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[BB Slut Sailor] Foolish


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I am somewhat ashamed of myself I allowed myself to be treated less like a slut and more like a bitch....allow me to explain

There was this guy i met online and the first nite we met i thought i felt something between us beyond sex even though he fucked me like he paid for it it was more passion than sex and over Xmas it seemed as if we really liked eachother we even made plans to fuck the shit outta one of my bitches when we returned to school but thing changed so fast i didnt even have a chance to adjust accordingly. A few nite after we made it back to our respectible dorm i talked him into coming over and as soon as he walked into the door we were at eachother like to friggen lions jocking for supremacy and sat down balls deep on that cock it was amazing he pounded my ass for what seemed like an eternity but all of a sudden he pulled out and stood up and started to put his clothes on and left he didnt even cum but i got an email from him 2days later saying he was sorry he just wasnt into me......BITCH SAY WHAT?!?! I had no idea how to react i was fucked up i couldnt even drink the pain away.....days later as i am drowning my sorrow in junk food and furious masturbation my bttm bitch text me wondering if he could come over so i took my fustration out on him

i tried to fuck him cripple i pounded and pounded that shit it took me forever to cum( it didnt help that i had been jacking off all day even at school)

eventually i dumped the little cum i did have left deep in his boy pussy and i felt some of myself come back slowly but still somewhat lost but over the weeks i have become more of the Villian i rememberd myself as so here i am not quite whole yet but pretty close.

If anyone has any advice or comments i would love to hear them.7789850468137904772-8454005893198441458?l=barebackslutsailor.blogspot.com


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