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Posts posted by NJshorebear

  1. Hit up the ABS today and sucked three cocks, fun but I left wanting more, posted an ad to barebackrt for the drive home and connected with a guy who I have been trying to connect with for a while but our schedules never matched. Glad they did today. Spent over an hour fucking him in various positions and ended up giving him my load down his throat.

  2. Just got back from a random encounter and wondering if anyone else has experienced this? Reconnected with an old fuck bud from North Jersey who recently moved down the shore. Sex was as good as a remembered, he has a nice silky hole that I love to rim and I had a great time, until... As we are post-coital cuddling, and my still hard dick has me thinking about a 2nd round, he started asking about my current job (I work in higher ed) and he stated how great he thought our current governor (Chris Christie) is and how its great that he's "standing up to the NJEA" (the union I belong to) he then starts ranting about how bad president Obama is and how he hopes he's a one term president.

    I had the quickest erection loss ever, and couldn't get out of there soon enough. I tried to do a quick subject change and say how I had to get home to get ready for the next day, but he knew I reacted negatively to his discussion, and tried to debate me on the topic. My favorite line being one of his last,"you know in your heart they should never have bailed out the banks" I quietly responded "the bank bailout process was started under then president Bush, and agreed upon as a course of action by both candidates running for office in 2008". I thanked him for a nice time and left.

    Now I have had relationships with people who have had different political views then me. Some of the hottest sex I've ever had was in grad school with a young republican closet case :) but the general douchery of his approach, attacking my union and then making ignorant and ill informed arguments (I only gave one example) made me feel I couldn't even have hate sex with this guy.

    Has anyone else ever experienced total political incompatibility as a turn-off? How did you handle the situation?

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  3. Funny that I just got back from a hook up with another guy and we both were discussing how hard it is to find a chubs bears in our local area, but when travelling in the south our Growler apps blow-up. I am a bigger guy and like other bigger guys, there are a lot of us out there including thinner chasers, but I think you need to look for folks where they are at. Have you tried biggercity.com or the local bear night at gay establishments in your area?

    If you want to loose weight do it for yourself, not to attract guys, you'll have more success in your weight loss journey, and please know someone in Jersey would take that load in a heartbeat ;)

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