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[Black BB Bull] Crossed The Line... Rape


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For this blog update to make sense I have to give you a little more background information on me.

If you have been following this blog, you know that while I travel constantly for my job, I actually live in Washington DC. I have a very nice row house on Capital Hill. Some time ago, I decided to take-in a housemate simply because I am away so much, and although Capital Hill is vastly improved from what it was 10 years ago, a frequently vacant home with lots of high end electronics and things is too inviting for some of the hood-rats and drug addicts that still exist in the general area.

As you should also know, I am predominately sexually attracted to white men… all kinds of white men, but white professional men especially turn me on.

As it turned out, the man I selected out of the eight people I interviewed just append to be a white 45 year old EPA Attorney, 5’10”, 155 lbs with a “Boy-Next-Door” look and a rather humble demeanor. By that I mean that he is very “down-to-earth” and “easy-going”. He also had a difficult time categorizing himself as either gay, straight or bi. He noted that while he has had several girlfriends over the year, he also had had some sexual encounters with other boys as a kid, and a few men later in life, but has never had anything close to a boyfriend. Nonetheless, he was quick to note that my sexual preference was not a problem for him. In return, I noted that his being straight, bi or whatever was not a problem for me as this was strictly a housemate, (i.e. landlord & tenate) situation. He agreed.

From the time he moved in to now (two years), we have gotten along extremely well with only a few rules and a healthy respect for each other, our respective work and lifestyles. In the process, I would say that we have also become very good friends. Though we have become very good friends at the house, not so in public because as you might expect, we hangout with totally separate crowds and travel in vastly different circles. I cant even remember a time when we even shook hands.

That all changed last night.

I was working late at the office when my housemate, I will call him “Hommie” for lack of a better reference, called my cell phone and asked if I was still downtown. It was obvious that he was “three sheets to the wind”. I have noticed that he is drinking more and more over the last few months. I have no idea what, if anything is wrong in his life.

Long story short, he asked if I could pick him up from the bar and give him a ride home… don’t know why he didn’t just call a cab, and did not ask. I was ready to go anyway.

When I got to the bar, it was worse than I thought. The Bartender had cut him off and he was on the verge of passing out. I got him out of there and into my car. He actually passed out on the ride home.

When home I took him straight up stairs to his room with the intent of just putting him on his bed. However, his room was a mess and his bed was covered with what looked like a weeks worth of laundry. Consequently, I took him to my room. I like to think I did this innocently with good intentions, but I think I subconsciously had already had other plans.

Once in my room he was sort of awake… sort of not. I decided to undress him down to his underware. When he was in only a t-shirt and his whitie-tighties, I had a raging boner. As you may have guessed from the lack of a new post, it had been about two and a half weeks since I had felt the warm fleshy feeling of the inside of a man’s ass on my cock. At that moment, I was at a decision point. I thought about it for all of 5 seconds before I pulled his whitie-tighties off. From seeing him naked a few times in the shower I knew he had a smooth, nicely shaped ass. What I did not know was that his ass is completely hairless and incredibly soft to the touch.

He had told me when we first met, and then again on a few other occasions that he had had some sexual encounters with men. I did not probe, so I knew not the extent of those encounters… I did not know if his ass was virgin or not. I am not proud of it, but the actual thought that went through my head after pondering this question was “he is so drunk that it wont matter if his ass is virgin or not… I will be in before he can react”.

Now before all of you start drafting your comments calling me a stone cold rapist, know that it is not that simple. Although Hommie and me had had no physical contact (one of the few rules… “just housemates, nothing more) our conversations and interaction had become rather flirtatious over the last few months. Everything from stupid guy talk… “blow me”, “ok, whip it out”… to sharing the bathroom when pressed for time (one shaving while the other showers… catching each other sneaking a peak). It had been months since he broke up with his last girlfriend, and to be fair, he was acting more and more like… like… I don’t know… a gay guy??? Hard to explain… maybe some of you know what I mean.

Anyway, I had him naked from the waist down. For some reason I left his white t-shirt on. He was laying sort of spread eagle on the bed. I undressed completely, and retrieved some lube from the nightstand. After putting a ton of lube on my fat cock, I put a little on his hole. I guess, I did not want take the chance that, his drunken stupor notwithstanding, he would realize what I was about to do.

I crawled up on the bed between his spread legs, and hoisted his thighs high enough with my forearms to position the head of my cock at his completely smooth hole. At his point he started to mutter something that I could not understand… his eyes were still closed. I waited until he stopped mumbling and started to drift off asleep again. Then in one motion, I popped just the head of my cock through his hole. He started to come to with a loud moan, but he still did not open his eyes, and his arms were still thrown back above his head. He was rolling his head from side to side and moaning. I stayed still for about 30 seconds. He stopped rolling his head, but his eyes remained closed and he was doing that heavy breathing grunt… “eeehuh…eeehuh…eeehuh”. Then I drove my cock all the way into him and began a steady pump. His hands had moved from above his head to griping my biceps tightly… eyes still closed… the “eeehuh… eeehuh… eeehuh” continued in time with my down strokes.

He was incredibly tight, but after about the 10th full stroke, he was fully open and he felt incredibly good. However, as good as it felt, I was not out to make this a marathon fuck so I allowed my self to climb directly to climax. Again, I had every intention of pulling out cause I did not know if he was an anal virgin. It was dark and could not tell if there was bleeding or what. But, on that last stroke I buried my meat balls deep in him and I let out a low grunt that signals the approach of my orgasm… he instinctively clamped down his ass ring at the base of my cock… which I abso-fucking-lutely love! With that, I dropped a truck load of cum deep in his bowls. It was one of those hard cums where you shiver at the end of it.

When done dumping in him, I pulled out and grab the cum-towel I keep in the nightstand. I wiped his ass good, and then my cock. Checking for any signs of blood. None. Just some poo streaks (obviously he did not plan on getting fucked).

By the time I was done cleaning him and me, he was already passed out again. I covered him up, grabbed the extra pillows and blankets from the closet and bedded down on the couch downstairs.

I woke up and went for my daily jog at 6 AM. I took a little extra time this morning trying to process the ramifications of my behavior last night. I returned to the house at 8 AM and Hommie was all dressed and packing his lunch for today. He did not acknowledge me. He clearly avoided even looking at me. I felt horrible. I did not know what to say or do. I just sort of stood there.

He finished packing his lunch, put his coat on and started to head for the door. When he got to where I stood between him and the door. He spoke for the first time. While he did face me, he stared at his shoes instead of looking me in the eye. He said, “I cant remember much at all from last night. But, I assume from the soreness in my ass, and from what looked a whole lot like cum that I farted out of my ass this morning, that you took advantage of my foolish drunkenness?”

Now it was my turn to hang my head and stare at my shoes.

“Yeah… and for what it is worth, I regret it and I am very very sorry.”

Then a deafening silence filled the room. I finally broke the silence with, “I don’t blame you for hating me.”

For the first time, he looked me in the eye and said, “I was mad at first, then scared…then bummed that I was too out of it to really feel it and remember it as it happened.”

More silence. Then he said, “What you did was not right… in fact it was very wrong… I don’t know if I want to continue to live here… at the same time, I used your cum from my ass to beat off just imagining what happened… I am very confused and I think it is best that we avoid each other for awhile as I… and you… think about what happened, why it happened, what does it mean if anything and what does it change, if anything.”

All I said was, “ok, and again, I am sorry.”

I don’t know if I should have shared what happened here. I went around and around about it in my head all morning. In the end, I decided to share it for two reasons. First, recounting it helps me do what Hommie suggested… think though how and why I did what I did. Second, when I created this blog I said wanted to write about “real” stuff… my real sex life. Only writing about the good stuff, and not the questionable or bad stuff is not living up to that ideal.

And, before one of you writes it in a comment, yes… I know that Hommie could have me arrested for what I did. Again, I aint proud of this shit. Also, I am tested every 6 months and my last test was last month (November)… Negative.6119459973232173329-8814702482945485190?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


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