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[Black BB Bull] Recognition


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Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

Went to the Hockey game on Saturday night. Stopped at a pub near the arena before the game. I saw a guy there who sometimes sits next to me at the game (he shares season tickets with a group so he is not at every game). We had made small talk about the team during previous games and he seemed like a nice regular guy. He is about 6', and I guess weights in the 230 lbs range. He also wears a well groomed full salt & pepper beard. I guess him to me in his early to mid 40's.

The pub was crowded, and he was about 4 feet away from me. When we first made eye contact I nodded my head hello, and he raised his beer in return. A few minutes later, I noticed that he was still looking at me... did not think much of it at that point and continued to watch the pre-game program on the big screen. About five minutes later, I happened to look in his direction again and decided that he was clearly staring at me like he was trying to recognize me from somewhere. I figured that he simply forgot that I have the seat next to him. I made my way over to him and re-introduced myself. He said, "yes, I remember". I thought this response was rather odd since he was looking at me like in did not remember.

We made small talk. The whole time he continued to look at me strangely. I was starting to become uncomfortable. Perhaps he sensed this because he then said, "forgive me but I think I may know you from somewhere other than the hockey game. May I ask you a personal question?' I said sure. "Are you on-line anywhere... I mean do you have a profile on XXXX?"

I hesitated for a moment, then said, "Yes, I do". He said,

"So do I, I am XXXX on there". I did not recognize the name. "I think your screen name is XXXX".

I said, "Yes, that is me... I am sorry, have we chatted before?"

"Only briefly, as I recall, the chat sort of ended once we determined that we are both Top"

"yeah, that happens"

The scary thing is that I was sure that I had not shared my face pic. If I had, I would have remembered him because I only do that when it is a sure thing we are going to hookup and only after I have the other person's pic first. I remember this guy from a previous hockey game, but not the fuck site. I suspect someone whom I did share my pic with may have shared it with him. I chose not to pursue how he recognized my any further... after a stressful week at work, and home (Crossed The Line... Rape), I just wanted to have a good time at the game.

It was about game time, so we walked to the arena together. All during the game, his knee stayed pressed to me. I made a couple of attempts to give him room until I realized that the touching was intentional. We had a very good time drinking a ton of beer and watching a very good game. It was neat sitting next to another guy whom, like me, one would never guess likes to burry his cock deep in another mans ass... but you know that he does.

After the game, I offered him a ride home since I had driven to the game. He accepted.

During the 20 min drive to his apartment, hardly a word was spoken. When we arrived he asked if I would like to come up and mess around for a bit. I said nothing... simply parked the car.

As soon as we were inside his very nice apartment, he turned to me and we started tweaking each others nips. Next came the kiss. Wow, dude was a killer kisser. I was instantly bone hard. I reached between his legs and found that he was the same.

We broke apart and undressed ourselves.... still no words were spoken... I had no idea where this was going.

When I dropped his boxers to the floor, out sprang a hugely fat 7" cock with miles of foreskin. Since most of my sex is all about me being dominate and Topping the other guy, I don't often get the chance to suck a really nice cock. Consequently, my knees hit the floor and I proceeded to give this guy the blow job of his life (according to him afterwards).

I sucked him strong for about 10 minutes, being sure to give plenty of attention to the sensitive head under the foreskin. He was leaning against the wall and moaning very loudly and would periodically force my head off him to keep from shooting his load.

After a few close calls, he pushed me all the way on my back, got between my legs and proceeded to take my rock hard cock in his mouth. At the same time, he reached up and tweaked the hell out of my nips. At this point, we were in the zone. I held the back of his head and fucked his throat hard (which I could do for days in this position cause I rarely cum on my back). At the same time he was tweaking my nips and grinding his fat cock on my leg. It was totally hot, and lasted at varying tempos for a good fifteen minutes.

We then trade position and I once again got to suck his fantastic cock, only this time, the foreskin was full of pre-cum that tasted so good. I nearly came at that point, but held off. I once again kept swirling my tong over his sensitive cock head. He was loving it, but he went absolutely crazy when I started licking his balls. His ball sack had that sweaty/musky man smell which also almost made me cum. He was moaning very loudly, covered his face with his hands and tossed his head from side to side.

At this point we had been at it for about 45 minutes and I was ready to cum. I stopped sucking him and moved up so that my knees straddled his head. Again, with out a word, he understood completely that it was time for him to swallow my load. He opened his mouth wide, reached up with his left hand to work my nips, and began to stroke himself with his right hand. I lowered my fat cock into his mouth and then began to fuck his throat slow and steady. I continually went all the way to where I could feel his throat around my cock head and then pull nearly all the way out before going back in. This guy can suck a cock! It felt incredible, and with him working my nips I soon was at the point of ejaculation. I said nothing. No warning at all. I intentionally kept the same even pace. During this suck he had had his eye closed... totally in the zone of the experience. As soon as the first blast of my cum hit the back of his throat, his eyes shot open wide... He began to buck and he picked up the pace of his stroking. The Second and third blast happened on the up stroke so they filled his mouth. The fourth and final blast happened on the down stroke and that is the only time he gagged, spilling some of the cum out of the corner of his mouth. As I was pulling out of his mouth, he swallowed the reset of my load and then a few seconds after that, I felt the first blast of his cum hit my lower back. I have to admit that his load was much bigger than mine, and it seemed to last forever. I quickly licked up the thickest globs of his cum that landed on his stomach.

We laid on the floor together as he came down from his ejaculation high.

He said, "I needed that"

"yeah, me too. Damn, you came a lot!"

"Well, it has been five weeks since I have had sex due to work and the holidays"

"I am glad I could help"

"Me too, I have never been sucked like that"

"Dude, you have got to get out more"

"Yeah, I think so too"

I got dressed and left. The whole way home I was kicking myself for not keeping my camera with me. That shot of him with my cum dribbling out the side of his mouth was priceless.6119459973232173329-280215763633780627?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


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