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[Spunk Bucket Belfast] The Bareback Party in Nottingham - 7th November


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Ok, its Sunday 8th, The nite after the Party in Nottingham, Im writing this now, but I wont be able to post it until tomorrow when I have internet connection at work to post it with.


I got ready yesterday at about 4pm, got shower, bath, douche... ya know the drill, I had advised my mates who were also going, that they should try to get as clean as possible b4 the party, as there is ALWAYS a queue for the douche'. Lol

Anyhow, Im all ready, and its about 5pm, I text one of the guys who was going with me - the one I fancie the pants off. Asked him if he wanted to come round to mine, and we could leave for the airport together. He replied, and said he was ill, and couldnt make it..... Shit one...

Anyhow... I wouldnt hold that against him , I do like him.

One more guy was going with me - Michael - I tried texting him, no reply, tried phoning him, voice mail, and then actual hanging up, or directing me to voice mail...

I dont know what was going on, but we had planned this trip to the bb party for like 2-3 weeks, and all of a sudden, Michael was being total time waster. At least the other guy was genuine enough to make an excuse, and explain.

Anyhow... I ended up going to the airport on my own, passed through security, blah blah blah...

Was on my flight at 6.45, and we flight left kinda early. About 35 minutes ahead of schedule - translates to me arriving early.

Arrived at East Midlands, and found a building for taxi's at the airport, I asked them for a taxi to Nottingham, Sneinton. I was expecting a price of about 42 quid. I was quite relieved to find it was only 28 quid. And it was paid up front etc.

Anyhow... will skip the long taxi ride, passed some countryside, and passed some coal power stations....interesting....

Arrived in sneinton, and recognised the street, and got to the front door of the party.

Almost like it was fate, the door opened before I even got to the door, one of the hosts - We will call him 'Mr R', was opening the door, and asked me to test the door bell. Lol

I got inside, and there was about 6 guys there drinking, everyone was clothed still.

'Mr F', cracked a few jokes about the last time I was there, when I got the plane to the wrong airport. Lol

I got a drink of vodka coke, and just sat there chatting, and mellowing in their company. Its always ackward at the start of the party.

Anyway, more people arrived, some I recognised from august. At this point, I felt it was time to go get a second douche, to make sure im completely ready to become a cumdump. I walked upstairs, and alas.... the bathroom with the douche was in use... so I formed a queue....starting at me. Lol

Took about 10 minutes for this guy to be finished - yikes..

Anyway, I got in, and it was done fairly quickly, helps when you have no food for the day, and douched earlier.

So... I went downstairs, and noticed there was now about 12 guys in the kitchen, they were all smoking, there was the hint of weed in the air too. So obviously they were getting - loosened up.

Im not a smoker, so the smoke was getting to me, so I went upstairs and stood in the landing, noticed there was a few guys in similar boat, the smoke was getting to them too. One of the guys who arrived, went and got stripped off, he was leading the way so to speak. After he got stripped off, he went downstairs and into the kitchen, he came straight back up though, think he was either too cold down there, or felt out of place. Shit one.

Anyhow, more guys arrived, gonna call these ones the '3 bears' - skinheads, trimmed beards etc. They all proceeded to get into leather boots. Some people are into that I guess.

They were wearing jock straps too, which is kinda a turn on for me, love watching treasure island videos of guys getting fucked and creampied with jock straps on.

I waited till they were done getting dressed/undressed, and then I proceeded to get stripped off too.

Part of me was bit self-conscious, The past 2 days, I had 2 pimples on my ass cheek - which kinda turned into scabby things. How annoyings that, but unavoidable. Hoping they will clear up during the week, but anyway..

Im stark bollock naked, upstairs, I walk downstairs, and get myself another vodka coke, the vodka wasnt the nicest, so I tended to down the drink in one, to get drunk, but avoid the taste.

I was beinging to get quite losened up, so I went upstairs and got myself to the top floor, where the sling is. There was about 6 guys in this room at the time, 2 guys watching, 2 guys playing, and myself and another guy.

The other guy, was in his late 40's probably, and he gestured me to the free space on the bed, he lubed up his cock, and shoved it in my hole.

His cock was quite large, and fat, it filled my hole, thats for sure. He enjoyed pumping my hole, he did it for a very long time, and then pulled out, he then made me roll over, and he straddled himself onto my cock,

at this point in time, he was facing me, with his cock infront of me, and his ass going down on my cock, I proceeded to pump his ass for about 5-8 minutes, the whole time through this, I Noticed the pre-cum spewing from his cock, and imagined that all inside my ass. All that poz precum, which was almost enough in volume, to be a small load in itself.

Im not much of a top, so I asked him to fuck me again, and this time to dump his load in my ass.

He fucked me again, the position was me face down on the bed, and him on top, I was across the bed, width wise, my upper body was hanging over the side of the bed, and he was fucking me. I dont think he came in me though. He stopped, and said he wanted a rest.

I looked at the room, and saw there was about 8 others in the room, 3-4 of them standing at door way.

One of the guys, a regular I remember from August, - lets call him 'Batman' for the Batman t-shirt he had on. (he was naked on his bottom half)- I dont like to speculate on peoples race, he had an english accent, but dark skin, so probably a little eastern descent in there, but thats ok, he was a great fella.

I walked over to the door, and watched along with them, as others got fucked.

No one had hopped into the sling yet, so I said out loud, and kinda suggestively, "No ones using the sling yet?"

Batman joked - 'Aww, ok, you hop into it'

Exactly what I was hoping for.

I hopped in, and Batman showed me his assets - his cock was very large, must be about 9 inches, and it curved in a weird way at the top, sorta to the left, or his right I suppose.

My ass was well lubed, with ass juices from the previous fuck, the remnants of lube, and a large amount of pre-cum from the dude who I was just with.

Batman proceeded to enter me as I lay on the sling, he slammed in and out of me a few times, mostly going slowly, but everytime he went fast and furious, I would grab the metal chains of the sling, to shut them up.

I kinda knew that he wasnt gonna cum, he was being conservative, as everyone else was.

After fucking me for about 8 minutes, he noticed a tall dude, who was quite fanci-able in my own opinion, I was kinda thinking to myself, that he was gonna go off me, and play with him instead, however, much to my pleasure, Batman gestured towards my ass, spread my cheeks, and smiled to the other dude.

The other dude took Batmans place, and proceeded to fuck me for about 10 minutes, I dont think he came either, again with the conserving....

I was about to get out of the sling, when I was quickly pushed back onto it, by this weird dude. .

I dont mean to be insulting, but I dont know his name, so I will describe him.

He must be early 40's or so, but had a goatie beard, im not one for facial hair to be honest, but suppose, as long as he fucked me, and kept the hair from me... I wouldnt complain.

He was skinny, and had large freckle type spots on his chest and tummy, his tummy sorta looked like it was affected by his meds, heard some people describe that sort of effect as a crux belly or something. It just looks like fat skin, on a skinny guy. Weird. - We will call him Mr Weird for the remainer of the story.

Anyway, he was fucking me, and he was enjoying it,

Im guessing hes a top primarily, as I cant remember seeing him ever getting fucked. He was covered in sweat, which was dripping off him onto me, and his body was all pink from exertion. His face convulsed, and the veins in his body was visible on every part of his body, in his head, in his neck, his arms and legs etc.

He squished his head up into a strange face, and let out gasps of pleasure, Im guessing this is his 'im cumming' face.

In my own opinion, this may or may not have been a fake orgasm. But who cares - my ass is getting the fun it demands.

At this point in time, Im bit bored, so I hop out of the sling, and head downstairs and get another vodka coke.... same nasty vodka, so down the vodka as fast as possible.

Theres about 20 guys in the house now, and I hear the doorbell going off, In comes Mr R (new guy), and his Partner Mr C.

Mr R and I had fucked few times at last party, and we had chatted on gaydar. He knows about my neg status, and he didnt seem judgemental about me being a neg guy who likes playing with poz guys. In reality, I think hes a dead on guy, whos quite the catch - lucky Mr C. Lol

Anyhow, he was still clothed, so I walked past him, and said Hi to him, and thought that I should let him and his partner get warmed up or drunk or something.

I went upstairs again, and found myself being fucked by someone else, this guy gave me a lift to the airport the next morning, will call him 'Mr H'.

He fucked me quite alot, and it was fucking class, while I know he didnt cum in me, it was certainly a good fuck. He wanted a rest, and we chatted for a while. We chatted about all sorts of things, eventually, a group of us gathered, and we all started chatting.

6 of us, all chatting, having a break from fucking. Everyone started chatting about their meds, and of course, im kinda the outcast, Im still pretending to be poz at this party, but alas, I dont know all the med talk. Lol. They even swapped cd4 counts etc.

I tried to chime in with the conversation, but felt like a numpty. Lol

Anyway, Mr F (One of the hosts) came upstairs, and then the fun followed them, the 3 bears came upstairs too, and they proceeded fucking eachother.

I dont mean to be rude or anything, but I found 2 of these 3 bears on gaydar, and they are a couple, and they dont like to play with anyone who doesnt have shaved head or bald, which raises the question of whether a bb party is the sorta thing that they would be open to??

The whole time I was there, I dont recall the 3 bears fucking anyone other than eachother.


4-5 of us are on the bed, relaxing, when I see a guy who looks like a White haired version of Mr H, in the sling, and the guy whos about to fuck him, has lots of tattoo's, and lots of piercings.

Piercings were mostly on his cock, a pierced head, and lots of piercings all the way down his shaft, and down to the peri-anal area. Mr H's look-a-like took a fucking from this guy, but I dont think it lasted all that long, and doubt even more that he got any cum from it.

I decided I wanted to go look for more fuck fun, so I went downstairs, and bumped into Mr R, he whispered into my ear

'I have Ketamine' - I was so up for trying this for the first time.

I told him that I had taken Vodka b4 hand, would that be safe??

Ah.. No...

So, I assumed we shouldnt try this, so I returned to fuck hunting.

I went back to Sling Room, and I believe I got back into the sling and proceeded to get fucked again by Batman, and his tall mate. The amazing thing is, that I didnt need lube for any of this, I was still well opened up from the first fucks of the night.

As before, I cant be sure of if these guys came or not....heres hoping...

Oh... I Almost forgot...

When Batman arrived, he was in tow with a guy from York, and Im guessing they had been talking about me from my blog.

York guy must have asked batman if anyone from belfast was here, then batman pulled me asside, and said

"Your from belfast arent you?"

I smiled, yeah..

"You have a blog?"

I started laughing. Yeah....

Turns out York guy had read it, he might be one of the followers of this blog, who knows.

Anyhow.. . .

I only discovered this in the early hours of the morning, but I saw his e-mail to me, via my iphone, that he had sent to me via bugshare, he was from york, and he was also a neg btm, looking for poz spunk.

So.. thats 2 neg guys at least at the party.

Ok, its about 1am now, and I've been fucked alot, done alot of walking about, and done alot of wandering around aimlessly.

Mr R pulled me again, and pulled me into the toilets, and proceeded to take out a glass ampule of something, its ketamine.

I had assumed Ketamine was a liquid or something to take in a drink or something, but alas... it was a powder.

He explained that I just need to sniff it, so I tried sniffing it, I was kinda worried that it might react with the vodka from earlier in the night. But it was few hours before hand so.... might be ok.

I sniffed the stuff, and didnt notice anything really. Although saying that.... in retrospect... my memory is kinda hazy from this point on.

I remember being fucked by someone, and at one point in time, I remember my vision going red for few minutes. Weird...

I was then walking around, and Mr R asked if its ok, working etc?

I said that I dont feel anything yet.

At that moment, I swallowed, and felt this clump of something at back of my throat, felt like a bad tasting snot. Eww.

As it went down my throat, I felt my throat going numb, which is kinda understandable, since it is a tranquillizer, well... for horses anyway.

Well, thats great if I wana be forcefully deepthroated, I did notice some minor effects on parts of my body.

My left ear was sorta numb, and my finger tips were bit tingly, like pins and needles, but less extreme.

Anyway... its going on for 2am, and Got into a chat with Mr F and Mr R (the host Mr R), they were discussing the routine of the parties, about how when 50 people say they will turn up, that it usually translates to about 30, and by their count, they had about 27 guys at this party, so they were pretty on target.

At this point in time, I felt even more annoyed that I was abandoned by the guys from Belfast.

Not to mention all the fuckers in belfast who keep asking me about organizing a party in belfast, the simple truth is, that belfast is impossible to set something like this up in.

Too many queens = Bad Attitude.

I get loads of queens on Gaydar messaging me, they annoy the fuck out of me, especially in the week leading up to the party.

I had advertised that I was going to a bb party, and naturally, they all said

'where and when? - Can I go'

As soon as I said its in Nottingham, they didnt wana travel, and some of them actually came of with

'K, Is everyone Clean?'

Out of annoyance, I usually respond with

- ' Aye, we do a thorough blood panel on them before we allow admittance', or I say ' Aye, they bathe regularly'. Some complete naive queens on gaydar. They want to do bareback, but are naive enough to ask someone for other peoples status.

This is like saying - If I say that they are neg, then they will believe me.

1. I am not gonna out someones status.

2. Its not my place to know other peoples status.

3. I'd rather assume anyone who barebacks is poz, that way its no surprise when and if something infects me.

Anyhow... its cause of those people who love bareback, but have always on their profile, that we will NEVER have bareback parties in n.ireland. Fuckin cowards, they want it, but they are nancy pancy about it, and are totally untrustworthy. - as the time waster I was meant to be travelling with had just demonstrated.

Anyhow... back to the party.

I got fucked a few times while on the ketamine - I didnt notice any noticable effects, some people say that ket helps you take stuff in ur ass, eg - loosens it.

But that was no change for me, since i can take cock till the cows come home, as long as I never cum.

I walked around for a while, and found a fisting session or 2 going on in the middle bedroom. American dude was on Ket, and was getting fisted by Mr H. Was all very well and good, eventually though, they swapped positions, and Mr H started getting fisted. The problem though appeared after Mr H took the fist on the second insertion, I saw some streaks of pink, and knew right away he was bleeding, then American dude went back in - from his own perspective, he prob didnt see the blood, as it was on his hands underside, but after the 3rd insertion, he saw the blood, was bright red, and large quantities of his blood all over his hand. I admit, I was turned on at the fisting, but I knew I didnt wana take any fists at the party. As

1. It would make my ass sore, and less fuckable.

2. It increases my risk of becoming poz - arguably a good thing - depends on ur point of view. If I wanted to just convert, I coulda just grabbed Mr H's blood, and shoved large quantities of it up my hole and rip my ass open too, but instead, I just want bareback cum filled sex.

Anyhow, among fisting, I also saw stomping going on. I dont know if that the correct term for it, but its basically, where someone lies on the ground, and then someone puts their entire weight on a single part of someones body. It looked painful, this guy was on the floor of the room, and a guy was standing over them, with both hands placed firmly below the back of his neck, and then the guy more a less put all his weight into that area, and the guy gave out a loud cry. I coulda sworn I heard something crack..... No.. im not tryin that.

Its about 3am, and I need to get some sleep, all the beds are in use, guys fucking, guys sleeping etc.

Theres about 13 or so guys left, who are sleeping over I think.

5-6 of them were upstairs on 3rd floor in sling room, on that bed. And 3 on the bed on second floor.

The rest downstairs in kitchen smoking weed etc.

I realised that the only room with a bed that was free was the one which was being used as a cloak room. - Bags etc in it.

Anyhow... i climbed into that bed, and tried snoozing, got some rest etc, Until some of the 3 Bears came in and out looking for underwear in their bags.

About 4 times they came in and out of the room, and thats all very well and good etc.

Until one of the bears - daddy bear I suppose, came in, and asked me to get out of the bed, so him and his mommy bear and baby bear could use the bed to sleep in. He tried fogging me off with a lie that there was room in the bed upstairs, which I know to be a lie, since I heard that there was so little room, that someone actually slept under the bed upstairs.

I didnt believe him for a moment, so I never even checked that bed to be honest, I heard about it the next day from Mr H on the way to the airport.

Instead of going to that bedroom, I went downstairs, and got dressed, and curled up under my coat on the sofa. It warmed me up quite fast, and I was relativly comfy.

Next morning, Mr H came in, and started chatting to me, he said he was freezing, so I told him to climb on top of me, and curl up with me, to warm up.

This was quite nice, however... the weird guy, with the veins etc all over himself, came downstairs, and was... as per usual, hard.

He said in his english accent

"Is that H______ on top of you??"


He saw H's ass exposed

Anyhow - he climbed on, and entered Mr H, and started fucking him from behind, as he lay ontop of me.

Mr H was bit annoyed apparently, he didnt get any sleep all night, because that guy had been hard the whole night, wanting to fuck over and over.

Mr H got up, and walked away, he didnt wana get fucked by this guy....

The guy was left there, with me, and he seized his chance - he saw I was hard through my jeans - by the way, its about 8-9am now.

He undid my jeans, and I took my top off, and he fucked me over the chair in the living room - which was marked as a no-play area. Lol, Naughty us.

Hes bit weird, when hes fucking, he talks to himself, but nothing that makes sense, he told me that I should just ignore him.

He was fucking me in some weird positions, he had his legs wrapped around me, but resting on the seat, resulting in him being able to fuck me very deep.

He fucked me in that position, from behind, for about 10 minutes, and he came.

I hope he came, cause if he didnt, he acted the part.

He kept his cock inside me, and he did that bump and grind sorta thing, where u grind ur pelvis into someones ass and drain the cum into someones ass.

He didnt go soft, as you might expect, instead, he kept it hard, kept it in my ass, and then started fucking again.

I was in heaven, taking his poz cock, and by the looks of his body, I'd guess he had a high viral load. Just a guess though - no proper evidence, just the state of his body that made me think this.

I was pinned down against the chair, and my neck was pressing against its top, too much pressure, resulted in me not being able to breath for moments. But I was horned up the fuck.

I wanted to tell him I was neg, to tell him to give me his poz cum, but fear took control of me, and the most I could say was

"Breed me!!, give me that load!!"

He fucked me, and gave out a loud cry, and he came again. I loved it.

Anyhow.... I got dressed again, and eventually, It was 10am, and time for me to hit the road with Mr H.

Gave Mr F a good bye kiss, and left.

Got dropped off at the airport by Mr H, and proceeded through security ,and went to the toilets, I checked my ass, and found that it had a few loads in it, smelt like cum, tasted like cum, and looked like cum. I was well happy.

I went to burger king, got some food, and then waited for an hour for my flight.

Boarded, took off, and was home within 50 minutes, I got home, and slept from 1pm, to about 7pm, got food at 9pm, watched some Die Hard on Channel 4, and then began writing this blog post in notepad. Im now finishing it, around 1am. Lol


My next aim is to visit some of the leather bars in london - apparently 'The Fort' in london is good,

apparently they have a boots only night, and on good nights, you can end up walking about with cum running down the inside of your leg.

I wana feel that cum inside me, running down me.

So... am I poz? I doubt it - I took less loads this time than I did in august, and I never converted after Augusts party, but saying that, its all about luck I suppose. For all I know, the weird guy might be high viral load, and he might have knocked me up, or the Ketamine might have lowered my resistance in some way... who knows.

I will get tested in the new year, in the mean time, I will take all cummers, and all loads.

Anyhow... thanks for reading.6097407870184969815-7686577011252679598?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


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