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[Life In The Raw] Ethnic based preference: A trip into my mind


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I've been doing some reading today. Looking at articles online about something that I was very curious about. This was brought about by the Tumblr, Douchebags of Grindr. Looking at that site, I saw a lot of ethnicity based preference.

"Not into blacks"

"Not into Latin"

"not into Asian"

"ONLY into white/Latin"

"Only into black/Latin"

Etc, etc, etc. If you are online, you've seen it. You probably have it in your profile. I do.

Now something that I actually noticed was that a great number of the anti-Asian profiles,

were... dun dun dun... Asian. And it was not done in any more of a polite manner than

no Asians.

So, I looked into this. Found articles about it. Funny that Asians being into Asians are such a phenomenon that it has it's own term. Sticky rice. I didn't know that. I've told this to friends before, and I'll state it here.

White guys get shit for only being into white guys.

Black guys get shit for NOT being into black guys.

Latins and middle easterns seem to have free reign.

And asians are usually not into asians.... but YOU better be.

I cant tell you, how many asian guys call me being racist for not being into asians,

hell most of you have called me that. But the funny thing is, I'll look at their profile and it says

"looking for white, black, latin, and middle eastern only" ... hmmm... what does that leave?


Because it is okay for them to do something that they condemn everyone else for.

"But Mindtrip! What about when you see a guy's profile say that he isn't into black guys?

Or if I guy tells you he thinks "niggers are ugly"?

You know, I don't give a fuck!!! You want to know why?

My sense of self is not so weak that a total strangers pre-emptive rejection of me

going to make me act like my dog died. Now, there was a time when I didn't have sex with black guys,

and I now blame that on vegas, and for some reason Las Vegas spawning gay black men that think they are the lost member of Destiny's Child. It's not even being femme, but being an overblown caricature of a sassy black women... white boys... some of you are just as guilty of this behavior, and most of you that don't even have the booty to match. And the thing is, you get them away from their "gurls", and they dont act like that, it's seems like this hive mind mentality, a face they feel the need to put on.

Once I got away from that, and away from the other extreme where they act like the second coming of 50cent, and you find the middle ground, the guy who is black, and is into men, and is himself, I found myself plowing a lot of black guys. And I'm glad I found that.

A friend once told me, on my first venture into LA's gay life that some men wont want me, based solely on my being black. He then added that I can either be pissed about that one guy in the club that doesnt want me, or I can open my eyes to the guys smiling at me because they think I'm cute. I carry that with me, and I think everyone should as well... what matters more, getting the last word on a guy who rejected you?

Or answering the first message from the guy that thinks your new pics are hot as hell.

Another comment I saw a lot was "Oh he says he's not racist because he has friends that are blah blah blah,"

Um yeah... friendship has a much harder and much more deeper criteria than looks. Who you are inside.

But some gay men feel that if you dont fuck someone, that you hate them. If that were true than gay men would hate women, and most gay men put women on a much higher level of importance than their fellow homo.

Are you a decent human being? You like UFC? You like working out? You like movies were stuff explodes? Can you explain the mechanics of the abilities of any 5 X Men that aren't Wolverine? Chances are we can be friends. Race, gender, and sexual orientation be damned.6205496180732721325-3365132334001186281?l=mindtrip-lifeintheraw.blogspot.com


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