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World Building content warning: I have been working on this for a couple weeks and the fort chapter is a bit long This is the first chapter of a story in a world 1000 years in the future and a lot of things have changed. A great deal of this chapter deals with world building details explaining some of these changes and the reasons why they happened I tried ro make this part as amusing as I could, The dialogue between Religious Leader and Critical Thinker made me chuckle a few times. Yes I laugh at my own jokes I also think many of you would join me in wishing that PIFs and Orange Parks really existed in today’s world To make things easier I marked the largest part of the World Building section between two lines of @@@@@@@@ symbols If you skip it don’t blame me if you have no idea what the hell is going on later in the story I hope you stick with me and read it all. I’m writing this like a book and some World Building has to be done Scanbu ************************************************************************************************************* Author's note: This is a possible future and may conflict with things in present day stories. One possible reason is it's hard to remember things that happened 1000 years ago Rule one is that there are no paradoxes... Rule two is that if you find a paradox refer to Rule one... Chapter One: Coning Home The man waited in the dark for his husband to get home, though this “home” was not the home his husband thought he was coming to. This had been years in the making and would not have been possible if the waiting man had not been foresighted and nostalgic many years ago The door opened and the man’s husband stepped into the dark room “Lights” the new arrival said. He was always forgetting that he just had to think his commands in a certain mode but the old vocal commands still worked though the lights stayed off this time “Dammit why won’t these damn lights work?” the mans husband muttered “Because I asked them to stay off” The man said in an amused voice His husband actually looked around then and caught the feel of the place, the moonlight coming in through the two story high windows, the muted background sounds of a city around them, the proportions of the place “Zeke, you didn’t!” Tommy said. He knew this place in his bones, though these particular bones had never been here before. But how… this was not possible The lights came up and Tommy found himself in their old apartment, everything was the same down to the cracked brick in the wall across from the elevator door, it even felt the same but this building had been torn down centuries ago “Did you have the building rebuilt from the original plans or something?” Tommy asked “I had it reassembled. This is the original building, on the exact same spot. Remember I took you to Eurp[e when the building was “torn down”? I had it disassembled brick by brick and each brick was numbered and stored with it’s exact position recorded. I have had the supports modernized to fix the structural problem that caused us to have to condemn it and the building is completely updated to modern technological standards” Zeke said Several buildings had stood here in the centuries since but when the last one had been demolished 5 years ago Zeke had decided it was time. He had every brick treated with a preservative that made them virtually indestructible and then had the building painstakingly rebuilt. Old photographs and even more accurate memory scans on Zeke himself had exactly duplicated the furnishings and decorations “Welcome HOME my Tommy!” He said as he took his husband in his arms and kissed him “And happy 1000th anniversary” He said once the kiss broke Tommy looked confused, their 1000th wedding anniversary was not for over a year “Tommy, it’s April 12th 3024” he said gently. Suddenly Tommy’s eyes widened and his hand went to his mouth “We met in that Bathhouse 1000 years ago today!” He gasped “And you brought me to this apartment for the first time that night. How did I forget that?" He asked “Because it’s not really something we kept track of. It's the day you drove The Darkness out of me. It had almost won you know. I almost fell completely and would have without you” Zeke said Zeke was thrilled, in all their centuries together he had never caught his Tommy this off guard, Tommy did it to him probably once every few years but this was a first for Zeke He took Tommy’s hand and led him over to the dance studio with it’s mirrored wall. Tommy found his tights exactly where he knew they would be, In a drawer next to the small changing area. Zeke had remade their home perfectly They did their stretches, moved to the center of the floor and a mental command started that old Billy and Mike song playing The two flowed like water through the dance, They were both in their 5th clone body having just made the jump again about 10 years ago. The Entity managed not only to transfer normal memories but also muscle memory. The only thing it could not transfer was stamina and that took a couple years of steady work to rebuild Tommy and Zeke were the best dancers in history by now. They had done this dance thousands of times and it still invoked the same feelings in them. It was this dance that had forced their love to the fore and made them both admit to it during the explosive sex that had followed Sure enough they ended up on the soft mat they had learned to keep against the mirrored wall, Tommy looking into the reflection of Zeke’s eyes as his lover of ten centuries plowed him from behind, They knew exactly how to move to heighten each other’s pleasure. They would never grow tired of making love to each other as no other sex partner could com close to the pleasure they brought each other As Zeke’s cock spasmed inside of him filling him with his seed a glowing line appeased like a necklace on their shoulders, chest and the back of their neck. Tommy’s glowed green and Zeke’s glowed white After catching their breaths they went into the perfectly recreated bathroom and showered. There was a “light shower” installed as well. It was a device that could get you clean in seconds, no matter how dirty you were but most people still took showers in water and used soap. It just felt better Tommy returned the favor, sliding his cock into Zeke’s ass as the water and steam surrounded them, They were totally versatile with each other now, though they still only bottomed for close friends and relatives. When it came to sex with most others they were both tops. The only exceptions were family and old friends That glow appeared again when Tommy bred his husband but the colors were reversed, Tommy had white and Zeke green This time Tommy caught a flash of the red glow in the bathroom mirror. Ir was around the base of his cock and balls, lie a cock ring under the skin as he came. The same glow around the base of Zeke’s cock as he came on the shower wall As they dried off with a flash from the light shower Zeke said “Get dressed, we have company coming” and sent the mental command “Party: to the apartment system When they came out of the bathroom it cleaned itself as soon as they shit the door and the rest of the apartment was decorated for a celebration, complete with snacks and drinks all set up and waiting Zeke got a mental prompt from the security system and the elevator door opened. In a flash of light their first guests arrived Mike and Jeff stepped into the apartment followed by Hank and Buzz. John and Sal came soon after. “You did a perfect job Zeke, the place looks great! So vintage it makes me want to redo The Compound in classic early 2000s style” Jeff said standing on tiptoes to kiss his husband’s cousin; who was also his cousin's husband, on the cheek. They were cousins married to cousins Tommy’s brother Marc showed up next with his husband Alex followed by Jason and Jet who might just be able to dispute the “greatest dancers in history” crown Tommy and Zeke wore Lars and Cole came next or as many people called the “Tall and Wide” as Lars was almost seven feet tall and Cole was an adorable chubby man Red and Tony arrived and Tommy threw himself into Red’s arms for a kiss as Tony hugged Zeke and squeezed his ass just for old times sake Zeke laughed and kissed the big man, He had gotten over the “I’m only a top” bullshit with thier friends centuries ago. Even Mike bottomed on a semi regular basis now and not just because he had to The elevator door closed and opened again as Theo and his husband Bob stepped out of the actual elevator, having come up from a lower floor Tex and Nick arrived next followed by Agnes and her husband Max and finally Dale and Alan got there. These all were the members of The 100 that Zeke and Tommy were closest to. Each person was with their “Perfect Match”, the spirit they had spent the vast majority of their multiple past lives with just like Tommy and Zeke had A few more members of the 100 arrived and even a couple of The Darkness’ agents were invited though none of The Light’s agent would be seen in the company of these people. The light was always stuck up The Entity had allowed a few agents of those powers to be cloned and soul jump to be fair It has an ulterior motive it had told Tommy and Zeke about. The Darkness and The Light didn't realize that The Entity could track those soul jumped agents and in general, know their plans @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ In the grand scheme of things The Darkness was a petty criminal, it amused itself by “ruining” the lives of individuals or couples but didn’t try to “destroy the world” constantly because it was having too much fun with it’s little games. Tommy often compared it’s personality to that of a cat The Light’s agents mostly just complained and tried to get people to pay attention to them by telling them they should feel guilty for feeling good. They had very few converts, mostly because everyone knew they participated in what they called sin at least once a week. Even agents of The Light were subject to the law of the land though they claimed they should be exempt The Light was the source of almost every religion in history and their grip on humanity had been destroyed in a single generation once the 100 had managed to gain control of education worldwide It had taken requiring just one thing to be taught and every religion on the planet had fought against it's being taught to everyone tooth and nail For the last 870 years every child on the planet was required to take classes in critical thinking What followed was many many conversations that went something like this Religious Leader - You should let me tell you how to run your life, who you can love and marry, how you should act, who you should hate and what you should hate about yourself if you don’t fit my view of how a person should be. Oh! And most importantly you should give me money. Preferably 10% of your income. The money is the most important part! Critical Thinker - You know, that seems like a pretty raw deal, You make my life miserable and I pay you for it? Do you at least kiss me when you ate done? If not why would I put up with all that? Religious Leader - No I don’t kiss you! You are not my type! That would be one of those sin things we talked about earlier! You should accept this all because I have studied these ancient texts and because God has picked me to interpret them for you. I can tell you what they mean Critical Thinker - I have read those texts too and you seem to cherry pick them or even make things up to support your personal prejudices and viewpoints. Either God thinks exactly like you do and the rest of those texts are just an exercise divine in creative writing or you don’t actually know what God thinks. There are also some pretty terrible things in those texts. Things that would get you thrown in jail if you did them, so why should I take them serially? They were written in a time when people didn’t even have electricity or toilets. What do they have tp do with the modern world? Religious Leader (usually through clenched teeth, trying to control their anger) - That’s what FAITH is you miserable sinner! Believing absurd things to keep your betters in power! How can we live our cushy lives of luxury while you work to support us if you don’t just mindlessly obey? How dare you question centuries of tradition that we teach because it’s total self serving and gives all the power to us? You are just supposed to be sheep! I knew letting you learn to think was a mistake! Critical Thinker (usually backing away from the fanatic ecclesiastic because they frothing at the mouth by this point) - I tell you what, you do you and I will do me and we are quits on everything else. I mean maybe of you were going to kiss me when you were done but since I’m not your type why don’t we just be friends? A few religions had caught on and changed their doctrine. They preached love, kindness, acceptance and charity. Their clergy became true public servants but even these religions were greatly reduced. People just didn’t trust them An argument was made for all the charitable work religions did and it was quickly pointed out that it always came with strings attached. “We will keep you from starving and teach you the things we want you to learn, but you have to believe in our god, accept our control of your life and all our prejudices” Religion said "No thanks". other people are offering to feed us and teach us without the strings. Thanks for the offer though" people in poorer areas said as their standard of living came up due to technology and personal mobility and religion lost it’s final hold It was mostly an academic study now. People tried to revive them now and then and had even had moderate success but once they reached a certain point the old patterns of hate and bigotry had always showed their ugly heads and people fled in droves This pulled The Light’s teeth. New religions would spring up occasionally but they always followed the patterns the revived old religions did and none ever really caught on Most people developed a one on one relationship with God and spirituality but kept their views to themselves ****************** The party went on for a long time, late into the night, as these ancient friends talked about the last thousand years and focused on the male half of the population since the only woman present had been so instrumental; in the changes to men’s lives Long before mankind freed itself from religion and it’s inherent problems she had broken down the barrier that kept same sex couples from having offspring together also she and many others had also done study after study showing that the root cause of many of the problems of the world and the thing that religion exploited the most was male insecurity and a need to dominate usually instilled on them by their insecure fathers who were backed up by what they learned in church Bisexual men and men who could at least accept that they sometimes had an attraction to other men had a far lower rate of domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse and were generally more content with life than men who maintained that they were only attracted to women This latter group was lying to themselves and that was proved by study after study all over the world. It was the underlying stress of that self delusion that added to the problems mentioned before The first step was to remove all stigma from same sex attraction. It had been proven to be a natural part of the human condition and once religious bigots were no longer spouting hatred it only took a couple generations before there were more gay, nonbinary and bisexual people that there were straights When both social and religious stigma were removed the rates of those issues we mentioned dropped even further, except among men who strongly identified as “straight only. They rose among that population as these men denied their true natures out of stubborn, misguided pride, once again passed from father to son It soon became obvious when 98% of social problem were attributed to just 1% of the population that pretending you were 100% straight was the problem Don’t get me wrong. Almost 50% if the relationships in the world were male/female but most of these people accepted that same sex attraction was a natural part of life. They had it but just preferred the opposite sex, at least most of the time Monogamy had gone out of style with religion and most people had side relationships with both sexes to round out their lives It also needs to be noted that men who said they were 100^ gay and had absolutely no attraction to women were frowned upon by society as well, but they didn’t have the same rate of problems the straight men did The now global society came up with it’s own solution to the problem and the torque was the perfect way to implement it The torque was a biometric device that Agnes had come up with in her second century of life/ At first it was just a health monitor and a rudimentary mental link to various devices. Over time it’s function and uses expanded to the point that it was able to shield the body from infection, both viral and bacterial and use the body’s own resources to manufacture most prescription drugs and administer them, all your doctor had to do was upload the prescription. It also controlled every device around you, It got to where you couldn't even open a door without your torque The things were invisible most of the time, They were just under the skin around the neck but would glow sometimes when specific things happened Literally every person on earth had a torque. It was part of the normal delivery process to put one on a newborn. .It would painlessly sink below the skin and grow with it all it’s life. One of the first benefits of the torque to it’s wearer was it mostly prevented SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, reducing it' by 97% so parents wanted their child to have one from the beginning To solve the “Straight man” problem every government in the world passed the same law The torques were updated for both men and women to be fair, both sexes had a new requirement but we will only talk about the one for men here. After his 18th birthday, a man’s torque would change. It would require at least 10 minutes of anal stimulation and the anal injection of a certain protein found only in semen once weekly after that point Your own semen would not work and neither would toys Basically every man on earth above the age of 18 was required to get fucked bareback and take a to load once a week. Exceptions could be made for people medically unable to do so of course as well as for people who chose a life of celibacy as well as for truly nonbinary people There was a 10 year introductory period, mostly to find and train enough “PIFs” before the penalties for noncompliance were enforced PIF stood for “Protein injection Facilitator” and these men were trained to be able to top anyone no matter the physical appearance and also to make the person being topped genuinely feel wanted. Every client left a PIF with the feeling that the man had enjoyed fucking them and found them attractive A fully trained PIF with the aid of really delicious protein and vitamin shakes and simple medical enhancements could fuck 10 times in an 8 hour day and still keep a significant other happy at home Statistics showed that about 50% of professional PIFs who had a significant other went home to female partners when their shift was done World wide, people in relationships were about 30% Male/Female couples, 25 % each for Male/Male or Female/Female couples and 15% people with multiple partners of either sex all in one relationship About 30% of the total world adult population was single at any given time There was no charge for going to a PIF as they were all public employees and you were not allowed to use the same PIF more than once a year. Every home on earth had a “Transport Door” and there were also publicly available ones in even the smallest communities. These doors would take you to any public place on Earth so getting to a PIF was no problem for anyone Many boys wanted to grow up to be a PIF and any boy could because PIFs of all races, shapes and sizes were needed A general PIF was usually an average looking guy who was friendly and warm to his clients and the sex was very vanilla. About 60% of men used general PIFs when they needed one Specialized PIF “franchises” popped up all over the world as well. Some of the popular “brands” were: Daddy, Daddy Bear, Cub, Chubby, Leather Man, Jock, Boy Next Door and Sissy Boy. There were other specializations and just about any type of man you wanted could be found as a PIF somewhere in the world. You could only use a PIF if it had been more than four days since your last load as you were encouraged to find them on your own. Some men proudly wore shirts or hats that said “Never PIFed” on them to show they could get all the raw cock they wanted. A lot of these men were lying though When you took a load your torque flashed green and when you gave one it flashes white. This was to let you and the man fucking you know the requirement had been met. At a week since your last load your torque would start to glow green and you had to take two loads to get it to stop, At two weeks it went to blue and you had to take three, At three weeks it went yellow and you had to take four. These things happened and it was no big deal At four weeks things got a bit more serious, Your torque started glowing orange and at that point any man could take your ass forcefully without your consent with no legal ramifications, as long as they didn’t injure you. Amy tactic was fair game, gang fucks, bondage or just plain forced sex and they could keep forcing you till your torque stopped glowing all together though they did have a limited time to do so This sparked a new kink and industry, “Orange Parks' ' popped up in many larger cities. They were like the bathhouses of old except they were larger. They usually had a maze or were in a mockup of an urban area or forest. Some looked like the stylized inside of a prison, though there had been no actual prisons for centuries. Old porn died hard If you were a man wanting to fuck you paid a small fee to enter. If you were a man with a forced sex fantasy you were given a glowing orange necklace and the fee you paid was based on how many loads you wanted to take before it stopped glowing. If your torque was actually glowing orange and you made it to the park without being stopped and dealt with you were let in for free The Orange Parks made a fortune and many men got their required loads that way. The park staff was always nearby to keep things from getting out of hand and everyone had fun acting out fantasies in a safe environment You had two months of orange glow and then you went red At that point your torque lost the ability to protect your health in some ways, It would let you be infected with HIV and the infection was allowed to progress any time your torque was red. No one had ever let that go on long enough to find out that it was a buff and your torque would NOT let you actually get sick. HIV was just a threat and deterrent, not a death sentence to the truly stupidly stubborn Your torque also started sending out a signal that would draw “PIPE” layer within 10 miles to you like a magnet when it was red PIPE stood for “Protein Injecting Penetrative Enforcer” and were jokingly referred to as “PIPE layers” The same rules applied . Any tactic short of serious physical injury was acceptable. The differences were that the PIPE layers were all "double poz" and when they infected someone with HIV they could take control of that person totally Being double poz meant that you had a normal strain of HIV in your cock and balls. A torque like device embedded like a cock ring under the skin that glowed red when you came, kept your normal torque from controlling the infection there so you could give it to someone who’s Torque was not protecting him. Just to be doubly sure that the PIPE layer was protected the rest of the body was infected with the Angel Strain of HIV, The cock ring torque kept the two strands separate As for taking total control of someone, All they had to do was say “I claim you” when they came in a violator, what usually happened then was that the PIPE layer would command them “stay in compliance from now on” and release then but they didn’t have to The man who let his torque go red could end up the slave of the PIPE layer for life. They could even be sold and ownership transferred, though this had to be approved by the one of the head PIPE layers (Tommy, Zeke, Mike, Jeff, Tony or Red) The system had been in place for over 200 years now and the incidents of social problems and crime in general had plummeted world wide So had incidents of depression and self harm. These had been almost totally wiped out Prisons had been abolished and such criminal acts that were committed by men were punished by making them public surrogates for other men for a certain number of pregnancies. They could be rented to carry a couple’s baby or knocked up to provide children for single men wanting to raise a child. The couple or man whose child they carried as responsible for the surrogate’s upkeep during the pregnancy and during recovery. There were many men who served as surrogates by choice but they could chose their clients. A public surrogate couldn't. It was first come first serve. Their surrogate fee went to the people their crime had harmed These men’s torques kept track of their location and kept them confined in a certain geographic region. It was far more effective than prisons and cost so much less In the last year there had been only three murders committed globally and all were by men who’s torques were glowing red. The punishment for murder was always the same. 20 surrogate pregnancies per victim. Which took about 35 years to finish. This had been an above average year for murders and many years had none at all One murderer furring the last century had been rented out by a wealthy Arab man for his last 12 pregnancies in a row, The two had married after the third and he had written a classic book about his life called “Mister Mother Was A Murderer” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The party wound down at about 2 AM local time. Tony and Red stayed so that Red could hold Tommy and Zeke while they slept while Tony held Red. They never forgot that for almost a century Red had been married to both Tommy and Zeke Tony was Red’ perfectly matched soul partner but both Tommy and Zeke were close matches as well and Zeke was Red’s half brother In the morning Tommy made breakfast for the four of them, The apartment had cleaned itself after the lights were turned out and looked perfectly normal when they woke As they walked away from the breakfast table the dishes vanished, only to reappear in the cupboard perfectly clean. The kitchen had cleaned it self while they ate Red laughed “No more fights between you two about doing the dishes” he said jabbing Zeke with a finger Tommy laughed "We have not had a serious fight in 830 years, not since Zeke had the very first “Self washing dishes” prototype one of Ze-Corp’s subsidiaries was working on installed. And that was 100% true, They had been together 10 centuries and the biggest bone of contention between them was who was going to wash the dishes. Like I said they were the perfect match for each other Zeke got a mental alert and though “Screen” A screen appeared floating in the air in front of him and Theo’s face appeared on it “We have a situation, one of out roving PIPE layers was hiking through a remote area in the mountains when his torque started going off like crazy, He sent a micro cam to the source" Theo reported He found a small village, only about 30 people. He checked the female torque channel and all the ladies are in compliance but he’s getting 15 signals on the male channel “The cam followed the men into a meeting that was a boys only, with a man dressed like a priest. He preached the typical “Divine right to be straight” bullshit along with a fair dose of misogyny, homophobia and racism. We have it all recorded. Oh, and the entire town is gathering for a wedding this afternoon we can get them all at once” Theo finished “You guys want to come?” Zeke said to Tommy, Red and Tony and they all nodded “I get the priest, I have something planned for him” Tommy said angrily “Gather as many Pipe layers as you can, who knows how many loads it’s going to take to get these idiots into compliance” Zeke said They assembled in the hangar, which was on what used to be a secret Air Force base hidden in the desert, 20 PIPE layers were there. It was just a short step through a transport door for those whose torques had the clearance code, and many old friends they had seen at the party last night were among them There were also 50 of Theo’s hand trained security forces ready to assist, They carried no weapons other than a long staff. There were no guns. The only gums left in the world were disabled and in museums. The rest had been melted down and the metal used for more useful things like… well anything The uniforms they wore looked like leather pajamas and they concealed many pockets with various items securely stowed. They were modeled after the original bathhouse pajamas Theo used to wear and were his idea of a joke. The men had no idea what they were wearing These pajamas were all the body armor these men needed. Much stronger than any body armor commercially or militarily available and yet they allowed total freedom of movement. These men were the most feared fighting force in the world. Theo had named them "The Power Puff Rangers" mashing together his two favorite childhood TV shows. The man's sense of humor got out of control sometimes. Again the men were not in on the joke “Wars” were now fount hand to hand with blunt weapons and were more competition than conflict. Every nation in the world ran itself for the most part but it’s leaders knew they were ultimately answerable to The Primes, two shadowy figures who ran the world and only members of the 100 knew The Primes were Zeke and Tommy, who also pretty much controlled the world economy as well through the power of Ze-Corm You were a citizen of whatever country you resided in but you could pick up and move anywhere in the world at any time. When a nation got troublesome it’s citizens were suddenly given huge incentives to move elsewhere and the fretful country would usually find itself almost empty. That personal mobility also kept governments from mistreating their citizenry The PIPE layer on scene signaled that the temporary transport door he carried with him was set up and functional. They all filled through into a mountain meadow somewhere in the world Tommy’s torque started a local region diagnostic at his mental prompt. He and Zeke had the only Prime Command Torques in the world. They could access any information anywhere, take over any control system and edit other people’s torques, shutting off their command abilities and even rendering them unconscious The rest of the 100 had similar abilities but they could not affect Tommy and Zeke “They have managed to cut their Transport doors off from the rest of the system. I’m sending out a world wide patch to fix the vulnerability they found and exploited” Tommy said to Zeke as they approached the village on foot. They could clearly hear multiple Red signals from ahead As they approached the town meeting hall they saw that a very recognizable religious symbol to anyone who knew much about religions was on the outside wall as well as other symbols Every member of the 100 in their party stiffened as they saw those symbols. People born in their era would instantly recognize them as symbols of fascism and racial hatred. Those symbols had no place in this era Tommy could hear a droning voice coming from within “One man and one woman as God” intended” as he reached the door “That’s it, let’s end this party now” He growled, pushing the door open The scene inside froze. It looked like a beautiful wedding service if you ignored the fact that the bride was being held in place by two men and her face was filled with loathing. Every man’s torque was glowing red The Puff Rangers moved in so quickly that the priest didn’t even have time to say “What is the meaning of this?” before he was being restrained by two pajama clad men The Bride broke free and ran to a woman in the front row who could have been her sister or her mother, you never knew nowadays Zeke approached the pair and noted the bruising on the bride’s face that cosmetics didn’t quite cover “How long have the transport doors been down?” he asked “About three months, about the same time the men's torques went orange” said the other woman “They have been telling us that they are starting a new society based on an old religion and that we will be much happier once we accept our natural place as subservient to men” she said with disgust “They weren’t getting anywhere so they held a meeting and voted in a new “law” saying that their was no such thing as spousal rape and started planning the “weddings”. I was the first and he had to force me to even come in the building” The bride said angrily “Do you mind?” Zeke said gently reaching for her chin She shook her head no and he gently turned her face to the light, there was a lot of barely concealed bruising Tommy had been watching and he mentally activated a protocol that started getting things ready “They were all getting abusive because none of us would comply” the other woman said and Zeke decided she was mother and not sister All the other women nodded Out in the town square the public transport door activated and started glowing a gentle green “Ladies.” Tommy said raising his voice slightly “The transport door in the square is active and it will take you to a medical facility where you will be checked for injury. If you feel up to it there will be people there to get your full stories. Counseling sessions will be set up and I am afraid these are mandatory until your councilor heels you no longer need them. All the counselors are female and have been in practice for decades, We assembled the best in the world for you” This protocol was always kept in place and could handle much larger groups of victims if it needed to. Just because it had been over 30 years since it had last been activated did not mean it was scrapped. They even held yearly drills to keep the people involved sharp “Thank you” the bride said to Tommy and Zeke as the security forces led them out “You can’t leave! You are my wife! It’s your duty to serve me and submit!” The groom yelled angrily as the bride ignored him and walked out He looked at Zeke and Tommy since they seemed to be in charge, seething in anger “You have no authority here! This village is an independent nation!” he spat at them “Ummm Calvin, we have not actually gotten around to declaring that, no one wanted to fill out the form because they are so long so we put it off” one of the other men said “Shut up you idiot!” the priest snapped “Sorry brother Alvin” The man said sounding abashed The groom and the priest looked very similar. Tommy accessed their tongues and found that they were both 20 years old and twins They were beautiful men. He had to admit that. They were tall, muscular, smooth, light blond hair and vivid blue eyes. Calvin had hair the fell on his shoulders an a few inches down his back while Alvin's hair was shorth and that was about the only difference between them “I’ve got Calvin and Tommy has already claimed the priest. PIPE layers make sure they get the gift they deserve and if you Rangers want to throw a few loads in feel free, any load will do once a PIPE layer has knocked them up and taken control of them. These men have some punishment coming beyond just being fucked back into compliance” Zeke said “Strip them” Zeke said and the soldiers holding the blond twins ripped the clothes off them They both had really nice bubble butts and cocks that were on the small side of average “It figures” Zeke thought as he walked up to stand before Calvin ‘This is going to be fun” Zeke said rubbing his cock through his pants and eyeing the naked and very angry man appreciatively "I hope you are a virgin. I love pozzing virgins who think they are straight" They bent the two over the altar in the makeshift church and tied their hands behind their back as the two struggled and yelled protests to no avail "Just shut up and take your fucking" One of the Puff Ranger holding Calvin down said "When he;s done with you I'm going to ass a load or two my self. It's going to take days to fuck you back into compliance" Zeke and Tommy stepped up behind the law breakers, dropped their pants and moved their cocks to those unprotected neg holes. The HIV in their cocks and balls was no tame Angel Strain, but normal HIV. It was a deterrent after all. As long as these men stayed in compliance it would never progress Neither was gentle as they shoved in and their victims bellowed in pain “That’s right bitch, scream! I want this to hurt! I never want you to forget this moment! The things are trying to resurrect here are abhorrent! Fascisms? Racism? Misogyny? It has taken centuries for society to burry those things and you want to bring them back?” Tommy snarled as he forced his thick, eight inch, poz cock about halfway into what he realized was a virgin ass “We will rise up and return control of the world to White Men as God always intended! The other races will be subjugated and women will be put in their place!” the defrocked priest snarled through his pain “Wrong answer bitch!” Tommy growled as he rammed the rest of his cock in making Brother Alvin scream again Zeke was no gentler and he had two more inches of poz cock to work with than Tommy did He managed to get in balls deep on the first trust and immediately started brutally slam fucking the abusive fuck beneath him “You think it makes you a man to hit a women huh? You think it makes up for that little cock of yours? You were born to be another man’s cum dump and that’s what I am going to make you, you pathetic tiny cocked bully! How does feel being the weaker one now? Not so good? Maybe think about that next time you decide to his someone weaker than you” he snarled into Calvin’s face as he slid in and out fast. his huge balls slapping the much smaller balls of this bully boy “You know I have HIV and that I’m going to infect you with it. You studied the AIDS epidemic in history. It’s requited curriculum, so you know what it can do to you if you don’t stay in compliance after this. I enjoy pozzing stupid men like you, who open themselves up to it. I have pozzed more men than you can imagine and I’m going to add you to the list and there is not a damn thing you can do about it” Zeke said as he picked up the pace He looked up at Tommy across the altar from him and nodded, they drug that first fuck out making both of those neg holes raw. The torques would guarantee infection on the first load but they wanted to make these two bastards hurt Finally Zeke and Tommy came together timing it perfectly, filling those more than receptive neg asses with virus . The red torques beneath them briefly flashed green acknowledging the load and they both said “I claim you” taking total control of these two who thought they could tear down the world Tommy and Zeke had spent 1000 years building together *********************************************************************************************************** Next Chapter: Appropriate Punishments Let me know what you think! Scanbu
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🌳Taking Root: Part 1 - Tainted Seed☣🌱 The distinct sound that could be heard through the woods was a constant thud, heavy with force that echoed in the dark to a consistent rhythm until as one approached you could hear the panting of the jogger. Robert gazed forward with athletic determination with those forceful strides on the ground as his eyes darted left and right along the dark morning path, feeling the drive he normally did every morning. As the college sophomore encouraged his body to jog forward through the peaceful scenery he checked his watch and took note of the time. Once again he was ahead of schedule so with a slight sense of self criticism he slowed his pace; knowing that one of his favorite parts of the woods was coming up. The strikes on the ground from the joggers feet slowed to a more quiet pace and Robert’s slowing gasps filled the volume around him. Robert pulled his arms above his head to help his heart flow; his arm wiping away the sweat from his brown hair with the cold morning air chilled his skin. He slowly walked along the path, slowly rotating in a casual manner and confirmed no one else was around. He spotted the offshoot path which was flowered with orchids nearby. Robert was a bit more quick to turn his head up and down the path: ensuring one last time no one was around before he reached down and grabbed most of the orchids and slipped past the tree line to his secluded spot. Robert was a bit amazed how many more orchids had appeared to build up along the entrance path than the week before. He had found this spot a month ago when he noticed the first few orchids and it was like nature’s indication to mark an area off for him. He placed the flowers he had snatched in a pile behind the trees as he didn’t want anyone else to possibly find this spot while he exploited it’s lush private environment. And again Robert felt a ping of excitement as it seemed that the enclosure had grown more lush; the path not possibly viewable through the branches, grass and shrubbery. A grin emerged as Robert reached into his jogging shorts and felt his shaft start to firm up in his hand. The young man’s heart rate kept consistent but his heart beat started to exert a more forceful pulse as Robert started falling into that lusting focus. His other hand slowly reached up his shirt to tweak his nipple to send a slight jolt throughout his body to further encourage a quick arousal and he knew he didn’t have that much time to risk. He gazed back once more towards the entrance before he finally abandoned his sense of decency to further expose himself to make it quick. Robert yanked down his jogging shorts exposing his ass cheeks to the cold morning air which brought on even more excitement in Robert’s mind not having been this exposed before. His shaft engorged quickly as he firmly gripped his cock to encourage blood flow to fill his shaft fully. Robert closed his eyes, focused on trying to make this a quick jerk off and rushed the experience for fear of being exposed to this much. To his shock, this further cloaked Adam’s presence as the grounds keeper grinned with a corrupted smile in the dark. “You know, it’s very possible that maybe those orchids had a purpose for others and not just you young man.” The sharp disruption of sound immediately overwhelmed Robert and he froze in the dark. It took an immense amount of will to slowly open his eyes and he almost nearly screamed in shock as he saw right before him not a mere five feet in the secluded area an older gentleman leaning up against a tree, the glow from his tobacco pipe lightly illustrating his face in the dark. “I-I-” Robert stumbled as he panicked, not realizing that his shorts had become entangled with the shrubbery behind him and he gasped as he fell. The panicking young man landed hard on the ground and frantically tried to kick the shrubbery off, but eerily they were fully enmeshed even through the fabric and he was forced to kick them off and rapidly tried to get up. He turned to head back towards the path but felt a tug on his shirt yank him back and he fell yet again on the ground. On his back the air was knocked out of him and he coughed before a strong hand covered his mouth and he nearly screamed as fear fully overwhelmed him. He was exposed waist down, to a stranger in the woods, and yet what shocked him even more was the stranger gestured to his groin and they could both see that Robert was still fully erect. “You need to calm down, bud.” Adam grunted as his hand firmly stayed placed over Robert’s lips. “The only thing you’ve done wrong so far is ruin the Orchid’s that mark this area…what makes you think this spot is entirely for you?” Robert could feel the mature hand that had a lingering earthy scent loosen it’s grip but not fully release it’s captor to where he could talk. “I’m so sorry, I’ll never do this again. I didn’t mean to destroy the flowers, I just didn’t want to shock anyone else that might come here- The glow of Adam’s pipe increased as he took a puff before he removed his hand and blew a cloud in Robert’s face. The smoke overwhelmed the young man and he was prompted to try to cough but it just numbed his panicking senses in an anomalous way. He suddenly felt Adam’s other hand firmly grab the younger man’s shaft to let the combination of smoke and sensation fuse into Robert’s consciousness. “The only one that appears to be shocked is you bud. Need to figure out not to be so selfish and realize that the park is for everyone’s enjoyment.” Robert’s eyes gazed out as his head fell back onto the grass and he felt his cock start to leak in it’s massage. His heartbeat slowed to a more erotic beat as lust and curiosity started to seep into control over the shock and fear. But those still had a grasp initially as the young man suddenly tried to snap into reality. “No no, please, we shouldn’t. We could get caught-” Again the older gentleman took a puff from his pipe but this time fully kissing Robert and filling his lungs. Robert’s consciousness finally was void as the substances overwhelmed his sense of precaution and the young man started to kiss back. The smoke triggered endorphins and primal sensations almost with a numbing effect; urging Robert to enjoy this sudden bliss exclusively. Little did he know that these inhibitions, while entirely natural, were not at all common. Adam’s boldness grew vigorously malicious with intent. He grabbed Robert’s hand closest between them and brought it to his own groin, revealing that he’d had his shaft out his overalls the entire time and was surprised when Robert instead of stroking it leaned forward to enjoy a taste. An eager tongue slid under the shaft before lips enclosed it and a satisfying groan escaped the man’s throat. He succulently indulged in this primal urge and Adam got in a more comfortable stance letting go of Robert’s shaft as the young man slowly stroked himself. The groundskeeper grinned with ardent joy with Robert’s newly discovered desire as his cock firmed up fully in the young man’s mouth and started to secrete a natural but not quite ordinary fertile seed. Robert could taste the precum start to seep out of the stranger’s shaft and shudders erupted out of the young man as it tasted like sweet, earthy sap. He rolled his eyes, sucking more intensely to indulge in this taste and soon it encouraged a steady flow while his throat grew more accustomed to the length; passing deep into his throat but the exceptional seed had numbed his throat to avoid gag reflex. “Tastes pretty damn delicious doesn’t it, bud?” Adam chuckled and he could see the jogger falling into a heavier daze as he guzzled the hypnagogic jiz. Robert felt spontaneous shivers and trembles ripple throughout his body. He had even abandoned his own shaft with the sweet taste too good to resist fully enjoying it. The effects of which were starting to corrupt Robert’s sensations even further and without a second thought he would disregard any normal doubts. “I think you’d really get a thrill climbing my tree trunk huh bud?” The jogger sheepishly grinned, almost in a foggy state as the sap continued to numb his inhibitions and mental precautions. He slowly rolled over as Adam got up and sat on the ground, his fertile shaft fully stemming a strong erection high as tainted precum drooled a slick natural flow in what little starlight shined through the shrouded area. Without any second thought or hesitation, Robert mindlessly in a slight catatonic state straddled his new found fuck friend before impaling himself rather easily onto Adam’s shaft as if by instinct. The altered cum served well in copious amounts as a slick substance until the friction started to stick to the inside lining of the younger man’s ass. As he humped, Robert found it slightly difficult to fully pull off more and more so; initially displeased with a near dunce whine. It wasn’t long before Robert was cooing before shrieking a sharp gasp clutching the nearby ground. He felt Adam’s shaft grow thicker in girth at the base to seal his hole tight. Once the shaft had engorged in width it started to pulse and grow in length; snaking deeper within the jogger than any other man could possibly go. Drool slowly streamed past the catatonic lips with Robert almost fully under the numbing effects from Adam’s mutated pre-cum penetrating deep within him and the discharged substance spreading out before coating his insides and saturating the muscle tissues harshly and invasively. The tobacco pipe glowed deep red, eerily bringing detail to a devilish grin in the dark that normally would have creeped Robert into terror but any precautionary inhibition was absent with the toxins and viral strain pouring into his blood flow and starting to mutate his cells. “Hehe, got an eager sprout now don’t we?” Adam firmly grabbed onto the new converts waist as he focused the shaft to grow further to the most he could muster. He could feel his dick sliding ever further deep into the core of the young man’s body. He could feel his slick toxic precum coat the insides with an increasing fluid slickness that started to make him shudder. He had thought to just get off by encouraging a mutual jackoff with the frequent jogger. But when he saw Robert disrespecting nature’s growing abundance which was encouraging this act; he knew he had to inspire the miscreant to better understand the vegetation. How it encouraged him to be a bit frisky and transparent in exposure. How it celebrated in essence the bliss he was about to feel as Adam gasped; feeling his nuts pull up and start pumping toxic mutated cum down the length of his shaft. “Here’s your fuck seed up your cunt! Can’t wait to see what fruits you’ll help bear with other visitors!” Adam called out feeling his orgasm echo down his shaft and unloading into the young convert. He had wondered what the effects of his cum would be since he had suffered from a freak accident with an experimental fertilizer “donated” from a company close to the city board members. Despite his criticisms on how it was delivered, he found himself directly exposed and was hospitalized from the immediate toxic effects. But after recovering he started to notice a sensational “bond” with the plants in the woods….and it seemed to echo even moreso when he realized he’d run out of his HIV meds and his viral load increased through his system. “Ah well, What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and I’m not likely to hear criticism out of you sprout.” Adam reflected looking up at his new convert. Robert looked down in a blissful state and grin, slowly his eyes turning green and casting a mirrored glow as his body succumbed quickly to the sensations of the mutated virus. Adam slowly rubbed the young man’s cheek, feeling his shaft slowly die down to where he could start to slip out. As he leaned forward, he kissed Robert deeply and felt a resembling tingle in tasting the saliva in his mouth before numbing but only briefly as he was immune of course. Robert stood up, toxic fertile cum dripping out of his hole in his easier going oaf state. He looked at the shorts he’d worn coming in and stood a bit dumbfounded wondering what he was supposed to do with them as they were tangled and practically ruined in the thorns that had snatched them. “Well, you took a long enough break jogging, if you catch up maybe you can run home quickly to avoid seeing another jogger this morning….or hopefully spot another jogger so they can try that hole out too. Just remember not to damage mother nature’s markers for these “discreet” areas to get fucked in your hunger for fun.” Robert didn’t look back at Adam as he simply started jogging back to the opening he’d come through earlier while it seemed to reactively part ways for him. Once again the glowing red embers reflected a mischievous grin on Adam’s face as he slowly rubbed his half hard cock. “Glad he takes to nature so fast!”
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Hi guys quick note before i start i'm new at writing fiction (first story >.< ) but thought since i have enjoyed so many of your amazing orgasm inducing tales i should try contribute to the community, so any feed back is more than welcome as its the only way we get better. a quick sorry in advance for the punctuation i have dyslexia and its a bitch. this story is based on all those films where the monster is loose and hunts its pray transforming them into creatures like itself, which always really turned me on ... and seems a natural fit for a genetically modified poz monster who wants to convert as many as possible with its toxic dick. nobody dies in this story they just become infected with super HIV developed by a shady pharma corp and transform still living into there new form. i hope you all enjoy and on with the story...... The group walked up to the glass and steel building of Gentech, its massive sign still lit proclaiming “Gentech a better world for all”. But with the lights in the building out and all personnel gone it looked eerie and dead they knew the building was fully evacuated except for basement levels where the labs are and from reports those lab floors were like a small labyrinth. The basement levels had been sealed due to a biological containment alarm with the twelve scientists who working at the time were still down there needing extraction. That was the job of S.R.A.R.G, a search and rescue group used by government to get assets out of compromising situations, the group sent was delta squad a five-man strong retrieval team each hand picked for their skills. The Figures moved up to the doors and slipped inside with military precision, five figures in all wearing black bio-containment suits the front figure held a tablet with a metal wand hooked up to it they waved it though the air of the large glass atrium the tablet lit up green, the figure nodded and they moved quickly across the marble floor their footsteps and rustling suites echoing off the glass and steel in the still darkness they reached an elevator and the front figure typed a code the beeping seeming too loud by far, the metal doors slid open with a shush of air and the group stepped inside without a word, the elevator descended. The figures remained silent the elevators doors opened again and they stepped into a small concrete room only just big enough to hold them all, a red light pulsed on the wall a message flashing on a small black screen underneath “containment breach full lock-down in effect” the figure with the tablet moved up to the large blast door that took up one wall like the entrance to a tomb. he plugged the tablet into it with a small cable, swiftly moved his hands across the glass pad within a few seconds the red flashing light stopped and the large metal door rumbled up. the figures braced themselves but they were only met with a set of glass doors leading to a long corridor lit with dull yellow emergency lights no panicked scientists. The lead figure pushed the glass door open carefully and waved the metal rod it took a few seconds but the tablet once again showed a green icon on the screen, the figure pulled the mask free from his face with a sigh of relief “all clear guys” he was greeted with a rush of hot moist air that smelled like a locker room, “Air isn't too fresh though makes sense with the air con off down here, but the system says there are dangerous no toxins or gasses ” He quickly striped off the rest of the bio hazard suite showing the black military boots, fatigues, jacket a bullet proof vest over the top seemed filled with tech gear, the man was in his twenties 5 foot 9 with sparkling green eyes his blond hair shaved up the sides and back and let to grow long on the top it made him look like a surfer dude who had dressed like a swat officer for Halloween. The other four followed his lead pulling off the black suits to show similar cloths, “if nothing is showing up why the lock down Gray?” Nate was a large man and team leader he looked in his early 30’s with a body that had been carefully sculpted at the gym, his chestnut hair and beard were both buzzed close to the skin Grey looked back up from the tablet and shrugged “no idea, I would need to get into their computer systems to have a look at what they were working on, mission brief just has they were outsourced by the military intelligence on a number of sensitive projects” Nate nodded and looked over the group “right where are going to split up and find the people trapped down here while Gray pulls the files from the main computers … mission control want to know what the hell they were playing with down here” he pointed at two men one could have been a blond frat boy not over 25 and the other with olive skin black hair “Jackson and Alverez you two search the labs and office area me and cooper will escort Graves to the main server room and then join you, be careful we still don’t know what triggered the biohazard alert ” Both men saluted and Jackson and Alverez moved into the Lab complex guns drawn Nate watched them disappear around the corner and had a bad feeling but looked as Gray and Nick cooper a 5;12 Black man with a swimmer's body and Scowled “let's get this done fast”.
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