have become. 
    M : on your mouth son so I can squirt my medicine in your mouth

    Dennis opened his mouth and Michael placed his cock at the level of Dennis' mouth and pulled his slightly purple looking stiff pole 2 more times and then squirted string after string of seed into Dennis' mouth. Dennis struggled to handle the influx of seed and almost choked. When Michael had finished squirting he fell down briefly on the bed. 
    M : I'm going to check with the others upstairs about what we'll do later. You get some rest. 

    D : Will do father but don't leave me alone for too long. Because I want to feel much more of your DNA flowing through my body.

    hope you found part 7 horny to read, part 8 will be for sometime next week 

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    I've started part 7 but wanted to give you a brief continuation anyway


    Part 6 

    Dennis was awakened by Michael making noise in the kitchen. 
    D : Michael is that you. 
    M : yes my converting slut, it's me. 
    D : man, I don't feel good. I think Master Tom gave me too many chems and the session was a little too intense. 
    D : my whole body hurts 
    M : hahaha, you are not suffering from a chem hangover my son, you have the fuck flu. Your DNA is transforming. My babies are completely taking over your DNA and within days you will find rebirth places as my Poz seed and Tina whore son. 
    M: I have already sent the brotherhood and they are preparing your birth and my impending paternity party. 
    A small smile appeared Dennis who was slightly delirious with fever and almost fell back asleep.
    M: here drink up, you will feel better soon 
    Michael gave Dennis a glass of water and an aspirin so his fever would go down a bit. Dennis took the pill and drank the glass. 
    M: let me feel your pussy son, let me feel how pussy has grown this week and if you are ready for your new life as a Poz whore. 
    Dennis turned on his side and Michael lowered the jogging Dennis had on. With his finger, he slid between Dennis' butt crack and found the moist and still seed-filled hole of his future son. 
    Michael noticed that Dennis' hole no longer gave any resistance at all and that the sphincter was completely open. He was able to insert 3 fingers without Dennis noticing. Michael licked his upper lip and felt like licking the seed from his future son's hole and then providing him with a portion of his own seed. Dennis groaned as he felt Michael's fingers slide out of his gaping hole. Michael wanted to lick his fingers clean but didn't get the chance to do so. 
    D : let me taste father, let me taste my reward from Master Tom and Liam. 
    Michael's cock jumped up and was stiff in 1 second. Dennis turned his head and sought Michael's fingers. With open mouth and watery red eyes, he looked at Michael with a horny seed asking look. Michael stuck his seed coated fingers into Dennis' mouth who licked them clean. Dennis' spun his eyes around in horniness and then looked at Michael's fly. He opened Michael's zipper, Michael let it happen and looked amused at his new creation. Michael's cock jumped out through the zipper opening. 
    D : may I suck your cock father. I want to receive your medicine so I will get well again soon. 
    M: hmmmm you can suck me anytime son. But I can't promise you that you will be allowed to swallow my seed. If you start sucking me I will also take your pussy and fill intestines with my medicine. 
    This sounded like music to Dennis's sickly delirious head. He opened his mouth again and sat up a little straighter. He unbuttoned Michael's pants which then fell to the floor. 
    D : I am all yours as long as you make me better. 
    Dennis took Michael's hard thick cock in his mouth and started sucking it softly. Michael felt how hot Dennis' mouth was and enjoyed this rare moment. 
    M: oh son, I am so proud of you. How you have changed these last 2 weeks is beyond my wildest dreams. I had always dreamed you would be a cumdump but I never thought you were actually a born whore. This was always in you my son, I just woke up your true self. 
    Michael took hold of Dennis' head and pushed his fat swollen cock deep into Dennis' throat. 
    M: just choke on your father's fat cock, let me feel how hot and sick your throat is. 
    Dennis no longer suffered from a gag reflex and the fat pole slid deep into his throat until he felt Michael's balls against his lips. Michael's cock was deep in Dennis' hot throat, leaking pre-cum and down Dennis' throat. He enjoyed the moment for a moment and then withdrew his cock. Dennis gasped and eagerly sucked on and tasted Michael's pre-cum and started moaning with pleasure. 
    M: oh yes my son, suck that fat pole. Suck your father.
    A moment later Dennis stopped sucking, he fell down exhausted in the seat. But he didn't get long to regain his strength. Michael pulled off Dennis' jogging pants and turned him onto his belly and got on top of him. He placed his thick mushroom against the gaping sphincter and without any effort he pushed it inside the moist and radiant cave. 
    Dennis moaned because of the blissful feeling he got from Michael's cock sliding inside.
    M: my god son, your cunt, your cunt is amazing. 
    M: your cunt already feels the way a cumdump's cunt should feel. Wet, open, hot and without resistance. Your fuck flu completes it completely. 

    Michael began to thrust more firmly as he felt he would not last long Dennis' hot cunt excited him too much and he thrust his cock in hard a few more times and then let his medicine run into Dennis' bowels and then fell down exhausted on Dennis' radiant body. 
    M: hmmmmm I can't wait until tomorrow at the party to fill up your pussy again son. You are really great. 
    Dennis looked at Michael with his red and small eyes 
    D : me too father, me too. 
    D : thank you for your medicine. 
    M : rest now, I will stay here and take care of you. Then tomorrow night we can go to the party together. 
    Dennis felt the seed running out of his pussy, he still put his fingers in his pussy to taste his father's gift and when he put the seed-covered fingers in his mouth and tasted taste of the heavenly nectar he fell asleep.

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  5. Part 5

    The next morning Dennis and Michael woke up and Dennis took another look at his cell phone and saw back the notifications of the apps Michael had installed. 
    D : What to do with this 
    M : What you should do with this, agree and give in to your new needs. You have to do that. 
    D : I don't know. I've only had sex under the influence or with you there. Are you going to be with me on every date then. 
    M : hahaha no I'm not going to be there. This is your first assignment.
    M : I want you to date at least 1 top in the next 7 days, get fucked without taking Tina or other chems. The only thing you may use are poppers. You get fucked every time bare , you get your pussy pumped full of cum and then lick the top's cock clean. 
    M : You know since I made your profiles and know your password I will maintain the contacts. You don't have to do anything just open your door when the doorbell rings and offer your mouth and ass. I will then decide with whom and how much seed you get each day and you will not refuse any cock offered to you. I will come and install my surveillance cameras here later so I can make sure you carry out your assignment. 
    Dennis didn't really know what hit him. He would have to let total strangers into his house for the next 7 days, get fucked, squirted full and filmed. He no longer had a problem with being filled with cum because he would soon get the fuck flu anyway and was secretly addicted to it already. But being filmed and having no say in who would fuck him did. He still had the penis cage on and what would those men say if they saw him like this. 
    M : do this brother and then you only have to do 1 more job and then I will release your cock back and you will get a new dose of chems. You'll even get your own stash from me then. 
    Dennis' heart started pumping faster when he heard that he would get his own stash of Tina and that his dick would finally be set free again. 
    M : First prove to me that you have embraced your new destiny and are now a real cum dump and that you enjoy having a cock in your hole. 
    D : ok, I accept the challenge and I hope you can convince
    The brothers had breakfast together, Michael went home to his cameras and installed them in Dennis's bedroom in places where you couldn't see them. 
    Dennis was now back alone in his apartment for the first time and he noticed by everything that his thoughts, feelings and sexual needs had changed. When he watched straight porn, he no longer got horny from the horny women he saw on the screen but was fantasizing about what dick was in the men's pants and what he would want to do with it.  
    Dennis was nervous, when would the bell on his door ring for the first time, who would it be, would he be handsome, young, muscular. What would he have to do and would he manage to have sex and let himself go completely without the blissful intoxication of Miss Tina. He didn't have to wait long because the doorbell rang and his cell phone lit up he had a message from his brother. He went to the doorbell pressed the button and let the person downstairs in and told him to just come upstairs. He opened the door and took his cell phone and read the message Michael had sent him. 
    M : Have fun my son because the first one should be here by now. Don't disappoint me and don't forget that I can see you. He is expecting a real slut and wants to squirt down your throat. Wait on your knees with your mouth open at your door. 
    Dennis' heart pounded in his throat, he was tremendously nervous but did what the message said and got on his knees at the door with his mouth still open . He heard his visitor come upstairs and the door opened. 
    Dennis looked straight ahead and saw only the shoes and jeans of the man who had just come in. He dared not look up, his eyes fixated on the bulge in the jeans in front of him. 
    Dennis saw 2 hands go toward the button of the pants, undo the button and belt, and lower the jeans. The hands were of the unknown visitor were firm and looked rough. It certainly wasn't a young guy doing a desk job though but the hands certainly belonged to someone doing heavy manual labor. The pants fell to the floor and a half hard fat but not so big cock was now looking at Dennis. 
    Dennis felt his mouth fill with saliva and licked his lips at the sight of that tasty dick. He felt his own trapped cock want to get stiff but it was held back by his bars. The visitor now came to stand with his cock right in front of Dennis' mouth and the smell of the sweaty unwashed cock entered Dennis' nose. Dennis was getting hornier and hornier. He realized that letting himself go completely without Chems was not really going to be a problem and he had to have that blissfully smelling cock in his mouth. 

    1 : Well slut what are you waiting for, that cock won't suck itself stiff 
    Dennis opened his mouth and took the half hard cock in his mouth. He tasted a mixture of sweat, pre-cum and piss and instantly the inner slut in him emerged. He placed his hands on the thick and flabby ass and pushed the cock all the way in. He felt the cock begin to swell in his mouth. Dennis' mouth was completely filled and because the cock was so thick he had trouble keeping it all the way in his mouth. The anonymous visitor took hold of Dennis' head and began to thrust and growl. 
    1: Yes little slut, make me nice and stiff. Then I'll rip open your little cunt with my fat cock later. 
    That sounded like music to Dennis's slut ears. 
    Michael sat behind his laptop and watched Dennis kneel down and suck the cock of a 60-year-old port worker. Michael had chosen him specifically because he wanted to test Dennis' ability to take any cock offered without hesitation. The dock worker was certainly not of the handsomest, he was smaller than Dennis, had man boobs was heavily hairy and not of the cleanest. But Michael was very pleasantly surprised that Dennis was indulging the cock without hesitation. 
    Dennis still had not looked up and was enjoying the cock that was in his mouth. 
    1: Offer me your pussy slut. Take off your pants and lie on your back in your seat. 
    Dennis stood up and was still looking down. He took off his pants and lay on his back in the couch. Now for the first time he saw the dock worker and Dennis shocked. This man was totally not his type, had he just sucked this man's cock and now he would let himself be fucked by this old dirty nasty troll. 
    1: With your panties on it won't work he slut. 
    The dock worker tore open Dennis' briefs and the cock cage came out. 
    1: oh look here, the  slut is caged. Are you not allowed to play with yourself by your master slut. Right he is , a slut should not play with his dick he should pleasure real men  like me. 
    Although Dennis was ashamed and didn't want to continue. Still the slut in him took over. 
    😧 yes I am caged. Stretch my cunt and rape my hole with your fat cock. 
    Dennis was shocked by his own words but he didn't have long to think about it as he felt his cunt pulled open by the dock worker's fat cock. This was the first time for Dennis to be fucked completely sober by a stranger who was then not his choice. He felt his cunt tear and groaned in pain. 
    1: You're not used to much yet huh slut. When I'm done you won't have a tight pussy but a hole 
    The harbor worker pushed his short but fat dick all the way in and felt the sphincter of Dennis' dick tighten completely 
    1: hmmmm this is what I like slut, breaking open and destroying a tight pussy like yours.
    Dennis wanted to push the dock worker off him but the man may have been smaller and older than Dennis he was much stronger all the same and held Dennis in a firm grip and pulled him hard on his cock.
    Dennis saw the poppers on the little table, he took them as fast as he could and sniffed them heavily. A horny and relaxed intoxication came over him. His pussy began to relax and the intoxication made the appearance of the man fucking him no longer matter. Dennis started moaning and the docker felt he could start pumping. 
    1: yes slut give your pussy to me completely let me fuck  your hole. 
    D : hmmmm yes fuck me, fuck me harder 
    Dennis took a few more firm strokes of the poppers and released the beast inside him completely. His cunt was now completely relaxed and allowed the fat pole to slide in like a knife through butter. The dock worker increased the pace and rammed his cock in harder. Dennis no longer noticed the man's appearance he was only focused on his cunt and wanted it filled as long as possible. In his mind he wondered why he had not discovered this earlier, he enjoyed this much more than what he used to do with women. 
    1: do you still have a neg pussy slut. 
    D : yes, but my pussy is already fully charged and my DNA is brewing the virus  
    The dock worker was thrusting as hard as he could 
    1: fuck yeah, you dirty mother fucker. You deserve to be pozz. A real dirty mother fucker you are. A real dirty pozz whore you are. 
     1: Are you ready to swallow my dirty seed whore. Open your mouth I'm going to fill you up with my babies Open your mouth slut I'm going to fill you up. 
    Dennis opened his mouth and sat up straight, took the cock in his mouth he tasted his own cunt fluid and immediately realized he was not rinsed but like a real dirty whore he sucked on it like a man possessed. He heard the dock worker growl and took he took Dennis's head firmly and pushed on his cock and held it. Dennis felt his mouth being filled with the dock worker's seed. The seed tasted heavenly, it was Dennis' reward for letting himself go completely with a man he otherwise would not have seen, or had sex with. 
    Dennis enjoyed the seed in his mouth for a while longer, then let it slide down his throat. 
    The man pulled his limp cock into Dennis' mouth and patted the back of his head. 
    1: Blessed slut. If you want any more of my cum you have to send me. 
    He put his pants back on and left. Dennis was left only horny and turned on. With his hand he felt at his open hole and he stuck a few fingers in it to enjoy it for a while. He had to do something because he couldn't play with his own cock. He saw his cell phone light up again. That must be Michael he thought, Who must have been watching. He pulled his hand back and when he wanted to take his cell phone he saw that there was still brown residue on his hand. He realized that from now on he would have to rinse himself every day because if he could get fucked at any unexpected moment he had to be clean. 
    He wiped his hand clean and took out his cell phone. It was indeed Michael. 
    M: You have made me a proud father. Didn't think you could let yourself go like that right away. It shows me that you accept your new self and are ready for more and new experiences. 
    Dennis sent back 
    D : it's weird to admit, but I really enjoyed this and am longing for more. 
    M : enjoy your evening, I will send you tomorrow for your next session. 
    That evening while Dennis was still at work he received an email from Michael with the subject: enjoying the evening a little more. 
    He opened the mail and saw a link. Dennis clicked on it and a new page opened and a movie started playing. He saw himself sitting on his knees and the dock worker coming in. 
    As Dennis watched the movie, his cock wanted to get stiff again but the cage stopped him. He could no longer deny that he was not enjoying his new life. After watching the movie he crawled into his bed and continued fantasizing about his new life and about Tina, how he felt like being in Miss Tina's horny intoxication. Hold on for a few more days he thought and not refuse any cock and then ... 
    The next morning after his morning toilet he stepped into the shower and the first thing he did was rinse his pussy so it was clean for what the day would bring him. From now on this would become his ritual every day. 
    When he wanted to get dressed he noticed a side effect of his penis cage, due to the many excited moments of the last few days and not being able to empty his balls his nuts were on burst and his sack was very sensitive. Even the tension and friction his boxer shorts gave was too much. He took his boxer shorts back off and decided to just walk around naked at home. But with every step he took his balls clattered against his legs and signaled to him that they needed to be emptied. As a result, he spent a whole day walking around horny with a cock straining against his bars. He couldn't wait for the day he would be freed and finally be able to jerk his pole and discharge his seed. He fantasized about the moment he would be able to squirt his seed while being fucked and how the fucker would then feed his own seed into him. 
    The cage and the desire for Tina certainly did not miss their effect as Dennis's day existed only by thinking about sex with men. It was already in the late afternoon and Dennis still had not received word from Michael, would he have forgotten him. It took until 8 pm before he got a message. 
    M: I hope you are ready because in 10 min your next assignment will come. When he rings you open your door and get ready on your hands and knees in your shower. You should not be startled but the guest coming will be wearing a mask and will not take it off. He knows you well and wants to keep his identity secret. He was shocked by your profile because he had expected you to be gay and now that you profile as a real slut he wants to use you. You stay off his mask and he won't say anything. You swallow everything he offers you and you let him have his way completely. Maybe you will get a special reward and next time he will want to reveal his identity
    Dennis who had been waiting quietly but anxiously all day was getting nervous again. The fact that soon someone he knew would come in but wouldn't know who it was made him uneasy. Who would it be and how would he feel about him seeing him like this. Would he keep his new life a secret or soon everyone would know.   Again Dennis's heart pounded in his throat but the desire to see Tina, to be used and to prove himself was too great and suppressed his sense of shame and fear of showing his new life to someone he knew. 
    The bell rang. 
    With knees buckling, he opened the door and set his door ajar. Went to the shower and got down on his knees. Who would it be, was it a fellow student, a friend, a family member, ... he heard footsteps and then he saw someone standing completely dressed in black. He had on a black balaclava with only the eyes clear and a hole for his mouth, a black hoodie and black jogging pants and black gloves. 
    Dennis looked at him and tried to guess by the stature who was standing in front of him but it could really be anyone. He saw that the stranger pulled out his cock. Dennis looked at the limp cock and his eyes twinkled. It was a thick big meat dick. He grabbed his poppers and took a few more deep pulls first. His diffidence, fear and shame disappeared. He opened his mouth and the stranger shoved his flaccid cock into Dennis's mouth. Dennis wanted to start sucking but he felt a warm stream fill his mouth. 
    Although Dennis had already been pissed in his mouth and drank piss, yet again this was a first time without Tina's intoxication. Because he had not expected this and was startled, he let the first gulp drain from his mouth. The stranger took a firm hold of his head and Dennis recovered and with some effort and some disgust he drank the piss he got in his mouth. 
    The masked fucker growled and again Dennis tried to think who it could be. But could not place the voice sound with anyone. When the stranger's bladder had emptied and Dennis' belly was filled with piss, Dennis began to suck the cock stiffly. It wasn't long before his mouth was completely filled with his masked date's cock. 
    The masked man pulled his stiff cock out of his mouth and made signs for Dennis to get out of the shower and sit on all fours in front of him. 
    Dennis sat in front of the masked fucker on all fours and took a few more deep takes of the poppers as he thought he would be fucked immediately. He felt the cheeks of his ass being pulled up and felt the masked man's tongue on his sphincter. Dennis heaved a deep sigh from the blissful sensation that came over him. The masked fucker fingered and licked his pussy well open and moist. Dennis felt open once the swollen mushroom pushing against his wet and open starlet. Dennis quickly sniffed some more poppers, bit his lower lip and closed his eyes. He felt his sphincter open fully and the glans bore its way in. Dennis started breathing heavily, by now his slut hole had become somewhat used to letting a fat cock inside and pain was no longer there, instead he immediately got a surge of horniness over him and started moaning and riding the big fat cock with his ass like a hungry whore. The masked fucker moaned with pleasure along with Dennis and gave several firm slaps on his ass until it looked nice and red. 
    The only thing you could hear during the fuck was Dennis' moans and the pounding of the masked fucker. Normally Dennis got dirty talk all over him now but this time it was quiet and he could fully concentrate on his filled cunt. It was heavenly, whoever was fucking him, was it a young or old person he didn't know but what he did know was that he knew how to ride a pussy. Dennis felt his prostate being stimulated and he felt an orgasm coming on. He started breathing very heavily and then suddenly he felt a heat come over him as if he was going to cum, the feeling of cumming didn't stop and with every pounding the masked fucker made he got another feeling of coming to his climax. Dennis could not control his body and moans and slumped through his arms and fell to the ground. The masked fucker now came down on him and was pounding hard and fast. Dennis fell into a trance and wanted it to never stop, because he had never experienced this before and didn't even know this could happen. He felt a wet spot forming under his belly. 
    Now the masked fucker hit his climax, with a few more solid poundings he filled Dennis' hole and fell down on Dennis, exhausted. Both men were panting heavily and caught their breath for a moment. Then the masked fucker stood up, pulled up his jogging and went outside. Dennis was again left alone, but had not yet recovered. This was really rewarding he thought. He wanted to know who had just given him the orgasm of his life because he could come and do this any day. 

    Dennis felt under his stomach to know what that wet spot was and to his surprise it was his own seed. He had been milked by that solid fuck. Dennis got down on his knees and looked in amazement at his own seed on the floor. The slut in him came up and he couldn't hold back and started licking his own seed off the floor. 
    He stood up and was a little dizzy, thinking that was still from fuck he had just gotten and went to his seat. But 5 min later the dizziness was not over, it had only gotten worse and he felt that his horniness was not lessening either but only intensified. He looked at his cell phone and saw that there was a message on it from Michael.
    M : You did a good job slut. Enjoy your reward because the piss you drank so nicely just now was full of Tina. Enjoy your flight and take some toys with you to spoil your hole a bit. 
    A big smile appeared on Dennis' face. He stumbled to his closet and took all the dildos and butt plugs he had and went to his room. He took the thickest dildo he had and inserted it into his cum-dripping hole. For a moment Dennis was back in slut heaven, for a moment he fucked himself with the dildo and when he wanted to take another he saw that the dildo was full of cum from the masked fucker. Without thinking about it he opened his mouth and took it in his mouth to lick it clean. Dennis never thought he would love the taste of semen so much, even though the seed from each cock was different, it was a feast every time he felt the divine nectar hit his taste buds. 
    The week went on and every day a different figure entered his apartment that Michael had chosen for him. Each time with different expectations and needs, whether they were handsome, ugly, old, young, fat or thin Dennis emptied every cock and did beautifully each time what was expected of him. The last day was upon us and Dennis wondered when Michael would come to release his cock because he deserved it.  Doubt that Dennis had embraced his new existence could no longer be there. His shame, fear and doubt about having sex with men was completely gone . He had become a proud cumdump after this week and craved a fat cock in his mouth and ass every moment, his desire for cum was huge. If he could he would relieve every man he saw of his load of seed and all without the intoxication of Miss Tina. 
    Dennis's cell phone lit up, it was Michael. 
    M : I am a proud father, your challenge has succeeded my son. Tonight you can get your reward if you complete 1 last task. The key to your cage and your supply of chems are with my dealer. You have already been there with me hopefully you remember where it is. Make sure you are well rinsed and fully shaved. Wear your sluttiest clothes and bring a bag of extra clothes to go back home with you. Cancel all your appointments for this weekend, refuse nothing, let yourself go completely and send me when you can go back home. 

    It was a lot for Dennis to take in, but he had understood the most important thing right away. He would have to present himself to his future dealer for an extended session. He would be released from his cage and given his stock. He got hot inside not from fear or excitement but from longing. Longing for what would happen to him. 
    The day was progressing and when he got a message from Michael that he was expected at the dealer in 2 hours he got ready, he took a shower and shaved completely and showered his hole for a second time that day. He stood in front of his closet looking for slutty clothes. But soon came to the realization that his new status was not really reflected in his closet yet but still found what he needed. He put on his jockstrap, took a pair of shorts and cut them a little extra shorter so that the cheeks of his ass came out of them. Without hesitation he went outside and like a proud slut he walked down the street. His cage was visible in his shorts, last week he would have been embarrassed about this and covered the visible cage with his hands but now he walked forward proudly without caring about the people watching. 
    He arrived at the dealership and rang the bell, the door opened and he went in confidently. Tom ( the dealer ) came up to Dennis with a big smirk on his face. He came close 
    T : Well slut we are a week late and as promised you are here nicely on time.  
    T : look slut I will explain to you how it works here. I will be your future dealer of all the delicious things. But to have me as your dealer you have to pass your entrance exam first. When you pass you may come back to get your stuff. Then you pay me and if you can't pay me anymore then you have to serve me you understand. 
    T : your father gave me a key, if you do as I command I will release you from your cage but you will have to prove yourself worthy. 
    Dennis felt Tom's tone was coercive and commanding, this was new to him and he wasn't sure how to respond. 
    D : ok is good. 
    Tom gave a slap to his head. 
    T : that's not how you speak to me. You address me as sir understood. 
    Dennis who was still recovering from the blow to head had understood. 
    D : ok sir I will prove myself. 
    T : you have to know your place slut. You will have to prove that you are worthy of your place. 
    Tom opened a locker that was against the wall and took out a collar, 2 knee pads and a chain. 
    T : I would say take your clothes off but this will do for now
    Tom put the collar around Dennis' neck and attached the chain to it. He put knee pads around Dennis's knees and ordered Dennis to get on his hands and knees. Dennis did what was asked of him without hesitation. Tom pulled on the chain and took Dennis with him. Dennis followed on all fours. 
    Dennis was taken to the playroom and when they got there Tom took a pair of scissors and cut up the shorts. Dennis knew immediately why he had had to bring spare clothes. His T-shirt was torn from his body and thrown away. The only thing Dennis now had on was his jockstrap. 
    T : Stand up slut and let me take a good look at you.  
    Dennis stood up and Tom came close to Dennis. He felt his nipples, gave a few taps against his ass, pulled his hair and his head back. Pulled at Dennis's over sensitive balls and gave a few light thumps into Dennis's stomach. Dennis tried not to budge but when Tom got to his nuts and when he got the bucking in his stomach he couldn't help but groan lightly.
    T : hmmm with those nipples of yours I will have a lot of fun and that ass of yours is pretty good too.
    T : are you ready for use slut. 
    D : yes sir, I am completely ready to be used by you. 
    T : ok then. You have no more plans this weekend slut. I may test and use you long and extensively. You are willing to completely surrender to all my whishes and desires and do whatever I command you without contradiction. 
    Dennis who actually no longer had any fear or nerves got a little nervous again. What had he gotten himself back into now. But curiosity and his inner slut took over.
    D : yes sir, I have no more plans and you may do whatever you like with me this weekend. 
    T : I am happy to hear that. Then I will prepare you for use slut. Once the preparation is started, there is no turning back understood. 
    Dennis nodded and Tom took an xtc pill and a glass already filled with G.
    T : ok then slut. I will let you get to know my full range of stuff this weekend. So that later you will know what I have in the house and what it is for.
    T : open your mouth and stick out your tongue. 
    Dennis' desire for chems would be fed in a moment and he did what was asked and stuck out his tongue and a yellow pill was put on it, the glass with G was put against his mouth and he had to drink the glass empty. 
    T : fine. What do you say bitch
    D : thank you sir. 
    T : and how are you going to thank me 
    Dennis spontaneously got on his knees wanted to open Tom's fly with his hands so he could suck him. 
    T : no slut you have to earn this cock first. 
    T : Nico come over here. 
    Nico entered the playroom. Nico was a big naked black man with a big thick-veined cock and came to stand in front of Dennis. 
    T : Thank me by sucking his seed from his cock. 
    Dennis looked at the long veined cock and didn't know if he would get this one all the way in. He opened his mouth and licked the mushroom, the blissful smell and taste of a real man's cock made the slut in Dennis come all the way to the top and he let his lips slide over the black shaft Nico's cock. As Dennis must have thought, he didn't get it all the way into his mouth. He felt the glans already entering his throat and began to gag. 
    T : is it all you can slut. You have to do better than that. 
    Tom pushed on Dennis' head so the cock shot deeper into his throat. Dennis gagged again and wanted to pull away. Tom let go of his head so Dennis could gasp and put poppers under Dennis' nose and let him take only deep pulls and then pushed him deep on Nico's cock again. 
    T : come on slut, show me you want it. 
    Dennis felt the poppers doing their work and just as his pussy relaxed when he sniffed poppers, now his throat also relaxed and he could slide the cock deeper down his throat. 
    T : hmmmmm, good bitch. Take that all the way down your throat. 
    As Dennis tried to get even more of Nico's cock down his throat Tom slapped his ass until it turned nice and red. Tom released his grip and nodded at Nico.  Nico took over and began to deepthroat him. Tears were running down Dennis' cheeks from the effort he was making, and his gag reflex began to disappear. He felt Tom roughly insert his finger into his pussy and Dennis began to enjoy the whole thing. 1 finger became 2 and 2 became 3 and suddenly he felt his cunt being pulled open by a butt plug, the plug popped into place and now Dennis was coming all the way. After about 15 minutes he noticed that the pill and G were starting to do their work and Nico was going to squirt. Nico took Dennis' head firmly and pushed his cock as deep as he could one last time. Dennis felt every stream of seed being thrust through the cock and squirted straight down his throat. He regretted not getting the seed in his mouth and thus not being able to taste it because Nico had just squirted a huge load down his throat. When Nico pulled his limp cock back Dennis could just taste the last drops on his tongue. Nico pulled his cock out of Dennis' mouth who was now completely flying from the G and X. Dennis didn't want to release the cock and took hold of it with his hand to put it back in his mouth but got a slap to his head. 
    T : I decide what happens here slut understood. 
    Dennis couldn't keep his head still and was already flying high in the clouds 
    D : yes sir. 
    Tom took hold of Dennis' head and looked him in the eyes. He saw Dennis' eyes turn in all directions and a grin appeared on his face. 
    T : already flying well slut. Are you enjoying my tasty sweets. 
    The drool was already running from Dennis' mouth. 
    D : yes sir, thank you for these heavenly sweets 
    Dennis was pulled straight and struggled to stand on his feet. He was given a wrist strap on each wrist and was attached to a chain hanging from the ceiling. The stuff Dennis had been given was of very good quality because he was completely in a trance and only half realized what was happening. His Jockstrap was taken off and now he stood completely naked in front of Tom who stood ready with 2 nipple clamps a whip and electrowand. Tom placed the clamps on Dennis' nipples who groaned for a moment from the pain sensation going through his body. Tom took a few steps back and enjoyed the sight for a moment. In front of him was a naked slut who was flying from the X and G ready to be trained. Tom's cock began to swell spontaneously. 
    Tom pulled on the nipple clamps for a moment and enjoyed the moaning sound Dennis made. Dennis curled his toes to stifle the pain. Tom took the electrowand and delivered a shock to Dennis' ass. Dennis gave a cry due to the pain the shock gave. 
    T : you like that bitch 
    Dennis's senses were on edge, he wasn't getting much pleasure from this he hoped that would stop soon
    D : no sir, please stop this
    Tom shook his head. 
    T : Wrong bitch, you still have a lot to learn. You're supposed to say yes sir thank you 
    Tom gave two more shocks for each nipple one. Dennis groaned but had learned his lesson. 
    D : thank you sir, thank you 
    T : that's better already. 
    Tom gave him a few more shocks, Dennis got 2 on his balls, his trapped cock also got a few and his nipples and ass were also given a few shocks from the electrowand. With each shock Dennis curled his toes and gave a groan. By the pain experience Dennis was experiencing, the first wave of the chems was gone and when Tom put the electrowand away you could see Dennis relaxing again. But Tom wasn't done with Dennis yet and took the whip. Dennis felt several firm pecks against his ass and a throbbing pain shot through his body. Tom came in front of him and teased Dennis's nipple clamps with the whip until he gave it a firm tap and the clamps shot off the nipples. The jumping off of the clamps made Dennis scream in pain. Tom came to stand in front of Dennis and pushed on both nipples. Dennis gasped for breath. Tom released the nipples and took hold of Dennis' head and began kissing him fiercely. When he broke the kiss he spit in Dennis' face and gave him a slap to the head. 
    Dennis was completely out of it. He wouldn't be able to handle this all weekend and as he caught his breath he was untied. 
    T : lie down in the sling 
    Dennis looked behind him and saw a sling hanging and stepped over to it and lay down in it. His hands were secured and his ankles were also secured. Tom came to stand next to Dennis. 
    T : up and your mouth slut I have a candy for you 
    Dennis opened his mouth and watched a little blue pill disappear into his mouth. When he had swallowed the pill Tom took a key from his pocket. 
    T : See this slut. This is the key to your cock cage. I can keep it with me for a while longer or I can get rid of your cage. 
    T : but I do know that you just took a viagra and your cock will want to get stiff soon

    A big grin appeared on Tom's mouth 
    T : so slut are you worth getting rid of your cage ?
    Dennis wanted nothing more than to be freed from his penis cage  
    D : I hope I am worth it sir. 
    T : will you be able to behave slut and stay off your cock once it is free. 
    D : yes sir, I will stay off my cock I promise. 
    T : ok fine slut I will hold you to your promise. Breach my trust and it won't be your best day.
    D : ok sir.
    Tom put the key in the lock and opened the padlock of the penis cage. He took off cage and put it away. Dennis heaved a sigh of relief and wanted to feel his freed cock but kept his promise. 
    It wasn't long before Dennis' freed cock began to get stiff. 
    T : look who's happy to be freed 
    Said Tom while laughing. 
    Open your mouth slut so I can empty my bladder. 
    Dennis willingly opened his mouth and let Tom slide his slightly swollen cock inside. 
    T : don't let a drop of my liquid gold go to waste bitch or your cock might soon disappear back behind bars. 
    Tom felt the warm mouth clamp around his cock and growled loudly as he spilled his liquid gold into Dennis' mouth. Like a well trained piss drinker, Dennis swallowed every stream of the divine nectar. When Tom's bladder was emptied and he saw that not a drop was lost he gave a few encouraging pats against Dennis' head. 
    T : well done slut. You did that well. I will reward you for this with an extra piece of candy
    Dennis visibly enjoyed Tom's approving words and was in happy anticipation of the candy he would receive. 
    Tom took a crystal in his hands and pulled out the plug that was still in Dennis' hole. He placed the crystal on his finger and pushed it deep into Dennis's cunt. Dennis felt the crystal melt and release its burning heat into his hole. Dennis knew what was coming and his desire for Tina was stilled a feeling of peace and pleasure came over him. 
    Tom after Dennis his stiff cock in his hands and began to gently jerk him. Dennis enjoyed the attention that his cock was getting and began to moan lightly. Tom quietly jerked on until suddenly he squeezed the glans hard. Dennis looked at him dazed, not understanding why Tom stopped jerking him. 
    T : you shouldn't look so weird slut. Did you really think you would be allowed to cum. 
    Dennis didn't understand. Tom waited a moment and then started jerking Dennis' stiff pole again but where Dennis was just now almost working up to a high point he now started again from scratch. 
    Again Dennis felt the high point coming and again Tom stopped jerking and squeezed Dennis' cock hard which went limp again from Tom's squeezing. 
    Dennis became completely confused by the mixed sensations he was getting. 
    T : Liam come over here
    Liam a G addicted whore who couldn't pay his bill to Tom came in. 
    T : quietly suck this slut's cock. You don't make him cum understood. 
    Liam nodded and took Dennis' limp cock in his mouth. Dennis felt the moist lips sliding over his mushroom and a warm moist mouth sliding around his pole. Dennis let out a deep moan from the blissful feeling he was now experiencing. This was ages ago, his heart began to beat faster and he felt the crystal amplify his slutty feeling. Dennis' mouth fell open and he moaned with pleasure. But when Tom saw that Dennis was about to climax again he pushed Liam away and poured ice cold water over Dennis's stiff cock. Dennis cried out. Why wasn't he allowed to cum what was the point of this. He wanted it so badly, he wanted so badly to squirt his cum because it had been over a week. Dennis felt his seed-filled sack begging to be allowed to cum. 
    D : let me squirt my seed sir, I'll do anything you want. 
    T : hahahaa that you will do anything I want is true but squirt you won't yet bitch
    T : just make him hard again Liam. 
    Liam started sucking again and again Dennis enjoyed the attention that his hard cock was getting. But just like before when he was working towards a climax the climax was taken away from him again. Tom let Liam suck Dennis' pole 2 more times and then had to stop.
    Should Dennis be able he would now sit and jerk his cock until he could squirt but his hands were locked on the sling and he couldn't do anything himself. Tom came up behind Dennis and sat on a stool. 
    T : Liam go stand next to slut and offer him your cock. 
    T : slut thank Liam by sucking him and swallowing his seed. 
    Dennis didn't know what he heard, why wasn't he allowed to squirt. But he did what was asked of him and he opened his mouth and Liam pushed his cock into Dennis' mouth and made him suck his cock. 
    Tom took a few more crystals and pushed them deep into Dennis' pussy with his fingers. Dennis felt the extra lump being pushed into his cunt and got hornier by the second. Tom took a large amount of fat and massaged Dennis' slightly gaping hole. He pushed in finger after finger, stretching Dennis' cunt open little by little. Tom felt Dennis' hole getting hotter and hotter and started to glow. Dennis got a Tina cock back and got more and more caught up in Miss Tina's intoxication. He sucked like a real whore on Liam's cock who was also nearing his climax and Dennis felt the milk flowing from Liam's glans. Dennis was on cloud nine, his hole well filled and his mouth full of cum. How wonderful his new life was, he thought. Liam kissed Dennis some more and left and Tom was now on his fifth finger but felt that the sphincter was now at its maximum. 
    This is enough for now, Tom thought, with some Ketamina I will break through the last barrier tomorrow. 
    Dennis was still on his Tina cloud and living in the clouds was heaven. 
    Tom came next to Dennis and gave him a few slaps. 
    T : Stay with me bitch, you can fly but you have to stay alert. 
    Dennis looked at Tom with a horny slutty look, one of those looks you only see when a slut is completely in the clouds. 
    T : Make me hard bitch, it's time for me to test the goods and take a test drive before the others get here. 
    Dennis opened his still cum filled mouth. Tom saw the load of cum from Liam 
    T : Oh you really are a unique specimen 
    T : Hmmm you could come into my stable like that. 
    A smile appeared on Dennis' mouth and he placed his lips on Tom's mushroom and looked at him with horny, seed asking eyes. Dennis felt the cock stiffen in his mouth. Tom thought that was enough and made Dennis stop sucking. He came up behind Dennis and in one fell swoop rammed his thick cock into Dennis' gaping hole. Dennis looked at Tom whorishly. 
    😧 Yes sir, fuck me. Fuck me harder. Fill me with your babies
    Tom slapped Dennis' ass hard. This only encouraged Dennis even more. 
    D : Harder sir, hit me harder. Destroy my cunt with your fat cock. 
    Tom enjoyed this unique find and rammed his cock into Dennis' hole as hard as he could. 
    T : do you want my poisonous seed bitch, do you want my virus strain in your cunt. 
    T : Do you want your master to empty his balls into your whore hole. 
    😧 Yes Sir, I want your cum and as much cum as you can give me. 
    T: I'll hold you to your word slut.
    Tom hits hard and when he is about to come he growls loudly and pulls Dennis hard towards him. 
    T : Here comes my load slut. 
    Dennis felt Tom's cock squirt string after string of dirty cum into his cunt. 
    Tom jerked off after a while and stood next to Dennis and pushed his limp, cum covered cock into Dennis' mouth. 
    T : Just lick it clean bitch. 
    Dennis didn't have to say it twice. Dennis eagerly licked Tom's cock clean. 
    Tom then tied Dennis' arm with a belt and picked up a sterile kit that was lying on the floor. He ripped open the sterile kit and took out a drug lock. He looked for a nice shiny vein and inserted the medication lock and taped it up nicely. Dennis looked at the IV and wondered why he was getting one. He thought he would get a slap when his arm was tied off, but he didn't expect this. 
    T : You shouldn't look so weird, bitch. I'll give you this medicine lock so that when I give you a slam, you won't have to poke every time. 
    D : Thank you, sir.
    T : That's better. Take a good look at the clock later because the next time you can look at the clock we will be at least a day further along and your hole and your stomach will be filled with poisonous seeds.
    Dennis was released from the sling and had to lie down on a king-size bed. Getting to the bed had become quite a task with all the chemicals coursing through his body. As he landed on the bed he began to wonder what would happen next and if Tom was going to fuck him alone or if others would come. 
    Tom whistled on his fingers 
    T : Hey guys, come over here, the bitch has moved in. 
    Soon Nico, Liam and 5 others came into the room. Dennis couldn't believe his eyes. All of them were handsome, big muscular men and from what he could see they were all well supplied down below. Dennis' sphincter, which was already quite open, spontaneously opened even more.
    Nico came down on the bed and Tom ordered Dennis to sit on his pole. Another guest also jumped on the bed and came to sit behind Dennis, getting ready to push his cock into Dennis' hole as well. Tom took a syringe, opened the drug lock and inserted the needle and without any countdown or warning he emptied the contents into Dennis' arm. Dennis, who didn't really know what was going on.  

    began coughing heavily, felt a horny rush rise to the surface and could no longer control himself. As Dennis was catapulted to the clouds, the guest also thrust his cock into Dennis' hole. Dennis' mind could hardly handle the flood of sensations. 
    T : Come on whore show that you are worth getting fucked by these 2 alpha males at the same time. 
    Dennis did his best and tried to slide the cocks deeper into his hole. 
    D : oh fuck my cunt will rip, fuck this is blissful, fuck 
    Tom was impressed with Dennis's perseverance to get the 2 fat poles all the way into his cunt 
    Dennis got the poppers pushed under his nose and sniffed them eagerly. He felt his sphincter relax more and the cocks began to slide into his hole more easily. Now Dennis' cunt was completely filled. The Tina made him soar to unknown heights and the cocks in his ass made him feel like the biggest whore around. 
    D : oh yes, oh yes tear me open, rape me with your blissful monsters. 
    The two men who were fucking Dennis each began to increase their pace and with every thrust they gave Dennis moaned with bliss. Before long, Dennis felt his hole fill up with the tainted loads of the two men. 
    When both men had filled it up and removed their dicks from Dennis' gaping hole, the seed ran out along his sphincter Dennis turned on his back and wanted to catch his breath. But he didn't get much time because he was pulled to the edge of the bed by his legs. His legs were thrown on another man's shoulders and he pushed his long fat cock without resistance into Dennis' gaping and seed-filled hole. Dennis' cunt was now so far open that he could not feel the cock sliding in, he felt the stimulation that his prostate received and how deep the cock drilled a way into his hole. Nico who had caught his breath offered Dennis his cock to lick it clean. Dennis took the limp cock in his mouth and as he tasted the taste of his own pussy and the seed in his mouth he fell even more into a trance. Once again he felt his hole receive a load of cum. 
    Dennis felt a new rush coming on. He could just barely look beside him and saw that Tom had injected another load of Tina into his medicated lock. He coughed heavily and could only groan. 
    How long he had been used, how many times he had been fucked, how much seed he must have swallowed. To Dennis it was a mystery. Awareness of time and space he no longer had. According to his thoughts, his cunt had been constantly filled with at least one cock; there could have been more. When he regained some consciousness, he was just sucking seed from a cock and felt a cock in his cunt. But how had he ended up back in the sling was a riddle to him
    T : Liam rinse this whore's cunt because I want to be able to fist him . 
    Dennis felt Liam emptying his bladder into his gaping hole. He felt the piss and large amounts of cum run out of his cunt. 
    Tom took hold of Dennis' head and looked deep into his flying saucers. 
    T : Are you back with us whore. 
    D : yes sir. 
    T : good.  Then you can watch  how your cunt will receive a fist for the first time, while the others can get their strength up so they are ready for the second round. 
    Dennis wondered how his cunt would be able to receive that big hand from Tom and how he would be able to see it. Dennis looked beside him and saw that a large mirror had been placed there and so he could see his cunt. Although he did not have much feeling in his sphincter he saw that his had become a large open hole. 
    T : snort or inject whore. What do you choose 
    Dennis didn't know what Tom was talking about 
    D : what do you mean sir. 
    T : do you want to fall into a k hole or be aware of your cunt turning into a rosebud for the first time
    D : I want to see it sir how you turn my cunt into a rosebud. 
    Tom took a mirror put some Keta on it and rolled up a bill and stuck it in Dennis' nostril and pinched the other one. 
    T : Snort bitch. 
    Dennis did what was asked of him and sniffed the white powder. Tom then stuck the rolled up bill into Dennis' other nostril and Dennis sniffed the white powder for a second time. 
    It didn't take long for Dennis to get a pent up drunken feeling. His body felt numb and saw in the mirror how Tom smeared grease on his hands. 
    T : still with us Slut or are you tripping. 
    D : oh yes sir, this stuff is delectable 
    Dennis saw how Tom pushed his hand against his sphincter and how his hole opened without resistance and let the hand in almost all the way. Dennis felt how Tom was massaging his gut with his hands. 

     Tom slid smoothly into Dennis' hole with alternately one hand and then the other. 
    T : You have a blissfully open cunt slut. It won't be hard to push my fist inside later. 
    Tom withdrew his hand one last time and made a fist. Dennis saw how the fist pushed against his sphincter and also felt how the fist wanted to drill its way inside. Dennis got the poppers pushed under his nose from Liam standing next to him and Dennis took a few deep pulls. 
    Dennis's sphincter now surrendered completely and in his drugged intoxication Dennis saw and felt how the fist had won the match from his sphincter and pushed its way in. Dennis groaned, not from pain but from the blissful feeling that came over him. Although his body felt numb, he still felt his sphincter being jerked all the way open and the fist filling his entire bowel. Tom twisted back and forth with his fist in Dennis' hole, trying to push him even deeper. 
    T : come on whore surrender your cunt completely to my fist, let it slide up to your second sphincter. 
    Tom felt how he was at the second sphincter. With his fingers he tried to open the muscle and what he did not immediately expect, but the muscle opened like blooming flower. Dennis felt how the fist broke through the second barrier and cried out his pleasure. 
    T : you are a real find, what a whore. Your father will be proud of you whore. 
    Tom was able to push his fist a little further through the second barrier and felt now that Dennis was at his maximum. Dennis felt Tom massaging his insides and fell into a deep blissful trance. Tom was now up to a few inches past his wrist in Dennis' hole and carefully withdrew his fist. When he came back out of gaping hole with his fist he pushed it right back in and started fucking Dennis' pussy a little harder with his fist. 
    D : oh fuck, oh fuck fist me harder sir. My cunt is all yours. 
    T : hmmmm I like hearing that slut.
    Tom drove his pace some more and as he pulled his fist out of Dennis' hole one last time he saw how Dennis' gut came out and formed a nice red rosebud. Dennis looked in the mirror and gazed in wonder at what he saw. Now for the first time he saw what a slut hole he had. He looked proudly at his cunt. 
    D : Fuck yes, give me more sir, I want more. 
    Tom looked with approving eyes at unique specimen in front of him.
    Tom went to the table, wiped his hands clean and came back to stand in front of Dennis. 
    T : Ready for a second breeding round whore. 
    D : Yes sir, fill my cunt with all the cock you can find 
    T : hmmmmm I will do that whore. Are you ready to take another flight with Miss Tina
    D : hmmm yes sir, 
    Dennis watched as the medication lock opened a needle was poked into it and the slam was injected into his vein. Dennis felt the tickle rise in his throat and was shot back to slam heaven. 
    D : Oh fuck, fuck me sir, I want your cock in my pussy. 
    Tom's cock became stiff from Dennis' pleading and he took one of his thickest dildos and shoved his cock along with the dildo into Dennis' gaping cave. Dennis sank back into the blissful intoxication of Miss Tina and every now and then he saw an image of someone fucking his hole but he didn't realize much about it because the every time he descended from the clouds again he got a new load of Tina injected into him. 
    When he came back to earth for the second time he was back in the bed. Dennis was startled because his cock was hard and he felt Liam's lips and tongue fondling his cock. 
    L : welcome back, we filled up dick so it would be stiff. 
    L : now let me spoil you some more honey, because you did a wonderful job. 
    Liam sucked on Dennis' stiff cock and Dennis enjoyed it. Dennis felt Liam sucking on his cock and while using his hand to stimulate his prostate and it wasn't long before he was going to squirt. Dennis felt his seed could finally come out of his balls, flow through his pole and squirt into Liam's willing mouth. Liam could not handle the influx of seed, the seed kept pouring out of Dennis' mushroom. When Dennis finished squirting, Liam came to Dennis with a mouth filled with seed and kissed him intensely. Dennis and Liam together kissed and swallowed Dennis's seed and then took a breath in each other's arms.
    Tom came back in and threw Dennis' bag of clothes on the bed. 
    T : you passed slut. Feel free to rest some more and if you want to get fucked by Liam again go right ahead. 
    T : from now on feel free to come to me for goodies. Just come over and I'll never say no to that cunt of yours. 
    Tom gave Dennis a pat on the back and left the room.

    T : ah right before I forget. Your father placed an order for you, it's in your pocket and I added a complimentary note from the house. 
    Dennis enjoyed a moment longer in Liam's arms and then got dressed. As he tried to stand up, he began to feel what he had been through. His body was exhausted and he stood shakily on his feet. Nevertheless, he went home. He saw how people looked at him as they passed by. 
    Only when he got home and looked in the mirror did he see how he was. He was pale in his face and had serious bags under his eyes. Dennis took off his clothes and saw how a damp spot had formed in his pants and stepped into the shower. He felt with his hand the state of his pussy and what he felt was a big gaping hole where semen kept spilling out. He put the seed that went on his hand in his mouth and licked his fingers clean and enjoyed the weekend a little longer. 
    As he plopped down in his couch he felt how tired he was though, he got chills and his throat started to hurt. He called Michael. 
    M : how was your weekend 
    D : beyond all expectations, and now I'm sure I don't want anything else
    M : hmmm I like to hear that. 
    M : come I'll bring you another dessert. 
    D : feel free to come by, you have the key. But can't promise I'll still be awake.
    D : if you come and I'm asleep. Just stick your dick in my pussy and do what you want with it. 
    M : hahaha ok is good, I will come and see how you are doing
    Dennis put his cell phone away and fell asleep a few moments later. Michael came as said a see how Dennis was doing. He found Dennis already asleep in the couch. He felt his head and noticed it was glowing. 
    A grin appeared on Michael's face and he took his cell phone and sent in the whatssap group. 
    M : men keep you ready. I am giving birth to a son. The transformation has begun. 
    Immediately the others began to reply. 
    - Hell yeah ( Jack )
    - Tomorrow we will get together to celebrate his birth ( Nick )
    - I'll get the party supplies ( Andy )
    - Is he ready for his transformation yet ( Sam ) 
    M : Guys, he is all set for his transformation, I am with him now and he just spent a weekend with Tom. I heard from Tom that he succeeded with colors. His hole already looks like a gaping cave. That will be a big party tomorrow.


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  6. Part 4

    The next morning Dennis woke up in his own room with Michael lying next to him. His head spun, and now that he was sober he tried to take in everything that had happened the night before. He looked beside him and saw his brother lying naked next to him. So this wasn't a dream, this was real. He had really been fucked by his brother, by all his friends and he had gotten his dirty infected seed in his cunt. He stared at the ceiling and his thoughts went in all directions. Was he gay now, did he have AIDS now, what would his family say about this, would he ever fuck a woman again. His stomach began to turn and became queasy, he had to get out of here. He ran to the first best toilet he could find and puked out his entire stomach contents and started to cry. What is wrong with me. Why did I agree to this. He felt at his ass and felt the plug, he panicked and pulled it out in one pull. He resisted the pain he felt and threw the plug covered with blood and ooze on the ground. He had to get out of this place and he walked back to his room, put his clothes took his bag that was in the corner of the room and walked out. 
    Michael had been woken up by the noise from Dennis. Michael had realized what was happening to his brother, he yelled ' wait ' to Dennis but he had already walked out. 
    Dennis ran to his car and drove home as fast as he could. The drive home was a long one full of questions and conflicting feelings for Dennis. Meanwhile, the others in the house had woken up and were sitting at the breakfast table. 

    S : where is our slut. Is he still enjoying himself in his bed. 
    M : no man, he left an hour ago in a panic. He will need some time I guess, to accept his true self. 

    The other laughed for a moment

    R : That may well be but he proved yesterday that he is a real cumdump. I haven't seen many such an easy transformation. Yesterday he showed his true nature and he will probably be shocked at himself.
    S : I think so, too. The realization that he won't be able to live without this will come. Leave him alone Michael for a few days and then go visit him, I think he will welcome you with open legs. 

    M : hahaha I hope so because I want to feed that cunt even more with my babies and see his transformation to pozz happening. 
    S : have no fear friend. I put in his bag some more crystals, a pipe, special lube and toys. When he comes home later and empties his bag ... when he sees it his pussy will probably start itching and Miss Tina's lure will do its work. 
    M : Yes I can see it already, haaaaaaaa 

    Dennis came home and threw his bag in the corner of the room. The first thing he did was to shower, because he felt dirty. He stood under the shower and felt the warm water running over his body, he soaped himself and slid his hands all over his body. His nipples were sensitive and at the first touch of his nipples, horny thoughts from the night before shot through his mind. His thoughts startled him and he tried to get them out of his head and slid his hands across his belly to his shriveled cock. He tried to get old thoughts in his head 

    get, thoughts of when he was still fucking women but they didn't come. The only thing going through his head were the images of the night before. He slid his hands over his ass and felt his sphincter. It felt raw, swollen and tense. But without realizing it he gently stroked his pussy and the horny thoughts of the night before came back and he closed his eyes for a moment. His finger went into his cunt for a moment and when he realized it he was startled, he turned off the shower and dried himself off. He took a pair of boxer shorts and sat down in his couch. Again the questions and feelings came at him. He didn't know what to do with them at all and also had trouble sitting still he was completely fucked up. He put on Netflix hoping that he would calm down and be able to think normally again but after 20 minutes he gave up because he kept thinking about the night before. 
    Dennis was completely in a knot with himself what should he do now, he didn't know. His body gave one feeling his thoughts the opposite. He looked around the room and saw his travel bag in the corner. Let's empty it he thought. He took the bag and threw it in the seat, he opened it and took out his clothes. At the bottom of the bag was a box he didn't recognize. He took the box out of the bag and put it on the table. Dennis looked at the box and knew someone must have put it in his bag. His mind told not to open it but his curiosity and his body screamed at him to open the box in hopes that there would be something inside to pleasure him. 
    He took hold of the box, hesitated for a moment but could not restrain himself and opened Pandora's box. His body came to rest but his mind had a panic attack at the sight of the items inside. He saw a pipe, Crystals, lube, three dildos in different thicknesses and lengths 2 buttplugs, a bottle filled with piss and a usb stick. In an initial reaction, he threw the box on the table and he settled into the seat and stared at the box. His body screamed to take the box and use the stuff. He felt his sphincter muscle open and close and in his shriveled cock came life. Even though his mind would not accept it yet and he could not control his body yet his cock began to swell and become hard. 

    D : what is happening to me, fuck, fuck 

    He stood up and walked through the living room but could not take his eyes off the box. After pacing around for a while he decided to throw the box away because this was not who he was and what he wanted. He took the box, went to the kitchen to throw it in the trash but couldn't do it. Dennis looked inside the box and took hold of a dildo. He closed his eyes and squeezed the thin dildo. He felt his pussy begging to receive the that dildo and he bit his lip. He was in a twist and at a crossroads in his life. What would he do would he give in to the call of his body or would he turn the page here and now and forget what had happened. He opened his eyes and he saw that he was still holding the dildo in one hand and his other hand in his pants was holding his own cock. He looked at the dildo pulled his hand out of his pants and stood there for a moment. He took the box and went back to the living room and sat down in the couch with the box on his lap. He set the box aside and made a decision he would take his laptop, watch straight porn and they would push away his gay thoughts. He took off his clothes, took out his laptop. Opened pornhub and put on one of his favorite porn movies. The movie played for a while and it worked, his cock got hard at the sight of the horny images and he started playing with himself. With one hand he pulled on his stiff cock and with his other hand he played his nipples. He was relieved and a smile appeared on his face. His one hand pulled firmly on his cock and with his other hand he was now playing with his balls and the hand slid further down towards his pussy. Without realizing it he played with his sphincter and pushed his finger into his hole. Dennis moaned but did not yet realize what he was actually doing. He was busy with the scene on his screen and it was coming to a high point. Dennis was not yet at his climax and the next scene started, this one was one of 2 women. He watched for a moment and jerked firmly on but his cock began to go limp again. 

    he didn't understand. He stopped the movie and put on another one. Again a movie with 2 potent men fucking a woman hard. His cock jumped back up. He got horny again, but the realization began to dawn that he was not watching the woman but the men in the movie. Their firm bodies and their big fat dicks made him horny not that woman. In his deepest fantasy, not he was not one of those men but he was that woman being fucked. Dennis looked at his hands and only now realized he had one finger in his pussy. He closed his eyes and let the realization wash over him. With trembling hands and hoping it wouldn't be true, he took the narrow dildo in his hands and placed it against his sphincter. With tears in his eyes, he gently pushed the dildo against his sphincter. It opened up like a hungry wolf and sucked the dildo inside. A jolt of electricity went through Dennis's body. He moaned softly, the tension in his body vanished and he felt slightly satisfied. Dennis opened his eyes and breathed deeply and heavily and began to fuck himself with the dildo. Horny thoughts filled his head and he let himself go fully into his fantasy. He looked at the images on the screen and he fantasized about lying there and being taken by those men. Dennis started moaning more heavily and panting deeply and he felt his belly getting wet with his own sperm. He pulled the dildo out of his ass and gasped for a moment, then shook his head. Had he just now cum with a dildo in his ass while fantasizing about being fucked by 2 potent men. It couldn't possibly be true. But it was true. Although he still didn't want to admit it, he was no longer a pussy fucker but was now the pussy to be fucked himself. He burst into tears. He took his phone and called his brother. 

    M : Dennis, everything okay. 
    Michael heard Dennis crying on the other end of the phone. 
    D : no, I don't know. I don't know who I am anymore. 
    D : I just put a dildo in my ass and came with the idea of being fucked by 2 men. 
    D : What is happening to me 

    Michael grinned and knew his brother was about to accept his true self. 

    M : I will help you brother, will I come to you. 
    D : I don't know Michael, I don't know anything anymore
    M : don't worry brother I will come to help you. I will be there in half an hour. 
    D : ok. 

    Dennis heard the doorbell ring and opened the door. Michael came in and saw his brother who was completely upset. 

    M : are you alright 
    D : no, since what happened yesterday I am completely stuck with myself. I don't know who I am anymore, what to do and feel. 
    M : let me help you brother, let me help you find your true self again. 
    D : how then, how can I find myself again. 
    M : I think you have to accept that what happened yesterday has brought out your true self and this is what you need. 
    D : but I don't want to do that
    M : you won't feel better about yourself until you admit it to yourself. 

    Michael took hold of Dennis and Dennis dropped his head on his brother's shoulders. Michael rubbed through Dennis's hair with one hand and with his other hand he went over his back. Dennis calmed down and straightened his head. 

    M : let me help you brother, let me help you accept your true nature. 

    Michael moved closer with his head to Dennis'. Dennis stared at his brother questioningly and Michael placed his lips on Dennis'. Dennis pulled away after the initial contact, but could no longer suppress his feelings and kissed his brother back ferociously. Both brothers were now deep in a fierce passionate kiss. Michael's hands went to Dennis' ass and he took a firm hold of his cheeks. Michael felt his cock rise up  and took a firm hold of his brother. Michael opened his eyes and saw the box of gear. He saw the pipe lying there and knew what to do. They broke the kiss and Michael took the pipe and showed it to Dennis. 

    M : this will help you brother

    Michael filled the pipe with some crystals and placed it on Dennis' lips. 

    M : Suck the smoke you will feel much better soon believe me. 

    Michael took a lighter and let a flame under the pipe melt the crystals. The smoke entered the pipe and Dennis did what was asked of him he sucked in the smoke while looking deep into his brother's eyes. He felt his lungs fill with the white smoke and a sense of calm came over him. He took another hit and then the warm feeling returned. After the third hit, he felt himself come back full of energy and by the last hit, he became horny as butter again. He blew his last big white cloud and kissed his brother. 
    D : show me my true nature and purpose 

    Michael caressed Dennis's face 

    M : Oh honey, as your future father and creator it is my duty to unlock your true self and teach you to embrace it. 
    M : I will teach you what it is to be a real whore, cumdump and slut 

    Dennis who was in a light trance by the Tina moaned lightly

    D : yes daddy show me, take away my doubts make me a real cumdump
    M : then get on your knees son

    Dennis got on his knees and Michael pushed his crotch into Dennis' face. 

    D : hmmmmm yes show it to me 
    M : open my zipper son and worship the cock that made you. 

    Dennis opened the zipper of Michael's jeans and pushed his face against the fabric of the underwear.

    The smell of the Michael's cock made Dennis drool and he tried to lick his maker's already hard cock with his mouth. 

    M : good boy. Show me you want your daddy's cock. 

    Dennis opened the button of the pants and the jeans fell to the floor. The fat mushroom covered with pre-cum of Michael came out above his briefs. Dennis sighed deeply at the sight of the head of the cock and licked at it with his tongue. A feeling of satisfaction came over him at tasting Michael's penis head and pre-cum. He took the mushroom fully into his mouth and his lips slid further down the shaft until he had almost his maker's entire cock in his mouth. His body felt complete and his mind accepted that this was what he needed. Like a man possessed, he began to suck and while he moaned softly. 

    M : yes, let yourself go completely my son. Let your true nature and purpose take over you totally. 

    Michael let Dennis suck his fat cock for a moment and then pulled him up right and kissed him. 

    M : are you ready to embrace your true self son. 
    D : yes, yes I am ready
    M : then show me, tell me what you want. 
    D : fuck me, fuck me as hard as you can
    M : is that all. I thought you were a real slut
    D : give me your cum, give me your babies 
    M : which will get my son, but what more do you want 
    D : use me, use me the way you want. I'm here to please you 
    M : that was what I wanted to hear. 
    M : on your knees bitch

    Michael took the bottle of chem piss opened it and gave it to Dennis

    M : make your dad proud and fill your belly with my chem piss 

    Dennis looked at the bottle, put it to his lips and looked at Michael as he poured in the lukewarm chem piss. He gagged for a moment but with Michael's encouragement he drank the entire bottle down.

    M : nicely done my son. Let your father's chem piss take over your mind entirely. 
    D : yes father,  take over my clouded thoughts
    M : show me your cunt son, show me what kind of cunt you already have. 

    Dennis bent over and pulled open both butt jaws with his hands so that his cunt became visible. 

    M : hmmmmmmm that still looks nice and tight and tense baby. Let your daddy stretch your pussy open nice and wide into a beautiful flower that can handle any fat dick. 

    Dennis felt himself getting even hotter and hornier from the chem piss and his eyes were already turning in his head. 

    D : yes father stretch my pussy make it a real hole 

    Michael grinned and enjoyed this moment. 

    M : I will train your pussy baby, I will make it a real slut hole. Believe me. I still have so many plans for you. I will give your life a completely new purpose. 
    D : fill me father fill me with your fat cock and your dirty cum. 
    M : hmmmmmmmmmmmm 

    Michael took a crystal from the bag put it on a finger and pushed the finger deep into Dennis' cunt. Dennis groaned as the finger went inside and felt his ass burning again, burning because of the shard Tina but also because his cunt was still damaged from the night before. The Tina completely took over his body and his ass begged to be filled. Dennis moaned and groaned at the same time. Michael watched it and couldn't hold back. He placed his fat mushroom against the sucking sphincter and pushed his fat cock inside in one thrust. 
    Dennis gasped and moaned loudly. 

    D : thank you father, thank you. Your cock is so big and thick. Oh yes fill my shitty hole. 
    D : this is my purpose, getting fucked by real men

    Dennis pushed his ass back to get even more of Michael's cock inside and pushed his ass so far until he felt Michael's balls slapping against his ass. 

    D : oh fuck yeah

    Michael took hold of Dennis' hips and began to thrust violently. Dennis moaned like a real slut and begged for more. Michael pulled Dennis's hair and pulled his head back. 

    M : do you like it bitch. Do you like it and to be fucked by a real man. Tell me 
    D : hmmmmm, yes, yes oh yes father I am enjoying this so hard. I want nothing more than to feel your fat cock in my cunt. 

    Michael turned Dennis on his back put his legs on his shoulders and thrust his cock back into Dennis' gaping hole. Dennis' eyes turned back in his head and enjoyed every thrust he received, his mouth fell open, he could not utter a word my only moan. 

    M : If you want a real slut hole baby we will have to open it up. 

    Michael took the thin dildo in his hands and placed it above his cock against Dennis' sphincter. 

    D : oh yes daddy stretch my cunt make it a gaping hole. Please stretch my cunt. 
    M : you're asking for it slut, I'll give you what you deserve and real whore cunt a cunt that offers no more resistance and lets every cock glide inside. 
    Michael felt the resistance that the tight and tense cunt provided but pushed the dildo in anyway. Dennis moaned it out. He felt his sphincter was about to tear, but he still wanted more of it 

    he resisted the pain and let Michael do his thing. The extra stimulation on Michael's cock made him come to a climax quickly and he felt his muscles contract, the sperm coming up from his balls and shooting through his dick and squirting into Dennis' cunt. Dennis felt the heat of the cum entering his guts and squeezed his ass with his bottom so that every drop could squeeze out of his creator's cock. Michael enjoyed seeing what he had created and fell down on Dennis. He licked his son's nipples and said. 

    M : you have a blissful cunt son. A real whore cunt in the making. I will teach you so much believe me 
    D : looking forward to it father. 
    M : once your transformation from neg to pozz is over you will be completely free and by then you will know the everything of the new world you are now part of. You will also have embraced and fully accepted it by then. But until then we must keep you horny baby so that you don't forget or still doubt what your true nature and purpose is . Do you understand that. 

    D : I understand that daddy. Show me what my true nature is and what my purpose is in my life. 

    Michael took a cockcage and put it around Dennis' shriveled dick. He placed the lock on it and put the key away. 

    M : You don't need your cock for a while baby. Your true purpose is to serve. To serve real men with your mouth and your ass. I will teach you to offer your mouth and ass to any cock that wants to fuck you. 
    D : oh yes father teach me. 

    Dennis' hunger was not yet satisfied, the tina was still racing through his body and Michael threw the thick dildo next to Dennis. Play with this just a little longer baby. Tomorrow we will start your training. Dennis took the dildo and pushed it into his gaping and empty hole. Michael lay down beside him and played with Dennis' nipples and slapped his balls a little while Dennis was fucking his pussy firmly with the dildo. After he finished playing, they made love for a while and then fell asleep in each other's arms. 

    When Dennis woke up the next morning and saw Michael lying next to him he was not panicked this time. He was calm, still had doubts but the knot is his stomach was no longer there. Both his body and mind were in balance and were accepting the situation he was in. Michael also woke up. 
    M : hey everything ok with you 

    D : I think so yes 

    Michael stroked Dennis' face. Dennis closed his eyes and let Michael commit. He felt Michael's lips on his. Even though it felt awkward he did not pull away and kissed him, gently at first but the kiss became more and more intense and fierce. The two brothers were naked lay on top of each other and fondled each other and made love as if they were a couple in love. 

    D : I think you will have a lot to teach me brother or should I say father now. It's rather confusing. 
    M : hahaha 
    M : I know, but let's be brothers if we don't have hot sex and let me be your father and creator if I use you. 
    D : that's fine. 
    D : but still you will have to help me because I am not quite there yet. I feel by everything that this is what I need to do but I'm not quite there yet. 
    M : I understand that. But I will help you. 

    Both brothers stood up and put on their briefs. Dennis put himself in the seat. 

    D : get started, because I want to know everything. 
    M : where do you want me to start. 

    D : what you expect me to do, how I should do it, what I should do, what I can do, what I don't know yet. 

    Michael began by explaining to Dennis that since the weekend with his brothers, he was in transition from neg to poss. He would get sick the fuckflue within a few weeks as they said and then he would become HIV positive. Then he would become a member of their group. Until his first birthday he would serve as slut, cumdump of their group and only he would get fucked when they hooked up. On his first birthday, they would then choose a new member whom he would then be the first to infect with his virus and become his father/maker. Dennis didn't understand how anyone wanted to become or be poss. Michael explained to him once he was pozz he was free to fuck whomever he wanted without fear, he would feel free. Sex with condoms would be a thing of the past and he would only have bare sex like real men did. He would be uninhibited and could fuck whomever he wanted without having to consider anyone's status. Michael explained the chems he had been given. He explained how Tina and GHB worked, how he could take them, smoke it, stick crystals in his pussy or inject a slam so to speak, and at what times to use what, but also told him X, Coke, 3 mmc and Keta. Dennis's ears flitted at hearing all those drugs. But his heart began to race because his body had already become hooked on the intoxication that Tina and G brought. 

    M : I see it already brother your body is craving for another hit Tina, rest assured you will get there soon but first let's talk some more

    Michael explained to him the usefulness of his cockcage that it would keep him horny as long as he didn't cum. He showed him a butt plug and showed him how to insert it. He also explained to him how to flush and that it was important to always be flushed. Drinking piss or getting it in your pussy was a gift to a slut because when someone had taken chems the remains of them were in the piss and if you drank it or got it in your pussy these would be absorbed into your body and you could get high that way. 

    D : ok I get that, but does that mean I can only have sex with you or your friends. 
    M : no boy, I will teach you how and where to whore and where to offer your cunt. 

    All dating, chat .... Sites Michael listed.  He took Dennis's cell phone and installed some apps and created some profiles. Michael also told Dennis he would get ready this evening and take him to the sauna where he would be used by several men. Michael also explained to him how to deep throat fuck, that he had to have his pussy stretched until he could be fisted, that he was not to refuse any cock and that when he was completely ready and could fully surrender that he could start BDSM. A complete new world lay open and at Dennis' feet. All he had to do was accept his true self and his new purpose and the rest would come. Michael also told him that a real slut had no hair on his chest, back, belly, ass, pussy, cock and balls. Dennis looked at himself. 

    D : then you can shave me later and shave away everything that is too much there 

    Michael had to laugh
    M : I like hearing that, it means you are ready. 

    Michael continued. Once you are a slut you will have to provide yourself with a daily dose of cum, you will have a hunger and needs that you will have to satisfy. Just like before when you still had sex with women but from now on you will be the bitch. As your father it is my duty to feed your needs every day, either by me providing you with seed myself or by providing others to fill you. 

    M : when you feel your flu coming on, you will let me know immediately, understood. 
    D : why, will you come and bring me chicken soup then maybe. 
    M : hahaha no, I will not come and bring you soup but I will take you with me so that we can celebrate your transformation and so that we can fill your hole with our seed. Because a transformation doesn't happen every day and fucking a cunt on fire is the most blissful thing there is. 

    D : ok, I'm curious. 
    D : and then when we are one year away and we celebrate my birthday I get to choose who I transform. 
    M : who knows, Sam arranged this for me but I can't promise I can flip your choice to the dark side 
    Dennis had to laugh 
    D : ok we will see. 
    D : then now is the time to get ready for sure. I'll get my razor. 

    Dennis went to the bathroom and got his shaving gear and when he came back in the living room Michael had the usb stick attached. 
    M : while I am shaving you want to see your initiation into our brotherhood. 
    D : did you have that filmed 
    Michael grinned
    M : sure, there's nothing hotter than watching a transformation and initiation afterwards
    D : ok put it on

    Michael stuck the stick in the smart TV and the movie started playing. Dennis saw himself and saw what all had happened to him that night. Some things he could still remember but other things were a completely gone from his memories. Michael who shaved Dennis while completely bald saw that his brother was getting horny watching his own transformation. He saw that Dennis was struggling because his cock could not get hard because of the cage. 
    M : you like what you see ? 
    D : as weird as it sounds to myself but yes, it confirms even more that this is the right choice. I would love to jerk my cock now and squirt but I can't
    A wide grin appeared on Michael's mouth
    M : that cage is already doing a good job because these are words of a real slut and cumdump in the making. 

    Dennis looked at his brother and looked at the half hard cock that was in Michael's pants. 

    D : If you weren't shaving me right now I would be sucking your cock right now I think. I guess I've always been a slut.
    M :yeah  I think so too 

    Michael had finished shaving and Dennis could no longer hold back took hold of the bulge in his brother's briefs and pulled the briefs down. He opened his mouth and Michael pushed his half hard pole into his brother's mouth. As he continued to watch the images on the screen. The moment was there when Michael would fuck him for the first time and get his first slam. He heard himself crying out to be filled, and he watched as his brother rammed his cock into his pussy. 

    This was the first time Dennis had sucked a cock sober, and for the first time in his life he felt complete. Dennis felt pre-cum running out of his limp and locked cock and knew no way to handle his horniness. Michael saw this. 

    M : come on son, let out the beast inside you and suck your father's cum from his balls. 

    On the screen they came to the moment when Michael would fill Dennis with his infected cum. Dennis heard himself screaming to be filled with Michael's infected sperm. Both brothers looked at the images hornily and Michael could no longer hold back he took a firm hold of his brother's head. 

    M : oh yes here it comes baby. Your reward, swallow my baby's son. Don't let a drop go to waste. 

    Dennis felt his mouth being filled with Michael's seed and before he swallowed the seed he swirled his tongue in and his mouth went full circle. 

    Michael jerked some more and removed his limp cock from Dennis' mouth. 

    Dennis' horniness did not go away and he struggled to control himself. 

    M : easy baby, easy. I see that cage is doing a good job. 
    M : in a few hours we will go to the sauna and you can let yourself be fucked and sucked in the darkroom for so long and by so many cocks. 

    The hours passed and since Dennis had the cage on he had been able to think of nothing but sex, horny solid men sex. Around 5 pm Michael told Dennis to put on his clothes because they still had some shopping to do. Michael threw a jockstrap a ripped T-shirt and exciting ripped Jeans on the bed. 

    D : do I really have to put these on? There is a giant rip on my butt and crotch. Everyone can see my ass and if they didn't see that they will surely see my locked up dick. 

    M : sure you put these on. You're a slut now baby. Real sluts don't care what anyone else thinks of them

    Dennis put on the clothes but this was not with his full desire anyway. As they walked down the street he felt cheap, scum and dressed like a street hooker also he felt watched by everyone. He felt eyes burning on him and saw people's disapproval. But walking for half an hour he began to feel more at ease and let the shame fall off and he walked around like a confident tramp. He noticed from himself that since he was more accepting of his new role he also stopped looking at women but had now seen every handsome tough husky guy and his mind fantasized about them the way he used to fantasize about women. Every time he got a look from a tough guy, his cock jumped up in his cage and his pussy itched. Dennis was really struggling to hide his horniness. 

    M : control yourself brother. You're practically drooling at every guy you see. 
    D : I don't know what is happening to me

    D : it's like something has awakened in me that I can't control. I would like to jump on every guy I meet. 
    M : Lol yes I can see that. 
    Michael looked at Dennis's crotch and you could see a wet spot where Dennis's trapped cock was.
    D : fuck, do I really have to wear that cage anymore. 
    M : yes brother. Believe me, you will be horny as hell tonight. You will learn that you can have orgasms in your cunt and for that you have to stay off your cock and the way you are walking around now .... 
    Dennis growled. 
    M : we are here 

    Dennis looked at the window and saw that they were standing in front of a sex shop specializing in gay stuff.

    D : euh, what are we doing here.
    M : What we do here is very simple. Buying stuff for you. Or do you think you don't need anything in your new life. 

    D : euh, ok then 

    Michael and Dennis entered the store.Dennis looked around and his mouth fell open seeing all the toys, clothes and other horny things. With many things Dennis saw he wondered what it was for as this was totally new to him and he followed Michael as apparently this was not the first time he had been here. Michael took some jockstraps and then stepped toward the dildos 

    M : just pick some Dennis. 
    D : uh, why 
    M : you will still need them believe me. You have a cunt that constantly wants to be fed. 
    Dennis took hold of a thin dildo but Michael shook his head. 
    M : here these 2 you need. 
    It was one 5 cm thick and one 7 cm thick. 
    M : your pussy needs to be stretched, with the thin one you are nothing brother. Trust me

    D : ok 
    Michael took another butt plug and then stepped toward the clothes. 
    M : you need a harness
    Dennis looked at the leather armor and looked questioningly at his brother
    M : yes Dennis you really need this 

    Dennis took a bulldog harness from the rack, Michael took some more wrist and ankle straps and a can of lube. They stepped to the cash register and before paying Michael asked for a few more bottles of poppers. Michael paid the bill and they went back outside. 

    M : these you get as a gift from me but believe me soon you will come here yourself and will take home even more. 

    Dennis with a dazed look at his brother. 
    D : if you say so. 
    M : haaha yes believe me. Now we have to do 1 more stop before we can go back to your apartment. 
    D : where are we going now
    M : you will see. 

    They stepped 10 min and arrived at Michael's dealership. Michael and Dennis went inside and pushed the bell. The door opened and Michael his dealer was waiting in the hallway.
    Tom: who do you have there Michael I don't know him yet. Is this your new recruit
    M : hahaha, yes something like that yes. This is my brother and I turned him. He is now my new bitch
    T : fuck that's hot. Fuck man 
    Tom walked around Dennis and judged him he slapped his ass and felt his crotch. 
    T : is he already pozz 

    M : not yet, but my virus is already destroying his cells. Give him a few more weeks. 
    T : you have a nice piece of meat here in your hands Michael. If you want I'll take him off your hands. Name your price. 
    M : this one is not for sale Tom. But that doesn't mean you won't even get to use it. 
    T : may I have a test drive
    M : we don't have that much time, but he can suck you in otherwise if you like

    Dennis felt like a piece of merchandise and wanted to make it clear to his brother that he wasn't set up for this. But Michael was ahead of him.
    M : You know what I said, never refuse a cock. Get down on your knees and work on your blowing skills
    Dennis got on his knees with slight reluctance and Tom came to stand with his crotch against him he opened his zipper and pushed his scented cock into Dennis's open mouth. That Dennis had sat on his knees with slight reluctance he had already forgotten when he smelled the aroma of Tom's cock. The beast in him awoke and like an expert sucker he sucked Tom's cock. Tom nodded approvingly at Michael. 

    T : You've already learned that one well. Bring him back next week and I'd like to teach him a few more things. I will invite a few more mates and give him the night of his life. 
    M : lol that's good. I'll make sure he's there. But did you get what we came for. 

    Dennis was still sucking and Tom pulled his cock out of Dennis' mouth and gave him a few light taps against his head. 
    T : the rest is for next week bitch. Get ready for it. 
    Tom opened a drawer and took out a black case. 
    T : some point, crystals, G and X 

    Tom handed the case to Michael who handed an envelope to Tom. Tom put the envelope away and took a pill from a box. 

    T : open your mouth Bitch. 

    Dennis looked questioningly at Michael who nodded in the affirmative. Dennis opened his mouth and Tom put an XTC pill on it 

    T : This one is for you from the house. 
    M : swallow it bitch and thank him.
    Dennis swallowed the pill
    D : thank you. But what was this 
    T : XTC slut, haha you still have a lot to learn. Just enjoy the flight and next week you will learn a lot more here.  Hahaha 

    Dennis and Michael went outside and stepped towards Dennis' appartment. When they arrived at his apartment, the x began to do its job. Dennis's pupils were like saucers in his head and he needed to be touched. 
    D : touch me daddy
    M : no, we are going to get ready for your first sauna. 
    D : fuck yes. 

    Dennis went to rinse off and Michael laid out a jockstrap and the harness. Dennis put these on and above them put his clothes from earlier. Michael took some shards of Tina from the pouch a point and prepared a bottle of G for Dennis. 
    Dennis was flying briskly and he took the bottle of G from Michael's hands and already wanted to drink from it but Michael took it back and put it in the bag. 

    M : just a little more patience baby. You'll get it right before we go in. We have to drive another hour first and I don't want you to be on your high already with the G. 
    They went to the car and Michael drove in the direction of the Sauna. The X began to wear off and Dennis felt himself getting nervous for what was to come. Michael took the bottle that had a swig of Torade with G in it and handed it to Dennis. 
    M : Just drink it. It will take your nerves away. 
    Dennis looked at Michael and drank the bottle. Michael parked himself and they got out. With lead in his legs, Dennis followed Michael inside.
    M : Is there a lot of people this evening. 

    The man behind the cash register looked at Dennis and immediately realized what was going to happen to him and then looked back at Michael. 
    " there is people enough for him, he will have a filled evening lol " 
    Michael paid for private room with sling and they went in. Dennis followed Michael to the dressing room and Michael told Dennis to take off his clothes including his jockstrap but he could keep his harness on. The G wasn't working yet and Dennis felt his heart pounding in his throat from nerves. Everyone would soon see his locked-up dick. What wouldn't they think of him. 
    M : you shouldn't be afraid son, you shouldn't be ashamed of having a cage on either. The men here won't look at you funny 

    M : on the contrary. When they see that your dick is locked up you will have to knock them off already. 
    D : why? 
    M : Because they are sure you don't want to fuck them lol
    Dennis realized he had just made a stupid comment. Sure he couldn't fuck men with that cage on. Everyone would see that he was locked up and that he was here to be fucked. When their clothes were in the locker Michael took a small black bag and they walked down the hallway. Dennis was still full of nerves and now noticed the men walking around. His cage was now completely filled with his swollen cock because everywhere he looked he saw solid, muscular, tough handsome men with big fat dicks. Although he could not control his nerves he was still enormously horny by seeing the men walking around. He felt their eyes burning on his body. It was like he was a piece of tipsy game ready to be torn apart by predators, for some reason it excited him. For the first time, too, it was not he who had to hunt; it was he who was being hunted.  Michael stopped at their private room, opened the room put the black bag inside took out a bottle of poppers went out and locked the room back and took Dennis for a tour. Dennis felt the G begin to do its work and felt a calmness come over his body. The nerves ebbed away and the horniness now completely took over. They entered the labyrinth and Dennis's eye fell on a tough guy being sucked by a skinny slut who was on his knees. Michael stopped at some holes in a wall.
    M : Here you may warm up a little son. Get on your knees and every time a cock comes through this hole you are going to suck until you taste seed in your mouth. Got it. 
    D : yes father
    Dennis got the bottle of poppers pushed under his nostrils and had to sniff a few times until he was firmly flying. Michael pushed it into Dennis' hands and pushed him to his knees. Before long, a first cock was thrust through the hole. Dennis looked at the cock and then looked questioningly at Michael. 
    M : Suck slut. Make your father happy by showing what a slut you are
    Dennis opened his mouth and first licked the blissful thick mushroom with his tongue before taking it all the way into his mouth. As he enjoyed sucking the cock he looked at his father like a horny whore, asking for approval. Dennis saw Michael standing next to him and jerking off.
    M : hmmm suck that cock slut
    Dennis sucked as if his life depended on it but the man on the other side pulled his cock back and Dennis hadn't been able to swallow any seed but he didn't have much time to dwell on it because the next fat mushroom was already poking through the hole. This time he needed no more encouragement and Dennis sucked the fat mushroom inside. 

    It went on like this for a while but even after sucking his seventh cock, Dennis still hadn't been able to drink a drop of seed. The G that was now at a high point in his body made him so horny that he started begging for seed. He had to have seed. 
    D : give me seed, please fill my mouth what am I doing wrong. 
    M : hahaha you stupid bitch, you have to earn seed. You have to work for it. These men won't just give it to you. 
    D : tell me how, I will do what they ask of me. 
    Michael straightened Dennis and pulled him into the private room. They walked through the hallways and Dennis saw how the horny vents were looking at him. Dennis' eyes were wide open, his tongue was hanging out of his mouth and drool was running down his chin. The men saw how hungry Dennis was looking at them, and they were in the mood for a fresh cum dump because it was noticeable that this was Dennis' first time.
    M : If you want their seed you will have to show that you are a real cumdump. 

    Michael put a point on the bed a tourniquet and some shards of Tina 

    M : If you are a real whore you know what to do now. 
    Dennis looked at the stuff on the bed and took the tourniquet and put it around his arm, he took the biggest crystal, placed it against his sphincter and pushed it as deep as he could.  He felt the heat rising in his hole and knew what was coming next. Michael watched amused as Dennis eagerly pushed the stone into his hole
    M : I didn't have to tell you twice
    M : I think someone here wants to be a real cumdump. 
    Dennis now also took the syringe in his hands but didn't know how to use it. 
    M : Let me help you son. I will teach you tomorrow how to give yourself a slam. 

    M : go honor but lie down in the sling. In the meantime I will open the door so the alpha men can hear your lure call later. 
    Dennis felt the heat spread over his body and his den became an empty cave again. A cave that was in need of being filled with a treasure of seventy predators. 
    M : I will give you your slam son, and when this one wears off you will get another one until every alpha here has fucked your cunt and their seed flows out of your den like a river. 
    Dennis was already fairly flying and his father's words sounded like music. 
    D : slam me father, slam me so I can call the men to rip my cunt. 
    In the doorway 3 men were already watching Dennis in the sling and Michael sticking the needle in his arm. Dennis looked in the doorway and saw how the 3 men were looking at him like hungry lions. 
    D : oh fuck daddy. Slam me I want their seed.
    M : here it comes son, make your father proud. 
    Michael saw the blood mix with the Tina and squirted the entire contents into Dennis' vein. Dennis felt the rush of the slam coming up coughed heavily and cried out 
    M : the buffet is open men you can hear him. Just give him what he wants and let yourself go completely. 
    The three men entered the room and the first one inspected Dennis' den and stuck his finger in it. He felt how Dennis' den radiated heat and sucked his finger inside. 
    1 : hmmmm sletje already been fucked tonight
    D : no, but I hope you are the first. 
    Dennis looked at the first alpha man's hard cock and it was medium in length but thick and heavily veined. 
    1 : hmmmm will your tight pussy handle my thick cock
    M : hmmmm you just have to ram it in his cunt should just stretch with it. 
    M : son ask him his status before he fucks you. 
    D : what is your status 
    1 : poss and I don't take drugs. On my last count I almost had full blown aids.... Say with what is your status.
    D : neg 
    M : he is still waiting for his fuckflue 
    1 : oh fuck, Do you want my strand of virus slut
    D : yes give it to me 
     Michael came up next to Dennis and whispered in his ear. 
    M : see how free you are now. 

    The Alpha put his glans against Dennis' sphincter. The dude had to make no effort himself as Dennis' cunt sucked the mushroom and shaft inside. 
    D : oh fuck yeah, rape me and squirt me full of your dna 
    Dennis watched as more men entered their room. His sound had swept through the hallways and sucked all the men into his room. As he was being fucked in the by one he got a cock pushed into his mouth by someone else. For a moment Dennis was in gay Valhalla. He enjoyed every cock offered to him and each time he felt his bowels fill with seed he became even more convinced of the choice he had made. Dennis hadn't bothered to count the men who had filled his cunt and Michael had stopped counting after number 12, but the last one Dennis would fuck his gaping hole was Michael. He stood between his son's legs and he looked at the gaping hole and saw the seed pouring out. 
    M : hmmm son your cunt looks beautiful. Your bowels will be soaked with the juice of real men and you your blood will certainly be able to store a few extra strands of the virus this evening. 
    M : Tonight you showed your true nature and your unstoppable appetite for cock. You made your father proud. 

    Michael took the biggest butt plug he had with him and pushed it into Dennis' gaping cunt. The plug had no trouble going in because Dennis' sphincter was completely paralyzed. Dennis' hole sucked the plug into place and Dennis heaved a deep sigh. Although he had been fucked all night, his hunger was not over and he was still begging for seed. 
    M : hmmm with you I really won the grand lot. What a whore you have already become. Your last portion for this evening you will get from me. As a reward you may suck it out of your father's cock. Michael pushed his cock into Dennis' open mouth and he was only too happy to suck his maker's cock. Michael didn't need much more as he had been jerking off all evening watching Michael get fucked. Dennis felt his mouth being filled with his maker's seed and let the divine nectar run down his throat to his stomach. 
    D : thank you father, thank you for this wonderful experience and thank you for awakening me true nature. 
    M : I will let you experience much more my son believe me this is just the beginning. 
    Dennis was helped out of the sling and they went back to the lockers put on their clothes and got to their car. Dennis began to sober up and looked at his cell phone. He saw on his screen that he had 20 messages on his new apps and showed this to Michael
    M : you can answer all of those later hahaha. We have only just started Dennis. The start of your new life.


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  7. Part 3 the birthday party


    Sam, Dennis and Michael stayed upstairs but the others went to the basement to prepare the party. 
    Dennis was still fiercely kissing his brother, his eyes were closed and in his mind he was kissing not Michael but Sam. Michael was experiencing his hottest dream and went to Dennis' exposed ass with his hands. He pulled the cheeks of his ass open so that Dennis' hole was nicely revealed. He pinched each cheek and Dennis felt the chems in his body boost his new lusts, desires and needs and mused through the empty feeling in his hole. 

    D : fuck me 
    M : hmmmm I love to hear that brother, I will definitely fuck your asshole for a long time later but first let me enjoy this moment. 
    D : fuck me, fill my hole
    S: you heard the birthday boy baby, later just be patient. 

    Dennis's pussy needed to be filled and while that Michael still squeezed and pulled open his ass he stuck his fingers in his hole and moaned softly. Michael stopped kissing Dennis and dropped him forward in the seat so he could watch in wonder as his brother fingered on his own pussy. 

    M: how did you pull this off 
    S: yeah buddy, with a lot of patience and my magic touch 
    M : yes that magic touch I see. But I still can't believe it. 
    S: you do not have to believe it, you just have to fuck him later and transform him. Once he is transformed you can fuck him and use him as much and as long as you want because this is a real cumdump in the making. He doesn't realize it yet but he has always been a cumdump. The Tina just awakened the beast in him.
    S: because just a moment ago he wanted to go home, not because he felt bad for what he had done but just because he didn't know you guys, 

    Sam laughed loudly and while taking the wristbands, anklets a collar and gave them to Michael. 

    S: here put these on him then we can easily take him downstairs later and tie him up. 

    Dennis who was completely flying and only concerned with his pussy had not heard what his brother and Sam had said and felt something being put around his ankles and wrists. 

    M : You are a real slut brother, and your cunt looks to be feasted on. Soon I will taste and indulge your hole extensively but first we will have to put these on you.
    Michael placed the collar around Dennis' neck. Dennis let his brother proceed and felt the collar being tightened. 

    S: fine Michael, now go get ready upstairs and then come down to the basement for the party the others will be ready and waiting for us.

    Michael went upstairs to get ready.
    Rob came up from the basement and had a big ribbon in his hands, walked over to Dennis who was still fingering himself. 

    R: take your hands off the gift slut. Soon your hole will be used extensively but first this one has to be put on.
    Dennis removed his hand and felt something being attached to both elastic bands of the jockstrap. Rob also cut a hole in fabric that covered his limp dick and pulled his balls and dick through it.

    S: Haaaaahaaa, where did you find that. 
    R: I had that lying around from thought it would come in handy again. 
    Dennis' entire ass was now covered in giant red ribbon. Rob helped him up and attached a metal chain to the collar and pulled Dennis along who was flying very high. 

    D : where are we going. 
    S : we are going to the party baby, and you are the main attraction
    D : my sphincter itches ( he mused ) 
    R : your pussy you'll mean 

    Dennis' eyes were spinning in his head and was not stable on his feet at all and Rob and Sam had to help him down the stairs to basement. When they got to the basement the others burst out laughing when they saw the big ribbon that was on Dennis' ass.  Jack took the pipe filled with tina and pushed it into Dennis' mouth and ordered him to suck on it while he melted the crystals. Dennis no longer needed to be encouraged to blow a white cloud because his body was craving for Tina, his body and mind had already become addicted to the intoxication and effects the crystals and smoke brought.
    Dennis blew 3 large white clouds and felt his body revive. He was led to a metal small cage, the lid on the top side was open and he was put inside and the lid was closed. There he lay in a kind of dog kennel on his back, the ankle straps were attached to lid so that his legs were facing up and his butt was pushing against the bars with the big red ribbon, also his hands were attached to the bars so that he could hardly move. Nick took a large cloth and threw it over the cage and so Dennis found himself in the dark. That Dennis was in a cage he barely realized because he was flying through Tina's wonderful world, the world that made him hot, the world that had introduced him to the magic of sucking and getting fucked. 
    Michael came downstairs and as he entered the basement, the smell and smoke of Tina met him. They started singing and kissing him while laughing. 

    S: here is your gift for your 1st birthday friend. Just open it

    Sam gave Michael a big wink and Michael stepped up to the cage and pulled away the cloth. Dennis who was in the cage emerged.  Michael couldn't suppress his smile when he saw Dennis lying like that with the big red ribbon on his butt. Dennis did not have to make his eyes small for bright light, for the room was dark just like the night before with a slight glow of neon light.

    M : well friends this is the best gift I have ever received. Let's enjoy it together and transform him. 
    S : letting him transform is for you Michael, you will be his father. This is how it has been every time on the first birthday. 
    M: Thanks, but before we use him we let him be bathed and infused with our scent. He is already in a dog kennel then like a real dog he can be sprayed with our infected scent and get him ready for his transformation. 

    The others laughed and pulled their half hard dicks out of their jockstrap and moved around the cage. Dennis was still flying and panting deeply with his mouth open and didn't realize what the others were going to do. 

    T : a good piece of meat should always be marinated first, haahaaa
    N : let the birthday boy provide the slut with his first gulp of toxic and slam champagne first let him marinate from our smell and flavor. 

    Michael laughed and started pissing first on his brother who was in the cage. Dennis felt a warm stream on his face and thought it was water and stuck out his tongue to catch the water. Michael and the others watched grinning as Dennis tried to drink the first jets. Michael aimed his piss into his brother's mouth and pissed right into his open mouth. Now Dennis got the stream straight into his mouth, the taste was salty and was definitely not water. He opened his eyes and only now he saw the others standing around him and saw his own brother pissing on him. He closed his mouth and wanted to yell stop but the others started laughing and knocked on the cage. 

    E : come on slut open your mouth drink our chempiss and let it fill you with our dark thoughts.

    Dennis didn't find the taste of the piss that bad but he found the idea of being pissed on very denigrating. Ed's knocking on the cage made him forget the feeling of shame and submission and flew back on the waves of G and Tina and without realizing it himself he opened his mouth again. That was the signal for the others and they too began to piss on Dennis. He received several jets over his face and the piss ran into his mouth and due to the horniness of the chems drank the fluid offered to him. He also felt his chest, belly and flaccid cock being sprayed. His body could no longer contain itself and because of the feeling of getting wet and being horny, he too began to piss himself. 

    A: Good slut, drink your own piss show that you are real pee whore.

    The jet Dennis was fierce and like Andy asked he pissed into his own mouth. But because there were several jets running into his mouth he could not detect his own taste. 
    The men's bladders had emptied and Dennis was drenched in urine and the last drops ran down his body. 

    T: come on Michael open your present completely now so we can start working on it. 

    Michael opened the lid of the cage and unclipped his brother pulled the piss soaked Dennis straight and licked his face and stuck his tongue in his mouth and started kissing him violently. 
    Dennis let it all happen and eagerly kissed back as the chems coursed through his body, every touch was electric and gave him a feeling of pleasure. He was pulled out of the cage and he 

    felt the hands of the others going over his body. His head was pushed in all directions and each time he got a new tongue pushed into his mouth. 

    Dennis was pushed to his knees and felt several half hard cocks being pushed against his face. He opened his mouth and let his tongue hang out. Nick spat in Dennis' face and took hold of his head and pushed his mouth toward Michael's cock. 

    N: Just suck your brother's cock first and make him stiff. I think he has been dreaming of this for years. 
    M: you can be sure of that, this is what I have dreamed of and I can't wait to feel your warm, moist mouth around my shaft brother. 

    Michael took hold of his brother's head and pushed his semi-hard cock his brother's face. Dennis opened his mouth without really realizing it and searched for Michael's cock. Michael guided Dennis' head to his cock and pushed it in. Michael dropped his head back, closed his eyes for a moment and let out a deep growl. He felt his brother's moist lips sliding over his shaft and his cock was already thickening just from that feeling. His glans passed his brother's tongue and slid further into his warm and moist mouth. Dennis' eyes turned in his head and looked upward toward his brother. He saw his brother moaning with his mouth open and began eagerly sucking harder cock. He no longer cared that it was his brother that he was giving a blowjob to because the need, desire and pleasure to suck took over, he put his hands on Michael's ass and pushed his head as far as he could so that he got his brother's full cock inside. Michael had a blood penis, and although in a flaccid or semi-hard state it was not small the cock grew into a gigantic fat monster, even bigger and thicker than his own, and he felt the head of the penis lodged in his throat and couldn't catch his breath. Michael who was enjoying his brother's eagerness to get his cock all the way into his mouth pushed his cock as deep as he could until he heard Dennis' disgust. 
    He pulled his cock back making Dennis catch his breath and pushed it back in. The corners of Dennis' mouth were on tearing as he couldn't make his mouth big enough to get his brother's cock inside. Tears shot into his eyes and he had to gasp again. Michael pulled his cock out of Dennis' mouth and took hold of his head again spit in his face. 

    M : it's all I ever dreamed about little brother. I'll still train your throat so you don't have to be disgusted anymore. 

    Tony and Andy now pushed their cocks into the mouth of Dennis who was now licking 2 glans simultaneously for the first time. He no longer cared that he was still completely wet and reeking of piss, all he wanted was a cock, a cock in his mouth but preferably in his ass. 
    He felt hands patting his body, his head being pushed toward dicks, his face being spat on and kissed. He was now the center point of pleasure and was an object of lust for others to enjoy but the one who enjoyed the most was himself. Through the chems he enjoyed the attention his body received and cocks it was offered. Each time that blissful sweaty musky smell of a new cock to suck. He was truly in slut heaven.

    Then he was pulled up right and attached to the cross. Michael came to stand in front of him and offered him the pipe and just made him blow big white clouds. He was put on a blindfold and felt 

    a prick in his dick and it wasn't long before he felt his cock getting hard for the first time in a long time. Sam took a rope and tied off the hard cock and balls.  Dennis groaned at the new sensation he was experiencing. 
    Dennis felt a mouth and tongue working his nipples a tongue was also pushed into his mouth and he felt his whole body being touched. He got hot again and his head started spinning, his horniness got another boost and he curled his toes because of all the horny stimulation he was getting. 
    Who was kissing him, licking his nipples and touching him he didn't know but it was heavenly. He wished this this never ended. He felt the mouth leave his nipples and the person who was licking him searched his way down. Dennis groaned as the tongue had arrived at his stiff and hard swollen cock. He felt teeth on his foreskin and then a warm and moist mouth, Dennis flew from one euphoria into another, his mind and body could no longer process the stimulations and he cried out in pleasure. 

    S: let yourself go completely baby, let us prepare you for your rebirth. Your birth as cumdump. 
    D : yes, yes get me ready, I'm ready. 

    Dennis felt his stiff cock being sucked and he heard Jack speak up. 

    J : suck your future son good. You will make me a grandfather this evening. But before you can make him pregnant I will fill your guts one last time my son. When you have made your son then you will be relieved of your job as cumdump and your son will take over your job. 

    Jack came up behind Michael who was on all fours sucking Dennis' cock. He took hold of his son's ass and opened the cheeks so that his hole was visible. 

    J : This is beautiful son, your mark is really beautiful. 

    Michael had placed a biohazard tattoo between his ass cheeks. When his butt was closed you could see a kind of little man standing between his butt crack. But when you opened his ass fully you could see a beautiful biohazard symbol with the centerpiece being his gaping cunt. 
    Dennis who was constantly coming in and out of wonderland wondered who the son was, who was giving him such a nice blowjob and what mark was so wonderful. Sam saw that Dennis was looking for answers. 

    S : honey do you want to be able to see who is giving you such a nice treat. 
    D : yes, I want to be able to see. 

    Sam nodded to Andy and he removed Dennis' blindfold. Dennis let his eyes adjust for a moment and then saw that his brother was sucking him hard and that Jack was about to put his hard cock into his brother's hole. 
    Michael moaned at feeling his father's cock and Dennis didn't know what to feel or think. His brother was blowing him and he saw him being fucked firmly, this was completely new to him. Luckily there were the chems coursing through his body or he would have definitely ran away. Because of the horniness of the chems he couldn't take his eyes off the scene before him he saw his brother enjoying the fuck he was getting and he saw that Jack was pounding harder and harder and more violently. His own sphincter gave one twitch after another and his ass was grinding against the crotch. Michael stopped sucking and moaned loudly. 

    M: Yes daddy, fuck your son. Fill me up with your DNA, give me your toxic seed

    Jack began breathing heavily and Dennis saw that Jack was coming to his climax.

    J : here it is son your last dose of cum before you become a father yourself. 

    Dennis's mind tried to grasp everything and get it all in order.  1 Michael is not celebrating his birthday, 2 this is not our father, 3 Michael is gay then how can he become a father later. 

    Michael felt his guts being filled with Jack's sperm and Jack fell down on Michael's back, lay there for a moment and then pulled his cock out of his son's moist and gaping hole. He gave one last slap on Michael's ass and stood back up. 

    J : Even though I know it will not be the last time I will fuck your blissful cunt. Still I will miss being able to fuck it every day

    Tony untied Dennis, he pulled Dennis with him and he stepped around Michael who was still on all fours. He also pushed Dennis to his knees and pushed his head to his brother's hole. 

    T: Lick your future father's pussy clean and swallow your grandfathers cum slut. 

    The blissful smell of cum and sweat met Dennis and now he pulled the cheeks of Michael's ass open iso that he also saw the tattoo. In his heavily drugged condition he could not immediately place the symbol but he was shocked that his brother had a tattoo and then in that place. Without giving it any further thought he buried his face in Michael's ass and licked and swallowed the cum running out of his brother's hole. Ed was now standing behind Dennis and had a large shard in his hands he placed it against Dennis' sphincter. The sphincter gave a twitch at the feel of the shard and finger and opened immediately. 

    E: this cunt is asking to be fucked

    Ed pushed the shard in and pushed it as deep as he could. Dennis pushed his tongue all the way into Michael's cunt because of the excitement and Michael's eyes turned away completely because of the pleasure his brother was giving him. His fantasy had come true his younger brother had already sucked him and was now licking his pussy. Soon his wet dream would become complete true.
    Dennis felt that burning sensation in his pussy again, his body began to sweat and his head began to spin even more. Dennis was now pushed completely to the floor and was turned over so that he was now under Michael and getting his half hard cock in his face. 

    A : suck slut, just suck your father's cock hard so he can fuck you later. 

    Dennis opened his mouth and Michael pushed his half hard cock inside and started face fucking. Dennis felt a pillow being put under his ass and felt the bow of jockstrap being pulled and his ass being pulled open and a tongue working his sphincter. Dennis moaned and his hard cock jumped up and down in pleasure. Michael pushed his fattening cock as deep as he could into his brother's throat, but again Dennis couldn't take it he gagged. 

    S: I think he's ready. 

    Michael stopped face fucking and Jack stopped licking. Dennis caught his breath for a moment and then was helped to his feet. Without Tony's support he would surely have fallen over but Tony was firm enough to keep him upright and brought him toward the sling and Dennis fell into it. Dennis head spun and his eyes turned in all directions his pussy felt so empty and it needed to be filled. All he could think about now was being filled. Because of this he did not notice his legs and arms being spread and locked.

    Michael came to stand beside him

    M : Dennis, 

    He shook his brother for a moment

    M : Dennis, focus for a second. Soon you may go back to flying. 

    Dennis tried to focus and looked at his brother with spinning eyes. A horny grin appeared on Dennis' face. 

    D : yes brother
    M : the time has come brother, I will transform you. I will soon become your father and we will be connected forever. 
    D : what are you saying, you are my brother not my father and we are already connected forever. 

    Michael grinned 

    M : yes, but I will give you my DNA my virus
    D : virus, what are you talking about
    M : my string of HIV, I will set you free. I will infect you, pozz and free you so you can fulfill your true calling become a real cumdump just like me. 
    M : you will then become a member of our group
    M : now you may not want it yet, but soon you will beg for it and you will be so grateful to me and say you don't want anything else. 
    D : but I don't want HIV at all and you don't have HIV anyway. You are my brother
    M : Dennis that symbol around my cunt is a biohazard symbol, a sign that I am pozz. Jack transformed me last year, this is my first birthday as pozz and now it's your turn. 
    M : Believe me brother, you will be so happy. Are you ready to become my son. 

    Dennis's mind couldn't grasp all that Michael was saying. To make Dennis a little hornier, Sam pushed his finger into Dennis' moaning hole. Dennis groaned with pleasure as his empty hole filled a little. Sam stuck a second finger into Dennis' hole and scratched wounds internally with his nails until blood was visible on his fingers. 

    D : yes, more, give me more 
    M : do you want more brother
    D : yes fill my ass
    M : with what 

    Dennis looked at Michael, his eyes were big flying saucers but made it clear what they wanted. They wanted him to be fucked that he would continue to fly as high as it would go. 

    D : fill me with everything you have. 
    M : do you want my cock in your cunt.

    D : hmmmmm yes fill me with your dick 
    M : you know I will transform you then

    Sam pushed his fingers even deeper and drove the rhythm up even more. 
    Dennis looked at his brother and you could see he was in conflict with himself. 

    M : I will help you with your choice brother. Let me help you. 
    D : yes help me, quick because I need it

    Michael nodded to Ed, Ed came with a tourniquet did one arm of Dennis loose and tightened the rubber band around Dennis' arm. 

    D : what are you doing 
    M : helping you brother, I will help you with your choice. You will soon make the only right choice. You will choose to continue your life as a slut, cumpdump and whore. You will let your true self come out. I will help you brother trust me. 

    Ed took an alcohol wipe and a point. Dennis felt a wet wipe on his arm

    D : yes good brother, help me 

    He felt a slight pinch and Ed saw a register. He nodded to Michael to signal the time had come. 

    M : are you ready to make your choice brother
    D : yes, I'm ready 
    M : here it comes brother. I will ask you in a minute your answer is. 
    D : yes, give it to me 

    Ed pushed the plunger and Michael watched the Tina disappear into his brother's arm. Dennis had a metallic taste in his throat felt a tickle and had to cough heavily. A wave of dark thoughts, horniness, need for sex raced through his body. His eyes turned away for a moment and shouted out. 

    D : FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK, oh fuck. What the fuck 
    M : are you okay Dennis ?
    D : Fuck me. Fuck my ass. 

    Michael now stood at Dennis' hole and inserted 3 fingers into Dennis' gaping and sucking hole. 

    M : Are you ready for your transformation brother, do you want to become my son and poz slut

    D : yes do it make me yours make me pozz as long as you fuck my brains out 

    The others laughed loudly and shouted. Come on fuck him make him poz, give him your DNA and get him pregnant. 
    Dennis shouted along with the others

    D : knock me up please I beg you.

    Dennis could think of nothing else. His cunt had now become the center of his existence and he needed to be fucked by that fat cock of his brother's because the emptiness in his cunt had become unbearable. 
    Michael put his glans against Dennis' sphincter and he didn't even have to try hard to push it in. The sphincter opened and sucked the glans inside. Dennis had become a beast and upon feeling the glans against his pussy he pushed his ass back to feel his brother's shaft slide in faster. 
    Upon feeling his brother's fat pole go in, Dennis let out a loud cry. Although he had such a need and desire for this, his exciting cunt couldn't handle Michael's thickness and he felt his sphincter start to burst. Sam took the poppers and pushed them under Dennis's nostrils. 

    S: Sniff slut. Sniff like your life depends on it. 

    Dennis sniffed as hard as he could and with each inhalation he felt himself slipping even deeper into the dark thoughts and his sphincter relaxing more. 
    Michael pushed his monster in even deeper and enjoyed every inch. 

    M: oh Dennis your cunt is so nice and tight. It won't be long before I fill you up for the first time. 
    D : fuck me, rape me, harder, fuck me harder

    Dennis's cunt was now completely pulled open and eased. Michael was now balls deep and pulled his cock back to be able to thrust. He pulled it back halfway and then pushed it in all the way deep without mercy. The sling went back and forth with every thrust Michael gave, and Dennis cried out in pain and pleasure each time
    Sam came and stood next to Dennis 

    S : are you okay baby
    D : yes, give me more, harder, harder
    S : do you want to be transformed 
    D : yes transform me 
    S : as what do you want to be transformed baby, tell me.
    S : I want to hear you call it. Call it to your brother you want to be transformed into 
    D : POZZ me make pozzz, make me a whore out of me brother. Become my father. I will always ride your delicious fat cock. 
    S : good baby. What are you even more 
    D : a cumdump
    S : after your transformation do you want to be fucked by all of us baby 

    Dennis' eyes got big and looked right at Sam 

    D : yes give me your cocks. Drive them into my hole and squirt your seed into it. Let me drink it and let me become one of you. 

    The others growled loudly and shouted HELL YEAH. We will tear you apart you filthy whore. We will fill you up full with our toxic seed. 

    T: here slut make me hard so I can pump you full
    Tony pushed his pole into the mouth of Dennis who started sucking like crazy. Michael enjoyed every thrust into Dennis's cunt. He pulled his fat pole back completely and saw a gaping hole looking for more cock. He looked at his cock and saw that it was smeared with blood. He grinned and in one thrust pushed his cock back inside. Dennis gasped for air and continued sucking Tony's cock. Ed stood on the other side and took Dennis' nipples in his mouth and bit on them. This made Dennis even hornier and he moaned and was gasping heavily. 
    Michael felt his muscles contract and the sperm emerge from his balls. He couldn't hold back anymore and cried out. 
    M : here it comes. From now on you are my son. I will give you my DNA. 
    D : yes fill me up, make me yours

    Dennis felt Michael's fat cock contract and squirt strings of sperm inside. His hole was filled with his new father's dirty seed and he felt Michael's hands take hold of his hip and pull him hard on his cock. 
    The others cheered and patted Michael's shoulders.
    Michael was panting heavily and his wildest dream had just become real. He had fucked his younger brother and pumped him full of his infectious cum. He fell down on Dennis for a second, caught his breath briefly and then pulled his limp bloody cock out of Dennis' gaping hole. 
    He came up next to Dennis, Tony had made room and was already ready at Dennis' gaping hole to start fucking him. 
    Dennis kissed his son and then offered him his blood and cum stained dick. 

    M: clean your father's cock son, then I can get my strength up and give you a second dose of my sperm later. 

    Dennis opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue and eagerly licked the head of the penis clean first before taking the rest of the limp cock into his mouth and licking it clean. The taste of his own hole and his father's seed were heavenly and he kept licking it until Michael pulled him back and rewarded him with a kiss. 
    As Dennis watched Michael plop down on the bed a jet of piss shot into his face and he looked from where it came. It was Sam pissing on him and he opened his mouth and drank all that Sam could pour into it. Again he felt a cock slide in. This time there was no pain, even though Tony's cock was just as thick but shorter than Michael's. His exciting cunt had now become a gaping hole and Tony's cock slid in easily and Michael's cum served as a lubricant. He moaned heavily and enjoyed every thrust Tony gave. Tony growled loudly and slapped the cheeks of Dennis' ass several times violently causing them to turn red.
    Now it was Ed's turn to make Dennis suck. Dennis' hands were untied and he took hold of Ed's pole and jerked and sucked him at the same time. Ed took hold of Dennis' head and set the pace. Tony reached his high point and again Dennis felt his cunt being filled with cum. 
    Dennis' legs were untied and he was helped out of the sling and pushed onto the bed. There Jack was already lying there waiting for him. He was again getting the rubber band around his arm and Dennis watched Sam arrive with a syringe. 

    S : you'll need an extra bump for what's to come honey.

    Dennis's eyes were still turning in his head and he watched needle disappear into his arm and saw some blood coming into the clear liquid. Sam pushed that plunger and Dennis watched the liquid disappear into his arm. The rubber band was loosened and his arm was held above his head , again he got the tickle in throat and had to cough. His energy returned as did the cry to be filled. Jack gave Dennis no time to get used to the Tina's rush and pulled him onto him. Dennis was now on Jack's hard pole. Jack pulled his pole from under Dennis and thrust it hard into Dennis' cunt. Dennis fell forward onto Jack's chest. Ed also got on the bed and sat on top of Dennis. He took hold of his hard dick and tried to push it into Dennis' pussy as well. This did not succeed immediately. Sam took the poppers and pushed them back under Dennis' nose. After a few inhalations, Dennis' cunt relaxed and Ed was able to carefully slide his cock in with him. Dennis' mind and body couldn't take it anymore and he cried out. The signals of pain, pleasure, need, desire rushed through his body and he could no longer control his feelings. He turned into beast, a demonic beast and when Ed too was completely inside his cunt he began to ride both cocks. His sphincter was now completely on tear but Dennis was totally unconcerned with that.

    The blissful feeling of the 2 shafts drilling into his cunt took over all other thoughts. All he could think about was his cunt. 

    E: What a slut. What a find
    J : Let yourself go completely slut, ride your grandfather's cock. Show me your true nature. 

    Dennis shouted out. 

    D : Fill me with your dirty seed, fill me up, you dirty mother fuckers 

    Dennis's hole was completely filled with cock, cum mixed with blood ran down from his hole along his balls and Nick wiped the running cum from Dennis's balls with his hand and then pushed his hand into Dennis's mouth. 

    N : letting nothing go to waste bitch, drink the cum of your father and ancestors.
    Dennis who was still riding furiously on Ed and Jack's cocks licked the sperm from Nick's hand. 

    Ed: I'm going to stuff your pussy slut. 

    Ed growled loudly and emptied his balls into cunt of Dennis who was riding firmly. Ed pulled his cock out of Dennis' hole who now straightened up with renewed strength and continued riding Jack like a devil. Nick stood upright on the bed and pushed his big and fat black cock into Dennis mouth. 
    N : First drink up bitch then suck my fat cock

    Nick emptied his bladder into the mouth of Dennis who couldn't handle the incoming flow of piss. He swallowed as much as he could but the rest ran down his cheeks. Dennis gasped for breath and Nick pushed back on his hardening cock. 
    N : suck whore. Make me hard so I can fuck your hole.

     Dennis rode Jack's cock and sucked firmly on Nick's cock. His mouth could not handle Nick's cock and his mouth corners were on tear. 
    Jack was nearing his climax and he signaled to Nick that he wanted to squirt into Dennis' mouth. Nick pulled his hard cock into Dennis' mouth. He also pulled Dennis off Jack's cock and pushed his mouth onto Jack's cock. Jack took Dennis' head firmly and pushed his cock deep into his mouth. 

    J : swallow slut, I will fill your throat. 
    J : ahhhhhhhhhhhhh 

    Dennis got squirt after squirt into his mouth and throat and like a real whore he swallowed it all. 
    Still Dennis' hunger was not filled and he was still begging for more. 

    D: fuck me, please fill my hole, 
    N: on your back bitch. 

    Dennis laid on his back and like a trained slut he pulled his legs towards him so that his hole could be easily reached. Without mercy Nick thrust his fat and large cock inside. Dennis didn't flinch. His once tight hole  had already grown into a large open blooming flower. Dennis moaned with pleasure.

    D : oh fuck, this is the best thing I've ever experienced. I never want this to stop. 
    D : fill my pussy dirty mother fucker. Fill me. Tear me apart with your fat cock 

    For Nick, this was a signal that he could go completely wild on Dennis' hole and Michael watched with amazement, pleasure and approval. He came and lay down next to Dennis

    M : how do you feel my son, did your father help you well with your choice
    D : oh yes daddy, I feel complete and free I indeed want nothing more than to be fucked. Give me more daddy I want more of your seed. Give me your fat cock 

    M : later my dear son of a bitch . You still have to get Sam and Andy their cum first. 

    Nick was thrusting heavily now and both he and Dennis were panting and moaning loudly. Nick's muscles tensed and pushed his cock balls deep one last time. Dennis felt strands of seed being squirted into his guts. Nick fell down on Dennis and kissed him firmly. He then gave another firm slap on all of Dennis' red ass and got off the bed. Now it was Sam and Andy's turn. 
    Sam pulled Dennis off the bed and laid him across the fucking couch. Sam came to stand in front of him and pushed his cock into Dennis' mouth. Dennis knew what to do and began sucking Sam's cock firmly. Andy pushed his dick into Dennis' cunt. His cock slid into the hole like butter and didn't even touch the wall. It didn't take long for Andy to squirt his DNA with the rest of the sperm. Sam was also unstoppable and squirted his toxic load into Dennis' mouth. Dennis enjoyed the fresh load of cum in his mouth and swallowed it all to the last drop. 
    The cum dripped out of Dennis' gaping hole. He passed his hand along his cunt  and felt the leaking seed from his cunt. He went to his mouth with his hand and while moaning licked the seed from his hand. Michael came and stood next to him. 
    M : can you take one more my son 

    Dennis looked at Michael with horny and hungry eyes

    D : yes please. 
    M : follow me then. 

    The others were all sitting side by side recovering in the seat. Jack was sucking Tony's cock and while Ed was pulling on Jack's cock. Andy, Nick and Sam were still panting. 
    Dennis was thrown back on the bed and lay on his back. Michael come lay on top of him and began kissing him passionately. 
    He stopped the kiss and licked his way to Dennis' nipples, he took them in his mouth nibbled on them a little and licked them. Dennis's chems were working out and the pleasure he was experiencing was real and not induced by the Tina or G. Dennis moaned softly and didn't know what to do with the electricity going through his body. Michael licked his way further down and came to Dennis' glans which was dripping with pre-cum. He took it in his mouth and slowly and gently sucked on his son's limp cock. Dennis bit his lower lip and rocked his hips took hold of Michael's head and pushed him deeper on his hardening dick. Again Michael licked his way further down and he bit first into the Dennis's scrotum. Dennis let out a deep sigh as Michael took his balls into his mouth and sucked on them. Michael continued his journey toward Dennis' pussy and he tasted the leaking sperm. 

    M : shall I lick you clean son. 
    D : hmmmmmmmmm yes
    Michael licked the sperm running out of Dennis' cunt and gave Dennis a hot tongue kiss with a full mouth of sperm. Dennis swallowed the cum he got from his father and they made love passionately for a while. Michael straightened up and offered Dennis his half hard cock. Dennis took it in his mouth and began to suck on it slowly but passionately. Even now that he could think sober, he enjoyed the taste of the seed and his father/brother's cock. 

    Cock, cum, fucking and being a slut had taken over his thinking and his whole being. It was the only thing that excited him anymore and what he wanted to live for. 

    M : do you want me to fill up your cunt again son. 
    D: please father, I want you to pound my hole hard and squirt your dirty seed into me. 

    Michael took Dennis' legs put them on his shoulders and pushed his fat hard pole inside Dennis' gaping cunt. This was the first time Dennis was sober enough and fully realized he was being fucked. 

    D : oh yes, oh yes fuck me daddy , fuck me as hard as you can. 
    D : I love feeling your fat cock inside me. Why didn't you ever do this before. 
    M : Let's not think about the past let's look to the future. 

    Dennis groaned and enjoyed the fuck he was getting from his father. Michael enjoyed every moment he was in his son's cunt. The pussy no longer felt tight like it had at the beginning of the evening. It felt the way a slut cunt was supposed to feel, wide open and dripping with seed. Dennis had fully embraced his true self and was looking at Michael like a real slut with cum-demanding eyes. Michael began to thrust more firmly and took Dennis' hard cock in his hand and began jerking him off

     Dennis didn't need much more to squirt, Michael saw this and wanted to cum at the same time as his son. 

    M : say it when you are going to squirt son. 
    D : I'm going to squirt father, I'm going to squirt. Oh fuuuuuuuuuuck 

    Dennis groaned and panted very heavily and from his hard thick cock spurted a solid stream of sperm, he squirted so hard he squirted right into his own face. He squirted another string or 4 and then had a few spasms. 
    Michael came at the same time as Dennis and Dennis felt his guts being filled with his father's seed. 
    The others enjoyed the spectacle and Nick, Ed and Andy also squirted for a second time. Sam took a butt plug and threw it on the bed. Michael took the big fat plug and gently pushed it into Dennis' gaping pussy. 

    M: This one we'll let sit for a while son, just to make sure my DNA transforms your cells.

    Dennis sighed deeply when the plug was in place and then kissed his father. 

    M : did you like it son
    D : yes daddy
    M : I will take care of you from now on 
    D : then fuck me every day 
    M : do you want that my son
    D : I want nothing more daddy 
    M : then I will fill your cunt every day with the cum you deserve my son
    M : until your fucking flu, and then we will celebrate your birth is that ok 
    D : yes daddy I'm looking forward to it


     After writing this third part, my balls were about to pop. Hopefully this part reads over like I saw it passing in my mind. 



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  8. I hope you guys enjoy the story. i just started the third chapter i hope to finish it by the end of the week.


    Part 2  the birthday boy 


    Dennis had had some time to regain his strength and felt that the chems were beginning to wear off. He still was flying but could already think more clearly. His hands were untied and so he could reach his pussy with his hands and feel the plug sitting there. He pulled on it briefly to see if it would come out easily but it didn't and the plug sucked itself back into place. The plug gave back a delicious pressure on his prostate he gave a deep sigh of pleasure and his limp cock woke up and started to get hard. On the second attempt to get it out he bit his teeth a little and the plug came out of his hole. Dennis breathed a deep groan and felt at his sphincter which was now pretty much wide open. Without effort and resistance from his sphincter he got 3 fingers inside his hole. He was startled by the blissful feeling that came over him from feeling the fingers in his hole and without thinking he started fingering his pussy. Sam entered the room and watched the scene before him for a moment. 

    S: You are awake I see. 
    S: I see you are already exploring yourself. 
    S: no regrets about the decisions you made just now.

    Dennis was startled to see Sam standing in the room, he was ashamed of what he was doing and pulled his fingers back from his hole and sat up straight. 

    S : you shouldn't stop you know, it's horny to see you playing with your pussy. 
    D : I euh, I don't know it just felt good to be in my ass. 
    S : I know friend, but you don't have an ass you have a pussy or pussy and you shouldn't be ashamed. You should be proud that you have a cunt to be filled. 

    Dennis turned red in his face 

    D : I have no regrets no, but do find it strange that I agreed to everything so easily. This is not me, I would never normally do this. It's definitely because of that Tina, because I'm not gay
    S: Oh but this is you. That Tina releases the beast in you, your true self but it's not gay making drugs .

    Dennis was trying to process what Sam just told him. It's true what he says though he thought. The drugs will remove the inhibition but will not transform you from straight to gay. It must have always been there. 

    S : is it OK honey, are you putting it all together
    D : uh yeah, it's a lot to take in. I think it will take me a while to get it all posted. 
    S : just stay the weekend and I will help you embrace your true self and accept what you are. 
    D : yes what am I really

    S: a slut you are a real slut lol

    Dennis looked confused at Sam

    D : no I'm not a slut that was the drugs

    Sam threw a jockstrap on the bed 

    S: here put these on and come upstairs so you can eat and drink something 

    Dennis looked at the jockstrap and thought to himself I should put this on. But he took it and put it on and went upstairs with Sam. 

    S: Here drink up because in half an hour my friends will be here for the party. 

    Dennis took the glass and drank the glass in 2 gulps. The taste was already familiar to him and still hadn't realized there was G in the Getorade.

    D : I do not know if I want to show myself to your friends like this and if I want to be there. I don't know them and I already think what has already happened is extreme enough. 
    D : I think it is better that I leave later.
    S: as you like buddy, I told you, I won't oblige you to anything. But otherwise take a shower before you leave
    D : yes ok, I will take a shower first. 

    After the shower that stupid fucker is already flying all over the place and forget he was going home. Thought Sam. 

    S : I'll show you where the shower is follow me. 

    Dennis followed Sam. Dennis took off his jockstrap and Sam turned on the shower turned around and took Dennis firmly and came with his face right in front of Dennis'.

    S: are you sure you want to leave later. You are more than welcome. You certainly wouldn't regret it. I could make you enjoy yourself again like just now. 

    Dennis's limp cock got hard and jumped up. Sam looked down and saw what was happening.

    S: From the way your dick looks, he's in the mood for that. 

    Dennis looked into Sam's eyes and Sam pressed his lips to Dennis'. Dennis opened his mouth without thinking about it and started kissing him with tongue.
    S : stay baby, let me spoil you. 
    D : I don't know, I don't feel good about it. 
    S : take you shower first and then come back to the kitchen ok. 
    D : ok 

    They broke the kiss and Dennis stepped into the shower. The hot water ran over his body and the warmth accelerated the action of the G. Little by little he became lighter in his head again. He turned off the water and dried himself off. Took the jockstrap and put it back on. He walked back to the kitchen where Sam was still quickly sending a message. He put his cell phone on the counter

    S: did the shower do any good? 
    D : yes but I think the drugs haven't completely worn off yet because I'm still lightheaded

    I like hearing that thought Sam, the G is already starting to work again. 

    S: ow ok then, then you better stay a while. I won't let you drive the car for 2 hours to cause an accident.
    D : I think that's for the best. 
    S: otherwise sit down in the seat for a while.

    They both sat down next to each other in the seat and Sam ran some of his fingers through Dennis' hair. Dennis closed his eyes and was enjoying the feeling. Dennis felt the horniness come back to the surface and bit his lower lip and searched with his hand for his half hard pole in the jockstrap. Sam stepped up a gear and turned the TV back on, turned down the sound and started a horny movie. Still rubbing through Dennis' hair, he now began rubbing his chest and playing with his nipples as well. Dennis began to moan softly and bit his lower lip even more. 

    S : is it going a little better baby
    D : hmmm yes this feels so good. 

    Sam watched smirking and went to Dennis' nipples with his mouth, took them in his mouth and started playing with them more. He felt Dennis body enjoying himself and he licked his way up and kissed him. Dennis opened his mouth and greeted Sam's lips with his tongue. They kissed each other very fiercely for a moment when Sam stood back up from the seat and took the pipe. 

    S: I feel like smoking for a moment honey

    Dennis opened his eyes and watched as Sam began to melt the filled ball of crystals and saw the smoke forming. Sam sucked in the smoke and blew a white cloud into the room. Dennis's body was craving for the Tina and was already not thinking about going home. Sam saw how longingly Dennis looked at the pipe. 

    S: do you want a puff honey. If you want you can

    Dennis did not answer as the G began to do its job very well and kept looking longingly at the pipe. Sam knew he had Dennis where he wanted him. He pushed the pipe against Dennis' lips lit the lighter and smoke formed in the bulb. He looked Dennis in his eyes, took his half hard pole in his hands and began to jerk him.

    S: suck it baby you will feel so much better immediately.  Then before you leave we can enjoy each other for a while. 

    Dennis sucked in the smoke as long as he could, feeling his lungs and his mind being filled with horny and dirty thoughts. Sam watched amused. 

    S: good baby, just suck yourself completely full of Tina, you'll soon be back to your old self. 
    S: just take another hit darling

    Dennis took a second and a third hit. Then Sam took another hit, placed his mouth on Dennis' and blew it into his lungs. Dennis was already tripping heavily again and didn't think 

    more at home, but thought only of Sam. He kissed Sam fiercely and pushed him down in the seat and searched for Sam's cock with his mouth. 
    Sam let him and went through Dennis' hair with his hands. 

    S: Yeah baby, good boy just find the horny stick you want so badly. Let your true nature come out. 
    S: just show me that you are a real cock sucker and that you want nothing more than to please me. 

    Instead of the words scaring Dennis off, they only made him hornier and made him desire Sam's cock even more. His mouth came to Sam's jockstrap and he kissed the fabric. He felt the semi-hard cock sitting on it and pulled down the strap's stretcher. Sam's dick jumped up free and Dennis opened his mouth and like a hungry wolf, he took the dick in his mouth and began to suck on it heavily. The taste of morning piss and pre cum entered his mouth and excited him even more. His thoughts now were only about sex, sex with men, sucking a fat cock and getting his pussy filled. As he sucked on the getting harder Sam's rod, one hand searched his cunt and began to play with his hole. Sam watched approvingly. He took a dildo and a bag of Tina dust he had placed ready from under the seat sat up straight while Dennis eagerly continued to suck. He took some lube opened the bag and put some Tina dust over it, he pushed Dennis' hand away and placed the dildo against his pussy.
    S: I have something better than your finger baby. This is what you need. Do you want it? 
    D : pleas yes And he pushed careful the dildo inside. Dennis' cunt was already not as tense as the night before and willingly let the dildo in. Dennis felt the his cunt being filled and became ecstatic. He again felt the burning sensation, began to sweat and glow. Sam's rod was now fully hard and while what one hand was working Dennis' hole he pushed on his head with his other hand to push his pole deeper into Dennis' throat. Dennis couldn't handle this yet and had a gag reflex. Sam released his grip a little so Dennis could catch his breath, but his hard cock remained in the slut's mouth. But Dennis didn't get much time to catch his breath because again Sam pushed him down and was already able to push Dennis a little deeper. 

    S: good slut, just take my monster completely in your throat, show me that you want nothing more than to spoil him. 

    The door of the living room opened and there stood Sam's friends, watching their friend being spoiled by a horny slut. They watched approvingly as Dennis was deepthroating.  Sam winked at his friends who entered without saying anything. 
    Sam encouraged Dennis who hadn't noticed anything yet 

    S: Good slut, suck my monster. 

    Jack one of Sam's friends took over the dildo and pushed it inside Dennis a little more firmly. Sam now put both his hands on Dennis's head. Even though Dennis was violently flying he realized that 2 hands felt on his head and that the dildo was rammed into his pussy and he stopped sucking and looked up. He was startled at being 5 more guests in the room. From where did they suddenly come and he felt embarrassed exposed for what he was just doing. He 

    pushed the dildo out of his ass and straightened up, looked with terror at Sam who was sitting with a smile on his mouth. 

    S: What's the matter honey, you were doing so well. You shouldn't be scared though. These are my friends and they are coming for the same thing we were just doing. 
    D : euh, I euh, I don't know he said in a flying and tripping mental state

    Dennis' den felt empty and longing to be filled again and he shifted back and forth uncomfortably in the seat because of that feeling. The others couldn't hide their smiles because by his reaction they knew he had gotten a booty bump. 

    J : you shouldn't be scared honey, we didn't come here to hurt you. We came here to celebrate a birthday and Sam had already let us know that he had arranged for a special gift. I have to agree with him that he found a wonderful one. 

    Jack ran his hands over Dennis' chest, which was now completely tense. Jack grabbed Dennis' limp pole and jerked it.

    J : You won't need this one much tonight, but if you want you can feel free to suck on mine. 

    He reached for his bulge in his pants, took hold of his pole so Dennis could see the size of it. The other laughed for a moment and Dennis looked shyly at Jack's marked-off dick. 

    S : where are Michael and Rob
    J : The party animal and Rob are coming later they had to get some party stuff first

    Jack winked at Sam and he knew what he meant. Dennis wanted to stand up to leave but Jack and Sam pushed him back into the seat. 

    S: Don't be scared honey, this is Jack, Tony, Ed, Andy and Nick

    Dennis looked at the others with shock in his eyes and nodded ashamed. 

    T: Let him calm down guys, you can see he is uncomfortable. 

    Dennis began to breathe more calmly and the initial nerves began to subside. He felt himself getting calmer and as a result, another wave of the G and T arrived. He tried to stop it but his eyes began to turn back in his head and bit back on his lower lip. 
    Ed saw his chance and he came to stand in front of Dennis and placed his lips on Dennis' who was startled and wanted to pull away but Sam whispered in his ear. 

    S: kiss him baby, do it for me. Let yourself be completely free and enjoy this moment. We will spoil you and take you to new heights.  

    Even though he was still scared and embarrassed, the chems took over and he could not suppress his desire and he kissed Ed.

    S: Good baby let yourself go completely. 

    The others watched eagerly and reached for their hardening dicks. Andy opened his pants and pulled out his cock and started pulling on it. He nodded to Ed, who broke the kiss and made way for Andy. He now came to stand in front of Dennis with his hard slim but big cock.

    A : show me what you can do slut. Suck my big stick! 

    Dennis who was now flying more heavily again had already become much calmer looked longingly at Andy's cock and then looked longingly at Sam

    S: yes baby let Andy enjoy with your mouth, make me proud. 

    Dennis opened his mouth and timidly licked at Andy's glans. This was the 2 penis he would suck, he looked around and saw the others looking at him hornily and pulling on their own pole. It turned him on and made him even more at ease and he took the tip of the glans in his mouth and sucked the rest of the pole into his mouth. The taste of the sweat, pre-cum and piss came into his mouth, they made him fall back deeper into G e Tina's trip and he let all the fright and fears fall away. Jack who was still behind him pushed his head forward so he got Andy's big cock deep in his throat and started gagging. 

    A : Yes slut take that pole all the way down your throat. Hmmmm. 
    The gagging caused tears to spring into Dennis' eyes. Jack released his grip and pushed him out of the seat. 

    J : Get down on your knees

    Dennis got down on his knees and began to eagerly suck Andy's cock again. Tony now came to stand next to it as well. He took hold of Dennis' hand and put it on his own pole. Dennis was now surrounded by 6 men. For the others too were now standing around him. In both his hands he was holding a cock, and in his mouth was a dick. 

    S: yes baby let the others enjoy your warm and blissful mouth. Just suck the seed out of their pricks.

    Dennis was completely in a trance and heard some seed and he now thought only of getting seed and sucked more heavily on Andy's hard pole. 
    Tony pulled his mouth away from Andy's pole and pushed his own hard sharft  into Dennis' mouth. Dennis who had completely loosened up and was thinking of nothing but cock and seed eagerly sucked Tony's penis. Nick who stood behind him gave him a firm pat on the ass and pushed his head deeper on Tony's cock so that Tony's short but very thick dick was completely inside Dennis' wide open mouth. Dennis let it all happen and got more slaps on his ass from the others. It only wound him up even more and encouraged him even more. 
    Tony growled loudly and spit in Dennis' face.

    T: c'mon blow me slut, show you are real whore and let me enjoy.

    Nick the only black one of the party also had the biggest and the thickest cock took the bag of Tina substance. He wet his finger put it in the bag and at once pushed his finger as deep as he could into Dennis' hole. Dennis moaned loudly and gasped. Tony immediately pushed him back onto his cock and held his head so he couldn't get away. Nick pushed the dust against the wall of Dennis's hole and withdrew his finger. Dennis felt his hole getting hot again and started moaning and twisting his ass. His sphincter opened and closed, looking for something to clasp around and suck inside. Nick gave him a few more pats on his ass and took the dildo lying in the seat and placed it against Dennis' sphincter which was still opening and closing. 
    N : if you want to be filled, you will have to ride the dildo slut.

    Dennis panted heavily and violently and pushed his ass back to get the dildo inside so that the demanding feeling in his cunt would be fed. 

    N : if you want it you will have to try harder slut, come on push it into your cunt. 

    Dennis pushed back his ass hard and the dildo drilled its way in. Nick laughed

    N: yes slut come on suck and ride it. 

    So with renewed strength Dennis sucked hard on Tony's fat pole and at the same time was riding the dildo that was now completely inside his pussy. He felt complete. But not for long because Nick pulled the dildo out of his hole and threw it in the seat. Dennis moaned at the dildo that left a void in his pussy. Now it was Jack's turn and he offered his pole. Dennis traded Tony's fat cock for Jack's big and but not so fat dick. At that moment the door opened. 
    Michael saw his friends standing naked in a circle and someone on his knees. But couldn't see who it was. The others were ecstatic when they saw Michael and Rob and they started singing happy birthday and laughing. Michael walked into the room while laughing and put the bag of party stuff on the floor and greeted his friends.
    M: Could you guys not wait to get the party started. 
    He looked down and saw a slut sitting on the floor but always couldn't see his face. Dennis stopped sucking and looked up with eyes as big as saucers straight into Michael's face. Michael's mouth fell open and looked at Sam who was grinning widely at Michael.

    M : You can't be serious. You're kidding me 
    S : no buddy, this is your birthday present from me to you. 

    Michael looked at Dennis with big eyes and an even bigger smile on his mouth. Dennis who was flying so high did not yet realize who was in front of him and tried to focus. When he got his eyes under control he saw someone very familiar looking at him. Again shock and fear came over him.
    D : Oh fuck Michael 

    Dennis tried to say something but the chems were gripping him so hard he couldn't get much out. The feeling of shame and being caught came over him. Because his older brother looked him straight in the eye.

    D : oh fuck Michael, this is not what he looks like

    Tried to stammer Dennis. The other laughed loudly. 

    J : It is what it seems slut. You who are a real cock sucker are a true whore.
    M : This is the best present ever Sam. 

    Sam laughed loudly and winked at Michael. 

    S : It took me a fair amount of time but I he will soon be all yours to enlist in the fraternity. 

    Michael couldn't believe his eyes. His little brother was sitting there naked on his knees with eyes as big as saucers sucking on his friends' dicks.

    Dennis didn't know what was happening and looked at Sam, confused, he felt used and betrayed. For a moment he had a brighter moment again.  The others looked at Michael with questioning eyes for they did not yet know that this was Michael's brother.

    J : Tell me Michael, who is this slut to you 
    M : This is my little brother. Since my transformation last year I could think of nothing but being able to fuck him. 

    The others looked at both Michael and Dennis in astonishment with open mouths and smiles on their mouths. 

    Rob: Wow man this is the hottest present ever, Wow Sam you seriously outdid yourself this time.

    Michael who still couldn't believe his eyes looked at his brother with longing eyes

    D : please don't tell mom and dad about this. Pleas Michael I will do anything. 
    M : no need to worry little brother, I won't tell anything and you will be welcome to do anything I ever dreamed of. 

    Dennis' lucid moment was gone again and his eyes turned back in his head and his head dropped down towards Jack's cock. The smell of it made him crave it again and his mouth opened. Jack took hold of Dennis' head and pushed his pole back inside. Dennis wanted to struggle at first because now his brother would see that he was a real cock sucker, but the desire was too great and took the cock in his mouth. Michael watched wide-eyed as his little brother sucked Jack's cock. He gave a high five to Sam and he gave him a hug and whispered in his ear. 
    M : I'll never forget this buddy. You make my wildest dream come true. 
    S : you're welcome buddy. I did break him in yesterday, hope you don't mind. 
    M : no did you transform him then too
    S: no just squirted in his mouth. The transformation is my present for your birthday. 

    Michael kissed Sam, Dennis saw this in the corner of his eye and his mind went completely wild. Seeing his brother kissing Sam was not only weird but also strange because he didn't know at all that Michael was into men, what was his brother not supposed to think of him and it wasn't his birthday at all anyway. What were they talking about anyway.  Jack pulled Dennis off his pole and straightened him up. 

    J: Enough sucking slut. Give the birthday boy a kiss. 

    Jack pushed Dennis who was not at all firm on his feet into Michael's arms. Michael took his brother firmly and pressed his lips to Dennis'. Who tried to pry him loose but because of the chems and his brother's firm arms he couldn't. Michael pushed his tongue into Dennis' mouth and the latter paralyzed at first but closed his eyes and kissed Michael back.
    The others cheered and Sam took hold of both of their heads and pushed them Dennis and Michael firmly together. 

    S: let the party begin. 
    While whispering, Sam said to Michael
    S: and your brother's transformation.

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  9. My name is Dennis now I am 35 years old still muscular and well supplied in pants and a proud poz seed whore. Back in the day when I was in my twenties I was a real woman magnet and devourer. A man women turned around for and hoped I had noticed them. Whenever a handsome one walked by I had always spotted them and usually it didn't take long for them to be pounded open by my cock, after they were filled with my seed they always wanted more and tried to trap me in a relationship but relationships were nothing to me. I didn't want to commit and always wanted other and more. Ideally I wanted to fuck them in the ass but none of them wanted this and so I was left hungry. I wanted to know how it felt to feel a tight and exciting hole sliding over my cock.  One evening I was on a chat site looking for a new conquest. My bio said: Dennis 24 years 1 m 85 cm 87 kg muscles and a cock of 22 cm and 6 thick, looking for an ass to be filled. 

    After some disappointing chats I got a message from Sam, 32 j athletic and looking for a solid man for solid sex. the conversation started short and to the point as I liked it. What to find for, what do you fall for, ... The answers I got back were very promising. Ass fucking was no problem, we could meet right away and I was allowed to bare fuck. My pictures excited her but I didn't get any myself because there were no pictures on the PC at work. I thought that was the least of it, the fact that I could finally fuck an ass was enough and Sam had asked if I could wait naked in on my bed, blindfolded and strapped to the bed. She would suck my cock hard and then stick it in her ass. So should she still be ugly as night I still had a blindfold on.  
    2 h later I got a message that Sam was at my door downstairs. I opened the door set the door to my apartment ajar and, naked and with blindfold on, lay down on my bed and fastened my hands to the headboard. Nerves began to rise a little. Imagine that I was going to be robbed by some gang, I was lying there naked, blindfolded and tied to my bed, I could untie myself but I couldn't do that now either in 1 2 3. But it was too late to back out The door to my apartment closed and I heard Sam enter the room and clothes come off. I felt a tongue licking at my limp pole and nerves immediately gave way to horniness. The idea of a stranger I couldn't see making my rod stiffened me immensely. I felt two hands push my legs open to make room for me to get between them. The next thing was that my foreskin was pulled back and my glans was exposed. I felt two wet lips and a tongue slide over my glans and then my semi-hard pole slid into a warm moist mouth. My mouth fell open because never before had I received such a blow job. That flaccid cock was hard in no time and was throat deep, I heard no gag reflex and even felt attempts to get my cock even deeper down her throat. I wanted to be able to put my hands on her head and thrust but because I was tied up I couldn't. It only made me even hornier. Who was this and this person knew how to give a blowjob. I moaned with pleasure but still I had not heard a sound from the person who was giving me pleasure.  

    This could take forever, this was by far the best blowjob I had ever received but e moist and warm mouth left my now hard and firm cock. I felt Sam shift on the bed. I felt two gentle hands pushing on my legs and a sphincter pushing on my glans. The time had come at last I would fuck an ass. It was just too bad I didn't get to see that moment ass. I felt Sam lower himself down and without effort my glans drilled an opening in the ass and made its way inside. The sphincter opened up nicely and clamped around my inward going cock.  I let out a deep moan but to my surprise I heard nothing from Sam. What a woman I thought to myself, she can suck like the best and get a monster of a cock in her ass without screaming to stop. My cock was completely inside her hole, a heavenly feeling. It was 

    a warm and narrow hole and my pole begged to be ridden. I felt the ass resting on my legs and getting used to my monster. Getting used to it didn't take long and slowly Sam began to ride my cock. This was heavenly, the sphincter tightened completely around my pole and slid smoothly over my fat cock. I wanted to grab hold of Sam and be able to thrust my cock hard into her hole but I couldn't. So I began to encourage her to go harder. Ride slut, ride your hole hard on my fat stick. Show how much you like being fucked in the ass by a real guy. Still I heard no moans from Sam. I couldn't hold myself back and went all the way. The encouragement did help as she started riding my fat monster harder and harder. It wouldn't be long before I would squirt and I still want to see her riding my pole. I want to be you riding my pole I called out to Sam and I heard a groaning laugh and an ok. This was the first sound I heard and I was surprised that it didn't sound very feminine. As Sam continued riding my cock I untied my hands and with one hand I grabbed her hip and with my other I pulled off my blindfold. My eyes had to get used to the light for a moment. My other hand gripped the other side of the hip and I began to set the pace. I could see Sam's back and it didn't look very feminine either, sporting broad shoulders and also saw that Sam had short hair. It didn't bother me that she looked masculine from behind because the moment was there to fill the ass up and felt my muscles contract to take the first shot. Here it comes slut I cried out and I felt the first string of seed squirt out of my monster into Sam's hole. The second and the third immediately followed and I felt the hole being filled with my seed. My cock went limp in Sam's hole and Sam straightened up causing my cock to come out of Sam's hole. Sam turned and wanted my cock , but my mouth fell open. My eyes now saw for the first time that Sam was not a woman but a man, not a female type but actually a solid tough man . Sam took my cock in his mouth and wanted to lick it clean .  My head was still processing it but my hands pushed him away from me anyway. What are you doing, get off me. 

    Didn't you like it said Sam, judging by your reaction just now, I didn't hear you complaining anyway. I didn't know what to say because he was right I had never had such a blowjob and orgasm. But still, I liked women, also only fucked women and didn't feel good about the idea that I had just fucked a man even though it was, the best I had ever experienced. 

    Sam stood up a put his clothes on while I was still completely out of it from what had just happened. When he was dressed he put his cell number on the dresser. Just in case you feel like it and want to find out what you are missing. 

    I said nothing but thought hell no. Sam went outside and I heard front door of the apartment open and close again. 
    I stayed in my bed for a while longer and tried to grasp it all. The days that followed were an intoxication for me. My thoughts were in knots. On the one hand it was the best sex ever and on the other hand it was with a man. 

    The days went by and by the end of the 2 week I didn't know what to do with my hotness anymore. My head had had enough. It was the best sex and it was with a man. I had enjoyed it until the moment I knew it was a man and my monster wanted more. Even though I wasn't fully convinced yet I took Sam's number which was still on the closet and sent him a message with the much telling the words HI, Dennis here. How are you.
    Sam sent back almost immediately. 

    S :Here all good, actually expected you earlier.D: Don't actually know what I'm doing, but I want to see you again.
    S: Lol. What are your plans this weekend.
    😧 not much have no plans until I have to go back to work Monday.
    S: if you want you can feel free to come with me, I'm going to my cottage this weekend
    😧 uh, I don't know. I was actually just thinking of fucking you blindfolded again.
    S: well if you want to fuck me this weekend you will have to come with me.
    S: you should know I don't oblige you to anything but you certainly wouldn't regret it.
    S: I am leaving in 2 hours. I can come and pick you up. I will park in front of your door and then I will see if you wait in front of your door or not. If you come with me you don't have to pack much, just some fresh clothes and toothbrush will do.
    😧 I'll think about it.
    1 hour later
    😧 Send me the address then I can drive myself and if I don't feel comfortable I can always leave and you can continue your weekend and you don't have to bring me back.
    S: You have a point there. I'll send you the address later.

    Sam sent Dennis the address and what time he was expected. Dennis looked at the message and grew more nervous by the minute. Would he leave, he didn't know the guy and was he sure he wanted to go through with this. But like any guy not he decides not with his mind but with his dick.
    He took his things put them in a sports bag and left in the direction of Sam's vacation home.

    It was a 2 hour drive and the whole ride he was nervous, tangling with himself. When he got there he even hesitated for a moment whether he wouldn't just turn back right around, but he didn't have the chance because Sam had seen him drive up and come out. To his surprise, it was not a small house but a large villa he was parked in front of. He stepped out. 

    I'm glad to see you he said, I really didn't think you would come. Yes I am surprised at myself for being here said Dennis. Come let's go inside so you can settle in. With knees buckling and still doubting Dennis stepped inside. 

    Want something to drink asked Sam, you must be thirsty after that long drive. Yes is fine said Dennis. Sam went to the kitchen and came out with 2 filled glasses of Getorade. It's not fresh yet he said because I've only been here an hour myself. No problem said Dennis and because of the nerves drank the whole glass in 1 go. The taste was not as he had expected it but the drink was not cold so it must be because of that he thought. 

    Let me show you your room said Sam with a grin. They went upstairs and Sam opened the door to the room, this is where you sleep. Unless you want to sleep with me he said with a grin. Dennis felt his heart pounding in his throat and grinned back shamefully. We'll see how it goes he said. He stepped into the room and Sam left Dennis alone for a moment so he could unpack his things. When you are ready you should just come downstairs and we can talk for a while he said.

    Sam put himself on the king-size bed and wondered what he was doing, but he opened his gym bag and took out his things and put his things on a closet. He spun around the room a few more times and gathered all his courage and went back downstairs. 

    While Dennis was upstairs Sam laid out only necessary gear so he could initiate his new prey into the wonderful world of Tina, Xtc, G, seed, hard fucking and total submission. That stupid fucker didn't know what he was getting into but there was no turning back as he had already taken his first dose of G and within minutes would become very willing to give himself completely to his new life as a cum dump.

    Did it work out said Sam. Yeah thanks said Dennis. 
    What convinced you to come asked Sam. The nerves began to ebb away from Dennis and he began to get more at ease. Well yeah I actually don't know, I guess, I don't know why I came. 

    Aren't you just curious about whether you really love fucking a man said Sam. Yes I think it must be something like that said Dennis. He really just wanted to put his cock back in that ass to experience that blissful feeling again and preferably with a blindfold on so he didn't have to see he was fucking a man. Sam sat down next to him in the seat. I will introduce myself first he said. I am Sam 32 j gay and am both top and bottom but more top than bottom actually. Dennis asked why he hadn't actually said he was a man on the chat. Well you just didn't ask said Sam, should you have asked I wouldn't have lied about it. I am often on the chat looking for men who are bi or men who don't know yet that they are bi or gay. Even though I knew you are straight I wanted to take my chance because I think you will be able to enjoy this. I have been following you for a while and have chatted with you a few times without knowing and you had become a goal for me and look I have been proven right after all. 
    Dennis didn't know whether to feel flattered or angry. But his body began to feel weird, he slowly began to lose control. Do you do this often asked Dennis. 

    Oh once in a while I do try to seduce a straight guy rarely with success, but I hope I've got a bite now said Sam convincingly. 
    Dennis struggled to respond and just nodded. Do you come here often on weekends he tried to keep the conversation somewhat normal. 
    I try to come here twice a month anyway, but this weekend I am meeting up with 7 more friends to celebrate a birthday. Tomorrow the others will come and we will have a party. If you are still here you are certainly welcome to join the celebration. 

    Dennis didn't know what to do anymore. Should he try to walk away now or stay because what this he did not expect there would be 7 other men and what would they think he was here for. He would immediately be considered gay and he wasn't. 
    Sam saw that Dennis was getting harder to focus and saw that the G was starting to do its job. 
    Enough chatting, what do you want to do now that you are here he said. 
    I don't know said Sam, just put on a blindfold and let you do your thing like last time. 
    No more blindfold this time said Sam, that was good for the first time. Now if you still want to fuck my pussy you will have to do something for it.

    What then? 
    I'm not your disposable object hey said Sam I have my needs too. 
    I don't know if I can and want to do anything with you said Dennis. 
    Let me help you said Sam, let's take away some tension and see how it goes. 
    Ok, said Dennis. 

    Sam got up and went to a cabinet and took out a crystal filled pipe. 
    What is this asked Dennis who was already starting to get a little more into a trance. 
    Well I will melt those crystals later and then you have to inhale the smoke, hold it and then blow out a big white cloud. That will help you get a little calmer and a little looser. You will see if you do this you will be a little less restrained and everything will go by itself and you will see how far you get. Because we're not going to do anything you don't want to do. 
    I don't know said Dennis. I've never done drugs before. 
    Just try it you will see you will be more at ease. 
    Sam lit the lighter and held it under the filled ball of crystals. The crystals began to melt and Sam pushed the pipe to Dennis' mouth which no longer gave resistance. And now inhale deeply and hold it like Sam said. Dennis hesitated for a moment looked into Sam's eyes and breathed in deeply and felt the tina flow into his body and when he couldn't hold it anymore he blew a big white cloud. Good boy said Sam and now again. Dennis obeyed and sucked in the smoke. He felt better and deep inside a horniness welling up. After the 4th puff his eyes were already turning in his head and his hands began to fondle his body. 

    Sam took the pipe back and asked how he felt. I feel horny, dirty and like I could take on the whole world. Good, Sam said exactly what I want to hear. Now I will take a puff myself and then will blow the smoke into your mouth, is that good for you. At this point all was well for Dennis for he was already almost completely off the map. Sam melted the crystals, sucked the smoke, put his hands on Dennis' head and pulled him to his mouth. Placed his lips on Dennis's and blew the smoke into Dennis's mouth. When Sam pulled back, he kissed the lips of Dennis who was enjoying the attention he was receiving with his eyes closed. When Dennis blew out the cloud Sam sucked smoke again and placed his lips back on Dennis' mouth but this time with a little more indulgence again blew the smoke into his mouth and while pushing his tongue in with it. Dennis who was startled by the new sensation he experienced in his mouth tried to pull his head back but couldn't because Sam had a firm grip on him. It was not long before he surrendered to his horniness and he too stuck his tongue in Sam's mouth. The two were now kissing fiercely and Sam pushed Dennis down into the seat and lay on top of him. He kissed him on his neck and with his tongue he went wild. Dennis moaned with pleasure and without realizing it himself his hands were sliding over Sam's body. 

    S: Do you like it 
    D Hmmmm yes  
    S: Do you want more 
    D : Yes

    S: then take off your shirt

    Dennis looked at Sam with longing eyes and took off his shirt and also took off Sam's shirt. Deep inside he was amazed at what he was doing but his body reacted on autopilot, the chems and the horniness. Again they began to kiss fiercely. 

    S: lick my nipples, and show me you want more.

    The chems were now working at full speed because without the G and the Tina, Dennis probably never would have done or dared to do this. But like a man possessed he began to lick Sam's nipples

    S: good, show me you want this. Show me that I make you horny.

    Dennis growled and licked at Sam's nipples and with his hands he went over Sam's back to his ass and took a firm hold of him. 

    S: let yourself completely go, let your true self come out. 

    Dennis shocked himself never thought he could get so horny from kissing a man, let alone licking and sucking his nipples. 
    Sam reached back for the pipe and melted back the remaining crystals. 

    S: take another hit so you are completely free

    He pushed the pipe into Dennis' mouth and he eagerly sucked the Tina in and after a few moments blew a big white cloud into the room. 
    Sam pulled Dennis straight and kissed him again as they stood up. 

    S: how are you feeling honey

    Dennis bit his lip and his hands felt his whole body, he slid his hand down his pants and took his limp monster in his hand and began to jerk himself. His other hand went over Sam's chest. 

    D : I don't know what's wrong with me but I feel extremely turned on and can't wait to fuck you.  
    S: you are not ready yet darling, to fuck my pussy you will have to prove yourself first. 

    He kissed Dennis again. 

    D : what do I have to do to prove myself
    S: take another hit of the pipe first. 

    Dennis did what was asked of him and took another solid hit of pipe filled with Tina.

    D : this stuff is fantastic, what is it actually
    S: This stuff is Tina, and it makes you the horniest guy ever. It makes your true self come out. 
    D : it does indeed make me extremely horny and never thought I would do all of this. 
    S: if you want to fuck my pussy get on your knees. 

    Dennis did what was asked of him and got down on his knees.

    Dennis pulled on his own limp dick with one hand, his other on Sam's hard cock and sucked as hard and as well as he could. 
    He felt a rush rising in Sam's cock. 

    S: here it comes slut, here comes my seed, swallow it if you want to fuck me
    S: ah yes, yes yes yes

    Dennis felt his mouth being filled with hot seed and stopped sucking but kept the squirting cock in his mouth. Sam squirted so much he couldn't keep it all in his mouth and the seed ran down the corners of his mouth. 

    S: swallow, Swallow my seed you filthy bitch

    Without really thinking about it anymore, he swallowed Sam's seed. Pulled his mouth from limp cock and wiped away the seed running down his cheeks.
    Sam shook some more and then sat down in the couch. 
    S: that wasn't bad for your first time honey

    Dennis who now came to sit next to him still turned on and high but realizing what he had done. 

    D : thanks
    S: that didn't sound very convincing

    Dennis' mind shot in all directions, it was the first time he had sucked a cock and tasted cum. It tasted different than he had thought. It tasted sweet and startled at the thought of wanting more of this. 
    Sam got up and went to the kitchen and came back with a filled glass of Getorade with G in it

    S: here take a sip to pass it all through
    Dennis accepted the glass and drank it all the way down. 

    D : may I fuck you now 
    S: just be patient honey, you will get your reward but let me get my strength up for a moment

    And the new dose of G work he thought to himself. 

    Sam put on a porn movie to stay in the mood, to keep Dennis relaxed it was straight porn. After fifteen minutes Sam saw that the new dose of G was starting to do its work on Dennis and he fondled his leg. Dennis moaned lightly and Sam licked his nipples. Dennis closed his eyes and enjoyed the attention he was getting. Sam came with his mouth on Dennis' mouth, he opened his mouth and they began to tongue kiss firmly again. 

    S: follow me (he whispered).

    Sam and Dennis stood up, Dennis felt that he was  unsteady on his feet from all the chems that had flowed into his body. 

    S: before we go upstairs take a few firm hits first then we can continue for a while.

    Dennis who had completely lost control did as he was told and took a few more firm puffs of the pipe. Sam took Dennis' hand and led him into the basement.
    Sam turned on the light and Dennis saw a dark room lit in neon with a large bed, chains hanging from the ceiling, all kinds of stuff lying in a glass case a weird couch a wooden cross and a cloth held up by 4 chains.
    Dennis's head spun and tried to take in the room

    D : what is all this
    S: this is my play and transformation room. 
    D : transformation room? 
    S: you will see, but don't think too much about it now and get on the bed.

    Dennis waddled over to the bed and lay on his back and looked at the ceiling which was completely spinning due to the chems. Sam took 2 wrist and 2 ankle straps and put them on Dennis. 

    D : what are you doing 
    S: I will let you enjoy yourself but I only want to do that when you are tied up

    Dennis didn't feel like resisting and let Sam have his way and the wrist straps around his wrist were latched to the head of the bed. His legs were pulled open and each attached to side of bed. Sam looked at his prey with a gray. He doesn't know it yet but soon not he will be fucking but he will be fucked. 

    S: all good baby 

    Dennis was in a trance for a moment and could only utter hmmmm yes. 

    S: Shall I make your limp cock stiff so you can fuck my pussy? 
    D : My monster is already stiff 

    Sam looked at Dennis with a grin

    S: take a good look at your cock I think it needs some attention to get it stiff. 

    Dennis looked at his limp and lame cock 

    😧 all along I thought it was stiff. How can this be, I have never felt as horny as I do now 
    S: I'll help you baby. 

    Sam knew he could suck as much as he wanted on Dennis' limp cock, he wouldn't get any life in it because Dennis already had so much Tina in his body that he had a Tina dick. Sam took the limp cock in his mouth and began to lick and suck it. Dennis moaned at feeling the warm mouth around his soft cock. But as expected it did not come hard. 

    S: don't you like it baby
    😧 yes I do
    S: your monster apparently doesn't 

    Dennis looked at his cock and saw that it was still limp. He was embarrassed.

    D : sorry I find it really delicious, I've never had this before. 
    S: no big deal, don't worry about it. I will try to spoil you in another way. 
    D : how then
    S: leave that to me and just surrender to me completely. 

    Sam took Dennis' balls in his mouth and sucked on them for a while. Dennis curled his toes in pleasure and fell deeper into a trance. But this was not the end station for Sam, he took a pillow and pushed it under Dennis's ass so his pussy was easier to reach. He pushed Dennis' ass open and licked his way to his virgin cunt.

    D : what are you doing 
    S: just enjoy it I'll give you something better than a blow job. 
    Sam began to lick Dennis' pussy and he became completely ecstatic with the new experience. Sam played with Dennis' hole for a moment and then abruptly stopped. 

    D : don't stop this is way too good. 
    S: I want to lick you further but then I will have to clean you first darling. I'm not playing with a dirty hole. 
    D : I washed before I left. 
    S: that may be good but all that hair sticks in my mouth and you're not clean inside. 
    S: I will clean you up and then you can continue to enjoy yourself.

    Sam took hair removal cream smeared it all over Dennis' ass, pussy cock and balls. He went to glass case took a bedpan, 2 balloons filled with liquid and a towel

    D : what are you doing to me
    S: quiet baby I am getting you ready so you can continue to enjoy yourself. I will rinse you and that cream I smeared is to remove your hair. 

    Dennis let Sam proceed as the G had him completely in his power. He felt the pillow taken from under him and a cold metal thing was put in its place. He felt a narrow tube being pushed into his sphincter. 
    S: I will inject liquid directly into your ass. You keep this in until I say you can unload. 
    D : what, I don't want that 
    S: now surrender completely you will thank me afterwards. 

    Dennis had no choice and he felt his ass being filled with the liquid from one of the balloons. 

    S: hold on baby. 

    After a minute or 2 

    S: let it come out

    Dennis let the liquid come out and Sam saw that chempiss he just put in his future slut's pussy was clear and clean. 

    S: good baby we only have to do it once because you are clean 

    He squirted away the cream with the other balloon and dried the hairless cock and cunt. He pulled the bedpan from under Dennis and put the pillow back under it. Dennis began to feel the effect of the chempiss. He got hotter and began to fly even more. 

    D : oh man I'm horny, please lick me, I want you to lick my hole. 
    S: do you really want that. Do you really want me to play with your ass. 
    D : yes pleas give it to me.
    S: what will I get in return. 
    D : I will suck your cock, kiss you anything you want. 
    S: well baby I'll think about how to thank me. 

    The stupid fuck didn't know what he had just promised. Sam took a shard in his hands and sat back between Dennis' legs and licked back at the virgin pussy. Dennis mouth fell open and gasped and moaned heavily. Sam stuck his tongue into Dennis' hole and noticed that the sphincter had already become less tense. He took the shard Tina had in his hand and as he licked he pushed deep into Dennis' hole with tip of his finger. 
    Dennis was still in ecstasy and had not noticed the finger in his ass. What he did notice was his hole was starting to get very warm. 

    D : what did you do, I am burning inside. 
    S: I haven't done anything, you are just letting your true self come out. 
    D : oh oh oh oh I am so hot. Hmmmm

    Sam licked firmly on and knew his work was almost done. For the sphincter was now completely loose and beginning to open. He stopped licking and came to sit up and he looked at Dennis who was now flying so high. Dennis did not know what to do with his horniness and he got a longing feeling from his ass. A feeling of emptiness and the need to be filled. 

    D : what is happening to me he moaned 
    D : my hole, my hole
    S : what is happening to your hole
    D : it feels so empty
    S : empty do you want me to put something in it
    D : I don't know 
    D : yes put something in it so it doesn't feel empty anymore. 
    S : are you sure? Because if I put something in it I don't know if I'll be able to stop. 
    D : yes I don't care, put something in it.

    S : what do you want me to put in, my finger? 
    D : yes anything is good

    Sam inserted 2 fingers into Dennis' pussy and began to lightly finger him. Dennis heaved a deep sigh at feeling the fingers in his asshole and enjoyed the feeling. But the empty feeling remained.

    S : is it good like this baby
    D : more it has to be more. 

    Sam grinned.

    S : shall I take a dildo for you 
    D : yes do it

    Sam took a slim dildo put some lube mixed with Tina on it and gently pushed it into Dennis' hole. Dennis cave welcomed the dildo by opening even more. Little by little the dildo went deeper and deeper. Dennis moaned and again felt that burning sensation. 

    D : oh yes, more, deeper, harder. I'm so hot, fuck

    Sam enjoyed this, the moment they ask for more. The moment they let their pussy be used for the first time and enjoy it.

    S: you see baby I was going to let you enjoy it. Let your true self come out, let yourself completely free 

    Sam gently fucked him with the dildo and Dennis moaned heavily, but the dildo was still not enough to take away the empty feeling

    😧  more I need to be filled more. 

    A big grin came on Sam's face, this is what he had been waiting for. 

    S: if you want to be filled more I will have to fuck you I'm afraid because I don't have anything thicker anymore
    Which was a big lie, but of course Dennis didn't know that. Dennis didn't care how or with what but he needed to be filled and lay shaking with desire on the bed. 

    S: if you want that will have to get me hard first then.

    Dennis opened his mouth and Sam removed the dildo from the slightly gaping pussy. Dennis immediately felt the empty feeling return and mused no leave that one in place. 

    S: if you want to be filled you will have to suck me first slut. 

    And let his limp cock hang in front of Dennis' mouth. Dennis's desire to be filled was so great that he raised his head and sucked the cock inside and began to suck the cock like a real meth whore. He felt his mouth being filled back with the stiffening pole and couldn't wait for that cock to be in his pussy. 

    S: just stop sucking baby or I'll fill your mouth again. I will reward your cunt with my fat cock. 

    He quickly shoved the bottle of poppers under Dennis' nose and let him do a few more deep pulls. Sam untied his legs from the bed and placed them on his shoulders. He placed the tip of his glans against the yearning sphincter

    S: are you ready slut, are you ready to be fucked by a real man. 
    D : yes please fill my hole, I can't take the emptiness anymore. 

    Sam pushed his glans through the sphincter and felt the warmth of the virgin cunt. Dennis moaned heavily and felt like his sphincter was going to rip. 

    D : That hurts. It hurts. Stop
    S: now I can't stop baby

    And he pushed his shaft deeper inside. Dennis felt his hole being pulled open even more and more pain, but the empty feeling was gone. Sam was almost balls deep and stopped for a moment so Dennis' hole could get used to the intruder. Dennis felt the pain begin to fade away and in its place he got another wave of horniness. He got the poppers shoved under his nose once more and sniffed it heavily through each nostril. Sam felt the sphincter relax and that was the signal to start thrusting. He started softly and saw Dennis breathing heavily with his mouth open.

    D : oh my god, fuck , oh my god 
    D : harder, fuck me harder
    S: do you want me to fuck harder, do you want me to fuck you like a real slut, a whore, a cum dump.
    S: tell me you're a slut a whore and you have a cunt to be filled
    D : yes fuck me 
    D : fuck me, I'm a slut, a whore and have a cunt to be filled

    Sam needed to hear no more and he began to fuck more firmly. Dennis began to moan more heavily

    D : oh fuck yeah, fuck, oh my god, fuck me fuck my hole
    S: Now your cunt is still straining so nicely slut, but by the time I am done with you you will have a real open cock asking slut hole. I'll make a true cum asking whore out of you. You'll never want to fuck a woman's cunt again. 
    S: do you want that slut, for me to fully train you into a real whore
    D : yes, yes make a whore out of me. 

    Sam was ramming heavily into the tight cunt and Dennis cried out in pleasure. 

    S: open your mouth slut because I'm going to spray your'e mouth full with my cum. 

    Dennis eagerly opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue

    S: Here it comes bitch

    Sam pulled his cock out of Dennis' pussy leaving a gaping empty hole, and as fast as he could he stuck his monster in the open mouth and began to squirt. Dennis eagerly drank the offered cum and did not have to be encouraged to swallow this time. It was also the first time he tasted his own pussy and it tasted for more. He licked the slackening dick clean and enjoyed his first fuck for a moment. But that empty feeling and the moaning of his now gaping cunt to be filled came back.

    D : fill me, fill me again, I can't do without it.

    S: look at you, you're becoming a real whore. Never enough. But I'll fill you up slut, I'll keep your cunt nice and open for later on

    Sam took a big butt plug put some extra special lube on it and pushed it to the gaping hole. The sphincter opened without a problem and let the plug in. Dennis let out a heavy moan as the plug reached its thickest point and let out a deep groan as it sucked into place. Again he felt that burning sensation as the Tina began to work into his gut wall and again got very hot. 

    S: try to get some rest first slut. You are nice and broken in now but when the others are here later you should be able to serve them too because you are my birthday present for the party. 
    Dennis who hadn't had a sober moment since stepping through the door a few hours ago could only nod as the new load of Tina shot through his body. The feel of the butt plug was blissful as it took away the seeing sensation of his pussy.
    Dennis looked at Sam with horny and flying eyes and bit his lower lip groaning

    S: did you like your first fuck slut, do you want to be hammered more by real cunts
    D : oh yes that was delicious, I never thought I would say this but getting fucked is heaven. I more I want to feel you inside me every day. I love you. 

    He felt like every cunt that he himself had fucked before and who wanted more after they had been fucked by him. He hoped Sam would tell him he loved him and would fuck him every day. 
    Sam grinned and looked proudly at his new creation. 

    S: I will fuck you again slut and will turn your cunt into a gaping seed-demanding hole. Soon when my friends are here we will include you in our brotherhood and we will be bonded forever. 
    He came closer and placed his lips a few inches from Dennis'. Dennis put his head forward and kissed him passionately. 

    S: Get some rest I'll be back later to get you ready for the party.


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  10. 10

    Jack opened the door and saw that Brad was ready to serve his master. He sat on his knees waiting with his mouth open.  Jack stepped on his slut and pulled Brad's head back and spat in his face and then pushed his face into his crotch.  Good so slut from now on you can wait for me every day. The recognizable horny smell of Jack's monster dick crept into Brad's nose and made him instantly horny and he began to moan lightly. If he hadn't been wearing a penis cage, his slut cock would certainly have been stiff. Brad opened his mouth and started kissing and licking his master's dick. You start to know your record slut, that makes me happy.  Spoil your master's pole, worship it and make it nice and stiff. Brad's heart started beating faster and he opened his mouth and eagerly took his master's pole into his mouth. He started sucking on it gently andpushed it as deep as he could into his throat. His master's cock began to swell and grow in his mouth and Brad almost got a gag reflex.  Brad began to suck more firmly on his master's pleasure pole and Jack looked on approvingly and was proud of his achievement. Soon he will be allowed to do a first testand we will see how he has gone through his transformation.

    Jack pulled Brad off his pole and pushed him onto the bed. Enough for now slut and stay on the bed. Brad was shocked and didn't know why he had to stop giving his master a, didn't he do it well enough or did his master want to do something else with him first. He lay down on the bed as asked of him and he saw jack walk to the wall and take some of his belongings. Jack came back to the bed saying nothing but placed a collar around Brad's neck, 2 wristbands and 2 ankle straps. A  chain  was attached to the collar, his arms were fastened together on his back and a piece of chain was placed between his legs, so he could certainly still walk but he did not have to think about walking because the piece of chain was too short for that.  He was given a mask with only his nose and mouth outand was given headphones with loud music.

    Jack helped him straight and pushed him forward. Brad had lost the north for a moment and didn't know where he was in the room and how far away he was from the wall. He stepped on but was still afraid to run into something.  He felt Jack put his hand on his shoulder and make him stop. Jack opened the door but Brad, who couldn't hear or see anything, didn't notice. Again Jack pushed him forward and the Brad stepped forward and realized that he must have left the room. Jack turned him to the left, put his hand on his shoulder and she stepped back straight. A few meters further she stopped back Jack opened another door and she stepped into the room.  In the middle of the room she stopped and Brad's arms were loosened, the chain between his legs was removed as was the chain on his collar. The headphones were taken off. It was quiet in the room, there wasa smell in the room of sweat and sex but still Brad could not see where he was.

    Brad heard several people coming into the room and 1 of them was definitely a woman as she was already moaning loudly and begging to be. She must surely have been drugged, Brad thought to himself. He heard the woman being laid on the bed the other he heard going around the room and then the sound of the footsteps stopped. He could only hear the groaning woman.  Brad didn't understand what was happening.

    Jack came to stand next to him. Soon when you hear the door close you can take off your mask slut, I will leave you alone and you can make a choice for the last time.  Brad, who still didn't understand what was happening, nodded.

    He felt his penis cage being loosened and then he heard Jack go out of the room and close the door. Brad stopped for a moment and then hesitantly took off the mask. It was fairly dark in space. He looked around but couldn't see much until a lamp started to light up in the corner. There the woman lay moaning on the bed. She was fingering herself. Brad looked at it and wasn't sure what to do. The woman could not yet see him properly because he was in the dark.


    Because there is a heterosexual scene described here, I have removed it, otherwise I would be banned here. If you want to read it you can do this in the straight bi section or click on the link

    How my girlfriend made me in to a dick craving meth whore - Page 3 - Straight & Bi FICTION - Breeding Zone 


    No said Brad, I'm a slut and am only here to serve real men. When Brad had spoken those words, another lamp on the other side of the room started to light up and Brad saw 2 solid black daddy's sitting. The woman who begged but Brad didn't hear her anymore his thoughts were already with those 2 daddy's.  One called out to him where are you waiting for slut. Prove it that you are a slut and that you are only here to serve real men.


    Come here slut so we can see what kind of slut you are. We have alot of good stuff for you. Brad stepped into his new life as a slut without looking behind him. When he was almost with the 2 men, the other said that he had to sit on his knees, he had to know his place and level and that was not the same as that of the 2 men. Brad sat down on all four and waited for his first order.  He looked down and saw that his cock had already stiffened.  This was further proof to him that this would be his new life.

    Jack, who had been watching the screens in another room the whole time, knew that Brad had passed the test.  The transformation was complete and had taken over his previous self. Now let it be used by those 2. He will soon beg to be allowed back to his cell.

    Are you thirsty asked the Steven, Brad nodded. Openyour mouth and I will give you something to drink. Brad opened his mouth and pulled Brad by his hair and pushed his mouth over his pole and started emptying his bladder.   Brad's mouth was completely filled with Steven's dick which was even flaccidly bigger and thicker than his master's.  But despite the fact that his mouth was completely filled, he knew what to do and did not let a drop go to waste.  Good so slut swallow my chem piss but nice and nice.  Jack trained you well.  Nick came to sit behind him and  roughly pushed his finger into Brad's hole. This hole doesn't stretch so hard anymore, he said to his mate.  Steven laughed that's good because otherwise my bat would never fit in.  Nick withdrew his finger and took some shards and pushed the shards into Brad's lair. Here are some ass sweets for your slut because a real slut must always be horny and flying. Brad, who had been craving high for a while, relaxed more because he knew he was going to fly back soon enough.  Thank you master for the ass candy said Brad.

    Nick started growling because he couldn't wait to get started with the new toy and only gave solid chats on Brad's ass. Brad moaned and his ass started to look nice red. Brad felt the burning sensation rise and began to moan more violently as he longed for what was to come. In the background you could hear the woman beingbrought in and still begging to be fucked but the men and the slut didn't give her any more attention. Brad was only busy with the men who were with him.

    Steven pulled Brad's ass open so that Brad's cunt was nicely visible. Time to discharge my chem piss Nick said and he pushed his half hard pole into Brad's hole. Brad, already starting to fly lightly, dropped his mouth open and began to moan lightly. He felt his intestines being filled with Nick's chem piss and bit his lower lip with pleasure. Nick withdrew his pole and quickly inserted a plug into the gaping hole of his new toy. Let's do that for a while, he said. Steven sat down on all four and sat down with his ass in front of Brad's face. Nick pulled the ass open and ordered Brad to lick Steven's ass.  The horny smell of Steven's cock and ass came towards Brad and wound him even more.  Just now he licked another pussy and it didn't bother him, this time he licked a man's ass and he couldn't get enough of it like a possessed one he licked Steven's cunt.  Nick pushed Brad even deeper but Brad didn't mind, preferably he was all the way in Steven's ass. His dick had already gone limp again as the chems were starting to do their job. Nick let Go of Brad's head and Steven stood back up.  They took a bucket and placedit on Brad's ass and pulled the plug out of Brad's cunt without warning. Brad got a twinge of pain but the pain subsided and the piss ran out of his ass into the bucket. Open your mouth, Nick ordered and he took the bucket and emptied the bucket into Brad's mouth. Half ended up in his mouth, the other half ran over his head and body. Swallow slut, swallow. Brad swallowed the piss he had in his mouth and let the rest of his body drip. What a dirty filthy slut you are grinning Steven. That's how we like to  have our sluts. High, nasty and. Now you only have to be filled with our positive babies and then you are complete.

    Brad had to stand up and started to stagger a bit on his legs and the chems were already screaming through his body.  Nick grabbed his head and spat in his face and looked into Brad's eyes. If you are already flying slut, you are ready to be used and serve your masters. Brad could hardly speak anymore but could still say yes while moaning. Are you sure steven, are you sure you don't want any more because we only fuck you if you beg for it. Brad only heard the words more, fucking, begging and he said half intelligible I want it all.  Well so slut we like to hear that and he was pushed on the bed. Suck Nick's pole stiff as I prepare your point. Nick stuck his half hard pole into Brad's open mouth and he started sucking on it like a savage.  The half hard pole almost completely filled Brad's mouth and he felt it grow and swell even more. His mouth was now completely open and he still did not have enough space to fully work the monster inside. He felt that his mouth corners would almost tear but still he pushed him even deeper inside. Meanwhile, Steven had prepared a small point and put a strap around Brad's arm and looked for a vein. Brad was already so flying and enjoying the new cock in his slut mouth that he didn't realize Steven was about to let the syringe disappear into his arm.   Steven saw a register and looked grinning at Nick who said push it all the way in.  Brad who hadn't noticed this felt the rush coming up, Nick pulled his pole back andBrad's eyes flopped open completely and started coughing and then begging loudly.

    His hands went over his body thatfelt electric, with every touch he became even more aroused. His hands went to his own flaccid pole and with one hand he pulled on his flaccid dick and the other hand he tried to push completely into his cunt.  Steven and Nick looked amused at the spectacle. Nick took Brad's hands and placed them on his nipples. Play around with this. Fuck me, rape me called Brad whohad completely lost control.  We will certainly do that, Steven said. He came to sit at Brad's balls and opened his mouth and took the slut's balls into his mouth and started biting lightly on them. Brad hadn't had this experience yet and it makes it even.  Hmmmmm yes, louder Brad cried. He now got a chat from Nick who said that they would determine what happened. Brad's eyes were completely open and spinning around in his head. His mouth was open and his tongue fell out of his mouth. Nick now came to sit behind Brad and turned Brad around so that he was on all four.  Steven sat down in front of Brad and pushed his half hard pole into Brad's mouth and he started sucking on it.  Nick placed his hard monster against Brad's sphincter and in 1 movement he pushed his dick into the warm humid cave. Brad could handle quite a bit but this monster in 1 time to work inside made him gasp and he let out a loud moan. Steven pushed poppers under his nose and his cunt relaxed more and more with each inhalation. Nick felt that Brad's hole had accepted his monster dick and began to gently fuck him. Steven on the other hand pushed his long medium thick pole throat deep and kept Brad's head in place so that his pole stayed deep in his throat. Brad didn't have a gag reflex anymore but Steven's dick was so big he couldn't breathe anymore. After a few seconds without air, Steven withdrew his dick and Brad gasped. He didn't get much time to catch his breath because Nick started to increase his speed and Steven pushed his pole back in. The drool ran out of his slut's mouth and his ass began to be completely open.

    What a blissful hole you have slut called Nick, still nice and narrow, warm and humid. He started fucking him now. Nick was almost at his first high point and started panting and growling heavily. He hit the ass of his new toy a few times pushing his pole balls  deep one last time   and with a loud moan squirted his first load of the evening deep into Brad's intestines. Here are my positive baby slut, take my dirty DNA and from now on you can call me daddy  because I got you pregnant with my toxic load. Yeah called Steven give it to him. Brad moaned loudly and felt Nick's monster squirt load after load of toxic seed into his burrow. Nick pulled his pole out of Brad's hole and some seed ran out of Brad's cunt. He took it with his limp dick and pushed it back in. Brad was turned on his back and now it was Steven's turn. Nick ordered Brad to lick his dick clean and Steven pushed his pole in. Nick had loosened and moistened the hole and he felt that Brad's hole was nicely filled with seed. With each thrust you could hear a popping sound through the seed and the hole that had been nicely open. Brad was still flying high and again got the poppers  pushed under his nose and had to take some sniffs. Nick's monster began to swell back from Brad's licking and sucking. See what you do with slut said Nick. My cock  doesn't want to stop yet you're ready for the second round. Is your ass ready to become a real slut hole. Brad, who was enjoying himself, could only moan. Steven looked at Nick and knew what to do. He stopped fucking and lay down on the bed. Brad had to sit on Steven's pole and could now set the pace himself, but not for long. He was pushed on Steven's chest by Nick, Brad who was still so high didn't know what was about to happen. But Nick was ready to push his monster into the hole as well. Steven quickly pushed some poppers  under Brad's nose and said take a few deep sniff sluts because you will need it. Brad snorted heavily at the poppers  and groaned at the new rush he got from it. He felt that there was again pushing against his sphincter. Through the poppers , his hole opened up a little more and Nick was able to gently push his pole inside. Brad didn't know what he was feeling and his mouth dropped open and he moaned loudly. His hole pulled open even more and Nick's monster schooled inside. Oh fuck Oh fuck called Brad, yes slut take our cocks. Brad's cunt was fully pulled open and it felt complete with the two poles in it. Brad was in complete ecstasy now that there were two dicks in his ass and he cried out in pleasure. Rape me fill me with your dirty babies. Both Nick and Steven grinned and growled upon hearing the slut's pleasure. Take our cocks  baby let us fill your hole said Nick, and he started fucking the slut at a leisurely pace. Steven pulled Brad's head towards him spit in his face, and started to tongue kiss him and said when he broke off the kiss what a dirty slut you are. We will have a lot of fun with you in the future. Brad was still completely gone and constantly shouted yes harder, fuck me, deeper, give it to me.  Hearing the slut made both Steven and Nick horny  as hell  and Nick stepped up the pace. Steven put his nails in Brad's back and scratched him. Brad himself came to a high point due to the stimulation of his prostate and moaned very loudly, from his flaccid pole ran a huge load of seed. Steven felt the seed running on him and called out to Nick, you had him squirted. What a dirty heavenly slut this is. Brad's energy dropped for a moment because he had cum and Nick felt that the resistance of the cunt had now completely fallen away. He was given even more space to push his monster inside and now began to fuck him hard. Brad moaned loudly with every thrust he received. Both Nick and Steven got to the high point and with a few last thrusts they came at the same time. Brad felt his hole filled with Nick and Steven's dirty seed for the second time. Both daddy's  pulled their limping pole out of Brad's gaping hole and saw their seed begin to flow out. Nick quickly took a large butt plug  and pushed it into Brad's hole. This will not be enough he said laughing we need a bigger one to keep our gift in place. Steven took the biggest plug and gave it to Nick. Nick took the other plug out of Brad's gaping hole without resistance and pushed the thicker plug in. This will stay put, he said. Both men came off the bed and hit Brad's ass again and said they would book him in the future.

    Jack had also come into the room and looked at his slut who was high and counted out on the bed.  Well gentlemen he passed his test. Nick laughed and looked at Brad on the bed, I think he can still learn some things but this will be his new life. He is made to serve men like us. Steven nodded affirmatively. Steven gave Jack a thick envelope and they left the room.

    Jack came to sit on the bed and whispered in Brad's ear that he was proud of his transformation and that Brad should be proud of what he had become. Jack showed the thickly filled envelope and said that he had earned nice money for his master and that he would soon get a nice reward for it and that he would earn even more money for his master in the future because that was only the reason for his existence. Making money with his slut pussy for his master. Brad started to regain his strength and said thank you master I just want to make you happy and only suck dicks and get fucked by real men.

    Brad was given a chain around his neck and the mask over his head and was taken back to his room. This time his master had to help him because he was shaky on his feet. In the room, the chain and mask were taken off and Brad was able to crawl on the bed. Brad was still flying the chems and closed his eyes and got lost in his thoughts and fantasies.

    Jack looked amused at his creation and saw that Brad started to shiver, a grin appeared on his face and thought to himself if his fuckflue would have started. He put a blanket over Brad and then left the room.

    Tomorrow we can see if he was in full transformation he thought with a huge grin on his face.

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  11. 10 The Test

    Jack opened the door and saw that Brad was ready to serve his master. He sat on his knees waiting with his mouth open.  Jack stepped on his slut and pulled Brad's head back and spat in his face and then pushed his face into his crotch.  Good so slut from now on you can wait for me every day. The recognizable horny smell of Jack's monster dick crept into Brad's nose and made him instantly horny and he began to moan lightly. If he hadn't been wearing a penis cage, his slut cock would certainly have been stiff. Brad opened his mouth and started kissing and licking his master's dick. You start to know your record slut, that makes me happy.  Spoil your master's pole, worship it and make it nice and stiff. Brad's heart started beating faster and he opened his mouth and eagerly took his master's pole into his mouth. He started sucking on it gently andpushed it as deep as he could into his throat. His master's cock began to swell and grow in his mouth and Brad almost got a gag reflex.  Brad began to suck more firmly on his master's pleasure pole and Jack looked on approvingly and was proud of his achievement. Soon he will be allowed to do a first testand we will see how he has gone through his transformation.

    Jack pulled Brad off his pole and pushed him onto the bed. Enough for now slut and stay on the bed. Brad was shocked and didn't know why he had to stop giving his master a, didn't he do it well enough or did his master want to do something else with him first. He lay down on the bed as asked of him and he saw jack walk to the wall and take some of his belongings. Jack came back to the bed saying nothing but placed a collar around Brad's neck, 2 wristbands and 2 ankle straps. A  chain  was attached to the collar, his arms were fastened together on his back and a piece of chain was placed between his legs, so he could certainly still walk but he did not have to think about walking because the piece of chain was too short for that.  He was given a mask with only his nose and mouth outand was given headphones with loud music.

    Jack helped him straight and pushed him forward. Brad had lost the north for a moment and didn't know where he was in the room and how far away he was from the wall. He stepped on but was still afraid to run into something.  He felt Jack put his hand on his shoulder and make him stop. Jack opened the door but Brad, who couldn't hear or see anything, didn't notice. Again Jack pushed him forward and the Brad stepped forward and realized that he must have left the room. Jack turned him to the left, put his hand on his shoulder and she stepped back straight. A few meters further she stopped back Jack opened another door and she stepped into the room.  In the middle of the room she stopped and Brad's arms were loosened, the chain between his legs was removed as was the chain on his collar. The headphones were taken off. It was quiet in the room, there wasa smell in the room of sweat and sex but still Brad could not see where he was.

    Brad heard several people coming into the room and 1 of them was definitely a woman as she was already moaning loudly and begging to be. She must surely have been drugged, Brad thought to himself. He heard the woman being laid on the bed the other he heard going around the room and then the sound of the footsteps stopped. He could only hear the groaning woman.  Brad didn't understand what was happening.

    Jack came to stand next to him. Soon when you hear the door close you can take off your mask slut, I will leave you alone and you can make a choice for the last time.  Brad, who still didn't understand what was happening, nodded.

    He felt his penis cage being loosened andthen he heard Jack go out of the room and close the door. Brad stopped for a moment and then hesitantly took off the mask. It was fairly dark in space. He looked around but couldn't see much until a lamp started to light up in the corner. There the woman lay moaning on the bed. She was fingering herself. Brad looked at it and wasn't sure what to do. The woman could not yet see him properly because he was in the dark.  Brad stepped up and the woman had seen him.  She was extremely handsome and  horny as hell, she shouted to Brad that he had to fuck her.  Brad stood next to the bed and watched the writhing woman begging to be.  His mind was running at full speed.  What was he supposed to do. He was presented with a handsome woman who begged to be and there was no one to stop him. Instinctively he put his hand on the inside of her leg and went deeper with his hand looking for her cunt.  The woman felt warm as she moaned at the touch she received and her mouth fell open. With her hand she went over Brad's body and searched for his penis. Brad was fingertips to the cunt of the pleading slut in front of him, but it felt awkward and not right. It was not the feeling that he was going to cheat on his girlfriend but a feeling that he no longer had a need or desire to do this.  The woman's touch also felt different, different from the fact that he used to experience a touch from a woman. It didn't wound him up for some reason. He stuck his finger in the cunt of the woman who now started panting louder and begging even more, oh yes baby just do harder and deeper. He fingered the woman with 2 fingers, then pulled them out of her warm moist cunt and smelled it. The smell was familiar to him but didn't do him much. He didn't get it. Last week he would have jumped at smelling her scent.  The woman who had found his cock pulled it violently but there was no movement in it, his dick remained limp and lifeless.  Brad didn't understand what was happening, the woman in front of him begged to be used and it didn't bother him. He crawled onto the bed and pushed her legs open and buried his face between her legs and his mouth was instinctively at the height of her pussy.   He started licking her pussy.  The woman went into ecstasy, she groaned with pleasure.  Make my pussy nice and wet, so you can fuck me later.  He knew how  to lick a pussy because he had done this so many times but it still felt wrong.  He tasted and smelled her pussy and with one hand he squeezed her breasts and with the other hand he started fingering her.  All the actions he did were of habit and because he knew what to do, but he didn't feel at all that he was just a little excited by this. What was wrong with him. The woman enjoyed the attention she received and wanted more. Yes baby, oh yes you make me so. Let me suck your cock so you can fuck me. Brad was completely confused by what was happening.

    He stopped licking and came to sit on the woman and offered her his flaccid dick. She opened her mouth and took the flaccid dick in her mouth started sucking and looked straight into his eyes like a horny whore.  Even though it had been a long time since he got a blowjob, brad didn't care about his dick shriveling and limp.  How can this be, he thought to himself.   He looked ashamed at the woman who was blowjob like a man possessed, and atthe sight of that horny slut look of the woman giving him a blowjob wasnuck the realization came in completely that he was no longer a straight guy but a slut who longs to suck dicks and be fucked like that woman who was sucking him and that his dick no longer served to be worshipped and pampered, his dick only served to piss and that was also the only reason forthe existence of his dick.  Whatever that woman would try she wouldn't get his pole stiff anymore and he would never be able to fuck a cuntagain. Herealizes that a cunt didn't do anything to him anymore and that he wouldn't get any more feelings for a woman. He had become a cock sucker, a slut, a slave, a utensil  and from those thoughts he got warm inside again. He shook his head and pulled his limp pole out of the woman's mouth. She wouldn't stop and pulled his pole to put it back in her mouth. She said she'd better do her best, she begged to be allowed to suck him. Brad shook his head and stepped off the bed and said no.  You won't get it stiff because I want to suck a pole myself.  The woman begged, please baby come back I will pamper you and make you change your mind. No said Brad, I'm a slut and am only here to serve real men. When Brad had spoken those words, another lamp on the other side of the room started to light up and Brad saw 2 solid black daddy's sitting. The woman who begged but Brad didn't hear her anymore his thoughts were already with those 2 daddy's.  One called out to him where are you waiting for slut. Prove it that you are a slut and that you are only here to serve real men.


    Come here slut so we can see what kind of slut you are. We have alot of good stuff for you. Brad stepped into his new life as a slut without looking behind him. When he was almost with the 2 men, the other said that he had to sit on his knees, he had to know his place and level and that was not the same as that of the 2 men. Brad sat down on all four and waited for his first order.  He looked down and saw that his cock had already stiffened.  This was further proof to him that this would be his new life.

    Jack, who had been watching the screens in another room the whole time, knew that Brad had passed the test.  The transformation was complete and had taken over his previous self. Now let it be used by those 2. He will soon beg to be allowed back to his cell.

    Are you thirsty asked the Steven, Brad nodded. Openyour mouth and I will give you something to drink. Brad opened his mouth and pulled Brad by his hair and pushed his mouth over his pole and started emptying his bladder.   Brad's mouth was completely filled with Steven's dick which was even flaccidly bigger and thicker than his master's.  But despite the fact that his mouth was completely filled, he knew what to do and did not let a drop go to waste.  Good so slut swallow my chem piss but nice and nice.  Jack trained you well.  Nick came to sit behind him and  roughly pushed his finger into Brad's hole. This hole doesn't stretch so hard anymore, he said to his mate.  Steven laughed that's good because otherwise my bat would never fit in.  Nick withdrew his finger and took some shards and pushed the shards into Brad's lair. Here are some ass sweets for your slut because a real slut must always be horny and flying. Brad, who had been craving high for a while, relaxed more because he knew he was going to fly back soon enough.  Thank you master for the ass candy said Brad.

    Nick started growling because he couldn't wait to get started with the new toy and only gave solid chats on Brad's ass. Brad moaned and his ass started to look nice red. Brad felt the burning sensation rise and began to moan more violently as he longed for what was to come. In the background you could hear the woman beingbrought in and still begging to be fucked but the men and the slut didn't give her any more attention. Brad was only busy with the men who were with him.

    Steven pulled Brad's ass open so that Brad's cunt was nicely visible. Time to discharge my chem piss Nick said and he pushed his half hard pole into Brad's hole. Brad, already starting to fly lightly, dropped his mouth open and began to moan lightly. He felt his intestines being filled with Nick's chem piss and bit his lower lip with pleasure. Nick withdrew his pole and quickly inserted a plug into the gaping hole of his new toy. Let's do that for a while, he said. Steven sat down on all four and sat down with his ass in front of Brad's face. Nick pulled the ass open and ordered Brad to lick Steven's ass.  The horny smell of Steven's cock and ass came towards Brad and wound him even more.  Just now he licked another pussy and it didn't bother him, this time he licked a man's ass and he couldn't get enough of it like a possessed one he licked Steven's cunt.  Nick pushed Brad even deeper but Brad didn't mind, preferably he was all the way in Steven's ass. His dick had already gone limp again as the chems were starting to do their job. Nick let Go of Brad's head and Steven stood back up.  They took a bucket and placedit on Brad's ass and pulled the plug out of Brad's cunt without warning. Brad got a twinge of pain but the pain subsided and the piss ran out of his ass into the bucket. Open your mouth, Nick ordered and he took the bucket and emptied the bucket into Brad's mouth. Half ended up in his mouth, the other half ran over his head and body. Swallow slut, swallow. Brad swallowed the piss he had in his mouth and let the rest of his body drip. What a dirty filthy slut you are grinning Steven. That's how we like to  have our sluts. High, nasty and. Now you only have to be filled with our positive babies and then you are complete.

    Brad had to stand up and started to stagger a bit on his legs and the chems were already screaming through his body.  Nick grabbed his head and spat in his face and looked into Brad's eyes. If you are already flying slut, you are ready to be used and serve your masters. Brad could hardly speak anymore but could still say yes while moaning. Are you sure steven, are you sure you don't want any more because we only fuck you if you beg for it. Brad only heard the words more, fucking, begging and he said half intelligible I want it all.  Well so slut we like to hear that and he was pushed on the bed. Suck Nick's pole stiff as I prepare your point. Nick stuck his half hard pole into Brad's open mouth and he started sucking on it like a savage.  The half hard pole almost completely filled Brad's mouth and he felt it grow and swell even more. His mouth was now completely open and he still did not have enough space to fully work the monster inside. He felt that his mouth corners would almost tear but still he pushed him even deeper inside. Meanwhile, Steven had prepared a small point and put a strap around Brad's arm and looked for a vein. Brad was already so flying and enjoying the new cock in his slut mouth that he didn't realize Steven was about to let the syringe disappear into his arm.   Steven saw a register and looked grinning at Nick who said push it all the way in.  Brad who hadn't noticed this felt the rush coming up, Nick pulled his pole back andBrad's eyes flopped open completely and started coughing and then begging loudly.

    His hands went over his body thatfelt electric, with every touch he became even more aroused. His hands went to his own flaccid pole and with one hand he pulled on his flaccid dick and the other hand he tried to push completely into his cunt.  Steven and Nick looked amused at the spectacle. Nick took Brad's hands and placed them on his nipples. Play around with this. Fuck me, rape me called Brad whohad completely lost control.  We will certainly do that, Steven said. He came to sit at Brad's balls and opened his mouth and took the slut's balls into his mouth and started biting lightly on them. Brad hadn't had this experience yet and it makes it even.  Hmmmmm yes, louder Brad cried. He now got a chat from Nick who said that they would determine what happened. Brad's eyes were completely open and spinning around in his head. His mouth was open and his tongue fell out of his mouth. Nick now came to sit behind Brad and turned Brad around so that he was on all four.  Steven sat down in front of Brad and pushed his half hard pole into Brad's mouth and he started sucking on it.  Nick placed his hard monster against Brad's sphincter and in 1 movement he pushed his dick into the warm humid cave. Brad could handle quite a bit but this monster in 1 time to work inside made him gasp and he let out a loud moan. Steven pushed poppers under his nose and his cunt relaxed more and more with each inhalation. Nick felt that Brad's hole had accepted his monster dick and began to gently fuck him. Steven on the other hand pushed his long medium thick pole throat deep and kept Brad's head in place so that his pole stayed deep in his throat. Brad didn't have a gag reflex anymore but Steven's dick was so big he couldn't breathe anymore. After a few seconds without air, Steven withdrew his dick and Brad gasped. He didn't get much time to catch his breath because Nick started to increase his speed and Steven pushed his pole back in. The drool ran out of his slut's mouth and his ass began to be completely open.

    What a blissful hole you have slut called Nick, still nice and narrow, warm and humid. He started fucking him now. Nick was almost at his first high point and started panting and growling heavily. He hit the ass of his new toy a few times pushing his pole balls  deep one last time   and with a loud moan squirted his first load of the evening deep into Brad's intestines. Here are my positive baby slut, take my dirty DNA and from now on you can call me daddy  because I got you pregnant with my toxic load. Yeah called Steven give it to him. Brad moaned loudly and felt Nick's monster squirt load after load of toxic seed into his burrow. Nick pulled his pole out of Brad's hole and some seed ran out of Brad's cunt. He took it with his limp dick and pushed it back in. Brad was turned on his back and now it was Steven's turn. Nick ordered Brad to lick his dick clean and Steven pushed his pole in. Nick had loosened and moistened the hole and he felt that Brad's hole was nicely filled with seed. With each thrust you could hear a popping sound through the seed and the hole that had been nicely open. Brad was still flying high and again got the poppers  pushed under his nose and had to take some sniffs. Nick's monster began to swell back from Brad's licking and sucking. See what you do with slut said Nick. My cock  doesn't want to stop yet you're ready for the second round. Is your ass ready to become a real slut hole. Brad, who was enjoying himself, could only moan. Steven looked at Nick and knew what to do. He stopped fucking and lay down on the bed. Brad had to sit on Steven's pole and could now set the pace himself, but not for long. He was pushed on Steven's chest by Nick, Brad who was still so high didn't know what was about to happen. But Nick was ready to push his monster into the hole as well. Steven quickly pushed some poppers  under Brad's nose and said take a few deep sniff sluts because you will need it. Brad snorted heavily at the poppers  and groaned at the new rush he got from it. He felt that there was again pushing against his sphincter. Through the poppers , his hole opened up a little more and Nick was able to gently push his pole inside. Brad didn't know what he was feeling and his mouth dropped open and he moaned loudly. His hole pulled open even more and Nick's monster schooled inside. Oh fuck Oh fuck called Brad, yes slut take our cocks. Brad's cunt was fully pulled open and it felt complete with the two poles in it. Brad was in complete ecstasy now that there were two dicks in his ass and he cried out in pleasure. Rape me fill me with your dirty babies. Both Nick and Steven grinned and growled upon hearing the slut's pleasure. Take our cocks  baby let us fill your hole said Nick, and he started fucking the slut at a leisurely pace. Steven pulled Brad's head towards him spit in his face, and started to tongue kiss him and said when he broke off the kiss what a dirty slut you are. We will have a lot of fun with you in the future. Brad was still completely gone and constantly shouted yes harder, fuck me, deeper, give it to me.  Hearing the slut made both Steven and Nick horny  as hell  and Nick stepped up the pace. Steven put his nails in Brad's back and scratched him. Brad himself came to a high point due to the stimulation of his prostate and moaned very loudly, from his flaccid pole ran a huge load of seed. Steven felt the seed running on him and called out to Nick, you had him squirted. What a dirty heavenly slut this is. Brad's energy dropped for a moment because he had cum and Nick felt that the resistance of the cunt had now completely fallen away. He was given even more space to push his monster inside and now began to fuck him hard. Brad moaned loudly with every thrust he received. Both Nick and Steven got to the high point and with a few last thrusts they came at the same time. Brad felt his hole filled with Nick and Steven's dirty seed for the second time. Both daddy's  pulled their limping pole out of Brad's gaping hole and saw their seed begin to flow out. Nick quickly took a large butt plug  and pushed it into Brad's hole. This will not be enough he said laughing we need a bigger one to keep our gift in place. Steven took the biggest plug and gave it to Nick. Nick took the other plug out of Brad's gaping hole without resistance and pushed the thicker plug in. This will stay put, he said. Both men came off the bed and hit Brad's ass again and said they would book him in the future.

    Jack had also come into the room and looked at his slut who was high and counted out on the bed.  Well gentlemen he passed his test. Nick laughed and looked at Brad on the bed, I think he can still learn some things but this will be his new life. He is made to serve men like us. Steven nodded affirmatively. Steven gave Jack a thick envelope and they left the room.

    Jack came to sit on the bed and whispered in Brad's ear that he was proud of his transformation and that Brad should be proud of what he had become. Jack showed the thickly filled envelope and said that he had earned nice money for his master and that he would soon get a nice reward for it and that he would earn even more money for his master in the future because that was only the reason for his existence. Making money with his slut pussy for his master. Brad started to regain his strength and said thank you master I just want to make you happy and only suck dicks and get fucked by real men.

    Brad was given a chain around his neck and the mask over his head and was taken back to his room. This time his master had to help him because he was shaky on his feet. In the room, the chain and mask were taken off and Brad was able to crawl on the bed. Brad was still flying the chems and closed his eyes and got lost in his thoughts and fantasies.

    Jack looked amused at his creation and saw that Brad started to shiver, a grin appeared on his face and thought to himself if his fuckflue would have started. He put a blanket over Brad and then left the room.

    Tomorrow we can see if he was in full transformation he thought with a huge grin on his face.

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  12. 9 Punishment and reward 


    Brad, who had fallen asleep after playing with his ass because his master hadn't come anymore, woke up. He had woken up sober and for the first time since he was in the room, he wasn't upset with his thoughts.   Because of the rest he had received yesterday, a kind of acceptance had come over him and a need for it. Acceptance of his situation that he could not change it anyway, he began  to feel affection for his master, in need of chems because he had already become addicted to the intoxication and its exciting effect.  The thoughts of  His body had become accustomed to the use and began to long for it. His thoughts were no longer the things of his past life but they consisted of almost complete sex and especially extreme sex with men.   He was still enjoying himself in his bed and was pulling on his stiff morning erection.  His other hand went to his cunt and he no longer felt a tense sphincter but a slightly gaping hole. His finger slid in on its own and he started fingering himself while playing with his cock.   He withdrew his hand and thought that he had to get ready for should the master come along. He got up and stepped to the place where he had to rinse himself, he also refreshed himself for a moment and when he was done he went back to the bed. Just as he took a seat on the bed, Jack came in.

    Brad got a warm feeling about himself at the sight of Jack. Get on your knees  and put your head down and don't look at me slut jack said in a commanding tone, from now  on when I get into the room I want you to greet me like that. Brad was shocked by Jack's hard way of talking and did what was asked of him without hesitation. Jack took some wristbands, ankle straps and a blindfold. He put the wrist and ankle straps on his slut and put the blindfold on him.

    Brad had to stand up again and Jack saw that this had to excite Brad because he saw that he had a stiff pole.   What do we have here slut, are you excited ? Inside Jack was happy with what he saw, it meant that Brad had changed and that his work had paid off but he couldn't let Brad know. This can't be slut, you're not here for your own pleasure, you're here just for my pleasure, Brad had to know his place and that place was not at the top of the chain but at the bottom. He pulled Brad's hair and asked him if he had in the time he had been everything. Brad who was shocked by what happened and by the harshness with which he was treated again lied and said no master I have not sprayed any seed yet. You're lying slut said Jack, I know you've been jerking that you've cum and you've been licking your own seed.   Brad tried again to say he hadn't done it and Jack patted him on the back of his head. Do you think I'm retarded or something. He took some chains and attached the wristbands to them.   The feeling of fear and fright took over to Brad and he hoped that he was just fastened to scare. For a moment it was quiet in the room, Jack looked with a smile on his face at the terrified Brad who did not know what was going to happen.

    Brad heard footsteps it was Jack who walked up to the wall to take some attributes again. He came back to Brad and without saying anything he placed some squeezers on Brad's tiles, he was startled and curled his toes from the pain.   Then Jack took only squeezers and placed them all over Brad's body. The last 3 he placed on the back limp dick and sack of his slut who couldn't hold it anymore and started moaning from the pain signals his body was giving him. Silence said Jack, this is the punishment you get for lying and for playing with your pole without permission.   Jack took a seat behind Brad and started hitting his slut's body with his whip. With each stroke Brad gave moaning sounds coming from the mouth of Brad's toes curled he curled in pain and he tried to bite the pain but the pain signals came from all sides of his body. Jack enjoyed this and went one step further. He stopped flogging for a moment and took the chains and hoisted them a little higher so that Brad could only stand on his toes and had trouble standing in one place. Jack took the whip back and now came to stand in front of Brad. He tapped quietly against one of the squeezers and Brad felt the squeezer start to slide over his skin and come loose. Unloading the squeezer was not a nice feeling, it was a painfully acute feeling that Brad got and he danced on his toes from the pain and wept loudly. Silence slut accepts your punishment. Brad tried to say sorry but there went the next squeezer and again he got a shot of pain. Jack took a step back.   Do you know why you are being punished, he asked Brad. Brad was still bewildering the pain said as soon as he could yes, yes. Jack shook his head and now hit one of the squeezers with the whip so that it also came loose.   This hurt even more and Brad let out a loud scream. Even though his mind was busy processing the pain shoots, he knew that he had answered wrongly. His thinking pattern had already changed and he said again as soon as he could yes master, I know why. The next battle followed and this time some pinchers fell off. Well so slut, you start to learn to always speak with two words to your master and creator. Sorry master, I won't do it again Brad exclaimed and in the meantime a few more blows followed. With each stroke, Brad howled and struggled to stay on his toes. Now only the squeezers remained on his nipples, she flaccid dick and sack.   I hope you learned your lesson he said to Brad and hit the 3 squeezers of his dick and sack in 1 time. Brad screamed in pain. Jack put the whip away and stood next to Brad and whispered in his ear.  What you have undergone now is nothing compared to what I can do to you. But I'vealready had to help you so that you can't play this with yourselfanymore because you can't control yourself.   He went back to the wall and took a cock cage. Brad felt Jack touch his flaccid dick and felt something cold being put around it he heard a click of a lock. Jack took off Brad's blindfold, he squeezed his eyes in front of the bright light and he wanted to look down but that didn't work because Jack was holding his head. From now on I decide when to play with your dick, understood. Brad nodded and shei Yes sir. Jack pulled the squeezers on Brad's nipples and said I hope so, at that moment the squeezers unloaded and Brad moaned loudly. He pushed his thumbs on the nipples and the pain Brad was experiencing quickly ebbed away. Jack took hold of Brad's head and stuck his tongue in Brad's mouth who answered the kiss with his tongue. For a moment Jack kissed Brad and when he interrupted the kiss he spat in the face of his slut. He unloaded the chains Brad was able to stand on his feet again but he was equally exhausted by the blows he had received and sank through his legs and fell to his knees.

    Well so slut he said to Brad, get right on your knees without asking. Jack came to stand in front of Brad who was still catching his breath, drinking slut. Brad opened his mouth and Jack stuck his flaccid dick in the mouth of his slut and started emptying his bladder. Brad who was still sober let it all happen because he was still exhausted from the blows he was getting and tried to swallow everything. The piss filled his entire mouth and a few drops fell to the ground. When Jack finished and pulled his pole out of Brad's mouth he saw that there were a few drops on the ground he pushed Brad's face into it. You know you can't let anything go to waste from me and Brad stuck out his tongue and licked the drops off the ground.   Brad came back up and longed for a boost of chems, his body longing for a daze. Make your master hard said Jack and if you do your best you can get a reward.   Brad opened his mouth and wanted to place  his hands on Jack's body to find some support but he got a chat to his head. Without using your hands slut said Jack. Brad opened  his mouth again and took his master's half hard pole into his mouth and started sucking hard.   Jack shook his head and pulled brad's hair and pulled his pole back. Did I tell you I want it hard. You may learn how to spoil a man's cock. A real whore starts quietly and spoils a cock because he likes to do it, you act like you want to get rid of it quickly.   Start over.

    Brad nodded and said sorry master. You shouldn't say sorry slut you have to do it right. What else should I do with you if you can't even suck a dick properly.  He opened his mouth and with his tongue he licked around his master's glans. He had to do well because his master's flaccid dick moved up and down through his lick and began to swell. He kissed and licked Jack's big thick mushroom and gently sucked it in.   Good slut that's already much better said Jack. Brad quietly sucked at the top of his master's pole and worked it in little by little more until he was all the way in his's mouth. He felt  Jack's dick getting harder and harder and filling his mouth more.  The feeling of having a piss-smelling cock in his mouth made Brad horny and he felt that his cock wanted to get hard but that it didn't work out. He still hadn't seen what his master had done when he was blindfolded. He sucked and licked Jack's thick hard cock more and more intensely.   Jack pulled his slut's hair and told him to learn to watch the man he sucked on his cock. Brad sucked on and now looked at his master. Jack shook his head and said slut you have 1 more chance or you'll get another lesson from me. You have to look like a slut enjoying himself, you have to look like a hungry whore who wants to suck the seed out of that cock and not like a scared or disinterested dick.   Brad understood what his master was telling him to do and looked at his master as if he was  licking a lollipop and enjoying the taste the lollipop gave him. That's already better, but you still have a lot to learn.

    Brad tasted his master's precum and he went into ecstasy, his eyes became smaller and began to turn slightly and for the first time Jack saw a sober slut look at Brad. Well so slut that is I wanted to see. Enjoy your master's fat pole. Jack grabbed Brad's head and pushed his pole deep into his throat. Brad was already able to suppress his gag reflex well and his throat became more and more accustomed to being fucked deep throat.   Hmm this is the slut take your master's full pole inside.   Jack started thrusting into the mouth of his slut and wanted to discharge his seed but stopped because he didn't think he deserved it yet.

    He withdrew his stiff drool-lined cock from his slut's mouth and went to the table where the chems were. Brad stayed on his knees and looked for the first time at his dick which was now trapped in a steel cage. He wanted to pull it but he knew if he did he would be punished again.

    Jack came back with a small mirror with 2 fat lines on it. Brad looked Jack in his eyes, those 2 lines were new to him, he was already used to smoking Tina or getting horny from a burning sensation in his cunt or getting a squirt.  Here slut, daddy has for you your special vitamin K.   You may soon pinch one nostril and sniff a line with your other slut and then you do the same with your other nostril. Dare to blow it away and you will  pay for it.

    Brad's body calmed down at the thought of getting another shot of chems right away and he couldn't wait to work the line into his nose.  He placed his index finger against his nostriland pushed it shut and like a pro he sniffed the first line inside. I see that you  exactly need a new fix slut, so greedily sniffing that first line.  Brad enjoyed the feeling of calm feeling he got from the line that had just disappeared into his nose. He now pinched his other nose and sniffed the other fat line. He came back to sit up, Jack grinning at the sight of Brad's face.   Oh slut, you're a real drug whore. Clean your nose because it is full of white powder. Brad rubbed his hands over his nose and at that moment hitand into the chems.   He started to float and his body felt like rubber. Jack straightened him up and Brad really struggled to get his body under control. How he had gotten that he could hardly control his own body anymore. Jack put him in the sling and fastened his arms and legs.  He took a chair and the special lube and a jar of grease.

    Brad had trouble moving, he started drooling and his body felt numb. He saw Jack take a seat on the chair and he felt Jack push his fingers into his cunt. He felt the burning sensation rise again and he began to moan. Jack waited a moment and once pulled on Brad's trapped dick and hit his balls a few times. Brad barely reacted and Jack saw that his slut was flying wellw as. Jack grinned, ready for your first steedebutt slut. Brad mumbled something unintelligible, he enjoyed the warm feeling he got and begged his cunt to be filled. The empty feeling in his hole was short-lived as it felt a thick dildo push against his sphincter and slide in. Jack pushed the dildo all the way into Brad's cunt. That goes very smoothly Slut I'm proud of you. He took the thick dildo he had placed on the fucking machine and pushed it against Brad's sphincter. The sphincter was already fairly open and with a little effort the dildo slid in nicely. Brad who was still drooling was droolingviolently, the greasy dildo stretched his hole all the way open.   Jack started fucking his slut with the dildo and pushed him deeper and deeper until he was on the two rings and couldn't go any further. I will open that second ring with my fist slut don't worry said Jack and Brad who was completely in trance.   After Jack had fucked Brad's cunt with the dildo  for a moment he took him out of the meanwhile gaping hole. He took the jar of fat and took a quantityof egg in his hands, he smeared it over and into the hole and worked 4 fingers inside and made twisting movements with his hands.

    Brad was still flying heavily but the heaviest effect of the chems was diminishing. He still had no control over his body but could already think a little more clearly and had stopped drooling. He groaned at the feel of the four fingers stretching open his hole. Jack now took turns pushing his hand inside the gaping hole, only pushing his thumb in with him was not yet possible.   He took some more fat and pushed his hand in again and turned around in Brad's cunt and placed his other hand and pushed it in as well. Brad felt that his cunt was full and his sphincter at his maximum and started moaning. We're not going to stop slut yet, you're almost there. He took a bottle of poppers, poured some on a cloth, put it in a gas mask and placed the mask on Brad's head. Brad couldn't help but sniff the aroma, Brad started flying and moaning more violently again.  Jack felt that his closingmuscle was relaxing again and took some more fat and pushed his hand inside. He felt he was almost there and with his other hand he pulled on the sphincter to make some more room and then it happened. The pinch of the thumb was over the sphincter,  disappeared into Brad's lair and sothe rest of the hand went in. Jack was now up to his wrist in Brad's cunt, Brad moaned heavily because with each breath he sniffed a new load of poppers and was completely tripping.

    Jack made a fist in Brad's cunt and spun around in it. He withdrew his hand a bit and felt that he was back on the sphincter.   He pulled and pushed every time until he was back at that point. Brad didn't know what he was feeling, in his mind his cunt was central and it had to be filled.   But his cunt was already filled but he wanted more, he wanted deeper, he wanted it harder. He felt perfect with his master's fist in his cunt but it wasn't enough.   Jack withdrew his hand from Brad's cunt and took off the mask. The chems were almost finished and Brad needed another trip. He took the pipe filled it with crystals and took a lighter. He loosened Brad's arms and gave him the pipe and lighter. I want you to blow clouds slut. Brad nodded and melted the crystals in the pipe and inhaled the white smoke. He held it in as long as he could and the moment he blew out Jack pushed his fist back inside Brad.  Brad called out loudly fill me master, fill my hole with everything you have. The fist went in much smoother  and Jack wanted to get through the two rings. He pushed on until he reached the second ring and stroked it with his fingers. Meanwhile, Brad continued to blow big white clouds. Jack felt his slut's hole getting hot again and felt the tension on the two muscles slacken. Jack gently pushed his fingers through the opening and Brad began to moan more violently again and called for more. Jack withdrew his fist and now also loosened Brad's legs and helped him out of the sling and threw him on the bed. Sit on all four slut Brad who was flying back did what was asked of him. Brad stepped back to the table of the chems and took a bottle and threw it on the bed. Drinking slut it will do you good. The bottle was provided with a good dose of G and Brad drank it eagerly. Jack came back behind Brad and he smeared his fist and his arm up to his elbow with grease. He gave another bottle of poppers to Brad and told him to sniff like he had just sniffed that line and Brad did what was asked of him. The G started to work and perfectly complemented the Tina which was already flying around in system. He sniffed the poppers and he felt Jack push his fist inside. The moment the fist was sucked in was the supreme moment of pleasure for Brad and he showed his master that he enjoyed this by pushing his ass back and ramming the fist deeper into his cunt. Well so slut, fuck yourself on your master's fist. Although this was only the first time  Brad had been fisted, he was a natural talent. Jack released his fist into Brad's hole and stretched his fingers. Brad was still riding his master's fist and enjoying every moment. Jack felt the second ring again and pushed the second ring open with the help of Brad who was riding harder and harder on his master fist. Brad moaned loudly and fell down on the bed.

    Because of his and riding harder and harder on his master fist, he had without realizing it himself ensured that Jack had been hit by the second muscle and was now completely in his intestines.

    Look at you what a dirty, horny whore you are. So hard riding on your master's fist. Look what kind of slut you've become. You make your daddy proud son.  Brad groaned at hearing what his master said about him. He wanted to get the arm even deeper but he was exhausted. Jack saw this and thought it was enough. He withdrew his arm from Brad's gaping hole and turned it on his back.

    Brad's eyes turned in his eye sockets, he was sweating profusely and his mouth fell open and he was gaping for breath. I'm proud of you today slut. You have shown that you have embraced your true self.   Tomorrow we can see if you get through your first test. Jack wanted to rest him but Brad didn't have enough and wanted seed. Give me your seed master squirt my hole full of your seed. Jack looked at the squirming Brad on the bed begging for his seed and grinned loudly. You want my seed slut. You don't have enough yet. Well I hope you can handle it because you will get my seed. He pulled Brad to the edge of the bed and pulled his legs down to his neck. His stiff pole sat effortlessly into Brad's gaping hole and he went straight to his balls in Brad's cunt. Brad groaned with pleasure. Oh slut your tight pussy is gone, from now on I can pound you as hard in your cunt as I want. He took another narrow dildo and stuck it by his cock into the gaping hole. Oh yes master, Brad groaned. Fuck my hole, it's completely yours.

    You didn't have to tell Jack that twice and he started pounding Brad hard and pushed the dildo inside each time. Every time Jack's hard dick came in, precum came out of Brad's flaccid caged dick. Jack reached his high point and moaned loudly. Here comes the slut. Here comes your reward. Brad felt his hole fill with his master's seed. Jack withdrew his limp pole and he saw his seed running out of Brad's gaping cunt. He licked up his own seed and kissed Brad and let the seed run into his mouth. Brad tasted his master's seed and swallowed it eagerly.

    Rest from my son, and make sure you are ready for your test tomorrow.

    Brad could barely say yes sir and fell asleep.

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  13. 9 Punishment and reward 


    Brad, who had fallen asleep after playing with his ass because his master hadn't come anymore, woke up. He had woken up sober and for the first time since he was in the room, he wasn't upset with his thoughts.   Because of the rest he had received yesterday, a kind of acceptance had come over him and a need for it. Acceptance of his situation that he could not change it anyway, he began  to feel affection for his master, in need of chems because he had already become addicted to the intoxication and its exciting effect.  The thoughts of  His body had become accustomed to the use and began to long for it. His thoughts were no longer the things of his past life but they consisted of almost complete sex and especially extreme sex with men.   He was still enjoying himself in his bed and was pulling on his stiff morning erection.  His other hand went to his cunt and he no longer felt a tense sphincter but a slightly gaping hole. His finger slid in on its own and he started fingering himself while playing with his cock.   He withdrew his hand and thought that he had to get ready for should the master come along. He got up and stepped to the place where he had to rinse himself, he also refreshed himself for a moment and when he was done he went back to the bed. Just as he took a seat on the bed, Jack came in.

    Brad got a warm feeling about himself at the sight of Jack. Get on your knees  and put your head down and don't look at me slut jack said in a commanding tone, from now  on when I get into the room I want you to greet me like that. Brad was shocked by Jack's hard way of talking and did what was asked of him without hesitation. Jack took some wristbands, ankle straps and a blindfold. He put the wrist and ankle straps on his slut and put the blindfold on him.

    Brad had to stand up again and Jack saw that this had to excite Brad because he saw that he had a stiff pole.   What do we have here slut, are you excited ? Inside Jack was happy with what he saw, it meant that Brad had changed and that his work had paid off but he couldn't let Brad know. This can't be slut, you're not here for your own pleasure, you're here just for my pleasure, Brad had to know his place and that place was not at the top of the chain but at the bottom. He pulled Brad's hair and asked him if he had in the time he had been everything. Brad who was shocked by what happened and by the harshness with which he was treated again lied and said no master I have not sprayed any seed yet. You're lying slut said Jack, I know you've been jerking that you've cum and you've been licking your own seed.   Brad tried again to say he hadn't done it and Jack patted him on the back of his head. Do you think I'm retarded or something. He took some chains and attached the wristbands to them.   The feeling of fear and fright took over to Brad and he hoped that he was just fastened to scare. For a moment it was quiet in the room, Jack looked with a smile on his face at the terrified Brad who did not know what was going to happen.

    Brad heard footsteps it was Jack who walked up to the wall to take some attributes again. He came back to Brad and without saying anything he placed some squeezers on Brad's tiles, he was startled and curled his toes from the pain.   Then Jack took only squeezers and placed them all over Brad's body. The last 3 he placed on the back limp dick and sack of his slut who couldn't hold it anymore and started moaning from the pain signals his body was giving him. Silence said Jack, this is the punishment you get for lying and for playing with your pole without permission.   Jack took a seat behind Brad and started hitting his slut's body with his whip. With each stroke Brad gave moaning sounds coming from the mouth of Brad's toes curled he curled in pain and he tried to bite the pain but the pain signals came from all sides of his body. Jack enjoyed this and went one step further. He stopped flogging for a moment and took the chains and hoisted them a little higher so that Brad could only stand on his toes and had trouble standing in one place. Jack took the whip back and now came to stand in front of Brad. He tapped quietly against one of the squeezers and Brad felt the squeezer start to slide over his skin and come loose. Unloading the squeezer was not a nice feeling, it was a painfully acute feeling that Brad got and he danced on his toes from the pain and wept loudly. Silence slut accepts your punishment. Brad tried to say sorry but there went the next squeezer and again he got a shot of pain. Jack took a step back.   Do you know why you are being punished, he asked Brad. Brad was still bewildering the pain said as soon as he could yes, yes. Jack shook his head and now hit one of the squeezers with the whip so that it also came loose.   This hurt even more and Brad let out a loud scream. Even though his mind was busy processing the pain shoots, he knew that he had answered wrongly. His thinking pattern had already changed and he said again as soon as he could yes master, I know why. The next battle followed and this time some pinchers fell off. Well so slut, you start to learn to always speak with two words to your master and creator. Sorry master, I won't do it again Brad exclaimed and in the meantime a few more blows followed. With each stroke, Brad howled and struggled to stay on his toes. Now only the squeezers remained on his nipples, she flaccid dick and sack.   I hope you learned your lesson he said to Brad and hit the 3 squeezers of his dick and sack in 1 time. Brad screamed in pain. Jack put the whip away and stood next to Brad and whispered in his ear.  What you have undergone now is nothing compared to what I can do to you. But I'vealready had to help you so that you can't play this with yourselfanymore because you can't control yourself.   He went back to the wall and took a cock cage. Brad felt Jack touch his flaccid dick and felt something cold being put around it he heard a click of a lock. Jack took off Brad's blindfold, he squeezed his eyes in front of the bright light and he wanted to look down but that didn't work because Jack was holding his head. From now on I decide when to play with your dick, understood. Brad nodded and shei Yes sir. Jack pulled the squeezers on Brad's nipples and said I hope so, at that moment the squeezers unloaded and Brad moaned loudly. He pushed his thumbs on the nipples and the pain Brad was experiencing quickly ebbed away. Jack took hold of Brad's head and stuck his tongue in Brad's mouth who answered the kiss with his tongue. For a moment Jack kissed Brad and when he interrupted the kiss he spat in the face of his slut. He unloaded the chains Brad was able to stand on his feet again but he was equally exhausted by the blows he had received and sank through his legs and fell to his knees.

    Well so slut he said to Brad, get right on your knees without asking. Jack came to stand in front of Brad who was still catching his breath, drinking slut. Brad opened his mouth and Jack stuck his flaccid dick in the mouth of his slut and started emptying his bladder. Brad who was still sober let it all happen because he was still exhausted from the blows he was getting and tried to swallow everything. The piss filled his entire mouth and a few drops fell to the ground. When Jack finished and pulled his pole out of Brad's mouth he saw that there were a few drops on the ground he pushed Brad's face into it. You know you can't let anything go to waste from me and Brad stuck out his tongue and licked the drops off the ground.   Brad came back up and longed for a boost of chems, his body longing for a daze. Make your master hard said Jack and if you do your best you can get a reward.   Brad opened his mouth and wanted to place  his hands on Jack's body to find some support but he got a chat to his head. Without using your hands slut said Jack. Brad opened  his mouth again and took his master's half hard pole into his mouth and started sucking hard.   Jack shook his head and pulled brad's hair and pulled his pole back. Did I tell you I want it hard. You may learn how to spoil a man's cock. A real whore starts quietly and spoils a cock because he likes to do it, you act like you want to get rid of it quickly.   Start over.

    Brad nodded and said sorry master. You shouldn't say sorry slut you have to do it right. What else should I do with you if you can't even suck a dick properly.  He opened his mouth and with his tongue he licked around his master's glans. He had to do well because his master's flaccid dick moved up and down through his lick and began to swell. He kissed and licked Jack's big thick mushroom and gently sucked it in.   Good slut that's already much better said Jack. Brad quietly sucked at the top of his master's pole and worked it in little by little more until he was all the way in his's mouth. He felt  Jack's dick getting harder and harder and filling his mouth more.  The feeling of having a piss-smelling cock in his mouth made Brad horny and he felt that his cock wanted to get hard but that it didn't work out. He still hadn't seen what his master had done when he was blindfolded. He sucked and licked Jack's thick hard cock more and more intensely.   Jack pulled his slut's hair and told him to learn to watch the man he sucked on his cock. Brad sucked on and now looked at his master. Jack shook his head and said slut you have 1 more chance or you'll get another lesson from me. You have to look like a slut enjoying himself, you have to look like a hungry whore who wants to suck the seed out of that cock and not like a scared or disinterested dick.   Brad understood what his master was telling him to do and looked at his master as if he was  licking a lollipop and enjoying the taste the lollipop gave him. That's already better, but you still have a lot to learn.

    Brad tasted his master's precum and he went into ecstasy, his eyes became smaller and began to turn slightly and for the first time Jack saw a sober slut look at Brad. Well so slut that is I wanted to see. Enjoy your master's fat pole. Jack grabbed Brad's head and pushed his pole deep into his throat. Brad was already able to suppress his gag reflex well and his throat became more and more accustomed to being fucked deep throat.   Hmm this is the slut take your master's full pole inside.   Jack started thrusting into the mouth of his slut and wanted to discharge his seed but stopped because he didn't think he deserved it yet.

    He withdrew his stiff drool-lined cock from his slut's mouth and went to the table where the chems were. Brad stayed on his knees and looked for the first time at his dick which was now trapped in a steel cage. He wanted to pull it but he knew if he did he would be punished again.

    Jack came back with a small mirror with 2 fat lines on it. Brad looked Jack in his eyes, those 2 lines were new to him, he was already used to smoking Tina or getting horny from a burning sensation in his cunt or getting a squirt.  Here slut, daddy has for you your special vitamin K.   You may soon pinch one nostril and sniff a line with your other slut and then you do the same with your other nostril. Dare to blow it away and you will  pay for it.

    Brad's body calmed down at the thought of getting another shot of chems right away and he couldn't wait to work the line into his nose.  He placed his index finger against his nostriland pushed it shut and like a pro he sniffed the first line inside. I see that you  exactly need a new fix slut, so greedily sniffing that first line.  Brad enjoyed the feeling of calm feeling he got from the line that had just disappeared into his nose. He now pinched his other nose and sniffed the other fat line. He came back to sit up, Jack grinning at the sight of Brad's face.   Oh slut, you're a real drug whore. Clean your nose because it is full of white powder. Brad rubbed his hands over his nose and at that moment hitand into the chems.   He started to float and his body felt like rubber. Jack straightened him up and Brad really struggled to get his body under control. How he had gotten that he could hardly control his own body anymore. Jack put him in the sling and fastened his arms and legs.  He took a chair and the special lube and a jar of grease.

    Brad had trouble moving, he started drooling and his body felt numb. He saw Jack take a seat on the chair and he felt Jack push his fingers into his cunt. He felt the burning sensation rise again and he began to moan. Jack waited a moment and once pulled on Brad's trapped dick and hit his balls a few times. Brad barely reacted and Jack saw that his slut was flying wellw as. Jack grinned, ready for your first steedebutt slut. Brad mumbled something unintelligible, he enjoyed the warm feeling he got and begged his cunt to be filled. The empty feeling in his hole was short-lived as it felt a thick dildo push against his sphincter and slide in. Jack pushed the dildo all the way into Brad's cunt. That goes very smoothly Slut I'm proud of you. He took the thick dildo he had placed on the fucking machine and pushed it against Brad's sphincter. The sphincter was already fairly open and with a little effort the dildo slid in nicely. Brad who was still drooling was droolingviolently, the greasy dildo stretched his hole all the way open.   Jack started fucking his slut with the dildo and pushed him deeper and deeper until he was on the two rings and couldn't go any further. I will open that second ring with my fist slut don't worry said Jack and Brad who was completely in trance.   After Jack had fucked Brad's cunt with the dildo  for a moment he took him out of the meanwhile gaping hole. He took the jar of fat and took a quantityof egg in his hands, he smeared it over and into the hole and worked 4 fingers inside and made twisting movements with his hands.

    Brad was still flying heavily but the heaviest effect of the chems was diminishing. He still had no control over his body but could already think a little more clearly and had stopped drooling. He groaned at the feel of the four fingers stretching open his hole. Jack now took turns pushing his hand inside the gaping hole, only pushing his thumb in with him was not yet possible.   He took some more fat and pushed his hand in again and turned around in Brad's cunt and placed his other hand and pushed it in as well. Brad felt that his cunt was full and his sphincter at his maximum and started moaning. We're not going to stop slut yet, you're almost there. He took a bottle of poppers, poured some on a cloth, put it in a gas mask and placed the mask on Brad's head. Brad couldn't help but sniff the aroma, Brad started flying and moaning more violently again.  Jack felt that his closingmuscle was relaxing again and took some more fat and pushed his hand inside. He felt he was almost there and with his other hand he pulled on the sphincter to make some more room and then it happened. The pinch of the thumb was over the sphincter,  disappeared into Brad's lair and sothe rest of the hand went in. Jack was now up to his wrist in Brad's cunt, Brad moaned heavily because with each breath he sniffed a new load of poppers and was completely tripping.

    Jack made a fist in Brad's cunt and spun around in it. He withdrew his hand a bit and felt that he was back on the sphincter.   He pulled and pushed every time until he was back at that point. Brad didn't know what he was feeling, in his mind his cunt was central and it had to be filled.   But his cunt was already filled but he wanted more, he wanted deeper, he wanted it harder. He felt perfect with his master's fist in his cunt but it wasn't enough.   Jack withdrew his hand from Brad's cunt and took off the mask. The chems were almost finished and Brad needed another trip. He took the pipe filled it with crystals and took a lighter. He loosened Brad's arms and gave him the pipe and lighter. I want you to blow clouds slut. Brad nodded and melted the crystals in the pipe and inhaled the white smoke. He held it in as long as he could and the moment he blew out Jack pushed his fist back inside Brad.  Brad called out loudly fill me master, fill my hole with everything you have. The fist went in much smoother  and Jack wanted to get through the two rings. He pushed on until he reached the second ring and stroked it with his fingers. Meanwhile, Brad continued to blow big white clouds. Jack felt his slut's hole getting hot again and felt the tension on the two muscles slacken. Jack gently pushed his fingers through the opening and Brad began to moan more violently again and called for more. Jack withdrew his fist and now also loosened Brad's legs and helped him out of the sling and threw him on the bed. Sit on all four slut Brad who was flying back did what was asked of him. Brad stepped back to the table of the chems and took a bottle and threw it on the bed. Drinking slut it will do you good. The bottle was provided with a good dose of G and Brad drank it eagerly. Jack came back behind Brad and he smeared his fist and his arm up to his elbow with grease. He gave another bottle of poppers to Brad and told him to sniff like he had just sniffed that line and Brad did what was asked of him. The G started to work and perfectly complemented the Tina which was already flying around in system. He sniffed the poppers and he felt Jack push his fist inside. The moment the fist was sucked in was the supreme moment of pleasure for Brad and he showed his master that he enjoyed this by pushing his ass back and ramming the fist deeper into his cunt. Well so slut, fuck yourself on your master's fist. Although this was only the first time  Brad had been fisted, he was a natural talent. Jack released his fist into Brad's hole and stretched his fingers. Brad was still riding his master's fist and enjoying every moment. Jack felt the second ring again and pushed the second ring open with the help of Brad who was riding harder and harder on his master fist. Brad moaned loudly and fell down on the bed.

    Because of his and riding harder and harder on his master fist, he had without realizing it himself ensured that Jack had been hit by the second muscle and was now completely in his intestines.

    Look at you what a dirty, horny whore you are. So hard riding on your master's fist. Look what kind of slut you've become. You make your daddy proud son.  Brad groaned at hearing what his master said about him. He wanted to get the arm even deeper but he was exhausted. Jack saw this and thought it was enough. He withdrew his arm from Brad's gaping hole and turned it on his back.

    Brad's eyes turned in his eye sockets, he was sweating profusely and his mouth fell open and he was gaping for breath. I'm proud of you today slut. You have shown that you have embraced your true self.   Tomorrow we can see if you get through your first test. Jack wanted to rest him but Brad didn't have enough and wanted seed. Give me your seed master squirt my hole full of your seed. Jack looked at the squirming Brad on the bed begging for his seed and grinned loudly. You want my seed slut. You don't have enough yet. Well I hope you can handle it because you will get my seed. He pulled Brad to the edge of the bed and pulled his legs down to his neck. His stiff pole sat effortlessly into Brad's gaping hole and he went straight to his balls in Brad's cunt. Brad groaned with pleasure. Oh slut your tight pussy is gone, from now on I can pound you as hard in your cunt as I want. He took another narrow dildo and stuck it by his cock into the gaping hole. Oh yes master, Brad groaned. Fuck my hole, it's completely yours.

    You didn't have to tell Jack that twice and he started pounding Brad hard and pushed the dildo inside each time. Every time Jack's hard dick came in, precum came out of Brad's flaccid caged dick. Jack reached his high point and moaned loudly. Here comes the slut. Here comes your reward. Brad felt his hole fill with his master's seed. Jack withdrew his limp pole and he saw his seed running out of Brad's gaping cunt. He licked up his own seed and kissed Brad and let the seed run into his mouth. Brad tasted his master's seed and swallowed it eagerly.

    Rest from my son, and make sure you are ready for your test tomorrow.

    Brad could barely say yes sir and fell asleep.

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  14. 8 The morning afther

    Brad had fallen asleep deeply he was dreaming, in his dream he was a spectator and watching what was happening. He saw himself lying on a bed and there were 5 men busy with him.  The firmest of the gang was fucking him there was one who was sucking him, he was jerking one there was cock in his mouth and the last one was playing with his nipples. It wound Brad up enormously, he was moaning and squirming on his bed in his sleep. His pole was stiff and precum came out of his sluts dick. Brad woke up and he felt his belly was wet, it was wet from all the precum from his dream.

    For the first time in a long time he was sober, he could think clearly and began to realize what had happened .  He got up and walked to the mirror and looked at himself. What he saw was a pale shaved full-squirreled man standing, he knew it was him standing  there but he did not recognize himself . Tears came to his eyes. What had happened to him, how could it have come to this. How could it be that he just dreamed about men having sex with him and that he was injured.  He moved his hand to his ass and felt his sphincter. It was raw and swollen  and hurt. He looked at his hand and saw that there was blood on it. He sat back on the bed and then he realized that in the previous session he himself had emptied the syringe that he had made a promise and that he  had infected himself  with AIDS. The ground sank beneath his feet. AIDS he had  infected himself  and no one had forced him to do so. Why had he done that, and now    he couldn't undo it. He had changed forever and he wondered what would happen to him.  What would his parents say about this, would they ever want to see him again. Would he ever dare to face them again?   He was angry with himself at his situation and at everyone who had done this to him.   Despite being angry and sad, the thought of  being infected   and knowing that he had made a promise felt like liberation deep down.   Liberated because he should never again be afraid to walk on something because he already had it, and liberated because he was promised that he would be taken care of. His master had promised him.   In his slack pole came back to life and began to swell slightly.  His mind tried  to fight it and lie to himself that he didn't want this anymore but his body said something else. His body longed to be touched, tormented, used  and sedated with Tina.  He tried to think of all the women he had ever but his half stiff pole went limp again at those thoughts.  He looked at his flaccid pole and  recalled horny thoughts from before when he was still fucking women  and started  pulling on his flaccid pole in the hope that he would stiffen again. But that didn't help. The TV jumped on and images came back on the screen of young guys being by potty men with big fat dicks.  He tried not to look but he couldn't resist and looked anyway and in no time his pole was hard and straight.   Despite the fact that his mind did not want to, he became very excited and  hishands went over his body and he started   stroking himself. One day Jack came on screen and joined the other men who were working in the film. Upon seeing Jack, Brad's heart started beating faster he got hot and he started pulling on his pole. He moaned because he had become very and he hadn't sprayed for days his balls even hurt. He had to spray. The images changed back to images from the night before. He saw himself sitting with the syringe in his hand and Jack whispering in his ears. He knew what he was seeing and he  still felt a slight anger but he  was too and too far in his transformation to    fight it and  had resigned himself to it. His mind had accepted that he was no longer a pussy fucker but a slut, a slut who needed to be fucked. He saw himself pushing the syringe, coughing and begginghis master to fuck him.   At the sight of the rush of the tina , his body longed for a new dose.   He saw that Jack turned him around and started fucking him hard and he couldn't hold back anymore his mouth fell open, moaned loudly and squirted his first load of seed in days. He squirted all over his body and a single drop disappeared into his mouth and landed on his tongue.    The ebbed away and caught her breath.  The thoughts came  back and back that he didn't want this  anymore , but in his mouth was still the taste of his own seed.  Thetaste was heavenly  s and he wanted more, his mind still wanted to fight butit didn't take long before he took the seed that was on his body with his fingers and put it in his mouth  and licked his fingers clean.  Mmm  delicious he thought to himself, that I have had to miss this all these years.  When he had worked all the seed in his mouth it had become clear to him, he wanted nothing more than   to be able to drink  this blissful nectar every day.   

    Brad got hungry and thirsty and took the food that was on the bed and ate it. He didn't see water anywhere or he had to drink from the toilet. For a moment he toyed with the thought of  doing this but then he saw the snake to  rinse his cunt, unfortunately no water came out of the tap when he turned it open.  Then he saw the jug that master  had prepared for him.  He took the empty jug and put his flaccid dick in it and started pissing.  His piss was dark yellow and smelled huge. The only drink he had received in the last few days was piss and the next thing he could drink was his own piss. He knew he had already been drinking piss but then he was heavily intoxicated. Now he was sober and the smell that met him  was not really appetizing. But because he was so thirsty  , he put the jug against his lips and carefully poured his piss into his mouth. He first had to be disgusted by the taste and some piss ran down his mouth over his body.  After the first gentle sip, he began to get used to the taste and drank more greedily of his own smelly piss.  The piss that had run down his body he smeared with his hand open on his chest, a little of his own stench can not hurt he thought to himself.  After emptying the jug and spreading piss that had run over him, he felt that his role as a real slut was starting to suit him more and more. Which stoere hetero would drink his own piss, only a slut drinks with taste his own piss.  He even got a sense of pride over him.

    Suddenly water came out of the hose and wets the floor. As fast as he could, he went to the crane and turned it off. He looked at the snake and he realized that he still had to clean his cunt.  Now that water is coming out of the hose, I better do it first before the master comes in and I am punished again. He placed the hose against his sphincter and opened the tap. The water squirted into his ass. Because his sphincter was raw from the machine yesterday, it gave him some serious pain shoots. He digested the pain until the water coming out of his cunt was clean and clear.

    Brad went back to the bed and hoped the master would come soon.

    His piss that he had just drunk was  a very concentrated dose  of chem because of the chems he had taken the days before and in no time he started to float back.

    The master did not come, 1 h became 2 h, 2 hours became 5 h. The chems made Brad squirm back on the bed and made him play with his own cunt.  Because he was sedated again, playing with his hole did not hurt but was a satisfaction of his new needs, the need to be filled.  He tried to get as many fingers in it as he could but still he didn't feel satisfied.  He had a whole room full of toys at his disposal and even though he could barely stand on his feet, he still touched the wall where the dildos were. He took 2 medium specimenand eand thicker and 1 which he thought was extremely thick. The extreme specimen was 3.5 inches thick, what he didn't know was the night before an even thicker one had pulled open his cunt.

    He put himself back on the bed and took one of the dildos and placed it against the wall with the suction cup, he put himself in front of the dildo with his pussy and gently pushed it inside. The medium copy had become far too small for our new slut, in one movement and without him really feeling anything of it, it slipped in. He wanted to moan with pleasure but this dildo would no longer be able to bring him pleasure. He took a thicker dildo and tried again. Again the dildo slid in smoothly but this time he felt something of it. This is good foreplay he thought when he looked at what he thought was an extremely thick dildo.  His cunt craved more and thicker.  He took the extremely thick dildo, it didn't have a suction cup and he laid down on his back trying to put his legs in his neck and took the dildo and tried to push it in. Only now did he feel anything. His cunt was working against it because it had not yet fully recovered from the night before.  Despite being heavily under the influence of the chems, he realized that if he worked it inwards, his cunt would be damaged even longer. He put that dildo aside but his cunt begged for more. Without realizing it himself he had the 2 medium dildos in each of his hands and he pushed the first one in and put the other one in smoothly. His cunt was filled and it felt heavenly, with both hands he started fucking each of the dildos his cunt and he moaned with pleasure and out of his pole a second load of precum began to run.

    What Brad still didn't know was that Jack was just sitting in the other room watching what his slut was up to. What he saw pleased him. He saw that Brad was not in sackcloth and ashes now that he was sober and realizedthe choices he had made and that he  would eventually accept his new status  without thinking about it.  Jack was also very happy to see Brad playing with himself, which meant he couldn't live without it anymore and that filling his cunt was now central to his mind. From now on itwon't be difficult to get him to do something.

    Jack would not visit Brad today he gave him some rest because his real training had yet to start. He had only just stripped Brad of his straight side and he didn't want his new acquisition to go under due  to prolonged use. Building up quietly is now the message that he remains hungry  and wants and  can handle more and more and more until he is ready for the big day, the day he asks to widen his balls and become a real utensil.

    Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day we start his training. Angel came into Jack's room to hear how Brad's transformation was going. Jack said he was done with the first phase and that they now had to decide what kind of slut they would make of him.  Angel said she could use someone in any group of slaves.  They can give him hormones so that he would start having breasts and  go through life as  a shemale, they could make him a dog, a pain slut was also an option, an ordinary whore or something else.  Angel would present his picture to the customers and ask whatthey thought of it.

    What do you think, what path should Brad go in.


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  15. 8 The morning afther

    Brad had fallen asleep deeply he was dreaming, in his dream he was a spectator and watching what was happening. He saw himself lying on a bed and there were 5 men busy with him.  The firmest of the gang was fucking him there was one who was sucking him, he was jerking one there was cock in his mouth and the last one was playing with his nipples. It wound Brad up enormously, he was moaning and squirming on his bed in his sleep. His pole was stiff and precum came out of his sluts dick. Brad woke up and he felt his belly was wet, it was wet from all the precum from his dream.

    For the first time in a long time he was sober, he could think clearly and began to realize what had happened .  He got up and walked to the mirror and looked at himself. What he saw was a pale shaved full-squirreled man standing, he knew it was him standing  there but he did not recognize himself . Tears came to his eyes. What had happened to him, how could it have come to this. How could it be that he just dreamed about men having sex with him and that he was injured.  He moved his hand to his ass and felt his sphincter. It was raw and swollen  and hurt. He looked at his hand and saw that there was blood on it. He sat back on the bed and then he realized that in the previous session he himself had emptied the syringe that he had made a promise and that he  had infected himself  with AIDS. The ground sank beneath his feet. AIDS he had  infected himself  and no one had forced him to do so. Why had he done that, and now    he couldn't undo it. He had changed forever and he wondered what would happen to him.  What would his parents say about this, would they ever want to see him again. Would he ever dare to face them again?   He was angry with himself at his situation and at everyone who had done this to him.   Despite being angry and sad, the thought of  being infected   and knowing that he had made a promise felt like liberation deep down.   Liberated because he should never again be afraid to walk on something because he already had it, and liberated because he was promised that he would be taken care of. His master had promised him.   In his slack pole came back to life and began to swell slightly.  His mind tried  to fight it and lie to himself that he didn't want this anymore but his body said something else. His body longed to be touched, tormented, used  and sedated with Tina.  He tried to think of all the women he had ever but his half stiff pole went limp again at those thoughts.  He looked at his flaccid pole and  recalled horny thoughts from before when he was still fucking women  and started  pulling on his flaccid pole in the hope that he would stiffen again. But that didn't help. The TV jumped on and images came back on the screen of young guys being by potty men with big fat dicks.  He tried not to look but he couldn't resist and looked anyway and in no time his pole was hard and straight.   Despite the fact that his mind did not want to, he became very excited and  hishands went over his body and he started   stroking himself. One day Jack came on screen and joined the other men who were working in the film. Upon seeing Jack, Brad's heart started beating faster he got hot and he started pulling on his pole. He moaned because he had become very and he hadn't sprayed for days his balls even hurt. He had to spray. The images changed back to images from the night before. He saw himself sitting with the syringe in his hand and Jack whispering in his ears. He knew what he was seeing and he  still felt a slight anger but he  was too and too far in his transformation to    fight it and  had resigned himself to it. His mind had accepted that he was no longer a pussy fucker but a slut, a slut who needed to be fucked. He saw himself pushing the syringe, coughing and begginghis master to fuck him.   At the sight of the rush of the tina , his body longed for a new dose.   He saw that Jack turned him around and started fucking him hard and he couldn't hold back anymore his mouth fell open, moaned loudly and squirted his first load of seed in days. He squirted all over his body and a single drop disappeared into his mouth and landed on his tongue.    The ebbed away and caught her breath.  The thoughts came  back and back that he didn't want this  anymore , but in his mouth was still the taste of his own seed.  Thetaste was heavenly  s and he wanted more, his mind still wanted to fight butit didn't take long before he took the seed that was on his body with his fingers and put it in his mouth  and licked his fingers clean.  Mmm  delicious he thought to himself, that I have had to miss this all these years.  When he had worked all the seed in his mouth it had become clear to him, he wanted nothing more than   to be able to drink  this blissful nectar every day.   

    Brad got hungry and thirsty and took the food that was on the bed and ate it. He didn't see water anywhere or he had to drink from the toilet. For a moment he toyed with the thought of  doing this but then he saw the snake to  rinse his cunt, unfortunately no water came out of the tap when he turned it open.  Then he saw the jug that master  had prepared for him.  He took the empty jug and put his flaccid dick in it and started pissing.  His piss was dark yellow and smelled huge. The only drink he had received in the last few days was piss and the next thing he could drink was his own piss. He knew he had already been drinking piss but then he was heavily intoxicated. Now he was sober and the smell that met him  was not really appetizing. But because he was so thirsty  , he put the jug against his lips and carefully poured his piss into his mouth. He first had to be disgusted by the taste and some piss ran down his mouth over his body.  After the first gentle sip, he began to get used to the taste and drank more greedily of his own smelly piss.  The piss that had run down his body he smeared with his hand open on his chest, a little of his own stench can not hurt he thought to himself.  After emptying the jug and spreading piss that had run over him, he felt that his role as a real slut was starting to suit him more and more. Which stoere hetero would drink his own piss, only a slut drinks with taste his own piss.  He even got a sense of pride over him.

    Suddenly water came out of the hose and wets the floor. As fast as he could, he went to the crane and turned it off. He looked at the snake and he realized that he still had to clean his cunt.  Now that water is coming out of the hose, I better do it first before the master comes in and I am punished again. He placed the hose against his sphincter and opened the tap. The water squirted into his ass. Because his sphincter was raw from the machine yesterday, it gave him some serious pain shoots. He digested the pain until the water coming out of his cunt was clean and clear.

    Brad went back to the bed and hoped the master would come soon.

    His piss that he had just drunk was  a very concentrated dose  of chem because of the chems he had taken the days before and in no time he started to float back.

    The master did not come, 1 h became 2 h, 2 hours became 5 h. The chems made Brad squirm back on the bed and made him play with his own cunt.  Because he was sedated again, playing with his hole did not hurt but was a satisfaction of his new needs, the need to be filled.  He tried to get as many fingers in it as he could but still he didn't feel satisfied.  He had a whole room full of toys at his disposal and even though he could barely stand on his feet, he still touched the wall where the dildos were. He took 2 medium specimenand eand thicker and 1 which he thought was extremely thick. The extreme specimen was 3.5 inches thick, what he didn't know was the night before an even thicker one had pulled open his cunt.

    He put himself back on the bed and took one of the dildos and placed it against the wall with the suction cup, he put himself in front of the dildo with his pussy and gently pushed it inside. The medium copy had become far too small for our new slut, in one movement and without him really feeling anything of it, it slipped in. He wanted to moan with pleasure but this dildo would no longer be able to bring him pleasure. He took a thicker dildo and tried again. Again the dildo slid in smoothly but this time he felt something of it. This is good foreplay he thought when he looked at what he thought was an extremely thick dildo.  His cunt craved more and thicker.  He took the extremely thick dildo, it didn't have a suction cup and he laid down on his back trying to put his legs in his neck and took the dildo and tried to push it in. Only now did he feel anything. His cunt was working against it because it had not yet fully recovered from the night before.  Despite being heavily under the influence of the chems, he realized that if he worked it inwards, his cunt would be damaged even longer. He put that dildo aside but his cunt begged for more. Without realizing it himself he had the 2 medium dildos in each of his hands and he pushed the first one in and put the other one in smoothly. His cunt was filled and it felt heavenly, with both hands he started fucking each of the dildos his cunt and he moaned with pleasure and out of his pole a second load of precum began to run.

    What Brad still didn't know was that Jack was just sitting in the other room watching what his slut was up to. What he saw pleased him. He saw that Brad was not in sackcloth and ashes now that he was sober and realizedthe choices he had made and that he  would eventually accept his new status  without thinking about it.  Jack was also very happy to see Brad playing with himself, which meant he couldn't live without it anymore and that filling his cunt was now central to his mind. From now on itwon't be difficult to get him to do something.

    Jack would not visit Brad today he gave him some rest because his real training had yet to start. He had only just stripped Brad of his straight side and he didn't want his new acquisition to go under due  to prolonged use. Building up quietly is now the message that he remains hungry  and wants and  can handle more and more and more until he is ready for the big day, the day he asks to widen his balls and become a real utensil.

    Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day we start his training. Angel came into Jack's room to hear how Brad's transformation was going. Jack said he was done with the first phase and that they now had to decide what kind of slut they would make of him.  Angel said she could use someone in any group of slaves.  They can give him hormones so that he would start having breasts and  go through life as  a shemale, they could make him a dog, a pain slut was also an option, an ordinary whore or something else.  Angel would present his picture to the customers and ask whatthey thought of it.

    What do you think, what path should Brad go in.

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  16. 7 he sealed his fate

    He wanted to sleep but he couldn't because his mind was going in all directions, he was horny, he wanted to play with himself, he wanted a new shot of chems, was he sure he really wanted this, what was that about babies and DNA. He didn't know what to do. The Tv flashed on and again he was shown horny images of firm men using a young dude. He couldn't take it anymore he wanted to play with himself but was not allowed by his master or he was going to get punished, but did he want a master. Did he want this life. His hand went down and he wanted to put his hand around his stiff pole to pull it because he really needed to cum. But his subconscious was holding him back. He should not do this he did not want to have to watch again. He wanted and would be a good slave, a slave his master was proud of and a slave worthy of being used. Brad was completely transformed, he was completely stripped of his straight side, all that remained was what his master had imprinted in his mind. That he was a slut, a slave with a mouth to suck dicks and drink piss, a body to torment and a hole to be filled with real men's dicks. 
    The longer the wait for Jack took the harder it got for Brad. But the wait was rewarded after several hours. The Tv went off the dimmed lights in the room became brighter and the door opened. Brad's heart began to beat faster, would his master be happy with his behavior would he be used. Would he also get a fist in his ass today. Jack stood in the doorway and looked at his new creation lying on the bed. He saw Brad looking hungry, hungry for a cock, for a master to serve. 
    Well slut, have you done what your master asked you to do. Have you been a good slut while I was gone. Brad nodded and said yes sir. We will check that then. Get on all fours said Jack and Brad did as asked. The chems were still untouched, and Brad's pole was still hard and there was no trace of seed. Good for you said Jack. Is your pussy ready too said Jack. Brad's head turned red, he knew what his master meant. He had forgotten to rinse his cunt as his master had instructed him to do the first day. Jack saw that Brad was turning red. Jack let out a loud sigh, you are not there yet he slut. How can I use you now he said. You deserve a good spanking, and he went over to the wall where the whips went and took a board and stood behind Brad and hit his ass with it. Brad let out a loud cry with each stroke but Jack didn't hold back and hit harder and harder with each weep. Do you know why I am doing this he ran loudly, Brad who was crying out, yes master I know, I am not a good slut, it will not happen again. Jack slapped a few more times and when he saw that Brad's ass was looking well red he stops.   I'll go make another phone call first and when I come back you can just see that you're ready to go.  Brad nodded, and said sorry master, I will try harder. Jack walked out of the room and grinned because he knew Brad was completely his now. 
    Brad quickly went to the bathroom and he wanted to flush his pussy but he couldn't because his ass still hurt too much from the beatings he had received. Despite the pain he tried to flush himself but every time he got to his ass he started moaning. With tears rolling down his cheeks he managed to clean himself in front of his master. When he was done he stepped over to the wall with clamps and the whips. He took some clamps, the same ones they had used on cunt and a whip. He put them on the mat in front of the bed and sat himself on the mat on all fours. 

    Jack came back in and saw Brad sitting ready and he looked at the clamps and whip in amazement. What is this slut said Jack, speak. 
    This is to punish me still master because I was not flushed, I want to be a good slut for you master and I hope you will forgive me and make me feel I was wrong. 
    Jack's tongue went over his lips and was surprised in a gooey way of what he heard his slave say. I like hearing that he said. You are starting to learn. But I decide how you are punished and he took the clamps and whip and put them back. Brad wanted to say something, but could barely contain himself, he remembered what Tom had told him, that he should not talk out of turn and that he had nothing to want. 
    Jack took a taser and some pegs, came up behind Brad and placed them on Brad's scrotum. The pegs gave Brad a pinching sensation and with each peg placed he thanked Jack. When all the pegs were placed, Jack pulled hard on Brad's cock and administered a surge of electricity to Brad's balls. Brad moaned in pain and Jack whispered in his ear. I hope you learned your lesson slut. I hope when I come in next time that you're ready to go right away. Brad sobbed and nodded affirmatively. 'Do what is required of you and then we will play a lot together. Don't do this and I'll make sure you don't have any more balls and cock, understood. Brad nodded and said sorry again master, it won't happen again. 
    I actually had a surprise for you but you just proved that you are not ready yet and need some training first. 
    Brad looked sad at the thought that he had just missed out on a surprise. But he was determined to do better and show that he was worth the surprise. He nodded to his master and wanted to speak. Jack saw this and said he could speak. 
    I will do better said Brad I will show that I am worthy of that surprise and deserve it master. Do with me what you will, I am ready to serve you and do what is asked of me. Jack grinned, he had Brad just where he wanted him. Can I really do anything with you he said, will you do anything to make me happy, because if you say yes to this again then there is no turning back. Do you want to feel your master's dirty DNA running through your veins? Jack knew he was taking a risk here because if Brad said no now he could start back from square one. Brad looked doubtfully at Jack because he still didn't know what he meant by dirty DNA. Getting no answer and seeing that Brad looked doubtful he said it again, are you sure you want to do anything for your master. Do you want to feel my blood running through your veins and be mine forever. Brad wanted to serve his master and do anything for him and let go of his doubts. Yes master I want your dirty DNA I want to be yours forever and feel your blood running through my veins. I want to serve you and be used by you like a slut should be used. My body is yours and you decide what happens to me from now on. 
    It was done. Jack looked with pride at his new acquisition. He had just created a new slut, a slut who would forever do whatever he asked. 
    Good slut said Jack, then we will make you my property once and for all. He went over to the table where the slam was ready and took a tourniquet and tied his arm off looked for a good vein and stuck the needle from the prepared slam in it. Brad looked at the slam with hungry eyes and had 

    hoped that one was for him. Jack withdrew the plunger and drew blood up into the syringe. The blood mixed with the Tina and the translucent liquid now turned red. He pulled the needle back out of his vein and unloaded the tourniquet. 
    Brad didn't quite understand what was happening. Why did master draw some blood. Jack told Brad to come sit on the bed, Brad obeyed and Jack tied Brad's arm off and looked for a good vein. He stuck the needle in the vein and said to Brad you may prove that you mean business, and yourself inject your master's dirty blood into your vein. If you do that you prove your loyalty to me, and confirm that you are my property forever and that I will decide everything for you from then on, that you will let my HIV DNA flow into your body and want to be a positive slut, and that you accept your new status. 
    Brad got the syringe in his hands and he didn't know what to think about first. Had he heard correctly. HIV, property, HIV. He hesitated.  Jack came up beside him and whispered in his ear. When you push that syringe into your vein you will forever be my son, my slut son, I will always take care of you. When the syringe is empty I will reward your pussy with my pole and you will get a nice portion of seed. I will always keep you on a good high from then on and provide you with all the cocks and seed you have left. 
    Brad looked into Jack's eyes and put his finger on the plunger. His thoughts were going in all directions. He realized that when he pushed the syringe into his vein there was no going back and he would forever be Jack's property and have nothing more to decide or say and he would make himself HIV positive. The days long abuse, little sleep left him unable to think clearly and the desire for his masters pole, the desire for the Tina and his promise to be a good slut took over. Carefully he pushed on the plunger and the Tina mixed with Jack's blood disappeared gently into his vein. A smile appeared on Jack's face and said, good girl squirt your master's tainted blood into your vein. Just a little more and you will be my son. Brad looked at Jack in love and pushed harder on the plunger, he felt the liquid flow into his vein. Jack watched the liquid disappear into Brad's vein and his cock began to spontaneously harden. As the last drop disappeared from the syringe and went into Brad's arm, Brad's fate was sealed. Jack took over and pulled the syringe from the vein and unloaded the tourniquet. Brad coughed heavily, he felt the Tina flow through his body and began to fly briskly. 
    Look son how proud you've made your daddy. My pole is starting to leak from it. He took hold of Brad's head looked deep into his eyes and saw that Brad was looking at him in love but fully flying. Brads mouth fell open and Jack started kissing him. Brad groaned, yes daddy, use me daddy, from now on I am all yours. 
    I will give you what you deserve my slut son. You have made me completely hard with your decision to become my son. He pulled Brad's hair and turned him around. Without hesitation he pushed his pole hard into Brad's still tight pussy and began to fuck him hard. Brad groaned in pleasure, you won't regret this slut, from now on your miserable life will only revolve around serving, serving real men. Your body will be used and abused and you will enjoy it and beg for it.  Jack thrust his pole hard into the pussy of Brad who was in slut heaven. It wasn't long before Jack was squirting his seed into the bowels of his new son. He fell down on Brad's back and took a breath. Brad was still fully flying and didn't realize Jack was out of the room for a moment. When Jack came back in he saw Brad playing with his pussy, watching him take the seed that was running out of it with his fingers and put it in his mouth. I like to see that slut said Jack, never let anything go to waste from what you get from master. He offered him his limp cock which was still on was dripping. Lick your master's pole clean slut. Brad opened his mouth and eagerly licked his daddy poper's pole. When his pole was licked clean he took Brad and placed him on all fours on the fuck bench. He was secured to the bench so he couldn't get out. Brad felt something being placed against his pussy and then Jack came up beside him. 
    It's time for your surprise he said. I will stretch your tight cunt open so I can start your fist training tomorrow. 
    Brad who was still in slut heaven let the drool run out of his mouth and moaned softly. Jack had placed a fucking machine behind Brad. On the machine was a dildo with a narrow tip that was getting thicker and thicker. The machine was programmed so that every 10 min it would push deeper into Brad's pussy, the thickest point of the dildo was 4 inches and when he could get that in he was ready for fist training. 
    Jack some more with Tina laced lube and pushed it into Brad's pussy and started the machine. Brad got even hotter, felt he was sweating profusely and felt his pussy screaming to be fucked. 
    The fucking machine was only in its starting position, stroking his sphincter with each thrust and moving very slowly. Brad hoped the dildo would disappear into his pussy soon and tried to push his ass back but couldn't because he was tied to the fucking bench. Patience son soon your pussy will be pulled open. The first 10 minutes were over and the dildo was now carefully pushing open the sphincter with each thrust. With each thrust Brad moaned softly and asked for deeper, more and harder. Jack couldn't contain his laughter and pulled Brad's hair and told him to be patient. Jack turned the Tv back on and images appeared of a young man being fucked. This time it was footage of Brad himself getting fucked for the first time. It took him a while to realize it himself but when he saw it it turned him on even more. Jack left the room and Brad was now alone with fuck machine slowly but surely stretching his pussy open and the images of himself getting fucked for the first time. 
    After an hour, the dildo was at a point where it was the size of Jack's stiff pole. Brad moaned with each thrust in and because the machine moved very slowly his cunt was getting used to the size of the dildo. His sphincter was completely relaxed and no longer closed completely. Jack came back in, it's time to give you some extra Tina slut. He took the lube and lubed up the top of the dildo and added some extra Tina dust. With the next thrust Brad felt the little shards being pushed into his pussy and he got hotter again. I'll let you enjoy it for a while son then you get some rest because I don't want you to crash. Brad was still in slut heaven and nodded affirmatively. 
    The machine pushed on and when it was 2 positions further Brad began to notice that his sphincter was starting to have trouble. The dildo kept getting thicker and thicker and he noticed that his cunt was being pulled open more and more but that he was at his limit. Every time the machine went one position further he had trouble letting the dildo in. But he had no choice because there was no way he could go and the machine didn't stop pushing until he was deep enough. At the start of the penultimate position, Brad was in pain. His sphincter couldn't take it anymore and he moaned in pain. But after 5 min his cunt which by now had become a hole accepted the new thickness and slid the dildo in smoothly and Brad moaned with pleasure. Just before the last position Jack came back in to see how his slut was doing. 
    The machine began the last position and now pushed the dildo in fully when it reached the thickest point Brad moaned again and cried out that he couldn't take it anymore. 
    Not moan slut, accept your new status and enjoy getting your pussy fucked. Instead of moaning open your mouth and suck on your master's pole. Brad opened his mouth and Jack pushed his pole in. The next thrust of the machine began and again Brad wanted to moan at the thickest point and he opened his mouth even more. Jack took advantage of this and pulled Brad's hair and pushed his cock right down his slut son's throat. Brad could moan no more only gag. Jack groaned with pleasure, the pleasure of his pole being deep in his slut's throat and at the sight of the gaping hole that emerged when the dildo pulled back. Again after a few pushes the sphincter adjusted to the new thickness. Brad moaned no more and began to groan with pleasure again. Jack was so horny at the sight of the gaping hole that he couldn't hold back any longer and began to squirt into his slut's mouth. Brad thought no more of his hole as he tasted his masters seed and eagerly swallowed the gift. Jack's cock went back limp in the mouth of Brad who was still swirling his tongue around the limp cock to lick off the last bit of seed. Good slut, I'll give you another reward for your good work you did and he began to piss down Brad's throat. Brad didn't expect this and choked first. Jack stopped for a moment and pulled his slut's hair and told him to keep it all in. Brad nodded and Jack drained his bladder back further into his slut's mouth. 
    The machine's program was over. Jack untied Brad again and threw his exhausted slut on the bed. He put some food on the bed and placed a pitcher next to the bed. You rest for a while slut. We'll continue tomorrow. If you need to piss later you do it in that jug and drink it again so you stay high in the meantime, understood. Brad nodded and said yes daddy I will. 
    The lights dimmed and Jack stepped out of the room. Brad felt his ass and felt that his tight pussy had now become a gaping hole he could insert 4 fingers into his hole without having to stretch his muscle open. 
    The machine had exhausted him and it wasn't long before he fell asleep. 

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  17. Part 6 the point of no return

    Brad's mind was working at full speed, the chems still coursing through his body. He was immensely horny, yet he was still trying to take control of the situation. He had been kidnapped, drugged, tied up, had sucked a man and swallowed his seed, drank his own piss and his ass, his cunt had been fucked and he had begged for this himself. What happened to him, he found himself dirty from all that he had done but at the same time it wound him up. He was in a knot with himself. Did he still like women or did he from now on fall on men, he did not know anymore. He didn't know what to think or do anymore, he had to get out of here but because of that collar he couldn't get further than the door. The TV was still playing a horny porno movie. Brad couldn't control himself and watched it and he felt his cock fill with blood.  He looked down at his cock and he noticed that he was getting aroused by seeing the men on the TV, the realization came in that he was definitely not straight anymore and he was not comfortable with this. He was a straight quarterback a real man, a guy who fucked pussies and not a fag who lay with his legs open to be fucked and suck dicks. Yet his hand went to his pole and he began to jerk himself off. He played with himself for a while and let go of his thoughts, still he couldn't cum and after more than an hour the chems had worn off. Due to the lack of chems in his body he began to get down and started and was exhausted, his body longed for another hit of chems. But the pipe and crystals were nowhere to be found. The door opened and Jack entered. 
    Straighten up slut you've had enough rest. Brad stood up and went to stand next to the bed. He was still down and was shaking a little and starting to get cold. He knew what was happening to his body. It was already craving chems. He still wanted to fight it but he knew he would lose the battle. His mind was not strong anymore it was clouded by what had happened in the last few days. He was tired and hadn't had a real moment's rest. 
    Jack saw that Brad was shaking and a grin appeared on his face. He knew Brad's body was craving chems and that he would do almost anything for it, this was the moment he had been waiting for. The moment when the straight quarterback would ask to get another shot and sober up on his knees to suck his cock.  These are the moments to cherish he thought, the moment when a muscular dude becomes a real chem whore and you have him completely in your power. 
    Is there something he asked Brad, Brad looked into his eyes and wanted to ask for chems in some form but he fought it. Jack looked at Brad grinning and thought to himself, let him fight it some more he will be craving some Tina soon anyway and then I will have him fully in my power. Bend over slut so I can pull out your plug. Brad bent over and Jack pulled the plug out and set it on the floor in front of Brad. On your knees and lick clean he said. Brad got down on his knees and took hold of the plug and he looked at it but he started to get disgusted at the idea of licking it. The plug was full of slime from his pussy, leftover seed and blood. Did I say you can hold it Jack said and he got a whipping on his back. Brad cried out and dropped the plug. Come on puppy clean lick. Tears sprang to Brad's eyes and he crawled on his hands and knees to the plug and carefully stuck out his tongue. Lick said I, I don't have all day. Brad carefully licked the plug and tasted the Jack's seed again. Faster, and he got another 

    stroke on his back and one against his ass. A red welt became visible on his ass. Take it in your mouth like you would suck my pole slut. You can, you love nothing more than sucking my fat cock, you're a real slut and you shouldn't delude yourself into thinking otherwise. Tears ran down Brad's cheeks and he opened his mouth and took the plug in as far as he could. Jack laughed, you see you can do it, it's not that hard slut. Embrace your new status and everything will be much easier. Brad was shocked that he didn't have to gag at the idea of him swallowing semen. He licked the plug clean and once it was clean Jack stroked his head. Good girl, next time you can do it faster. 

    Again Jack asked Brad if he needed anything and again Brad tried to fight it but he wouldn't last long, his body was craving a new dose of chems. As you wish Jack said. He watched Brad twitch more and saw that he no longer had full control of his muscles. He came to stand in front of Brad with his limp cock. If you want a new high slut you have to ask, we are here to help each other slut. Brad couldn't fight it anymore and embarrassed and defeated came out of his mouth asking for a new dose of chems. What are you saying Jack said, I didn't understand you. Brad spoke a little louder, can I have another dose. That's not how you speak to your master slut, you know that and gave him a whack with the whip. Brad forgave the pain and then spoke loudly may I have another dose sir. That's better slut. You can get a shot if you work for it. You don't get anything for nothing. If you want Tina you will be allowed to pleasure me a little first. You can start by sucking my dick stiff. Brad opened his mouth and carefully took hold of the limp cock without any emotion and put it in his mouth. He needed a new hit Tina his body was begging for it. You can do better slut shouted Jack this way you won't get it stiff. If you, want to feel better you will have to show that you want to indulge my cock that you enjoy sucking my pole. Brad understood what Jack was saying and tried harder. But still he felt no change in his master's limp cock. He stopped for a moment and looked questioningly at Jack, hoping he would tell him what to do. I said that you have to show that you want to indulge my cock and that you love nothing more than to indulge a cock. Again he took the limp cock into his mouth and as he sucked on his master's cock he looked into his eyes. Something was happening to Brad. He saw Jack's approving look and it wound him up and he started sucking with more abandon and his own look changed, he was no longer without emotion but a little slut look came on his face. A look that betrayed that he was enjoying sucking a cock. Jack's pole grew hard. Jack enjoyed the transformation he saw unfolding in front of him for a moment longer and then pulled his stiff pole out of Brad's mouth. Brad wanted more and put his hands on Jack's ass and pulled the stiff pole toward his mouth. Are we getting greedy slut, haven't you had enough of your master's cock yet. Brad began to go into a trance and moaned and wanted that blissful rod in his mouth. He could just barely reach the large glans with his lips and eagerly licked at it with his tongue. He had now completely surrendered to his true self and really enjoyed sucking a cock. You're asking for it slut, I'll shove it down your throat and you won't get Tina until you swallow my seed. At the words seed and swallow, Brad felt a warm feeling rise and he opened his mouth as far as he could. Jack thrust his big black monster as deep as he could. Brad gasped as Jack's cock was completely in his throat. Jack began to thrust into Brad's mouth. From Brad's mouth, drool ran down his throat. Brad groaned and began to jerk his own pole with his hand. Jack was enjoying what he was seeing. The transformation was almost complete. He had transformed a tough straight guy into a cock craving bitch. Good girl, you're doing a good job but don't touch your cock. Keep sucking but good slut suck your master's stick you will get a nice dose of seed and Tina later. At those words Brad jumped 

    up. His body would soon be fed a new load of Tina, he longed to be back in the clouds and flying. Jack pulled his cock back a little and let Brad suck and lick his cock again a little. After a few minutes of firm sucking from Brad, Jack felt he was going to squirt and pulled Brad's hair with both hands and said here it comes slut here you have been waiting for. Just swallow your master's dirty seed. Enjoy my babies let them fill your stomach and transform your mind into a cum craving whore. 
    Brad felt his mouth fill with strands of seed and without thinking about it he eagerly swallowed the strings. He craved more and with each string that came out of his master's head of penis he felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him. The taste of his master's seed was delicious and he licked at the thick glans for as long as he could. Jack moaned heavily and after he finished he took hold of Brad's chin and looked deep into Brad's slut eyes and said he was proud of his slut. Brad's mouth was still open asking for more cock and seed and Jack flummoxed into Brad's mouth, Brad swallowed he eagerly. 
    Do you think you deserve a hit of the pipe now slut. Brad looked at Jack longingly and nodded yes. Jack took his key and opened the cabinet took out the pipe and some crystals. He had put the chems in the cabinet and locked it so Brad would sober up and crave Tina. His plan had worked because Brad ate out of his hand and he did just as planned. 
    He took the pipe and held it out to Brad. Brad who couldn't control himself anymore and had to get a hit Tina and took the pipe in his hand. So rushed, can't do without slut. Brad nodded embarrassed. Jack grinned, I'm glad to see you've become a real Tina whore, slut. We will have a lot of fun with you and you will get a lot of Tina if you do what is asked of you. 
    Jack lit the pipe and the crystals began to melt, the smoke formed and Brad's eyes lit up at the sight of it forming. Once the pipe was filled with smoke he pulled in the smoke and held it for as long as he could. Release said Jack and Brad blew a big white cloud. 
    Brad wanted another hit but Jack now took a firm pull from the pipe and held the smoke in and took hold of Brad and pushed his mouth onto Brad's and blew the smoke into Brad's mouth. Brad felt the warmth come back into his cold body, his spastic features began to lessen, he had more energy and he began to float slightly again. After a few more solid blows, he was ready to be used again. Jack put the pipe away and took out a bottle and told Brad to piss in it. Brad let his bladder run and the bottle filled with dark orange piss. Just show your master what kind of slut you are said Jack when Brad was done pissing. Just show your master how you thank him for the Tina he gave you. He handed the bottle of warm chem nectar to Brad who put it to his lips and in the horny intoxication of the Tina he had just received he poured the bottle down his throat and like an accomplished piss drink he drank the bottle empty. He felt the warm piss running down his throat and into his stomach and he was proud of himself, proud that he could please his master. For a moment, a moment of clarity returned and he wondered if this was the life he wanted but his horniness took over. Well done slut, your belly is now filled with your master's seed and your own chem piss. Soon you will be flying back like never before. Jack stuck his finger in the pouch of crystals and some grit stuck to it. He came up behind Brad and pushed his finger into the open pussy. Brad enjoyed the attention his pussy was getting and moaned in pleasure. He felt the burning sensation coming on and knew that soon he would be very hot get and would float back, that his pussy would scream to be filled and that he would let his true self come back out. Jack took him to the crotch and attached him to it. He took a piece of cloth, stuck it in Brad's mouth and tied him up. Brad was horny, horny because of the Tina that was going crazy in his body, horny because the chem piss was starting to do its job and horny because he was tied to a cross and because he knew he was going to be used, used by his master. The man who had taught him that he was a bottom slut, that he was not a real man but a boy who had a cunt to be filled a mouth to suck on a real man's cock. But Jack went out of the room and Brad stood there alone tied to the crotch. Brad was flying more and more into the clouds and his body and cunt were screaming for attention. 
    The door was open and he heard Jack talking, who was with Jack and would he come and fuck him too. The idea that someone else was coming to use him excited him even more and he was breathing heavier and moaning loudly. Jack came back into the room along with 2 more naked men. Brad who was so high had the drool running out of his mouth and moaned. The first was heavily hairy and heavily built just like Jack and had a shorter but even thicker cock than Jack and had a fat PA ring . The was other was slightly muscular, pale, fully shaved and crawled on all fours and hung on to the chain that connected to his nipple rings via his harness and had a mask over his head. 
    Jump on the bed puppy said the hairy man. Good dog said and he was wiggling his tail. In his ass was a butt plug with tail attached. Jack came and stood by Brad. This is Tom with his dog, and they will show how a real slut should behave. In his previous life Nick was a tough muscular wrestler, but he has discovered his true self and now goes through life as a dog. You have to pay attention slut, you will learn a lot from this.  
    Brad felt the ground sink beneath him. Would he only get to watch another slut get the pleasure of being used. He needed attention himself, his hole needed filling and he wanted to scream for attention but Jack took hold of his nipples and twisted them hard. This time it's not about you slut. You have to know your place. Brad curled his toes in pain. He got another smack against his and was instructed by Jack to pay close attention. 
    Jack stepped up to the dog and rubbed his head. What a good pup you are, he said. Yes said Tom, last week he had the fucking flu and now he has come to terms with his new status. It did take some time to get him clean and behaved, but now he knows his place. So this session is his last before he is castrated. He took hold of the balls and pulled. That's right, bitch, tomorrow your balls will come off and you'll get your slut stamp. From then on, you're just a den to be used and you can go to the kennel with the others to start making money. The dog wagged his tail. For you anything master, I don't need balls to serve you and I look forward to my biohazard tattoo Jack laughed and gave a few pats on the puppy's ass. That's the way we like to hear it puppy, I'm sure you will serve your master well. I'm in anticipation for mine to get his fuck flu, we made a first attempt yesterday but tomorrow he gets a blood slam to seal his fate. You will see there is still work to be done on his behavior and manners, but we have also only started his training. He is starting to break but there is still a long way to go before he can be released. Brad watched as the bitch got the attention and petting from his master. He felt shortchanged and he was shocked at himself for feeling jealousy. He wanted to sit there, he wanted to get petted on his head. 

    The puppy had to get off the bed and was taken to the shower. A drinking bowl was put in front of him and he had to open his mouth. Tom and Jack took hold of their poles and began to piss and the pup had to try to catch everything. Everything he didn't get directly into his mouth dripped off his face into the drinking bowl and he would have to lick it out of the piss bowl afterwards if he wanted to drink. The puppy eagerly swallowed the piss given to him by his masters. When they were done the piss dripped off the puppy's snout and the drinking bowl was half full. You can do better than that said Tom and he kicked the balls of his puppy. The pup whimpered in pain. Enjoy the pain puppy because tomorrow they will come off. The sling was hung up and the dog had to lie in it and his arms and legs were secured. Jack went to the little table and took out a syringe and a bottle of saline. Brad watched what the men were doing and he hoped he would get some attention too if he made some noise. He groaned and wanted to get attention by yelling. Tom stepped up to Brad and pulled hard on his balls. Brad screamed in pain. Your master has a lot of work to do with you, you need to know your place bitch. You need to learn that real men choose who they play with and who has to watch. You don't deserve to play with you your behavior leaves a lot to be desired. This is not about what you want but what we want. Behave or else you will get nothing. Brad who was baring the pain nodded and understood that he had nothing to want here. 
    Tom stepped up to his puppy and took the syringe in his hands. This is the last night you will have your balls, we will take advantage of that. Tom filled the syringe with saline and he inserted the needle into his dog's scrotum and emptied the syringe. The sac filled with saline and Tom repeated this several more times. With each syringe he emptied, the sac began to fill more and more and it began to stretch and come up hard. After the last syringe he was untied and had to go back on all fours. His balls were filled with the saline and hung down heavily. His scrotum colored a dark red because it was straining his skin so much. Tom and Jack looked proudly at the bullocks they had made. Jack took hold of the padded scrotum and pulled lightly on it. The puppy moaned lightly. What are you going to do with it tomorrow Jack asked, are you just going to take out the balls or are you going to remove the sack as well. We haven't decided yet, Tom said, we are asking for both. But I think his sack will be removed as well we have a few left who don't have a scrotum.  One thing is for sure after tonight he won't have a hard-on anymore and his testosterone will be low making him a willing object. Tom laughed loudly and Jack grinned and the puppy sat proudly wagging his tail. Brad who was watching jealously but intently saw that the puppy was doing what was asked of him and that he did not speak without being told to do so. 
    The puppy had to crawl around the room and every time he took a step his stuffed balls hit his legs. The heavy stuffed sack gave him a painful but at the same time blissful feeling. This would be the last time he could proudly have his stuffed sack used before his transformation was complete and he was ready for his new life. He was placed on a table so they could get a good look at him. Jack took a wooden board and slapped the puppy's butt. He growled, Tom took some clamps and placed them on the stuffed bag. Now the puppy whimpered in pain. Stop whining called Tom. The puppy barked for the first time and let its tongue hang out of its mouth. Jack quietly continued to beat the dog's butt until it looked nice and red. Tom took a whip and struck the balls of the puppy who now began to whimper again. One by one he took off the clamps and every time a clamp flew off the pup howled. 
    Brad who was still flying and longing for some attention watched with wide eyes how the pup was used by the two masters. From his flaccid cock dripped his pre-cum. He remained silent and he hoped that his good behavior would make the masters notice and that he would soon get a reward for it. 
    He got a few more punches in his balls and when they had let him suffer enough Tom said to his puppy and the puppy barked loudly a few times. It's time for your slam said Tom and the puppy had to lie back in the sling. The plug was removed from his butt. He has been trained that when the plug is out of his pussy he is not a dog for a while said Tom. Jack looked at him approvingly. You have trained him well. From now on you have to call him cunt said Tom he doesn't respond to anything else, isn't cunt. Yes sir said cunt. 
    Brad watched as cunt would get a slam. He himself was in need of a fresh load of Tina too. He felt the previous load starting to wear off, what he did not regret was that his cock was starting to get stiff. As much as he wanted to be used, it turned him on to see the boy lying there. Now he knew for sure, he had changed. He couldn't go back to his former life, he would forever be a slut. The fact that all he could think about was a cock and be used was proof that his true self had come out and that he had actually always been a cock sucking whore. 
    Jack took hold of a point and a strap he tied off the upper arm and looked for a good vein. After he found it cunt felt a small prick. Ready to fly cunt said Tom. Yes sir I am ready to fly and to give my cunt completely to you. Rape me sir, break my cunt in two. I hope you will be satisfied with my cunt and I will do my best to please you. Good cunt we will see if you have earned our seed later. Jack saw a register and then pushed the plunger of the point which was filled with 0.7. Pussy coughed firmly several times and then he started loudly Yeah fuck fuck fuck rape me wide my ass. Fill me with your DNA give me your virus, I need it so bad. 
    Brad's pole was mega hard, his chems were almost finished and he was jealous of pussy who had just gotten a solid slam and was lying there enjoying it. But what was he crying out from DNA and virus. Even though he was starting to get sober his thoughts were still fairly cloudy. He became jealous as he watched Jack move his cock towards the mouth of pussy and it began to suck him like a man possessed. He saw how Jack was enjoying himself. Jack looked at Brad and saw that he was jealous and couldn't stand to see another slut enjoying his master. Jack enjoyed seeing Brad jealous. Jack called out to Brad, this is how you should suck slut look closely then you can try to do it just as well. Tom came and stood next to Brad and pulled on his stiff cock for a moment. I see you are well horny. Brad enjoyed the moment's attention and gave a loud moan. Soon Jack and I are going to fuck pussy good because he has been such a good dog. You see slut, if you are good and do what you are asked then you will be rewarded. You don't deserve to be pampered with our cocks yet. Brad wanted to speak but because there was a piece of cloth in his mouth he couldn't. He wanted to beg to be used and wanted to ask what he had to do to be a good slut. Tom only heard some mumbling and pulled Brad's hair. You haven't figured it out yet, slut. You can only speak when you are asked to speak. Brad understood and nodded. From now on, he would only speak when he was asked to. He wanted to enjoy himself and not have to watch from a distance how someone else got pleasure. 
    But now he had to watch and that made him very sad and he began to feel ashamed that he had not done his best. He was sure that from now on he would do his utmost best. 

    to please his master, and that he would become proud of him. Brad realized that his last bit of resistance had been broken and there was no going back, he had become a slut and he would do anything to become the best slut for his master. 
    Pussy who was still sucking Jack on his cock was moaning loudly. Tom came up behind him and stuck 4 fingers covered with shards of Tina into his hole.  Cunt felt his hole getting hot and stopped sucking moaned with pleasure and thanked his master and asked to be fisted. Tom nodded in the affirmative but pulled at the saline filled balls of pussy, knowing your place pussy. You know you can only speak when you are asked to. But you will get that fist and Tom pushed his thumb in and formed a fist and in one motion he pushed his fist in.  Brad watched his eyes widen as Tom's arm disappeared into the hole of pussy and he began to fantasize that it was happening to him and he began to rub his ass against the crotch and let out moaning sounds. Jack looked at Tom, your slut thinks it is exactly horny Jack said Tom. Exactly said Jack, I think he will be very willing already tomorrow. Both laughed loudly and Tom proceeded to fist Kut's hole. 
    Tom removed his fist the hole of pussy and saw a nice rosebud come out. Jack looked at it and patted Tom on the back. Tom looked at Jack and nodded at each other, time to fuck him properly. Pussy was untied and had to take a seat on the bed. Jack got on the bed and pussy who was flying high came and sat on Jack's stiff cock and started to ride him. Jack slapped Cunt's ass firmly and she moaned with pleasure.  Brad watched this happen and he felt the tears well up. He felt humiliated, cheated and shortchanged. He had never experienced these feelings for a woman let alone a man.  He began to realize that he had feelings, but this time it was not for a woman but for a man. Brad realized that he would do anything to like being seen by his master and forgave his grief and tried to hold back the tears. Even though it hurt Brad to see his master enjoying himself he still thought, let him enjoy himself my master deserves to enjoy himself and I should be happy when my master is happy. 
    Tom also got on the bed and pushed pussy against Jack's chest, that way hollow came up more and he could push his cock into pussy's hole too. Pussy felt Tom's cock join it and moaned with pleasure. Fuck yeah he exclaimed. Tom pulled at pussy's hair and began to thrust violently. Cunt moaned loudly and after a few minutes both Tom and Jack felt they were going to squirt. Tom pulled his cock out of Kut's hole and pushed it into his mouth as fast as he could. Cunt sucked for a moment more and felt his masters juice flow into his mouth. Jack groaned for a moment and cried out here comes my DNA cunt , from now on my babies are in your blood and with a few last firm thrusts he too squirted his seed. Cunt fell down exhausted on Jack's chest and removed his limp cock from Cunt's gaping hole. Tom took back the plug with the tail and pushed it into the gaping hole. It wasn't far off that the plug fell out. That's how wide the hole of Pussy was made.  Tom took the mask of pussy put it back on and he had to sit back down on the floor on all fours. Tom looked at his dog and said what do you say dog. The dog barked wagging his tail and started licking Jack's feet. Good dog said Tom. Come on let's go, tomorrow is your big day. Tom took the chains back attached to his puppy's nipples and left. 
    Jack came and stood next to Brad and untied him. He had to get down on his knees and lick his master's cock clean. Finally Brad thought, finally I get to suck a cock again. But the pleasure was of short duration. As soon as Brad had licked his master's cock clean he made Brad stop and he had to lie down on the bed. 
    I hope you learned something from this slut. I forbid you to play with yourself and take Tina later. It's ready for tomorrow, but if I see you've been playing with yourself or taking anything at all. Then you won't get off easy. The door closed and the lights dimmed. 
    Brad was alone again, in need of attention. He was horny wanted him to be played with and his thoughts, feelings were completely in knots. The chems had worn off and he was crashing. What was he to do so his master would like him. 

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  18. Part 5 Unknown territory is entered

    Jack took hold of the pipe and stuck some shards of Tina in it. He brought the pipe to Brad's mouth let the shards melt and he told Brad he knew what to do. Brad knew he had no choice. He knew if he resisted or refused he would get knocked around or a power surge and by now he was also beginning to crave another boost of chems, his body was beginning to need the effects it was producing. Seeing that the pipe was filling up nicely with white smoke, he pulled in deeply and held the smoke as long as he could. Nice slut said Jack you are already doing it like a real pro. When he couldn't hold it in any longer he blew out a big fat cloud. He felt himself getting warmer and hornier. Brad blew 2 more clouds before Jack said now it's my turn and he moved in and held the smoke. He took hold of Brad's head and placed his lips on Brad's and blew the smoke into his mouth. Brad's heart began to beat faster with excitement. He held the smoke and in turn blew out big cloud. This was your first shotgun slut, I'm sure many more will follow. Jack repeated this again but this time as he blew out he started sticking his tongue into Brad's mouth with it. Brad who by now was flying back in eagerly tongued along with Jack. Jack broke the horny kiss and put the pipe away and took the bottle of chem piss from Brad. 
    Open your mouth slut he said to Brad, Brad was high and opened his mouth. Jack poured the rest of the bottle into his mouth and Brad who swallowed the piss, this time he drank it without a problem. Jack loosened the chains and he began to play on Brad's nipples with his mouth. Brad came in seventh heaven. Oh yeah oh yeah he was moaning. With his hands Jack pulled the plug out of Brad's already loosening pussy and pushed it back in. Brad squirmed in the bed in pleasure. Jack teased Brad all over his body for a while longer and then he stopped abruptly. He looked at Brad and said. How are you going to thank me now for the pleasure you were allowed to experience. Brad's eyes were full of horniness and he opened his mouth and said I will suck you sir, I will suck you nice. Nice one slut said Jack, that's a nice start but it won't be enough. You may start by sucking my cock stiff, then when it is stiff you may push it as deep as you can into your throat and thus hone your deep troath technique. While you're at it, think about how you can thank me further. Because with just a blow job will not be enough for the pleasure I have given you. 
    Jack once again pulled the plug out of Brad's ass and took a Tina shard from the cabinet and pushed it deep into Brad's pussy. He groaned and once again felt the burning sensation come on. Jack lay down on the bed and Brad positioned himself opposite Jack's limp cock. This time he needed no encouragement and he opened his mouth and he sucked the cock into his mouth. Jack's cock got stiffer in Brad's warm mouth and in no time he was filling the his full mouth. Brad's mouth went up and down the thick shaft. He felt his master's cock get stiff and pushed it deeper into his throat. This time he hit further before he started gagging. The burning sensation in Brad's ass had by now given way to a warm and horny glow over his entire body and his cunt which was opening by itself was crying out to be filled. He began to suck like he had never done anything else. For Jack, this was the moment to stop him for a moment and make him turn so that he was in a 69 position. This way he could prepare Brad's pussy. Have you thought about how you will thank me further said Jack. Brad who could not answer because his mouth was filled with his master's cock moaned. Jack teased Brad's sphincter by circling his fingers and moving his finger a tiny bit pushing in. The Booty bump, the chem piss and the teasing were doing their job because out of nowhere Brad said, fill my ass, fill my ass with your fat cock. My ass needs to get your fat dick sir. Please fill my ass. This is what Jack had hoped for. That the former stud himself would ask to be fucked. Brad was startled by his own words. His body was screaming to be fucked, but his mind wasn't there yet. In his mind, he was still straight. 
    As much as Jack wanted to shove his cock into Brad's virgin pussy without mercy, he knew he couldn't do it without damaging his toy. Jack's cock was twice as thick and long as the biggest plug Brad had already had and if he fucked Brad now he wouldn't be able to work on his transformation for the next few days. My cock in your cunt you will have to earn first he said. He pushed Brad off him and he went to the wall with the dildos. He took one from the wall that was still a bit narrower than his pole and stepped back to the bed and pulled Brad by his hair to the wall. He pushed Brad forward and turned him with his ass to the wall. He placed the dildo with the suction cup on his ass height and lubed it up with lube. Start by getting this one in your pussy he said. Brad who by now had had some more time to think was no longer so sure of what he had just said and blocked. He knew if he went any further with this it would be the end of him as a straight man. Once there would have been a cock in his ass then there was no going back. 
    Jack pulled Brad's hair and said are you going to get into it slut or should I help you. Brad knew if Jack had to help that there would be pain involved and he wanted to avoid that. His cunt was screaming to let the cock pushing against his sphincter in but his mind was still working against it. But against his wits he pushed his ass towards the wall and let the tip of the dildo in. His sphincter was pulled open and felt like it would tear. Ahhhhhh he exclaimed and pulled his ass back. Rome wasn't built in a day Jack said, push your ass back slut and he pushed Brad back towards the wall and the tip pushed open the sphincter again. The dildo shot inside Brad and he moaned in pain. It's way too big he moaned. If you can't handle this yet, how would you like my pole in your pussy slut. Jack held Brad's ass against the wall with his firm hands, allowing the tiny shards of Tina that were on the dildo to melt into Brad's pussy. It's burning inside cried Brad who thought he was tearing open. Jack laughed and said wait a minute, you'll be sliding on this dildo like you've never done anything else. He placed himself in front of Brad's mouth and said instead of moaning about your cunt slut you should spoil your master's cock open your mouth and start sucking. Brad opened his mouth and took the fat black glans into his mouth and then the entire pole. Brad felt that his pussy had gotten used to the dildo and the burning sensation was gone and had given way to horniness and a call for more stimulation. He began to make a small fucking motion with his ass. He opened his mouth and began to breathe deeply. Oh yeah, oh yeah thats it yeah. Brad was in seventh heaven and the last bit of straight left in him was gone for a moment. 
    Jack patted him on the head. Don't think only of your own pleasure slut. You're lucky I'm letting you do this. If you want to ride the dildo you will have to keep sucking my cock or something will follow for you. Brad began to ride harder against the dildo and sucked on his master's cock. The deeper he pushed the dildo the looser his pussy became and the more his prostate was stimulated. The pre-cum was running out of his cock and Jack saw this. To arm your new self he said to Brad, push that dildo as deep as you can into that slut pussy of yours. Accept your new status as a slut and then tomorrow I will make you feel what it is like to be fucked by a real man. 

    Brad who was getting hornier by Jack's words sucked as best he could and he felt Jack's cock fill with seed and flow into his mouth. It was only the second time he had seed in his mouth, but like an accomplished slut he swallowed the seed. Jack jerked after and then pulled his cock back out of Brad's mouth and pulled his ass off the dildo. Enough for today he said and pushed Brad hard onto the bed. This time Jack didn't attach the wristbands to the bed. He gave a pill to Brad and he put it in his mouth and swallowed it eagerly. Go to sleep he said to Brad when I come in tomorrow I want your pussy clean like I showed you this morning. Understood slut. If it's not clean something will follow. Brad replied with yes sir it will be clean. Brad's eyes grew heavier and he began to doze off. He still wondered why he wasn't secured and if he would be able to escape but he fell asleep. His dream was intense, reliving what he had been through so far and he had conflicting feelings. He had horror for his actions and a kind of release for what he was becoming. 
    Brad woke up with his half hard cock in his hand. The last thing he remembered from his dream was the moment Jack would stick his cock in his pussy. He opened his eyes and the dimmed light was back on in the room. His arms were not tied to the bed and if he wanted to he could walk away. But he felt around his neck here. He looked in the mirror and saw that he had a collar on, but this did not look like a normal collar. This one was fastened with a lock and he certainly wouldn't get it off. It was also fairly heavy and Brad immediately realized what was special about this collar. It would give a shock if he did anything that was not allowed. Like for example trying to escape from the room. On the bed he also saw 2 dildos, one was the one he had had in his ass yesterday, the other was thicker and longer. He looked at it and now fully realized what he had done yesterday. His feelings were in knots and he needed Tina, his body was yearning for another trip. He looked at the cabinet where Jack's chems were and he saw the pipe filled with Tina. His heart began to pound and he looked at it and hesitated what to do. Would he give in to his body's call for another trip or would he try to stay sober and find a solution to his situation. His thoughts went back and forth and without realizing it he took the pipe and put it in his mouth and made fire so that the Tina began to melt and the smoke began to form. This is it he thought, he hesitated for a moment but the call of his body was greater than the resistance of his mind and he inhaled the smoke holding it as long as he could and blew out a fat cloud. His body began to grow warmer his heart beat more quietly. But his body asked for more and he did it again. Still his body asked for more and he repeated it 3 more times until his eyes were back spinning in his eye sockets like flying saucers. He had a blissful feeling and he wanted to feel his pussy. As he pressed his finger against his pussy it occurred to him that he needed to rinse first. He got off the bed and went to the toilet and did what his master had shown him the day before. After rinsing a few times he crawled back on the bed and took hold of the pipe again he let the last of the Tina melt and took 1 last hit. He saw the dildo lying there from the day before and took it in his hands and tried to push it into his pussy. To his own surprise, the dildo slid in smoothly. He began to fuck his ass with the dildo and moaned softly. He looked at the other dildo and wondered if he would fit that one in his pussy as well, he removed the first dildo from his pussy which had now become an open hole and took the bottle of lube that was on the cabinet and smeared a layer on the dildo and smeared the rest with his finger in his open gaping pussy. He felt the lube burn in his hole and took hold of the thickest dildo and pushed it against his sphincter. The muscle worked against him and he had to bite his teeth but still he got the tip of the dildo to inside. He pulled and back and took a breath and then pushed it back in. He felt his muscle being pulled open again and his cunt gave way to let the dildo in. His head dropped to the bed and he let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. Shit, yeah that feels so fucking good came out of his mouth. He pushed the dildo even deeper and at that moment Jack came in who had been following everything on the screens in the room next door. Brad's entire room was fitted with cameras and everything was recorded in case it was needed. Look at that, said Jack look what you have become. I'm proud of you slut, I'm really proud. Brad's eyes turned with horniness in his head. You have become a true slut, slut who craves Tina and is ready to be fucked. It's about time you got a real pole in your pussy don't you think. Brad turned his eyes to Jack and let out a clear hell yeah. With a horny slut look he looked at Jack and called out. Fuck me sir, I want to feel your pole in my pussy. You sure will said Jack. He took hold of the dildo and increased the rhythm with which the dildo fucked Brad's pussy. Brad moaned loudly and Jack asked if his pussy was clean. Brad exclaimed YES YES YES. Good girl and he pulled the dildo out of Brad's pussy. Brad's pussy was wide open and opening and closing like it was looking for a cock to suck inside. Jack pushed 4 fingers against Brad's sphincter and pushed his fingers inside and violently fingered his pussy. With his long nails he scraped the inside of Brad's hole and when he took his fingers out of Brad's pussy they were coated in blood. Jack grinned and Brad who was moaning. 
    If you want your master to stick his cock in your pussy you will have to suck it stiff first. Brad was on his knees as fast as he could and opened his mouth to suck his master's cock. Look how eager my slut has become. Jack pulled out his cock and he didn't even get time to offer it to his slut. Brad took hold of his cock and put it in his mouth. He sucked like his life depended on it and Jack had to rein him in a bit. Calm down slut if you keep going like this there won't be anything left to fuck you with. Brad calmed down and sucked at a more leisurely pace and allowed Jack to enjoy himself more. Jack took hold of Brad's head and enjoyed. Oh slut you are already sucking very well, a few more practice and you will be a pro. 
    Jack removed his stiff cock from Brad's mouth. He stepped over to the cabinet and pulled out a point he took a strap and then turned around. Give your arm he said to Brad. Brad gave his arm, he hadn't seen the syringe yet but the strap was already around upper arm and tightened. Jack looked for a vein and with a cloth rubbed the place where he would spray. Then he took the syringe and Brad saw the syringe and knew what would happen he had heard of this. No he said I don't want to become a heroin whore he said, anything but this. Jack laughed a whore you will become a slut whether you want to or not but you will not become a heroin whore you will become a Tina whore. Now lie still he said or this will end badly. Brad wanted to protest but kept his arm still and saw the needle disappear in his arm. He saw some blood get into the syringe and heard Jack say ready for your first real trip slut because here it comes. Brad saw Jack push the plunger in and he saw the contents of the syringe disappear into his arm. Oh shit and now Brad thought. He felt a tingling sensation in his throat a pressure on his chest and he had to cough, he coughed heavily a few times and then a surge of heat and tremendous horniness came over him. His pussy needed to be filled he didn't care with what.
     FUCK, FUCK he exclaimed. Oh my fucking god rape me, fuck me, but do something. He lay writhing on the bed and his hands searched his pussy and he inserted 4 fingers at a time into his gaping hole. Jack enjoyed what he saw and pulled Brad's hands out of his pussy and pushed them to his head. Jack left Brad begging to be fucked for a while longer and then said are you ready slut are you ready to discover your true self, are you ready to be fucked by a real man. He pushed Brad's legs up and put them against his shoulders, took his stiff pole and pushed his glans against Brad's sphincter he looked deep into Brad's eyes and Brad into his. Brad who was flying on the Tina wave screamed to fuck him and Jack said, you're asking for it slut here it comes, once my cock has been inside you you are mine forever. I am yours shouted Brad I am totally yours. I like that Jack said and he pushed his rigid cock in 1 push inside Brad. Brad's cunt opened like a flower and felt his sphincter being stretched even more but because of the slam he felt no pain all he felt was supreme happiness. 
    Oh yes master fuck me, fuck me as hard and deep as you can he cried. Jack sat balls deep and began to thrust quietly into Brad's pussy. Harder Brad cried out and he tried to set the rhythm himself with his ass. Jack stopped him and said he would set the pace. So Jack fucked on for a while and then quickened the pace. He pulled his cock back out of Brad's hole which had now become a gaping hole and pushed it back in hard. Brad moaned in delight, he was in slut heaven. Then Jack told him to sit on all fours. Brad did as asked of him and Jack sat down behind Brad and pushed his pole back in. Jack was fucking heavily and Brad was moaning heavily, this feeling was blissful. This was what he wanted to feel for the rest of his life, from his limp pole his own pre-cum was dripping and Jack wiped it off with his fingers and put his fingers in Brad's mouth. Lick your own cum he said Brad licked the fingers clean and he cried out wanting Jack's seed in his pussy and wanting nothing more than to be fucked by him every day. Jack increased the pace and thrust hard into Brad's pussy. He slapped Brad's ass only times. Brad moaned and could only utter yes yes harder deeper. Brad's words turned Jack on immensely. 
    Jack couldn't hold on any longer he pulled on his slut's hair and Brad's head came back. Jack spurted in Brad's face and yelled here comes my gift for you slut here comes my dirty seed. From now on you are mine forever. He pushed his pole deep into Brad's hole one last time and Brad felt his hole being filled with Jack's seed. Jack let his cock sit for a few more breaths and pulled his limp cock out of Brad's open hole. He saw that his cock was coated in his cum and blood. Jack grinned and knew that very soon Brad would be completely transformed there was no turning back now. But just to be sure he took out a butt plug took one more look at what he had just created and pushed the plug into Brad's gaping hole which until a few days ago was a tight asshole. With his fingers he took the cum running out of Brad's hole and offered his finger to Brad. Here is part of your reward slut. You must not let anything go to waste of what you get from your master. Brad licked the fingers clean and bit his lower lip and let out a that tastes so good understanding. Jack let his limp pole hang in front of Brad's mouth and told him to lick it clean. Brad eagerly opened his mouth and took the cock into his mouth. He tasted his master's delicious cum and also tasted blood. But the chems were still coursing through his body and he was far too horny to pay too much attention to this. 
    As he was licking his master's cock clean he heard. Oh baby, how proud I am of you, you have already become a real slut. I'm so proud of you, I knew it that you would become a natural. Hearing that you want to get a fat cock in your ass every day makes me happy. We will train you even more and then you can indulge in a fat cock every day. That voice clocked him in familiarity. Angel stood next to him and looked at him smiling. Brad looked deep into Angel's eyes and he tried to get a grip on the situation. The woman he had called his girlfriend until a few days ago and whom he himself fucked almost every day. Had stood by watching him enjoy being fucked and how he had begged to have seed in his pussy and how he was now licking a cock clean. He was embarrassed because Angel had seen that he had enjoyed being fucked. Angel rubbed through Brad's hair and gave him a kiss on his cheeks.  
    I came to see how far along your training was and I am amazed at how fast you are going. You are well on your way to becoming our new addition to the club. I think you were always a dirty bottom slut. Brad was embarrassed to death. 
    I have to get back out there Angel said. I'll stop by again soon to check on the progress. Angel left the room and Brad was back to full sobriety. What had just happened, am I gay now? Did I really enjoy this now and did I really beg for seed. All sorts of things were going through him. Until he thought back to Jack's last words before he finished. Dirty seed. What did he mean by this. 
    Brad lay on the bed panting and Jack stood up and walked to the door. Enjoy this for a while he said I will be back later. You're not tied up anymore he said but I guess you realize that the collar around your neck will make sure you can't run away. 
    Brad looked dejectedly at Jack and nodded. The door closed and the light dimmed back. 
    Brad tried to organize his thoughts and get everything in order. 

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  19. Part 4 learning to be a good slut

    Brad started to wake up, he hoped everything was a dream and that he would wake up next to Angel in his bed. But this was no dream this was reality, he felt the wristbands around his wrists and he heard the metal chains as he moved his arms. He carefully opened his eyes, and a subdued light shone into the room. He only now really realized that everything was not a dream and what had happened had actually happened. He did have more room to move his arms, the chains had become longer. So he could reach with one hand to the other and so he could feel and try to loosen his bracelets or the chain. Both were secured with a lock he would never be able to get them off. He pulled away the blanket that was on him and looked at his naked body. He could see some of the stretch marks from the whipping he had received, he felt his back and there he felt the sensitive spots from where he had received the blows. He looked further down and saw that all his hair around his cock was gone. His limp cock and balls were shaved bald. This was not yesterday he thought what did that bastard do while I was asleep. He felt his ass and it too was shaved bald. His hand went further to his sphincter and it felt tight, smooth, supple as if a cream was smeared on it.  
    He was hungry and thirsty, he wanted to call out but then he saw a tray next to the bed with a bowl of yogurt, granola, a piece of fruit and a bottle of opened fruit juice. He took the tray and placed it on his lap. What would he do, would he eat it or not. There were probably chems in the food and drink, he looked at it and hesitated. His stomach growled at the sight of all that food and he took a spoon. He added the granola to the yogurt and began to eat. The yogurt tasted a little sour but he didn't mind. In between he drank from the bottle of fruit juice which also had a somewhat special sour chemical taste but he drank it anyway. The bowl of muesli was also empty in no time and then he took the piece of fruit and ate it. He wanted to go to the toilet because he had to pee, but the chains were definitely not long enough to get to the toilet. He really had to pee urgently and he didn't want to pee in the bed, he would have to lie in his own piss and who knows for how long. He took the empty bottle of fruit juice and turned and stuck his dick in it and started to empty his bladder. It relieved him to be able to empty his bladder. The bottle colored dark orange and was just big enough for his morning piss and he placed it back on the tray and looked around the room.
     He had absolutely no sense of time because the room had no windows, there was no clock hanging and he didn't have a watch on himself either. He also did not know where he was, the room must certainly be soundproof because he heard nothing, no sound of a car or voices or ... . He pulled on the chain a few more times to see if he could get it off and suddenly he felt a strange feeling. He began to feel happy and an uncontrolled smile appeared on his face. He started twirling his tongue in his mouth and bit his lip a little. He wanted to be touched and began to stroke himself. Damn he thought there must have been something in the food but it was too late the chems had started to do their work. In the muesli was a ground tablet of xtc and in the fruit juice was of course a dose of G. His hands went to his nipples and he began to play with them because they were very sensitive. As he played his nipples with one hand his other hand went to his cock which remained limp even though he was horny and pulled on it. His ass started to itch, he closed his eyes and without realizing it he opened his legs and put his ass up to get there with

    his hand to reach it well he circled around his sphincter with his finger and began to moan lightly. He hesitated for a moment whether to stick his finger in his own ass but he liked it too much and stuck a finger in his pussy. Oh yeah that feels so good came out of his mouth and he pushed his finger as deep as he could, inserted another finger and started fingering himself. With his other hand he pulled on his balls and his cock which was still limp. He went on like that for a while until suddenly the door opened and the light got brighter.
    Well well well is our slut playing with herself, has he discovered that he is real bottom bitch. Brad's eyes opened and despite the G and X coursing through his body he was startled by Jack's voice and embarrassed by what he was doing. He pulled his fingers out of his ass, his eyes rotated in his eye sockets and said while moaning through the chems untie me and please let me go I don't want this. I'm not a bottom bitch.  With what I see here I think you can't keep suppressing your true self said Jack. You are playing with yourself hey slut, no one is forcing you into this and you are enjoying it. Brad couldn't contain himself through the chems and was writhing on the bed with horniness. He needed to be touched and his hands were racing down his body. He looked across his chest and saw brown streaks. He couldn't immediately place it from where those brown streaks came but then he looked at his fingers and saw that shit was hanging from them. Now he was even more embarrassed. Jack shot out in laughter. Oh slut you are soiling yourself. It's time I taught you how to keep yourself clean.
    Jack who was remarkably sweet to Brad untied 1 arm and latched it onto Brad's back and did the same with the other hand. Brad who enjoyed every touch let out a moan. He was helped upright by Jack and was now standing next to the bed. He was shaky on his feet and sought support from the firm Jack. He couldn't keep his head steady and twisted with it, his mouth was open and he bit his lower lip. His tongue came out of his mouth slightly and drool began to form and run out.
    Look at you said Jack such a beautiful horny slut. Ready to be used but first we are going to get you ready. He took Brad's head firmly and stuck his tongue in Brad's mouth. Brad who was completely off the hook enjoyed the attention and started kissing Jack and also stuck his tongue in his mouth. There our former straight quarterback was kissing a potty-mouthed man. For the first time you could see some life in Brad's limp cock. Although Brad was not in control of his actions he realized somewhere deep inside that he was kissing a man and stopped kissing when he felt his flaccid cock spring up. This can't be happening he thought, surely I can't be aroused by this. Jack also broke off the kiss and escorted Brad to the bathroom and told him to empty his bowels. Brad who understood what he had to do but he struggled to do so while another man stood there watching.  For a moment dear Jack changed back into the master of the night before and pulled Brad's hair. When I tell you to poop you do so understood. Brad was shocked and said yes sir and started emptying his bowels. Good girl said Jack and stroked back over the head of his toy. Then Brad had to stand up and Jack took hold of a hose and told Brad to flush so his pussy would be ready to be used. Brad who didn't know what flushing was stood looking at the hose and just nodded. This time I will do it for you said Jack next time make sure you are clean when I enter the room. Bend over he said and Brad bent over and Jack let the water flow through the hose and pushed the end of the hose into Brad's ass. Brad didn't know what was happening and tried to stand up and step forward to get the hose out of his ass. But Jack intervened and pushed him backwards and said you have to clean yourself slut. He pulled the hose out of his ass and told Brad

    back had to sit down on the toilet and let it all spill out. Brad was able to sit up just in time and all the water squirted out of his pussy. Brad could have crawled away from embarrassment but Jack said this was normal and helped him up and told him to do it again. Brad bent over again and they repeated this a few more times until the water that was out of Brad's ass was completely clean.
    Jack took a cloth and cleaned Brad up a bit. You are nothing with a dirty slut he said. Brad who was calming down again got a new surge of horniness over him and opened his mouth and sought Jack's mouth. Even though Brad was shocked by what he was doing he still kissed Jack with devotion. Jack answered the kiss and put his tongue back in Brad's mouth and when he broke off the kiss he took hold of Brad's head and said with you I will have a lot of fun. He knew he had loosened something in Brad, he knew something had already changed in the former stud. Jack had experience transforming straight studs and he knew he had to gain Brad's trust but still make him feel who was boss and further demolish Brad's wall.  He pushed Brad to his knees and told him to lick his master's cock. Brad hesitated for a moment but carefully opened his mouth anyway. For Jack it wasn't going fast enough and pulled on his slut's hair and said this could be faster. Brad took Jack's glans in his mouth and began to lick it and now suck slut said Jack. Brad opened his mouth even more and Jack's now half hard cock slid deeper into his mouth. It amazed Brad that he didn't have to gag and have a hard time sucking cock, his entire mouth was filled with his master's stiffening cock. So little by little his thought pattern began to change.
    He was not yet sucking with abandon or because he liked nothing better but he was already sucking by himself and without being forced. Jack watched and was pleased with the progress he had already made.
    Yes slut suck your master's cock nicely. Indulge and worship my monster cock, if you do your best I will spoil your pussy later because you want nothing more slut. Jack took hold of Brad's head again and began to thrust into his slut's mouth, pushing his stiff cock so deep that he began to deepthroat Brad still couldn't handle this and began to gag. We will have to work on your gag reflex he said and he pulled his huge black cock out of Brad's mouth and throat. The drool was already running down the cheeks of Brad who was looking a bit dazed at what Jack was saying.  He was trying to get his thoughts in order because of what he had just done but he didn't get time for this. Jack pulled him up and put him in the middle of the room and unhooked one of his arms and attached it to the chain that was still hanging from the ceiling the night before. He did the same with the other arm.
    Brad stood in the middle of the room and felt he had a better connection with Jack and asked what day they were and what time it was. Time is of no importance to you at this time Jack said. Brad had absolutely no idea of how long this had been going on, Jack had stepped in with them on Wednesday night for a threesome with his girlfriend and 2 days had gone by since then. Of which he had spent the last 24 hours sleeping.
    Jack stepped over to the wall where the chains were hanging and took a piece of rope, he took 1 of Brads legs and pulled his foot up and pulled his foot up to against the back of his buttock and began to use the piece of rope to tie the foot to the leg. Brad stood on 1 leg. The first wave of chems was starting to work out and Jack had stepped across the room and taken some items. He came back with what looked like some kind of taser. Brad got a ball put in his mouth and Jack Fastened the straps to the back of his head.  The chains were tightened a bit so Brad could not stand on the flat of his foot, he was now almost standing on his toes. Brad looked around startled and suddenly saw himself in the mirror. This was the first time he had ever looked at the mirror and the humiliating image he saw of himself caused tears to well up. Now he really couldn't help himself, realizing whatever Jack was planning he would have to endure.
    Jack came and stood in front of him and without saying a word gave the first electric shock to his nipples. Brad squealed out. No no no stop this. Not that Jack could really understand what he was shouting the ball in his mouth made him unintelligible. Brad got another electric shock, he gave another scream and because he was only on one leg he had all the trouble to stay upright. He pulled heavily on the chains and continued to moan. The tears were now streaming down his face. Jack who still hadn't said a word pulled the foreskin away from Brad's flaccid cock and gave it a short burst of electricity. Brad groaned in pain. He felt his energy drain away with each power surge he received.  
    Jack removed the ball and Brad was able to speak freely again and begged for it to stop. Please stop this, I can't take this. Please let me go I will be a good boy and not tell anyone. Jack did not listen and said in a loud voice who are you. I am Brad said Brad. Wrong said Jack and gave back a power slap on his balls. Again Jack asked Who are you? Brad called back without thinking Brad I am Brad. Wrong cried Jack you're not Brad anymore and he gave back a power surge. Brad screamed out. Again who are you. Brad tried to think fast and said after 5 seconds I am. Too late Jack shouted and gave back a power surge. Brad had all the trouble in the world to stay upright, the chains his arms were attached to kept him standing. Faster, who are you? Brad said as fast as he could I am a slut. Almost right Jack said and he gave another surge of electricity to Brad's glans. Last time and then I'll pat you in the stomach. Who are you. I'm your slut shouted Brad as fast as he could. Finally Jack called out. And ? he gave another power surge. I am your slut and I will do anything for you cried Brad but Please stop this I will do anything promised. Jack came back with the steam blast weapon against Brad's body but this time he didn't let off a shock with his other hand he took hold of the jaw and looked deep into Brad's eyes. I hope you understand what you just said, I will hold you to your promise. If you don't do what I say I can do much worse things to you and he moved his had onto Brad's scrotum and squeezed his balls. The pain was almost unbearable . Got it slut? Brad tried to swallow the pain and couldn't speak and nodded his head. Good boy and he kissed Brad full on the mouth and licked away some tears along his cheek. I love to see boy break down and lick up their tears remember this well slut. Tears will never help you with me because I kick at it.
    Jack put the power surge weapon away and untied Brad's foot so he could get back on both feet. He loosened the chains until Brad could bring his arms back next to his body and stepped back to the wall with the butt plugs. He also took the lube from the cabinet, Brads filled bottle of piss and a pill from the drawer. Mouth open slut Brad who was still scared opened his mouth immediately and Jack put the pill in his mouth and then pushed the bottle of piss into Brad's mouth. Drink slut he said and dare you to vomit. Jack poured a big gush of chem piss into Brad's mouth and he had all the trouble he needed to swallow the pill with the piss. He had it in but his stomach protested and he had to fight a gag reflex 3 more times to keep it all in. Jack ordered him to bend over and Brad did as he was told because he had no strength left to counter. Jack lubricated the plug with Tina lube and in 1 go pushed the plug into Brad's pussy. He moaned in pain. Then he untied Brad's arms and put them back on his back and Brad had to lie back on the bed. Brad again felt the burning sensation in ass and knew what was about to happen. Again he was secured to the bed with the chains. The Tv was set up and the sound turned up loud. The screen again showed a boy similar to Brad being fucked in a group session. The room filled with the sound of moans. Next to the bed was a speaker from which that soft voice from yesterday was speaking back to him that he was a slut, that he was addicted to sucking a cock and that he liked nothing better than to have a cock in his pussy.  
    Jack told Brad to calm down for a moment and turned off the light and left the room.
    The burning sensation was gone and he was getting hot, this time not just from the booty bump he had gotten but from his own Chem piss he had drunk. His cunt was sucking the plug back in and his prostate was being massaged again. His thoughts started to run wild again and he could barely think straight. He looked at the boy on the screen and the blissful feeling he had made his hands go towards his own cock to play with himself. To his own surprise, his cock had not shriveled as it had been all along but stood proudly straight here. His mind began to work. Would he still be aroused by this, why was he getting an erection, there was no woman around just the images of men fucking a boy. His ass demanded attention and his one hand pulled on his cock and his other hand played with the plug. He began to moan from the pleasure the plug in his pussy was giving him. He wanted more he wanted his ass played with that it was filled. It didn't matter with what. Through the moans, the images on the screen and the soft voice in the background he began to fantasize, to fantasize about men fucking his ass, about penises he sucked . He began to moan and pull more firmly on his cock, he pulled the plug out of his ass and rammed it back in, the slight pain he got from pushing the plug back in gave him a lucid moment. Was this really happening. Was he really fantasizing about men fucking his ass. Surely this couldn't be happening. But the lucid moment was short lived and the chems took over again. What Brad didn't know was that the pill he had been given was a tablet of viagra and his pole would never have gotten stiff otherwise. The voice in the background caused his subconscious to be constantly triggered, the movie caused him to be forced to think about men, and the chems caused him to become a willing victim and easily accept anything that was presented to him.
    Although he pulled firmly on his stiff cock yet he could not cum and then after at least an hour Jack came back in.  Jack came to stand next to Brad who was playing with himself and telling his fantasies out loud. The chems made sure he didn't realize he was telling everything out loud.  I like hearing that Jack said , Brad who only now realized that Jack was standing next to him was startled and the realization came that Jack had heard what was happening to his head. Is the slut playing with herself. Who said you have the right to pull your cock. Do you get so horny from seeing what is happening on the screen slut do you want a cock in your ass too. Do you want to be used by all those men. I can arrange that he for you. Brad looked at Jack embarrassed and doubting this wasn't him, he wasn't into men and , and , and , and yes he did fantasize about a cock in his ass, and about being used like in the movie on the screen but he didn't admit that to Jack. Not yet.

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  20. Part 3 Slut training lesson one

    Well slut, what do you say to this said Jack. Will you work for your pleasure.
    Brad looked at Jack doubtfully, what should he say to this. His pussy was screaming for him to join in, his body was craving attention but his mind didn't want to go along with it yet. Jack saw that Brad was stuck with his thoughts and fingered the hole of his new slut. Brad began to ride Jack's finger. I want to hear slut, will you work for this pleasure and stopped Brad from fingering. Don't stop said Brad softly don't stop. You know what I want to hear Jack said. I ....  I ..... yes what you said Jack. With hesitation there came out anyway I will work for it sir from Brad. It wasn't that hard slut. I knew you would work for it. You want your pussy filled and when I am done with you you will scream you want to be filled, you will say it without hesitation. Brad was embarrassed by what he had just said. This was not him, he was not gay. But still he could not resist the cry of his pussy to be filled.
    Well then said Jack then we will put you to work. He took a leg spreader from the wall and untied one of Brad's legs and in the meantime attached the spreader between his two legs. Brad who felt his legs were free was too late to react. The chems that were still coursing through his body had dazed him. His arms were untied from the bed and Brad thought for a moment of wanting to escape but he was pressed hard against the bed by Jack. What were you thinking slut, I'm loose I'm quickly trying to escape. Brad had no strength to resist and Jack placed his large and firm hand around Brad's neck and squeezed it so he couldn't breathe. I'll tell you 1 time kindly after that you won't get off cheap. You are my property from now on and you go and stand where I say understood. Brad couldn't answer and felt himself getting lightheaded and nodded. Jack loosened his grip and Brad got back into oxygen. Understood slut. Brad who was afraid to be grabbed again and said immediately and without hesitation yes sir I understand. Brad had to sit down on the bed and Jack took the harness he had laid ready. Put it on Jack said, Brad took the harness and put it on and Jack closed the straps. Brad had to put his arms on his back and Jack clicked them to the ring attached to the back.
    He was helped off the bed and had to stand up. The cane between his legs didn't make that easy and the chems made him stand and twist on his legs. Jack took some chains from the wall and while he was fastening them, Brad was thinking about whether he could escape or not. He looked at his options but he couldn't think clearly enough yet and his legs were weak and with that stick between his legs it wouldn't work. He had no choice but to stand because if he tried anything Jack would intervene immediately and who knows what he would do.
    Jack had attached the chains to the ceiling and loosened one arm from Brad's back and clipped it to the chain. He did the same with the other arm and Brad was now standing upright with his arms spread across the room.
    Time for some training said Jack

    You've had enough to enjoy he said and he stepped over to the wall and took some props. He placed a nipple clamp on each nipple and Brad squealed out. Don't cry slut this is just the beginning. He tied off the balls with a piece of string and hung a weight on them. Brad curled his toes and tried to swallow the pain. Jack came up behind Brad and took a whip in his hand and lightly struck Brad's ass. Brad shocked from the blow and the shock caused the weight to swing back and forth pulling on his balls. With the swinging of the weight it pulled more and more on his balls causing his scrotum to be pulled out.
    Brad had conflicting feelings running through his body. He experienced both pain and pleasure. Jack gave another stroke this one was already a little harder and again he gave a cry. With the next stroke I don't want to hear another scream slut. Do you understand? Because if you give any more cries I will hit harder and harder. Brad didn't want him to hit harder and on the next stroke he tried to hold back and only let out a light murmur. You learn fast Jack said, that's the way I like it. The next stroke he gave was against Brad's cock and this time he couldn't hold back and let out another moan. You know what this means slut and Jack gave another stroke but this time it was harder. The weight on his balls swung back and forth violently pulling firmly on his balls but Brad forgave the pain and did not let out a cry. Good girl. Brad received a few more strokes of the whip and couldn't hold on any longer he wanted it to stop. Please stop this I can't take any more.  Jack came to stand in front of Brad and pulled on the nipple clamps. I decide when we stop. Brad squealed out and curled his toes. Stop screaming Jack called out and pulled even harder on the nipples. Brad once again forfeited the pain he began to sob and tears ran down his cheeks.
    Jack took the whip back in his hand and was now striking the nipples. Brad had no strength left and little by little he was sinking through his legs more. Jack grinned, we will have to train you slut you need to get stronger because with such a weak slut we are nothing. Jack put the whip away and went to the table with the bottles and took the pipe and some crystals. We will give you back some strength he said. Brad was near the end of his strength and wanted it to stop.
    You may blow some clouds. You can choose he said either you do it yourself or I put the mask on it is up to you. Brad didn't know what to say. He didn't want any chems, in fact he would have preferred to leave but he also knew he had no choice. Maybe if I do it myself I can make sure I fake it. I'll do it without the mask sir see Brad. Good choice, Jack said. He took the pipe and showed Brad how it worked. When I say inhale you do so until I say stop. You can't breathe out until I say so, you understand slut. If you don't do this then you will get from the whip. Jack had the whip in his hand. Brad knew he wouldn't be able to fake it because he didn't want to get hit again. Then rather walk around high anything is better than that pain.
    Jack took the pipe and lit it the crystals began to melt and the smoke formed. He placed the pipe against Brad's mouth and said inhale slut and hold it. Brad did his best because he didn't want to get another hit from the stick. He held in the smoke and as soon as he could he blew out a big white cloud. He felt a warm feeling come over him and Jack said breathe in again and he did what was asked of him. The more he breathed in the white smoke the warmer he got and the hornier he got back and he felt the energy coming back. Jack repeated it a few more times and as soon as he saw Brad's eyes begin to spin around in his head and his pupils were in his head like flying saucers he stopped. Brad was completely gone. The other chems hadn't fully worn off yet and if anything he was getting a new batch in.

    Yesterday he had never taken drugs and for the last few hours he had not been sober. Before he would realize it himself, he would be addicted and couldn't live without it. Brad had fallen into a trance. He heard the moans from on the flat screen and he felt Jack's firm hands caressing his body. Brad groaned and Jack stopped stroking. He unloaded the weight on Brad's balls and also removed the nipple clamps. Releasing the weight was a relief for Brad but releasing the clamps made him moan in pain.
    His arms were also loosened and secured back on his back. The cane was taken from between his legs and finally Brad could reposition his legs the way he wanted. On your knees said Jack. Brad got down on his knees without a problem and thought he could rest for a while. His head was spinning, his pussy was itching and he was as horny as could be. He looked at the screen and saw a boy who was also on his knees and he was sucking the cocks that were offered to him. Brad liked what he saw and opened his mouth and his tongue came out and moaned lightly. He couldn't think straight anymore because if he could think straight it wouldn't have found this horny. Do you like what you see slut. Do you want to suck a pole too. Do you want to indulge your master and embrace your real slut side. Brad couldn't make any sense out of it and he wanted to say no but Jack couldn't hear that it was more of a moan and mumble than a no. Ok then said Jack and he stepped to the wall and took a mouth spreader, he placed it in Brad's mouth and attached it to his head. Brad's mouth was completely spread open and drool started pouring out of his mouth. Brad didn't really realize what was happening because his head was spinning. Before we go any further you need to drink some more slut said Jack and he took the rest of the Getorade pulled on Brad's hair pulling his head back and telling him to drink it all without spilling a drop. Jack poured the Getorade laced with G into Brad's mouth and he obediently swallowed it all.
    Brad had to stand back up and sit in the shower. I have to piss first said Jack.  Jack took his pole in his hand and started pissing all over Brad's face. Brad felt humiliated and didn't want this and tried to stand up. But with the piss falling past him onto the floor of the shower he slipped and fell headfirst into the wall. You shouldn't try to avoid this slut. From now on, you're a pisser and soon your mouth will be a mouth to piss in. You'll like it and you'll learn to swallow it all neatly. Brad shook his head and tears began to form. Brad who was wet with piss had to crawl out of the shower on all fours until it was in front of the bed. Jack set himself on the bed and took hold of Brad's head. His mouth was still spread wide open and drool was running from his mouth. Jack spat into Brad's mouth and he looked at his eyes which were now spinning around even more in his head. The G is starting to work again he thought. Time to teach him to suck. He took hold of his limp pole and placed his thick fat glans on Brad's tongue. It's time slut, it's time you thanked your master for all the pleasure he has already given you. Brad could do nothing and tears were running down his cheeks. This was the moment he would have to suck and cock for the first time. He did not want this, but he knew he would have no choice he could not possibly close his mouth and could not leave . The last drops of piss dripped onto his tongue and this was how he tasted piss for the first time. It made him gag. Are you going to gag already said Jack and my pole is not even in your mouth yet. Jack pushed his already half hard cock into Brad's open mouth. Even before Jack could say now you can gag, Brad got a disgust reflex because Jack's penis was way too big for Brad's mouth who had no experience with sucking. Don't you dare throw up slut, you could lick it all up. Instead of being disgusted you should lick my pole clean with your tongue, later you can learn to suck, first you should learn to use your tongue. Even though was he horny from the G and the Tina yet Brad began to weep and tears ran down his cheeks. Jack had had enough and pulled his hair and told him to lick and Brad couldn't help but lick Jack's pole with his tongue. Carefully he began to lick. But Jack was not content with this and took hold of Brad's head and pushed his pole completely inside, Jack's cock was completely up to Brad's throat and again he started gagging. Jack slapped the head and told him to stop gagging, he needed to indulge his master's pole. Brad got a new surge of horniness over him the G gave off a new load of horniness and his pussy began to call back to be filled. Tears welled up in his eyes, wet with piss, drool running from his mouth and a thick pole in his mouth. How could anyone possibly enjoy this he thought but still he was horny and wanted his ass filled he couldn't stop the feeling , no matter how much he wanted to.
    Jack withdrew his almost hard pole and Brad gasped and began to babble something unintelligible. The G and Tina were firmly working making him tell his thoughts. But because of the mouth spreader, Jack didn't immediately understand what he was saying. What he understood from it was pussy and stuffed. Jack was able to make ends meet and took hold of Brad's neck and looked deep into his flying saucers. Do you want your pussy filled slut, do you want to enjoy. Brad who no longer had control over what he said or did nodded. A smile appeared on Jack's mouth. Good, you'll have to earn it then. Jack stood up and picked up a medium plug and smeared it with Tina lube and with the suction cup he placed it against the wall. Brad had to stand up and walk over to the wall. He saw the plug hanging on the wall and he got a fright. Jack looked at Brad and said this is what you wanted right? You asked for it. Brad who was so high and had no idea what he was doing or saying just nodded. You can spoil your own ass later.  You can show me how much you want that plug in your pussy. But first I will take off your mouthpiece. Jack took the spreader out of Brad's mouth also loosened his arms and placed him in front of the wall and made him bend over and lower himself until the top of the plug pressed against his pussy. Brad felt the tip pushing at his pussy and a warm feeling came over him. His mind told him to insert that plug fully that way he would be complete. He tried to sit on the plug to get it into his pussy that way but Jack stopped him.  So hasty, do you have such a need for your pussy to be filled slut. Don't forget anything first. You should be grateful to your master for giving you this. How will you thank me for this. Brad couldn't say anything at this point would prefer to push that plug in so his pussy would be filled and he would have a perfect feeling. You can give me a blowjob first and if I like it you can sit down and give yourself some pleasure.
    Brad who couldn't think anymore was in doubt anyway. He wanted that plug in his pussy but he didn't want to suck that fat cock.  The call of his cunt won over his doubt and he opened his mouth. Good for you said Jack and now take that fat pole in that slutty mouth of yours. Jack stood with his fat black cock right in front of Brad's open mouth and Jack said start licking it with your tongue and work it right in, slut. Brad stuck his tongue out and carefully licked at the thick head of Jack's cock and took the tip into his mouth. The realization that he had a cock in his mouth voluntarily brought tears to his eyes again. But still he continued he needed a filled pussy. His mouth slid further over Jack's firm pole and he pushed back as Brad slid the butt plug deeper into his hole. Feeling his pussy filled and pulled open made him hornier and he took Jack's pole even more into his mouth as deep as he could. After he had Jack's cock almost completely in his mouth he began to suck on it lightly. Jack pushed Brad further back and the plug was at its thickest point and slid all the way into Brad's pussy. Now he felt complete and the idea of having a cock in his mouth no longer bothered him. He began to suck and lick as best he could.  Because he was going at it so violently, the suction cup detached from the plug. Jack was satisfied and groaning slightly sat down on the chair he had prepared. Brad sucked like a man possessed. Yes sletje suck but good on. Soon I will reward you with your first nice load of seed. Brad didn't hear this he was now in a complete trance he felt the plug pushing against his prostate and the pre-cum was running from his limp Tina cock. With his one hand Jack took hold of Brad's head and began to set the rhythm Brad followed Jack's rhythm along and with his other hand he pushed and pulled lightly on the end of the plug giving Brad an extra boost of horniness. He stopped sucking for a moment and sang out a loud moan. Yes, one more please. Brad was shocked by what he said to himself but by the blissful feeling of the plug in his ass he didn't care about the rest and sucked firmly on Jack's cock. Jack let him suck firmly further and regularly pulled the plug until the moment he was about to squirt.  Then he took a firm hold of Brad's head and with a few violent thrusts he came to his climax and squirted solid gobs of seed into Brad's mouth. Brad felt the cock of pulsate and a stream of salty sweet seed come into his mouth, by what happened he got a surge of clarity. He didn't know what to do there had just been a man cumming in his mouth. He couldn't do anything because Jack had his head so tight and and cock filled his mouth so nothing could get out of his mouth. Jack, who was still enjoying the aftershocks, said to Brad, we will still be able to make something of you. Your sucking technique needs some work but for a first time this was not bad. I will now take my pole out of sluts mouth but do not dare to spit out my seed. This is my gift to you and you must keep it in you. You will have to swallow everything neatly. Brad knew that if he didn't do this he would get knocked or spanked and as soon as Jack pulled back his limp cock he tried to swallow the seed but it didn't go right away. His stomach turned and he wanted to spit it out. Jack pressed his hand to Brad's mouth and said swallow slut. You can do it and on the second try Brad swallowed the seed.
    Well that wasn't bad for the first day said Jack. Now you can regain strength he said. Lay down on the bed. The plug was removed from his cunt and Brad's arms were fastened again.  Brad let everything happen. He was still high and overwhelmed by what had just happened. Jack took a sleeping pill from the drawer of the closet and stuck it in Brad's mouth. Brad swallowed it with some water he got. Sleep now but tomorrow we will continue working on your slut training.
    Brad got sleepy, his eyes fell closed and his mind where at full speed processing what had just happened. Before he fell asleep he realized that he was not going to get out of here and that this was just the beginning. What would he have to go through next.

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