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This is a continuation of this story which you probably want to read first: When Jim parked in front of my house, the reality of the situation finally hit me; I was about to confront my dad about his sexuality. I had never done anything like this in my life so far and I had no idea what I was going to say or how he was going to react. Jim must have known what I was thinking because he was looking at me and trying to find the right words himself. “Look, kid, just talk to your dad. No matter how “experienced” he is, this is all as new to him as it was to you when we went up to the campgrounds a few days ago.” Weird to think that, but I doubt that my dad had been out chasing POZ loads while I was away. “When he talked to me in Pulman’s a while back, he was happy because he knew that he could count on me to be his friend, regardless of the situation. He needs to know the same thing from you now. That’s all.” He was right. Jim had been there for me, and yeah, my dad too, had been there for me in hard times, but now I need to be there for him. “You’re right. Thanks, Jim.” I said, finally feeling a little more evened out. “But… what about the POZ thing?” “You mean about us fucking POZ loads into you like the rapture was going to happen tomorrow?” I laughed a bit at that and nodded. “I have a feeling that your dad may know more about that than you may think. He’s not a stupid man, Aaron; I told him I was POZ at the bar, and he knows your gay. Those two things don’t necessarily mean that we’d knock up his kid the second we had him alone, but I’m sure that he knows that it was a possibility.” I was still a bit concerned, and I think Jim knew it, “one thing at a time though, kid. He doesn’t need to know that immediately, but it probably is something that you’re going to have to eventually tell him. If you want me there when you do, I can be there. You know where to find me.” I was able to see his house just down the road from our driveway. “Now that I know about him, would you sleep with my dad if he asked you? Technically you wouldn’t be sneaking around with him.” Jim seemed to think about it for a second. “Hmm. Your dad is a hot DILF, but I’d only do it, or him, if you were comfortable with the idea. Would it bother you?” I didn’t even have to think about it; the thought of Jim and my dad’s bodies tangled in a ball of hardcore man sex was incredibly hot to me. “Not at all. It’d probably be really hot to see actually,” I said coyly. “Oh god, I’ve made you into a complete deviant,” Jim said with a smile on his face. “And proud to be one,” I said. “Come here,” Jim said before leaning and kissing me. When we broke our kiss, he cupped my face, “now go on, boy. You’re other dad’s waiting for you.” He said, nearly growling. I finally got out of his car and waved bye as he backed out of our driveway. Just as he was pulling into his own driveway, I was heading inside with my bags from the camping trip. Thinking about it now, every square inch of my sleeping bag was probably drenched in cum. When I got to my room, which was on the other side of the house from my dad’s room, I unfolded it and inspected it a little closer than I had cared to do at the campground. Sure enough, there were cum stains all over the lining of it. I wondered if any of it was Quin’s. He gave me a number and I told him that I would find him on Facebook as soon as I got home which I did as soon as I rolled my sleeping bag back up. I hadn’t even unpacked my other bags when I noticed that he had already accepted my friend request. I smiled at that. That’s when I heard it; a moan. It was faint, but I had heard enough men moaning over the last couple of days to be able to pick up on it. I took off my shoes and slowly and silently made my way over to my dad’s room. Sure enough, there was my dad’s ass flexing as he fucked a man in his bed. His glutes were huge and were working overtime as he began to jackrabbit the man’s ass with his cock. The man seemed to let all pretense of subtlety go and began moaning loudly. I remembered the dream I had while we were camping; my dad was fucking me and commanding me to call him daddy. Actually seeing my dad fucking was even hotter than my mind could have ever let me dream. “You want my load?” My dad growled at the man he was fucking. “Fuck yeah, Shane! Shoot that fucking load up my cunt!” The man growled back. Then my dad’s ass contracted as he pushed his cock in all the way in the man’s ass and started to fill him with my family’s seed. Then my dad collapsed on the guy and started to make out with him. That was my queue to get back to my room. When I closed my door, I noticed that I was rock hard, so I immediately pulled my shorts down and began to jack off. The sight of my dad’s ass as he plowed a guy and the way his balls and taint pulsed as he delivered his load flashed through my eyes and had me cumming in my other hand in seconds. Without thinking about it, I brought my hand to my mouth and licked up the splooge. I wondered if it was positive cum as it ran down my throat and the thought nearly got my quickly softening cock back up to full attention. It had only been a few hours since someone had fucked me but I already missed having a cock up my ass. Just as I was coming down my post-climax high, I heard steps on the tile floor of the entryway and then the sound of the front door opening and closing. I could hear my dad tell the man he was with “bye.” Before too long, I heard him heading towards my room and I noticed that I still had my shorts down around my ankles. I tried to pull them up in time, but before I could get them passed my knees, I heard my dad open the door behind me. “Whoah!” We both said, nearly in unison. I looked behind me just as I saw him comically avert his gaze, though maybe taking half a second longer than most fathers would have I noticed. My hole and balls were completely exposed to him for that brief second. “Umm, welcome home, son.” “Yeah, hi, dad. Sorry,” I buttoned up my shorts and zipped up my fly, “I was just getting dressed.” “Oh, well yeah, sorry. I should have knocked, but I wasn’t 100% sure that you were here at all, just thought I heard something over here.” I wondered if I had moaned when I came, but I couldn’t seem to remember. He went in to hug me and for the brief second that we were pressed together, I noticed that we were both chubbed still. And on top of that, I guess I didn’t get all of my cum off of my hand so when I wrapped my arm around him, I left a small streak of cum on the back of the shirt that he was wearing. I saw it when he turned around to leave and I nearly burst out laughing. “I’ll start dinner,” he said as he made his way to the kitchen. With that, my internal laughing fit stopped. I knew that that would probably be the best time to talk to him. I passed the time by texting Jim what happened, or more what I saw. Jim: Damn, that’s hot, kiddo. Me: Yeah, he was really giving it to the guy. I had to knock one out myself when I got back to my room. Don’t think they saw me, though. Jim: My little [banned word]! I’ve trained you well! Me: I’m going to talk to him tonight at dinner. Jim: You ready for that? Me: Yeah, I think I am. I’m more nervous about the POZ thing… and if he noticed the cum I left on his shirt when he came in for a hug. Jim: What?! I’m going to have to give you a spanking next time I see you for that! Jim: Cum goes in asses and mouths! Not on clothing! Me: lol Maybe by the time I see you I’ll have been bad some more 😉 Just then, my dad called me for dinner and I knew that it was showtime. I changed into something a bit more comfortable, a tank and some basketball shorts with some torn up underwear that I desperately need to retire underneath. After a few days of camping and small meals, the meal before me looked like a feast; baked chicken, salads, and green beans. As we ate, I told him about all the hiking that Jim, Henry, and I did (leaving out the hardcore sex.) I even told him that I even found a boyfriend out there. He lit up when I described Quin and said that he couldn’t wait to meet him. That’s when I decided to bring it up. “So… who was the guy you were with earlier?” He coughed and nearly choked on the chicken that he had in his mouth. For what felt like a solid minute, he didn’t say anything; he just stared at the food on his plate. I could practically hear the gears in his head spinning at a million miles per hour, trying to think of what to say. “Jim told me about running into you at the Pulman,” I said as calmly as possible. His eyes seemed to get even wider and still continued to say nothing. “Dad?” “How… how much did you see earlier?” “Well, I didn’t get to see all of it, but enough to see and hear you dumping a load into the guy you were with.” That was probably a bit too blunt. He blushed brighter than I had ever seen him blush. Our kitchen table was pretty small, so I reached over and put my hand on his arm to get his attention. He finally looked up into my eyes. “Hey, it’s ok. There’s nothing to scared about here.” “I’m not scared… just embarrassed, I guess. I didn’t want you to have to find out this way.” “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, dad. It’s just who you are just like I am the way I am. You’ve always loved me, and something like this wouldn’t stop me from loving you.” “I’m guessing Jim told you about how everything started with your mom, right?” “Yeah, he did.” “That’s more that I’m embarrassed about; the fact that I couldn’t keep her… well… satisfied….” “That’s not your fault. Mom had her own kinks, and evidently, so did you. There’s no shame in someone exploring their kinks. Maybe all the arguing could have been avoided if both of you had been willing to talk about your kinks and sexualities a little more openly, but, in the end, what happened happened. But answer this for me: Ever since you’ve gotten to explore this side to yourself more freely, would you say that you feel… I don’t know… a bit more liberated? Free?” “Actually, yeah. Except when I had to lie to you.” “I would say that “you didn’t have to lie to me,” but I remember being where you were.” “I always felt that I was different when I was growing up, but everyone around me was so damn straight that even though I may have thought about kissing one of the other boys I was friends with growing up, I ended up idealizing them and wanting to do what they did, like fuck girls. Oops.” My dad rarely cursed around me so he blanched again at his swear. “Ok, let’s get this out of the way: Cock, dick, balls, scrotum, ass, cum, jizz, fuck, shit, cunt, pussy, taint,” I said while looking directly at my dad, “I just saw you seed a guy’s ass while he begged for you to fill his “cunt,” you’re not really going to shock me, dad. Especially at the week I just had.” He laughed before he caught what I said at the end. Oh shit. “What do you mean by that? What else happened on the trip?” “Well,” it was my turn to squirm and squirm I did; I tried to avoid eye contact, and he could tell that I was trying to think of a billion different things to talk about. He just sat there and waited for me to answer. “Well, since I turned 18, I asked Jim to… well… take my virginity.” I mumbled that last part out. “What? Really?” “Yeah. We spent the first day or so just us, going at it like crazy, and then Henry arrived and he joined in too. And then I met Quin, and I’m pretty sure I took his virginity.” “They didn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to do, did they?” My dad asked me with a super serious look on his face. I had kind of expected this; I was an 18-year-old kid that just admitted to being fucked “like crazy” by his way older neighbors. “No, Jim nor Henry would ever do anything like that. They both had been there for me so much when you and mom were fighting that it felt right for it to be them. They’re both good men, dad,” his expression softened. “Yeah, they are. And I’m sorry that we kinda ignored you a lot when we were fighting all the time. That wasn’t right of us to do. There’s no excuse for it,” he said before a guarded look came across his face again, “Wait, aren’t Jim and Henry HIV positive?” “Yeah, they are.” “Did they use condoms?” And here was the other topic that I knew was going to be a tough one to get through. “No,” his eyes immediately shot open wide just like they did when I told him that I had seen him plowing a man earlier, “the year before I had spied on Henry fucking Jim in the camp showers. Just as Henry was about to cum, I heard Jim beg for him to infect him, to fill him full of POZ cum.” As I continued, my dad only looked more and more confused, “We had talked earlier that night, and I couldn’t understand in the slightest why Jim was trying to get infected, but when I saw them at that moment, I understood; they were forming a connection that could never be broken or severed. They were putting so much trust in each other to be there for the other that they were willing to face this scary thing, a disease, together. I wanted that bond, and I wanted it with them.” “That sounds insane, son. What were you-“ “Jim told me that the night he saw you in Pulman’s that you wanted to go back to his place even after he told you he was POZ. What did YOU think was going to happen?” “We would’ve used condoms.” “And if they would have said that they didn’t want to use condoms?” “They didn’t try to trick you into not using condoms, did they?” “No, but what would you have done that night if you went over and they didn’t want to use condoms? Would you have just left? Unfucked?” “Well, I-“ he interrupted himself, “I don’t fucking know anymore.” Which I knew was parent-speak for “of course I would but I’m not going to flat out admit it to you.” “Dad, I’m going to tell you something that I learned while camping and that maybe you need to hear; slut isn’t a bad word, and I’m proud to be one. I like having a cock up my ass. I love being a cumdump and, yeah, I also like fucking a load up an ass too. There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s who I am and I’m not going to apologize for it. I’m a faggot and I love being one. I know you like fucking too and there’s nothing wrong with that. We’re [banned word],” I got up from my chair and walked over to his chair and stood next to him, staring down into this eyes with my cock tenting through my tattered underwear and shorts, “we’re degenerates,” I grabbed his hand and placed it on my hard cock, his eyes went wide again before slowly starting to relax into the sleepy-eyed gaze that all horny men get when one head switches over its thinking power to the other head, “and we’re only as sick as we think we are,” I said before leaning down and kissing my dad on the lips. After the initial jolt of shock I felt run through him, he eased into the kiss and opened his mouth for my tongue’s invasion. His hand began to squeeze on my cock and I moaned into his mouth. I couldn’t’ believe I was actually doing this yet at the same time, it felt so hot and so right. He quickly stood up, not breaking our kiss as he towered over me. He was taller than Jim or Henry, so he was a bit more intimidating in more than one way. He grabbed me into an embrace and I felt his rock hard cock press against my stomach as he pressed our bodies together. He was big, VERY big. I realized at that moment that I had never gotten a good look at my dad’s dick before. Even earlier, I only saw his balls as he rammed the guy he was with. He pulled away from our kiss and took off his shirt and I pulled off my tank and my shorts so that I was only standing there in my tattered, gray briefs. As soon as I looked back up and saw his big, juicy pecs I nearly dove for them and began to suck and knead them. He moaned and held the back of my head to his nipple as I sucked on his right one. I felt his dick pulse as I applied pressure and began to suck harder. “Fuuuuccckk, son! This is soooo fucking wrong, but I don’t give a fucking shit right now!” He moaned. My dad pressed his dick harder against my chest, “But you're getting this fucking cock now. Because you fucking know what?” He asked before pulling me back off his nipple, “I AM a fucking degenerate, son. I breed men and I can feel my cock wanting to breed you, my own boy.” “Fuck, we’re so fucking twisted, dad.” “Yeah, we really fucking are, son. And while I don’t agree with your choice to take raw POZ cock, I understand why you did it.” I found it so weird that he said that since I remember thinking the exact same thing the night that I caught Henry and Jim going at it in the shower. “Now, pull down my shorts and suck on the cock that made you, boy.” I didn’t hesitate, I pulled down his shorts and saw the huge outline waiting for me underneath his white, Calvin Klein boxer briefs. It was easily 10” long, maybe even 11” and I could tell that he wasn’t even fully hard yet. I sucked it through the fabric of his underwear as his precum began to soak through and I got the first taste of the jizz that was responsible for me being here. I pulled his underwear down and his cock nearly slapped me in the face. “Damn, that’s an insanely use cock you have there, dad.” “Thanks, boy! Now suck daddy’s cock!” I did as I was instructed and put the head of his cock in my mouth. I knew there was going to be no way that I was going to be able to get the whole thing down my throat, but I was damn sure going to try. I only got about 4” down on his cock when I nearly gagged the first time. “Damn boy, that’s not bad for only having sucked dick for about a week. But I think we can get more, right?” He said coaxingly. I kept bobbing on his cock until I felt ready to go further again. This time I got a good 6” down my throat before I had to stop, but I didn’t pull it out. “Damn, I raised a great little cock sucker, didn’t I?” The thought that this was the guy that blanched up at the idea of saying “fuck” in front of me not even ten minutes ago nearly made me laugh with his cock down my throat. Instead, I pushed harder and got a whole 1.5” more. I Had 7.5” inches of my dad’s cock down my throat and I loved the feeling of it nearly choking me as he moaned and looked down in awe. “Fuck, son, that’s deeper than your mom could ever take! God Damn!” I couldn’t bob up and down on his cock that deep but I was taking a lot of it in over and over when he pulled me back and told me to stop. “Damn, if you keep going, you’re going to make me cum down your throat, boy.” “But I want you to cum, dad.” “Trust me, I do too,” he said before pulling me up, “But this cum is going in that ass.” He pressed me against the table and didn’t pull down my tattered briefs, but tore them right off, leaving the tattered remains of the waistband as the only stitch of clothing I had on my body. My cock flopped out and bounced in between my legs. I felt his huge cock press against my hole and begin to slide up and down my ass crack. He spit on his cock and began to smear his saliva around my puckered hole. “Fuck me, dad! Fuck your boy!” I moaned and pleaded. “Does my little faggot boy want a big cock up his tight, little asshole?” “Yes, dad, please fuck my faggot ass and breed me!” “Even if I don’t have HIV like the neighbors that just got done using you?” He said while continuing to tease my hole with his huge cock. “You still want some of this incest seed?” “Yes, I’ll never refuse your seed, dad.” “That’s a good fucking boy!” He growled in my ear before slowly shoving the head of his enormous cock into my teenage body. I yelped with the pain that his size caused, but at the same time, I wanted him to push that monster as deep into me as he possibly could. I couldn’t help it though and I hissed in pain, “You’re doing good, boy. Keep taking it. It’s going to hurt at first, but don’t fight it.” “I’m trying to, dad, but that cock is so fucking big.” “Do you want me to stop?” “Fuck no, shove that thing into me, dad, please! Fuck my slutty, faggot ass!” He didn’t stop but continued to slowly push his cock up my ass until I felt him hit something that felt like a wall inside my ass. I thought that he wouldn’t be able to go any further until he took a small pause and then jammed his cock all the way to the hilt, and I felt something like a POP inside of my ass. “Fuck! What was that? I thought you wouldn’t be able to go in all the way.” “That was probably your second sphincter. I didn’t know we had one until the guys I fucked told me that I usually breach it in them.” “Fuck, that’s so hot.” “How’s it feels to have your old man’s cock all the way inside you, Aaron.” “Fucking amazing. I thought Jim and Henry were big, but you’re way bigger.” “I’ll have to invite them over some time and give them a Thank You fuck for popping my little boy’s cherry,” dad said before starting his assault on my ass. He never went too fast or harsh, or at least not as fast and harsh as I saw him being with the guy he was with earlier, but he still gave me a good fuck against the kitchen table. As he pounded away at my insides, he would constantly keep hitting my prostate, causing me to cry out in pleasure. “Yeah! You’re taking your old man’s cock like a pro, Aaron! Those guys must have really gone to town on your ass all week.” “Yeah, they did! I was begging for their loads all the time and I even got double penetrated before we left.” “Really? That’s my fucking boy!” he said as he slowly picked up his pace. I couldn’t believe it, but it felt like his cock was getting larger inside my ass and stretching me out more. I knew he was getting close. “I’m going to fill that pussy, boy! You ready for my load, Aaron? You ready to have your dad’s cum in you? The cum that fucking made you?” “Fuck yeah, dad. Fill my slutty ass with your cum!” I moaned before he slammed hard into my ass, definitely breaching my second sphincter and filling me with his neg cum, his family jizz soaking into the wall of his son’s rectum. “God damn, that was hot as fuck, son!” He nearly screamed as he began to come down off his post-sex high. “Yeah, it was.” “You know I love you, right boy?” “Yeah, I know, dad.” “But from here on out, until you go to school, if I want that ass, I’m going to get it, got it?” “Yes, sir! What if I become HIV positive, though? Will you still want my ass?” “Of course, son. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Tomorrow I’ll run down to the drug store, and I’ll get a few home tests that you can use over the next couple weeks. But for now, just know that I have this ass on top.” I felt his cock twitch inside me, probably jutting out the last shot of his little swimmers into my hole. “Think I can sleep with you tonight?” “My bed’s always open, son.” He said as he pulled his huge cock out of my ass. Much like the first time Jim fucked me, I felt completely empty as soon as he pulled out, a void of space in my body that I never knew was there. My dad looked down at himself and at me, “now let’s go take a shower first before we stink of my sheets with all of this man-sex sweat.” I followed him to his shower and we both hoped in. Of course, he fucked me again under the scorching rain of the hot water and bred me against the tiled wall as I moaned for my father’s load. After that, we were both so spent that almost as soon as we lay down in bed, we both passed out. I did wake up in the middle of the night to find my dad’s arms wrapped around me and his big cock resting between my ass cheeks. I was too tired to do anything about it though and just drifted off to sleep with the feeling of my dad’s cock flesh up against my exposed and cum-filled hole. To be continued….
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Don’t Breed My Boy Chapter I. Last summer on Fire Island was great. My boy and I had lots of hot raw sex with each other and with strangers. My boy and I met up one night with a sexy hung guy on the boardwalk and invited him back to the house to fuck. He wound up breeding my boy just around the corner from the hot tub, while I entertained other guests. The next night, I pounded him on the deck while the neighbors watched and cheered us on. They liked what they saw. Another night, we met a sexy couple at tea. I railed one guy while his partner bred my boy, pounding him into the mattress. Lots of fun sweaty risky sex. But the most naughty fun we had all summer was our last day and night on the Island. I’m a morning person, so after I made breakfast for the house, I climbed back into bed. My boy was moving around almost silently, but backing up against my cock. He’d been fucked and bred by at least three people, none of them me, the night before and felt loose and gaping. I asked him, ‘did you have fun yesterday, boy, sharing your slutty hole with all of the Pines?’ He moaned in agreement as my cock sunk into him. I told him that I’d let him have his own fun yesterday, including taking a known POZ pornstar’s load in the Meat Rack, but today I was in charge of who got to breed him. He loved that idea and pushed back onto my hardening cock with no lube necessary. After a few thrusts, his ass was streaky with white globs. I knew that cum was the spooge from yesterday’s multiple tops that had yet to seep into his guts. I eased out to push them back in. I really get off on other guy’s cum as lube, and I had a filthy idea. ‘Babe, today, you can take all the cock you want. But they have to pull out.’ As I pumped my cock into his used cunt, he looked shocked. ‘They can shoot their loads on your hole, but I get to push them into you.’ He squealed and pushed back onto my dick and milked my load into his chute. I left my boy a cummy mess and without showering pulled on my white speedo before gathering my bag to head to the beach. I set up my umbrella, chair, and towel down at the shore, right at the end just before the Meat Rack. I had been working out and was proud of my trim frame in my most revealing swimsuit. I’ve got a thick six-inch cock that the boys seem to enjoy. It’s not massive, but it gets my boy wet in all the right places, and he’s cool with me sharing it, just as I am cool sharing his holes too. It should also be mentioned that I ooze precum when I’m turned on. I can drip precum with only a slight chub. I got myself settled and dove into some trashy book, armed with a thermos of bloody mary mix and vodka. Every time I looked up, I’d see a sexy guy. More than once I felt myself drooling precum and noticed a translucent spot in the swimsuit fabric the size of a silver dollar right at the tip of my cock. Naturally, I’d trimmed out the lining for maximum visibility. I was staying cool in the shade of my umbrella but needed a piss. I though about taking a wizz in the dunes or in the ocean but was also out of booze. I figured it might be a good idea to check on my slutty boy, knowing he was cum hungry. I went back to the house and took a piss in the master bathroom. My boy wasn’t in bed, but heard familiar moaning and sweaty skin slapping skin and I figured out that he was servicing one of the weekly shares. I peeked through the cracked pocket door of the front bedroom and saw two of our housemates really working my boy over. The blond, Reggie, was on his back with his cock pointing straight up, splitting my boy’s cheeks wide apart. His husband, Alan, was holding my boy’s jaw to his dick and really pounding his throat. Reggie saw me in the door and froze. My boy was impatient and kept raising and lowering his bare hole up and down. Alan grinned and me and gestured for me to come in. I was hard and drooling precum, soaking my speedo. My boy heard the door slide open and paused, full of cock at both ends, eyes wide open. ‘Have your fun, friends, but don’t breed my boy,’ I said. Alan and Reggie nodded and my boy went back to moaning and bouncing. Reggie pulled out and shot streams of seed across my boy’s ass. Alan shot his load all over my boy’s pretty tan face. They held their position and I lapped their cum from boy boy’s face and both sets of cheeks. My boy groaned and we arranged him on his knees, ass up, and I spat and fingered their loads into his greedy ass. I pulled my wet dick out and used it to smear their cum into his eager pussy. My boy gave me a cummy kiss and thanked me for letting them get their seed into him. He now had three fresh loads sloshing around in his guts. I flopped my soaked dick back into my suit without cumming and headed back to the beach. To be continued…
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